Generation Y Essay
Generation Y
"Your generation is nothing but a bunch of computer addicted slackers. You kids don't care about anything." These phrases and others can be overheard coming from the mouths of baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, and other Generation Y predecessors. What happened? For years now, Generation Y, those born between 1977 and now, have been viewed negatively (Alch 1). Though the origins of the "slacker" title are uncertain, the term has certainly stuck. It could be considered a fitting title. After all, Generation Y performs poorly in school, has no motivation to work, and doesn't get involved with the issues, right? Well no, not exactly. Generation Y is largely misunderstood. They're actually more content...
In 1998, sixty–six percent of high school graduates were enrolled in college or trade school. This was a six percent increase from 1990 ("Raising" 1). More and more high school students are preparing themselves for college by taking Advance Placement tests. Scores on the Scholastic Assessment Testing have also gone up over the past decade, especially in math ("Raising" 1). With numbers exceeding 80 million Generation Y needs to be challenged and stimulated (Alch 1). This simply cannot be done in the conventional lecture hall. School systems are slowly changing their approach to include more interactive sessions. Instead of being grading solely on individual work, schools are starting to incorporate group projects into their curriculum. As many members of Generation Y enter the workforce, these skills will help them to become a part of the team (Alch 2). Although they aren't joining the workforce as fast as their predecessors, they are receiving more schooling in hopes to come out ahead in this competitive work world. On the job, many managers don't know how to handle Generation Y. These workers won't settle for factory jobs or manual labor. They're not usually interested in long–term employment either. Most often, they see themselves almost as contract workers lending their expertise and service for a time. Don Tapscott, author of Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation has said,
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The Characteristics Of Generation Y
Before we start talking about Generation Y we need to define who are those people? When they were born and what are the characteristics of Generation? Looking at what is commonly referred to as Generation Y might therefore be an insightful way to discuss how the recent epoch changes to the economic, social, political and technological context in which individual and society exist. Generation Y is a term used in the popular press, company research and some academic research. Organizations have started to recognize that Generation Y is somehow different and have started to find out how they are different. Although Generation Y is one of the more popular terms for this generation, there are various other terms and names have been applied to it, more content...
An academic research study on what Generation Y wants from work (Terjesen et al, 2007) found that they seek employers that invest heavily in training and development of employees, care about their employees as individuals, present clear opportunities for long–term progression, offer a variety of daily work and have a dynamic and a forward–looking approach to their business. The research also found that women of Generation Y were interested in a variety of elements to their jobs, whereas men were mainly interested in salaries. Generation Y seems to value the quality of working life: they work to live and not live to work (Asthana, 2008; McCrindle and Hooper, 2008; Reynolds, 2008). They are 'constantly on' through their use of technologies and mobile devices, which seamlessly integrate previously separate realms of 'paid work' during the day and 'private life' in their free time. In fact, spending moments at work telecommunicating via information communication technologies during their leisure time is something readily done by Generation Y. However, at the same time, they seem unwilling to sacrifice free time if no meaningful reason can be provided by the Get more content
The generation gap between Baby Boomers, generation X, and Generation Y is increasing within time which has caused them many issues at their work. With an age gap of almost 40 years between the oldest and youngest employee's inside companies or firms, there are a vast range of perspectives, needs, and values. Baby Boomers were the first to be born between 1946 and 1964 and they represent 41 percent of the three groups. Then Generation X comes second with 16 percent, and they were born between 1956 and 1980. As for Generation Y, they come third with 25 percent; they are the youngest since they are Baby Boomer's children, and they were born after 1980. Identifying and understanding these issues between the three generations can help them improve their workplace, and acquiring this information will lead to a better productive team. This essay will show you the generational differences between Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y in relation to technology, loyalty and work flexibility. This essay will also include the issues they face at workplace between the three generations. The first factor is technology, which is significant point of contrast between Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. 'Baby Boomers are concerned to find that their years of service no longer guarantee advancement, and that as digital skills become more important, younger workers are whizzing past them' (Economist Sep 28th 2013). Many Baby Boomer generation that are above 50 years old, are
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"What's dangerous is not to evolve"(Jeff Bezos). Evidence and studies have blatantly shown the increase in test scores and IQ's of the modern, twenty–first century kid, so what else is there to prove? The under thirty generation is not the dumbest generation; the extent to which facts and tidbits are memorized and regurgitated by past generations has no direct correlation with actual intelligence, which proves that learning has evolved, not declined. All of the most current evidence and studies are in favor of the belief that the under thirty generation could possibly be the most intelligent generation, proving counter arguments invalid and prejudice to new tactics. Gen Y admittedly falls short of the ideal worldliness of facts, but in the category of hard knowledge, they pass more content...
Sharon Begley uses intense language to convey the true irony that as the over thirty generation argues Gen Y is "ignorant to facts", they are ignorant to the facts and studies showing spikes in IQ and cognitive intelligence. As knowledge becomes increasingly more accessible and at our fingertips each day, why memorize them, when instead things privy to your needs can be remembered? Gen Y are not only thinkers, but doers, gaining them major points in experience and comprehension. "By its immediacy and breadth of information, the digital world lowers barriers to self–directed learning"(Source C). Knowledge is limitless, and Mizuko Ito paints a vivid picture of the wall all other generations have built between them and the sweet enlightenment of what they have yet to learn. Gen Y has broken down this wall and opened new doors for themselves and all others around them. As a new generation is born, a new page is turned into a complete new way of thinking, but it is often forget that this doesn't have to be a bad thing. "'I think we're in the midst of a literacy revolution the likes of which we haven't seen since Get
Gen Y: The Dumbest Generation?
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Generation Genius
Baby Boomers (people over the age of 30) have begun to grow out of their "baby" status as many of them begin to grow older and some even begin to retire. As these Baby Boomers begin to step down from their positions, they leave a hole that Generation Y (people under the age of 30) is next in line to fill. As the years continue to pass, Generation Y will continue to assume more and more responsibilities until the day comes in which Generation Y is called upon to lead the world. However, many Baby Boomers are concerned that Generation Y just may be the dumbest generation ever. Should the fate of the world really be entrusted to this youthful, tech–savvy generation? Despite Baby Boomer fears, Generation Y just may be the smartest generation to date and it's all thanks to technology.
Generation Y is the smartest generation because they are better at critical thinking than any generation before them. For example, although Generation Y may "hold the least knowledge," (Source 2) they are actually much better at other cognitive processes such as "think[ing] critically and logically"(source 2) which is an important skill to have when making decisions and planning for the future. Furthermore, the games that people under the age of 30 often play, "challenge mental dexterity." (source 6) and stimulates a complex environment that forces the player to make split second decisions. In order to avoid receiving penalties, players must think before they act which translates
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Generation Y employees are those employees born during the 1980s and early 1990s. There are actually advantages of hiring Generation Y employees. In order to imply those advantages from Generation Y to benefit the company, there are some measures which need to be carried out. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages of hiring a Generation Y employee, therefore steps have to be taken to lessen the damage or loss to the company. First and foremost, Generation Y tends to be more tech–savvy than other generation. In the favour to increase the benefit of company from this aspect, company makes good use of this advantage owned by Generation Y. Company should provide more advanced technology which can be used by the Generation Y to further benefit the company. This is because with those advanced gadgets, Generation Y can perform better and more efficient in every aspect. For them those gadgets are toys which they can play around with, due to their skills and knowledge in handling those advanced gadget. Generation Y can utilize advanced technology to provide advanced reporting and business analysis capability to help company to gain deep understanding of business performance, customer preferences, and market trends. Furthermore, more content...
One of the reasons is that their attitude towards their employer and co–worker is bad. They are sometimes overconfidence and causes disrespect to managers and even worse disloyal to their own company. Therefore, merit and demerit system should be implemented so that Generation Y can obey their senior and loyal to the company. Points reduction should be carried out, whenever they do not listen or disobey their managers which might causes loss to the company. When a person runs out of points, holidays and flexibility will be deducted depends on how many points they loss. By doing that, Generation Y will be more controllable and respectful towards seniors and
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The hottest topic of conversation is between two generations is superiority. The Generation X argues that Generation Y is getting everything in their plate without having to work for it. The millenials counter that by saying that technological know how is the need of the day and nobody survives bereft of that. This is what the older generations lacks and finds it difficult to cope with the times. Hence the millenials consider themselves better. But is this argument really valid? Are the criteria used equally applicable? After the interview with my friend and my uncle, I decided that my friend has a better opinion about the generational differences. Generation Y– also "called Millennials" refers to people born approximately between the 1980's –2000. The striking behavior patterns we see among them are one being "group oriented". They are more comfortable acting in groups. Facebook is just one of many examples, which being an integral part of their lives. Typically they have also been more subjected to group activities since childhood, often parents or teachers engaging them in–group activities. Parents and the current teaching system are responsible for their obsession with group activities. They are also highly optimistic about everything, and positive in their outlook. Though we know that they are also vulnerable to stress. They are really passionate about everything they do, regardless of the outcome. They like to participate in activities like fighting for a cause,
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Generation Y: The Dumbest Generation
Have you ever wondered if our generation is the dumbest? Well, there's some evidence to prove so. Generation 'Y' is considered to be the dumbest generation of all. This is based on numerous experiments, polls, surveys, etc. While everything else in this world is rising, intellect of each generation is falling. With the ignorance of facts, by choice, and lack of some education, Generation 'Y' is considered to be the dumbest generation. "Ignorance of facts" simply means that the education is there but this generation just chooses not to use it. According to one of my sources, 56 percent of 18–to 29–year–olds have low knowledge levels while only 22 percent of 50–to 64–year–olds did. This shows that today's age knows less than half of more content...
It is so much lack of basic writing skills in America. Employers could spend that money on things that they need and employ people with great writing skills. There is also a lack of reading skill with this generation. "The proportion of 17–year–olds who read nothing (unless required to do so for school) more than doubled between 1984 and 2004," says Susan Jacoby. If people don't read, the less knowledge they have, and the less intelligent each generation after will be. People may think it's only the poorly educated that don't read but that's not true. My sources state that in 1982, 82 percent of college graduates read but two decades later, on 67 percent did. Teens, well educated or not, don't like to read for the simple fact that they have more interesting things that they want to do. There is no way that a teacher can make sure a student read the book that she assigned to them, but there is many ways that teachers can make it interesting. They could make a little game out of it, give kids and teens motivation, help them before or after school, give them extra points if they read further than expected, or give the kids candy if they finish on time. That is just some ways to get students into reading more. Teachers and parents have to be an immense motivation or else they won't see much progress. Parents sometimes fail at helping their child how to read or making them read for at least 30 minutes a day. Reading is very critical for Get more content
Generation Y Essay
Generation Y, starting for the time of 1984–2003, known as Millenium Generation. Generation Y has grown up, a world with diverse Internet resources, iPods, Facebook, and intense multi–tasking, simultaneously chatting on AIM, finishing a problem set, watching television and listening to music. These are the Baby Boomers, heavily immersed in a digital world. Gen Yers are creative, focused, wild, trend–sitting, untamed generation. In Laura Vanderkam's essay, "Hookups Starve the soul ",she talks about how students are no longer searching for that long lost lover but instead just partying, drinking and finally "hooking up." Vanderkam continues to say how hookups have all but replacedcollege relationships and dating. Although I agree with more content...
The object of "wooing a lover" is there but it is hard to find the time to. Between going to school, having a job, and extra circular activities there is not a lot of free time to get to woo a person has someone who want. Vanderkam continues to state how hookups are not only destroying the intellectual part of college youth but the artistic/literary part as well. In her statement "No great art will be inspired by the muse of Milwaukee's Best or a tryst that both parties are trying to forget." I assume she trying to say that the only fixation college students will be able to use as inspiration or insight for writing or doing anything creative is hookups, which is definitely not the fact. A college students mind is constantly finding things to use as inspiration. From organizing a dorm room to planning a major event, there is no way that a college students only main source for inspiration is from hooking up with a random stranger. Even though Laura Vanderkam brings up excellent points that college students all cross America should take into consideration but she should look more into the subjects before she makes another essay. Vanderkams whole idea that hookups are causing children of the future to have a lack of luster for asking the "larger question" is impractical. It is in our human nature to always be asking why and searching for that final answer if it actually existed and I
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Generation Y And Echo Boomers
The millennial generation has several names to describe them such as Generation y and echo boomers. Generation y are people born between 1980–2000. Technology is now incorporated into their daily routines, such as updating social media, emailing, and talking/ texting. Cellphones are plastered to their hands; they can't go a moment without checking text messages or answering calls. Those who were born before 1978 had to rely on landlines to update their whereabouts and face to face interaction to maintain friendships and establish friendships. It's going to be challenging for the millennial generation to enter the workforce because they lack basic workforce skills, they haven't learned how to think independently and how to effectively communicate face to face. Technology use is growing in the workforce and it can be helpful but I can also hinder the millennial generation by enabling the basic writing skills, decision making and communication skills. The baby boomers are moving out the way so the millennial can become the future leaders of America. The wall street journal (2014) said, cellphones are used as a monitor for parents to check in on their children or they children are able to call when they can't defeat an obstacle in their life. That is leaving them unable to make decision on their own. Relying to technology so autocorrect their mistakes and give them instant answer to question are not allowing them the basic skills they need to succeed on their own. Technology
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The Generation Of Generation Y
The millennial generation, Generation Y, has the ability to be the most well–rounded, sagacious, and unprejudiced generation yet; however, there are some flaws in every generation. Some people point out our flaws and do not look at the great qualities that we have. I admit that we do have flaws but guess what, we are a generation and every generation consist of humans. We are not the only generation with flaws and other generations have some flaws, too. I am not just speaking for myself; I am speaking for this generation. We are very successful in the business world, even very young ages. Our personal traits help us in the business world also, along with our determination. For example, some Millennials have displayed entrepreneurial skills. "Three entrepreneurs in their 20s took their passions and launched businesses [then] surpassed expectations and grew them into million dollar enterprises by fearlessly bringing their ideas to the market....The Generation eagerness to venture out on their own contributes to the generational gain in areas education, technology, available capital, and shifts in attitudes"( Robinson, Holmes, and Hughes ). Not only are we successful in the business world, our generation has also been given numerous of different titles for our well–roundedness and for different reasons. "[We] have been [referred] to with names like Generation M, Generation Y, the Net Generation, the iGeneration, and the Next Generation ("Millennial Generation"). Not only
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The Generation, Generation Y, Born From 1980
The workforce in most workplaces is now made up of up to four generational cohorts. The diversity between these generations, in how they work and how they use technology, can create conflict, and in some cases reduce productivity. Conflicts caused by the generational gaps are due to differences in work ethics, habits, and styles, attitudes, and expectations. Most of these changes have developed due to the changing technology each generation works with. The newer generations are more experienced and reliant on technology, while older generations will prefer to not use technology in the same ways. This forces the employers to find some way to help the generations work together more effectively. First is the newest generation, Generation Y, more content...
This is also part of why they like to change their jobs and careers more often than other generations; they don't like that much sameness. Another issue is how their lives run. Generation Y is the busiest generation ever, particularly when younger, resulting in less free time, and may mean their lives are more scheduled. This can cause conflict when shifts need to be covered, and may make them more inclined to get shifts off, which others may see as issues. Gen Y has also begun to read far less, even over electronics, meaning they will take in much less from long written reports, policies, etc. Employers will need to either find an alternative, or offer multiple forms of communicating the information. For most of Gen Y, the more that is done using electronics, the better, making the key to a functioning workplace with Gen Y implementing technologies into how the workplace runs. A balance will have to be found, as the other generations are not as technologically inclined as Gen Y tends to be. Generation Y should be valued for their understanding of technology and insight into its uses. They will be capable of helping implement technology into the workplace, improving efficiency. Most importantly, they can assist older generations in understanding newer technology. A lack of experience only means they need to be taught, not that they will be incompetent. Generation Y
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Generation Y is considered to be a bad generation, as all the ones who preceded them. But this generation in particular is being more criticized than the others; therefore, there are a number of serious problems that they are facing, specifically in the United Kingdom. In this essay, it is going to be explored the problems they have to deal with as a generation and the possible solutions to solve these problems in the UK. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the generation Y is "the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, comprising primarily the children of the baby boomers and typically perceived as increasingly familiar with digital and electronic technology." They were called Generation Y because the previous generation is more content...
It is for that reason that they do not want to be identified as part of the Generation Y. The Millennial generation is facing real challenges that many people do not completely understand, these are so–called "Millennial Problems". One of the main problems that millennials deal with is their education because this generation is the most educated one in history. The problem comes when they try to find a proper job. Nowadays, generation Y is so well–prepared that it is getting more difficult to find a job which equates to their cultural level because everyone is competing for the same jobs. Instead, millennials resign themselves and get any part–time jobs which, most of the time, has nothing to do with their studies. Due to this difficulty in finding a job, it appears another problem: an important percentage of the unemployed workers are millennials. There is a controversial debate in which some, like McDonald (2008), "claim that Generation Y tend to have unrealistic expectations about work", while some others think that Generation Y are less motivated and that work is not as central in their lives as it was for other generations. One possible solution for this problem, that the government should be addressed, could be offering a wide range of jobs which should be equal to their studies and knowledge. According to a report, millennials have the Get more content
Generation Y Essay
Generation Y Stereotypes
Each generation has a difference in importance and what they want out of life. The approach on one generation may work on some in other generations but not as much as differentiating the campaign for each target audience. People are skeptical when looking at advertising, however if it appeals to them and improves their health then they are more inclined to follow through with a program. Generation Y is not concerned on where their health insurance comes from, as long as they have it. "Gen Y members are accustomed to having a range of product choices, being able to evaluate them and, if they do not get from one source, finding another source that can satisfy them." (Generation Y Health Views, September 2008). Generation X use a combination Get
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There is an abundance of gifts that my generation has received. I am zeroing in on a specific gift. Technology. Technology has advanced in many ways. I think technology is an immense gift to the 21st century because, it has improved communication, education, agriculture, and security. First off technology has improved communication tremendously. In 1639 the first post office was established and people used correspondence carried by letter carriers, today our USPS has advanced to the use of technology. Technology also improved communication by having so many websites that allow people to talk to family, friends, and colleagues. Technology has advanced education in various ways. First off technology is in 75% of American schools. There are
My Generation Research Paper
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The Generation Of Generation Y
Generation Y is known as the generation that was born in the 1980s and 1990s, although experts do not agree on when this era started. The people who make up Generation Y are often the children of baby boomers and are therefore called echo boomers. Most of them are in their late teens or twenties and entirely different from other generations. It is this generation that promotes change, unconventional opinions and optimistic approaches towards everyday living. In todays society a new movement has galvanized; taking traditional housing spaces into questioning. As with most things, this created a countertrend, focusing on homes that are smaller and simpler than the norm. Sometimes referred to as the "tiny house movement." The concept describes efforts by architects, activists and frugal homeowners to craft beautiful, highly functional tiny houses. While the average American home is approximately 2600 sqft, the typical tiny house is of 1000sqft or less. It's both a practical response to soaring housing costs and shrinking incomes, and an idealistic expression of good design and sensible resource use. Generation Y has unquestionably prompted the accelerating phenomenon of the "tiny house movement" through its financial hardships, sustainable living approaches and optimistic nomadic attitudes towards everyday living. As many people are aware, it is apparent that individuals in today's society are constantly battling with financial hardships. Young adults in todays society
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The company should divide its marketing segments into the following: demographic, psychographic and behavioural. These three segments will provide Skarp Technologies with a more in–depth understanding of the needs and wants of potential consumers.
Generation Y are open minded when it comes to the trial of new products. Although Generation X can be open to change as well, it is more profitable and beneficial to target Generation Y due to them being more tech–savvy. In terms of gender, Skarp Razor will initially focus on men in the launch period, and eventually target women. With a price of $289 USD, it will be affordable for consumers with a student income and will be financially beneficial in the long term. The average dollar amount spent on shaving for men per year is $109 . Therefore, after about 2 and a half years, the consumer will get their money's worth. Even if the price of the Skarp Razor is relatively expensive, due to the willingness of trying new technological product, students will seek interest in this razor. Based on the websiteMarketing Charts, the average college students owned about seven tech devices.
A consumer's lifestyle and social class are key elements of the psychographic segment for the product. In terms of lifestyle, when evaluating a purchase Generation Y gives a lot of importance to online reviews, word of mouth and a product's environmental impact. Firstly, according to Forbes , this generation loves to
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In this study, the most interesting insight I read that the article distinguishes two generations, generation X and generation Y, they have varied on expectation of life. Additionally, the employer should realize to diversities of employee personality in the organization, which might contribute to making a conflict in teamwork such as having the different attitude, not understanding in other characteristics, confident of subconscious and so on. The generation X, who is composed of the parent of generation Y (born between 1965 and 1981), this generation has an optimistic aspect, and also prefer having life balances with working hard. In contrast, the generation Y (born between 1982 and 2000), the generation Y (born between 1982 and 2000), who grew up with enslavement by technology and have more independent (Susaeta et al. 2013). So, I have comprehended the key which might helpful to make deduction of working in the future.
However, I think the personal behavior depends on education developmental, nation cultural and the environment where is they grew up, especially the influence of family affects to new generation thinking. As can be seen in the study of the authors of attitude to work shows that the means for attitudes to work both for individuals in generation X and Y are slightly different, it might because of the nation cultural. For example , Thai cultural is always taught young people that they should respect to eldest people is for showing more sincerity and honoring ,
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The Generation X And Generation Y
Dance and Generation Y Essay
Dance and Generation Y
Dance is one of the many forms of art in which people express themselves. It is one of the oldest forms of expression. As a non–verbal form of art, dance involves itself not with reason to discourse but rather with feelings, attitudes, images, relationships, shapes, and other forms of emotions. Many generations, but specifically Generation Y, express themselves throughdance. Dance can be anything from a wiggle in the finger toa twist of the hips. But this generation knows that there is more to dance than just technique and movement.
The Basics:
To fully understand the dance basics, at an expressive level, we must take a look at the foundation and the history of dance. Dance has been a part more content...
Chances are you will not find too many teens doing square dancing or ballroom or renaissance. Because of group surrounding and a will to experiment, Generation Y does more sexually related movements. They use not only their bodies, but also the bodies of their partner or group. They do this not only to get closer to their partners, but also because it's what is considered to be "cool" or "trendy". An example of where you might see this type of dance expression is on MTV or VH1, where they have music videos. These music channels show talented and beautiful dancers moving in sexy positions. Teens interpret this to be "what's in" and they want to do what makes them look like professionals. But the question still wanders my mind as to why these teens want to act like the professionals?
Why they dance: While the question "Why people dance?" was bewildering my mind, I decided to examine a subject close at hand, namely myself. Why, I
asked myself, do I dance? I dance for many reasons. One important reason I dance is for physical activity and to stay healthy. On a deeper note, I dance to express what I can't communicate through words. To find out why others dance, I did a thorough interview with various people at school and in my classes. Keica Rehkamp, one of the female high school students that I interviewed, stated that she was dancing more for a profession. She "felt a sense of completeness when she danced". Jerri Zhang, another female high school
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Generation Q Friedman
Azat Abdyrakhmanov
Comparative Analysis Paper
Patricia Silvestro
Date due: 04/07/11
Many people believe that previous generation of Americans was completely different than the generation that lives now days. Ideology and interests have completely changed. For instance, we all know that previous generation cared a lot for peace in the world, human rights and equality of mankind. Martin Luther King, John. F. Kennedy and Malcolm X are people who fought for equality among people and most famous representatives of Generation X. But compared to the previous generation, my generation is completely different, and many people are having a debate whether it's good or bad. Thomas Friedman in his essay "Generation Q" more content...
It's for all these reasons why the author calls them "Generation Q" – the Quite Americans. Moreover, Friedman tries to analyze and understand why current generation is so quiet and why they are quietly pursuing their idealism. In his opinion, more and more people of Generation Q spend time online, hiding behind computer screens and trying not to be social. There are no big and old crusades like back in days. Instead of going to Washington D.C. and be against the Iraq war, the generation Q writes comments in Internet, as a result, spends more and more time online. The writer believes that generation Q must be doing itself a favor, and America a favor, if it demanded answers and results from candidates to many issues the "Greediest Generation" is leaving them, specifically, huge budget deficit, climate change and Social Security reform. And the author concludes the essay by saying that Generation Q does not have enough courage to handle all those problems the previous generation is leaving them. A week after the release of "Generation Q", Rob Fishman, Cornell University graduate, shares his opinion on Generation Q. In his essay, "Generation of Generation Q" Fishman underlines the fact that our generation is complacent and there are excuses for it (73). Technology had had a distinctively effect by encouraging us to look inward. In sports, for example, technology had had
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