Abortion Debate Essay

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On the subject of rape it is difficult to determine if abortion should be legal. Charlie argues that abortion should be legal in this case because the woman did not give consent in the creation of the child; I do agree with his argument. However, Brendan brings up a valuable point: the innocent fetus should not be penalized. The culpability, in this case, goes to the person who raped the woman. In this situation though, it is not just thefetus' life at stake, it is also the mother's life. Going through a traumatic experience, as rape seems to be, can completely demoralize the mother. She will be the one carrying this baby for 9 months, remembering every graphic image that led to her reality. She will not think of this baby as a blessing but

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The Abortion Debate

Abortion Debate Essay

This essay is about the Abortion debates. I choose to write about this because of my personal views. The Abortion debate is one of the biggest debates in the United States. Many topics come up in the Abortion debates from both sides. I have 6 Points from both sides of the issue. The first point I would like to talk about is when is the fetus considered to be a human life? Pro–life thinks that life begins at conception, so abortion is akin to murder as it is to the act of taking a human life. Now the Pro–choice argues that most abortions take place in the first trimester of pregnancy when a fetus cannot exist independently. Both of the side is very strong points but I think Pro–choice has the stronger point. I think the law doesn't allow...show more content...

I think Pro–choice has the stronger point here. Adoption would be very hard for any woman. To just give your baby away after giving birth to it would have a lot of emotional and psychological pain. The fourth point is abortion safe for the women? Pro–life says no it's not; an abortion can cause medical complications later in life for the woman. Pro–choice says that abortion is a safe medical procedure. They also say that less than 0.5 % of procedures have a risk of serious complications. The procedure also does not affect future pregnancies or future child birth. Pro–choice has the stronger point because there are a lot of woman that have had abortions at a young age and now have kids. Fifth point is the case of rape or incest in unwanted pregnancies. Pro–life says that in the case of rape and incest abortion is still not ok. If a woman is raped or impregnated by incest there is medical care that can ensure the woman will not become pregnant. They also say that the abortion is punishing the unborn child that did not commit any crime, that the person who committed the crime should be punished not the unborn child. Pro–life says forcing a woman who was impregnated by this violent act to have the baby would cause further psychological harm to the victim. Often women are too afraid to speak up about the situation or are unaware their pregnant, thus the morning after pill in ineffective in

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What is abortion?Abortion is the killing of the fetus while in the womb.Most of the time the abortion is during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy as said in the Merriam Webster definition of 2016. When a woman gets an abortion she is intentionally ending her pregnancy.Since abortion ends a developing human life it is a sensitive subject.This is murder.Murder is the taking of any human,this was reworded from the bible.Some people are so opposed too abortion that it should be illegal. Abortion i not a question about opinions it is question about rights.The sides in the conflict are chose by the fetus,which is the baby,the pregnant women,the male and the parents of the women.This debate is democracy in action. Almost half of the pregnancies

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The Abortion Debate

The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial topics affecting our society. The disagreement between for and against abortion has caused hundreds of fights that have even resulted in death. Regardless of what many individuals may accept, fetus removal is not right or off. It is a matter of individual assessment. Consequently, each one side can say with assurance that alternate isn't right. Accordingly the inquiry remains; should premature birth be lawful? Though many people may disagree on this fact that only legalized abortion is the only way woman's still have their right. One just needs to investigate American history to see the effects of denying premature births to ladies. The viciousness which happens today because of the...show more content...

They started to dissent fetus removal as unfeeling, obtuse, and lethal. Loaded with another feeling of reason and the brilliance of a crisp, exemplary reason to maintain this new ethics cleared the field concealing everybody afterward. Abortionists who were once venerated and hinged on were currently hated and undermined. In spite of the fact that premature births still happened with normality, they were kept noiseless and seen as a matter of disgrace. "Over the next hundred years, public sentiment for the fetus continued to rise until the inevitable happened in America during the early 40's; Abortion was made illegal." (Cohen 17). There was such a large number of back applauding and congrats around the against fetus removal. They had succeeded in sparing the lives of the several pure unborn children who might have been foolishly butchered for the accommodation of narrow minded, insensible, and untrustworthy ladies. In light of this new law, ladies might settle down and raise families or give these delightful youngsters over under the control of the many cherishing couples who were simply sitting tight for a child to call their own. It appeared that the ideal law had barely been passed. On the other hand had it? It has been demonstrated time and time again all around history that the human soul won't permit restriction. Something inside us feels the necessity

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The Abortion Debate Essay

Abortion is one of the most heated moral debates. It can be said that a person's view on this issue speaks to the type of person they are in general. Most would say that someone who has a more liberal view of the world is pro choice and someone who is more conservative is pro life. Although there may prove to be a correlation between political view and view on abortion, there are people in this world on both sides of the issue. Some support a woman's right to choose abortion, while others think the right to life is more important than a woman's right to choose. Many people are in the middle of the issue, and support it on a situational basis. People tend to be unsure until the situation is explained and the individual takes their...show more content...

Dilation and curettage requires the doctor to dilate the cervix and use a curette to remove the fetus and clean the wall of the uterus. Suction aspiration abortions are where the doctor inserts a suction tube into a woman's womb and sucks the fetus out. Dilation and evacuation also requires a doctor to dilate the cervix but there are multiple tools used to remove the fetus from the uterus. Salt poisoning requires a doctor to remove amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac and replace it with saline solution, which then burns the skin of the fetus. Salt poisoning is no longer used in the United States. A prostaglandin chemical abortion is a two–part procedure in which a woman must take a cocktail to kill the fetus and another cocktail to initiate uterine contractions to begin to process of allowing the fetus to leave the uterus. This option is often referred to as an abortion pill, and formerly known as RU–486. A hysterotomy or cesarean section is when the doctor will preform a cesarean section birth for the fetus but the umbilical cord is cut within the womb for the baby to be killed before birth. Partial birth abortion is when the doctor causes a breech birth so the baby's head is the last thing left in the birth canal and the back of the Get more content

Essay on The
Abortion Debate

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the destruction or depleting of the fetus. This controversial practice has been performed for centuries, and has had many perspectives on right and wrong. The method compares to two ideologies: a simple medical procedure, or the murder of a helpless innocent life. Morals and facts to this day continue to blur along the lines of abortion. Women, at times, see this as an outlet to free themselves from relentless shame (rape, incest etc.). It is also used to eliminate the inconvenience of not being ready to have a child. With billions starting to have the authority to make a statement on how their country handles this topic appropriately, times have changed to where abortion now has a face in...show more content...

What is a good enough reason to end a future child's life and why? When and what is our limit with abortion? Many scholars and researchers dive into the answers, comparing and contrasting with others around the world.

In the history of abortion, it is well known that the unsafe practices that cause severe damages to a woman's womb. "The potential for contamination also characterizes the abortion itself..." (Gaffney 12). The results caused by incomplete abortion, are excessive hemorrhaging, and permanent impairment to internal organs. The "coat–hanger" abortion is a famous one. It is the forced removal of the fetus with a coat–hanger put into the uterus through the woman's cervix. Along with this, there are other ill–lasting practices, physical exhaustion intended for women to miscarry, such as receiving punches, kicks, or other hits to the abdomen (New 34). Death of the child is ensued by this, and at times, to the parent as well. Killing fetuses illegally constitutes as murder in most perspectives. It was obviously known this did more harm than good, which many argued that if abortion was to be legalized, self–abortion would be unnecessary.

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Essay on The Abortion

No matter where you stand on the issue, abortion is a highly debated topic in today's society. In this essay I will examine both sides of the abortion issue. I will begin with a brief overview of the abortion debate, to include the morality of the situation. Next I will discuss the Pro–Life argument. Lastly I will look at the Pro–Choice view. In the final analysis I will show how utilitarianism, altruism, and situational ethical views apply to abortion. Having in mind the extreme controversy surrounding this issue, I will examine the history of abortion and why it is so highly debated today.

The moral problem with abortion is when, if ever, is abortion morally justifiable? The answer to this question lies somewhere within one of three ...show more content...

The conservative view claims full moral status at conception; the liberal view denies any moral status; and moderate views are probably somewhere near the point of first brain activity. This determination shows exactly when a fetus becomes human.

Once the status of a fetus is determined the arguments split into two camps: Pro–Life Advocates who are against abortion, and Pro–Choice Advocates who are for abortion. Pro–Life Advocates believe abortion is murder because they classify a fetus as an un–born human being, and killing a human being is murder.

The anti–abortionist will claim that her position is supported by such generally accepted moral principles as "It is always prima facie seriously wrong to take a human life" or "It is always prima facie seriously wrong to end the life of a baby.

" Since these are generally accepted moral principles, her position is certainly not obviously wrong. (Marquis, 1989, p. 184)

The next pro–Life contention is that abortion can set a dangerous precedent. Anything that can lead to such disrespect toward human life is morally wrong. If we decide that certain human lives can be terminated, do we then start killing people with terminal illnesses, mental illness or other disabilities?

A pro–life advocate would ask: How does abortion psychologically affect the woman? They believe a woman carrying a child in her body represents the closest bond two humans could have. Terminating the child from that equation will have a Get more content

The Abortion Debate Essay

The Abortion Debate


In the year of 1973 the supreme court ruled in favor of legalizing abortion, many of the America women liked this law because it would them the more freedom to make their own decisions for themselves. In the issue of abortion there are two sides, pro–life and pro– choice, these two sides has been the topic for a lot of arguments in the past and even now. The questions that many people ask are: Isabortion beneficial to the person? Or are there certain situations that will allow women to get a abortion? Should we allow young women to have abortions without parental consent?. Most of the questions are asked by people in high power trying to win the people of either side, then religion argues about this issue. But, would pro–choice

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Your Opinions Ends Where My Choice Begins

In the past years, abortion has been one of the biggest topics of discussion. Many people of different backgrounds views abortion or expulsion of a fetus to be murder. Why should anyone who has not faced this decision voice their opinion on a situation that does not affect them? A woman is entitled to make her own decisions regarding to her body.Abortion should be justified because it is her body, she has to live with the outcome, and she might not be mentally or emotionally stable to care for a child. What if it was you, your wife, mother, daughter, sister, or a woman that is very important to you having to face this? Would you be Pro–Life then? Every human being is in charge of their body; therefore,...show more content...

There are reasons for this being. One example is a woman who is pregnant before prison might choose abortion because it would be emotional for her to give it to DHS or to someone of next kin but not trustworthy. She would be emotional knowing that she is not in her child life, that her child might not be protected, or that a child will grow up struggling and might end up in prison just like her. Another example could be a woman who is not mentally stable to carry a child and feels her child life would be at the danger if she was to bring him or her into the world. Can you see abortion as an option if means peace for a child at Get more content

Abortion Debate

The Debate Over Abortion Essay

With the ongoing debate and the advancement of technology in determining the viability of a fetus, abortion, the ending of a pregnancy by removing a fertilized egg, has become increasingly controversial. The morality of abortion has caused many to separate into opposite sides of the spectrum, pro–life and pro–choice. The arguments over abortion has stirred a continuous debate between a pro–choice stance such as that presented by the analogical reasoning of Thomson or Glover's examination of social context and a pro–life position argued by a moral view of personhood by Noonan. The ethical arguments presented by the conflicting views in theabortion debate has caused others to taken into consideration a sociological account visible in...show more content...

Thomson concludes that it does not matter whether or not a fetus is a person because even if a fetus is granted a right to life, it is not accurate to assume that abortion is murder (2, Thomson, CC p.192). Murder is an intentional act that is unjustified while abortion is not direct killing but results in the death of the fetus. For instance, in cases involving rape or other conditions of unintended pregnancies, a woman undergoing abortion is not necessarily committing murder since she was not responsible for an unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, in no case should the personhood of the fetus determine the morality of abortion. Thomson suggests that having a right to life does not grant the right to use another person's body (3, Thomson, CC p.191). In other words, the fetus's right to life does not apply to any moral obligation of the mother's body. Abortion is justifiable because there is no obligation on part of the women for an unwanted pregnancy. In the case of the sick violinist, the kidnapped person is not morally obligated to make sacrifices and save the life of the violinist. Since the violinist has no right to use another person's body, it would not be considered murder or a violation of the violinist's rights if the kidnapped person was to refuse and "pull the plug."

On the other hand, John Noonan criticizes

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What is an abortion? An abortion is an operation to prevent women from carrying on with the pregnancy and having a baby. In other words, it means terminating a pregnancy. Also this method is called a birth control. An abortion is a legal procedure that is done around the world. Other countries, they might have different beliefs about an abortion. There is an illegal way of having an abortion. Acertified doctor has to do the operation. The illegal way is when an unprofessional person without certificate or license giving the abortion. This method can be fetal and very dangerous. "Abortion is the death of a person, a living human being distinct from any other individual on this planet"(book 2).

The History of the Abortion...show more content...

A lot of people died and more are dying from previous and recent diseases, such as mal–nutrition, hunger and abuse and murder. Abortion is just a legal way of killing more people that just has not developed yet.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortions

The advantages of an abortion incorporated into situations such as if you want your freedom and do not want the burden of a child, you will be for the right to have an abortion. If you were young and it was a mistake and inconvenient for you, you would not have the baby. If you were rape and that was the outcome and could terminate, you would. These are situation stated in book 1 that show how they were present these similar cases and saw the decision of the abortion becoming legal. Because of the court decision, this is now an advantage for many women who each have situations similar to these (book 1). The disadvantages of an abortion can be the side effects that can occur during and after an abortion. It can be the pain or not being able to become pregnant or carry the fetus for nine months and also death. "There can also be psycho–social stress following the abortion. Many women sink into deep depression after realizing that they killed their unborn child" (book 6). "Another disadvantages is that there are people trying to stop the abortions because they believe that mothers–to–be are killing a ?human child? and should be convicted for a crime. A woman named Virginia Robertson got arrested for

The Abortion Debate Essay
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Abortion has been a perplexing and controversial debate throughout time. There are many articles and philosophers who state their strong polarized opinions on whether it is ethical to have an abortion. Some people believe that abortion is morally unacceptable and under no circumstances will it ever be acceptable. On the contrary, other people believe that a woman should have the right to choose whether she wants to continue with the pregnancy, especially under certain conditions. In "A Defense of Abortion," Judith Jarvis Thomson uses real–life analogies to illustrate her key argument that, even assuming a fetus is considered a person from the moment of conception, the mother and the fetus have an equal right to life. Thomson believes that...show more content...

They have therefore kidnapped you, and last night the violinist's circulatory system was plugged into yours... the violinist is now plugged into you. To unplug you would be to kill him. But never mind, it's only for nine months. By then he will have recovered from his ailment, and can safely be unplugged from you" (Thomson 2005:85–86.) It would be kind to keep the violinist attached, but one could wonder how could this be demanded of a person. You didn't even allow him to become attached to you so it wouldn't be immoral if you detached yourself from him. This analogy can be compared to a real–life situation, when a woman becomes pregnant after being raped. A rape victim is "kidnapped" and forced against their will to be attached to a fetus and allow that fetus to use their body for nine months. The violinist wasn't invited to use your organs and circulatory system, compared to in this case, when the fetus was not invited to use the mother's body. The mother should have a moral right to terminate the pregnancy if she wants to, she has no obligation to keep the fetus. By granting Get

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Abortion Controversial Debate Essay

The Abortion Debate There are all kinds of people in the world, and we all have different opinions. In this report I am discussing abortion. You will read about the pros and cons of this subject. Some people think that abortion is wrong; they think that abortion is the killing of innocent children. Other people believe that the unborn child is not actually a human until it takes its first breath of air. Many people think that having an abortion is in a way, murder. Many of the people that oppose abortion are in the minority. There are several anti–abortion groups, one organisation is called the "Right to Life", the members of the "Right to Life" organisation believe that a fetus is a...show more content... In the book he tells of how he asked another doctor friend of his to video the abortions he performed using the new ultrasound equipment that had just become available and that he had just received. His friend worked at a clinic on the weekends and performed about 40 abortions a day for cash. They sat down and watched all of the ultra sounds the next day and were horrified as they saw the babies' arms, legs, fingers and toes, head and neck, and internal organs sucked out. They watched as the skull was crushed in order to be removed. Up until the time of ultra sound no one had ever seen inside the womb, and had no idea how fetus' acted and reacted. There was one abortion that stuck in both of the doctors' minds' forever, and later became the movie "The Silent Cry". As they watched the fetus' body parts being torn off, this particular baby opened up his mouth and looked as if it was a crying and attempted to move away from the instruments. Both of the doctors felt that the child was reacting to the pain and looked as if he were crying, but since there is no air in the womb, no air could be emitted therefore there was no sound. Neither doctor ever performed another abortion. Dr. Nathanson was so affected by the video that he became a

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Essay about The Abortion Debate

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