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The Indiana Public Access Counselor issued an opinion Sept. 13 on an Open Door Law complaint filed in late July against the Hamilton Southeastern Schools Board of Trustees.
The complaint, filed by Andrea Bordenkecher, focused on a shared Google doc board members used to communicate with each other and school administrators. She alleged that board members used the online document to discuss changes to the district’s student handbooks before taking action at a public meeting, and that the online discussion violated the state’s Open Door Law.
In his Sept. 13 opinion, Public Access Counselor Luke Britt fell short of agreeing the HSE board violated the law in this case but stated in his conclusion that “unless extraordinary circumstances apply, governing bodies should limit the use of online document editing technology to avoid violations of the Open Door Law.”
Britt notes that the board doesn’t dispute the existence of the shared document. In its response to the complaint, he writes that the board “argues the superintendent created the document as a conduit of communication between the administration and board.”
Then-Superintendent Yvonne Stokes recently resigned her position with HSE.
The board’s response to the complaint also argued that there were hours of open discussion regarding changes to the handbook prior to any board action, including input from the public.
Britt states in his opinion that under the Open Door Law, a meeting is a gathering of a majority of a governing body for the purpose of taking action on public business. That action can be receiving information, establishing policy, making recommendations or making decisions.
The complaint alleges that the shared document allowed deliberation outside of a public meeting.
“This office agrees that the potential for abuse exists with such an arrangement,” Britt wrote in his opinion. “Past opinions have addressed the pitfalls of social media, virtual meeting platforms, texts, emails and other programs of which governing bodies avail themselves as an easy end-around to the heavy lifting of government transparency. Online document editors, as well as
group chats, message boards, listservs, etc., probably have no place in the work of governing bodies given the restrictions of the Open Door Law, unless it is on a read-only basis.”
Shared online docs that allow editing in real time “is antithetical to the spirit of the Open Door Law,” he writes. “The better play is to delegate an individual to draft a working document and discuss potential amendments in public.”
Britt said it is unknown whether there was simultaneous editing of the document, but the document’s existence leads to an inference that the board conducted public business behind closed doors.
He notes that any negative effect on the public appears to have been mitigated by public meetings before any vote took place. However, Britt said the concerns raised in the complaint were legitimate.
The Sept. 13 opinion was the second this year related to complaints filed against the HSE school board. A complaint filed in March by Michell Fullhart alleged that four members of the board — which constitutes a quorum — met behind closed doors following an executive session scheduled before a regular board meeting on March 8.
The complaint alleges that during the regular meeting, the board voted with no discussion to terminate a vendor’s contract. Fullhart inferred that the board discussed the issue behind closed doors before the open meeting began.
The board responded that the four members were simply “killing time” in between the executive session and the regular meeting and they did not discuss public business.
In his opinion issued May 24, Britt said there wasn’t enough evidence to show that the board violated the Open Door Law. However, he wrote, “public perception is an important consideration of which all public officials should be mindful.
“It is no secret that the newly elected majority of the HSE board has an aggressive agenda,” he wrote. “This office makes no value judgment as to ideology of public officials, but from experience can say that assertive plans tend to invite more intense public scrutiny. Accordingly, it is all the more important to ensure that procedural fidelity is maintained.”
Britt wrote that he hopes the board will pay closer attention to the letter and the spirit of the law, and said his office is available to provide guidance.
In response to a request for comment, HSE Board President Dawn Lang sent a prepared statement, thanking Britt for his Sept. 13 advisory opinion.
“Prior to the opinion’s release, we proactively removed this form of communication from our practice,” she stated. “HSE’s school board and administration are committed to transparency and collaboration with the public.”
Jocelyn Vare, a Democrat, is running for reelection for one of three at-large seats on the Fishers City Council.
Vare was the first Democrat elected to the council four years ago, she said, making the council bipartisan for the first time.
Q — What can you offer to the citizens of Fishers?
A — I bring a balanced perspective, asking tough questions and holding Mayor (Scott) Fadness accountable. I work to make local government accessible. I listen to citizens’ concerns, amplify their voices and work to fix their problems. I want Fishers to be a city we can all be proud of.
Q — What do you consider the most important issue facing the City of Fishers in the next four years?
A — According to (Ball State University) economist, Michael Hicks, “If you are a local elected leader, the single most important thing you can do for local economic
development is support schools.” That’s why I encourage Fishers voters to vote Yes on the HSE Schools Referendum Renewal on Nov. 7.
Q — How will you make sure all Fishers residents feel included and heard?
A — I am the only city councilor who explains the monthly meeting agenda items for citizens each month and invites them to participate. I encourage feedback and never block constituents. I have “coffee time” weekly to meet and listen to residents. I show up and back citizens up — at the school board, public library board, community events, etc.
Q — What can the city do to address housing availability in Fishers?
A — A housing shortage is hindering our community. According to the housing study commissioned by the city, 8,000 more housing units are needed to keep up with demand by 2030. I am exploring a community land trust and new partnerships with developers who are building and selling our community’s newest housing units.
Compiled by Leila Kheiry leila@youarecurrent.com
Q — What do you consider the most important issue facing the City of FishersF
A — We must continue to give our public safety teams all the tools they need to en sure that residents remain safe.
Todd Zimmerman, a Republican, is seeking reelection to one of three at-large seats on the Fishers City Council. He and his wife Nikki have three sons. He works in the insurance industry and has served on the council since 2015.
Zimmerman has served as the council president and vice president, and has sat on the city’s Plan Commission, Nonprofit Committee and Finance Committee.
Q — What can you offer to the citizens of Fishers as an elected official?
A — For the last eight years, I have been fortunate to see our city grow into one of the most desirable communities in the country to live and work. By continuing to invest in quality of life, encouraging economic growth and keeping taxes low, we can keep Fishers on the right path.
Q — How will you make sure all Fishers residents feel included and heard?
A — I am always available to speak with Fishers residents, whether it be on the phone, over email or when I show up on your doorstep. I am especially proud of the proposed Community Center, which was created almost entirely from the input of local residents.
Q — What can the city do to address housing availability in Fishers?
A — It is important to have housing in Fishers that fits the needs of residents and maintains the character of our city and neighborhoods. We need to be thoughtful and listen to residents’ needs and con cerns as it relates to adding housing and what types make the most sense for the community.
A Carmel retiree wanted to help other retirees and those in need. He also wanted to add purpose to his retirement years.
John Galloway found both when he began volunteering for Servants at Work Inc., a faith-based organization that builds wheelchair ramps for those who cannot afford them.
SAWs, based at 8427 Zionsville Rd. in Indianapolis, relies on volunteers like Galloway (it has more than 3,000 volunteers statewide) and is funded by grants and donations from corporate partners and service organizations.
According to the organization’s website, SAWs officials state the organization seeks to “transform the lives of our recipients and the lives of our volunteers through meaningful service.” Galloway, who got involved in May after learning about the group from a fellow church member at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Carmel, has seen and felt the difference SAWs can make.
After one recent build, he watched as a recipient used the ramp to navigate her wheelchair into her yard, where she sat and looked up at the sun.
“Now she’ll be able to do that any day of the week,” Galloway said. “You see instantaneous results. I find it’s very, very fulfilling.”
According to founder Rik Hagarty, a Carmel resident, SAWs was established in 2003 as a mission ministry of Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. The church saw a need because the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, written to make public spaces accessible, didn’t address the need for people to get in and out of their homes, Hagarty said, especially those who couldn’t afford to make their residence more accessible.
Agency partners refer potential ramp recipients to SAWs. Requests are vetted for physical and financial need. SAWs conducts
a site survey to determine if the ramp can be built and what design best meets ADA code, Hagarty said.
The average crew for a SAWs ramp build is six to 10 volunteers, and the average project takes four to six hours, Hagarty said. SAWs built 411 ramps statewide (124 of them in Marion County) in 2022. The organization constructed its 3,000th ramp in August 2021 and expects to build its 4,000th ramp next spring.
The group’s impact isn’t measured in just numbers. A finished ramp gives all those involved a sense of satisfaction.
“The feeling is indescribable,” Hagarty said. “There are smiles, tears and very warm hearts.”
SAWs volunteers and staff (four full-time and two part-time employees) gather each week to relive that feeling. SAWs headquarters has a bulletin board on which thank-you notes from ramp recipients are attached. The thank-you notes from the previous week are read aloud Thursday mornings, said Tim Thurston, a Franklin resident who started as a SAWs volunteer in 2016 and is now the organization’s executive director.
“We do that with that joy that we are making a difference in people’s lives,” Thurston said.
SAWs’ services are available in 68 Indiana counties, and the organization is looking to expand, Thurston said. All are welcome to volunteer regardless of carpentry ability and experience. Volunteers fulfill a variety of roles, and more experienced ramp-builders will work with those who are new to ramp-building tools and terminology. Like Galloway, Thurston came to SAWs with limited carpentry experience.
“I’m living proof that anyone can build a ramp with the proper instruction and patience,” Thurston said.
To get involved, visit sawsramps.org and scroll to volunteer in the menu.
Our team is growing! We’re excited to welcome Dr. Aaron Baessler to our practice. He is a board-certified and fellowshiptrained orthopedic surgeon specializing in treating a variety of sports injuries and degenerative conditions of the shoulder and elbow. His surgical expertise includes complex shoulder and elbow trauma, total/reverse shoulder replacements, revision surgery, fracture care and arthroscopy.
Dr. Baessler earned his Doctorate in Medicine at the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University, and then completed residency in orthopedic surgery at Indiana University
School of Medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Baessler’s decision to pursue a fellowship in shoulder is due to the complex nature of the joint, which makes shoulder injuries common. Complex cases like shoulder injuries are of special interest to Dr. Baessler, who enjoys being able to help his patients return to full function.
An active medical researcher and contributor to publications, Dr. Baessler focuses on a patient-centered approach to treatment. You can schedule an appointment with him at our Fishers location.
The City of Fishers offers many ways to get involved in causes that are important to you, whether it’s volunteering at a community event or becoming a park or rain garden steward.
Volunteer at the Maker Playground to assist with Hamilton Southeastern Schools’ 5th grade study trips during this ongoing weekday opportunity.
Become a steward by beautifying one of several Fishers Parks and rain gardens around the community on a monthly basis
Volunteer at this family-favorite event on October 10 through 14 and assist with tending campfires, activities, and guest services.
Help the City of Fishers plant 200 trees in honor of Hamilton County’s bicentennial celebration on November 2 and 4
Project: Tree trimming
Contractors will be performing tree trimming in the medians along 116th Street and Allisonville Road. As the work progresses, one lane on each side of the median will be closed between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Restrictions will be in place along 116th Street from Eller Road to Olio Road and along Allisonville Road from Eller Road to 126th Street.
Expected completion: Early October
Project: 2023 resurfacing
Location: ADA ramp and curb reconstruction has begun in the Cottingham Estates, Harrison Parks and Harrison Lakes. These areas will be restored with topsoil and seed. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to water the seed for the seed to germinate. Prior to road resurfacing, residents will be notified via street signage for street parking restrictions. Road resurfacing has begun in Cottingham Estates, Harrison Parks, Harrison Lakes and The Parks at White River.
Expected completion: Fall
Project: Geist Greenway Trail
Location: Geist Greenway is open between Valley Crossing to 126th Street. Work has resumed on the trail south of Valley Crossing Drive, which will remain closed until construction is finished. Construction continues to take place along Florida Road between Bowline Drive and 104th Street.
Expected completion: TBD
Project: Roundabout at 106th and Hoosier Road
Location: The intersection of 106th Street and Hoosier Road is closed for construction of a roundabout. Access into and out of Windermere subdivision will be on Geist Road via Governors Lane.
Expected completion: TBD
Project: Clear Path Improvement Project (I-465 and I-69 interchange)
Location: New ramps will provide direct movements from eastbound I-465 and northbound I-465 to northbound I-69. Binford Boulevard will also be reconstructed to separate local traffic from traffic entering and exiting I-69 and I-465. Access to I-69 from Binford Boulevard will remain open. Drivers can expect to see significant activity on I-69 at the 82nd Street interchange. The ramp from I-69 North to 82nd Street and the ramp from 82nd Street to I-69 North is closed through late 2023. For detour routes and additional project information, visit clearpath465.com
Expected completion: Project lasts through 2024.
Conner Prairie will kick off a $33 million renovation of its Museum Experience Center in early 2024, according to an announcement from the Fishers-based living history museum.
When completed, the new Museum Experience Center will provide six experience areas through expanded exhibit space and the ability to host traveling exhibits. The building also will offer more programming opportunities, an immersive play space, a new entry onto the grounds and additional display space.
“The newly imagined Museum Experience Center will not only enrich lives through its incredible immersive experiences, but will also serve as a beacon of opportunity, fostering community and bridging the past to the present,” Conner Prairie President and CEO Norman Burns stated.
The project is funded through the museum’s Prairie Pathways Campaign, which
raised more than $40 million since 2018, according to the announcement. Those funds also went toward other projects such as the museum’s newest exhibit, Promised Land as Proving Ground, and the Trails at Conner Prairie.
The Museum Experience Center will be closed starting Nov. 27 to prepare for construction, although it will continue to be used for special events, ticketing and membership sales, and as an entrance for A Merry Prairie Holiday through the end of the year. The entire building will close Feb. 5 and is expected to reopen in 2025. For more, visit
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Fishers YMCA will kick off its 13th annual Wishbone 5K on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, at 8 a.m. Runners can choose the traditional in-person 5K or a virtual 5K or 10K that can be completed anytime between Nov. 1 and 30. Awards will be presented to the top three overall male and female winners.
“This is a perfect in-and-out family event for Thanksgiving Day and a way to start a new family tradition,” YMCA Fishers Executive Director Jennie Broady said.
The Wishbone 5K started in 2011 and had 775 participants. This year, between 1,500 and 1,600, including virtual participants, are expected to participate. The virtual option was added in 2020 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This should be our highest-attended race,” Broady said.
Rebecca McVay, Fishers YMCA marketing director, said she is running to celebrate turning 30.
“I came up with a list of 30 goals I wanted to accomplish before my birthday, and
running a 5K in 30 minutes or less was one of the goals,” she said.
Proceeds from the annual race go toward memberships for Fishers residents who could not otherwise afford a YMCA membership or its programs.
The race begins at the Fishers YMCA at 9012 E 126th St. in Fishers. Participants can run or walk, and leashed dogs and strollers are welcome. The race ends on the Nickel Plate Trail on 126th in front of the YMCA.
Registration is open until the race day and is $35 for in-person and virtual options. The price increases after October. For more or to register, visit indymca.org/events/ wishbone-5k-fishers-ymca.
Jake Gilbert has watched his senior quarterback make great strides in his first year as starter.
That makes Gilbert doubly proud since the player is his son Jackson.
“Jackson has had an amazing year and has really stepped into the role he was hoping for all these years,” Gilbert said. “I think his play has been great, but above all he has been clutch. The amount of comeback wins he has led and the amount of third-and-long conversions he’s produced have been pretty special. He’s done a fantastic job as a leader, getting us off to our best start ever.”
The Shamrocks won their first five games for the first time in Gilbert’s 13-year tenure before losing Sept. 22 to unbeaten Brownsburg.
“Playing as a backup behind Max Webster as a sophomore and then behind Cole
Favorite movie: “The Dark Knight”
Favorite athlete: Tim Tebow
Favorite subject: Math
Favorite genre of music: Christian
Ballard as a junior was very helpful for my development,” Jackson said. “During those seasons I was able to practice at a high level on the varsity side while being able to play JV games against less-fierce competition, which allowed those games to be much more slow and calm. I have made the most improvements in my throwing timing and accuracy, (which are) probably my biggest strengths.”
In the first six games, Jackson completed 79 of 125 passes for 1,028 yards with 10
touchdowns and five interceptions.
Jackson, who wants to play at the collegiate level, said he began taking playing quarterback seriously in fifth grade.
“I fell in love with it and have worked
hard to be where I am today,” Jackson said. He also loves playing for his father.
“He is certainly a coach on the field and dad at home,” Jackson said. “He is exceptional at fulfilling both those roles in my life.”
Although Jackson said the 5-0 start was a blessing, there is more work to be done.
“The end goal is to win the state championship,” Jackson said. “We won some exciting close games, but my dad and I are both hungry for more.”
The Shamrocks reached the Class 6A state championship in 2020 and 2021, losing to Center Grove each time.
Coach Gilbert said the family took a mission trip to El Salvador as part of Northview Church.
“I believe he came back the strongest version of himself I have ever known.” Gilbert said of his son.
Jackson said the mission trip made an impact on him.
“We distributed clean water filters and shared our faith with poor citizens of El Salvador,” he said. “I was able to develop relationships and my eyes were opened to a more expanded image of the world.”
Westfield Welcome has announced the return of Barktoberfest at Asa Bales Park from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 7.
The event invites attendees to bring their pets for a dogthemed afternoon. Pups will have the opportunity to run an agility course, explore pet-related vendors and participate in pet costume contests scheduled for 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Festivities include the opportunity for professional pet portraits, caricatures and the chance to adopt pets from the Humane Society booth. The Westfield High School Animal Club will have a booth to design custom collar bows.
The Humane Society for Hamilton County will collect essential shelter supplies, including items like Easy Cheese, canned dog and cat food, 55-gallon trash bags and plush dog toys. Attendees who make donations will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of three gift baskets valued at more than $100 each. Raffle tickets from the
Barktoberfest will feature a pet costume contest. (Photo courtesy of Westfield Welcome)
Humane Society will be available for purchase at $5 per ticket.
“Everyone loves Barktoberfest; it is by far one of our most popular events. It’s a great way to kick off the fall season with the entire family,” stated Kayla Arnold, director of Westfield Welcome.
Tickets for the event are $5 per person. Children 3 and under are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased in advance at westfieldwelcome.ticketleap.com/ barktoberfest2023.
For more, visit westfieldwelcome.com/ barktoberfest.
7253 Fishers Landing Dr. 317-841-9727
Some restrictions apply. See store for details
126 East Main St. 317-846-8923
Halloween Food Drive planned — Delaware Township Trustee’s Office has scheduled a Halloween-themed food drive for 6-7:30 p.m. Oct. 24 at the Delaware Township Trustee’s Office 9090 E. 131st St. in Fishers. Costumes are encouraged, and there will be a kids’ craft, story, games and treats. The entry cost is a non-perishable food donation. All ages are welcome.
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Handgun safety class scheduled — The Delaware Township Trustee’s Office is offering a basic handgun safety class from 6-9 p.m. Nov. 1 at the Delaware Township Trustee’s Office 9090 E. 131st St. in Fishers. The class will cover safe storage, safe handling, range safety and cleaning. It will be taught by Scott Wilcox, Indiana Law Enforcement Academy Firearms instructor; and Leyder Ness, retired Maricopa County Sheriff Department (Ariz.) Reserves and National Rifle Association Instructor and Glock Armorer. Personal handgun locks will be provided to a limited number of attendees. Registration is required. Sign up online at bit.ly/3POUmko or call (317)842-595 and ask for Scott Wilcox. An optional range day for live fire training is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 4, with participants signing up for 45 minute time slots. Range day attendance is limited to 20 people. To sign up for the optional Range Day, call 317-842-8595 and ask for Scott Wilcox.
• Friendly Drycleaning systems based on DF-2000 Fluid are so dependable and easy to use, you might say they are friendly to everyone: landlords, owners, operators and customers. It is the one alternative solvent that you can look to for peace of mind.
History presentation focuses on teetotalers and bootleggers — At the turn of the 20th century, prohibition was gaining traction across the United States. Join the staff of Hamilton East Public Library from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Oct. 4 in the library’s Indiana Room as they explore teetotalers and bootleggers from Hamilton County during the early 1900s. Find out who drove the political forces in Indiana to promote temperance across the state. Take a tipple from a Fishers brewery and discover how local Hamilton County bootleggers operated outside of the system with their “blind tiger” establishments. Sign up for the free event on the library website, hepl.lib.in.us.
Over the past four decades, thousands of people have come to Conner Prairie to be chased by a headless man on a horse — some go every year and bring their families along to share the thrill.
The Headless Horseman Festival celebrates 40 years of thrills this year. Senior Manager of PR and Communications Holly Pasquinelli said that represents generations of people coming out to enjoy the annual event.
“We always say it’s central Indiana’s most beloved fall festival and truly it is,” she said. “We welcomed a record-breaking number of guests last year — well over 50,000 people through that time — and we’re really excited because a lot of work goes into this. As soon as it ends, the crew starts planning for the next year.”
Pasquinelli said this year’s event offers the traditions people have come to expect and some new features. One new offering is a special beer by Sun King Brewery called Conner Scary. And although the corn maze isn’t new, it has a new twist.
“The maze is such a big draw every year. It’s been voted in the top-10 corn mazes in America in years past,” she said. “And they go all out. It’s a really fun design. If you’re up in our balloon or you’re flying over, you’ll notice it kind of looks like crop circles and maybe some alien spaceships. That kind of gives away the theme.”
The story told to participants before they enter the maze builds each year on the previous year’s story, she said. And the maze is on the scary side, but there’s an option for the faint at heart.
“We have the scary version where they have scares in there that will jump out, and that one’s a really large maze, and then we have the not-so-scary one that’s smaller and there aren’t any scares in,” Pasquinelli said. “So if you have little ones, I wouldn’t take them to the scary maze but would take them into the smaller portion that doesn’t take as long to go through and it doesn’t have any of the frights along the way.”
The festival also features rides, a bounce house, a barrel train for kids, the scarecrow contest and the Bizarre Bazaar, a mini-museum experience that’s all about the Headless
Horseman festival.
“We’re focusing on pulling photos from the past to kind of see his evolution,” she said. “There are also some photos that have been sent for us. We put some requests out on Facebook and social media saying, ‘Hey, send us your photos from the past 40 years of Headless Horseman to put into this museum and to share out.’”
The Headless Horseman part of the festival is a hayride that goes through Prairie Town, the outdoor living-history museum where it’s always 1836. For the festival, though, the village offers a few scares as the hayride comes through.
“They’ll have the headless horseman at the end chasing you through, but you’ll meet some different characters along the way as well, and that can be a little bit scary,” Pasquinelli said. “My suggestion would be if you have little ones, to go in the early hours when it’s still light out. Because obviously when it’s dark out, it can be a little bit scarier when you just hear that horse come run-
ning to you, but you don’t see it yet.”
She added that the wagon holds quite a few passengers, and there’s safety in numbers.
Tickets for the Headless Horseman hayride are sold ahead of time, she said, and the ride lasts about 15 minutes. She suggests booking a ride early.
Thursday through Sunday in October, starting Oct. 5, at Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers. For more, visit connerprairie.org/ explore/things-to-do/headless-horseman.
The Headless Horseman is a character in Washington Irving’s 1820 classic horror story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” According to the History Channel’s website, the short story is considered one of America’s first ghost stories.
Headless riders were part of old-world horror tales, though, and, according to the History Channel, European stories of men riding around without a head can be
traced back to the Middle Ages.
Irving’s tale is set in 1790 in a Dutch settlement in New York. A superstitious schoolteacher named Ichabod Crane, riding home after a party, is chased by a headless horseman carrying his head on his saddle. The horseman eventually throws the head at Crane, knocking him from his horse, and Crane is never heard from again.
OneZone Chamber has announced that Kelley Stacy, president and CEO of SMC Corp. of America, will be the October Eggs & Issues presenter.
SMC Corp. of America is in Noblesville and is a subsidiary of SMC Corp. in Japan. The company is a comprehensive manufacturer of components for the automation, controls and process industries, according to the OneZone announcement. As Noblesville’s largest private employer, SMC develops eco-friendly automation products.
“In her role, Stacy sets the strategic direction of the company, promotes SMC’s employee-driven culture and ensures the sustainable growth and value of SMC’s diverse portfolio of products,” the announcement stated. “Under her leadership, SMC has achieved both record sales and the distinction of a Best Managed Company by the
According to the announcement, Stacy has developed a strong reputation for innovation and customer development globally throughout her 30-year career.
“She strives to cultivate an environment of excellence by investing in the long-term success of employees, customers and industry trendsetters in order to promote the continued progress of SMC,” the announcement stated. Attendees will hear Stacy discuss the impacts of sustainability, projects that SMC Corporation of America has launched and ways to collectively leverage the power of businesses to advocate for sustainable practices and incentives.
The program will be moderated by Jack Russell, president of OneZone and Northern Hamilton County Chamber.
The Eggs & Issues breakfast event will be from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Oct. 13 at the FORUM Events Center.
For more, visit onezonechamber.com.
We offer an affordable, world class, academic and career guidance course for young adults, approximately ages 16-24. During our course, we help young adults determine their tailored path into: Professional careers, Trade-based careers, US Military and/or Entrepreneur based careers.
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Todd Krause suffers from the chronic illness of immunodeficiency.
“I don’t produce antibodies,” he said.
“I basically get them from plasma donations.”
In addition, the Carmel resident uses two biologic medications infused every week.
Krause said people who are chronically ill are highly susceptible to becoming depressed.
“Because it’s 24/7, 365 days, it’s relentless,” Krause said. “It’s easy to get down, stop trying and give up. As a group, depression runs high among people like myself. What I didn’t see enough in other stories is offering a message of hope and possibility. Yes, you can still have a life. You can still accomplish dreams and goals. However, you may have to take a different path to get there.”
Thus, the Carmel resident wrote a book, “Life Ironies: My Life on the Road Less Traveled,” which was released earlier this year. It is about challenges and successes in his life.
“I have good days, but I never wake up and say, ‘I feel great,’” he said. “I’m always on the tired and fatigued side. Some days are worse than others. Mine revolves around a lot of upper respiratory and breathing issues.”
Krause, 60, has dealt with the chronic illness and infections for years but wasn’t diagnosed with having primary immune deficiency until November 2016 and having autoimmune urticaria vasculitis in the fall of 2021.
Krause, who purchased The Cleaning Authority franchise in Fishers in 2020, decided to write a book after winning The Cleaning Authority Franchise of the Year awarded from the International Franchise Association.
The book examines his life through purchasing the business and winning the award.
Dear Editor:
I’m a frequent user of the Fishers Library and I enjoy perusing the new sections, both fiction and nonfiction. I’ve also kept abreast of the brouhaha about moving young adult literature to the adult sections. Ironically, today I noticed that books moved from the YA section are now sitting next to even more inappropriate adult literature. If the purpose of moving these books is to protect kids, the library is doing a miserable job. For instance, in the fiction section there was a YA romance novel next to an adult gay romance novel. In nonfiction, “The 1619 Project” was sandwiched between two YA books, something that would probably strike fear in the hearts of the ultra-conservative if they knew.
Teens can now happily peruse and check out material intended for adults, all thanks to the short-sightedness of our library board.
From the early days of the pandemic, we came to appreciate those of us working while others stayed home. This fine world would become a very different place if the infamous toilet paper shortage had lasted for years instead of months. But so many, from farmers to shelf stockers, and everyone in between, produced, manufactured, delivered and retailed the necessary rolls so that we all could remain in comfort.
quality in ways that would have been unacceptable just a few years ago. Have our expectations been lowered along with the value presented?
On the positive side, the echo of all that we endured in 2020 through today is that we continue to express gratitude to those who do show up. There is a bit more grace for slow service, failed delivery and missed deliverables. Shouldn’t our frustration be aimed at those refusing to get off their couch to work or businesses exploiting a false narrative to profit?
On the negative side, we find ourselves routinely confronted with limited or no customer service. Capacity used to mean available tables — now it means available staffing. We tolerate long lines and poor
Even so, what should we anticipate? Can a server be held to account for an understaffed kitchen? Can an airline employee be blamed for the attributes of the airport staff — or vice versa? What is the role of the parent for inferior educators? Of educators for down-market parents? If no one is responsible, our current system will fail to function. Yet, if we criticize too much, who will remain to fill the roles? Is it too easy to avoid obligation? Hiding is a pernicious but effective way to deflect the incumbent discomfort of labor. Working is not always easy, but still, we must hold ourselves accountable to deliver our best effort.
Friends, I did something the other day that is a tad unusual for me. I took an afternoon off! And I am so glad I did. Let’s examine.
decision to pull the trigger on a last-minute self-care moment, but if I’ve learned anything in my half-century of living, it’s that occasionally I must put myself first. YOLO, right?
This time of the year for teachers can be tough. We’re well into the grind, knee-deep in grading, and the nearest break is still weeks away. But we can’t really afford to miss school. Most of us are barely keeping our heads above water, and a sick child, or god forbid, COVID-19, could send us straight to the deadly depths of the academic Pacific. You may think I’m exaggerating here but ask any educator and they’ll tell you they’d much rather come to school with acute projectile vomiting than make extensive sub plans — only to learn there are no substitutes and that their students have been sent to study hall. Talk about falling behind and drowning. “Just put a trash can near my desk. I’ll be fine!”
All this is to say that it wasn’t an easy
And, dear readers, it was magical. I actually did schoolwork, but something about the comfort of my kitchen table, sipping coffee and the dog at my feet, made it enjoyable. I was able to ignore the guilt and embrace the quiet. Those few hours helped me regain perspective and get my head right again.
Will I be taking “me-time” again soon? No. One must ration PDs like water in a desert. Still, I’m glad I did. Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
“Ask any educator and they’ll tell you they’d much rather come to school with acute projectile vomiting than make extensive sub plans — only to learn there are no substitutes.”
This ad was online the other day. I am not making this up.
“As a clown, you help people celebrate special occasions, making sure everyone has a laugh. Your work is a business, and like any business, there are things that can go wrong. To protect yourself from professional risks, please let us help you with a clown liability policy.”
Word was that this warning saddened many clowns. But it was hard to tell because many clowns already have sad painted on their faces. When I was voted class clown in my senior year of high school, nothing went wrong. I certainly never hurt anyone, and I can assure you that no one died of laughter.
Clowns International, an organization dedicated to the clown profession, is recommending to all their clown members that they sign up for what has now been coined Pie Insurance. While no one has ever sued a clown for getting hit by a pie, it’s just a matter of time before some nut case who is allergic to pecans slaps a clown with a tort. Or is that a tart?
If a clown did get sued, what’s the most a judge would throw at him? Another pie? How about community service? I’m sorry, community service for a clown is not punishment. That’s what they do. They make people in the community laugh.
“Bozo, you have been found guilty of throwing a high-cholesterol projectile. I sentence you to three months of not making people laugh. And wipe that smile off your face.”
“OK, your honor, but I need some tissues and cold cream.”
Several years ago, a good friend got me interested in clowning. I took a few classes
and acquired a complete wardrobe and instructions on how to prepare for my first few appearances. My wife and I had a total role reversal. One night before my personal appearance at a charity event, she came in the bathroom and said, “Dick, you are going to be late.”
“Don’t rush me, Mary Ellen. You know how long it takes me to put on makeup. Do you think I just wake up every morning looking funny? Don’t answer that.”
“You were late for your last event, as well.”
“I forgot to allow extra time for walking in clown feet.”
Now, suppose I was sued for doing some harm as a clown. I can hear the judge now: “Mr. Wolfsie, this is a serious offense. And as an officer of the court, I forbid you from squirting any more water in my face. The jury doesn’t like it, either. And you missed juror No. 6.”
For you aspiring lawyers, there is a great deal of potential work out there. You might not think so but watch a little cable news and you’ll see just how many clowns you could represent.
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 300 words sent in a Microsoft Word document or in the body of an email. Letters may not be of a campaigning or advertising nature. Letters should be exclusive to Current Publishing. Unsigned letters and letters deemed to be of a libelous nature will not be published. Letter writers will be given oncemonthly consideration for publication of submissions. Current Publishing reserves the right to end published audience debate on any topic. Current Publishing reserves the right to edit and shorten for space, grammar, style and spelling, and Current may refuse letters. Send submissions to letters@youarecurrent.com; letters sent to any other email address will not be reviewed. Letters must include the writer’s full name, hometown and daytime telephone number for verification purposes only.
“When I was voted class clown in my senior year of high school, nothing went wrong. I certainly never hurt anyone, and I can assure you that no one died of laughter.”
Following Zionsville artist Nancy Noel’s death in 2020, her son Alex Kosene and Sami Mustaklem made a Celebration of Life short film for the Indianapolis Children’s Museum in 2021.
Geist resident and film producer Amy Pauszek suggested it be made into a full documentary.
“She was instrumental in getting it going,” said Kosene, who is the director. “I thought it was going to take me a while to do all the necessary things. Amy said we should do this now. It put us on a different timeline. Through her social media, it showed there was an appetite for it.”
“Art & Soul: A Portrait of Nancy Noel” will have its premiere in the Heartland International Film Festival at 3:30 p.m. Oct. 7 at The Toby at Newfields in Indianapolis. There will be additional screenings at 7:45 p.m. Oct. 12 and 4:45 p.m. Oct. 13 at Emagine Noblesville.
Kosene, who grew up in Zionsville, and business partner Sami Mustaklem took about eight months to create the documentary.
“We had a blueprint from the short film for the Children’s Museum,” said Mustaklem, the film’s editor and a producer. “One of the benefits of what Alex and I do is we always have to work fast. With this project, we knew the story we wanted to tell. Obviously, very few people knew Nancy like Alex does.”
Mustaklem was still putting the finishing touches on the film last month.
“We wanted this to be the perfect tribute to Nancy Noel,” Mustaklem said. The film features interviews with people from around the area.
“There’s quite a bit of an interview I was able to do with her shortly before she passed,” Kosene said. “That is a lot of what you are hearing when you hear Nancy’s voice in the film.”
Kosene said he conducted a three-hour interview on a day she was feeling a bit better.
“Mother was in her usual form of straightforward and honest,” Kosene said. “We had a great conversation. Even though she gave a lot of interviews over the years to news outlets or podcasts, it wasn’t the same as having a frank conversation with my own mother. I was asking her unique questions that others maybe didn’t know her well enough to ask.
She was more candid with me, even more than interviewers that she had known for a long time. It was a unique interview and adds a unique dimension to the film.”
Noel died after a two-year battle with cancer at the age of 74 at her Zionsville home.
“Her story of her becoming N.A. Noel from childhood to well-known artist is shown here more interestingly than it had been about Nancy before,” Kosene said. “It shows her journey in a unique way with a lot of images that might not have been seen before.”
The documentary also examines how Noel approached her artwork. She created more than 1,000 original works, sold millions of prints, published eight books and established Noel Studio.
“You’re going to get to see more intimate things from her personal life you’ve never seen before,” Kosene said. “But the focus is really Nancy’s relationship with her work and the artistic legacy she left.”
Kosene said Mustaklem, who grew up in Indianapolis, is the perfect person to edit because he knew Noel well. Noel enjoyed dining at Mustaklem’s parents’ Zionsville restaurant, Zorba’s, which has since closed.
“You have to know what Nancy would have approved of and what she would like and what’s true and not true,” Kosene said.
Pauszek is the film’s producer and executive producer.
“This story is important because Nancy Noel touched so many people locally and globally,” she said. “She was real. Saying no to her ideas or adventures was not an option, but mostly this is special because my parents gifted me an original (Noel) painting of an angel boy after my best friend Joe died a tragic death over 10 years ago. Her painting reminds me that my friend is still present in my life when I hear a song or pass an arts event we experienced together. Her work touches the soul.”
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre presents “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” Oct. 5 to Nov. 19 at the Indianapolis venue. For more, visit beefandboards.com.
Civic Theatre’s production of “The Prom” is set for Oct. 6-21 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. For more, visit civictheatre.org.
The Righteous Brothers will perform at 8 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.
Carmel Symphony Orchestra’s first Masterworks concert of the 2023-24 season is set for 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts. For more, carmelsymphony.org.
Indiana Wind Symphony’s “Reimagining Old Favorites” concert is set for 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. For more, visit indianawindsymphony.org.
Mud Creek Players’ production of “As You Like It,” in partnership with Indy Bard Fest, is set for Oct. 6-15 at Mud Creek Barn Theater in Indianapolis. For more, visit mudcreekplayers.org.
Indy Opera Ball set — “Indianapolis Opera Ball: Celebración de España!” Is set for 6 p.m. Oct. 14 at the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis. The fundraiser will be a celebration of music, opera, art, and in the spirit of the upcoming production of “Carmen,” set for Nov. 10-12 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel there will be Spanish cuisine, live music and flamenco dancing. There also will be a specialty silent auction and casino games. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.
by Caroline Shaw, which Conrad said was originally a vocal piece.
“Reimagining Old Favorites” is the theme for the Indiana Wind Symphony’s Wind Chamber’s first concert of the 2023-24 season.
The concert features Adam Gorb’s “French Dances Revisited,” which the IWS helped commission in 2004 and presented in 2005.
IWS Music Director Charles Conrad said Gorb reimagined the music when he wrote it.
“We’re reimagining it 18 years later, seeing if we can find anything new or different about it,” Conrad said.
The IWS concert is set for 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel.
“French Dances Revisited” is from music written in France in the 1600s and 1700s.
“But it’s completely reworked in an early 21st-century style,” Conrad said.
Another piece will be “and the swallow”
“In the last couple of years, (Shaw) has really come to prominence as a contemporary American female composer who is doing a lot of good things,” Conrad said. “It’s a slow, soft piece. It’s very calm with nice melodies.”
Conrad said another significant piece of the concert is “Folk Suite No. 2” by William Grant Still, a Black composer who died in 1978.
Conrad“It primarily features harp, which you don’t usually hear in a Wind Chamber concert,” Conrad said.
The entire second half of the performance will feature “Sinfonietta” by Joachim Raff, who was a mid-19th century composer.
“He was kind of a second-tier composer, but he wrote a couple of outstanding works,” Conrad said. “This is one of the top Wind Chamber pieces that was written in the 19th century and it’s a big-four movement, full half-concert piece, and we just love playing it. This will be the second time we’ve played it as well.”
Kate Boice îs returning to one of her favorite shows at the same venue. The Noblesville High School sophomore and Avon resident Eli Neal are the choir captains for all the performances of Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre’s presentation of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” which is set for Oct. 5 to Nov. 19. She appeared in the same show at Beef & Boards in 2017.
“Being in ‘Joseph’ for the first time was absolutely magical,” Boice said. “My sister (Ali) and I were in it together, and we were in awe of the entire production. I always loved the movie growing up and would watch my favorite songs over and over on repeat. The costumes, choreography and music are like a never-ending dance party. I am honored and thrilled to be a part of this show again and get to be in the whole run.”
Boice said she is excited to be a part of one of her favorite numbers, “Song of the King,” as a cow alongside the adults.
Boice“As choir captain, I ensure the children in the choir make it onstage and in their spots on time and ready for their cues,” Boice said. “I am available to answer their questions, offer encouragement and help them with any challenges. I enjoy working with kids and watching them gain a love for theater and grow.”
Boice played Jane Banks in Beef & Boards’ production of “Mary Poppins” in 2022. Boice said she adored that role as well.
“The cast was so kind, encouraging and versatile,” she said. “It was truly a dream come true. I absolutely love working with the directing and production team, crew and talented actors. To add on, one of my favorite aspects of the Beef & Boards stage is how interactive it is. The closeness of the stage to the audience allows the actors to make deep connections with the audience and fellow castmates. I feel so grateful to be in a professional atmosphere where I feel valued and can grow myself both as an actor and as a person. It is one of the most supportive environments where everyone is kind, encouraging and hardworking.”
For more, visit beefandboards.com.
Highlighted by a headlining set by singer-songwriter Amy Grant, the annual Center Celebration
2023 presented by Ice Miller raised more than $585,000 to support the mission of the Center for the Performing Arts.
The Palladium concert hall was transformed into an elegant ballroom for the Sept. 23 occasion, which included guests such as Gov. Eric Holcomb and first lady Janet Holcomb. After the First Merchants Bank Red Carpet Arrival and Cocktail Reception, attendees were seated for dinner and welcomed with a brief performance by Michael Feinstein, the Center’s artistic director.
A live auction featured five packages, including luxury getaways and NFL experienc-
es. In total, including proceeds from table reservations, partnerships, direct donations and a raffle, the event raised $585,199 in support of the Center’s arts and educational programming, which includes main stage performances by national and international artists, children’s concerts and camps, vocal and instrumental music classes, visiting speakers and reading clubs.
“We receive such wonderful ongoing support from our patrons, donors and corporate partners, but it’s especially gratifying to bring them all together once a year to celebrate and advance our mission,” Center President/CEO Jeffrey C. McDermott stated.
The Center Celebration 2024 is set for Sept. 21 at the Palladium and will feature a performance by Grammy Award-winning trumpeter and composer Chris Botti. Information and table reservations are available now at thecenterpresents.org/gala.
Tribute to Tony Bennett set — Don Farrell and the Terry Woods Jazz Quartet will present a “Because of You … A Tony Bennett Tribute” at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12 at Feinstein’s at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. Farrell and Woods will follow with a tribute to Neil Diamond at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9 at Feinstein’s. For more, visit feinsteinshc.com.
I recently had the pleasure of spending a few days with some good friends celebrating the impending nuptials of one of our good friends. We spent two days in Illinois doing a bit of fishing and cooking. We cooked over wood on Friday night, making pizzas in a pizza oven (crust recipe to come soon). We also made mussels that were out of this world and worth sharing!
Mussels are a great meal. I enjoy them particularly in the cool and cold months, mainly because I like to cook over fire or hot coals and not sweat buckets. Get a nice hot bed of coals going, preferably with hard wood, and while your fire is burning down to hot embers, follow this recipe:
• 1-2 pounds of mussels
• 1 bulb fennel (you will use half a cup of dice)
• 2 large shallots
• 1 bulb garlic
• 1 16 oz. can San Marzano tomatoes
• 1 lemon
• 1 cup dry white wine
• 12 oz. dry Spanish style chorizo
Go through your mussels and remove any that are open. Remove beards (this is seaweed, kelp, etc. that the mussel clamped down on). Medium-dice fennel and chorizo. Set aside, peel and finely dice shallot and half of the bulb of garlic. Place all diced ingredients into large cast iron pan and place over the coals. Cook until chorizo has rendered a bit of fat and is slightly brown. You also want the fennel, shallot and garlic cooked down but not brown. Deglaze with white wine, add tomatoes (juice and all), allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze in your lemon, add 1-2 pounds of mussels. Allow to simmer until all the mussels are wide open and steaming. Serve with crispy bread for dipping in the sauce. Enjoy!
The primary bathroom in this Geist home in Indianapolis, built in 1992, was stuck in the past and ready for a revamp. We helped our clients bring their vision to life, creating a sleek and modern oasis.
• Goodbye glass block! The new zero-entry shower features a sleek, frameless glass enclosure that gives the room a modern feel and allows light to permeate the space.
• A freestanding soaking tub adds a touch of luxury while freeing up floor space that was once dominated by a deck-style tub.
• Marble tile in a leaf motif on the vanity wall adds texture and movement to the neutral palette, offset by deep wood tones of the cabinetry.
• Rectangular LED integrated mirrors flank the vanity helping balance the curved design in the accent tile and tub.
Larry Greene is the owner of Worthington Design & Remodeling (formerly Case). You may
In a 2022 ProWritingAid study of more than 12,000 online daters from the U.S. and the U.K., 63 percent of women surveyed and 53 percent of men said good grammar was important to them for “swiping right” (finding someone attractive in Tinder-speak). However, what people said and what they actually did are two different stories.
a superb grasp of the English language. In the 35-and-older age group, 55 percent of men claimed good grammar was important, but they were 10 percent less likely to find a dater with good grammar attractive.
Let’s start with women. Among women aged 18–34, 58 percent reported good grammar was important in a dating profile. In reality, this group was 311 percent more likely to find another dater attractive if the person’s profile showed excellent language skills. For women 35 and better, 65 percent said good grammar is important, and they were 39 percent more likely to pick a profile with better grammar.
Now for the dudes. And it hurts me to say it, but the news isn’t good. Among men in the 18–34 age range, half reported good grammar was important in an online dating profile, but, in reality, they were 11 percent less likely to select a profile with
What are the lessons here? Have a well-written dating profile if you want to date a smart woman. However, if you want to be found attractive by a male doofus, dictate your profile to a first-grader.
Daters can use a service like Fiverr to have someone write an online dating profile for you. Or, if you want to go the AI route, you could use ChatGPT to generate a (mostly) error-free profile. The free version of Grammarly can check your profile for spelling and grammar errors.
If you’re dating for love, have better grammar. Good spelling is sexy. Take it from me, your newspaper grammar guru and armchair love expert.
1. Miss Indiana accessory
5. Handle 10. IU grad
14. Tiny particle 15. “Grrr!”
16. In ___ straits
17. Kind of code 18. End
19. Floral neckwear
20. Indiana bird
22. Indiana bird
23. Slager of the Indiana House 24. Elderly
38. Glass squares
39. Dixie pronoun
40. How titles may be written
42. Indiana bird
43. IND org.
44. Indiana bird
45. Writer Rand
46. Dole (out)
47. Tall tale
48. Texter’s “I think”
31. Run in neutral
32. Give up
33. Caterer’s containers
34. Largest of a septet
35. Easily deceived
36. Sport Graphics primary color
38. Whodunit story line
41. Yemeni port
42. Spotted
45. Apple earbud
46. Like some toothpaste
47. Shirt size
48. Dentist’s handiwork
49. Sends a letter
50. Classic tune on WNAP
51. City Barbeque offering
52. Popular cookie
53. “___ in the USA”
54. Walking stick
55. Dust jacket ID
57. FHS yearbook section
58. Indianapolis Indians stat
Indiana’s Largest Stamp Show! (50th year)
The Indiana Stamp Club will host the INDYPEX 2023 Stamp Show Oct. 6-8, 2023 at the Hamilton Co. 4-H Fairgrounds and Exhibition Center, 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville IN 46060.
Hours will be 10-5 on Fri., 10-5 on Sat., 10-3 on Sunday.
Exhibits and 35 dealers as well as beginner/youth tables, a U.S. postal station, information tables for the Indiana Stamp Club and the Indiana Postal History Society. Website: www.indianastampclub.org
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Integrity Automotive is looking for a full time automotive technician. In business for 28 years in downtown Carmel with a solid, happy customer base and a positive, goodnatured work environment. The best candidate is a motivated, well-organized technician with at least three years hands on experience in automotive diagnosis, problem-solving and repair. Able to interpret and apply diagnostic/repair information from computerized databases and other sources. Also able communicate clearly and effectively with your supervisor, your fellow employees and, as needed, with customers. A complete job description is available with a request to frontdesk@integrityautomotive.net. We offer competitive pay with a Monday through Friday work week and (after 90 days) up to four sick/personal days per year and paid holidays. To schedule an interview, send your resume with contact information to: frontdesk@integrityautomotive.net 40 S Rangeline Rd Carmel Indiana 46032 www.IntegrityAutomotive.net
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