Dental School Essay Sample

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Reflection On Dental Experience


This reflection acts as my fourth reflection since I have started my internship at Comfort Dental under the Guidance of Dr. Trino Nuno. The semester is coming to an end, and I have enjoyed my time at Comfort Dental., I previously had a clinical and administrative internship at Smile WorksDentistry in Rockwall, Texas and I can now tell you that my experience at these two dental practices was incredibly different. At Smile Works, I quickly got used to the way the practice was run because it was not that complicated and I only had one doctor's schedule to manage. However, at Comfort Dental I still struggle with managing day–to–day functions. The reason I struggle is that Comfort Dental has three doctors and a lot more staff. Also, the computer system that I mastered at Smile Works is not the same computer system that they use at Comfort Dental. I got the chance to use all to same skills in this internship. I answered phones, checked that patient's insurance plans are eligible to be billed and scanned paper documents into a hard drive. For this last reflection, I will be summarizing my entire internship experience. I will be addressing a wide array of topics in this reflection starting with what this internship has taught me about my strengths and weakness in health–related situations and communication within health settings. This topic will also include what I have learned about myself. Next, I will convey one thing I learned at Comfort Dental that I would never have learned in the classroom. Next, I will discuss how working at a dental office as reaffirmed my choice of choosing to be a dentist as a professional career. Then, I will convey how I will answer questions in an interview asking about how this internship prepared me for my future and how being a Health Administration and policy major has prepared me for a future in dental care. Next, I will discuss the most, challenging and the best aspect of my internship. Lastly, I will convey the one "golden nugget" I will take away for this internship that will be useful in my future.


Everyone has a weakness and mine happens to be learning from mistakes and experiences. The way that I typically learn is by making a mistake and Get more content

Dental School Admission Essay Sample

Like most of my colleagues, I entered dental school unsure of specialty choice. It then motivated me to seek opportunities in various internship and externship programs to explore the many facets of dental medicine. Upon graduation from dental school, I attended the Eastman Institute for Oral Health of the University of Rochester, where my curiosity and interest in endodontics arose. Through various lectures and hands–on workshops on endodontics and microscopic dentistry, I was amazed and intrigued by the intricate and precise aspects required in the field of endodontics. I have also come to further appreciate the importance of preserving the integrity of a natural dentition. During this pivotal year, I have learned tremendously by performing surgical and non–surgical endodontic procedures alongside talented and dedicated faculty. As I performed more procedures, I became more enthusiastic about gaining advanced knowledge in this field. I am eager to further develop the skills acquired and to learn new and advanced techniques in a well–rounded endodontic residency training program.

After completion of my residency training, I returned to Montreal to practice as an associate dentist. My experience as a general practitioner has enabled me to gain full exposure to all aspects of clinical dentistry, and more content...

For patients who cannot afford endodontic procedures, extraction usually becomes their only option. It is my desire to serve as a clinical instructor to allow medically compromised or financially unstable patients to receive the highest standard of endodontic care while providing hands–on experience for future generations of dentists. In addition, while maintaining a private endodontic practice to serve my local community, I intend to become a lecturer to assist practitioners with delivery of state–of–the–art endodontic treatments to achieve the best clinical Get more content

"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion."–Simon Sinek

After not being accepted into dental school this past year, I have taken a hard look at myself to confirm dentistry is my passion. During this time I have learned an immense amount about myself and the field of dentistry.

In fall 2016, my passion for the dental industry was renewed through a dental mission trip to Nepal with Karma Thalo Foundation. Karma Thalo's purpose is to provide sustainable health care in Kathmandu and a small Nepali village called Lisankhu. As a team, we extensively planned for many months leading up to the trip, running countless fundraisers, amassing medical supplies, and preparing ourselves for the hiking and altitude. Additionally, I was trained by volunteer dentists to assist in procedures, give basic cleanings, and sterilize instruments without modern technology.

On the first day of the clinic in the village, high in the mountains and far from any city, I introduced myself to my translator, Asha. As we were talking, she mentioned how she was terrified to work with the dentists in the clinic because she thought all dentistry hurt. That day, I was in charge of cleanings and I asked her if she would like me to polish her teeth. Without hesitation, Asha responded with a vehement no. Undeterred, I put on a new prophy brush and gently pressed it against my thumbnail. When she seemed convinced it was okay, I Get more content

Personal Summary : My Passion In Dentistry

"You love teeth and oral hygiene, go be a dentist!" was my husband's candid yet, inspiring remark to me. Since hearing those words, I have been excited and motivated to make strides towards becoming a dentist. Throughout this journey I have experienced immense personal growth and I am excited to see what my future holds. The Medical Education Development Program at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill will not only make me a competitive dental school applicant, but give me the tools and skills needed to complete dental school. In 2014, I was the first person in my family to earn a college degree. During my time as an undergraduate at Norfolk State University I faced many challenges. I was trying to balance being a full–time student with being a mother, military spouse, and a dental assistant. Although I struggled academically in the beginning, I quickly improved my academic performance and, was able to develop strong time management skills. My ability to turn setbacks into comebacks shows that I have the resilience needed to be successful in the Medical Education Development Program and in Dental School. more content...

During this time, I was able to work with people from diverse backgrounds in order to achieve a common goal. I continued to use my team player and leadership skills throughout my undergraduate studies. Under the mentorship of Dr. Regina Oyesanya, I collaborated with several students in the creation, execution, and presentation of a research project entitled: The Presence of Antibiotic Resistant Gram–Positive Bacteria in the Restrooms of the Student Union Building on the Campus of Norfolk State University. I learned how to work with different personalities, accept constructive criticism, and improve my conflict resolution skills. As a dental assistant, I am constantly interacting with new people and this has further expanded my ability to work with

Application Essay
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I possess the perseverance, resiliency, and work ethic necessary to succeed at the University of Texas at Austin. I will surely face many challenges in my pursuit of a Bachelor's degree in biology, but I will never stop fighting to achieve my dream of attending dental school. Upon graduating high school, I balanced community college classes and full–time work as a manager of short–term rental properties. I worked hard to support my family and continue my education, but I suffered from a chronic disease, interstitial cystitis, which caused extreme pain and discomfort. Flare–ups left me confined me to the bathroom, making it very difficult to consistently attend school. I visited several doctors without any improvement, and even more devastating, I did not feel as if the doctors took my condition more content...

I am forever grateful for this doctor who truly heard what I was saying and developed an actionable plan for improvement, rather than solely focusing on pain mitigation. Now, I am able to regularly attend school, and I worked hard to earn top marks in my science and mathematics classes. I know that I will need to work harder than ever to succeed moving forward, but I am eager to continue my pursuit of a Bachelor's degree in biology. I hope to one day attend dental school, and as a dentist, I will provide my patients with the type of personalized care I received from my doctor. I aspire to be a skilled medical professional that makes a difference in people's everyday quality of life. I hope to treat people with the utmost compassion and respect, while providing care tailored to the particular needs of each patient. I believe that the University of Texas at Austin provides the best opportunity to take the next step in my journey, and I am ready to do great things with my education. Thank you for considering my

Dental School Application Essay

I want to attend Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in the dental hygiene major because I want to change the way people view their own personal set teeth. My personal fascination of the bone structure started when I lost my first tooth and the only person there to calm me down was my aunt Deena who was a budding dental hygienist at the time. After she made me clean my slightly bloody mouth, I remember her sitting me down and showing me a tiny white object that was wrapped up in tissue paper. Imagine me frowning at the fallen tooth; I wasn't quite happy with it because I felt like it had abandoned me. When I expressed this thought to my aunt, she only smiled and let me hold the tooth. At that moment, I think I became enchanted with it and vowed to gain as much knowledge as I can about the tooth and how to care for the rest that rested in my more content...

I even knew that a person could become a doctor of tooth care or someone who helps such a doctor like my aunt. But I wasn't that special and was like everyone else as a child who wanted to become many things when they "grew up" like an inventor or an underwater scientist. It only makes sense then that I grew serious about my career choice during the last year of middle school because those years were full of big decisions. My fascination of teeth made me turn my desires to the health field, specifically to dental care because it combined my need to help others with the love of Get more content

Dental Hygiene Admission Essay Sample

Dental Admission Essay

After I graduate Montclair State University, I plan to apply to Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, which is located in Newark, New Jersey. Currently, I am not sure which route of dental medicine interests me the most. For the agencies that I have selected for this course, one of them will be a dental office and the other will be an orthodontist's office. Orthodontic therapy is a specialized field within dental medicine and I haven't yet exposed myself to either field. To accomplish this goal I plan to take the Dental Admission Test following my graduation because I don't want to rush into another school.

Unfortunately, there has been an obstacle on my journey of preparing for dental school. I recently had to change my major from Chemistry

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"You love teeth and oral hygiene, go be a dentist!" was my husband's candid yet, inspiring remark to me. Since hearing those words, I have been excited and motivated to make strides towards becoming a dentist. This remarkable journey has included accomplishing milestones, experiencing personal growth, and excitement of what my future holds. Furthermore, I am thrilled to seek admission into the Masters in Medical Science Program at Hampton University. Acceptance into this extraordinary program will not only prepare me to be a competitive applicant for dental school, but instill a standard of excellence that will carry over throughout dental school and into the dental profession. Becoming a first–generation graduate with my Bachelors of Science in Biology from Norfolk State University was a major milestone accomplishment. Balancing being a full–time student, mother, military spouse, and dental more content...

Serving in the United States Navy introduced me to working with diverse groups from around the world and that skillset has been increased throughout my undergraduate studies. Under the mentorship of Dr. Regina Oyesanya, I collaborated with several students in the creation, execution, and presentation of a research project entitled: The Presence of Antibiotic Resistant Gram–Positive Bacteria in the Restrooms of the Student Union Building on the Campus of Norfolk State University. During that time, from a scientific perspective, I learned how to work with different personalities, accept constructive criticism, and improve my conflict resolution skills. As a dental assistant, I am constantly interacting with new people as well and this has further expanded my ability to work with others. Being able to effectively communicate with faculty and students is important to succeeding in the new environment that the Medical Science graduate program will Get

Dental School Admission Essay Sample
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To prepare for the carrier, recently I worked as an intern dental assistant at the Sunrise Dental office in Auburn, Washington. Thus, I understand what it takes to become a dental hygienist. At Doctor Sigh's office I learned the importance of respect, teamwork, customer service, patient care, how a dental office runs everything. Doctor Singh has a wonderful team of highly skilled professionals. They took the time to challenge me and encouraged me to follow my dreams. My carrier goal in life is to wake up every day with positive energy and be happy about going to work and be around professionals that are passionate about their career and who care about the dental health of their

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However, with great advantages come great disadvantages. With a specific end goal to wind up a dentist, a student will spend no less than 7–8 years in school following secondary school. It is not a necessity at each dental school to have a Bachelor's degree to enter dental school, yet it is profoundly suggested and these days' schools don't commonly acknowledge understudies without one. The initial four years require a student to earn a Bachelor's in any major but most pre–dental students choose a science major. After graduation fromcollege, the Dental Admission Test is required to be taken, which cost $360. Afterwards comes the interviewing and acceptance to dental school which is typically a four–year doctorate program. By the time dental

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Dental Admission

writing dental Personal statement DRUPAL

The dental personal statement is not intended to be an innovative piece, but instead a reasonable, brief, proficient paper showing your enthusiasm for entering the field of dentistry and giving strong data to backing your acknowledgement. Writing dental personal statement, then again, is utilized as an approach to figure out which students will be conceded access to the project, after they've as of now met the base capabilities. The personal statement dental school is no more a burden and not any more horrid too for the students through searching for help from writing personal statement management for dental school. While the center of your article should not keep you from writing a fascinating and charming arrangement, abstain from writing in an unclear, philosophical way. Papers & personal statements are a nervousness affecting piece of the application process for some postgraduate candidates. more content...

The writing experts can work with you through the online structure to find huge outlines from your experience around which your mission statement for dental school can be made. Through administration organization association you can be ensured or perfectly laid out slip free mission statement which are absolutely free of counterfeiting and can give you a full execution ensure for the more noteworthy for all the writing dental personal statement exercises.

Q & A

What is dentistry residency statement?

Applying to dental residency schools is trying and that with a particular finished objective to succeed with your endeavors you obliging a quality dental residency personal statement writing administration for dental school. This is especially bona fide when you are applying to one of the fuel for keeping such a notorious reputation ventures, for instance, the pediatric dental residency

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The Doctor With Oral Surgery Essay

It was another busy morning at Dr Frawley's dental office where I was assisting the doctor with oral surgery. The patient had multiple missing teeth and was recommended implants. I was asked to take her vital signs, history, exam, x–ray and CT scan. She was diagnosed with multiple infected teeth with periodontal abscess, which led to us extracting her tooth. Because of her young age and relatively healthy state, Dr. Frawley recommended implant supported crowns. Moments later, I sat her in the dental chair and put her on nitrous oxide sedation. Dr. Frawley came to operate and I was assigning to observe surgery where I helped to retract, suction, and assist with surgery.Dental implant placement surgery proved to be quite complicated, Dr. Fawley's precision and skills led to resounding success. My experience with this patient and many other similar ones motivates me to continue my education in dentistry, and pursue this career with vigor. I was enthralled by surgical procedures and how efficient teams can lead to such great successes. I loved seeing the end results of successful dentistry, and the positive effects it has on other branches of human health. My curiosity and interest in dental surgery encouraged me to study further about different oral diseases and treatments. Dentistry is a humbling, intellectually and physically challenging specialty and several events in my life have instilled me with the qualities to face these challenges. At this point, my educational Get

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Dental Hygiene Reflection

In elementary school, one of my favorite days in grade school would be when my mom came in for her oral hygiene lessons. Even though my mom could have easily demonstrated proper techniques on how to brush and floss teeth with a dental model for my classes, she knew how excited I would always get when she called on me to personally demonstrate. I would brush in confidence those tooth surfaces, at a 45 degree angle and with small circular strokes. Promptly in the lesson, I would put the toothbrush vertically for those inside surfaces of my front teeth. My mom would end the brushing technique with a friendly reminder to brush for a full two minutes, twice a day. She also told the kids to think of triangles and to floss along the mesial and distal surfaces of their teeth, rather than straight down and cutting their gums. With every upcoming yearly demonstration, I honed that routine of mine, ensuring to my classmates the best way to keep the plague out. Even to this day, I have still got my middle school sketchbook in my desk drawer, where I had illustrated the cover as, "Dr. Pham, DDS". Starting in my high school summer, I had my first shot to assist my parents with what I have always known to be as, "The Office." In the day–to–day, I strove to follow my dad's office procedures. Imagine, my young, impressionable self holding onto the large suction and water syringe as a patient's wisdom were extracted; gums cut, that red blood flowing throughout the procedure. However, as I Get more content

My Reflection On My Nursing Journey

My Nursing Journey I once heard someone say, "Find something you love to do and you'll always be successful." If you want to be in a field where you are continually learning, nursing would be the top pick. This paper will reflect the journey I have taken from Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with the incorporation of my learning objectives from my clinical course. Although, I've been in healthcare for over 20 years, working as a medical assistant, I believe my journey truly began with nursing school. It is one thing to do a job that you have been shown to do, but it becomes different as I now understand why these processes are done as well as the physiological implications. The journey to get to this point had felt like a lifelong one with many disappointments and struggles along the way. However because of the knowledge I now have, I wouldn't change a thing as I consider it extremely valuable. My clinical experience for this semester was an opportunity to follow the house supervisor at Trios Healthcare in Kennewick, WA. The courses at Washington State University (WSU) consisting of leadership and management have taught me the value of collaboration as well as communication. With the opportunity to follow the house supervisor I was able to apply this knowledge to my clinical experience. This was especially good because one of my learning objectives was to participate in the management of admissions and transferring patients in the

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Chemistry, Microbiology, Art Appreciation, Physical Education and Math these are just some of the numerous classes we need, but do we need them all? Classes that are in the core curriculum may benefit every degree, but not every class will benefit every student. Just because I, as a science major, need Anatomy and Physiology that does not mean another student who is aneducation major will need to take Anatomy and Physiology. The education major student does not need to have Anatomy and Physiology for their field so that class is not in the core curriculum. So why would the dental hygiene student have to include classes that would not need for their field. If given the opportunity to change the core curriculum to benefit a student in the more content...

Having a strong understanding on anesthetic injections, pharmacology, and the coding aspect for insurance would benefit a student that has graduated with the Dental Hygiene degree. Rhetoric and Composition English, Writing Proficiency class and Intro to Women's and Gender studies should not be in the Dental Hygiene core curriculum, the lessons learned in these three classes does not facilitate the knowledge needed to be known by the Dental Hygiene student. With those three hours being removed, I feel that any student that enters the dental hygiene program would benefit greatly from these changes and would be adequately prepared for my everyday life after graduating with that Dental Hygiene

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Dental Hygiene In Schools Essay

It is a rare opportunity when someone at a young age knows exactly what he or she wants to do for the rest of his or her lives. I've have had the pleasure of knowing what field I wanted to enter in since I was fifteen. I first took an interest in this career path when I entered a program at Uniondale High School that would allow me take dental assistant courses. I absolutely loved dental assisting and was more certain than ever that the dental field was exactly where I wanted to be.

I have worked at a dental office as a dental assistant and front desk manager for over three years. I like the aspect of helping others to achieve healthy dental hygiene. At my job I love interacting with our patients and making them feel better about their smiles.

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When I finish the dental cleanliness program at Cape Fear, I need to utilize the contacts I'm making in the dental field to discover a position with a neighborhood private practice. I am likewise open to filling in as a floater in different workplaces until I can secure a perpetual position in a practice that is a solid match for me. Since dental hygienists are among the quickest developing occupations, I feel certain that I will discover an occupation after I complete school and acquire my

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Dental Hygienist Application Essay Sample

Dentistry is a career in healthcare that works in the mouth. Dentists are trained to diagnose, prevent, and treat various problems associated with teeth and mouth tissue. It is the job of the dentist to be fully aware of different types of dental problems and be able to recognize those problems through analyzing x–rays, as well as visual variation between individual mouths. The primary focus of dental care is to teach prevention to its patients of how to prevent gum disease, tooth loss, etc. It is the job of the dentist to closely monitor the mouth using various instruments and to properly suggest treatment depending on the diagnosis.

All dentists go through at least eight years of schooling after high school and more content...

Dentistry is broken down into several fields of specialization. Orthodontics deals with the straightening of the teeth and perfecting the bite.

Periodontics deals with gum disease and bone loss. Endodontics which specializes in root canals. Oral and maxillofacial surgery which deals with larger surgeries of the mouth and jaw. prosthodontics which specializes in replacing missing teeth with permanent fixtures, and pediodontics which specializes in children's dentistry.

Once out of school, dentists will often shadow a dentist already in practice. Whether this means becoming a partner in the practice or just learning the tricks of the trade, it is not uncommon for an already practicing dentist to become a mentor to a recent graduate. For those recent graduates that are not ready to open their own practice, healthcare networks often offer dental jobs in smaller cities and the Air Force offers dental jobs all over the United States.

It was discovered that dentists generally work on an average of four to five days a week. Dentists work considerably more hours when their practice is newly developing.

Almost all dentists work in a private dental practice with a small number of staff including hygienists, assistants, and front office personnel. Dentists are expected to provide insurance and benefits to all of their employees. In the year 2002 dentists held about 152,000 jobs . This number

Dentist Career Essay
Dentist Career

continues to increase as the demand for dental care Get

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Dentistry had made its mark in history since Ancient Egypt; there have been many innovations and inventions of conveniences in this field due to advancement in science and technology. The constant progress of dentistry is a factor that attracted me to this course because it enables me to incorporate lifelong–learning, science especially chemistry and biology has always intrigued me. I studied biology and chemistry during my GCE A–levels to gain better comprehension of biochemical functions and processes in human body.

The perfectionist nature of a dentist work also makes this profession interesting; this will pose as a challenging task for me to improve my work every now and then. Working with patients and resolving their problems can be very rewarding and fulfilling, I will be evermore satisfied if I can gain the trust from patients. Being able to work as an independent dental practitioner owning more content... Therefore, I joined an expedition with Camps International to Cambodia to gain some experience in community service. Working alongside with local people to build a teacher's accommodation was a fruitful experience as I learnt the value of teamwork. Although it was a tedious process passing the bricks and buckets of cement, the sweat shed was worthy because the teachers no longer need to travel long distances to teach the children. Teamwork is crucial for a dental team as it correlates with the standard of service the team provides. A dentist alone cannot operate the clinic, hence dentists have to co–operate with other team members like dental assistants by communicating effectively. So, communication skill is one of the most fundamental skills required in this career. The application of this skill is not only within the dental team, but also necessary when interacting with patients as this engenders confidence in patients towards treatment

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Statement Of Purpose In Dentistry

The Trip to the Dentist Office

Thinking to myself, is there any way I could jolt back in my car and head back for home, I enter the tall thin tan colored brick building and walk over to the elevator, hoping that the last half hour of scrubbing my teeth to death pays off. Nervously, I push the up button and patiently wait. The elevator door promptly opens and I am engulfed, the door closes, up I go. Once on the second floor, I exit the elevator and immediately I can smell the mixture of the wintergreen flavored tooth paste and the overwhelming aroma of bleach out in the hall, along with the sound of the teeth grinding drills which gives, no longer the feeling of the dentist office but of road more content...

Then I turn and look to see a photo album sitting on an ancient looking coffee table. I pick it up only to see mouthfulls of melancholy decaying teeth and gums. I quickly close the book thinking if I looked at it long enough I would turn to stone and shutter at the thought, but happy to know that mine are all there twinkling in the abundance of sunlight that's peaking in from the outside world through the streak free window.

Finally, the nurse calls my name and I enter the inner office and sit in the cream colored trap looking chair, hoping that it will swallow me and send me any where but here. Looking at all of the shiny stainless steel tools gives me a feeling that I am about to enter war. Laying down the bright overhead light momentarily blinds me, then he starts the procedure.

"So, how have things been going with you since the last time I've seen you Andy?" he asks.

"Auuuuuuhhhhh right." Is all I could reply with.

He laughs and continues to clean, polish, scrape, and floss.

"Spit in to this cup." He commands.

With having to

Dentist Essay example
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