At Chapin, it has always been about the children...
Today, Chapin remains firmly rooted in its mission:
From its earliest days in the 1930’s to the vastly altered world of the 21st century, Chapin has provided “a richly textured education that inspires academic achievement and builds strength of character. Within a diverse, caring and supportive community, we prepare our students to meet the future with skill, confidence, determination and generosity of spirit.” Chapin Mission Statement
• At a time when society glorifies size and efficiency, Chapin is deeply committed to remaining a small school. The research is clear. In small schools there are more positive attitudes toward school, a much greater sense of belonging, equal or often superior student achievement, higher student involvement in extracurricular activities and less negative social behavior. • In an era in which economic hardships are forcing class sizes to rise, Chapin’s classes are small, and forever will be. Small classes promote better academic achievement and students develop greater confidence in themselves and in their abilities. • At a time when high schools and colleges bemoan the number of poorly prepared students, Chapin has a track record of success in preparing students exceedingly well for high school. We know our students and the secondary schools know us. Our graduates are confident and poised, fully ready for the next step in their education. • In an age that pushes children to grow up too quickly and to become young adults before it is time, Chapin still treasures childhood. Children deserve the opportunity to experience the joys of childhood.
• At a point in history when there seem to be no common moral standards, Chapin’s students understand how important it is to be a person of character. They display kindness and courtesy and genuinely work to do the right thing. • At a time when our society seems increasingly polarized, Chapin celebrates diversity – diversity of all kinds. To be prepared for a global economy, students must learn to value differences. • In a period in which there seems to be far more to divide us than to bring us together, Chapin is a warm, vibrant community that welcomes a wide variety of families. Our small-size, all-school community events, our Upper School Advisory System and our Family groups all promote the close relationships that are the foundation of our school. • In an environment in which many schools are entrenched in doing what they have always done, Chapin aspires to be forward-thinking. In uncertain economic times our Board of Trustees moved decisively to continue to raise faculty salaries. While other schools might be content to rest on their laurels, Chapin initiated a Capital Campaign to help the school continue to move forward.
Now is just the right time to take steps to ensure that our students are fully prepared for the 21st century.
Upper School Upper Level
Phase 1B
Chapin’s learning and teaching spaces will be renovated and expanded.
Renovations Upper School Lower Level
Phase 1A
“This is a thrilling moment in the school’s history because this ambitious Capital Campaign will significantly enhance the Chapin educational experience for the students of today and the children of tomorrow.” Dick Johnson Headmaster, Chapin School
THE CAmPAiGN Chapin School has initiated a Capital Campaign that will significantly enhance the school’s ability to provide its students with an education fit for the future. This will be the largest and most ambitious fundraising initiative in the school’s history. It will transform the school, thereby dramatically improving the Chapin educational experience.
“Chapin is not just a place; it is people that care deeply for the welfare of the children and each other.”
1 2 3
Ben Bickford Former Chapin Faculty Chapin Parent ’16, ’20, ’22
The Campaign will focus on three areas:
It has become clear that in many areas, the quality of our programs has outgrown our facilities. To ensure that teachers and students have the kind of teaching and learning spaces that will facilitate inspired teaching and engaged learning, the Campaign will address serious facilities needs in the Lower and Upper School.
This campaign will challenge the school community to envision what could be, both now and in the future, while always keeping an overriding focus on enhancing the education of the children of Chapin. We invite all trustees, parents, alumni, faculty, staff, grandparents and friends to join together to give our children limitless futures.
To ensure our strong commitment to attract and retain a first-rate faculty, the Campaign will raise funds for endowment for faculty salaries and professional development.
To ensure that we continue to attract a diversity of families, the Campaign will support endowment for financial aid.
EduCATioNAl FACiliTiEs
Renovations Phase 1B
Phase 1A Above: Chapin’s campus following the additions to the Lower School and Upper School.
Below: A rendering of the exterior of the Lower School.
While it is universally known and acknowledged that the single, most critical factor in a first-rate education is the quality of teaching, facilities do matter. Excellent facilities promote optimal teaching and learning. They provide an atmosphere, tone and setting that enhances learning.
In addition to a bright, open space for them to gather, Lower School students will benefit from a dedicated science classroom.
In 1998 Chapin made major improvements to its plant with the addition of the Marx Dining Pavilion, the Dittmar Gymnasium, the Zinsser Lobby, a new art room, and new Upper School classrooms. These facilities significantly improved the school’s ability to upgrade its academic and extracurricular programs. They brought new vitality to the life of the school. In 2002, Chapin completed a Facilities Master Plan to provide a vision for future facilities. The first Lower School Commons Rendering •Chapin A School Lower School addition connected to the phase of the Master Plan was completed in 2006 Wilby Primary Building and the main building with the opening of the Margaret A. Wilby Primary to house students in grades 1-2. Larger, more Building, an expanded parking lot, a new practice flexible teaching and learning spaces will facilifield and the Christopher Florian Walson Lower tate more collaborative work, hands-on activities School playground. Chapin recently updated its and learning centers. Facilities Master Plan to guide the development of the school’s facilities for years to come. • A Lower School science laboratory that will greatly expand our ability to provide breadth This Capital Campaign will support the next phase and depth to our science program. If our of facilities improvements. children are to be responsible stewards of the planet, they must receive a full and vibrant science program. We need a specially designed space to make this happen. Client: Chapin School
Location: Princeton, New Jersey
• A commons area for Lower School meetings, programs and activities.. N K
03/09/2013 NK Project #1891.000
• A new Lower School library designed with features sure to excite younger students. • A Lower School technology center in the library that will be more convenient and dedicated solely for Lower School students. Information technology has changed the way we communicate and do business. Our students must receive the basic tools and skills to be successful in the information age.
Renovation of the current Upper School wing with new heating, air conditioning, windows and siding, all for the purpose of creating improved learning spaces and more sustainable facilities. This renovation began during the summer of 2013 and will be completed in the summer of 2014. Also, in the summer of 2014, construction is scheduled to begin on an Upper School addition that will include: • Six new classrooms in a two-story addition, thereby bringing all Upper School classes together in one wing. This addition will eliminate the Cottage, an old, inefficient building. • A new library more accessible and specifically designed for middle school students, a space with small rooms for group work. • A new technology center with easy access from the library and hallway. All new facilities would be designed and constructed to LEED silver standards.
Chapin School
Lower School Commons Rendering
Location: Princeton, New Jersey
• A 550-seat performance space/multi-purpose room for plays, performances and all school events. This auditorium will have a separate entrance, lobby and bathrooms. • An acoustically designed choral music room with adjoining practice rooms. Chapin’s music program is currently severely constrained by the lack of dedicated classroom space and storage. We have expanded and improved our music program and now we need the facilities to support it.
The revised Facilities Master Plan also outlines possible future facilities enhancements: Client: Chapin School
03/09/2013 NK Project #1891.000
• An acoustically designed instrumental music room with instrument storage. • An expanded Nurse’s office to provide more adequate space to treat students. • A central faculty room for all faculty. • An expanded kitchen and serving area. These facilities improvements would provide teaching and learning spaces commensurate with the quality of our educational program and would enable us to continue to improve the Chapin education and experience.
ENdoWmENT For TEACHEr sAlAriEs ANd ProFEssioNAl dEvEloPmENT It is intuitively obvious, and the research is clear, that the quality of teaching is the most critical element in the quality of education. It continues to be a high priority for Chapin to attract and retain the finest teachers. This Campaign will raise funds for endowment to support faculty salaries and professional development.
“The faculty and staff, along with the parents, are totally committed to the mission of Chapin. i love the feeling of family at school.” Charles Fuller Teacher, 1980 to ????
ENdoWmENT For FiNANCiAl Aid It is crucial to the experience of children who attend Chapin that they be part of a community that is well-rounded and diverse. Each student’s experience is enhanced by being part of a group that is ethnically and economically diverse. An expansive financial aid program helps to ensure that talented students whose families lack finan-
cial resources have the opportunity to thrive at Chapin. In addition, many middle income families are finding it increasingly difficult to finance a Chapin education. This Campaign will increase the school’s endowment for financial aid to ensure that Chapin remains a diverse community.
“The playgrounds, the science labs, the gym, auditorium and dining pavilion are all the result of the generosity of those families that came to Chapin before our children ever sat down in mrs. Thompson’s kindergarten class on that first day of school eight years ago. We know that our gift to the limitless Futures Campaign will have that same kind of impact on the generations of children who join the Chapin family in the years to come. And when our children come back to celebrate with their classmates their Chapin 25th reunion or to run in the Chapin runathon they will look at their school with pride knowing that they made a difference and left Chapin a bit better than they found it.” Dina Brewer Parent ’14,’14,’16, Trustee
limitless FuTurEs
The gift of a first-class education is surely one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. For our children to be successful in a complex, rapidly changing world, they must receive a richly textured education that gives them the academic and personal skills that will enable them to prosper in the world of tomorrow. Our children today are the beneficiaries of those who were generous in the past. Thanks to the time, energy and generosity of countless people who came before us, Chapin School is in a position of great strength and stability. Now it is our time to empower Chapin to continue its inspiring trajectory. A successful Capital Campaign will directly impact students now and in the future, leaving a legacy of support of which we can all be proud. A successful Campaign will give our children the gift of limitless futures.
Please note: The Capital Campaign initiatives contained in this document are preliminary, based on recent discussions among Board members and Administrators. Final decisions regarding the components of the building plan and Campaign are still being determined by the Board of Trustees and Administration.
Here is a template I created for you and Sharon to use for upcoming communication for the Capital Campaign. I have placed the logo in the lower right corner but if you have text that needs that space (for a long letter) you should be able to surprint over the logo…at least a portion of it. I wouldn’t go past the top of the arc for text. The space at the left is perfect for the closing.
I locked the position of the logo, so it should not move as text appears over it. But with Microsoft, you just can’t be sure. So, try saving this letter, deleting the text and replacing it with a new letter. If need be, you may have to just type over the existing letter as opposed to deleting. I would have added the logo in the footer but it changes the margins of the letter in general which did not look right. Let me know how it goes!
March 1, 2013
Dear Minnie,
If you worked with the classes of 2012, 2011, 2010, or 2009, you may want to stop by on Sunday, November 18 at 2 p.m. for the annual reunion of recent Chapin alumni. Many of these Sharon Gomberg Assistant Director of Development
Thanks, and I hope to see you at a Chapin event.
If you are interested in attending either of these events, or if you have any questions, please let me know at
An event for all alumni prior to 2005 will also be on Wednesday, November 21, the night before Thanksgiving. “AlumNight on the Town” will be held at the Yankee Doodle Tap Room in the Nassau Inn in downtown Princeton. Last year’s event brought out over 30 alumni along with a number of current and former faculty. It will take place from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 we have two events. If you worked with the classes of 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, you can stop by for our reunion of alumni currently in college. It will be from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Zinsser Lobby.
If you worked with the classes of 2012, 2011, 2010, or 2009, you may want to stop by on Sunday, November 18 at 2 p.m. for the annual reunion of recent Chapin alumni. Many of these young students stop by between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to catch up with their classmates and teachers.
I locked the position of the logo, so it should not move as text appears over it. But with Microsoft, you just can’t be sure. So, try saving this letter, deleting the text and replacing it with a new letter. If need be, you may have to just type over the existing letter as opposed to deleting. I would have added the logo in the footer but it changes the margins of the letter in general which did not look right. Let me know how it goes!
Here is a template I created for you and Sharon to use for upcoming communication for the Capital Campaign. I have placed the logo in the lower right corner but if you have text that needs that space (for a long letter) you should be able to surprint over the logo…at least a portion of it. I wouldn’t go past the top of the arc for text. The space at the left is perfect for the closing.
Dear Minnie,
March 1, 2013
4101 Princeton Pike Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: 609-924-9251 Fax: 609-924-6670
Pre-K – Grade 8
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