How To Write Analytical Essay

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1877. Texas Ranger JAKE FONTAINE has one obsession, to track down GRIZZLY DUVALL, the murdering backshooter who killed his brother. Ambushed, Jake's a dead man until the gun–slinging runaway KAT COLLINS appears and saves his hide. In return, he doesn't count on escorting her to Missouri, or promising her the reward for the outlaw. But for Kat, it's a perfect arrangement. Her uncle wouldn't expect her to travel with a man, and the reward will solve her money woes. Although Jake closes in on Duvall, the outlaw escapes aboard a steamboat. Hours later, its boilers explode, sinking the vessel. The bodies are unidentifiable, and the sheriff concludes Duvall must have perished. While the outcome doesn't bring Jake the peace he sought, it more content... Forced into matrimony, she slips away at first light, but not before the trail–tough ranger leaves an impression on her heart. Two years later, Jake's grandfather dies. He leaves his ranch to Kat, hoping she'll settle in Texas. Jake's temper flares when she makes an opposing claim to the ranch, but for their child's sake, they agree to separate rooms and a name–only marriage. Although ugly scars cover Duvall's body, he survives his burns from the steamboat, but the damage from the kid's buckshot will forever cripple his leg. He returns to Texas looking to kill the ranger. Following Kat's arrival, Jake spots Duvall rustling cattle and local saloon owner, VICTOR RODRIGUEZ in the same vicinity. Unknown to Jake, the railroad plans to expand, and Rodriguez, already privy to this knowledge, intends to have Kat's land, by any means. He hires Duvall to kill anyone in his way. After a shooting accident, Jake believes Kat tried to kill him. Heartbroken, she leaves. Meanwhile, Jake recuperates and a witness, an old flame, provides the details that prove Rodriguez paid Duvall to kill him and blame his murder on

Analytical Essay Outline
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Shakespeare is prominent in his use of recurring themes throughout his works, particularly those of love, death, and betrayal. All these themes are present in Othello. Most dominant, however, are manipulation and jealousy. Jealousy runs the characters' lives in Othello from the beginning of the play, when Roderigo is jealous ofOthello because he wishes to be with Desdemona, and to the end of the play, when Othello is furious with jealousy because he believes Cassio and Desdemona have been engaging in an affair, but manipulation the prominent action that fuels the jealousy within Othello. Some characters' jealousy is fashioned by other characters. Iago is involved in much of this, creating lies and implementing confusing more content...

He is clever in his diction to avoid confrontation that can easily erupt. An example of Iago's manipulation is when he and Roderigo confront Brabanzio about his daughter. Brabanzio does not believe what the two say about Desdemona, calling it ridiculous, and he becomes angry because he has been woken up in the middle of the night. Roderigo immediately starts to explain, which only angers Brabanzio even more. Iago, on the other hand, responds by actually complimenting Brabanzio. Brabanzio yells, "Thou art a villain" to which Iago responds, "You are a senator". The father is taken aback by this surprising comment and it causes him to step back and re–examine the situation, which eases his anger and causes him to believe the two storytellers, especially when he finds Desdemona missing from her bed chamber However, along with his word choice, Iago is clever at the timing of what he says. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it to incite jealousy within anyone he wishes. He uses this particularly well with Roderigo and Othello. An example of Iago's timing of jealousy is when he speaks to Roderigo of the suspicions regarding Desdemona's love for Othello. "Mark me with what violence she first loved the Moor but for bragging and telling her fantastical lies. To love him still for prating? Let not thy discreet heart think it. Her eye must be fed". In this excerpt Iago represents Get more

Analytical Essay Othello


Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer.

In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and some that I already had. Before more content...

I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end. This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better grades.

Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as

Essay on Self-Analysis
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Assess your progress and skills with quantitative reasoning and analysis. Where do you still need to improve, and what is your plan for improving these skills?

Assessing my progress and skills with quantitative reasoning and analysis is with being able to utilizing SPSS to compute my results. Initially taking this class I felt that SPSS was initially simple. But throughout the classes I noticed that it became more difficulty on using SPSS, where I had to utilize numerous websites and books to be able to get the appropriate results. I still seem to have some difficulty with creating APA style graphing, and my grades seem to show little improvement. I must admit this class is quite different from my initially Quantitative Analysis class. I would like to do more imputing data in SPSS on different type of research methodologies to strengthen this area. I would also like to practice on creating proficient APA graphs for all types of research designs. I believe Walden have seminars on strengthening this weakness, I remember seeing a seminar that was provided but the class filled up to quickly that I was unable to sign in. Consider what role this course has played in helping you determine an approach to your dissertation topic. Has your original topic and approach changed? Why? How?

In consideration of this course I feel that I have a lot of weaknesses in regards of quantitative reasoning, I feel it may be beneficial to do a study in qualitative due to my proficiency in that

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Analysis of Stephen King

Stephen King: On Writing

Stephen King is a man of many talents and personalities; not only is he able to scare his readers immensely, he is also able to make them laugh. I chose a passage from Stephen King's On Writing for this assignment; the passage stuck in my mind for a long time after I finished the book. His writing style is unique compared to the other autobiographies I have read over the years. Everything that a person writes has a meaning or purpose whether it's a letter or an essay and voice, tone, and style play a very important part in how the reader views the piece of writing. King manipulates the rules of writing in order to emphasize the meaning of the passage, which is to describe an early childhood experience, so the more content...


В….Hand–slapping, butt–rocking, head–tossing outbursts of glee". His use of repetition in this sentence puts stress on what is causing her to be happy; the reader knows automatically that she finds pleasure in punishment. This paragraph is also the only one that has extremely long sentences separated by semi–colons and many comas.

King also chose certain terms to describe Eula–Beulah, which can be described as rhetorical features. "В….she was as big as a

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"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." – Ayn Rand. To fully understand the complex world and culture of the Anglo–Saxons, one must examine the only form of historical evidence available – texts. One particular great work from this time period is often underrated and overshadowed in modern society by many other ancient works such as Iliad or Oedipus Rex. The epic poem, Beowulf, was sung by multiple unknown Anglo–Saxon poets four centuries before the Norman Conquest. The theme of good versus evil was constantly reappearing throughout the storyline, the portrayal of evil and its downfall initially shaped the poem's plot, and illustrates an alien presence; something more content...

Grendel's invasion of Herot symbolizes the destruction of peace and safety, and the imperfections within the society. The twelve years Grendel had haunted Herot, "Herot stood empty, and stayed deserted for years" (145–146) were also the twelve years Hrothgar and his kingdom suffered. Nevertheless, when Beowulf finally eliminated Grendel, readers see a different side of Herot, "Golden tapestries were lined along the walls, for a host of visitors to see and take pleasure in" (995–996), the glory and grandeur was restored, all with the slaying of Grendel – an outcast of society. The rigid and confined society of the Danes also shaped the way its people think and act, but also influenced greatly on the writings. Given the fact that metaphors and kennings are common in Old English literature; the representation of "evil" is also something not to be taken on a literal level. "Edgetho had begun a bitter feud / Killing Hathlaf, a Wulfing warrior" (459–460), inter–tribal feuds, therefore, are also a destroyer of peace. Grendel takes on a form that is left uncertain; its real meaning hidden behind the metaphorical mask of a monster, is the never–ending battles between tribal armies (namely, the Danes, Geats, Frisians, and the Swedes) that had disturbed the tranquility people had longed for. It is almost a barrier of peacekeeping, hider of hope. Hence, it is represented by Grendel, a great evil hated by many, whom Get

Beowulf Analytical Essay
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Being able to articulate your words in such a way that captures the true brilliance of a mind at work is very important. Writing seems to happen both instantaneously and with much forethought. As each writer deepens their prowess in literature they develop certain techniques that help them when writing. These techniques may very depending desire of the outcome. This is true for myself. There are three things that I find to be very important when i'm writing any sort of paper. Listening to music, making a an outline as detailed as needed for it it will carry me through the extent of the paper, and the final step is xxxxxx. To me the most important step I take in preparation is finding the right music to listen to. Personally, listening to music has always helped with writer's block. There has been times where I get so caught up on the sounds of the words that i cease to actually write; when i listen to music this is obsolete. Listening to music allows me to write at an almost stream of conscience type pace. This is important on tedious writing assignments in order to keep me entertained, the beat of the songs make it hard for me to be bored. When writing I find boredom is the biggest challenge I face, if i am bored i will not write; music more content... There has to be a point in your writing that you decide the purpose of the work, the meaning, audience and justification. Sometimes I go through the trouble and write out a formal outline. These formal outlines are usually reserved when writing speeches where each point has its own subordinate point. However, on less serious or vexing assignments I don't feel as obligated to stick to a roadmap 'outline'. The less perplexing assignments get a thorough mental roadmap built on tentative ideas that change as the paper gets worked out. After revision the original mental roadmap may be completely different than first imagined; why it's used on less important

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My Writing Style Analysis

Standardized Testing in Schools: The Analysis


Within this paper we hope to answer lingering questions about the effectiveness of standardized testing in schools. Throughout our research we found many instances and sources of information to help us reach our goal. Standardized Testing had grown to play an enormous role in controversy concerning the Education system within the past decade. Hopefully throughout our paper it can be understood as to why this occurred and what can be done about it.

Group Paper: Standardized Testing inSchools

Standardized tests are used all over the country as a means to measure students' academic performance. Often the students become frustrated upon taking these tests and in turn do more content...

For instance, the teacher may give a handout of analogies for the students to decipher. SAT–Prep classes are widely available, as are "words of the day" and other means of drilling information into a student's head. Although this is usually a good way to institute information, often students blank out and forget the information because they are so overwhelmed with what has been thrown at them information–wise. SAT–Prep classes focus on both math and verbal components. However, only verbal–based questions seem to appear in every day situations within a school. One never sees a SAT "math problem of the day".

Even though teachers are trying to help students achieve higher SATscores, not all students are living up to the challenge. Colleges are becoming more and more demanding, while the students are struggling to master the tests that will get them there. The SAT "distorts educational priorities," (Brainard, 2001). The test " not measuring much...resources are being devoted to prepping kids for a test that is not well aligned with our educational goals" (Casper, 2003). A wider range of skills or high school records should have the ability to be measured through the administration of this test. Often times a student does not perform well one day, but excels above the rest of his class the next. High school is full of academic well as social ups and downs, but SAT scores unfortunately do not reflect this. It is not uncommon for a student to

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Effects of an Ad Advertising is the marketing of an idea in ways that encourages and persuades audiences to take some sort of action. In most cases, the action would be to buy a product or service while other are simply to raise awareness. Whatever the case may be, money is poured into advertising every day. Marketing agencies try various ways to convince people to buy their products using different persuasion techniques. After first examining an advertisement, one could analyze how each detail in the ad was specifically designed to affect its audience in a way that convinces them that they need what is being advertised. One would also be able to notice the values and important aspects of a culture through its advertisements. more content...

Words like "help," "feel," and "faster," are used in this ad to subtly make readers believe that NyQuil will cure Mom's illness quickly when, in fact, they really only say that the products might make her symptoms briefly subside quicker than another indistinct method of treatment. This subtle method of advertisement is actually very common in all types of ads. Another technique used to attract attention of audiences is the adorable image of a mother and daughter playing dress up together. When someone sees this image, they are expected to feel strong, loving emotion for the seemingly deep mother–daughter connection in the photo. This mode of persuasion, pathos, is used to play on the emotions of viewers who see this ad. By using pathos in advertising, advertisers are also showing the main values of a culture. This NyQuil ad illustrates that one major value of American culture is a strong family bond. The heartfelt image of a mother and daughter cheerfully playing dress up together, the bold words, "Don't let a cold take away dress up Mommy," and the direct addressing of "helping Mom," in the descriptions are all contributing to one major ideal. This entire ad is created on the basis that most Americans place strong value on a deep, loving connection between mothers and their daughters. In conclusion, various methods of advertising

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Ad Analysis Essay examples

Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

This semester has taught me a lot about the different types of writing. I have learned how to draft and compose a rhetorical analysis based off of an author's ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. Not only have I been able to critically analyze rhetorical papers, but I have been able to search for more information to support my ideas or beliefs. Even though this can be time consuming it is well worth it to have a lot of support and evidence to back my ideas or beliefs on a topic. Throughout this semester I have more of a general knowledge on rhetorical goals, critical reading and writing skills, my processes on how to write a paper, and learning a new way of creating an idea through electronical environments. Each assignment more content...

These cites that were used could be placed in my essay and the flow of the paper would not change but keep it more organized with my thought process. From the rhetorical essay to the argument essay, the development of my citing or using references has greatly increased. When I started with the rhetorical essay it was difficult to understand how to cite the author's work appropriately but when I moved to the argument essay it was almost natural when citing work. I believe this is due to the practice that we have had in class. The strategies I find most useful when writing an essay is having a topic that is of interest. When I wrote the argument essay, I already had a topic that interested me from the exploratory assignment. Generating an outline was another beneficial strategy that I had used because I could see the gaps in my writing or where my ideas did not flow together. Once I had an outline the rough draft was easy to create. I do not mind peer review but it becomes challenging when the person who is reading your review might not have the same views as I do. This would mean they were over critical of the paper and made it seem like I needed to change my entire essay to fit the standards of another classmate versus what the assignment was about. I did receive good constructive feedback on all of the assignments, which did end up helping me adjust portions of my writing. I do believe I am the same way to others writing

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Analytical Reflection

The author said that American's equality and informality in this article, and he/she pointed out that negative perspective and following examples: women, the higher–status person, and foreigners. In addition, the author implied that contradiction of American's equality with some common situations. However, author illustrated that American's casual and friendly behavior, and he/she mentioned about equality of Americans with favorably.

I personally disagree that equality of the US because president Trump eliminated people of the Middle East countries and African countries. Furthermore, he decided to build a huge wall between the US and Mexico, and the US government makes the Mexico government pay this construction cost. Get

Analytical Reflection Essay
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The essay that was given to us is great. In the beginning, it was just a reading and response for me. I did not make it a big deal until I started to read it. Indeed, it was one of the best essays that I have ever read my life. It has many stuffs that I should have known about before. I had not thought that essay might make my mind opened. The words that have been used, the examples that have been proved, and the techniques that have been given are fabricated to make the essay favorable to whom wants to develop his/her writing. Additionally, I do agree with the author in many things as a new learner. I used to read just because of enjoyment and knowing new information. I have never read to become a better writer, which I believe it is so beneficial to me. Furthermore, the author's purpose is so clear to the readers and that makes it so helpful to who wants to become a good writer. There are two things that I would like to point them out which are how "RLW" more content...

The first one is to have what you want from the essay and the story and that could be fun or a knowledge that you are looking up for it. The second one that is how to develop your writing and that could by in man ways such as; asking yourself why the author uses this kind of words, how he jumps from idea to another one, and what kind of entrance he dose put in the beginning to hook up the reader. Those ways are mentioned in the essay that has been given to us by my professor. In fact, I used to put in the paper whatever in my mind while I am writing. I just take the words from my mind and write them down on the paper. Now by having this essay, I am going to try to use what I have seen, what it has hooked me up to it. Even more, I will read more and more to find out which is the best to use in my essay. Reading like a writer is a way to get yourself better and better in

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My Writing Style Analysis

A Critical Analysis Of An Art Exhibition

Write a critical analysis of an art exhibition you have seen, from the point of view of its curatorship. Consider one or more of the following issues: modes of display, censorship, ethics, interpretation, beauty, or the specific issues involved in curating design or film. Art galleries (public and private) spend billions of pounds each year conserving and collecting objects and their associated histories, ideas and stories. After researching the messages it has carefully crafted, the gallery then passes interpretative authority to the visitor, who is free 'to make up "whatever" stories they please'. The term "whatever" was coined by Cheryl Meszaros in her 2006 article 'Now THAT is Evidence: Tracking Down the Evil "Whatever" Interpretation', she argues that the "whatever" interpretation is championed as the best result of an art gallery visit despite the fact that visitors' stories may or may not have anything to do with the intended messages of the display. As a result, the gallery (public and private) justifies its failure to communicate and, by extension, absolves itself of 'any interpretative responsibility for the meanings it produces and circulates in culture'. Through two current Edinburgh exhibitions, 'ABJAD' at Ingleby Gallery and 'Possibilities of the Object: Experiments in Modern and Contemporary Art', this paper will illustrate how the absolution of interpretative responsibility is produces and is produced by the "whatever". I will argue that although

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This letter is meant to be a way for you to get to know me on a deeper level. You are probably using this letter not only to get to know the lives of the students you are teaching, but also to learn about the writing behaviors of your students. So for this purpose I will try to keep my letter short and interesting in order to not mess up. Before we begin I have a quick disclaimer, I am very sarcastic in everyday life so that does show in my informal writing. I am usually professional for most major papers, but for this paper you will probably see my sarcasm. Now that we have gotten that out of the way let's start this letter. I am taking this class because it was the class that best fit my schedule. I could have taken other FYS classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but I would have five classes on those days and one on the others. Even before entering college I knew this was a bad idea. I am a planner and I could see myself freaking out very early. However, I am more content...

I feel that I am a fairly confident writer, however, literature is the only class I got a B in in high school. That means every now and then I may come up to you and try to get your help about what you want from me for specific essays. It is something I have to do because that B was completely my fault and I have learned that I have to work for grades and not have them handed to me. Now on to item B, I am a fairly confident reader. I have always had good reading comprehension. For item C, I am a good public speaker. Every now and then I have a stutter, but for the most part I can speak in front of people. I have been in plays before, so I know what I have to do to speak in front of people. The play I was in was a Mark Twain play, by the way. Moving on to item D, I have solid management skills. I know when I have to when I have to accomplish things and I usually have a plan on how to accomplish those

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My Writing Class Analysis

Business Analytics Business Analytics, is a system that use various techniques and processes to gather information to used be used to make business decisions. The data is used to answer a question. Often this is used in marketing. It helps to take away some of the "guess work" out of who market will target. This process has been credited with increasing the ability of organizations to be more competitive. Just as important as collecting data is the ability to interpret and apply the data. Essential to a Business Analyst success is, the support from an International Technological (IT) team. If costly technical systems are not used and maintained properly, it could the system to malfunction. This could produce inaccurate results in the data. Incorrect data could cost the organization greatly. The data can be used to detect fraud, as well as exploring science. The Business Analyst must delete the data that cannot be used. The data produced patterns is then analyzed. Then information is forwarded to the appropriate people. The information is used to create a plan. The role of a Business Analyst is valuable. So are the tools they use. Multipolar Analytics A system that collects data, then analyze it in multiple places in the organization is using Multipolar Analytics. The exact system component will vary depending on the type of data and analysis the system will need to output. The Multipolar Analysis include systems that use traditional operational Get

Business Analysis : Business Analytics Essay
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Battle Analysis


To provide guidance on writing the battle analysis. 2. Learning Objective. The student must prepare a battle analysis that demonstrates the ability to use military history to develop critical thinking skills. Focus your analysis on one of the following issues: a. Evaluate the commander 's intent. b. Analyze one aspect of METT–T. c. Analyze the relationship between fire support and any other element of the battlefield operating systems. d. Evaluate a specific aspect of combat leadership or troop leading procedures. e. Analyze one element of the battlefield organization (close, deep, or rear). 3. Task.

a. Select a book(s) and analyze more content...

In addition, check the Internet for electronic documents on more recent military operations. c. Evaluate the research sources: Finding good sources to support your study is not easy, despite the large volume of published material. As you gather the research material, evaluate each in terms of its content and bias. (1) Content: Determine what information the source can give you. Is it relevant to your subject? Will it help you complete your study? (2) Bias: Decide to what extent the author is subjective or objective in his/her work. Is there a clear bias? If so, what is it? Does the bias make a difference in your use of the work?

2. REVIEW THE SETTING (Set the Stage): This portion of thebattle analysis format establishes the setting for the study. You must have a good understanding of the strategic, operational, and tactical situations before you can analyze the battle. The level of detail in this portion of the battle analysis will depend on the purpose of the study and the audience for which it is intended. If the causes of the war and the opponents are well known, there is little reason to go into great detail. a. Strategic/Operational Overview: (1) Identify the war this Battle is fought in to include the time frame and locations. (2) Identify the war aims of the principle adversaries. (3) Identify and briefly describe the campaign this battle was part of, if Get more content

An activity that has many positives and negatives is writing. It allows people to bond, have a challenge, and express emotion. However, in a similar way it can create many problems. It can cause confusion, hassle, and under importance. It transcends language, people, and time. It allows creativity, and understanding among generations of people.Writingis essential to begin a process of expression. It permits two people to understand similar trains of thought. Writing makes it easier to display thoughts and ideas through writing. There are arguments that would come out of a particularessay or writing is not given until I have given my full statement. This courtesy only provided by writing allows more crisp language and discussions to take place. Writing can give many friendships, opportunities, and business relationships to form. more content...

I find it difficult to say what I mean without sounding too formal. In writing text messages or essays, I will always sound the same. The loss of fluctuation and general emotions on my face make it hard to convey the true meaning. For example, I am a sarcastic person. When I text to make a sarcastic remark, many people get confused or think I am being serious. It makes me self–conscience about how people will interpret what I want to say. Especially, if I said a joke or made a funny remark. It is much easier to give a message with actions than words. The importance of writing is diminished when compared to actions. Actions allow a person to understand my true intentions. It makes a person easier to understand what I want to do. I like actions because I do not have to wonder if it was the person's desires to act upon a thing because I will know how they would react. Actions make a larger impact on a quality of a person's character that cannot be determined by a story, essay, or other work they have written. This comparison summarizes all the negative repercussions of Get more content

Personal Essay: Writing Analysis

Analytical Essay – Romeo and Juliet

Written by the world–renowned playwright William Shakespeare during the Elizabethan era, Romeo and Juliet explores the tragic demise of an ill–fated couple. During the Elizabethan era, patriarchy was dominant in the Elizabethan society and it was common for fathers to arrange marriages for their children. Shakespeare references the consequences of families forcing young women to marry men for status rather than love with Juliet's cautionary tale. Through his tragedy structure, Shakespeare creates complex characters with layered and flawed personalities such as Romeo's. This is portrayed through Shakespeare's use of literary technique, which highlights the characters who play a significant role in the wedded lover's death. The character who is primarily responsible for Romeo and Juliet's unfortunate catastrophe was Friar Lawrence due to his actions and choices which escalate the tragic events in the plot. Romeo's hamartia Shakespeare structured his tragic plays to include the protagonist's hamartia to drive them to their sorrowful death. Romeo's impulsive infatuation towards Juliet, even after discovering that she was a Capulet, was his first step into the play's staircase of catastrophe; his fatal flaw. In Act 1 Scene 2, Shakespeare demonstrates Romeo's tenacious infatuation with Rosaline using metaphors. When Benvolio compares Rosaline to a crow and the other young ladies at the ball as swans, as a way of inviting Romeo to the ball,

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Analytical Essay Romeo And Juliet

INTRODUCTION When this semester first started I did not enjoy writing, the process, the grading, and just writing itself. I did not consider myself a good writer, but I knew that I was decent. Most of my papers were decent and I received average and above average grades on them. Even though I received good grades I still did not find myself a good writer. When entering this class, WRTG 120, I was afraid that it would be my hardest class and that I would have a hard time. In other words I was scared, and hearing the writing outcomes for this course did not help. I have heard of most of the outcomes but being able to write using them in writing I knew was going to be hard. In this paper I am going to talk about how I used the five out more content...

This semester I did multimodal transformation in by writing a time line of my reading and writing experiences over the years. I then took the timeline and turned it in to drawings, and finally into a personal narrative. Another time I used this outcome was in turning my final portfolio into an elevator speech. My final portfolio, this paper, was turned into a two minute speech. I took my key points and topics and put them into a speech. How have I adapted with writing for different assignment and to whom and for whom I have written for I have adapted my writing for different forms of writing. One example is when I send emails to my teacher, I have to take what I want to say in my colloquial language and transform it into academic language. This is hard to do because most notes or emails I write are for myself or are to people I do not need to write in academic writing. Since most of the time it is not most of the time I write in academic writing I have to adapt my writing style for the audience of my teacher. What are purposes for writing, what genres have I

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My Writing Class Analysis

Ratio Analysis

Ratios are a method of summarising and presenting financial information in an easily understandable form. They are used to assist us in assessing the performance of a business by identifying relationships between different figures that are considered to be significant. Ratios can be split into five groups, these five groups are:

1. Cash Flow – These ratios measure the businesses ability to meet financial commitments from cash flow.

2. Liquidity – These assess the businesses ability to meet the current liabilities as they fall due.

3. Asset Management– These show the speed of funds through the business operating cycle and how effectively working capital is managed.

4. Stake – more content...

b) Interest Cash Cover

The Interest Cash Cover is an indication of the businesses ability to service total interest commitments from cash generated from operations. Compared to the Interest Cover ratio in the stake section this ratio gives a far better indicator, given that profit is not equivalent to cash.

The interest cash cover figure for 2004 shows that Allied Waste Disposal plc can meet its interest commitments just over 63 times from its operations. This is a decrease f just under 7%, this can be due to two reasons; the first is an increase in the amount of interest paid, the second is an increase in the cash flow from operations or it can be both of these factors.

Liquidity has an immediate bearing on the financial profile of a business and therefore its ability to survive. A business that cannot turn its current

Essay on Ratio
Liquidity =========

assets into cash runs the risk of failing. It is essential therefore that when we look at a business, that they are appropriate i.e. long–term facilities are used for longer term/fixed assets, and short–term facilities for working capital. This should ensure an acceptable structure to the balance sheet and mean that the business should have sufficient cash to ensure the servicing and repayment of its short–term debts.

a) Current Ratio (also known as the Liquidity Ratio)

The current ratio gives an indicator of the number of times the

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