The Missing Link: How Valuable Customer Discussions On Social Media Are Often Overlooked
nyone who has ever been part of a brand or
can be polluted by the individual’s awareness of it being a
port structure
or more people is inherently honest and unaware. That is
product sup-
knows that feeling when a
to say, when people don’t realize they are providing
stranger begins talking with
feedback through a significant channel, the genuine customer
someone else about that
sentiment emerges.
item or service. Whether
This genuine customer sentiment is surfacing every day.
overhearing in an elevator
And not in conversations taking place in diners, hotels, air-
conversation, you get a gen-
honesty and true customer reactions are occurring every second
or eavesdropping on a phone
planes or shopping malls. Instead, these invaluable tidbits of
Fall 2012
eral excitement and curiosity
as to what that individual’s experience has been. The
on avenues of social media. Whether on Twitter, Facebook, Jason Wolcott
reason is simple: while focus groups or pursued follow-ups
standardized process, anonymous feedback between two
forums or blogs, there are thousands of bits of data each day that deal with how individuals perceive a brand and its products.
Customer Care News
The industry, it seems, is still trying to understand how to
forms, companies today are also finding a lack of a stop-valve
feel up to finding the solution and simply remain absent on
determine what is a qualified marketing lead or not being able
use this information. While some companies simply do not
social media platforms, others are so buried in data that they
remain at a standstill. By implementing a limited series of pro-
gram modifications, both non-engaged companies and those
attempting to grapple this conundrum can become effective at configuring the data available into a manageable framework. Step One: Embrace Social Media, Top to Bottom
Likely the most common suggestion from social media
experts, encouraging social adoption on all levels of the corpo-
rate hierarchy is raised time and time again due to its real value. According to Burson-Marsteller (a global public relations and communications firm), 70 percent of Americans research a
product online before making a purchase. If a similar market share existed within popular magazines, wouldn’t your company be looking into involvement with that medium?
The value of creating a social media presence doesn’t just
stop at consumer value, but also exists internally. Without widespread acceptance of this new platform, social media teams
often feel like the black sheep of the customer service division while other departments can feel neglected or threatened by these new efforts. By integrating social media within all existing efforts and coordinating assistance across platforms (esca-
lations, research and development, customer feedback, etc.), companies can avoid having that department be the “new kid at school” and, instead, effectively implement what may very well
or filter for incoming content. Whether that means failing to
to find customer service issues amidst hundreds of brand mentions, a wide variety of concerns
exist due to a lack of structured
In reviewing the options available with the widely accessible data the Internet
rules. Sit down
has to offer, companies can ensure
heads, both for
that technology has not evolved far
with department social media and
beyond their currently used tools
sions, to deter-
as well as maintain an open-ended
traditional divi-
mine the top five
most important
program initiative to improve.
types of customer
discussions/feedback and implement the changes necessary to
prioritize them. The resulting solution may be additional filters within your social media tools or finding a different provider
for data due to inflexibility. The worst decision a company
can make, however, is to just go with whatever was decided at
program inception. In failing to review the standards in place, as well as reviewing all standards and tools to determine their
effectiveness and the competitiveness they allow, companies can find themselves stuck wading through the Internet’s static while competitors strive forward.
While each of these items may sound easier said than done,
be the future of all divisions within their company.
they all deal with one common theme: the importance of hav-
Step Two: Define Existing Expectations, Then Exceed
for effective evolution. In reviewing the options available with
Because social media is such a new platform for engage-
ment, companies have been playing catch-up or coming up
with standards on the fly as new titles, divisions and hiring
efforts are made. To ensure the most effective program, the pri-
mary step is to consider what performance standards are being encouraged and review for consistency and improvement. By eliminating the rationale that social media rules should mirror
traditional channels, and developing a roadmap for making social media the most effective and profound customer service
effort in your company hierarchy, true innovation can develop
that will make a large splash online from existing customers
ing the discussions within your organization that are necessary the widely accessible data the Internet has to offer, companies
can ensure that technology has not evolved far beyond their currently used tools as well as maintain an open-ended program
initiative to improve. If you knew that people regularly met at noon to discuss your product in the mall’s food court, wouldn’t
you take whatever steps necessary to monitor that conversation? Yet, all too often, companies aren’t making those strides online for a host of reasons. By making an effort to execute the
aforementioned steps, brand ambassadors can begin making
the changes necessary to monitor and engage with consumers worldwide. CCN
and prospects alike.
Jason Wolcott is the co-founder and CEO of 3CSI where he leads
Step Three: Calibrate to Determine What is of
to clients. 3CSI’s goal is to help companies provide greater value
With the adoption of social media within traditional plat-
Fall 2012
Value Right Now
delivery of strategic customer relationship management solutions to their customers by fully leveraging new technologies and media channels. Wolcott can be reached at