Gordon Air Comfort Zone

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Comfort zone

Making Homes Comfort Zones Since 1979


Meet Master Taekwondo Instructor:

Thomas Gordon




your needs a CHECK UP GORDON AIR & GEOTHERMAL the perfect match

Premiere Issue


President, Gordon Air Conditioning


hen my parents, Brady & Edna Gordon, started Gordon Air conditioning in 1979, my father brought with him mechanical ability, teaching skills and people skills, developed from serving 20 years in the U.S. Army. Part of his service time, my father, affectionately called “Big Brady”, worked as an HVAC instructor and supervised several large projects. My father made a name for himself and Gordon Air in Crestview, gathering product and service credentials, and moving the company forward. When I bought the company in 2007, I strove to continue the same integrity and honesty when servicing our customers.

We must be doing something right. Gordon Air is relatively small, but our accomplishments are big. We offer various heating and cooling installations, including geothermal. We have accumulated awards annually since 1995, winning for product line, customer service satisfaction and most efficient home. Also, Gordon Air received the Southeast Builders Conference GRAND Aurora Award in 2004, 2008 and 2011. We’re grateful for our loyal customers, and our staff, some of whom have been with the Gordon Air family for more than a decade. Over the years, with more people moving down to enjoy our Florida weather, we’ve seen HVAC companies come and go. And, they mostly come when the economy rises, and leave when the economy tanks. But, we’re not going anywhere. We’re here to stay. The Gordon family has lived in north Okaloosa County area for many, many generations, even before Okaloosa County existed. Crestview is my home. I went to school here, work here, live here, raise my family here, and give back here. Gordon Air supports local organizations that help our community grow and prosper. We bring a high level of professionalism and service to our hometown, and our loyal customers let us know that everyday. Many people may view me as the man who has irons in many pots. I enjoy what I do and I don’t consider it work. That’s why I enjoy the air conditioning business, running a martial arts school and sponsoring community events. Crestview’s been good to me and good to my family. It’s not posturing, that’s truly how I feel. We would like to say “Thank You” for letting Gordon Air Conditioning help you enjoy your home environment.

Tom Gordon President 2


© 2015 DeWayne Thomas A Media Company, Inc.™ All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Comfort Zone ™ is a free publication owned by DeWayne Thomas A Media Company, Inc.™ and distributed locally by Gordon Air Conditioning, Inc. If you would like copies placed at your business please call our offices at 850-682-5214. Produced in whole or in part by CustomDesignMags.com & DeWayne Thomas A Media Company, Inc.™, 4305 62nd Street, East Bradenton Florida. 34208 We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and or advertisements, nor are we responsible in any way for the products and services advertised or promoted within these pages. For information on this or other printed publications produced by CustomDesignMags.com & DeWayne Thomas A Media Company, Inc.™ please call our offices at 941-538-7770 or visit us on the web at customdesignmags.com.

Regular Check-Ups keep your air conditioner humming by Maxine Reneé


hether basking in the warm summer sun or enjoying the crisp cool winter air, Florida residents can maximize their cooling and heating system with a simple routine of regular maintenance. With a small amount of foresight, knowledge and time, home and business owners can enjoy clean and efficient air conditioning and heating throughout the year.

the filter, but keeping those filters clean between visits can make a big difference in air quality and efficiency.”

One of the easiest and least expensive maintenance tasks is to frequently clean or replace air filters between visits from a professional. Not only does this improve the quality of the air within the home, it also extends the efficiency and lifespan of your air conditioning system.

“If you are part of a yearly maintenance program, not only do you get us out annually to maintain your system during the year, but should we have to come out at any other time during the year you get a 10 percent discount on parts and labor every time we come out, and you also get reduced trip charges and priority service,” Tom says. “Priority service is so important, because on the first hot day of the season or the first cold day, we get a lot of calls.” “We have around-the-clock service, and

Gordon Air Conditioning’s President, Tom Gordon, explains, “When we do a maintenance inspection, we’ll clean the drain lines, check the Freon levels, and change

Preventing problems before they arise is ideal, and smart home and business owners rely on preventative maintenance plans to keep their systems working at peak efficiency and to ensure that should any problems arise, they are dealt with swiftly.

we’ll have a huge spike over a weekend. What priority service means for customers signed up with maintenance agreements, is that they go to the top of the list.” Tom says. If you call us and your unit is down, and you are already on a plan, you are our priority.” Of course, maintaining your system is in your best interest, but it also might be a requirement of your equipment’s warranty. Most manufacturers require annual maintenance and records to provide warranty coverage, and some require proof of regular preventative maintenance plans and services. “Not following the maintenance schedule might be enough to void some warranties.“ says Tom. “We recommend maintenance in the spring to get ready for the summer, and again in the fall to prepare for winter. It’s important to maintain the heating system, too.”

850-682-5214 I COMFORT ZONE


by Maxine Reneé

GORDON AIR: Our History Brady and Edna Gordon


here’s only 24 hours in a day, and there’s only so many things you can do with your own hands.” says Tom Gordon, President of Gordon Air Conditioning, who sometimes yearns to perform the work of an air conditioning technician. Why? Well, when you own the company, you spend most of your time in a management role you desire to go back to what you love doing. “Most of my time I spend doing administrative tasks,” Tom says. Tom Gordon was eight years old, when his father, Brady Gordon, a 20-year U.S. Army veteran, and his high school sweetheart, Edna, started Gordon Air Conditioning in Crestview, Florida, in 1979. Tom worked every summer with his father since the beginning, and completed HVAC studies at Okaloosa-Walton Community College. He joined Gordon Air full time in 1991. When Brady retired in 1998, Tom became a managing partner with his sister. In 2007, he bought the company. The driving force behind Gordon’s success derives from their business philosophy.


Besides promises to provide superior customer service, treat customers with respect and consideration and offering superior workmanship, personnel are required to avoid making derogatory remarks about competitors, and maintain high moral and ethical standards. Additionally, personnel are trained and developed to each person’s potential. In an effort to stay on the cutting edge of technology, Gordon, as well as his technicians, pursue education on various subjects and attain accreditations and certifications on HVAC concerns. Since the beginning, Gordon Air has seen growth in technology and customer base. To set Gordon Air apart from the competition, they added geothermal system installation. “My dad did a geothermal system in 1982-83. It was an open loop system,” Tom says. Around 1993-94, they began installing a closed loop geothermal system, which took care of the water elimination problem. Gordon Air conditioning has won awards in the HVAC industry every year since 1995. But, Gordon doesn’t take it lightly. “When you hit the Contractor’s 2000 Top 20 Award in the country for customer service and satisfaction, it was a big deal for a company our size,” he says. Winning Southeast Builders Conference GRAND Aurora Award in 2004, 2008 and 2011, equally was gratifying because the Aurora Award involves 11 states in the Southeast United States.


Awards aside, Gordon Air Conditioning grew a large customer base by presenting perhaps the company’s biggest asset: Tom Gordon. In 2003, he started Gordon Martial Arts School in Crestview as a complement to the air conditioning business. He thought the two businesses operated in opposite seasons, but it turned out both businesses rocked during these months, and that kept everything flowing. (See martial arts story on page 10). At age 37, Gordon took on football, and for four years, played offensive tackle and center for the Crestview Thunderbirds, an adult semi-pro football team. He has been on various boards and committees, including the YMCA and Woodlawn Baptist Church, and he, served as Crestview City Councilman. Gordon says, “When you think about being a councilman, it requires being out in the public, being accessible to people. What’s the difference between that and doing the air conditioning business or martial arts? The key to my success is having the right people in the right place.” Savvy marketing, along with civic presence, ensures that people know the Gordon name. Once, for a community project involving the subject of bullying, Gordon donated 10,000 coloring books focused on bullying. “The publicity, the good will, the good it’s done for kids-- we’ve all been bullied,” he says. “It made me feel good plus, it’s good for business. My name is out there all the time.”

The company name and reputation perhaps saved Gordon Air through the 2007-2008 economic slump. At the end of 2007, company sales amounted to 50 percent of the sales they had earned in 2006. “In a sense of divine humor,” he recalls, “we had the BP oil spill in 2010. I’m 30 miles inland but the businesses on the beach had two choices. Half went out of business and the other half pushed north. We had a depressed economy; to compound that, we had new competition that we hadn’t had before. When that happened I had one of two choices: Going out of business or staying in business.”

While he had to cut overhead and staff, he made the best of it by giving additional responsibility, with pay raises to the remaining employees. “That’s how we survived, being creative and pushing for things,” says Gordon. The BP spill was devastating, but “at the same time we had the tax breaks on geothermal.”

civic responsibilities. He says, “I try to be a positive influence whenever I can. My mother always told me, ‘Son if you are able to do something and in position to help, you MUST do it.’ We were taught that community service is basically obligatory for sucking up all that free air.”

Gordon, and his wife Barbara make their home in Crestview. Their blended family consists of six children and four grandchildren. Gordon is leading by example taking the time to devote to

Gordon Air Conditioning has been making a difference since 1979. There’s no stopping Tom Gordon, or the company, for making Crestview a better place to live.

850-682-5214 I COMFORT ZONE


GORDON AIR & GEOTHERMAL the perfect match by Thomas Gordon

Several businesses in the local community see the value of geothermal and have worked closely with Gordon Air to help to shrink the impact heating and cooling has on the earth.


umans have been harnessing the natural, raw power of the Earth to sustain comfortable living at low impact and cost to the environment since as early as 300 BC in China. Today’s engineers and visionaries have mastered a system that, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “is one of the most energy efficient heating and cooling systems available:” geothermal. How do geothermal systems work in nature? Temperatures inside the earth, at the coremantle boundary, may reach over 7,200 degrees Fahrenheit flowing continuously outward. This flow is estimated to be equivalent to 42 million megawatts of pure energy. However, the heat usually remains trapped beneath the earth’s crust, heating nearby rock and water sometimes to levels as hot as 700 degrees Fahrenheit. When the earth heats the water, hot water or steam can be trapped in permeable and porous rocks under a layer of waterproof rock and thus a geothermal reservoir can form. Hundreds of thousands of geothermal heating and cooling systems have been installed since the inception of a commercial pump system in America in the late 1940s. These revolutionary systems powered the first residential open loop systems in Ohio and were used commercially in Oregon to heat the Commonwealth Building in Portland. In the 1950s, a company in New Zealand produced an entire geothermal energy plant that produced clean energy, eliminating the need for fossil fuels. Several businesses in the local community see the value of geothermal and have


worked closely with Gordon Air to help shrink the impact heating and cooling has on the earth. Fort Walton Beach Housing Authority, Hulbert Air Force Base Housing, Pen Air Federal Credit Union in Pensacola, and First United Methodist Church in Crestview. Why the demand for geothermal? In addition to the numerous comfort factors and design benefits, it is a renewable resource drawing its power from the heat emanating from the interior of the Earth, which is virtually a limitless resource. The electricity that powers geothermal heating/cooling pumps only collects, concentrates and delivers energy all without producing unnecessary heat. This is vital in helping to mitigate global warming and replace the use of fossil fuels. Compared with other heating and cooling systems, GHPs reduce electricity 30-60 percent and it is a resource that will never freeze or cease to be a viable energy option. According to WaterFurnace, the overall benefits of geothermal are:


A WaterFurnace geothermal system operates more efficiently than ordinary heating and air conditioning systems because it can deliver an astounding five units of energy for every one unit of electrical energy used. By combining stored earth energy with safe electric power, many WaterFurnace owners realize savings up to 70 percent for heating, cooling, and hot water.


Geothermal systems provide precise distribution of comfortable air all year long, eliminating hot spots and cold spots. During heating, you’ll experience warm air


without the hot blasts associated with ordinary gas furnaces, or the cooler air of an air source heat pump. Additionally, when cooling, the geothermal systems deliver cool, dehumidified air.


Unlike ordinary air conditioners or heat pumps, there’s no noisy outdoor unit to disturb your outside environment or your neighbors. WaterFurnace geothermal systems are designed and constructed for quiet operation.


Unlike air conditioners and heat pumps, geothermal systems are installed indoors, so they are not subject to wear and tear caused by rain, snow, ice, debris, extreme temperatures or vandalism. Geothermal systems have proven to be very reliable and require less maintenance.


7 Series

The WaterFurnace 7 Series™ provides homeowners the ultimate in comfort and performance and represents our finest products. This line is for those who accept only the best and is built using the latest technologies and highest standards.

According to the Department of Energy and the EPA, geothermal systems are the most environmentally friendly way to heat and cool your home. Geothermal systems emit no carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or other greenhouse gasses, which are considered to be major contributors to environmental air pollution. They are truly a natural, green heat pump. As we become more technologically advanced and conscious of the ever-expanding world around us, geothermal systems are an excellent energy-saving alternative with the smallest carbon footprint. The traditional ways in which humans have chosen to heat and cool living and working environments by use of fossil fuels is a trend that is fading. Through government and industry-funded research and experience over the last 100 years, the cost of generating geothermal power is decreasing. The future is one of clean, reusable and safe energy sources that minimize pollution and improve overall quality of life: the geothermal solution.

850-682-5214 I COMFORT ZONE



by Jaqueline Cross

A Treat For You and Your Pets


ou might not realize this, but your home is essentially a Petri dish for dust, dander, mold, and microorganisms. Dust mites, mold, and fungi all use your living space to multiply and spread, and pollen and dander builds up by the minute. There is no retreat from the facts of life, but these facts do not have to intimidate and worry you; they are just part of the cycle of life, and their presence can be reduced (and sometimes even entirely prevented) through the use of modern technology, and an up-to-date maintenance plan of your air conditioning/ heating equipment. “Air Quality affects quality of life – if you have a buildup of particles in your air, you can expect to lose sleep, have difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, and sometimes worse, “ says Gordon Air Conditioning’s President, Tom Gordon. “Humidity and things like leaks in your ducts can bring in outside particles like pollen and dust, and those things add up over time – if you don’t maintain your systems, the air 8

you breathe inside your house might be filled with more pollution than the air you breathe outside! Pets have an enormous impact on your indoor air quality too – dogs, cats, birds, anything living in your house will impact your air quality.’’

Your dog is not intentionally trying to harm you, and your parrot probably doesn’t realize it is slowly smothering you with particles from its feathers and skin, so it’s up to the humans living in a house to create a safe place for their families (pets included!). Tom says, “People can still have pets and have good air quality, but there is always going to be an ongoing issue with dander with most pets. There are some breeds of dog, like poodles and labradoodles, who don’t produce the allergens that most people find irritating in dander – and there are some cats now too with the same lack of allergens in their dander. There are several options for people who love animals and who are sensitive to dander, too. ”


Pet owners who are proactive and want to prevent as much dander, allergens, hair, and dust as possible in their homes can make several changes to their routine to improve their indoor air quality. Some of these changes even have the added bonus of improving the quality of life for your pet, giving you a chance to bond with them while you do. “Brush your animals regularly, and you will see a dramatic improvement in your air quality,” Tom says. “People don’t always notice the hair and dander their pet’s shed because it quickly turns into dust and moves around your house – if you stop it at its source, you’ll be glad you did.” Pets might not be intentionally trying to cause us harm by effecting our air quality, but the fact remains, they can and do effect our quality of life. If you are a pet owner, it’s up to you to learn more about this topic and stay up-to-date on the latest ways you can protect your health and the health of your beloved pets.

and Bruce Lee, and Chuck Norris. That’s what got me into martial arts and I never found a reason to quit.” Gordon attained his black belt and began teaching. Later he partnered with Gregory Bledsoe and opened a school in a neighboring community. Gordon spent five years running the school, and 10 years traveling throughout the U.S. to compete. He began focusing on the original Taekwon-Do system and decided to open Gordon Martial Arts in his hometown of Crestview in 2003. Since then he has trained and taught numerous ages, professions and military personnel in Canada, Mexico, Korea, Australia, Scotland, England, Netherlands, and the U.S.

Tom Gordon

by Jaqueline Cross

Master Instructor “When I was 14, the movie The Karate Kid came out,” says Gordon. “I watched that and Bruce Lee, and Chuck Norris. That’s what got me into martial arts and I never found a reason to quit.”


om Gordon teaches many lessons. He has borrowed from his father, Brady Gordon, the practice of doing by example instead of talking. He influences his staff as President of Gordon Air Conditioning by multi-tasking, at work, and in the community. As owner and teacher at Gordon Martial Arts, he inspires students to attain the level of black belt. If they aren’t intimidated enough by his physical presence and ability, he is a 7th Degree master level instructor under Grand Master Hwang and 4rd Degree Hapkido instructor under Grand Master Rudy Timmerman and Dojunim Ji Han Jae. “A local guy opened a martial arts school and I went to look at it,” says Gordon, laughing at his budding interest in martial arts since he was in elementary school. “A buddy told me I was too big for it and that was all the challenge I needed.”

The timing was perfect, as America was falling in love with these arts, explored in movies, TV and schools popping up with “master teachers.” After World War ll, American servicemen stationed in Japan had learned martial arts techniques and brought them back to the West. In the 1950s, after the Korean conflict, Taekwon-Do and other arts began to gain momentum. Americans began to take an interest in Karate and Judo, due to Asian and Hollywood movies and TV shows in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Fists of Fury, Enter the Dragon, The Green Hornet, Karate Kid and others, introduced American audiences to Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude van Damme, Jet Li, and Chuck Norris (pictured with Gordon on gordonmartialarts.com). “When I was 14, the movie The Karate Kid came out,” says Gordon. “I watched that


Martial arts produced a rippling effect and much joy to other aspects of Gordon’s life. He has watched both of his daughters test for black belt with Grand Masters on the panel. He has been featured six times on the cover of Taekwondo Times (TKDT). He was noted as one of the 10 “Movers & Shakers” in the Korean Martial Arts in TKDT. And, he wrote an article for the TKDT about Grand Master Hwang for the January 2013 issue. (Taekwondotimes.com.) Plus he travels the world to teach martial arts. Gordon Martial Arts hosts three tournaments a year and the Korean Martial Arts festival every year in his community. “People from all over the world come to Crestview,” says Gordon. The event is listed by Black Belt Magazine as “Top 10 mustdo events” and TKDT as “The Must-Attend Event of the Year!” “When I was 37, I started playing football,” says Gordon. The same buddy who told him he was too big for martial arts, “told me I was too old to play ball,” he says, laughing. “He told me, ‘You don’t like football!’ And, I told him, ‘Yeah, I don’t like football, but …’ I told him I wanted to play.” Perhaps all those lessons Gordon teaches comes from being a good student. “My dad is the only hero I ever had,” says Gordon. “You gotta understand, although I’m 50-60 pounds heavier and 3-4 inches taller, I’ll never be as big as my father. His quiet, unassuming ways and the way he continues to live his life have taught me more than mere words ever could.”

meet the


Tom Gordon President

Barbara Gordon Office Manager

Thomas Gordon is the President of Gordon Air Conditioning. Thomas studied Air Conditioning and Heating at Okaloosa-Walton Community College. Although he basically grew up in the business working every summer with his father since 1979, Thomas also brings experience and insights from a variety of jobs. Thomas joined Gordon Air Conditioning on a full-time basis in 1991.

Barbara joined Gordon Air Conditioning in 2006 taking on the responsibilities of office management, accounting, and she helps with marketing & advertising.


Ken Phelps

Customer Service Relations

Comfort Advisor

Marianne joined Gordon Air Conditioning in 2000 and worked full time ever since. She always answers the phone with a smile and tries to make sure all the customers are taken care of in a timely fashion.

Ken joined the Gordon Air team in 2014 and he is a proud veteran. With his wife Linda, they have two sons who are also veterans. Ken’s duties includes; sales, coordinating and overseeing new system installations. In his free time, Ken and Linda enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. They are civic activists and very involved in the local community.

850-682-5214 I COMFORT ZONE 11


hile the Florida lifestyle is the envy of many living in colder climates, our sub-tropical weather can do more than relax and soothe. Many homeowners find themselves stuck with unwanted house guests as the seasonal temperatures heat up – mold.

MOLD: it’s just a

by Maxine Reneé

4 letter word


Stopping mold in its tracks is a challenge, but one that needs to be faced before the organisms damage equipment, destroy walls and floors, or harm the health of you and your pets. Cleaning and preventive maintenance of an air conditioning system is important in any climate, but is imperative in Florida. Mold can accumulate in several different areas of an air conditioning system, and it’s important to have your unit checked and cleaned once or twice a year. If mold is able to grow, it makes the air conditioning unit work harder, which costs more and decreases the life expectancy of your system. Additionally, the spores become

MOLD IS RESILIENT AND EASILY ADAPTABLE, IT IS PART OF OUR ENVIRONMENT AND IT IS HERE TO STAY. blown throughout the house, building up over time. This is particularly dangerous for people with asthma or other breathing problems.

Florida would create uncomfortable conditions during the summer. That’s why regular cleaning and maintenance is crucial to your family’s and your employees’ health.

The Florida Department of Health’s website points out that there are four kinds of health problems that come from exposure to mold: allergic illness, irritant effects, infection, and toxic effects. The site explains, “For people who are sensitive to molds, symptoms such as nasal and sinus irritation or congestion, dry hacking cough, wheezing, skin rashes or burning, watery or reddened eyes may occur. People with severe allergies to molds may have more serious reactions, such as hay-fever-like symptoms or shortness of breath.”

Most of us think we only need to prepare against mold if we’re going away for the entire summer. Few realize that, under the right circumstances, mold can form in just 48 hours!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests not running the HVAC system if mold is suspected, as it could spread the spores throughout the building. But stopping the use of an air conditioning system due to suspected mold growth in

And once it starts, it reproduces every six minutes. So do the math. If you’re leaving for more than a week, there’s an outside chance you could return to that funny smell that means there’s something wrong. Generally speaking if you’re only leaving for a week or two, all you need to do is set your thermostat at 80 or 82 degrees and you should not have a problem. If you plan to be away for a month or longer, that’s when it would be wise to take more serious precautionary measures.

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4060 S Ferdon Blvd Crestview, FL 32536

850-682-5214 I COMFORT ZONE 13


Understanding warranties

hank you for choosing Gordon Air Conditioning to supply your indoor air quality needs! Here are just a few words on how to maximize your investment by understanding warranties. When you purchased your new air conditioning system, it included a manufacturer’s warranty. You should have received a copy of this warranty from the manufacturer, which contains their terms and conditions. If you can’t find your warranty paperwork, call our customer service department. We’ll be happy to help you! Manufacturers regularly enforce the terms and conditions of your warranty. These changes may affect you.

Most manufacturers allow you to transfer warranties to the new owner upon the sale of your property for a small fee and within 30 days of the closing.

Manufacturers are now requiring the use of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts. There are thousands of possible OEM parts for any of the multiple manufacturers, which make using and obtaining OEM parts difficult, and we can no longer use generic stock parts to replace a unit that is under warranty. However, it is our priority to repair your equipment as quickly as possible. Manufacturers do not cover costs for labor performed. This means that if you need


service after regular business hours, extra charges may apply. Manufacturers often require yearly maintenance by an authorized dealer/servicer in order to keep a warranty in good standing. If you are not currently having maintenance done on your equipment at least annually, please contact us or an authorized dealer/servicer in your area as soon as possible. Please call our customer service department if you have any questions or to schedule maintenance. We have several maintenance plans, and our professional staff will gladly explain them to you and help you choose the one that best fits your needs.


Maintenance agreement


 Improved efficiency  Extended equipment life  Improved safety  Discount on repair service  Preferred customer  Inflation protection  Agreement is transferable  Proof of maintenance

$189.00 Primary AC & Heating System

PROCEDURES INCLUDE  Clean or replace standard air filters  Check inside cooling coil  Check primary & secondary drains  Inspect blower components  Clean and/or adjust as necessary  Check condenser coil & clean in place  Check thermostat operations  Lubricate all moving parts (where applicable)  Check & tighten all loose electrical connections  Check operation pressure for proper refrigerant charge  Inspect for visible refrigerant leaks as necessary  Monitor AC & testing cycles  Check & test safety controls  Inspect heat exchanger & burners- vacuum and/or adjust  Check pilot operation-adjust as necessary  Visually inspect flue draft for safe operation  Check for cracked heat exchange  Adjust air flow for proper ventilation  Check heat anticipator setting  Heating system check during heating season/during cooling season 850-682-5214 I COMFORT ZONE 15




Water can cause your condenser to rust and wear out more quickly. Avoid having your sprinkler spray on your unit in order to reduce the risk of corrosion.



A system with varying speed options can conserve energy. Reducing your system’s output during milder weather will save you money on energy bills.

Remove debris, trim grass and tear out any bushes that restrict airflow. This will improve the efficiency of your system and reduce the risk of it overheating.



Adding a de-humidistat could help to conserve energy. A de-humidistat will turn your unit on when the humidity rises above a certain level, giving you even more control over the operation of your system.

A programmable thermostat gives you better control over output. When your unit is only on when it has to be, you’re going to see smaller energy bills.




Destin/FortWalton Beach

850-682-5214 850-678-5214 850-664-5214

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