The title of your publicationPatriotism Definition Essay

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A reflection on "Nationalism" and "Patriotism"

Over a hundred years ago, Ernest Renan (A French scholar) delivered a lecture based on his critique of 'What is a nation?' in Paris. It had been over a decade since the Franco–Prussian war that resulted in the loss of Alsace– Lorraine (formally a part of the French Empire) on the basis of its German speaking population (the language of the majority of the population in Alsace– Lorraine served as the basis of claim on which the German Nationalists took over the territory as their own). This sort of a background provided a fertile foreground to nourish and develop his critique on the '"ethnographic" definition of Nationhood'.1

His major argument under this critique was that a nation was something whose basic foundational stone was the 'willingness of people to live together'. He went so far as to characterize nation as an "everyday plebiscite".

Although his theory/answer to the imposed question of 'what is a Nation' is still an account worth reading but the question itself suffers from ambiguity and is problematic. Going by Renan, the question urges its readers to 'treat nations as "entities"'. When looked at closely, this understanding of a nation, it becomes a bit to define.

If we were to ask the question on the workings of the category called nation, it raises a bit of turmoil in our everyday consolidated understanding of it as an entity or community or even a collective force. This nudges us into the direction of thinking of

A Reflection On Nationalism And Patriotism Essay
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To me, Patriotism means having a deep sense of pride, appreciation and loyalty for our country and our citizens. Growing up on a military base with two parents in the United States Air Force, I have a lot of experience with patriotism. It's hard to describe the sense of security I felt growing up on a military base. Everyone on base has a heart for service. It was a place where people looked out for one another. When mymother was away for an extended period of time, someone would do my sister and my hair when we were little. If my dad was gone, someone would cut the grass or shovel the snow. Everyone shared a deep sense of loyalty to our country and to those defending it. We were all on the same team. Nowadays however, I feel that divisiveness

Patriotism: United States Air Force
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Many people believe that they are patriotic people. But, what truly makes one patriotic? In "Saying Goodbye to Patriotism" Robert Jensen critiques the effects of patriotism on today's modern society, the United States, and globalization after the attacks on 9/11. Jensen defines patriotism in his talk delivered to the Peace Action National Congress as "love and loyal or zealous support of one's own country." (Jensen 741) But, that is not the only definition of patriotism. One may love living in the United States so does that make them patriotic? Patriotism is probably one of the hardest words to define in today's society.

Jensen presents two alternative definitions of patriotism in his speech. The first one suggests that patriotism is more content...

If the leaders of the country just keep creating policies and the majority of the citizens just accept them as they are, then this country really isn't that big of a democracy as one may think it is.

In Jensen's talk, he also gives a quote of Emma Goldman's that states, "Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, and more intelligent than the living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill, and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all others." This sounds a lot more like what patriotism is today. War is something that has always existed and even in this modern day in age, it is still considered the best way to resolve conflict. Jensen feels war in Afghanistan is barbaric because of the fact that people seem to think that their lives are more valuable than Afghanistan citizens and if innocent Afghans have to die then so be it to achieve the goals of the United States. But, are the goals of the United States truly patriotic? What are the real goals of the United States as it embarks on a new war on Iraq? From an Afghani American's standpoint Tamim Ansary compares modern day Afghanistan to Nazi Germany and he does a pretty good comparison when he states; "When you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you think bin

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Essay on Robert Jensens Patriotism

Patriotism is generally defined as loyalty and love for one's country. However, patriotism's definition varies depending on how "loyalty" and "country" are themselves defined. For example, Stephen Decatur's toast indicates a definition that allows for some types of political dissent. When Decatur stated, "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong," the naval officer meant that dissention with regards to foreign policy can be injurious to national pride, identity, and military strategy. Hence, "in her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right." Yet, Decatur leaves open the possibility for political dissent with regards to domestic policies. If he were alive in the 20th century, for example, Decatur might have supported the Vietnam War while also supporting the Civil Rights movement.

However,patriotism can also involve political dissent with regards to foreign policy. A country that was built on principles of freedom of expression necessitates a type of patriotism that welcomes anti–war protests and protests against foreign policies that may be considered injurious to the public welfare. From Vietnam to Iraq, theUnited States military campaigns have raised questions about what constitutes patriotism, and what does not. During the Bush Administration, questions about patriotism became more fervent. As Gitlin points out, patriotism has been too often and too closely linked to

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Essay: Patriotism

Patriotism to me For my national heritage essay, I chose the topic what patriotism means to me. I hope this essay will help many realize how great America is. Also, I want this essay to inspire others to write about our country. First of all, the definition of patriotism is a love for ones country. In my context that means, saying the pledge, singing the national anthem, supporting troops, and speaking out. First up, saying the pledge. Saying the pledge is a part of patriotism because you are respecting your country by placing your hand over your heart and respecting our government, our nation or union, and our God. Second is singing the National Anthem, also know as the Star Spangled Banner. This is another very important part of

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What Patriotism Means To Me

Positive And Negative Effects Of Patriotism

"Patriotism – love of country –devotion to the land that bore us – is pressed upon us now as paramount to every other notion in its claims on head, hand and heart" (Everett 151). Showing love and respect towards one's own country is called patriotism. One must treat their country like it's their mother, that's why it is called Motherland. Patriotism has positive and negative impacts but at the same time, it can fill your heart with pride and joy. Patriotism strikes a lot of mixed emotions, some, however, consider themselves patriotic because they hang a flag outside their house, and others just see it as racism and being repulsive. However, Patriotism is shown within each country and it can have many positive and negative effects.

People like George Washingtonand Mahatma Gandhi are considered patriots. They have always had great pride in the country and always thought in what was best before deciding to take any actions. George Washington was the leader of the army who helped to fight for America's freedom and was the first president of The United States. Mahatma Gandhi had fought for India's independence. Both of these people had shown patriotism for their country by fighting for what was right, not only for the country but the people. After the September 11 incident of the twin towers being blown up, many people began to register for the army or even donate blood. However, if one is patriotic towards their country that does not mean one must agree with the president at

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As of now, the country is continually modifying itself due to the upcoming generations and the changes around the world. In fact, it is shaping its attention to the needs of the people and for this reason, patriotism is shown due to the approach the leaders of this country have taken towards the circumstances that arise from time to time. In fact, patriotism is often shown because of how an individual comes into a concurrence and opts to love their country for what they have accomplished.

As previously stated, patriotism occurs when one is proud of what the country's current achievements have been. As well, it implies that as an individual you view the accomplishments and failures of the country to see how it has taken the matter of the circumstances into their hands to able themselves to perform better for the future ahead. For instance, throughout the history of the United States of America, we can observe how treaties have been established with more content... since then I have been able to witness the embracing arms of my country, the United States of America, which has truly been a blessing to my family and me. Actually the moment my parents decided to move to a foreign country in search for a greater future, that would benefit their families, they met with the opportunities that would in the end make them succeed. Their success is visible by now having settled down with a family that admires them for their sacrifices and endurance. For this reason, as a family, we gather up and thank God for the wonderful privilege He has given us to live in this country that has been a grand blessing to us and has made all of us grow in different aspects. For example, because of the diversity that exists, it makes us open our minds to different ideals of others and have now conformed those of our own, which has led us to be gracious and proud of the great change it has had over the Get more content

What Does Patriotism Mean To Me Essay

American identity can be identified as the ideas you believe in, the culture you follow, or the land you live in. It is essential in order to be a part of a cultural group, but is not always good, especially when referring to the racism often linked to the American identity as a whole. Many Americans are seen as racist towards different ethnic groups ever since the 1400's when Europeans discovered the Americas and colonization started. Since then, there has been slavery and other discriminatory ideas dividing the country, although it may not always be so apparent. It is because of the inequalities in this country that patriotism has arisen as a problem for many people. Patriotism has the potential to be a good thing, but when taken to the extent that some people take it, it turns into something bad. Americans always like to see themselves as sensible and pragmatic when dealing with the country's issues, however, this doesn't always come through to others who feel that the treatment of many of the Americans from different ethnicities is unequal to that of the white Americans. As human beings, being able to belong to a group is very important, therefore, we have made the term American citizen pretty broad. However, despite being coined a melting pot of cultures, America could be argued as more of a salad bowl. We are all together, but also kept apart at the same time. From the very beginning, America has been built on the idea that white Europeans are superior to any other

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Patriotism is a part of what it means to be an American. It is a true honor to love and take pride in our country and the freedom is given to us. In America we are privileged to have the freedoms that some countries do not get, such as the right to vote, freedom of religion, and freedom to be oneself. Unfortunately these are things that we take for granted daily. We are truly a blessed nation, but sometimes the abundance we have blinds us from seeing just how blessed we are. Americans are really good at picking out the flaws in one another. We often times put other people down to make ourselves look better. We see this everyday in our schools, work, TV, and magazines. However, when a crisis happens to a part of our country, or really anywhere


Patriotism: What Does It Mean To Be An American?
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The recent terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have caused confusion on the topic of patriotism. The best way to start understanding patriotism is to simply define it. Patriotism is a person's level of loyalty toward their country. Displays of true patriotism are prominent in times of despair, such as wars andterrorist attacks. However, many people have discrepancies on what displays of patriotism really are. Some people believe that showing patriotism can be accomplished by waving the flag and singing the national anthem. Others believe that a person must be much more involved in a cause to show patriotism. It is true that waving a flag doesn't accomplish much. Although this action displays good intentions, more content...

But different men often see the same subject in different lights" (Henry, 88). The people that believe they have done enough by waving a flag and singing the national anthem have failed to form their own opinions of patriotism. If the United States has a government controlled by the people, then the strength of the country depends on the level of loyalty among the people. So by performing only the easiest tasks to show support for the country, these people are causing the country to become less powerful. Basing a country on laziness could be paralleled to basing a document on lies.

Finally, the most obvious fault on the side that claims waving a flag is patriotism is the fact that very few people actually did this before the terrorist attacks. This so called patriotism transformed from a dormant state into a state of overabundance in only a few days time. This observation alone is evidence of the invalidity of waving a flag and singing the national anthem. Additionally, some people have enough disrespect for our country to take advantage of fellow citizens during this time of confusion by selling cheap American flags at twenty dollars each. These people are playing jump rope with the line between patriotism and treason as if patriotism isn't a serious subject. Sadly, the people who failed to realize their own false patriotism were also the ones being scammed by companies. Clearly,

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Patriotism Essay

Patriotism There are many problems that this country is faced with. It has a high debt and not to mention many poor that are living on the streets. There is one problem that stands out the most throughout the whole country though. The country that was founded on patriotism has barely any people in it that has patriotism any more. We should have patriotism because it is our history, many people die for this country, and it is what our country runs on. The first reason we should have patriotism is because it is our history. When our founding fathers came together as people to make the constitution one thing that made it work so well for them was their love of the thought of patriotism. So they had a thought of making a country completely relying on patriotism. So what we have to do is to keep that patriotism alive in the country. That, although, is just the first reason we should have more content...

They go overseas and live far away from their families just so they can fight a war that some kid don't even know how it started. They go out every day just to make sure that we are safe and most people just don't give a whoot if anything happens to them at all. They make the ultimate sacrifice and not many people really care at all if they live or if they die. There is still one more reason that we should still have patriotism though. We should have patriotism because that is what this country runs on. This country is so unique because of the simple fact that we run on patriotism. If we lost that unique factor of our country then we wouldn't be the United States anymore, we would just be some other continent on this Earth. It is one of the reasons that we are the United States and not the divided states as well. That is why we need patriotism in this Get

Should We Have Patriotism?
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Patriotism means something different for everyone. For some it may be reciting the Pledge, or celebrating Veteran's day. For others, it may be something as monumental as serving their country in the military. For me, it's making sure America never goes down the wrong path. I try to make sure I never turn away from America's problems, and I try to help solve them. I'm always doing my best to help my country in my own way. Since I'm only a teenager, there's not much I take any chances I can get. For example, human trafficking is a problem in America. I am involved in an international organization called A21 and myschool's Not for Sale club. I also spread awareness of other injustices caused to people. Since I am a teenager, I can educate other

What Does Patriotism Mean To Me
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Patriotism and Its Meaning

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States we are seeing many forms of Patriotism. I was suprised to find when I researched this word that it had a negative feeling associated with it. I believe that patriotism is actively showing your support for your country, standing up for what you believe in, and fighting for our individual free will and independence.

I am proud of my country and I am not ashamed to fly the American Flag. Many men and women have died to give me the freedoms that I take for granted. I applaud their patriotism, and I thank them for giving me my way of life. I will support them in protecting my country. I will try to elect officials who believe more content...

I hope that you, as an American citizen will learn about your government and actively support it, by voting, writing your congressmen, and making a difference for peace.

In standing up for what I believe in, I will not be ignorant of other people. I can be assertive in my beliefs without trying to impose them on my fellow citizens. America stands for diversity and to have patriotism to her is to believe that all people have a right to believe in thier own system of values. I do not agree with Emma Goldman, who stated: "Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, more intelligent then the living beings inhabited by any other spot. It is therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all others." On the contrary, patriotism stands for fighting for everyone to have the same freedom that I do.

We did not ask for terrorist to attack our country, but it is our duty to defend her, not blindly as people would say we do, but earnestly keeping the good of all in mind. Richard Maybury, author of Early Warning Report, wrote: "The only thing I would be willing to die for is my home and family; I would do what ever it takes to repel an invader, to protect my homeland. When I am deciding what I think of a U.S. military operation in

Patriotism and Its Meaning Essay
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Patriotism is defined as a love for or a devotion to one's country. With the events that happened in America on September 11th, patriotism has been in everyone's mind and heart. Young men and women have been enlisting in the armed forces to support America. Americans are flying flags on their cars and homes to show their patriotism. Millions of Americans are donating money and blood in support of the victims of the attacks. I would define patriotism as a loyalty and commitment to America and the people in our country.

One way to define patriotism is to look at an example of my enlistment in the Army and the training that I received in Basic. I decided to join the Army in 1996 after an unsuccessful attempt more content...

Other Americans gathered together to pray for the victims and their families and for the commitment of the soldiers who are in foreign countries protecting our freedom. Many people donated time and money to the extensive clean up efforts in New York and Washington, DC to show their love for America and their dedication to help rebuild what was destroyed. The attacks caused Americans to come together and show their patriotism.

Another way to define patriotism is to look at the process of blood donation that many Americans went through to donate to those injured in the attack and in the rescue efforts. It is not a difficult process and millions of Americans filled the clinics and rolled up their sleeves in support of America. There are series of steps that you go through to donate blood. First, you fill out a form with your name, address, and other general information. Next, a nurse asks you a series of questions detailing your medical history. Then, the nurse performs a finger stick to test your iron levels and determines if you are eligible to donate blood at that time. If all test well, you then recline in a seat where the nurse prepares your arm for the blood withdraw. After the preparation, the nurse finally sticks your arm in the vein. Your blood is collected in specially prepared bags to be used as blood donations for other people with a need for your type of blood. This relatively

Do You Define Patriotism? Essays
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To me, patriotism is immense love for one's country. It is the support, respect, and admiration for our country. Patriotism is a love so great for your county, you are willing to fight for what you believe in. Patriotism is having all these qualities as well as also having a connection so deep, you question and challenge it. Real Patriotism is questioning all past and present situations that have created the country we know and love today to help you understand the true meaning of the freedom we have on a deeper level.

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Me Essay
What Does Patriotism Mean To

But what does patriotism means to me? It means of course to have love for our homeland we should always respect our homeland because that's where we come from, our country, if we living in a country we should respect it because they give you the privilege to live there, to support, to be inspired by, and to change our lives from the way we live them. What many has got confused is they believe they showed their love for this country by donating, or doing things for example, clothes, shoes, in line to donate blood, joining the army. But what people don't know it's that Patriots support the countries in every way possible. But that does not mean Americans has to agree with anything that the president says, we all have our rights to speak what

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What Does Patriotism Mean To Me

Patriotism means something different to each and every person. The right to protest, express one's concerns, refuse to participate in any event they consider to be discriminatory, and/or disagree with the way the country is run may fall under someone's definition of being patriotic. There is no right or wrong way for patriotism to be shown, however, some people will disagree. The passion protestors are showing for their country is an example of patriotism; the passion people have by disagreeing with protestors kneeling during the anthem is an example of patriotism. The broad definition of patriotism is showing support for one's country, even if someone considers another person's meaning or idea of patriotism to be disrespectful by opposing their own beliefs when in fact both individuals exhibit an extreme passion for their beloved country. The big issue currently swarming the internet and the news are National Football League (NFL) players kneeling during the anthem to protest against racism and police brutality. People either are applauding the acts of the NFL players or scolding them for disrespecting TheUnited States of America and all those who have fought and died to protect the country. However, in defense of the football players, they were practicing their right to peacefully protest. The football players kneeling for the anthem actually have a motive and purpose in their actions which is to bring awareness to the issue with black suppression, racism, and police Get

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People often think Patriotism is only respecting the flag and being respectful when the National Anthem or Pledge of Allegiance, but people don't see the true meaning behind the word '' patriotism''. This word has gone down to the point where it is now a "Kabuki Citizenship", it is no expression, doing the same thing over and over and you are considered a Patriot. Some people like Colin Kaepernick think Patriotism is only about being a honored United States Citizen. According to the article,it states that a patriot is a person who loves or zealously supports one owns country, which is the real definition of a patriot. I will agree with this statement, but the thing that people do not understand that you should be a patriot if you are a loyal to America, not doing all the stuff that makes you look like a citizen.

Colin Kaepernick, a NFL no. 7 jersey of the 49ers, got criticism more content... Jones is an actress, a comedian, and a cast member. During a Saturday night live appearance, it quoted, "... was greeted with a campaign of racist twitter abuse." The next few days she then goes for a person named Kerri Walsh, Ryan Seacrest and many other athletes, trying to be a kind person, but suddenly,, everyone now likes her, which is weird because her patriotism was brought back after actually doing nothing. Wesley Morris's idea of patriotism is a bit different, than Ms. Jones's point of view of patriotism. Wesley Morris had the idea of defending Colin because it was a wrong decision by the media to get upset over a kneel down. The president of the United States did not like when he was kneeling. Based on this info of this article, it seems like the media does not know the true meaning of the word, "Patriotism", instead they abuse the word if someone does not do the same actions someone else does or everyone else does. People should really look up the right definition of

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The Real Definition Of Patriotism

What is Patriotism? Well, different people have different opinions about what patriotism is. For instance, Adlai Stevenson believes that, "Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." But Charles de Gaulle believes that, "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first." You can see, Patriotism is a subject that can differ, but also coincide in definitions. Patriotism can be viewed almost everywhere, when school students perform the "Flag Salute", or during the beginning of a football game when a person sings the national anthem as others remember fallen patriots, and salute the flag. To me, Patriotism means to love and be willing to do almost anything for your country,

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A Discussion Of Patriotism In The United States

Patriotism can be seen as many different ways, loyalty, honesty, love, everybody has their own understanding of patriotism and how they define it. To me patriotism is standing up for what one believes no matter what, and never losing hope in what you believe. In the essay written by McCain, his friend Mike stayed faithful to America and even after being beat he sewed another flag. Mike did not give up on his country, that is patriotism to me. Staying loyal, and never giving up no matter the circumstances or what others may think about what you believe in. People do not only have to show patriotism to their countries but to other things as well. Patriotism comes from one's own will to show they are not afraid to fight for what they believe

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Definition Essay On Patriotism

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