Soft And Beautiful Feet Can Finally Be Yours………..
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TOPICS Natural Ways To Make Your Feet Beautiful Common Foot Problems About Toenail Fungus Ways To Cure Toenail Fungus Fast And Effectively Other Ultimate Option: To Treat Fungal Nail Infection Make Ugly Toes Look Good Basic Pedicure Steps For Callus And Corn Removal Fungal Nail Infection Prevention Tips
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Natural Foot Care Healthy feet are important for feeling good and staying active. Think about this, though you spend hours at the spa to get perfect pedicure of your feet, or you could be doing a much better job right at your home! Natural measures always produce the long term results. That’s why we’ve put together all best selected tips for your feet that keep them beautiful year-round.
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Natural Ways To Make Your Feet Beautiful 1. Use Natural Ingredients when Soaking Your Feet
After full day harassments not only your body but also your feet begin to ache too. When it happens then it means you need to pamper them. To do this: Step 1: take a bucket and fill it with lukewarm water. Step 2: squeeze some lemon into the warm water. Step 3: take any natural ingredient containing shower gel. Add few drops of it into your water bucket. Step 4: Now dip your feet into the water and soak it there for about 5-10 mins. Step 5: Give your feet a nice scrub to remove off the dead skin cells. Repeat this procedure at least two times in a week to see effective result.
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2. Make a Natural Mix to Keep Your Skin Tone Even
Most of you must have been facing uneven tone of your feet’s skin. Do you know you can easily solve this issue at your home only? Here’s how… Step 1: take slightly warm milk, add a pinch of salt into it and squeeze some lemon juice into it. Step 2: Mix all ingredient well, and then apply it on your feet. Step 3: now give a gentle massage to your feet, making sure that the paste gets blended into your skin. Step 4: leave the mixture for at least 1520 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This will take some time to get effective result. So don’t expect for overnight miracle!
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3. Wash
Your Feet Every Day
Washing your feet before going to bed is very important thing, yet not everyone takes it seriously. Of your body parts, your feet tend to collect the maximum amount of dirt, bacteria and sweat. So if you don’t keep it clean then your skin could get horribly infected. Here is what you have to do to clean it perfectly.
Step 1: Put your feet in lukewarm water, or put them under running water. Step 2: Apply small amount of liquid soap or any shower gel into a loofah and rigorously scrub your feet. Step 3: While scrubbing soles of your feet, don’t forget to clean the spaces in between your toes. Step 4: Once you are done washing your feet, start cleaning the dirt under your nails. Step 5: After completing all this, don’t wipe but pat your feet dry.
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Crack on the feet is something that all women hate. However there are many natural ways to get smoother and softer feet. All you have to do is to keep all the following tips in mind. Tip 1: you must have Vaseline at your home but now it’s time to put it to good use. Apply it at night when you go to sleep and wash it off in the next morning. You will notice in 1-2 day the texture of the skin on your feet is becoming smooth and soft. Tip 2: combination of rosewater and glycerin really works great for feet! Glycerin improves the texture of the skin whereas; rose water repairs and soothes any irritation happen on the skin. Tip 3: This is going to be the easiest tip of them all!!! For smooth and pretty looking feet, just mash up a banana. The pulp of the fruit is what you need to use on the cracks of your feet. Keep it for 10-15v minutes after then wash it off with some lukewarm water. Tip 4: don’t neglect your feet; pamper it at least twice in a week. Only you need to do is to give a regular foot massage as it improves the blood circulation and soothes your feet so that it will look fresh.
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5. Honey Makes A Naturally Great Moisturizer
Honey is too good for beautiful feet because it has amazing antibacterial properties. Here is how to make best use of it. Step 1: you can use either natural honey or processed honey both works great. Take one scoop of honey and mix into a bucket of warm water. Step 2: now soak your feet in the bucket for about 20-30 minutes. Step 3: once you are done, pat your feet dry using a towel.
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6. Olive Oil for Smooth Feet Olive oil is not only good for healthy cooking oil but also works great as moisturizing agent for your skin. However, one should not apply it directly over the skin for best results; there is a way to go about it. Step 1: soak cotton ball in a bowl of olive oil. Step 2: use the soaked ball, in a circular motion. Gently massage your feet for 20-25 minutes. Step 3: while the oil is still on your feet, wear your socks and keep them wear for an hour. Step 4: after an hour, removes off your socks and wash the oil away with lukewarm water. For best effective result repeat this twice a month!
Number of issues can impact the appearance of your toes, and may require additional treatment or care, so take a look over some common toenail problems.
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1. Fungal and Bacterial conditions: This condition occurs because your feet kept longer time in shoes; warm, dark humid places are perfect place for fungus to grow. This causes dry skin, itching, redness, blisters, and peeling problems. If it is not treated properly, then the infection may be hard to cure. To keep your feet fungus free mainly the area between your toes, try dusting your feet with foot powder. 2. Dry skin causes itching and burning feet issues. Use a mild soap and a moisturizing cream or lotions on your feet every day. 3. Corns and calluses are caused due to friction and pressure when the bony parts of your feet gets rub against your shoes. Snatching corns and calluses may be harmful, especially when you have diabetes or poor circulation problem. Over-the-counter medicines contain acids that destroy the tissue but don’t treat the cause. So, it’s better to consult with a doctor. 4. Warts are skin growths caused by viruses they are sometimes painful and if left untreated, may spread. 5. Ingrown toenail occur when the pieces of the nail breaks the skin; it generally occurs when you don’t cut your nails properly. 6.
Hammertoe is caused by shortening the tendons that control toe movements. The toe knuckle is somehow gets enlarged, drawing the toes back. With the passage of time, the joint enlarges and stiffens as it rubs against your shoes.
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Toenail Fungus Infection Out of all these feet problems, toenail fungus infection is most common one. Toenail fungus is the situation in which onychomycosis happen to affected areas mainly to your toe. It usually starts with swelling and yellow spots around your toe. There are many reasons which triggers toenail fungus such as abnormal pH level, weak immune system or constant exposure to water in moist condition. Usually, moist socks, shoes, and are mostly blamed for causing toenail fungus. If it is not treated properly, toenail fungus can get worse anytime.
Some Other Causes Include: Your toenail gets infected in areas like in a shower stalls, publics gyms or in a swimming pools Sharing manicure or pedicure at nail store can also be the cause of infection because you don’t know that those are disinfects or not Those people who give trauma to their toe or the athletes who wear tightfitting shoes are at big risk of toenail fungus infection Some other reasons includes decreased immunity, abnormal pH level of skin or not drying off the feet after taking shower or exercise Luckily, before using any treatments or going for the medical procedure, you can make use of natural home remedies that have been proved to be effective in getting rid of toenail fungus issues.
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WAYS To Cure Toenail Fungus Fast And Effectively
1. Apple Cider Vinegar This solution is mildly acidic and helps toenail fungus from dispersal. Along with the prevention it also kills bacteria and fungi. In a bucket or tub take equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water. Mix it well to make a perfect solution of it. After then soak your toenail into it. Soak it for 30 minutes every day. After 30 minutes take out your leg from it. This trick will show their result very quickly even after a few weeks.
You can also try another very helpful tip that is making an antifungal exfoliating scrub by some roughly ground rice flour with few spoons of apple cider vinegar. Use this paste like a scrubber, apply it on and around the affected nail and softly scrub the area. Apply this a few times per week. This remedy will also cure to get rid of dull skin cells and make your skin soft.
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2. White Vinegar White vinegar is very effective ingredient
3. Baking Soda Baking soda is one of the most general thing that available in the most kitchens.
for curing toenail fungus because it able to
This is very useful and able to cure toenail
reduce the infection and helps to maintain or
fungus. Take one-half cup of baking soda,
restore the PF level of skin.
one-fourth cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and one-half cup of Epsom salt and mix
1. Mix up one part of white vinegar with two parts of warm water. 2. Soak the infected toenail in this mixture for 10 to 15 minutes. 3. Clean it and dry the affected area thoroughly. 4. Repeat this method two times per day until the fungus is gone.
these with four cups of hot water carefully, after mixing it completely add one-fourth cup of white vinegar to it. 1. Soak the exaggerated toenail in this mixture for about 10 minutes. 2. After it clean with fresh water and dry your foot carefully. 3. Do this at least twice daily for several weeks.
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4.Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil contains antiseptic and antifungal properties that help a lot in the cure of toenail fungus. This oil will also used help you to cure other types of skin infections. 1. Take a few drops of tea tree oil and mix it with one teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil. 2. Apply the mixture on the affected toenail with the help of cotton ball. 3. After applying the solution leave it for 10 minutes, and then gently scrub the affected nail with the use of toothbrush. 4. Do the whole process two or three times per day to get the satisfied result.
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5. Oil of Oregano Oregano oil has many properties like antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, analgesic and antifungal. These properties makes oregano oil an effectual treatment for toenail fungus. 1. Take two drops of oil of oregano and mix it with the one teaspoon of olive oil. 2. Apply this solution on the affected area. 3. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes. 4. After it clean it off and dry your toes thoroughly. 5. Apply this solution once or twice per day.
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Other ultimate option: To Treat Fungal
Nail Infection Generally treating toenail fungus is not easy because it involves several reasons. The primary difficult is that the fungal infection damages the entire nail and often infects the nail bed which is located at the base of nail and sometimes the nails come out of the bed. When you have fungus infection and you don’t treat it on time then it can have a bad effect and can also spread to other person as well. Though there are arrays over the counter topical treatments for such infection and these are most popular and most affordable option. However when you don’t find a proper treatment then use of ZetaClear can help you. ZetaClear is one of the effective and efficient products which are especially made for treatment of nail fungus. This is the best fungal treatment which has two step procedures. The first step includes the solution around the nail with user friendly applicator. This promotes healthy development while smoothing and softening the cover skin. After that the next step is the oral spray solution into your mouth. Through this process, it will help the body natural recovery process and hence removes the fungus infection easily. This is a natural product and also medically approved which is used to cure toenail fungus infection without any side effects.
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Benefits Of Using Zetaclear: Zeta Clear is the best cure for treating toenail fungus infection and shows positive result with clear improvements within first 2-3 weeks. It is much faster than any other treatment. It shows you noticeable results in reducing the discoloration and flakiness of the infected nails. It get into the bloodstream and battles the bacteria that causes nail fungus issues and help you to get rid of the discoloration around the nails which is direct impact of the virus. With this product you can wear your flip flops, sandals and all your favorite high heels that you have been missing for years. Dedicated foot and toenail care is essential for beauty and overall health. If your feet are too tender from corns, calluses, or other foot ailments then exercise and even simple walking becomes too painful. Of course, the bonus to proper foot care is having beautiful toes. Follow a few simple tricks and give your feet a home pedicure to look and feel their best.
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Make Ugly Toes Look Good
Basic Pedicure Steps For Callus And Corn Removal Corns are caused by the friction of shoes rubbing the sides of toes. Calluses are caused by walking and not moisturizing the feet. Proper exfoliation will help with both of these issues, and pedicures are a great option to keep your toes looking their best. There are many pedicure products now easily available in the market but finding the right one for you can be a daunting task. Typically pedicure kit contains callus softener, foot scrub, foot soak, foot file and moisturizer in a portable carry case.
Let’s conquer what you have to do for this………
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Basic Pedicure Steps Step1: To soften the calluses and corns for removal, soak the feet for at least 5 minutes. Step2: Lightly dry towel and apply the callus softener. Apply the callus remover to the side of the foot and toes. Some of this product requires keeping your feet out of the soaking tub while the product works whereas some others work while the feet are being soaked. So read the direction carefully on the package or bottle before using the callus remover. Step3: Before using the foot file, wipe off any excess callus remover. Otherwise the file will slide over the product and can’t remove the callus. Step4: Use the file from its coarse side. The callus will start to roll off the foot. When the callus stops rolling off the foot, use the finer side of the file to finish smoothing. Step 5: After filing, rinse the foot and apply the scrub to the top of the foot and up the ankle in the circles. Now scrub the back of the heel area. Let the product down over the toes and between them. Rinse off scrub and let the feet to get dry; especially around the toes. Step 6: Apply some moisturizing cream or lotion after drying your feet. Step 7: Give a finishing touch to your lovely toes: For great looking toes besides theses pedicure procedure you need to make little more effort like: Toenail Shape Perfect nail shape enhances the beauty of your feet more. A good rule of thumb is shape them according to what feels comfortable. Either way, make sure to cut the corner completely and not leave a little piece that can become an ingrown toenail. So file the free edges of toenail with a fine to medium (180 grit) file.
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Cuticle Removal Cuticle removal is best way to getting polish to stay on the toenails. Use the cuticle remover such as Creative Nail Cuticle Eraser, to soften the cuticle so that it is easily removed with a wooden cuticle stick. Adding Polish Polish nails look great and in this light color nail polishes goes a long way toward making sure your nails look terrific. Apply one base coat and finish with a clear top coat. Adding nail art is your personal preference. If you want to make some nail art then so this before applying the top coat. A quick drying manicure spray or drops such as Rapid Dry by OPI, for faster drying up of the nail polish.
All these steps will surely give your feet an awesome look‌‌!!!
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Fungal Nail Infection Prevention Tips: When nail fungal infection happens to everyone then it becomes very difficult to prevent but there are ways to decrease the chances of getting infected. Some of the ways by which one can avoid nail fungal infections are mentioned below: Never go barefoot in locker rooms or in public showers Always remember that nail infections can spread from one person to another, therefore one should wash their hands and feet after contacting other person with nail infections. When any manicure or pedicure is done then the instruments should sterilized before using to any person Wear protective gloves to avoid caustic skin agents Use some antifungal spray or powder in shoes and especially in gym shoes
Try to keep your feet dry and clean as much as possible When sweat comes from the sock then it reduce moisture which can encourage the survival and growth of nail pathogens
Always keep your finger and toenails trimmed and never chew on fingernails or the skin around them.
Take Care of Your Toes Follow these tips to keep your toes looking their best. These will not only help you to get pretty feet to show off but also help you to become aware of the presence of health problems
that may require medical attention. Such as, systematic health
problems such as thyroid problems and diabetes are often present themselves first in the appearance of the finger and toe nails. Being aware of the conditions of your toes can help you to spot problems sooner and get treatment.
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