February 25, 2025 — Noblesville

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Founded Sept. 15, 2009, at Noblesville, IN Vol. XVI, No. 22

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Noblesville Schools receives strategic plan update

At its Feb. 18 meeting, the Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees received an update from Noblesville Schools Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Safety Heather Hendrich on one pillar in the district’s strategic plan — exceptional staffing.


Each month, the board receives an update on one of the six goals outlined in the strategic plan. The exceptional staffing goal is to improve teacher retention and allow veteran teachers to refine professional leadership skills.

So far this school year, Noblesville Schools has worked on ensuring staff members feel valued and supported by hosting a substitute teacher breakfast and continuing the Miller of the Year program, which honors an employee in each classi-

fied department, such as school resource officers and bus drivers.

A new initiative this year is a classified staff discussion group, which meets once a month to discuss:

• Ensuring classified staff members have a voice in the work environment.

• Identifying core issues, best practices, challenges and concerns among classified staff members.

• Defining what professional development is needed to help support classified staff members gain new skills.

• Ensuring classified staff members understand the available benefits.

• Allowing time for structured conversations and informal sharing. Another goal is to help staff members demonstrate growth in their roles. One way the school district assists staff is through its adult education program. Launched in August 2024, it provides adults a way to refresh and improve academic skills.

“We are offering day and evening classes,” Hendrich said. “That’s been a nice thing for some of our employees to be able to have a choice of what works for them.”

Hendrich said the district also is changing the evaluation time frame for all classified staff, which are nonteaching employees, to give them the entire school year to work on their skills and goals.

The final aspects of the exceptional staffing pillar are certified staff, or teaching staff, retention, which Hendrich said has steadily increased the last three years with a rate of 92 percent, and attracting highly qualified applicants.

“We continue to receive quality applicants for each position we’re posting,” Hendrich said. “We currently (have) an 85 percent fill rate, which is quite impressive.” View the full school board meeting at youtu.be/Do32tyEVsBw. The next meeting will be at 6 p.m March 18.

Council approves resolution to transfer property

More affordable housing options will soon be available in Noblesville.


At its Feb. 11 meeting, the Noblesville Common Council approved a resolution to transfer property at 723 S. 5th St. in Noblesville to Greater Indianapolis Habitat for Humanity, which has built 79 homes in Hamilton County to make home ownership more affordable for low-income people.

“This transfer aligns with our shared commitment to expanding housing opportunities here in Noblesville and provides a much-needed path to homeownership for residents who live and work in Hamilton County,” Noblesville Community Development Director Sarah Reed said.

A dilapidated house and garage currently sit on the property. By subdividing the parcel, Habitat will build two new homes on the land for first-time buyers who earn be-

low 80 percent of the area median income.

Per the terms of the transfer, Habitat or its contractor will apply for a demolition permit to demolish the current structures and build the new homes within five years.

Reed said the property transfer comes after previous efforts to rehabilitate the site through HAND, a nonprofit that provides affordable housing options in Hamilton County, were unsuccessful because of floodplain issues.

Chris Barnett, land acquisition and development director for Habitat for Human-

ity, said the dilapidated house and garage occupy a lot and a half, sufficient to build two of Habitat’s homes. There also are plans to address floodplain constraints.

“As we don’t like to make our homeowners live in a place where they might get flooded out, we will scoot the houses up,” Barnett said. “There’s a house just down south, right along the property line that looks like it sits about five feet back off the sidewalk, and the church up at the other corner sits about the same. We’ll gladly adopt that.”

Ted Mosey, chief operating officer for Habitat for Humanity, said there is a waitlist for Habitat homes, especially in Hamilton County, and it should not take long to find applicants to move in when construction is complete. Habitat for Humanity must ensure the new homes are for sale to first-time home buyers at or under 80 percent of the area’s median income who currently live or work in Hamilton County. For more, visit indyhabitat.org.

The current home at 723 S. 5th St. in Noblesville. (Photo courtesy of the City of Noblesville)

Council affirms funding commitment for domestic violence center — The Hamilton County Council unanimously voted to move forward with a funding commitment for a domestic violence center on Ind. 38 near Hague Road for county residents during its February meeting. Prevail, a Noblesville nonprofit that specializes in working with adults, teens and children, has been partnering with the county on the project and is seeking an office building with four units that families can live in for up to two years. The council will formally vote whether to appropriate an additional $5.5 million to the proposed $12,315,000 project at its meeting at 7 p.m. March 5 at 1 N. 8th St. in Noblesville.

New board member — Riverview Health recently welcomed Connor Sullivan as the newest member of its board of trustees. Sullivan serves as the county attorney for Hamilton County, the executive director of the Hamilton County Redevelopment Commission, the executive director of the Hamilton County Community Development Corp. and the chairman of the Hamilton County Visitor and Tourism Commission.

Brody and Briggs Batten Battle Ride — A fundraiser will be held June 7 at 654 S. 9th St. in Noblesville for Brody and Briggs Gray, two Franklin brothers who are battling a rare neurodegenerative disorder called Batten disease that affects the body’s ability to break down and eliminate cellular waste, causing a build-up of proteins, sugars and lipids. Fundraising activities will include food, bounce houses, raffles and more. For more, call 317-379-4990 or 317-410-9728.

HEPL selected to boost literacy — Hamilton East Public Library is among more than 100 public libraries nationwide awarded funding by the Public Library Association to increase digital literacy using Digitallearn. org resources, powered by a $2.7 million contribution from AT&T. Over the next few months, HEPL will increase its computer and technology learning opportunities through the grant. For the first time, HEPL is offering some sessions in languages other than English. For more, visit hamiltoneastpl.org/digitallearn-workshops. Sullivan

Resident receives state honor


The Hamilton County Community Foundation recently recognized Noblesville resident Thomas “Tom” Sheehan after he was honored with the Sagamore of the Wabash award last year by former Gov. Eric Holcomb.


The Sagamore of the Wabash award honors individuals who have demonstrated service and dedication to the state of Indiana. Director of Marketing for the Hamilton County Community Foundation Kelsey Singh said Sheehan’s impact on the community makes him a deserving recipient.

After serving in the U.S. Army, Sheehan began his career selling encyclopedias door-to-door before eventually founding Carmel Financial Corp., a sales and distribution financial planning company. Singh said Sheehan’s professional success laid the groundwork for he and his late wife Soni’s dedication to giving back.

“Through their philanthropy, Tom, Soni and their family have transformed countless lives,” Singh stated. “More than $15 million has been awarded throughout their

lifetime, including nearly $1 million just in 2024.”

Singh said Sheehan and his late wife have supported numerous local organizations over the years, from raising funds for St. Vincent de Paul to collecting food through Carmel Financial for the Good Samaritan Network of Hamilton County. Sheehan also served on the Riverview Hospital Foundation Board, where his leadership contributed to projects that continue to benefit Hamilton County residents.

Program available for inmates

Invest Hamilton County has partnered with Ivy Tech Hamilton County and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office to launch the Educational Empowerment Program, an initiative designed to support inmates at the Hamilton County Jail in their reentry journey.


The six-week program equips participating inmates with personal, professional and career development skills to set them up for success upon release.

Mike Thibideau, president and CEO of Invest Hamilton County, an economic development corporation committed to enhancing the economic prosperity of Hamilton County, said the organization has been running programs with the Hamilton County Jail for several years.

“We found that we needed to develop a new curriculum to provide people with the foundational skills to start a new life,” Thibideau said. “Ivy Tech is a close partner of ours, and we started working together on a process to provide individuals with

some first steps. There’s a lot of willingness there. There’s a lot of appetite for change and growth. A course like this that helps empower and facilitate that growth is all the more impactful.”

Each session addresses critical areas of career development like resume building, interviewing and employability skills. Participants earn the equivalent of one college credit hour to apply to an Ivy Tech educational pathway of their choice.

“A lot of it is about self-awareness and discovery,” Thibideau said. “It is them figuring out what careers are available and what they want to do. They also gain a lot of employability skills, whether that’s conflict resolution or how to be part of a team. It’s about providing them with the confidence to reenter the workforce and get connected to community resources.”

Invest Hamilton County funds the program with support from several community partners. Community volunteers also play a key role, guiding participants through career coach and resume builder tools on the Invest Hamilton County website.

For more, visit investhamiltoncounty.com.

Tom Sheehan, left, and his daughter Tracy Sheehan with the Sagamore of the Wabash award. (Photo courtesy of Hamilton County Community Foundation)


The Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees toured Noblesville High School earlier this month to check out construction progress on an expansion that will feature welding bays, engineering rooms, biomedical labs, a new cafe, a makerspace, study areas, meeting space and more. Construction on the expansion, which includes 70,000 square feet of new space and the renovation of 37,000 square feet for expanded performing arts space, is scheduled to be completed by August. (Photos courtesy of Marnie Cooke)

Nonprofit to host trivia night

Healthy&Dwell, a Noblesville nonprofit that works to provide affordable housing for people struggling with mental illness, will host a trivia night fundraiser from 7 to 10 p.m. March 14 at Forest Park Inn in Noblesville, 701 Cicero Rd.

Ronda Owens-Dehmer, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, founded Healthy&Dwell in 2020. Kelli Hoffman, president of Healthy&Dwell, said the organization has a property in Noblesville that houses three tenants and is searching for a second property.

“Rhonda has been a nurse practitioner for 25 years,” Hoffman said. “She realized that many people who suffer from mental health struggles also have a hard time finding affordable housing. Some of those

people have been in the hospital for an extended period of time or have gotten evicted due to their battle with mental health, so we work to provide a place for them.”

Hoffman said the trivia night will help the organization provide more housing options in Noblesville and offer support to its current tenants. Health&Dwell assists tenants with food, utilities and clothing, among other housing and hygiene necessities.

“At the fundraiser, we will have general trivia questions as well as pizza, beer, soda, a raffle and more,” Hoffman said. “All proceeds will help us expand our program and hopefully create more affordable housing options for people who need it in Noblesville and Hamilton County.”

Learn more at healthyanddwell.org. Tickets for the fundraiser can be found at tinyurl.com/25ctnu2r.

David Weekley Homeowners Libby & Chris Phillips, Ben & Heather Muser, and Andrew & Rebecca Barrilleaux

Organizations reflect on KKK trial


Several organizations in Noblesville and Hamilton County are partnering to host events related to the 1925 trial of D.C. Stephenson, a Ku Klux Klan leader convicted of rape and murder, on the 100th anniversary of the trial.

Jessica Layman, president of the Hamilton County Historical Society, said the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and Stephenson in Indiana was prevalent in the 1920s.

“The Ku Klux Klan was very influential in politics in the 1920s, and the organization’s leader in Indiana at the time was D.C. Stephenson,” Layman said. “He attacked a woman named Madge Oberholtzer, and she ended up dying, so he was arrested, and she gave a dying declaration that was used in the trial to convict him. Because he was so powerful and influential, the prosecutors asked that the trial be moved to Noblesville in an effort to get a more fair trial.”

The Indianapolis Public Library and Hamilton County Historical Society will col-

laborate to host hourlong guided tours in Noblesville throughout the year. Local historians will highlight two historic buildings on Noblesville’s downtown square — the Sheriff’s Residence and Jail and the Historic Courthouse.

Attendees will meet at the Sheriff’s Residence and Jail at 810 Conner St. in Noblesville and get a look inside the jail cells where Stephenson stayed and the courtroom where he was tried. Each tour will include facts of Stephenson’s crime and the beliefs and tactics of the Klan during the height of its power in the 1920s.

To register for the various events, visit indypl.org/programs-events/mcfadden-lecture/ stephenson-trial-anniversary.

Fund established at Ivy Tech


Ivy Tech Community College in Hamilton County recently announced the establishment of the Ivy Cares Nursing Emergency Fund, which financially assists nursing students facing unexpected challenges.


The emergency fund was made possible through the support of Greg and Lisa Conner. Greg, a 2001 Noblesville High School graduate, grew up in Noblesville and serves as president of Vanderlande North America, a Toyota Automated Logistics Co.

A native of Rahway, N.J., Lisa has lived in Indiana for many years. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Indiana University and a Master of Science in Nursing from Ball State University. She has worked as a family nurse practitioner at Riverview Health since 2012.

“Health care is an extremely underserved field,” Greg stated. “We wanted to help create an avenue for members of this community to not only find their way into health care but also be able to financially make it possible.”

Lisa said she is proud to work in health care and excited to support future nurses through the couple’s contribution to the nursing fund.

“A big part of health care is about relating to your patients,” Lisa stated. “You’re often interacting with people at the most vulnerable times in their lives. Having local professionals who share a connection with the community is vital.”

Chancellor of Ivy Tech Hamilton County Rachel Kartz expressed her gratitude for the Conners’ donation.

“The Ivy Cares Nursing Emergency Fund will be a lifeline for our nursing students,” Kartz stated. “Greg and Lisa’s commitment to supporting health care education in Hamilton County reflects the very best of community partnership. Their contribution will have a lasting impact on our students and the broader health care landscape in our county.”

For more about the Ivy Cares Nursing Emergency Fund, contact Ivy Tech Executive Director of Development Kelly Wallace at kwallace138@ivytech.edu.

Inside the Hamilton County Courthouse during the 1925 trial. (Photo courtesy of Jessica Layman)

Foundation names new president


The Hamilton County Community Foundation has announced the appointment of Danielle StilesPolk as its new president.


Stiles-Polk, who previously served as HCCF’s vice president of external strategy and development, has been serving as interim president and played a critical role in guiding the foundation through its new strategic plan and rebrand launch in January, according to Kelsey Singh, HCCF director of marketing.

Singh said Stiles-Polk’s leadership has been instrumental in ensuring HCCF addresses Hamilton County’s challenges and drives transformative community impact.

“I am honored to step into this role and lead the Hamilton County Community Foundation into its next chapter of growth and impact,” Stiles-Polk stated. “Hamilton County is evolving, and we have an incredible opportunity to shape a future where every resident can thrive. I look forward to working alongside our board, donors, fundholders, nonprofit partners and residents to foster innovation, strengthen partnerships and drive meaningful change in our community.”

HCCF’s board of directors led the search for a new president after former president Tom Kilian transitioned to a new organization.

“Danielle has already demonstrated remarkable leadership through the development and launch of HCCF’s strategic plan,” Eddie Rivers, chair of HCCF’s board of directors, stated. “Her deep understanding of the community, her commitment to collaboration and her strategic vision make her the ideal leader for HCCF’s next chapter. We are thrilled to have her at the helm as we work toward a more inclusive and thriving Hamilton County.”

Before joining HCCF, Stiles-Polk served as vice chancellor for development and alumni relations at Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis. She also serves as president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Indiana Chapter.

HCCF’s new strategic plan went into effect Jan. 1 under the leadership of StilesPolk. It outlines a roadmap for addressing Hamilton County’s most critical challenges and focuses on core priorities.

For more about HCCF, visit HamiltonCountyCommunityFoundation.org.


During an in-service training day on President’s Day Feb. 17, staff at Primrose Elementary created blankets for the Hamilton County chapter of Project Linus, which provides blankets to hospitals, shelters, social service agencies or anywhere a child might need one. The Primrose staff created 19 no-sew fleece blankets. (Photo courtesy of Jackie Bell)

Indianapolis Sailing Club Academy for Adults and Youth who want to learn to sail. Programs are held on Geist Reservoir from 13 beautiful acres of the Indianapolis Sailing Club. All lessons are for beginners to more advanced including some race training. Adult lessons are free for club members. Junior Sailors receive a discount on camp if sailing club members. Lessons include water safety, weather awareness, knot tying, on and off the water training and coaching.

Former NHL player joins sons

Drew and Riley Doyon know how fortunate they were to learn hockey from their father, Mario Doyon.


Mario, a 56-year-old Carmel resident, made it to the pinnacle of the sport during his long professional hockey career, playing 28 games as a defenseman with the Chicago Blackhawks and Quebec Nordiques from 1989 to 1991.

Now, Drew coaches a 13-and-under Indiana Elite team in the Indianapolis Youth Hockey Association, with his father and brother assisting. The team won a major tournament in Detroit late last year.

“I feel fortunate to coach with both of them,” Drew said. “With my dad’s hockey background, it’s invaluable for me and my brother, but for the kids we coach as well. I think we all bring something different to the table. We all do our part and play our role in helping the team. I don’t know if we all agree on everything, but we respect and value each other’s opinions. It’s tough to beat, honestly, to have a relationship like that and be able to help grow hockey in Indiana is something special.”

Mario, a native of Quebec City, in the Canadian province of Quebec, who now lives in Carmel, played in European professional leagues and other minor league teams across the U.S. and Canada. He had two stints with the Indianapolis Ice, first in the 1989-90 season in the International Hockey League and his last professional season in 2003-04 in the Central Hockey League.

“I met their mom (in Indianapolis). We’re divorced now, but I’ve always stayed here,” Mario said. “Drew grew up skating. Riley was born in Switzerland. They’ve been playing hockey since they were 4 or 5

See our website at w www.indianapolissailing.org for a photo tour and to obtain more information about programs & memberships. Or please contact Michelle Sarber at o office@indianapolissailing.org for more details or to ask about training programs.

years old.”

Mario started coaching Drew and then was an assistant for Riley’s team. Mario said he’s come full circle coaching with his sons.

“It’s the coolest experience for me coaching and hanging out with them,” Mario said. “Riley is enjoying helping out, too. It’s the best feeling in the world.”

Drew, 29, and Riley, 27, played at Aurora University, an NCAA Division III program. Drew played a few games for the Peoria Rivermen in the Southern Professional Hockey League.

“Then COVID started and that shut down the season and, ultimately, my playing career,” said Drew, a 2013 Carmel High School graduate who lives in northern Indianapolis.

After graduating from CHS, Riley, a Noblesville resident, played junior hockey in Aberdeen, S.D., and Johnstown, Pa., for three seasons before going to Aurora. He played at Aurora with his brother for two seasons.

“I lived in Europe with him when he was playing and when he finished his career (with the Ice) I got to see him play,” Drew said. “To a kid that’s the coolest thing in the world.”

From left, Riley Doyon, Mario Doyon and Drew Doyon coach a 13-and-under elite hockey team. (Photo courtesy of Drew Doyon)

Fishers High School senior guard saving best for last

Fishers High School basketball player

Justin Kirby was a key contributor off the bench on the team’s 2023-24 Class 4A state championship team.

This season, the 6-foot-3 guard has taken everything up a notch in helping lead the Tigers to a 22-0 record prior to Feb. 21 action.

“Justin is, in my opinion, the most improved player in the state of Indiana,” Tigers coach Garrett Winegar said. “He has improved in virtually every area of his game — ballhandling, outside shooting, finishing through contact and decision-making. What makes Justin special is his continual improvement. He has put in the work and made significant leaps in skill every single season since entering FHS as a freshman. Along with his basketball development, Justin has grown tremendously as a young man and has become a leader in our program.”

Kirby, who will play for Miami (Ohio) University next season, is averaging 13.5 points, 4.2 rebounds and 2.5 assists per


Favorite subject: Math

Favorite athlete: LeBron James

Favorite musicians: Drake and

Lil Baby

Favorite movie: “Man of Steel”

game. As a junior, he averaged 5.8 points and 2.1 rebounds.

“Justin is a three-level scorer and his strength on the floor is his ability to get to the rim and finish in a variety of situations,” Winegar said. “He is also extremely efficient.”

Kirby shoots 70 percent overall from the field and 47 percent from 3-point range.

“Defensively, Justin impacts the game with his length, shot-blocking ability, willingness to defend and ability to defend multiple positions,” Winegar said.

Kirby said shooting has been his biggest improvement.

“I used to not have a very good shot the last couple of years. I worked on it every

day but just wasn’t confident to shoot it,” he said. “Now, as a senior, I definitely have a lot of confidence. I’m shooting the ball whenever I’m open and I’m more comfortable letting it go from 3.”

Kirby started playing basketball at age 6. He quit for a short time but began playing again in third grade. He gave up football in fifth grade. He competed in 400- and 200-meter races in track and field for FHS as a freshman but found he missed too much time with his AAU basketball team.

“Basketball is an important factor for me in my life as far as where I am today and who I’ve become,” Kirby said. “What drives me is basketball has helped me during the worst times of my life and the only thing I could rely on was basketball.”

Kirby said he chose Miami over the University of Virginia and Belmont University.

“I felt it was best for my development and growth as a basketball player,” Kirby said. “Miami has a four-step program to promote and build their players to be where they are now.”

To nominate a high school student for Athlete of the Week, contact mark@ youarecurrent.com.

• Treatment of back and neck pain, sciatica, spinal stenosis, herniated discs and work-related injuries

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Justin Kirby has made dramatic improvements during his senior season on the Fishers High School boys basketball team. (Photo courtesy of FHS athletics)

The City of Noblesville recently joined the Indiana Orthopedic Institute (IOI) to officially cut the ribbon on the institute’s flagship facility, a $35 million, 38,000-square-foot surgery center facility and medical office building dedicated to advanced orthopedic care, specializing in hip and knee replacement.

This facility is the first tenant at Noblesville’s Innovation Mile, 600 acres fronting Interstate 69. This district is a work, live, play, engage, and lea rn community designed to drive sustainable economic growth in Noblesville. Innovation Mile will become a dynamic business and technology hub that will serve as an anchor for revolutionary thinking and a gateway for innovation.

IOI is a statewide orthopedic enterprise founded and led by Dr Michael Meneghini. IOI will employ approximately 52 individuals, and its new stateof-the-art facility will feature an impressive array of services and technology, including an ambulatory surgery center, advanced operating rooms, orthopedic clinics, and x-ray suites. Learn more at indianaortho.com.

The Indiana Orthop Institute is the first tenant at Noblesvil Innovation Mile.

he Orthopedic fi f rst Noblesville’s

The Noblesville Event Center has official rebranded as The Arena at Innovation Mile. The Arena at Innovation Mile’s visual identity is inspired by the unique architecture of the venue. The logo and custom font mimic the linear, horizontal characteristics of the building. The color palette reflects the City of Noblesville’s brand and the NBA G-League team that The Arena will host. To learn more, visit ArenaInnovationMile com

he off fficial rebranded Mile. Arena at Mile’s visual inspired the unique venue. The logo custom fo f nt mimic the of the building. The color palett t e refl f ects the City brand and the NBA G-Le gue

Gatewood Lakes is a master-planned community on the city’s east side by the Henke Development Group, a renowned custom home and high-end community developer The 1,100+ acre community will offer a variety of builders and home sizes. This community buildout will span over seven to ten years and is expected to break ground in 2026.

Designed as a golf cart community, Gatewood Lakes will offer singlefamily homes, townhomes/duets, multi-family homes, and 2.5 miles of shoreline along the community’s lake district, including a vibrant community island. Gatewood Lakes will have 140 acres of green space, blueways, and parks, including a mini-marina with light watercraft options The development includes over 20 miles of scenic trails for walking, biking, and connecting with nature.

Evolve Transporters, a leader in the design and manufacturing of custom transport solutions for the motorsports industry, will invest $39 million and relocate its headquarters and manufacturing facilities from Painesville, Ohio to Noblesville’s Washington Business Park. The move is expected to create 210 new jobs for the local economy Patch Development will build the 250,000 square foot headquarters and manufacturing facility at Washington Business Park. Ground breaking will be in April 2025. ing fo f r fo f rmer Eighth befo f re Company committ t ed

King Jugg Brewing Company will be the new business for the site of the former Bolden's Dry Cleaners (151 N Eighth St ) in downtown Noblesville, located along the White River and within the city's Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area District. Construction is expected to begin before the end of 2025, with the anticipated completion in 2027. King Jugg Brewing Company has committed a minimum $4 million investment into adaptive reuse of the site and building. The plan includes indoor/outdoor dining areas, a basketball court near the main entrance, children’s play area, raised stage/ dance floor, and an attached public restroom along the trail.

The plan include att t ached

Clay (half-day)

Art Camps (half-day)

Clay (half-day)

Art (full-day)

Art/Drama Combo (full-day)

Art/Clay Combo (half- and full-day options)

YMCA of Greater Indianapolis offers a variety of summer camps

The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis has a full schedule of summer drop-off camps at more than a dozen locations, including Westfield, Fishers and Fort Benjamin Harrison.

Traditional day camps focus on time-honored summer camp activities like swimming, arts and crafts and the great outdoors.

Discovery Camps focus on STEAM — science, technology, engineering, arts and math — for children ages 5 to 12 with add-on enrichment and sports clinics. Discovery Camps are hosted at Fall Creek Elementary and Sand Creek Intermediate in Fishers.

Sports clinics include traditional sports like basketball, soccer and volleyball while enrichment clinics include topics like Artrageous, Parks & Playgrounds, Lego and Mad Scientist. Parents can add a camp swimming lesson to their child’s day.

“The YMCA is a place where everyone belongs,” Director of Operations/Youth Development for YMCA of Greater Indianapolis Cara Scott said. “With a wide range of program offerings, 15 camp

locations, camps for ages 5-15 and care from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., we feel confident there’s a camp for everyone at the YMCA. “

Camps also provide access for children of all abilities.

“The YMCA is for all,” Scott said. “We are proud to work with families and create accommodation plans to help children have a successful and enjoyable experience at the YMCA. Accommodation forms are offered to families during the enrollment process.”

The newest location — the Ascension St. Vincent YMCA in Westfield — adds the attraction of a brand-new 54,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility. The location includes a gymnasium for basketball, volleyball and pickleball; a fitness center; group exercise studios; a walking track; and an Olympic-sized pool.

The site’s amenities stretch beyond summer camps and into daily enrichment activities for youth and adults.

“It houses a teaching kitchen for healthy cooking classes, child care facilities, including a Play and Learn area and Kids Adventure Zone, an intergenerational room for all ages to connect

Traditional day camps are available at YMCA of Greater Indianapolis locations in Westfield and Fishers. (Photo courtesy of YMCA of Greater Indianapolis)

Registration is available for day camps and STEAM camps at the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis locations in Westfield and Fishers.

(Photo courtesy of YMCA of Greater Indianapolis)

Continued from Page 2

and classrooms dedicated to collegiate learning and community education,” Scott said. “The facility is attached to the Westfield Washington Schools’ Aquatic Center, which includes a 10-lane Olympic-sized pool. This YMCA serves as a community cornerstone, fostering health, wellness and social connections among Westfield residents.”

The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis has a 170-year history.

“The YMCA is special because it brings people together and creates a real sense of community,” Scott said. “It’s a place where everyone — kids, families and individuals — can feel welcome, stay active, learn new things and build connections. Whether it’s through sports, classes, or community programs, the Y is all about supporting people and making a positive impact.”

Representatives said whether it’s summer camp or day-to-day activities, the Y is for all.

“A Y membership opens the door to endless ways to stay active and connected all summer long,” YMCA of Greater Indianapolis Associate VP of PR and Marketing Communications Tony Wise said. “Families can enjoy open swim at the pool, play basketball, volleyball and pickleball in the gym, or take a walk on our indoor track. Almost all of our Greater Indianapolis locations offer family-friendly events, wellness challenges and volunteer opportunities, helping people stay engaged and involved. And perhaps one of the best parts? The friendships and sense of belonging that naturally come from being part of a supportive, welcoming community. The Y is a place where you don’t just pass the time, you make meaningful memories.”

Learn more about YMCA of Greater Indianapolis summer camp options at tinyurl.com/4wp8m669. Registration links are available at tinyurl.com/8de4t9py.


Camps for Ages 6-8 / 9-11



Camp Cathedral provides a safe and enriching environment for campers in kindergarten through 8th grade. With more than 50 different camps to choose from, there’s something for everyone. Camp Cathedral runs from June 2 to July 25.

Campers can explore their interests in theater, music, art, community service and STEM. Sports enthusiasts can improve their skills with coaching from top high school coaches. Leadership and adventure camps also are available. Before and after camp care is available. For more, visit campcathedral.com.

iCode Fishers offers engaging STEM and coding camps for kids


iCode Fishers offers a variety of engaging STEM and coding camps for kids of all ages and skill levels. Whether it’s summer, winter, spring break or a school holiday, iCode Fishers has the perfect camp for every young explorer.

Campers can dive into exciting fields like robotics, Minecraft, Roblox, engineering, game design, drones and programming languages like Python, Lua and Java. From introductory programming with Scratch to advanced AI engineering, iCode Fishers offers a range of programs designed to inspire and empower kids with skills for the future.

Camps are available for various age groups and run throughout the year. For more, visit icodeschool. com/fishers/camps.

Camp Invention fosters creativity

For the last 35 years, Camp Invention has been helping children foster a spirit of creativity and problem-solving at weeklong day programs throughout the U.S.

learn about optical illusions and how special effects are used in art, movies, theater and animation. They will have an opportunity to invent moving props and build a spinning animation device.

This year, participants entering kindergarten through sixth grade will have the opportunity to explore what it takes to become an inventor through four handson modules, collectively known as Camp Invention: Discover. Locally, the program will be offered from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 9 to 12 at Eagle Elementary in Zionsville and from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. July 7 to 11 at St. Louis de Montfort School in Fishers.

The modules, which are new each year, are inspired by inductees into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, which partners with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to offer the program.

“Any child with an interest in pursuing science, technology, engineering, math or art is going to be best served by this,” said Corey Nielsen, marketing coordinator for the National Inventors Hall of Fame. “But every child can benefit from this, because it engenders a lot of different ways of thinking, creativity and inventiveness.”

The 2025 modules are:

• Illusion Workshop — Campers will

• Claw Arcade — Campers will construct (and fill with prizes) their own claw machine and study claws in nature.

• Penguin Launch — Campers will learn about penguin colonies with the help of a robotic research penguin. They will design launchers to propel their own magnetic, wearable, plush penguin and learn how to make instant snow.

• In Control — Campers will assemble a custom control panel with a transmitter and receiver and explore the use of artificial intelligence in everyday items. They also will learn the basics of Morse Code. For middle school students who have aged out of Camp Invention, a training program is available. High school and college students can participate as leadership interns.

The camp costs $285 at St. Louis de Montfort and $310 at Eagle Elementary. Nielsen said discounts are available at various times at invent.org/save, including the largest discount available March 20. Sibling discounts and payment plans are available.

Campers build their own claw machine at Camp Invention: Discover. (Photo courtesy of Corey Nielsen)

Let the music play — at summer camp

Students of various musical abilities, from none to excellent, have multiple opportunities this summer to explore and expand their music experiences through summer camps designed just for them.

School of Rock, Bach to Rock and the Fishers Music and Arts Academy each offer weeklong summer camps for all ages and abilities, with different weeks providing brand-new experiences for returning campers.

School of Rock

At the School of Rock in Fishers, Carmel and Zionsville, camps are designed for children as young as 6 years old, said Manager Matt McFarland.

“They are basically our entire program condensed into a week,” he said. “We have kids that come in that have never touched an instrument on Monday and then by Friday, they’re performing an actual show for their parents with their bandmates.”

The program has camps for different age groups up to 18, according to the website. McFarland said they have songwriting camps, recording camps and even a Taylor Swift camp.

“Kind of a wide variety of all the genres and different styles for any student, really,” he said, adding that the camps are all focused on rock music and typical rock instruments — guitar, drums, keyboard and vocals.

McFarland said that while each camp is one week long, kids can sign up for multiple weeks.

“We’ve had kids do every single week and it’s great. Obviously, they learn a ton throughout the summer,” he said. “That’s kind of the cool thing about rock music is, because it’s such a wide genre, there’s so much in there that they can learn.”

School of Rock has camps scheduled Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. throughout the summer

months. For more, visit schoolofrock.com and click on the Camps and Workshops tab.

Fishers Music and Arts Academy

The Fishers Music and Arts Academy is somewhat new to the scene, opening about a year ago in its own building —

9746 Olympia Dr. in Fishers — by founder and longtime piano teacher

Sally Eppert. Eppert said it’s been an interesting journey and she’s grateful for the help and advice she’s received through national and international music school organizations, along with the support of the community. In addition to piano lessons, the school teaches guitar, percussion, strings and voice. She said one goal is for every student to learn to read music.

Continued on Page 7

Fishers Music and Arts Academy offers lessons in piano, guitar, percussion, strings and voice. (Photo courtesy of Fishers Music and Arts Academy)
School of Rock in Fishers, Carmel and Zionsville has various summer camps focused on rock music, including a Taylor Swift camp. (Photo courtesy of School of Rock)

Continued from Page 4

“But we also work with students from, right away — it doesn’t matter if they’re 4 or 5, or if they’re 45 or if they’re 85 — we want students to learn that they can make music, that they can make it up,” Eppert said. “I feel like that is such an important release in this day and age, to be able to find a place where you can let go of some of your emotions (through improvisation).”

The school will offer four weeks of summer camps this year, with each weeklong camp offering instruction in a variety of instruments from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

“It’s the idea of beginners coming in and doing music, learning about the piano, but also doing voice and drums, too, because, oh my gosh, when I started, I didn’t get to touch anything but the piano and now to get to sing into a microphone when you first start — so empowering,” she said, adding that the kids will make up a song and perform it at the end of each week.

For more, visit fishersmaa.com.

Bach to Rock

Bach To Rock, with locations in Fishers, Carmel and Zionsville, also offers weeklong camps during the summer months and will take students as young as 3 1/2, said co-owner Jennifer Flickner.

“Three-and-a-half and potty trained,” she clarified, adding that kids up to age 17 can sign up for a half-day camp or a full-day camp, with different programs offered for different age groups and interests.

The camp for the youngest kids is designed to be fast-moving because sitting still is hard, she said, and it provides an opportunity for students to explore all kinds of instruments.

“There’s a little bit of an artsy element to it — the kids will make or decorate their shirts,” she said, which the students wear for the performance at the end of the week. “This is for all of our camps. Everybody does a performance on the last day.”

Older students don’t need experience,

Bach to Rock, with locations in Fishers, Carmel and Zionsville, offers summer camps for ages 3 1/2 - 17. (Photo courtesy of Bach to Rock)

either, Flickner said. They’ll be grouped with kids of similar abilities and a coach helps each group learn songs and — very important — come up with a band name.

“They could be the Marshmallow Cows,” she said. “We have very interesting names that come up. It could be Late Night Vibes, the Flaming Cheeseburgers, those are the types of things that happen over here.”

Bach to Rock also offers a Glee Camp that focuses on singing and dancing, a DJ Camp and a Recording Arts Music Production Camp, which teaches audio production using computers and recording equipment.

The recording group also helps record the rock bands’ performances, so each camper has a music track to take home.

For more, visit bachtorock.com and click on the “Camps” tab.


Summer art camps at SullivanMunce Cultural Center


SullivanMunce Cultural Center invites youth and teens to explore their creativity this summer with a variety of exciting art camps. From in-depth clay camps to nature-inspired art adventures and time-traveling theatrical productions, there’s a camp for every young artist.

Campers can learn throwing and glazing techniques in Youth Clay Camp, create art with organic materials in Nature’s Palette, embark on historical adventures in Time Travelers camp, explore global art traditions in Art Around the World, bring mythical creatures to life in Mythical & Magical camp, or dive into a world of color in Color Explosion! camp.

Camps run from June 2 to Aug. 1, with both half-day and full-day options available. For more, visit sullivanmunce.org.

Watch Us Weave offers summer weaving camps and classes


Watch Us Weave in Zionsville offers a variety of weaving camps and classes this summer for teens, pre-teens and adults.

Teens and pre-teens can participate in week-long summer camps designed to introduce the joy of weaving and inspire a lifelong hobby. Adults can sign up for custom personalized weaving classes tailored to their individual interests and skill levels.

Watch Us Weave is located at 45 South Elm Street in downtown Zionsville. For more or to register for camps, call 317-379-7569 or visit watchusfarm.com.


Summer of discovery at Summer U Camps


University High School will host Summer U camps from June 2 to Aug. 1, offering fun and engaging activities for children in pre-K through 12th grade. Campers can choose from a variety of programs, including STEM, arts, athletics and more.

Hands-on activities will spark curiosity and inspire learning on University High

School’s campus. Program options include sports, games, esports, technology, science, math, rocketry, robotics, LEGO, Minecraft, Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, American Doll, worldbuilding, dinosaurs, cooking and baking, musical theater, writing, arts, nature and more. Before and after care is available.

For more, visit universityhighschool. org/summer.

RoundTripper Sports Academy announces sports classes and camps


RoundTripper Sports Academy offers a variety of sports camps this summer for athletes of all ages and skill levels. Professional instructors provide personalized attention in small class settings, maintaining a 5:1 student-to-instructor ratio.

Summer camps run from June 2 to June 27, with various sports and skill development options available. Early registration is recommended as camp spaces are limited.

For more, visit roundtripper.com/classes-camps.

M14Hoops camps offer variety of specialized training

M14Hoops summer camps offer a bit of everything for young basketball players.

Nick Daniels is the managing partner for M14Hoops Indianapolis. M14Hoops, which has sites in Westfield and Noblesville. The summer camps will be held in June and July. The camps are designed for boys and girls in third through eighth grade.

The Noblesville M14 camp is held at the Mojo Up Sports Complex at Finch Creek, which is the training center. The Westfield M14 training center is the Pacers Athletic Center, but the camp will be held in Farmers Bank Fieldhouse in Lebanon.

Daniels, who also is managing partner of M14 in Cincinnati and Phoenix, is the head of player and staff development for M14Hoops.


Robotics Summer Camp


“Each week, we offer a morning and afternoon option, or they can stay all day with us and they get lunch,” Daniels said. “Each camp has a different skill focus. Our No. 1 goal for camps is they learn, they get better and they have fun. We want to create a fun environment. If they want to improve their skills, this is a good way to do it.”

There are camps for ballhandling, scoring, shooting, 3-on-3, “let’s play” and shooting and defense.

“We get a lot of the kids that train with us regularly throughout the year,” Daniels said. “It’s also a great time for players to try our program who haven’t tried it. Our camps are popular for new players and current players.”

Daniels played collegiately for Purdue University Fort Wayne, which was then Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.

Daniels had planned to play basketball overseas but ended up working part time for M14, which was just starting in Chicago. In 2016, he came to the Indianapolis area to launch the second location.

M14 is named after founder Matt Miller, who wore No. 14 when he played. He played for four colleges, finishing his career with Bellarmine University. He then played professionally overseas.

The camps are run by full-time staff. Daniels said the camp counselors are part-time staff and college athletes.

The Noblesville site is directed by Randy Reed and the Westfield director is Eric Easter.

For more, visit noblesville.m14hoops. com and westfield.m14hoops.com.

Nick Daniels is the managing partner for M14Hoops Indianapolis. (Photo courtesy of Nick Daniels)

Kids Explore Robotics offers educational summer camps

Kids Explore Robotics will host interactive summer camps for children 6 and older throughout the summer. The camps will be offered at several locations throughout the Indianapolis area, including Greenwood, Fishers, Carmel and Avon.

Each camp session will take place over five days, with time options available 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. The first session begins June 2 in Greenwood, and the last session begins July 21 in Avon.

Children will have the opportunity to learn about, build and code two robots, which are designed to accomplish a variety of tasks. Robots can be coded to play different drumbeats, relay traffic patterns, do pull-ups and much more. At the end of camp, kids get to keep two of the robots they worked on. Vinod Agrawal, one of the founders of Kids Explore Robotics, shared one of the benefits of their approach to teaching.

“(Children) are learning to make changes to the code and seeing the immediate impact of what the robot does,” Agrawal said. “So, they relate, ‘I can make this

change to the code to make the robot do different things.’ It inspires their curiosity, and they can be as creative as they want.”

Agrawal and his son, Aarav Agrawal, founded Kids Explore Robotics two years ago when Aarav, a then-junior in high school, expressed interest in teaching kids about robotics to inspire interest in STEM. Since then, Aarav and Vinod have designed and developed 14 different robots, 50 different activities and crafted a curriculum to educate children about the process of robotics through various classes. They personally engineered and designed wooden and 3D-printed materials that are used to build the robots.

The robots have an open-concept design to increase children’s understanding of the inner workings of motors, micro-controllers and coding.

Besides summer camps, Kids Explore Robotics offers free one-hour classes each week and several other classes and courses. Kids Explore Robotics also offers several online summer camps. The cost for the summer camp is $259 per person for the in-person summer camp and $279 per person for the online camp. For more, visit kidsexplorerobotics.com.

STEM skills are stressed at Kids Explore Robotics. (Photo courtesy of Kids Explore Robotics)

Wright’s Gymnastics to host themed summer camps

With several summer camps available for children, Wright’s Gymnastics, with locations in Noblesville, Fishers and Westfield, has weekly themes for all camps.

Wright’s Gymnastics Director of Marketing Lauren Lofgren said the camps, which start at the end of May and run until early August, will have several activities each week for children ages 3 through 13.

“They get to come and do all sorts of activities, crafts and games,” Lofgren said. “We also will do a different theme each week, like ‘Pirates and Pixies,’ to keep things exciting. It influences their crafts and games.”

With daily access to the gym, Lofgren said children can play throughout the day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and have opportunities to learn gymnastics skills.

“In the gym, they are playing the entire time, but there is a lesson that will go on, too,” Lofgren said. “The kids will walk away having learned something. Suppose they’re not currently enrolled in classes, or they’ve never done gymnastics or

ninja — a combination of gymnastics and parkour. In that case, they’re going to experience it and learn a bit more about getting upside down with their bodies.”

Although activities vary by location, most of Wright’s camps also will have water and outdoor activities throughout the week.

“We get the kids outside at least twice a day, weather permitting, and we have inflatable slides, scooters and basketball,” Lofgren said. “It’s a really active camp. We’re trying to keep them moving as much as possible but with a couple of opportunities for downtime as well.”

Lofgren said weekly themes keep kids engaged in a range of activities.

“The biggest thing we’re incorporating this year is trying to get a form of entertainment for each week that applies to the theme,” Lofgren said. ‘My favorite part is when they make friends through these days and want to sign up for another camp. It’s like controlled chaos because they’re running around and giggling. I look forward to it.”

Registration is open for Wright’s Gymnastics summer camps at wrightsgymnastics.com.

Kids stay active during Wright’s Gymnastics camps. (Photo courtesy of Wright’s Gymnastics)

Zionsville’s Z’Camp summer day camp registration opens March 5


Z’Camp in Zionsville opens registration for its 2025 summer day camp program March 5. The camp serves children in preschool through 6th grade. Campers participate in a variety of activities throughout the summer, including sports, games, arts and crafts, and field trips.

Camp hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The daily schedule includes morning meetings, organized activities, lunch, swimming, and snacks. Z’Camp offers weekly sessions from June 4 to July 25, with a special all-day field trip week from July 21 to 25.

Families receive discounts when enrolling multiple children. Campers can attend for a single week or multiple weeks. For more, visit zcamponline.com.

Z’Camp registration begins March 5. (Photo courtesy ZCS Zcamp)

Indy Stem Camps offers engaging Minecraft-themed STEM camps


Indy Stem Camps provides exciting Minecraft-themed STEM camps for children in grades 1-8. Founded by a physics teacher, Indy Stem Camps has entertained and educated more than 10,000 children with a focus on creative, cooperative gameplay in a social setting.

Campers enjoy their own computer

workstation in a secure multiplayer environment guided by knowledgeable counselors. With eight unique camp titles to choose from, there’s something for everyone, from beginners to advanced levels.

Camps run from June 2 to Aug. 1, for 3 hours daily over five days, with options for both creative and survival gameplay. For more, visit indystemcamps.com.

Indiana Basketball Academy summer camps tip off soon


The Indiana Basketball Academy tips off its 29th year of summer basketball camps for boys and girls ages 5-14, starting May 27. With 18 weeks of camp available at two convenient locations in Carmel and Lebanon, IBA offers a fun and engaging environment for players of all experience levels.

Campers can expect to learn and work

Our summer programs are open to all Central Indiana students from pre-kindergarten to grade 12, and offer a great introduction to the extraordinary opportunities available at Park Tudor.

From Cub Camp for 3 & 4 year-olds to options for high school students, Park Tudor summer programs offer something for everyone – arts & crafts, sports, performing arts, science, literature, chess & gaming, and more!

on drills and fundamental skills, play games, compete in contests, make new friends and hear coaches’ stories. Each camper will receive a T-shirt and collect NBA cards. Full-day campers also will enjoy pizza and Kona Ice for lunch on competition Fridays.

Camps run through Aug. 1, with options for full or half days. For more, visit playiba.com/camps.

The Point Theater to have music-filled summer camps


The Point Theater at 1950 E. Greyhound Pass has numerous opportunities for children to gain theater experience this summer.

Set Sail with Moana — themed musical theater day camps

At this camp, designed for students ages 4 through 6 for half days or students ages 7 through 10 for full days, children will participate in acting, singing and choreography to create an end-ofweek performance for family and friends. There are three weeks and locations available for this camp. They are:

• June 9 through 13: 3600 W. 96th St., Indianapolis

• June 16 through 20: 621 S. Rangeline Rd., Carmel

• June 23 through 27: 1870 W. Oak St., Zionsville Musical-in-a-Week

After a two-year hiatus, the Musicalin-a-Week, fast-paced, high-energy camp is back. This camp challenges students to rehearse and perform “Elf” in five days and is best for children ages 11 through 18.

There are two weeks available for this camp at CrossRoads Church in Westfield, 19201 Grassy Branch Rd. They are June 9 through 13 and June 23 through 27.

Play-in-a-Day: A one-day theatrical adventure

Play-in-a-Day is a camp designed for children who like a challenge but prefer to skip singing and dancing. This year’s play, “How to Get Away with a Murder

The Point Theater offers a variety of music-themed camps. (Photo courtesy The Point Theater)

Mystery” by Don Zolidis, offers a fastpaced experience where students ages 11 through 18 rehearse in the morning and perform for an audience in the afternoon.

Play-in-a-Day will take place June 17 at the Marian University Theater, 3200 Cold Spring Rd., Indianapolis. Improv Camp

The Improv Camp is a half-day camp for children ages 11 through 18 that sharpens comedic timing, spontaneity and creativity through engaging improv games.

The camp is grouped by age at CrossRoads Church at Westfield, 19201 Grassy Branch Rd. Time slots are:

• July 7 through 11, ages 11 through 13, 1 to 4 p.m.

• July 7 through 11, ages 14 through 18, 9 a.m. to noon

For more, visit thepointtheater.org.

Central Indiana Academy of Dance announces summer dance camps


The Central Indiana Academy of Dance in Carmel offers a variety of summer dance camps for children aged 3 to 9.

Camps for ages 3 to 6 run from 9 a.m. to noon and feature themes like Moana and Maui’s Adventures, Frozen Summer Celebration, Moana and Maui’s Island Luau, Fairytale Princesses and Princes, and Frozen Prince &

Princess Party.

For ages 6 to 9, CIAD offers a Youth Summer Ballet Intensive from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., when dancers with at least one year of training can enjoy a variety of dance classes, including ballet, jazz, contemporary, modern, PBT, pre-pointe and stretch and conditioning.

Camps run from June 2 to Aug. 1. For more, visit ciaodance.com.

Musicologie announces summer music camps for kids and teens


Musicologie in Noblesville offers a summer of music fun with three exciting camps designed for ages 4 to 15. Mini Musicians Camp introduces young children ages 4 to 6 to the joy of music through rhythm games, improvisation, and creative projects. Music Explorers Camp, for ages 7 to 10, allows campers to explore music through composition, improvisation and collaborative projects, culminating in a final performance. Rock Band Boot Camp is an immersive camp for teens ages 11 to 15 that allows them to form bands, write songs and perform like rock stars.

Camps are available in June, July, and August, with both full-day and half-day options. Early-bird and multi-kid discounts are available. For more, visit go.musicologie.com/ summer-camps.html.

Musicologie offers music camps for ages 4 to 15 (Photo courtesy Musicologie

Kids’ summer camp workshops at Board & Brush


Board & Brush Noblesville invites children 6 and older to participate in their creative Kids’ Camp Workshops this summer. Each workshop features a fun theme and allows kids to enjoy hands-on activities while creating personalized projects.

Themes include S’mores Campout, Ice Cream Sundae Bar, Christmas in

July, Popcorn Bar, Beach Party and Pajama Pizza Party. Children ages 6 to 8 must be accompanied by an adult; children 9 and older can attend solo.

Workshops are held on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and include two projects, a snack and a drink. The cost is $75 per child. Pre-registration is required. For more, visit boardandbrush.com/ noblesville.

International School of Indiana offers summer camp for central Indiana students


The International School of Indiana offers summer programming for incoming kindergarten through sixth-grade students. Campers can choose from a variety of programs, including language learning, enrichment and sports camps. Language Summer Camp, hosted in partnership with the Hamilton Lugar School of Global & International Studies,

June 2-6

June 23-27

July 7-11

July 14-18

July 21-25

July 28- Aug 1 July 7-11

Moana and Maui’s Adventures Frozen Summer Celebration

Rapunzel’s Summer Adventures FULL Moana and Maui’s Island Luau

Fairytale Princesses and Princes

Frozen Prince & Princess Party

Youth Summer Ballet Intensive

provides language immersion experiences in French, Mandarin, Spanish and Arabic. Enrichment Camps offer STEM activities, writing and arts, and cultural learning. The new Amazing Athletes Sports Camp allows campers to explore different sports themes each week. Weekly sessions run from June 16 to July 25. For more, visit isind.org/events/ summercamp.

Fortune Academy offers summer camp for students with learning differences


Fortune Academy, a school for students with learning differences, offers a unique summer camp program combining academic remediation with traditional summer camp activities. The program runs from June 9 to 27.

Mornings focus on educational breakout sessions using the Orton-Gillingham approach, while afternoons are dedicated to hands-on activities and field trips. Before and aftercare are available.

The camp offers a variety of breakout groups focusing on different academic and therapeutic areas.

For more, visit thefortuneacademy.org/summer-camp.

Indianapolis Children’s Choir announces summer music camp


The Indianapolis Children’s Choir announces its Summer Music Camp 2025, “Just a Dream Away,” for children entering first through eighth grade. Two sessions are available: June 2-5 and July 21-24.

Campers will enjoy a week of singing, instrument exploration, music games and crafts, culminating in a concert performance. The camp takes place at the ICC Performing Arts Center in Indianapolis. Financial assistance is available. For more, visit icchoir.com/camps.

Join our Volunteer Team at Ascension St. Vincent Carmel

Make a difference, connect with others and help our patients feel welcome.


Join Indy Pickleball Club for its fourth annual Furry Fracas Pickleball Tournament benefitting the Humane Society for Hamilton County. The event will be March 1 and 2 at The Picklr in Noblesville, 9855 Cumberland Pointe Blvd and is expected to have more than 400 participants, volunteers, vendors and fans participating. All funds raised will directly benefit The Humane Society for Hamilton County. For more, visit pickleballtournaments.com/tournaments/ furry-fracas-2025-by-tom-wood-porsche.


Join our community of dedicated volunteers and help our patients feel welcomed and supported. To apply, please reach out to our Volunteer Manager, Erika Ross, by email at erika.ross@ascension.org, and by phone at 317-582-7262

© Ascension 2025. All rights reserved.

Hamilton County Parks staff members will demonstrate how to make maple syrup from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 1 at Bray Family Homestead Park, 4528 Ind. 38 in Noblesville. Traditional and modern equipment will be used to make syrup and information regarding the folklore, history and science of maple trees will be shared. During the tour, visitors will rotate through the Maple Grove, History Hut, Sugar Shack and Sugar Shop. The event is free and will feature live music and food for purchase.



Janus Developmental Services will host a resource fair from 10 a.m. to noon March 1 at 1555 Westfield Rd. in Noblesville. There will be information on Janus’ programs, a silent art auction, free Chick-fil-A and more.


The annual Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville auxiliary auction will be at 6:30 p.m. March 1 at Harbour Trees Golf Club in Noblesville, 333 Regents Park Lane. Proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville, and the night will feature a live and silent auction. For tickets, visit bgcni.org.


Support all ten Noblesville Schools at Noblesville Schools Education Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser, Miller-Palooza, at 6 p.m. March 14. Festivities at Embassy Suites Noblesville, 13700 Conference Center Dr., will include drinks, food stations, adult games and entertainment, a silent auction and a short awards program highlighting

supporters of Noblesville Schools. For tickets, visit noblesvilleschoolseducationfoundation.org.


Fathers and daughters have the opportunity to spend the evening together at a semi-formal event from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. March 15 at Embassy Suites Noblesville, 13700 Conference Center Dr. The evening, hosted by Noblesville Parks & Recreation, will feature music, dancing, a candy bar, treats and an arcade zone. For more, visit event.ontaptickets.com/events/ princess-ball-3-15-2025.


The Noblesville Chamber of Commerce will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its Taste of Business event from 4 to 7:30 p.m. March 26 at Embassy Suites Noblesville, 13700 Conference Center Dr. The event features local business leaders and the opportunity to discover restaurants, products and services. Get tickets at noblesvillechamber. com/taste-of-business.



Hamilton County is bipartisan

Not long ago, Hamilton County was a GOP stronghold with uncontested general election races and a longstanding political monopoly. Today, we are achieving politically balance — a quality of good government that serves people well. Although Democrats haven’t yet achieved all the hoped-for Hamilton County election victories, there are many facts that prove our county is undeniably bipartisan.

MSNBC highlighted Hamilton County as one of the top 10 counties in the nation that shifted most to Democrats, up 28 since 2012. The New York Times reported that we are one of only 319 counties in the country (11 percent) that did not increase Trump support. Notably, the Democratic presidential candidate won both Carmel and Fishers for the very first time in 2024.

This momentum is not simply the result of our growing population. This consistent shift is the result of hard work from local Democratic volunteers and stronger Democratic candidates.

Did you know Hamilton County voters had the most competitive ballots in the

entire state? For the first time in 20 years, Indiana’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate won Hamilton County cities. Democratic incumbent State Rep. Victoria Garcia-Wilburn decisively won reelection. She represents Hamilton County as a Democrat in the Statehouse.

The Hamilton County Democratic Party launched its largest countywide Get Out The Vote campaign ever in 2024. This campaign was activated by over 235 volunteers across the county to reach 44,000 Hamilton County Democratic voters. For the second year in a row, Hamilton County Democrats canvassed the most doors in the state.

That distinction proves that local Democrats directly impacted voter turnout. Overall voter turnout in Hamilton County was 71 percent — one of the highest for the 2024 general election in Indiana.

For more about the Hamilton County Democratic Party, visit hamcodemsin.org. Jocelyn Vare, Fishers, is the chairperson of the Hamilton County Democratic Party


Noblesville teens raise funds for leukemia research

When an opportunity was presented to Noblesville siblings Parker and Tyler Stallings to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, they embraced it.

The Stallings are candidates for the 2025 LLS Student Visionary of the Year — a seven-week Leukemia and Lymphoma Society youth fundraising campaign. They are raising money for LLS in honor of their brother, Finn, an eighth-grader at Noblesville West Middle School.

Finn, 14, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 2016. He has been in complete remission since 2019.

“I don’t think people quite realize how serious cancer is until they have firsthand experience with it,” said Tyler, a sophomore at Noblesville High School. “This fundraiser helps raise awareness about how serious cancer really is and the effects that it has on real people versus just statistics.”

The brothers also have a cousin, Aubrey, who had the same cancer as Finn, which is another reason the campaign hits close to home.

“Doing this fundraiser helps people have more of a connection to people they may know, especially if they know that their family members have gone through a similar thing,” Tyler said. “It helps raise awareness for everybody and reaches people who can help fund research. The funds go to many things that help anyone who has to go through it. Raising money will make that process so much easier on other people.”

Meghan Stallings, the boys’ mother, said Jeff Johnson, the campaign development director at LLS Indianapolis, nominated her sons for the fundraiser.

“I went to high school with Jeff, so he knew my son had cancer,” Meghan said. “Now that my boys are in high school, he asked if they would want to do it, and they said yes.”

Parker, a junior at NHS, said their father, Nathan Stallings, participated in a similar campaign in 2019. Nathan ran for Man of the Year, where adults participate in a

similar 10-week fundraiser to raise money for LLS.

“The cause already meant a lot to us, but it means more to us now since our family members have dealt with cancer,” Parker said. “We have supported our brother ever since he’s had it, and it was tough for all of us. When my dad did the fundraiser, he raised a lot of money for Finn. So, we’re just trying to follow in his footsteps and continue to support him.”

Although they were young when Finn battled cancer, the boys said they remember bits and pieces of his journey. Meghan said the family struggled, but she and

Nathan did their best to keep things as normal as possible at home.

“They’re all about 19 months apart,” Meghan said. “I think my husband and I did a good job of trying to make the boys’ home life regular, so they didn’t see the big struggles and doctors appointments at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. They did, however, witness him getting medicine every day and going to the doctor once a week.”

Finn now enjoys life as a typical teenager and has blood tests once a year.

“I’m glad they’re helping raise money because it means quite a lot to me and

others who also had to go through it,” Finn said.

So far, fundraising efforts have involved outreach via social media. Meghan said they have a 10-person team and have considered hosting an event to reach the team’s goal of $50,000.

“The boys and our team have posted about the fundraiser on social media to spread awareness, and we have also texted people we know,” Meghan said. “The boys also spread awareness by talking with friends at school. We haven’t done any events yet, but we have discussed possibly hosting a tennis event where people could play tennis and raise money. It’s really just been a lot of word of mouth and reaching out to everyone we can.”

With about two weeks left in the fundraiser, the team, Finn’s Fighters, is a little more than halfway to its $50,000 goal.

“I think this fundraiser is not just about raising money but also getting the boys out of their comfort zone to meet and talk with people they’re not used to,” Meghan said. “It isn’t about raising the most money, but more so doing it for their family members who have dealt with cancer and continuing to fund research at LLS.”

Parker and Tyler’s campaign and donation links can be found at events.lls.org/in/ svoyIndiana25/tparkerand.

ON THE COVER: Parker Stallings, right, and Tyler Stallings, left, with their brother Finn, center, who they are honoring with their fundraising campaign. (Photo courtesy of Meghan Stallings)


The Student Visionaries of the Year campaign is a seven-week philanthropic leadership development program for high school students through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Each year, students create a campaign to help support research for blood cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, among others.

LLS Campaign Manager Sydney Encinias said the fundraising campaign is a good opportunity for high school

students outside of traditional school fundraisers.

“It’s a leadership opportunity outside of the classroom that teaches them valuable skills for the future while fostering a love of philanthropy and giving back to their communities,” Encinias said.

Noblesville brothers Parker and Tyler Stallings are among several students nationwide participating in the campaign. The fundraiser began in January and is active until March 7.

Their mother, Meghan Stallings, said their team, Finn’s Fighters, has a primary goal of advocating for blood cancer research.

“There are three pillars LLS spends their money on,” Meghan said. “They either spend the money on research, education or support and advocacy. My boys are raising money for research, so any funds raised will go toward cancer research, cures and what we can do to keep research efforts strong.”

Finn Stallings Parker Stallings, left, and his brother Tyler Stallings are Noblesville High School students raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. (Photo courtesy of Meghan Stallings)

TobyMac’s ‘Life After Death’ album features deeply personal songs

TobyMac remembers going to his first official songwriting session for his most recent album, “Life After Death,” and it wasn’t the usual pleasant feeling.

“I was driving out there and I was like, ‘What am I doing? Am I going to write a song like everything’s back to normal?’” sad TobyMac, who will perform on the “Hits Deep” tour at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 at Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. “It made me sick, almost, honestly.”

Normally, the Christian music artist said writing songs with a collaborator would be exciting, something to anticipate as an artist wonders if some creative magic will happen in that writing room that day. But these weren’t normal times for TobyMac (whose given name is Toby McKeehan).

In October 2019, his oldest son, Truett Foster McKeehan, the oldest of his five children, died from an accidental overdose. An aspiring musician, Truett, 21, had just launched his solo career. He had battled addictions in his past, but signs were pointing toward a bright future, and Truett’s father was proud of what his son had seemingly overcome and accomplished.

“You feel like you shouldn’t go back to what (you do),” TobyMac said of the first writing session. “If you go back to normal, in some way you’re dishonoring your lost loved one. But when I got there, I just started writing this song ‘Faithfully.’ It was so deeply personal to me, about God’s faithfulness at the hardest time in my life.”

It should be noted that “Faithfully” wasn’t the first song TobyMac had written about losing his son. He released the top 5 single, “21 Years,” in January 2020.  “‘21 Years’ came like almost within the first month, but it was because I didn’t view that as songwriting,” TobyMac said. “I viewed that as a song to honor my

son’s life. Thank God for the 21 years I got to interact with my boy. I immediately started just turning my faith to God and trying, trying. There were times when I struggled through that, but I found God to be kind in the end and I wanted to remember all of the best things about my son in that song.”

As he moved forward with songwriting, it became clear that “Life After Death” would be about losing Truett and the path toward healing that TobyMac and his family had taken over the preceding two years.

“Life After Death” starts on a hopeful note with “Help Is on the Way (Maybe Midnight)” and “The Goodness,” songs that promise God will be “rolling up His sleeves” to help in times of trouble. And even when songs touch on “dark days” and “long nights” (as on “Show Up Choose Love,” “Faithfully” and “Rest”), he said a similar ray of hope from God’s love filters through the lyrics. Musically, the material isn’t the downer the subject matter might suggest. Several songs touch on sadness and loss. But the soulful “Help

Is on the Way (Maybe Midnight)” and the hip-hop track “Life On It” are upbeat and at times even bouncy, while “Deeper” and “Fire’s Burnin’” are chipper bits of R&Blaced pop.

“The Goodness” became a key song in helping TobyMac find his emotional footing during the writing, as it describes how God is the unshakable goodness in life.

“I didn’t think I’d ever write another song that felt like joy or was uptempo,” TobyMac said. “And when I got hit with that, there was just so much promise in it for me at that moment, that that song poured out of me.”

Honest and relatable lyrics — and lots of catchy songs that have blended hiphop, R&B, pop and rock — have been key ingredients in making TobyMac one of Christian music’s biggest stars. He began his career alongside Michael Tait and Kevin Max in the trailblazing and hugely popular Christian hip-hop group, DC Talk before he launched his solo career in 2001.

In all, TobyMac’s eight solo albums have sold more than five million copies combined and won seven Grammy Awards. So far “Life After Death” has given TobyMac three No. 1 Christian music singles in “Help Is on the Way (Maybe Midnight),” “The Goodness” and “Cornerstone” (as well the top 5 single in “Promised Land”) to go with his seven previous chart-topping songs.

Those chart-topping songs figure to be included in TobyMac’s shows on his “Hits Deep” tour. As the tour title suggests, TobyMac’s set will focus on his hit songs from throughout his career. He might also include a song or two from “Heaven On My Mind,” the new album that he’s releasing March 7.

“The beautiful part about it (‘Life After Death’) is we’ve already had three significant singles off it, so those three, I’m not forcing them into the hits category,” TobyMac said.

For more, visit ticketmaster.com


“Jersey Boys” runs through April 13 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in Indianapolis. For more, visit beefandboards.com.


Carmel Community Players’ production of “Pride and Prejudice” runs from Feb. 28 to March 9 at The Cat, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel. For more, visit carmelplayers.org.


The Songbook Foundation will screen “Showstoppers,” a documentary about women of television variety shows in the 1960s and ’70s, at 2 p.m. March 2 at The Tarkington at Allied Solutions Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.


Eric Baker Presents “Sounds and Stories” at 7:30 p.m. March 1 at Feinstein’s at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. For more, visit feinsteinshc.com.


Civic Theatre’s production of “The Cat in the Hat” is set for 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. March 1 at The Tarkington at the Allied Solutions Center for the Performing Arts at Carmel. For more, visit the thecenterpresents.org.


The Belfry Theatre and Hamilton County Theatre Guild’s production of “Little Women” runs through March 2 at Noblesville First United Methodist Church, 2051 Monument St., Noblesville. For tickets, visit thebelfrytheatre.com or call or text 317-773-1085.


IWS concert set for March 1 — Indiana Wind Symphony’s “An Extraordinary Life” concert will pay tribute to the composer Joseph Bologne. The concert is set for 7:30 p.m. March 1 at the Studio Theater at the Allied Solutions Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Bologne emerged from enslavement in the Caribbean to become a composer, violinist and acclaimed conductor. For more, visit indianawindsymphony.org.

TobyMac performs at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 at Gainbridge Fieldhouse. (Photo courtesy of TobyMac)

Comedy routine to open film

Mike Young has chosen a unique approach to promoting his new film.

Young will perform a comedy routine before some of the showings of “Stealing Jokes,” including a March 3 appearance at Emagine Noblesville, a movie theater.


stiffed on their pay.

“I think audiences are more fickle now and have so many reasons to stay home, so I wanted to give them another reason to go out,” Young said. “Maybe the ticket price is a little higher, but they get a live show, then a movie. It’s almost like ‘Rocky Horror’ back in the day where the audience got fully involved in the film on all levels. Plus, thematically it makes sense for this film as it stars a few really talented comics.”

Young said he will perform for 10 minutes and another comic will do 10 minutes.

Young wrote and directed “Stealing Jokes” and plays a small role. The story is about comics who rob a venue after being

“I’ve been a touring comic for 20 years and I’ve seen a lot on the road,” Young said. “I’ve seen club owners try and pay you in vintage coins and baseball tickets and I’ve seen them straight up not pay you, so for me, this was a testament to any great comic who’s ever been stiffed. We tell jokes, we make you feel better. Pay us what you owe us and there won’t be any issues. I had to make this movie. They get their due.”

Young came up with the idea about four years ago.

“I shopped it around to a few producers and lucked out with the best partner in Dan Gilbert, founder of Rocket Mortgage, who totally understood the humor and came on board to produce it,” Young said.

Young said actor-comedian Michael Rapaport was the only comic in the movie he was friends with before filming

The film features comedians Jeff Dye, Dustin Ybarra, Al Madrigal, Haha Davis and Luke Null, among others.

For more, visit emagine-entertainment. com/theatres/emagine-noblesville/.

Heartland films get spotlight

The Heartland Film will be well-represented March 2 at the 97th Academy Awards show.


This year, 17 films celebrated by Heartland Film received 52 total Academy Award nominations, including 10 films from the Heartland International Film Festival, three shorts from Indy Shorts and four recipients of the Truly Moving Picture.

The HIFF Closing Night film, “Emilia Pérez” from Netflix, received the most Oscar nominations at 13, including Best Picture. The HIFF Opening Night film and Humor & Humanity Award winner, “A Real Pain” from Searchlight Pictures, received two nominations for Best Supporting Actor and Best Original Screenplay.

“We have a good track record of Opening and Closing Night films, and I think both ‘Emilia Pérez’ and ‘A Real Pain’ will win Oscars,” Heartland Artistic Director Greg Sorvig said. “It’s been a whirlwind year as far as a lack of a frontrunner. Based on

recent awards, I have a feeling ‘Anora’ will win Best Picture. It will ignite conversation similar to the Super Bowl halftime show (with Kendrick Lamar). It will be a generational-type thing, I know a demo older than I am are not fans of risqué content, but it’s a film that is really well done with acting and editing. We’ve had (writer-director) Sean Baker’s work in the past. It won the Palm d’Or award at the Cannes Film Festival.”

“Anora” is about a young sex worker from Brooklyn who meets and marries the son of a Russian oligarch.

“Emilia Pérez” was hurt when old racist tweets made by Karla Sofía Gascón, the first openly trans performer nominated for an Oscar, were discovered.

“I think it could win the maximum of five Oscars, but I’d be safe to say it could win one or two Oscars, which isn’t uncommon for a film with that many nominations,” said Sorvig, a Carmel resident.

Sorvig said Zoe Saldana could win Best Supporting Actress. He also likes Kieran Culkin’s chances to win Best Supporting Actor for “A Real Pain.”

‘Pride and Prejudice’ set

When Alec Cole watched the 2005 movie “Pride and Prejudice,” it was love at first sight.


“I’ve been a big fan of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ for about six or seven years. I watched the (2005 movie) and fell in love with the characters. and then started watching that every Valentine’s Day,” Cole said.

too much as being this cold, dark character. He’s a little rough, but he’s trying.”

In contrast to Cole, prior to being cast as Lizzy, Speedway resident Katie Endres had never read the book or seen the movie.

“I would host a little ‘Pride and Prejudice’ watch party. It’s a sweet, quintessential romantic story and it’s a feel-good tale.”

Cole plays Mr. Darcy in Carmel Community Players’ production of “Pride and Prejudice,” which runs Feb. 28 to March 9 at The Cat, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel.

“It’s absolutely a dream role for me,” he said.

Cole, who lives on the south side of Indianapolis, also watched the BBC’s 1995 miniseries to prepare for the role.

“He’s certainly an exciting character to play,” Cole said. “He almost gets maligned

“So, that was my homework after I got cast,” Endres said. “It’s been an honor to play one of the most iconic literary female characters of all time. She’s such a strong and complex character. It’s been really fulfilling, and having a great ensemble behind me makes it all the more fun and even easier to me.”

Samantha Kelly, a 2015 North Central High School graduate and north Indianapolis resident, is making her directorial debut.

“I’ve seen several renditions of it,” Kelly said. “I like how (playwright) Kate Hamill made everything funny because Jane Austen is usually hard to make funny. It’s a lighthearted version.”

There are eight performances, including a recently added 2:30 p.m. March 8 matinee. For more, visit carmelplayers. org.


Indiana Orthopedic Institute opens flagship facility


Officials from the City of Noblesville joined representatives from the Indiana Orthopedic Institute Feb. 13 to cut the ribbon for opening of the institute’s $35 million flagship facility, a 38,000-square-foot surgery center and medical office building dedicated to advanced orthopedic care and specializing in hip and knee replacement.


Indiana Orthopedic Institute at 14065 Borg Warner Dr. is the first tenant at Noblesville’s Innovation Mile — a 600-acre district adjacent to Ind. 69 designed to drive sustainable economic growth in Noblesville.

“Officially cutting the ribbon on the Indiana Orthopedic Institute is a major milestone at Noblesville’s Innovation Mile,” Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen stated. “I want to officially welcome Dr. (Michael) Meneghini and his team to Noblesville and thank them for their investment in this innovation district and our community. I look forward to hearing of their success now that they are officially open to offer

world-class medical care to patients.”

Indiana Orthopedic Institute is a statewide orthopedic enterprise founded and led by Meneghini, an internationally recognized orthopedic surgeon, researcher, educator and pioneer in outpatient joint replacement and computer-assisted surgi-

cal techniques.

The facility will employ approximately 52 people and feature an array of services and technology, such as an ambulatory surgery center, advanced operating rooms, orthopedic clinics and X-ray suites, among others.

Discover the ideal solution for homeowners in and around Hamilton and Boone Counties seeking assistance with their projects. This comprehensive guide will publish on March 25 and it connects you with the perfect company to bring your visions to life. Reach all 131,191 households in Carmel, Fishers, Geist, Noblesville, North Indy, Westfield, and Zionsville through U.S. Mail at a single, affordable price. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to showcase your offerings to a wide audience and help homeowners bring their projects to fruition.

“We are beyond excited to bring our vision of an orthopedic ‘hospital of the future’ to the residents of Noblesville, the surrounding communities and the entire state of Indiana,” Meneghini stated. “After three years of meticulous planning and construction, it’s incredibly rewarding to see this vision come to life. It’s a privilege to be part of something we believe will profoundly impact the lives of those we serve. We look forward to becoming an integral part of this community, providing the highest quality orthopedic care and service to every patient.”

For more, visit indianaortho.com or call 317-620-0232.

Indiana Orthopedic Institute at 14065 Borg Warner Dr.
From left, City of Noblesville Deputy Mayor Matt Light, Noblesville Economic Development Director Andrew Murray, Indiana Orthopedic Institute Founder and CEO Dr. Michael Meneghini, Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen, Indiana Orthopedic Institute COO and CFO Jennifer Fry and Noblesville Community Development Director Sarah Reed cut the ribbon to the Indiana Orthopedic Institute Feb. 13. (Photos courtesy of Lexie Rock)



1. Calculators with beads

6. Kid around

10. Top cards at the Indianapolis Bridge Center

14. Team and town that was the inspiration for the film “Hoosiers”

15. Ratio phrase

16. Lavish party

17. Civic Theatre play part

18. Custard dessert

19. “___, Brute?”

20. Slogan on a POW-MIA Indiana license plate

23. Spice mix for Rackz BBQ ribs

26. Lock opener

27. Bit of land in the sea

28. In mint condition

30. Southern pronoun

33. Ambulance letters

34. Narrow winning margin at Hoosier Park

35. AMC Castleton Square 14 offerings

37. Slogan on a Habitat for Humanity Indiana license plate

41. Consider

42. Abundant

45. Bucks on a Pacers scoreboard

48. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church service

49. Stockholm natives

51. 1300 hours

53. Rebel Guevara

54. Nonetheless

55. Slogan on an Indiana Bicycle Coalition license plate

60. Relinquish

61. Video streaming site

62. Name before Rabbit, Pan or Piper

66. Mine finds

67. Varieties

68. Nebraska city

69. Marries

70. Miss Indiana accessory 71. Deafening


1. Doc bloc


2. Pen name

3. CTRL-___-DEL

4. Abel’s brother

5. Call upon

6. Short time

7. Norway’s capital

8. Indy newspaper

9. ___ Kong

10. Helps in a heist

11. Fair Oaks Farms milk producers 12. Respect 13. Turns aside 21. Montana Grill guy 22. Lubricated

23. Go jogging on the Monon Trail

24. Family card game

25. Obama predecessor

29. Clairvoyant

30. “My place or ___?”

31. Like some Colts fans

32. ___ Abner

35. Lacy School of Business

Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana, will receive bids from contractors for the Hamilton County Building Automation Upgrades located at 300 N 17th Street in Noblesville, IN. The Owner intends to enter into one contract with the Contractor that submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid and who will be fully responsible for coordination of all required work between all trades. Bidding Documents may be obtained via Ivy Tech Community College Workday website https://ivy-tech-community-college-of-indiana. us.workdayspend.com/rfps/848369 All bids must be received via upload to Workday prior to 3:00 PM, ET, on April 3rd, 2025. The virtual bid opening will directly follow at 3:30 PM ET via zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3835610327?pwd=T3c5c2F0Q2krc0VIZ256azJxQlpJZz09

Evaluation of the proposals and award will be at a later date. A highly recommended, but optional pre-bid walkthrough meeting will be held at 10:00 AM., ET, on March 11, 2025. Meet in Lobby. Bidder questions are due by 3:00 PM ET on March 31, 2025. All inquiries shall be directed to GMB via email to Liz Barrett lizb@gmb.com. All bidders are required to furnish Bid Security in the amount of ten (10%) of the base bid. All prices shall be free of all Federal Excise Taxes and State Sales Tax. The bid forms, Form 96, and other required documents related to the bid must be completed, signed and notarized where indicated. The successful bidder shall be required to comply with the requirement of State Board of Trustees Resolution No. 2017-4 as it relates to use of apprentices. The owner reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bid. Bids shall remain firm for sixty (60) days from date of Bid Opening.

advanced degs.

36. Royal address

38. “I wanna try it!”

39. ___ Championship (tourney held at Crooked Stick in 1991)

40. Neat

43. Membership cost

44. Fishers winter hrs.

45. Red Square locale

46. “Where are you?” response

47. Gasoline option, at one time

49. HBO alternative

50. Dueler’s choice

52. Iron

53. Teen’s infatuation

56. Not that

57. Hawaiian dance

58. Noblesville lodge group

59. Showroom model

63. Mai ___ (cocktail)

64. Sounds of hesitation

65. Indy car czar Skillman Answers on Page 19



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