Letters have maximum word count of 200 words. Guest columns have a word count of 300 words. Please include your city of residence and a contact phone number for verification.
Letters have maximum word count of 200 words. Guest columns have a word count of 300 words. Please include your city of residence and a contact phone number for verification.
Alyssa Bright’s career in education came full circle in a short time.
inspired me,” Bright said. “I thought it would be cool to give back to the community by being a teacher.”
Bright said it’s been nostalgic to return to the middle school.
some,” she said.
Bright said history teachers have always been her favorites.
Bright, a 2017 Carmel High School graduate, has returned to Carmel Middle School as a social studies teacher.
The Indianapolis resident graduated from Ball State University in 2021. She spent the last two years teaching sixth grade world history at Eastwood Middle School in Washington Township in Indianapolis.
Bright, whose maiden name is Fleckenstein, attended Carmel Clay Schools’ Smoky Row Elementary and then Carmel Middle School before becoming a student at CHS.
Nearly 15 percent of the Carmel Clay Schools new teacher hires for the 2023-24 school year are CHS alumni (11 of 75).
“It’s a really great district, and I always thought it would be cool to go back to Carmel Middle School where so many people
“We actually found the old yearbook I worked on,” she said.
Bright is working with teacher Jen DasGupta to help develop her plan to teach the curriculum. DasGupta was Bright’s sixth-grade social studies teacher.
“When I was set to interview, I was thinking, ‘I hope I’m not interviewing for Jen’s spot because I hope I get to work with her,’” Bright said. “Then she was in the interview. That was awesome. She was one of my favorite teachers. I thought her class was so fun. It helped me fall in love with the subject of social studies and history.”
Bright said it was in sixth grade she decided she wanted to be a teacher.
“There were other teachers at Carmel that were also amazing teachers who helped me think this job seems so awe-
Rain on Main returns — The ninth annual Rain on Main event, a painted rain barrel contest and auction, kicks off Aug. 11 with a display of 20 decorated barrels in the Carmel Arts & Design District. The barrels will remain along Main Street through the following week until they are relocated to the Carmel Farmers Market. The painted barrels will be displayed and judged by an independent panel of experts and the first, second and third place artists will receive cash prizes. The general public will also be given the opportunity to vote for their favorites.
Rugby try-on — The Carmel Rugby Club will present a free tryon event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 12 at the American Legion Post 155, 852 W. Main St. in Carmel. Boys and girls in grades 9 to 12 are welcome to attend this noncontact rugby clinic.
Synergize benefits Folds of Honor — Synergize’s 4:30 Meetup in July supported Folds of Honor Indiana, an organization that has awarded nearly $200 million in educational scholarships to spouses and families of America’s fallen and disabled servicemembers. Synergize raised $2,500 for Folds of Honor at the
“I love history because so many teachers made it almost like telling a story,” Bright said. “I was lucky to go to Carmel High School because we were able to have so many (advanced placement) classes. I was the social studies aide at the high school, getting to work with the teachers in their office.”
At first, Bright thought she wanted to teach government classes at the high school level. Now she said she is able to teach government to sixth-graders because of the new civic standards the state recently adopted.
Bright had four siblings that went through CCS, including her identical twin sister, Emily.
The past two CCS Teachers of the Year, 2023 winner Christine Daviduke and 2022 winner Katie Overbeck, are CHS graduates. In fact, Daviduke, a Woodbrook Elementary School teacher, was a student of Overbeck’s at CHS.
event. Learn more at SynergizeIndy.com.
Girl Scouts recruitment events — Girl Scouts of Central Indiana will set up camp from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 12 at various Dairy Queen locations to recruit new members. According to organizer Whitney Parker, some of the confirmed locations are:
• Carmel – 951 N. Range Line Rd.
• Fishers – 11976 N. Allisonville Rd., 13092 Publishers Pl. and 13647 Olivia Way
• Noblesville – 5625 Pebble Village Ln.
• Westfield – 940 Tournament Trail
Learn about Assistance League — Learn more about membership in the Assistance League of Indianapolis at an informational coffee meeting set for 10 a.m. Aug. 17 at the ALI chapter office, 1475 W. 86th St., Suite E, in Indianapolis. Membership in ALI, an all-volunteer philanthropic nonprofit, is open to residents in Indianapolis and surrounding communities. RSVP to Janine Bercovitz, vice president of membership, at membership@alindy. org. Learn more at ALIndy.org.
environment; transportation; water and wastewater; solid waste; food and agriculture; and greenspace.
At the meeting, Lopez also reviewed the CAP dashboard, which tracks the city’s progress.
In September 2022, the Carmel City Council unanimously approved an ordinance establishing the Carmel Climate Advisory Committee, which is tasked with facilitating the city’s Climate Action Plan.
On July 26, the committee met for the first time to discuss the city’s progress in achieving its climate goals and next steps.
Alexia Lopez, planning administrator in the city’s Department of Community Services, served as the committee secretary during the meeting, which included a review of the CAP.
Lopez said Carmel’s goal is to be carbon net zero by 2050.
“That’s something (Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard) is passionate about,” Lopez said. “There are seven different sectors and 42 total strategies as part of the plan.”
The seven sectors are energy and built
Project: Pipeline and curb improvements
Location: 146th Street
between Greyhound Pass and Cool Creek Commons. The contractor will first close the inside lanes of eastbound and westbound 146th Street, then move to the outside lanes.
Expected completion: Aug. 21
According to dashboard data, the city plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 565.94 thousand metric tons per year in the next 12 years, so that by 2035 it would emit 694.48 thousand metric tons per year.
Carmel City Councilor Tim Hannon served as the committee’s temporary chair at the meeting. He suggested the committee create a timeline with goals for implementing aspects of the plan.
“We want to build an action plan with accountability and measurable steps,” Hannon said.
At the end of the meeting, Tony Reck was selected committee chair by a unanimous vote.
Location: Gray Road from 106th to 116th streets. The project is not expected to result in a full closure of the road.
Project: Roundabout construction
Location: 111th Street and Spring Mill Road. The intersection will be closed for three weeks at the entrance to the Bridges development and Spring Mill Place neighborhood.
Expected completion: This month.
Project: Improvements to 3rd Ave. SW
Location: 3rd Ave. SW is closed between Autumn Drive and 2nd Street SW. Access to businesses will be maintained.
Expected completion: Early 2025
Project: Widening and improvements, including a roundabout, along Smoky Row Road
Location: Between the Monon Greenway and U.S. 31. The road will be fully closed during the project.
Expected completion: TBD
Project: Multi-use path construction
Expected completion: Fall
Project: Reconstruction of 3rd Avenue SW
Location: 3rd Avenue SW between Autumn and Industrial drives
Expected completion: Winter 2024
Project: Reconstruction of N. College Avenue
Location: N. College Avenue between 96th and 106th streets
Utility work in underway with construction beginning in the fall
Expected completion: Spring 2025
Project: 146th and Allisonville Interchange
Location: Phase 2A traffic restrictions are in place, which eliminate left turn movements from 146th Street onto Allisonville Road and reopen to two through lanes on eastbound and westbound 146th Street.
Between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., 146th Street between Herriman Boulevard and Allisonville Road within the existing construction limits will be under a lane restriction.
Expected completion: The entire project is set for completion in summer 2025
The Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds will undergo a major renovation as part of a $65 million master plan that officials say could bring more visitors and more than double the amount of year-round event space when completed.
The project, which will be done in three phases, will result in the fairgrounds being rebranded as The Silos at 37 Hamilton County: 4-H Fairgrounds. The initial phase that begins this fall carries a price tag of $26.5 million and will include improvements to the existing exhibition center, drainage, llama barn and grounds, in addition to a Bicentennial Pavilion marking Hamilton County’s 200th anniversary.
The project will mark the first time in more than 25 years that any major upgrades have taken place on the 40-acre site.
“The fairgrounds are a gathering place,” Purdue Extension Hamilton County Director Susan Peterson said. “They have connected family and friends for generations. They bring people, too, and are a showpiece for our county. The time is right to invest in the future of this facility.”
The Hamilton County Council has committed $15 million toward the project, while the Hamilton County Extension Board plans to launch a capital campaign to assist with funding. A groundbreaking was held for the initial phase July 20 at the Centennial Pavilion during the first day of the Hamilton County 4-H Fair, where many youths involved in 4-H showed animals throughout the five-day event.
“We’re calling it the ‘Fairgrounds for the Future,’” Hamilton County Extension Board President Jane Sipe said. “This plan not only enhances our ability to provide more programs, but will also serve as an economic driver, enabling us to host a wider variety of programming throughout the year.”
Sipe said phase 1A will include improvements to the llama barn and an expansion of the maintenance garage, while phase 1B will focus on building a new show arena and expanding the Hamilton County 4-H exhibition center. However, phase 1B will be contingent on funding, according to Sipe, who wants to raise $3 million to $4 million through the capital campaign but stressed
that additional funding would be needed for future phases.
The Bicentennial Pavilion, which is scheduled to open late next year, will replace the O.V. Winks and Annex buildings that will be lost to the expansion of Pleasant Street. The second and third phases of the project are contingent on funding and would include the construction of two silos at the main entrance, officials said.
In addition, the project would include the demolition of seven outdoor buildings to be replaced by eight air-conditioned buildings that could be used year-round, officials said.
“If completed, this plan could more than double the fairgrounds’ year-round rental space and drive additional visitors to our area,” Hamilton County Tourism CEO Brenda Myers said. “The new space will help attract small- and medium-sized events like weddings, consumer shows and conferences that may not fit at larger venues like the Indiana State Fairgrounds.”
Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman said the renovation and expansion at the fairgrounds is just one component of several that the public can expect to see in the future.
“This is a beginning,” Altman said. “We’re going to have community support. I know we can make this vision come true.”
Hamilton County Councilor Sue Maki, who serves as a liaison to the county extension board, said officials plan to work with community and philanthropic partners on phases two and three moving forward.
“We’re going to work to make sure it continues to be a valuable part of our community,” Maki said.
Conner Prairie has been planning and developing its newest exhibit, Promised Land as a Proving Ground, for about three years. Following a series of delays, the museum is finishing work on the last of three buildings integrated into the main outdoor Prairietown exhibit.
The new additions focus on Black Hoosiers, how they got here, what they endured and how they built lives for themselves.
On a very hot day in late July, Curatorial Director Charlene Fletcher and research associate Easton Phillips walked through Prairietown to show what’s been completed so far in the PLPG exhibit and to talk about its evolution.
Fletcher, who has a doctorate in history, said she was hired about 2 1/2 years ago to curate PLPG. She said the original plan focused on Black history through the lens of the AME — the African Methodist Episcopal Church — and Black interactions with the Quaker community.
“I said, ‘OK, no, we’re not doing that.’” Fletcher said, noting that Black people are not monolithic; they’re not all Christian; they don’t all attend church; and those that do attend many different churches.
The exhibit still has a faith focus, but different faiths are now represented. Fletcher said she also wanted to make sure the story started in pre-colonial Africa.
“This country tends to want to start the conversation about Black history around enslavement,” she said. “Enslavement was an experience that you find in Black history, but it’s not who Black people are.”
Another change she initiated was to integrate the new exhibit into Prairietown — where characters dress and act as though it’s 1836 — rather than offering it as a separate experience.
“I made it clear this cannot be a segregated experience,” she said. “Conner Prairie already has enough problems with the African American community. Follow the North Star damaged the relationship with the African American community — (there are) Black people who don’t want to come up here, quite frankly.”
The former North Star program was a
reenactment of the Underground Railroad, where guests played the part of slaves. Fletcher said the program ended in 2019.
The new exhibit’s first cabin is complete and open to visitors. The Origins Cabin includes a garden in front and pens with spotted pigs in a tree-shaded area in the back.
Fletcher said the exhibit showcases how faith permeates many aspects of the African American experience through history, including food. The garden and livestock represent that and offer a way for Conner Prairie to build a relationship with Black residents.
“One-third of the City of Indianapolis is a food desert,” she said. “Since Conner Prairie is a working farm, and obviously we have the capacity to grow things and keep piggies and other animals because there’s a ton of animals up here, I feel like one of the first ways to develop that reciprocal relationship is to give food back to communities that are in need in Marion County.”
The second cabin, the Resistance Cabin, is not yet open to the public but is complete. It focuses on Black Hoosier history. Fletcher noted that although Indiana was not a slave state, it wasn’t welcoming to Black people.
“In 1831, the state passed a law that required African Americans to register with their local clerk’s office, and they had to pay a $500 bond. That’s a lot of money in 2023, so just imagine in 1831,” she said. “And you had to prove financial stability, moral fitness. This is something that was not required of their white neighbors.”
The third building, still under construction, focuses on the 20th and 21st centuries. For more, visit connerprairie.org.
“Working with kids is so
M., CounselorConner Prairie Research associate Easton Phillips, left, and Curatorial Director Charlene Fletcher at the museum’s Promised Land as a Proving Ground exhibit, still under development. (Photo by Adam Seif)
The leader of a nonprofit in Noblesville that advocates for Hamilton County victims of crime and abuse is nearly two months into her new role and said education and listening to others are key focuses as she moves forward.
Tami Wanninger, who lives in Westfield, was hired as the executive director of Prevail, Inc., and started in her position May 22. Before joining Prevail, she worked at Noble, Inc., — a nonprofit based in Indianapolis that works with people who have disabilities — for more than 28 years, with the last five years primarily focused on corporate compliance and national accreditation for the organization.
Wanninger succeeds Caroline Dutkanych, who had served as Prevail’s interim executive director since Jan. 23. Wanninger said she enjoys being involved in the nonprofit sector. She said at Prevail, she gets to work for an organization that is mission-driven while getting to work in Hamilton County as well.
“I have a passion for serving and I just love the nonprofit community,” Wanninger said. “It seems like the perfect fit for me.” Prevail, which has a mission of empowering victims of crime and abuse on their path to healing while engaging the community to support safe, healthy relationships, provides victim advocacy services to all individuals seeking support and resources, according to Wanninger. The organization, which offers meeting groups and has a 24/7 crisis line, also has advocates available on staff who can provide support to victims through legal proceedings by going with them if needed.
Although Prevail is based in Noblesville, it serves all of Hamilton County and provides support to victims outside the county as well, Wanninger said. The organization also works closely with the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office and guides victims through the judicial process.
Much of the funding Prevail receives comes through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. Wanninger said the organization has already faced some significant funding cuts, leaving it to figure out how to fill those gaps. Prevail served 3,195 victims during calendar year 2022 while it also
Hamilton County announced plans earlier this month to build a women’s shelter for domestic violence victims and their children off Ind. 38 next year.
The county purchased 9 acres of land off Ind. 38 for $550,000 for the shelter, although details — such as cost and how large the facility will be — have yet to be determined. County officials plan to work with Prevail regarding the building, but Wanninger said her organization still needs to work through various details, including funding.
“What I would say is I think we’re all very appreciative of the commissioners and the (county) councilors for making an investment in our community, and we appreciate that opportunity for collaboration,” Wanninger said.
But for Wanninger, helping individuals who need services is a top priority as Prevail gets approximately three to five walkins per day, while it averages seven to 10 crisis calls per day.
“There’s definitely a need for the services we provide and linking people to the appropriate resources, and we don’t turn anyone away,” she said. “We’ve got to do more awareness and more education in the community of who we are, what we’re here for and how we can help individuals.”
The future is now. The proof is in Hamilton County, where automated machines are providing food service in senior living facilities. Since May, robots have helped staff at Allisonville Meadows Assisted Living at 10312 Allisonville Rd., in Fishers. However, they aren’t replacing employees; they are meant to help improve service.
Bear Robotics is a food service robotics company, creating automated machines that operate across the United States. Doug Lane is part of its sales team.
“Our goal is to improve the quality of service in dining by automating repetitive tasks that occupy a lot of staff time,” Lane said.
Those tasks include running out to the floor from the kitchen, busing tables or even taking orders.
“This isn’t a replacement for people onsite,” Lane said. “We want them to get to stay up (in) front of the house, actually providing service. It’s more about being present.”
When an order is ready, it is placed on a cylinder-shaped robot called Servi. The robot can be programmed to deliver food anywhere within a facility while avoiding objects in its path. Customers can also make orders through the robot, which Lane said lightens the workload for employees.
Bear Robotics servers are also used at The Barrington of Carmel and Rose Senior Living in Carmel.
12, 4 – 8 p.m.
The Wine, Women & Shoes fundraiser is set for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 25 at Lucas Estate in Carmel to benefit Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, the largest chapter in the U.S.
The event includes a fashion show presented by Saks Fifth Avenue as well as wine, shopping and food. A marketplace will include 12 high-fashion retailers, with a percentage of proceeds donated to the nonprofit.
The Key to the Closet raffle will have more than $10,000 worth of merchandise, gifts and a trip to Mexico. Each $100 raffle ticket includes a $100 gift card to Moyer Fine Jewelers, with one winner receiving the entire closet.
“Everyone is a winner in this game in terms of the gift card, but one very special winner will win all of the amazing products and experiences,” said Leslie Scott, Indiana market director of advancement for Make-A-Wish.
Scott said the event is a way for the organization, which grants wishes for children battling critical illnesses, to engage with the community while also receiving support for its efforts. Attendees can expect to network, have fun and learn more about the wish recipients.
“They are just remarkable humans,” Scott said. “It is super exciting that we have a very special wish alum who is going to co-emcee the program this year and share her story.”
This year, the chapter is reaching a milestone.
“We are celebrating 40 years of granting local wishes, so it’s a really big deal for us,” Scott said. “In May, we just granted our 20,000th wish.”
Tickets for Wine, Women & Shoes are $250 and may be purchased at winewomenandshoes.com/event/indianapolis.
Rain on Main, a popular painted rain barrel contest and auction, kicks off this weekend with a display of 20 decorated barrels along Main Street. Vote on your favorite in the People’s Choice contest on the Rain on Main Facebook Page.
Live music throughout the district
PLAY BINGO for a chance to win $250 gift basket!
Nancy Keating of Mosaic Gardens and Carmel Art on Main Gallery and Gifts will host a chip in Community Mosaic at Anthony’s Plaza (201 W. Main St.). You can start “chipping in” at 4 p.m.
The Children’s Art Gallery 40 W. Main St.
Art on Main Gallery and Gifts 111 W. Main St., Suite 140
CCA Gallery 111 W. Main St., Suite 135
Circle Contemporary Art Gallery 30 W. Main St.
Indiana Artisan Gifts & Gallery
22 N Range Line Rd.
Kuaba Gallery 404 W. Main St.
Soori Gallery 33 E. Main St.
The Art Studio of Carmel 30 N. Range Line Rd.
To learn more go to RainOnMain.com
The brand produces the “Runnerd Library” podcast and publishes books under Runnerd Press, including two books released in July.
On a Saturday morning in January, 47-year-old Don Hahn of Westfield sat in his office recliner thinking about the next steps in his life. Near him, he had a shelf with running-related books. He wondered if others who didn’t know these books were out there could benefit from reading them.
From this idea, his new business, Runnerd, was born. It aims to connect visitors to running-related movies, podcasts and more and has published books, too.
“(Runnerd) is (for) people who can’t get enough of running,” Hahn said. “Like, we talk about it all the time. We eat, sleep and breathe it.”
One aspect of Hahn’s company is the Runnerd Library, an online space for running enthusiasts with a collection of books, podcasts and other offerings related to the sport.
When Hahn ran a marathon for a charity event in 2005, he said he grabbed any running book he could find. His goal with Runnerd is to create a more curated list of running content.
One is Bill Kenley’s series of short stories, “Tiny Little Running Shorts,” and Tim Byers’ young-adult World War II book, “The Order of the Red Lion.” Hahn read Byers’ manuscript and wanted to publish it despite it not fitting the running theme.
“I’ve never published a book before, so there was really a good spirit of communication and cooperation to try and figure out how to make this work,” said Byers, a 62-year-old Carmel resident, about the process.
When it comes to publishing, Hahn said he wants his company to produce great stories.
“When you see that Runnerd Press imprint on the side of a book, you know that you can pick that up and you’re going to have a good story,” he said.
Stan Collesano, a Fishers resident and friend of Hahn’s, helped Hahn with legal work as a retired attorney and provided business advice. He said he wants to see the company expand.
Learn more at runnerdlibrary.com.
Sister Cities art contest — The Carmel Cortona Sister Cities Committee has launched a contest for painters ages 14-19 who can create a piece of art that pays honor to Luca Signorelli, an Italian Renaissance painter from Carmel’s Sister City, Cortona, Italy. On the 500th anniversary of Signorelli’s death, a “Signorelli 500” exhibit has been planned in Cortona and the young artists of Carmel will have their winning selections included alongside others in Cortona. Cash prizes will be paid to the winning artists. Entries are due by Aug. 31. Learn more at bit. ly/3KfaBUN.
ALA Girls Nation senator — Ridhi Dondeti of Carmel was one of 94 high school seniors selected to attend the American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation held July 22-29 in Washington, D.C. The weeklong program, founded in 1947, has provided civic education to thousands of students, teaching them about how the federal government works. Dondeti, an incoming senior at Carmel High School, was one of two participants who represented Indiana as a “senator” at ALA Girls Nation. At the event, senators participated in mock Senate sessions complete with caucuses and debated bills that range from personal to political interests.
White River Clean-up — The annual White River Clean-up will return Aug. 26. Participants will paddle along the river to pick up trash along one of three routes. The event is free but requires a $15 refundable deposit that will be lost if participants do not show up. Learn more at thewhiteriveralliance.org/ programs/white-river-clean-up.
The 50th anniversary of the Indianapolis GreekFest is more than a special milestone.
Fest mission year after year.”
“Celebrating Hellenism and the Greek immigrant story in central Indiana is truly something that fills us with pride every year, but it’s even more special this year as we celebrate this accomplishment, especially after an interesting few years of navigating what a cultural festival looked like during an era of a pandemic,” GreekFest marketing director Lenie Tsakonas said. “This included really thinking about how we continue to make this event viable in an effort to continue engaging our youth to have a foundational understanding of their Hellenic roots. How do we strategically work out a festival plan that is run exclusively by volunteers, in a time where volunteer-run organizations are struggling to fill roles? Much of it came down to the Greek American values of humility and hard work. Those values truly are what keeps our community dedicated to the Indy Greek
Indianapolis GreekFest, which has been held in Carmel since 2009, will be from 4 to 10 p.m. Aug. 25 and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Aug. 26 on the grounds of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 3500 W. 106th St. The event will include Greek music, authentic Greek food and pastries and cooking demonstrations. Tours of the cathedral will also be available.
To celebrate 50 years, Tsakonas said there will be the addition of a special mezze (Greek appetizer) called the Herculean platter. The platter includes tiropita, spanakopita, feta cheese, spicy feta dip, Kalamata olives, hummus, tzatziki, pita quarters and Keftedes (Greek meatballs).
“We’re excited to be returning to our usual festival footprint of being fully outdoors again with our famous pastry shop inside the Cathedral,” Tsakonas said. “Our kids zone is back as well and it will include yard games, puppet shows and some special sweet treats. We’re also excited to welcome back George Karras and Band to Indiana.”
Learn more at IndyGreekfest.org.
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Anyone from 6-month-olds to seniors can get COVID protection with safe vaccines and boosters that are free whether you have insurance or not. Find an Eskenazi Health Center near you at EskenaziHealth.edu/FreeVaccines Please scan to learn more.
The City of Carmel presented the second Brews on the Boulevard July 29 to celebrate local breweries and engage the community in an evening of beer, food, music and community in Midtown Plaza and Monon Boulevard.
For Monica Urick, creating over-the-top — and often deep fried — concoctions is just another day in the office.
As CEO of Urick Concessions, the Carmel resident and her team dream up unique recipe ideas throughout the year and gather each spring to test them out as potential new offerings to sell at the Indiana State Fair, their biggest event of the year.
“People have stopped at the gas station on the way in (to test recipes) to buy their favorite snacks, like Little Debbie’s or Ho Ho’s ro Ding Dongs to be like, ‘Let’s dip it in funnel cake mix and fry it and see what happens,’” Monica said. “We’ve thrown everything in the fryer. If you dip it in funnel cake mix and fry it, it just makes everything better. We’ve tried everything. Some are not successful.”
That would include the Buffalo Chicken Bomb, a coated spicy chicken salad meatball that Monica said — much to her disappointment — was an “absolute disaster” that fell apart in the fryer. But since debuting at the fair more than a decade ago, Urick Concessions has racked up its fair share of hits, including three voted as the event’s top treat: deepfried pizza, deep-fried bananas foster cheesecake on a stick and corn fritters.
This year four Urick Concessions creations are among 30 new offerings selected by the fair as Fair Food Favorites, quite a feat for a company that — according to Monica — grew large enough to become the primary year-round food vendor of the fairgrounds by “accident.”
Before launching Urick Concessions, Monica, a native of Connecticut, was a district manager with clothing store The Limited, where she specialized in high-volume retail. After moving to Indiana, she and her husband, Jerry Urick, opened a window coverings business in Fishers that they ran together for several years before selling it.
That’s when they decided to give the concessions business a try, as Jerry’s aunt and uncle had operated a few food trailers, including one that sold apple dumplings at the Indiana State Fair. The Uricks bought their first trailer from them.
“We started (working) little shows, and as entrepreneurs saw the opportunity to grow. I thought it would be just a fun little side hustle, but we don’t really know how to do anything small,” Monica said. “It really wasn’t the plan to be as big as we are now.”
While operating a concession trailer at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Uricks saw the success of other vendors and realized their new endeavor had full-time potential. The business grew as they branched to Grand Park in
Westfield, Conner Prairie in Fishers and took on additional responsibilities at the state fairgrounds.
Now, Urick Concessions focuses almost exclusively on the fairgrounds, where it manages the food offerings in most buildings year-round and operates the catering services. Urick Concessions also participates in the Carmel Christkindlmarkt, CarmelFest and, when their schedule allows, other community events in Monica and Jerry’s
“We love the community, so we support all the Carmel events,” Urick said.
As Urick Concessions has grown, so has its team of employees. Founded in 2000 by Monica, Jerry and Jerry’s brother, Bill Urick, it’s grown to include a full-time staff of approximately 16 employees, 60 permanent part-time employees up to 100 total employees for some events.
Bill’s children, William Urick II and Corey Urick Page, had to stand on milk crates when they started helping out with the family business as kids, Monica said. They’re now among the full-time staffers, working behind the scenes between events and, like Monica, contributing wherever needed during the state fair.
Urick Page, who handles human resources and marketing for Urick Concessions, enjoys being able to tap into her creative side at work (she came up with the idea for Wicked Chicken N Waffles, a new offering this year), but her favorite part of the job is connecting with her coworkers.
“Our full-time team is amazing, and they’re some of my closest friends,” Urick Page said. “Our part-time staff is incredible, too.”
Urick Concessions has four of its new items featured on the Indiana State Fair’s Fair Food Favorites list. They are:
• Bratchoes — Tortilla chips topped with a sizzling bratwurst, creamy hatch queso, zesty jalapeños, fire roasted salsa, and a dollop of sour cream.
• Gimme S’more Bourbon Shake — A summer staple, but as a boozy milkshake with the help of Hotel Tango’s Shmallow Toasted Marshmallow Bourbon. Creamy vanilla ice cream, milk, and Shmallow Bourbon blended together and topped with the classic s’mores essentials.
• Nutellaphant Ear — Fried dough slathered with Nutella and topped with strawberries, bananas and powdered sugar.
• Wicked Chicken N Waffles — A hot take on the classic chicken and waffles, this dish features chicken tenders sandwiched between two waffles drenched in Mike’s Hot Honey and topped with crushed Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
The Indiana State Fair is open Wednesdays through Sundays through Aug. 20 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis. Learn more at IndianaStateFair.com.
Some of the bonding occurred during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when lockdowns and event cancellations left Urick Concessions employees without much to do. To keep the full-time staff employed, Monica, Jerry and Bill returned to their roots in the window covering business, opening Window Fashion & Decor on Station Drive in Carmel and tasked former Urick Concessions employees with helping to prepare the space and get it running.
“Everybody worked here. Our cooks became painters,” Monica said. “They knocked down walls just to keep everybody working.”
As pandemic restrictions lifted, most Urick employees transitioned back to their previous roles, with Jerry and Bill remaining primarily with the window covering business. Monica is involved in it, too, but focuses most of her energy on running Urick Concessions. Now, instead of a side hustle, Monica considers her concessions business as an opportunity to leave a legacy.
“When I was a kid, I remember (repeatedly) going to (an Italian ice vendor), and it’s such a good, happy memory,” she said. “I want to be that place that you bring your kids to, and then when they’re 35 years old they’re bringing their kids and going back to the same place to get elephant ears because it was so good.”
Learn more at UrickConcessions.com.
ON THE COVER: From left, Erin Grosvenor, Corey Urick Page and Jake Taylor of Urick Concessions display some of the company’s new offerings, the Nutellaphant Ear, Wicked Chicken N Waffles and Bratchoes, respectively. (Photo by Ann Marie Shambaugh)
A Carmel teen wants to spread positivity, including by pursuing her career goal of becoming a theme park engineer, to help make others happy.
She also wants to honor the legacy of her father by emulating the way he lived.
Ainsley Strothkamp, a Carmel High School graduate, lost her father unexpectedly on Dec. 21, 2022. The Strothkamps had a few days earlier returned home from a soccer tournament in Orlando, Fla. Mark Strothkamp, who had coached his daughter’s teams for many years, suffered a stroke. He spent six days on life support before doctors said he would not regain consciousness. He died at age 51.
Unbeknownst to his family (Ainsley; his wife, Margaret “Meg;” and son, Braedy), Mark Strothkamp was an organ donor. That selfless decision will help his daughter pursue her dreams and desire to spread joy.
“My father lived his life to the fullest, and even without trying he continually spread positivity,” said Ainsley Strothkamp, the recipient of an $8,000 scholarship from the Indiana Donor Network Foundation. That award will help her study engineering at Purdue University beginning this fall.
“I have always tried to speak positively, but now I am more aware of how words can affect a person,” she said. “Whenever I make someone happy, I know my dad is still with me, helping spread positivity.”
The Indiana Donor Network Foundation awarded four other scholarships to Indiana students, including Erica Freeman-Swaim, a Noblesville High School graduate who is studying occupational therapy and hippotherapy at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion. Freeman-Swaim received a $2,000
Ainsley Strothkamp said she applied for the scholarship because she wanted to share how much her father cared about his family, friends and soccer players. Mark Strothkamp worked for the NCAA in Indianapolis and the Hoosier Futbol Club in Noblesville, coaching high-level youth soccer teams. In May, the club opened Mark Strothkamp Memorial Field in his honor.
Ainsley Strothkamp said learning that her father was an organ donor felt like the last step before losing him. His decision also lifted some of the family’s burden after his passing, she said.
She urges others to make the same decision.
“I would tell them to look up stories of people who have received organs from donors and how they felt,” she said. “Becoming an organ donor allows your life to live on through others.”
Learn more about organ donation at indianadonornetwork.org.
Doctor joins Priority Physicians — Dr. Jacob A. Brandon has joined Priority Physicians in the Carmel office. The Fishers resident is board-certified in internal medicine. His undergraduate studies were at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis, followed by medical school at Indiana University and Ross University School of Medicine. He completed his internal medicine residency at Ascension St. Vincent hospital in Indianapolis, serving as chief resident his final year.
A Bloomington restaurant known for its wings is coming to Carmel.
BuffaLouie’s is aiming for a November opening in the adjacent spaces that were previously home to the Carmel Chocolate Cafe and Main Street Barber Shop on the southeast corner of Main Street and Veterans Way in Carmel’s Arts & Design District.
The restaurant, selected as one of the top 10 wing joints in the U.S. by USA Today, opened in Bloomington in 1987. Besides wings, BuffaLouie’s offers salads, burgers, sandwiches and more.
BuffaLouie’s was founded by Jay Lieser, a Buffalo, N.Y., native, during his junior year at Indiana University. The restaurant is named after his late grandfather, Louie Lieser. Lieser family recipes inspired many of the restaurant’s offerings, and Jay Lieser’s mother, Trudy, plans to attend the grand opening.
The Carmel restaurant will be the second BuffaLouie’s location and includes former Indiana University basketball standout Yogi Ferrell as a partner. Lieser said he hopes
the expansion into Carmel will serve as a “springboard” to open additional restaurants in the Indianapolis area.
“As I travel the state, the country and even outside the country, and you mention Indiana University or BuffaLouie’s and it definitely has some notoriety,” Lieser said. “We take pride in what we create in our name and our brand and really are looking forward to coming to Carmel.”
Previous tenants in the space Main Street Barber Shop relocated to 2462 E. 116th St. in Merchants’ Square in the fall of 2022, and the Carmel Chocolate Cafe closed last month.
Learn more about BuffaLouie’s at BuffaLouies.com.
Lucas transitions from CEO to chairman — Lucas Oil Products, a distributor of automotive additives and lubricants, has announced the transition of Forrest Lucas from CEO to chairman of Lucas Oil. In his new role, Lucas, owner of Lucas Estate in Carmel, will step away from day-to-day activities and move into an advisory role to help guide the strategic direction of the company. The transition also allows Lucas more time to focus on the Lucas Cattle Company, the Lucas Ranch and other personal initiatives.
Free legal advice – Legal Line, a free legal advice call-in service, will be available from 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. 11 with local attorneys answering calls at 317-269-2222. Licensed Indianapolis attorneys participating in Le-
gal Line are prepared to answer questions on topics like divorce, child custody, child support, landlord/tenant issues, wills, bankruptcy, personal injury, employment law and more. All calls are confidential.
Telamon hire – Roger Sartain has joined Carmel-based Telamon Corporation as senior vice president of revenue in the Telecom Division, the largest division of the company booking over $500 million in annual revenue. Sartain has held several senior management positions and brings more than 30 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. He holds a bachelors degree in business administration, management and finance from Columbia College.
Over the past two years, career and technical education (CTE) has undergone a transformation in Hamilton County. The Pursuit Institute is a prime example of how collaboration, innovation, and publicprivate partnerships are instrumental in cultivating a talented workforce while empowering students with the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to thrive in diverse industries that drive our local economy.
Innovation in CTE is pivotal in preparing students for the 21st-century workforce. The Pursuit Institute has expanded beyond vocational training, to include career pathways such as advanced manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, education, agriculture, and other high-demand fields. Emphasizing work-based learning, Pursuit programs foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability, equipping students with the versatility required in the modern workplace.
Strategic public-private partnerships have been essential. Educational institutions, businesses, and local governments have created an ecosystem that bridges the gap between education and industry. These partnerships not only facilitate the development of industryaligned curricula, but also provide students with real-world experience.
The Pursuit Institute’s Impact on Talent Pipeline:
1. Industry-Relevant Skills: Public-private partnerships align CTE programs with the needs of the job market, ensuring students acquire the skills most sought after by local employers. This fosters a pipeline of job-ready graduates.
2. Career Exploration and Guidance: Students gain access to mentorship and guidance from industry professionals. This exposure demystifies career paths, enabling students to make informed decisions about their future.
3. Employment Opportunities: By collaborating with local businesses, CTE programs facilitate direct employment opportunities for students. Employers often prefer to hire from within the community, leading to a mutually beneficial relationship.
4. Addressing Workforce Demands: Public-private partnerships enable
stakeholders to anticipate workforce demands accurately. This proactive approach allows tailored programs that address skill shortages and emerging industry needs, ensuring Hamilton County remains at the forefront of workforce development.
5. Economic Growth: A well-developed talent attracts businesses and industries to the region. Hamilton County’s reputation for producing a skilled and diverse workforce enhances its appeal to potential investors and employers.
Innovation in CTE in Hamilton County has reshaped the landscape of workforce development. CTE programs empower students with relevant skills, preparing them for success. Publicprivate partnerships play a crucial role in cultivating a talented workforce pipeline by aligning educational offerings with industry needs.
The collaborative efforts in Hamilton County demonstrate the power of partnerships in shaping a brighter future for the community and its workforce.
Want to learn more about The Pursuit Institute?
Join us to hear about the 2023-2024 Pursuit Institute programs and more. FREE to attend; advance registration required (limited capacity)
Your hands are holding this newspaper. Earlier they washed your face, held your toothbrush, combed your hair, helped you get dressed, held your coffee cup and the list continues.
Imagine life without your hands. No piano playing, no holding a pencil or pen, no caressing a newborn, no holding hands with your sweetheart.
From life’s earliest moments we are reaching for our food source and the security of a mother’s touch. As we grew, we used our tiny hands to demonstrate our discomfort and to hold on to whatever we could grasp. In school, the girls played jacks and pick up sticks (olden days) while the boys tossed a ball. We wrote on the blackboard, learned cursive writing while holding a pencil and held our schoolbooks.
Sports opened new possibilities for our hands. We caught and threw balls, dribbled basketballs, carried footballs and held a tennis racket or a golf club.
We held ice cream cones and wedges of watermelon and we learned how to properly hold eating utensils.
In 4-H, I learned to thread a needle, make tiny stitches, guide fabrics while using the sewing machine, hold measuring cups and spoons and stir the baking project.
On the farm I “dressed” the springers (meaning I prepared the chicken for being cut up after its demise) and I gathered the eggs after feeding the chickens. Fortunately, I did not milk the cows, that’s what my brothers did. Hands held the bridle after securing the harness.
Our hands open the car door, turn the key, hold the steering wheel and push the buttons. Imagine all of the jobs that wouldn’t be possible if there were no hands. I guess robots will eventually take the place of human hands, even in difficult surgeries. Time will tell.
These days our hands hold our cellphones, tap the keys of our computers and try to open sealed packages and pill bottles. As we age our hands may begin to fail us as they become stiff and tired. Younger hands assist us as our older hands can’t manage familiar tasks.
Hands can comfort others, wipe tears and point when the voice fails. Then they are folded in peace.
Hooray for our hands.
Most Republicans believe that the 2020 election was “stolen” and that Donald Trump is blameless for the events of Jan. 6, 2021. His brazen lies are enabled by Republicans in Congress who amplify or tacitly validate them out of self-interest and cowardice.
Our representatives swear to “support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Instead, most in the GOP parrot deceitful talking points to keep the truth about Trump from their constituents.
Our U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz sprinkles her communication with inflammatory partisan hyperbole (“FBI is like the KGB, our country
is like a police state”) and won’t discuss Trump’s fitness for office. She refuses to share her views about the legitimacy of the 2020 election — it’s “not her responsibility.” Better that Hoosiers believe a corrosive lie than to respect them enough to share a perspective that may challenge their own. Her constituents deserve better, and her oath of office requires better.
Hoosiers of good faith, and our representatives, must stand together against Trump and with the rule of law. The alternative — allowing him to evade criminal and electoral accountability — is an existential threat to our country.
Mike Senuta, CarmelTouring the campus of a beloved alma mater with their soon-to-be-college-bound offspring, the doting parents did everything possible to convey their love for the place to their youngster. She, in-hand, took it all in. “There is where Mom and me first met,” Dad proudly proclaimed, pointing to the gazebo visible through the trees. “Oh,” responded the daughter, now more attentive to the chirping phone in her hand than in the parental-sponsored tour down Memory Lane. Disappointed that the sales pitch was not going entirely as planned, Mom and Dad resigned themselves to the disinterested child. The next day would be the formal student-led campus tour for a group of potential enrollees.
and entirely committed to attendance! What happened on this tour? She regaled her astonished parents with tales of trails, edifices and opportunities of great interest. These were things that she’d visited many times before — in fact, their phones were filled with pictures of them standing in the spot yesterday that she’d described as seeing for the first time just now. How could this be?
We process information as we need it. Knowing about her parents courting was not yet appealing, but keeping up with her peers was. Eventually, the family history will matter, and the gaggle of teens won’t. Alas, often we don’t learn our lesson until too late. It must matter to us to get our attention. Until that moment, we think it can wait. Maybe, but too long and it’s lost forever.
As the time came, the daughter was sent along with the pack of teenagers guided by one of their own, not much older. The parents skipped it and went to lunch, certain there was no reason for more effort dedicated to the lost cause. Three hours later, the daughter reappeared filled with energy
Friends, summer is coming to an end and I’m starting to feel the anxiety of heading back to school. With less than a week left to luxuriate in lazy mornings and Netflix shenanigans, I’m already panicking over lesson plans and class rosters and strategically designed bathroom breaks. What I wouldn’t give for another month! Or four.
But it seems like yesterday when I absolutely longed for this time of year, when I couldn’t wait for that beautiful yellow bus to show up on our street! As a stay-at-home mom, I reveled in the August return to routine and schedules and hours without my precious little angels. Our family operated far better when everyone had a place to be each day and limited access to Minecraft and “SpongeBob.” And by family, I mean me. My creativity is noteworthy, but even I struggled to fill June and July with enough exciting activities to keep my rugrats engaged. Story hour and zoo visits can only get you so far, and then you’re left eyeballing each other over a third round of Capri Suns and Goldfish wondering who’s going to crack first. Hint: It’s not them.
But now that once much-anticipated ice cream social represents the end of my vacation, too, my break from endless grading and teenage angst. When I see the new kindergartens practicing pickup, my gut reaction is no longer a fist pump but rather a middle finger. And when I hit Meijer, I must purposefully avoid the northwest quadrant, lest the mechanical pencil and three-ring binder sales trigger my educator PTSD. Alas, another school year approacheth, and so, too, does my anxiety. Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
“When I see the new kindergartens practicing pickup, my gut reaction is no longer a fist pump but rather a middle finger.”
A former Michigan State University football player, Tim Cunningham had an opportunity to sign a $40,000 free agent contract with the Dallas Cowboys.
He wasn’t really interested because football was a means to an education and music was his passion.
“I had 20 credits to finish and if you sign a pro deal, your scholarship is gone,” he said.
Cunningham, a saxophonist who lives in St. Louis, will have two performances with his quartet in the two-day Carmel Jazz Fest. Cunningham will perform from 9 to 10:30 p.m. Aug. 11 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. He then returns to play from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Aug. 12 at The Tarkington. Cunningham needed an early spot because he has a performance scheduled that night in St. Louis.
Cunningham, whose last season playing for Michigan State was 1983, got a record deal with Atlantic Records and his first album, “Right Turn Only,” came out in 1996. Now 61 years old, he continued working as a full-time musician from 1991 to 1998, when the record label dropped all its jazz artists.
“A lot of the smooth jazz radio stations were dropped,” said Cunningham, an insurance adjuster. “I just went back to work and worked on my own CD projects at home. It was bad that you didn’t have a major label out there to promote you with the big money. But it was good that you own your own (master recordings). I was performing two or three times a month.”
Cunningham had some regular weekly gigs in the early 2000s. Then he started performing his own shows in St. Louis and out of state.
“Most jazz musicians work on the weekends,” he said. “The demand for us to be playing on a Wednesday or Thursday is not the same as a big R&B or pop act. It’s
early to hold down a regular job and get out on weekends.”
Cunningham has nine albums, with “Freedom” being released in October 2022. A single, “Enough Said,” with live drum and some piano parts, was recently released.
Cunningham performs a lot of remixes of his favorite song. His best-known song is “This is the Life,” which he wrote with Culbertson.
“But I have to play songs people will recognize and I sprinkle in a few of my originals here and there,” he said.
Cunningham and Carmel Jazz Fest Executive Director Blair Clark are from Lansing, Mich., and have known each other for years.
Cunningham was going to give up football after ninth grade, but he got talked into playing because the team needed players. He had been playing backup quarterback but got moved to running back because of injuries. He started to get letters from colleges.
“I guess God wants me to play football,” he said.
Cunningham played strong safety for
Michigan State, earning a starting spot during his freshman season and remained a starter throughout his career. University of Alabama coach Nick Saban was Cunningham’s defensive backs coach as a senior.
Gazebo Stage: 5-6:30 p.m.: Brenda Williams & Friends; 7-8:30 p.m.: Tad Robinson Band; 9-10:30 p.m.: The Danny Lerman Band. The Tarkington: 5-6:30 p.m.: The Dave Bennett Quartet; 7-8:30 p.m.: Sarah Scharbrough & Bethany Robinson; 9-10:30 p.m.: Tim Cunningham. Studio Theater: 5-6:30 p.m: Sue Wickliff; 7- 8:30 p.m: Tommy Baldwin; 9-10:30 p.m.: Joe Filipow. Carter Green: 5-6:30 p.m.: Premium Blend;
7-8:30 p.m.: Jennie DeVoe; 9-10:30 p.m.: The Dave Bennett Quartet. Kids Zone/The Athenaeum at Carter Green: 6:30-7 p.m.: Mr. Daniel, 8:30-9 p.m.: Mr. Daniel. Feinstein’s at Hotel Carmichael*: 7:30 p.m.: Harry Allen & Rossano Sportiello.
AUG. 12
Gazebo Stage: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Dysfunktion Brass; 1:30-3 p.m. Tad Robinson Band; 4-5:30 p..m: The Bottom 40 Band; 6:30-8 p.m.: Blair Clark; 9-10:30 p.m.: Evelyn Champagne King. The Tarkington: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Tim Cunningham; 1-2:30 p.m.: Josh Kaufman; 3:30-5 p.m.: Both Sides of Joni Project ft. Alexis Cole; 6-7:30 p.m.: Steve Allee Big Band; 8:30-10 p.m.: College Professors. Studio Theater: 11 a.m -12:30 p.m.: University of Indianapolis; 1:30 p.m.-3 p.m.: Butler University Jazz Collective; 4-5:30 p.m.: Ball State University Jazz; 6:30-8 p.m.: Indiana University. Carter Green Stage: 5- 6:30 p.m.: Freddie Fox; 7-8:30 p.m.: Hurricane & The Gang; 9-10:30 p.m.: Pavel & Direct Contact. Kids Zone/The Athenaeum at Carter Green: 2-5 p.m.: Mr. Daniel. Feinstein’s at Hotel Carmichael*: 7:30 p.m.: Denise Times. The Palladium*: Carmel Jazz Fest headliner 8 p.m.: Spyro Gyra. * Tickets sold separately and not included in festival pass pricing. To purchase tickets and add-on experiences, please visit the carmeljazzfest.org.
“Sophisticated Ladies” runs through Aug. 20 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in Indianapolis. For more, visit beefandboards.com.
The Freeform Concert Series presents Fox Royale with Anna Rose at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 9 at Feinstein’s cabaret at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. Admission is free. There is a $25 food and beverage minimum per person. For more, visit feinsteinshc.com.
The Fab Four: The Ultimate Tribute is set for 8 p.m. Aug. 11 and Here Come the Mummies with Rock E. Bassoon will perform at 8 p.m. Aug. 12 in the Symphony on the Prairie series at Conner Prairie in Fishers. For more, visit indianapolissymphony.org.
The Carmel Community Players’ production of Ken Ludwig’s “Murder on the Orient Express’’ runs through Aug. 13 at The Cat, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel. For more, visit carmelplayers.org.
Russell Dickerson concert set for Fishers — MOKB Presents and The Nickel Plate District Amphitheater in Fishers announced Russell Dickerson live in concert Sept. 10, along with special guest David J. Tickets for the Russell Dickerson show can be purchased at npdamp.com. Russell Dickerson’s show is part of the venue’s annual summer series. Snarky Puppy was previously announced for a Sep. 8 concert. For more, visit npdamp.com.
Carmel International Arts Festival music lineup set — The Carmel International Arts Festival, set for 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 23-24, will include The Hippie Dream, Tim Brickley and the Bleeding Hearts and Tim Wright during the first day of festival hours. Entertainment will continue into the evening with the Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra. ART ROCKS is set to begin at 7:30 p.m. with Bluewater Kings Band from Chicago. The music continues Sept. 24 with the Kenny Phelps Trio, Touch of Grass and Phone Club.
Jennifer Haire has served in all kinds of behind-the-scenes roles in the film industry.
The 1998 Carmel High School graduate, who works as a line producer and production manager, is credited on TV shows such as Season 2 and 3 of ABC’s “The Bachelor,” all seven seasons of TNT’s
“The Closer” starring Kyra Sedgewick, pilot presentations for “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” and “Schitt’s Creek,” and Season 4 of “Yellowstone.” Haire’s film work includes Martin Scorsese’s upcoming “Killers of the Flower Moon.”
Haire will teach a two-day workshop Aug. 26-27 called How Hollywood Works: The Behind the Scenes of Bringing a Motion Picture to the Screen. It will be presented at the Carmel Film Forum at the Community Room in the Carmel Public Library. The times for the workshop, designed for ages 16 and older, are 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Aug. 26 and 1 to 5 p.m. Aug. 27.
“The workshop is perfect for local professionals interested in taking their work to the next level, passionate hobbyists that want to learn how to run a more professional production or anyone just plain curious about general film and tv production,” Haire said.
The workshop is divided into six sessions, each with different topics but each focusing on beginner and intermediate Hollywood industry standard film and TV production operations, Haire said.
A 1998 Carmel High School graduate, Haire recently co-wrote a book with Giana Lobel called “Keys to the Production Office: Unlocking Success as an Office Production Assistant in Film & Television.” She will have a book signing from 4 to 8 p.m. Aug. 12 during Meet Me on Main at All Things Carmel.
After living in Los Angeles for 19 years, Haire now lives in Carmel when not on a production site.
The workshop marks the first time Haire has participated as a presenter in the Carmel Film Forum.
For more, visit moriartymedia.com.
Spyro Gyra saxophonist and founding bandleader Jay Beckenstein figures the group’s jazz fusion style is pretty well known in jazz circles by now.
“We’re going on our 50th year. It’s surprising if someone who likes jazz hasn’t seen us before,” Beckenstein said. “We are conscious of playing music that reaches people. Our form of jazz is lyrical and combines a lot of styles, and people like it.”
Spyro Gyra is the headliner for the Carmel Jazz Fest, capping the two-day festival with an 8 p.m. concert Aug. 12 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts. It is a separate ticketed event, available through thecenterpresents.org.
“Something about jazz festivals is they attract an audience that is really nice,” Beckenstein said.
Spyro Gyra has received 13 Grammy nominations.
Beckenstein said the band will likely perform one song from recent albums of cover songs.
“We’ve done 33 albums and only one had the covers,” Beckenstein said. “At this stage of our career, we find that at least a percentage of the audience wants the music to be from our heyday. An average set for us will be 10 songs, and five of them will be classics.”
Beckenstein said there are three songs that are musts: “Shaker Song,” “Catching the Sun” and “Morning Dance.” He said all three were played heavily on the radio in the 1970s and 1980s.
The band started in clubs in Buffalo, N.Y.,
in 1974 before it emerged as a national act.
“We got our first record out in 1976,” Beckenstein said. “We did our best to dis tribute that, but we had very low expec tations being from Buffalo. In many ways, players in the band, who were very good, were starting to get offers to do other things. It felt like it was a farewell record to Buffalo and a farewell record to the band. The first record did so well that it not only kept the band together but got us a nation al deal for a second record.”
Keyboardist Tom Schuman, who joined the band when he was 16 before the release of the first album, retired in March to move to Barcelona, Spain.
Beckenstein, 72, said he understands the 65-year-old Schuman’s decision because traveling is hard, and he wants to spend more time with his wife.
“We have found a fantastic player, Chris Fischer, and in the end a little change is stimulating,” Beckenstein said.
In the early days, Beckenstein said there were years when the group played 150 concerts. In recent years, the band has cut back to 60 to 70 shows.
Center Presents single-event tickets on sale — Tickets for individual performances for the Center Presents season went on sale to the general public Aug. 4. Subscription packages still are available for the 2023-2024 Center Presents Season at the Center for the Performing Arts. Presented in partnership with Allied Solutions, the season features more than 50 events in a broad range of genres, with more to be added. Tickets are available online at thecenterpresents.org, by phone at 317-843-3800 or through the Fifth Third Box Office at the
Palladium, 1 Carter Green, Carmel.
Civic Theatre individual show tickets on sale — Tickets for Civic Theatre’s 2023-24 season are now available. The season opens with the regional premiere of “The Prom” Oct. 6-21. This holiday season features the return of “Elf The Musical” Dec. 1-24. In the winter of 2024, Civic Theatre will feature two classics: “Romeo & Juliet” Feb. 9-24 and “Driving Miss Daisy” March 14-30. The main stage season closes with “Anastasia” April 26-May 11. For more, visit civictheatre.org.
Presenting Sponsor: SOLD! Bar Sponsor: $3,000
Partner Sponsor: SOLD! Table Sponsor: $2,500
Companion Sponsor: $5,000 Auction Sponsor: $1,500
Band Sponsor: $3,000 Dessert Sponsor: $1,500
VIP Ticket: $250
Individual Ticket: $175
Answers to HOOSIER
Jeffrey McDermott understands that the Center for the Performing Arts’ annual gala has a challenging mission each year.
“Our goal every year is to create an unforgettable experience for our most vital supporters, and that’s a challenge, because this audience knows what we can do,” said McDermott, president and chief executive officer of the Center for the Performing Arts. “In choosing a headliner, we look for artists who not only have broad appeal but also have made distinctive contributions to the music world. That’s true of our previous headliners, like Chris Isaak and Straight No Chaser, and it’s certainly true of Amy Grant, who has enjoyed great success while also breaking boundaries in the industry. She’s a proven hit with our patrons, and we look forward to seeing her in this intimate setting.”
Singer-songwriter Grant, a six-time Grammy Award winner, will perform at The Cen-
ter Celebration, which is set to begin at 5 p.m. Sept. 23. Grant previously performed at the Palladium in October 2012 and again to a sold-out house in May 2019.
The event includes a cocktail hour, dinner, performance by Grant and after-parties throughout the Palladium. There is also a live auction. It is the Center’s key fundraising event of the year.
Proceeds from the gala support the Center’s arts and educational programming, including Center Presents performances as well as children’s concerts and camps, book clubs, lectures and music classes. The Center also offers free student matinees for school groups and a Transportation Grant Program that reimburses their travel costs.
Jeff and Shari Worrell of Carmel, serving their second year as steering committee cochairs, are joined by Carmel resident Adam Arceneaux in the first of his two years as a co-chair. Arceneaux is Indianapolis managing partner at law firm Ice Miller LLP, the gala’s presenting partner,
For more, visit thecenterpresents.org/ gala.
Where’s Amy attended Civic Theatre’s Young Artists Program’s sold-out July 27 production of “Mean Girls High School Version” opening night. The young actors earned a standing ovation, and the audience was mesmerized by Civic’s choreographer Anne Beck’s (Fishers) dance numbers. This was an amazing musical. Next up is “The Prom” coming Oct. 6-21. For more, visit civictheatre.org.
Built in Zionsville’s Austin Oaks section in 1999, this home’s owners were looking to make their outdoor space more dynamic. Our design included space for entertaining and protection from the elements while featuring low-maintenance materials that make upkeep a breeze.
• The existing raised deck was removed and a screened porch, new deck and ground-level patio were built in its place.
• The new porch provides protection from the sun, rain and insects, while the stone fireplace can provide a relaxing ambiance and warmth to extend outdoor enjoyment through the fall.
• An outdoor kitchen and integrated storage were added to make entertaining, meal prep and cleanup a breeze. Trex composite decking provides the look of natural wood with minimal maintenance and added durability.
• Roofing, siding and soffits were carefully crafted to match the home’s façade, ensuring the new porch blends seamlessly into the existing aesthetic.
Larry Greene is the owner of Worthington Design & Remodeling (formerly Case). You may email him at lgreene@worthingtonindy.com or visit worthingtonindy.com for more remodeling inspiration and advice.
Friday, August 18 @ 1pm Main Library Community Room
Madeline Martin is a New York Times and international bestselling author of historical fiction and historical romance, including The Librarian Spy and The Last Bookshop in London. Her latest novel, The Keeper of Hidden Books, is based on the real life heroic efforts of Poland’s librarians during WWII. Book sales and signing will follow Madeline’s presentation.
figured that out.
I appreciate clothing companies that have stopped adding tags to their shirts. Instead of adding the tag, they print the size and washing instructions directly on the inside of the shirt. Just like that — no more back-of-theneck irritation! I’m glad someone finally
Docket No. PZ-2023-00177 V
Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer meeting on the 28th day of August, 2023 at 5:15 PM in the Carmel City Hall, 2nd floor Caucus Rooms, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to:
Allow a side property line variance of fence height from 6’ to 8’ for 9 feet between house and fence and the first 48 feet of fence between backyard patio and adjacent property driveway, parking area and backyard.
With the property being known as: 107 Bennett Rd Carmel, IN 46032 (Village of Mt Carmel Subdivision Lot 50).
The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2023-00177 V
The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Parcel Number: 17-09-23-0202-018.000
The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents – Laserfiche.
All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place.
Kevin Brennan PETITIONERWhen it comes to grammar and tags, I like “question tags.” A question tag is a question added to the end of a sentence. This could either be to keep a conversation going, get someone to agree with us, or ask a question. Here’s an example: You don’t think I can slam dunk a basketball, do you? He’s trying to bring back the sleeveless turtleneck, isn’t he?
Interestingly, if the initial statement is positive, the question tag is negative; conversely, when the initial statement is negative, the question tag is positive. You never learned the Macarena, did you? You put my stapler in Jell-O again, didn’t you? See how that works? Let me rephrase that: you see how that works, don’t you?
The question tag uses the same verb if the initial statement uses an auxiliary verb (like do, be or have) or a modal verb (like could, may or shall). I couldn’t win the presidential election next year, could I? He sure does like his long ties, doesn’t he?
However, if the initial statement doesn’t use an auxiliary or modal verb, simply use the verb “do.” The Colts won the game on a last-second field goal, didn’t they?
Today, in our continuing tour of Alaska, we visit Skagway, 100 miles northwest of Juneau.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, meeting on the 21st day of August, 2023 at 6:00 o’clock p.m., at their regular meeting place in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, will hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of the “Conner Prairie Innovation District Planned Unit Development District Ordinance”, Ordinance Number Z-683-23.
The subject real estate consists of approximately 277 acres, is located at the southeast corner of 146th Street and River Road and includes the following parcels that are identified by the Auditor of Hamilton County as Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 17-10-24-00-00-001.000; 17-10-23-00-00-001.000; 17-10-2300-00-001.002; and, 17-10-24-00-00-001.001 (collectively, the “Real Estate”).
The Real Estate is zoned S-1/Residence and the Request filed by Conner Prairie Museum Inc., an Indiana non-profit corporation, seeks to rezone the Real Estate to the “Conner Prairie Innovation District Planned Unit Development District Ordinance” to allow for the development of a Food, Farm and Energy Experience District and a Land, Water and Energy Innovation District.
The proposal details are on file at the Department of Community Services, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, telephone 317/571-2417, under Docket No. Docket Number PZ-2022-00172
PUD and may be viewed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Copies of the proposed request are also on file for examination at the Clerk of the City’s Office, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, telephone 317/571-2414.
Interested persons appearing at the hearing for this matter shall have the right to be heard or may file written comments prior to the hearing. In addition, the hearing may be continued by the City Council as it may find necessary.
Clerk of the City of Carmel
Sue WolfgangThis notice prepared by: James E. Shinaver, Attorney and Jon Dobosiewicz, Professional Land Planner Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC, 550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 210, Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (317) 8440106.
After gold was discovered in the Klondike region of Canada in 1896, American prospectors began sailing to the northern end of the Inside Passage, a waterway along the west coast of North America protected by barrier islands. Prospectors, many led by indigenous guides, walked the mountainous White Pass Trail and sailed on the Yukon River to the gold fields. To supply the prospectors for their 500-mile trek, a town soon formed, named “Skagway” after the Tlingit name for the area.
By June 1898, Skagway, with a population of about 10,000, was the largest city in Alaska. Because of its rapid growth, away from civilization, Skagway was lawless. About 300 prostitutes serviced arriving prospectors, some having come to Skagway to be prospectors only to learn that women could not stake claims. By 1890, when the narrow-gauge White Pass & Yukon railroad was completed through the mountains, the Klondike Gold Rush was over, and the town
began to wither. Skagway was saved from extinction after residents began promoting it as a tourist destination. Six blocks of downtown Skagway have been designated a National Historic District. Skagway, with a population of just more than 1,000, attracts 1 million people each year. Replica streetcars with costumed drivers take visitors around town. Popular stops include the Gold Rush Cemetery, containing the grave of Frank Reid, who died in an 1898 shootout with Soapy Smith, a notorious swindler also killed in the shootout.
Broadway Street includes many restored historic structures, including the Arctic Brotherhood Building, covered with 8,800 pieces of driftwood. The Red Onion Saloon features a reconstructed brothel on the second floor, where costumed “madams” explain early uses for Lysol. The White Pass & Yukon Route takes passengers through scenic mountains to the White Pass Summit.
Don Knebel is a local resident. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at editorial@ youarecurrent.com.
DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC (“Duke Energy Indiana”) hereby provides notice that on or around August 10, 2023 Duke Energy Indiana in accordance with 170 IAC 4-4.1-10 will file a request to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) for approval under the Commission’s thirty-day administrative filing procedures and guidelines to revise its Standard Contract Rider No. 56, GoGreen. This revision will update the GoGreen tariff to make it consistent with the reduced rate participating customers are now paying for Green Power kwh purchases. This submission is expected to be approved approximately thirty days after filing, unless an objection is made. Any objections may be made by contacting the Secretary of the Commission, or Randall C. Helmen of the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor at the following addresses or phone numbers:
Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission 101 W. Washington St., Suite 1500 East Indianapolis, IN 46204-3407 317-232-2703
Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor - PNC Center 115 W. Washington St., Suite 1500 South Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-2494
Duke Energy Indiana, LLC
By: Stan Pinegar, President5. Indy Fuel rubber disks
10. Crisscross pattern
14. Black-and-white cookie
15. How pastrami is often served at Shapiro’s
16. Nevada city
41. Part of a Santa costume
44. Tiny bit
45. Mideast nation
46. Sunrise Cafe patron
47. Piercing tools
49. ___ culpa
50. Type of Fishers HS rally
52. Monotonous cadence
55. FedEx rival
skiing champ)
28. Pricey Japanese beef
29. Mental picture
30. Clutter-free
31. Bites like a beaver
33. Envision
36. Ignore the script
38. BBs, e.g.
39. Sharp-witted
40. Unforeseen difficulty
42. Victoria Spartz’ pos.
43. Fear
48. Unexpected winter break, for kids
51. Fiscal gain
53. Sound from a peeved poodle
54. Pacify
55. Milkmaid’s main squeeze?
56. Segment
57. Gobble (down)
59. Ye olde jerk
62. African grazers
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