Toenail fungus is very common problem that is faced by people of every age like younger, older, even children. This is also known as onychomycosis, and is a very common problem. There are many reasons that are responsible behind getting this ugly irritating toenail fungus. This is a common problem but it is not common as if it left untreated this become worse. And can cause cracking, splitting and even complete loss of the toenail. When you get this irritating fungus you start experiencing inflammation, swelling, yellowing, thickening or crumbling of the nail. Generally this is not painful, till the infection spreads. The good news is that this is treatable and can be treated inexpensively. But before moving further know the causes and try to prevent it.
Fungi are microscopic organisms that flourish in dark moist area. Some fungi have beneficial uses. Others cause illness and infection. Fungi:
Due to living in warm, moist environments, including swimming pools and showers Can attack your skin through cuts so tiny you can't even see them or through a small separation between your nail and nail bed Can causes if you are working or more prone to warm and moist conditions Wearing closed-toe shoes, such as tennis shoes or boots Person suffering from diabetes or having disease that causes poor circulation or more than 65 in age By wearing artificial nails Having moist fingers or toes for an extended time Due to weakened immune system
It is said that “An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure” but this is really very difficult as fungus is everywhere and you can’t avoid microscopic organisms that causes toenail fungus but by keeping your feet clean and dry can help you in preventing the infection. Here follow some of the prevention measures to avoid fungus from flourishing.
Wash off your feet and let them dry especially between the fingers before wearing off your shoes. Always cut your toenails straight across so that the nail doesn’t reach to the tip of the toe. This helps to protect the brittle tissue under the nail. Wear those shoes that allow your feet to breathe. If your feet become moist, immediately change your socks and wear dry one. Put your shoes in sunlight at least once in a week this will removes the bad smell and the bacteria too.
Clean properly the nail cutters and other pedicure tool and then use it.
Wear socks that soak moisture avoid wearing woollen socks.
Always use antifungal sprays or powders regularly
Get pedicures or manicures from authorized and well established saloons or parlours
Avoid walking barefoot in public places
Decrease the use of nail polish and artificial nails.
Zetaclear is the best treatment to get rid of toenail fungus. This is best solution made up of natural ingredients and highly effective to get rid of toenail fungus. This process includes two-step procedure and is highly effective in removing the nail’s fungus. In the first step you need to use the nail solution around the infected nail with a user friendly applicator. This topical medication penetrates into the nail for promoting healthy development while smoothing and softening the covering skin. The next step it contains an oral spray solution into your mouth. This helps in body's natural recovery processes to eliminate the infection. The antifungal solution works better in the root of infection from under fingernails.