apss portfolio | 2003-2011

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Portfolio (2003/2012) pedro sousa santos r. boavista, 12 4560-773 SANTIAGO DE SUBARRIFANA PORTUGAL t.(+351) 916489462 pedrosousasantos@gmail.com

This portfolio is a compilation of some of my work while attending DAAUM (Departamento Aut贸nomo de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho, Guimar茫es, Portugal) between 2003 and 2008. Some other works after University are also included within. These projects represent a continuous learning process in architectural perception and its cultural understanding. To express this, I use drawings, sketches, 3D models (both virtual and physical) and photos. This way, I intend to demonstrate and project my creativity and skills.

Education and professional experience Graduation in Architecture Date: September 2003 to June 2008 Location: Minho University, Guimarães, Portugal. Volunteer architect Date: 13th to 30th July 2008 Location: Azzemour, Morocco. Job: Field work. Architectural survey of Azemmour’s old medina. Trainee architect (For membership in Ordem dos Arquitectos) Date: September 2008 to July 2009 Location: IMAGO - Gabinete de Arquitectura e Engenharia, Lda. Braga, Portugal. Job: Member of the competitions developing team. Design of several explaining panels and presentation elements of projects in different phases, for client promotion Master in Architectural Culture Date: September 2008 to October 2009 Location: Minho University, Guimarães, Portugal Theme: Architecture Communication in Digital Era: a proposal for a photographic archive Architect Date: February 2010 to August 2010 Location: M.PT, Porto, Portugal. Job: Development of accessibility plans, according to the current portuguese legislation. Architect Date: August 2010 to June 2011 Location: Ministery of Environment and Territory Planning, CCDR-A, Portalegre, Portugal. Job: Evaluate, according to the current legislation certain types of actions occurring in protected areas of the territory. Architect Date: August 2011 a December 2011 Location: edit!, Prague, Czech Republic Job: Cooperation with edit! architects on all current projects. Participation in all stages of a project, from concept to construction site visit.

Pedro Sousa Santos (1983) t.(+351) 916489462 pedrosousasantos@gmail.com skype: pedromrtss OA: 17787 Computer skills: AutoCAD, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Sketchup, Rhinoceros, ArchiCAD.


Work index p.06 - Projecto III (2005/2006) - CASASDOURO (Single dwelling) Location: Quinta dos Caleiros, Sobrosa, Portugal Date: September 2005 to January 2006 Teacher(s): Maria Manuel Oliveira, António Belém Lima p.08 - Projecto III (2005/2006) - CASASRÁPIDAS (Collective housing) Location: Brito, Guimarães, Portugal Date: March 2006 to June 2006 Teacher(s): Maria Manuel Oliveira, António Belém Lima p.09 - DAC/CAD (2005/2006) Data: September 2005 to June 2006 Co-author(s): Hilário Pereira Teacher(s): Bruno Figueiredo p.10 - História da Arquitectura Moderna (2006/2007) Date: September 2006 to June 2007 Co-author(s): Ana Alves Teacher(s): Elisiário Miranda p.11 - Teoria III (2006/2007) - Objects of Architecture, Building Ways and Public Space Date: September 2006 to June 2007 Co-author(s): André Delgado Teacher(s): Vincenzo Riso p.12 - Projecto IV (2006/2007) - Library (public building) Location: Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal Date: Septemper 2006 to June 2007 Teacher(s): Elisiário Miranda, João Rapagão p.20 - Projecto V (2004/2005) - Fit to consolidate Location: Vale do Ave, Portugal Date: September 2007 to June 2008 Co-author(s): Ana Alves Teacher(s): Marta Labastida, Cidália Silva p.22 - História da Arquitectura Portuguesa (2007/2008) Location: Guimarães, Portugal Date: September 2007 to June 2008 Co-author(s): Ana Alves, Henrique Bivar, João Vieira Teacher(s): Jorge Correia, Ana Lopes p.24 - Mestrado (2009) Title: “Architectural Communication in Digital Era: a proposal for a photographic archive” Date: February 2009 to October 2009 Teacher(s): Pedro Bandeira p.27 - Concurso Trazo (2009) Designation: Stroke Contest - Loreak Mendian Date: June 2009 p.28 - monstro preto (2010) Designation: Badges, badges, more badges and paper wallets as a hobby Date: since February 2010 p.30 - Azamor (2008) Location: Azemmour, Morocco Date: July 2008 Workgroup: Jorge Correia, Ana Lopes, Ana Alves, CHAM (Centro de História de Além-Mar) p.31 - imago (2008/2009) - Internship for admission to Ordem dos Arquitectos Location: Braga, Portugal Date: September 2008 to July 2009 p.32 - edit! (2011) - Internship with Leonardo da Vinci Programme Location: Prague, Czech Republic Date: August 2011 to December 2011 p.40 - Pecha Kucha Night Praha vol.25 - Presentation with edit! architects Location: Prague, Czech Republic Date: 22 September 2011 p.41 - Pecha Kucha Night Žilina vol.17 - Presentation with edit! architects Location: Žilina, Slovakia Date: 17 December 2011




Projecto III (2005/2006) CASASDOURO (single dwelling) - From the river Douro valley, a noble territory of portuguese wine culture, the proposal for a house (both functional and representative), with the goal to give back to the territory architecture that is simultaneosly discrete, intentioned and intense. This project is located in the lush landscape of the Douro, an area consisting of vineyards and olive groves that give it a very interesting dual texture. The programme of the project proposed the union of two primary functions: housing and cellar. It is curious that the theme of duality can be understood on the terrain and in the building itself: vineyard and olive grove - work and live. In order to reinforce this duality, the building consists of two separate volumes: on the North side we have the production area, on the South side lies the representation area and dwelling. These are linked by an outdoor patio that is above the pool and is open to all the property, the Douro River and all its surroundings. A project considered “on the threshold of beauty” by the portuguese architect Nuno Brandão Costa, during the final evaluation of this subject.


Level -1

Level 0 0 1,5








T4 Duplex

Projecto III (2005/2006) CASASRÁPIDAS (colective housing) - With nowadays multiple ways of living and the strangling public promotion we’re forced to question the standardizationf of life. The plot is located in the suburbs of Guimarães, Portugal, and it’s a mixture from diffuse texture of two elements: large industries and scattered housing. To create the transition between elements it has been proposed a solution composed of two volumes. A larger, taller, high ground, open into the plot. Other, lower, searching for kind of living more similar to the single family dwelling.


DAC/CAD (2005/2006) Introduction to computer assisted drawing softwares. 2D and 3D with Autocad, 3D modeling with Maya and image editing with Photoshop.


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Hist贸ria da Arquitectura Moderna (2006/2007) Research based on a topological, typological and morphological analysis and a strong graphic component. The observation leads to the drawing, together with a theoretical discussion, we can see the bases that defi ned the Renaissence architectural culture.


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Teoria III (2006/2007) Objects of Architecture, Building Ways and Public Space - Drawing, together with a theoretical refl ection, as the main researching tool.



Projecto IV (2006/2007) Library (public building) - The project of the University Library is responsible for promoting both internal and external balance creating a dialogue between Guimar達es and the University. It should be also understood as a monument of the city, capable of aggregating and motivate urban structure.


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The University Library is placed at the edge of the West campus, coinciding with its entry. Being the purpose of the exercise the creation of a building that serves both the University and the city, the volume is positioned in the transition of both, taking the opportunity to stretch, the campus, accentuating its longitudinality. It also serves to define the entrance: by the presence of the library (full), as well as the square created in front of it, which is nothing but the volume itself folded (empty).








17 F

F’ 14






D’ 01



















Level 0


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Level 1




Director’s office Staff office Head librarian’s office Librarian’s office Computing office Meeting room Entrance hall / Reception balcony Multi-purpose room/ Gallery Bar Deposit Reading room Audio-visual room/TV and video Audio-visual room/Data-show Workgroup rooms Newspaper reading room Computer user rooms Investigation office Technical support room Archive Documents reception/Storage room Storeroom Pantry hall

The building is based on an orthogonal grid of five by five meters. All divisions existing in it are multiples or submultiples of this modular measure. The voids have one module width, spaced every ten meters and five modules of length, equal to twenty-five meters. The total size of the building is six modules and a half by thirteen modules.







11 F














Level 2


Level 3



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Director’s office Staff office Head librarian’s office Librarian’s office Computing office Meeting room Entrance hall / Reception balcony Multi-purpose room/ Gallery Bar Deposit Reading room Audio-visual room/TV and video Audio-visual room/Data-show Workgroup rooms Newspaper reading room Computer user rooms Investigation office Technical support room Archive Documents reception/Storage room Storeroom Pantry hall

In plan, the building suggests two movements: longitudinal and transverse. All circulation takes the longitudinal direction, and in the opposite way, the entire programme is organized transversally as if distributed along a corridor that aggregates other corridors. The logic holds up to four floors. Only the first floor entry is not made by the ramps that run the whole length of the building, which does not disturb the longitudinal/transverse order already mentioned above. Aiding this distribution, there are also the slits in the big volume which extend into the field, helping to fixate the library, while allowing a second entrance, more private and exclusive from the already referenced first floor. The remaining three levels of the building have a more public nature. Helping to define the functional space between the slits, and also as a way to close the more static space intended for work, there is a volume composed by stairwells, elevators and toilets. This runs through the building vertically and brand presence on all floors, reinforcing the notion of unity.


Section AA’

Section BB’

Section CC’

Section DD’

Section EE’

Section FF’ 0 1,5





White concrete


Brick Plaster Stone Wood Cork Regularization Filling concrete Insulation

The choice of materials is in accordance to the project’s intentions. In order to enhance the idea of a solid volume, we chose white concrete, for the clarity and lightness that this material gives the whole building. The stereotomy was not neglected: a submultiple of the modular measures in plan was also used on the walls (for the shuttering were used two meters by one meter and twenty-five plates). When it comes to the interior of the library, we can find materials like wood (floors, doors, baseboards and trims) and stone (like paneling and floor covering, on the working areas on the first floor and in the bathrooms), plaster, glass and all steel frames. Here, the intention is to give priority to comfort.


Vertical section

Horizontal section

Brick Plaster Wood Glass Plywood




Projecto V (2007/2008) Adaptations to activities that support the “diverse territory�, their formal and functional relations with the types of building it serves and the affinity between landscape and architecture.


Public and private space. Material nature marking the subtle transition:

Forest - Garden - Street - Private Patio

Public patio - Public garden

Private patio - Access - Private patio

Dwelling as a link between urban structure and the forest:

Look up

See below

Look from above

Two level functional drawer:

Material nature reaffirming the different levels

Access points between levels: physical and visual

Relation between both levels

Material in spacial dynamic: quick floor and slow floor

The tree as the common element defi ning the street:

Point tree

Line tree


Mass tree

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História da Arquitectura Portuguesa (2007/2008 ) Rigorous survey of architectural objects. Historical and architectural analysis of the case study. These drawings have recently been published in a book compiling all historical and relevant buildings of Guimarães called “Guimarães Architectural Guide”1


FERNANDES, Eduardo; JORGE, Filipe – Guia de Arquitectura de Guimarães Guimarães Architectural Guide; Argumentum Edições, Lisboa, 2011 [pp. 102, 103].




Master (2009) Architecture Communication in Digital Era: a proposal for a photographic archive is a portrait of the modern world, based on the internet and the projection of architecture by the use of photography. In a background of constant evolution, the demise of such a subject is brought short by the mutability of reality associated with time and we should know how to act in this situation. Looking to be a reference in architectural photography, fotoarq assumes itself as more permanent, where the importance of the image confi rms the time fi xation. In this sense, the dissemination of images helps to enhance the sensitivity to the themes of architecture in a broader context. You can offer a wider audience, more and better architecture, helping to inform more and more people.





Loreak Mendian - Stroke Contest (2009) Having in mind the theme of the stroke (the stroke of a pencil on white sheet, the stroke of a drawing made with a rope, the stroke of a black ribbon...), clothing brand Loreak Mendian decided to create a contest in wich the stroke played an important part. In order to allow equal chances, every participant must use the same materials, provided by Loreak Mendian on their selling points. The working kit contained a black tape and a brand sticker. The black tape must be sticked over a white T-shirt as if it was a marker. There are no limits, except for the obligation to use the aforementioned elements. The prize consisted of a weekend in San Sebastian (with a visit to their headquarters) and the production, in a limited number, of the winning design.


monstro preto (2010) With long and delicate tentacles, monstro preto does marvelous badges to use on its lapel or to offer for sale, allowing friends to bear also his signature on their chest.




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Azemmour, Morocco (2008) Architectural survey of Azemmour’s medina, Morocco. By the rigorous measurement of the old Medina, the project was meant to recognize the original Portuguese foundation plan in one of the most important Moroccan cities of the Expansionist Portuguese History.


Imago (2008/2009) Intern for membership in portuguese architects association “Ordem dos Arquitectos� in Imago, an architecture and engineering office in Braga, Portugal. Member of the competitions developing team. Design of several explaining panels and presentation elements of projects in different phases, for client promotion.


edit! (2011) Cooperation with edit! architects (Prague, Czech Republic) with Leonardo da Vinci programme. Participation in all project phases, from concept to construction site visit.


edit! - RPM Residential complex of 50 000 sqm with additional public services and commercial retail units in Modrany, Prague. Starting from a perpendicular division of the plot towards the river and the road surrounding it, box-like volumes were placed according to these lines. Next came the definition of the main cores with their vertical communication infrastructure (stairwells and elevators). Moved down the space between these cores, in order to create the appropriate density buildings, and rotating slightly each one of them having in mind a better orientation for each tower. This movement helps defining the public areas between buildings. Also, it must be noted that this way, all apartments have views of to the river and almost all of them also have outdoor spaces oriented to West or East.


hey, mr. truckdriver, nice calendar! IN



OUT who’s up for a match, hein?

that green facade looks really good!

I love the smell of fresh cardboard

edit! - KAR Renovation and expansion of a cardboard factory in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. To the pre-existing building, it is added a new functional volume and another one that articulates all spaces. The functional scheme of work is restructured for a bigger and better production. On the exterior, the green area and rest/relax spaces are increased and all the facade is covered up with a curtain of natural vegetation to help reduce CO2 emissions.



edit! - ACUO Acuo is an interactive audio-visual installation for public spaces. It is based on the concept by Michal Šeba, with the support of municipal projects BU2R. With its shape and functions, Acuo resembles a cosmic module which has landed in the city to observe the affairs around. Acuo sees and hears in a way different from ours. It scans the world with six microphones and three cameras; then it transmits the environment thus captured to the inside, to emit a spatial audio experience and to screen it through a LED system onto all of its inner walls. At the same time, Acuo transmits the sound around it through a terrestrial FM radio signal and streams both audio and video online to its acuo.cz base. There, this recording is archived for future generations. In addition, the module is equipped with a “periscope” with a highly sensitive directional microphone; this enables the audience to capture audio details of the city commotion. The crew is made of the passers-by; inside the Acuo module, they can experience the city in another way, they can analyze the events outside while contemplating the endless variability of individual output modification. From a brand new perspective, the visitors can experience the sound map of a place they walk through every day, without the ability to thoroughly perceive or listen.



edit! - MPB Small family house of about 100m2 in Prague, Czech Republic. The project makes the connection between the road and the plot by fitting its back to the slope and opening towards the garden. From the street you can only see a house-shaped volume, with a traditional roof, wich is a demand from the local regulation. On the entrey level there is a small office/room, bathroom and storage, as well as a staircase to access the lower level. On the ground floor are distributed all the remaining programme: rooms (private area) by the far sides, and kitchen and living room (public area) in the center, with full view towards the garden.


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Pecha Kucha Night Praha vol.25 Presentation of current work with edit! architects.


Pecha Kucha Night Žilina vol.17 Presentation of current work with edit! architects.


Images index p.01 - White concrete wall from Deutsches Historisches Museum (architect I.M.Pei). p.06 - Model (scale 1:500). p.07 - Model (scale 1:200) | Plans of Levels -1 and 0. p.08 - Model (scale 1:200) | Model (scale 1:500) | Plans for all four typologies. p.09 - Casas do Complexo Hidroeléctrico da Barragem do Picote (1954-1959), Miranda do Douro, Portugal. João Archer Carvalho, Manuel Nunes Almeida, Rogério Araújo Oliveira Ramos Virtual photos | Renders | Axonometry. p.10 - Santo Spirito (1428), Firenze, Italia. Filippo Brunelleschi Brunelleschi’s original plan with its modular measures. Longitudinal and cross sections. p.11 - Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Vigo (1995), Vigo, España. Alberto Noguerol 3D model of the west end of the library, exposing part of ts structure | Longitudinal sections and south elevation. p.12 - Model (scale 1:500). p.13 - Site plan and West elevation. p.14 - 1st and 2nd floor plans. p.15 - 3rd and 4th floor plans. p.16 - Longitudinal and croos sections. p.17 - Details. p.18 - Details and elevations: interior doors. p.19 - Model (scale 1:500). p.20 - Summary plan of the site emphasysing the street section that reinforces the urban structure. p.21 - Multiple sections representing different types of connections, its material nature, and different relations between all the elements: street, industry, housing and tree/forest. p.22 - Igreja e Antigo Convento do Carmo (séc. XVII), Guimarães, Portugal 2nd floor plan and West elevation. p.24 - Masters’ dissertation printed cover. p.25 - Name and logo associated to the project | Project’s site simulation. p.27 - Winning design | San Sebastian | Loreak Mendian’s headquarters | Limited edition T-shirt with the winning design printed on. p.28 - Example of Badges made by monstro preto. p.30 - Site plan of the old medina of Azemmour, Morocco. (Special thanks to architect Ana Lopes). p.31 - Painel de apresentação do projecto Spinpark para a Habitar Portugal 2006-2008. p.32 - edit! architects logo| Model for VCH project on the office window for everyone to see. p.33 - Axonometry | Explanatory schemes for concept | Schemetic longitudinal and cross sections. p.34 - Exploded axonometry with new buildings | Axonometry with proposal for new functional scheme. p.35 - Model (scale 1:200). p.36 - Pictures from ACUO’s assembling | Inner LED wall | Logo and sponsor | Exterior coating material detail. p.37 - ACUO on ArchDaily | YouTube screenshots of ACUO’s assembling. p.38 - 3D model. p.39 - 1st and ground floor plans. p.40 - Snapshots of Pecha Kucha Night Praha presentation (available in: pechakucha.cz). p.41 - Snapshots of Pecha Kucha Night Žilina presentation.



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