#2 Youth Issue /AW - 2013/ discusses intensely charged subject of youth that has a personal meaning to all of us. Youth is an elusive, intangible moment between the babbling childhood and self-reflexive rest: a dream, a failure, an expectation, a change and a future. CURRENT OBSESSION pursues the subject by means of collective discussions, series of interviews and editorial collaborations.
Bart Hess, Atelier Ted Noten, Ruudt Peters, Otto Künzli, Adam Grinovich, Damian Skinner, Märta Mattsson, Edgar Mosa, Melanie Bilenker, Arthur Hash, Shari Pierce, Raffaela Graspointner, Ester Grass Vergara, Emile Barret, 10 young upcoming designers selected by curator Matylda Krzykowski
and more.