Advantages of Online Education
Is online education a valuable innovation that improves opportunities for students or is it a poor substitute for traditional, classroom–based teaching? It has long been recognized that students and educators need to use a variety of tools in order to keep up with the skills that are needed in the contemporary world. Online education is becoming popular, but some people raise questions about its effectiveness in comparison to traditional learning. While teachers will always be involved in the education process, there is room also to consider new ways in which teachers, students and technology can work together. Technology is here to stay, and everyone in an industrialized society needs to learn how to make more content...
There is even the potential to access quizzes and tests, complete them, and submit them for analysis. Feedback, often with grading capabilities and tips for improvement, is built in and can be received in an extremely fast turnaround. Instructors just simply cannot deliver this high–speed response because they have to deal with each student's work consecutively and they are subject to the limitations of needing to eat, sleep and have a private life as well as being professional teachers. The internet is always available; except in rare cases of technical failure, and is always reliably fast in its response. From a teaching perspective, online learning also provides economies of time usage. Instead of delivering information every year to each new cohort of students, the teacher supervising online learning only has to provide the main material once. Thereafter, the job of the teacher is to keep the material up to date, as well as to monitor and support students as they learn. This system is a far more effective use of time, and allows the teacher to achieve a much greater effectiveness with less repetition of tasks. Student participation and performance can be logged by the computer system, thus removing the need for time–consuming administration. Another advantage of online education is flexibility in content and supplementary support. Teaching in a classroom usually operates to a defined curriculum with fixed content and clear goals.
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Essay Advantages of an Online Education
In the 21st century, technology is becoming an essential to our everyday life. Even kids these days as young as three to four years old knows how to use an ipad or an iphone. So society has made use of the technology we have today for learning. It has moved on from the traditional classroom and whiteboard style to online learning with the supplementation of the mobile phone. There are various benefits of online and mobile learning however there are benefits that the traditional method of learning that technology cannot overcome.
Online learning is the process of studying without having to physically attending classes or lectures and mobile learning is to help online learning more efficient by quickly being able to obtain information via the internet through the smart phones we have today. By not having to physically attend lectures, students are able to do their assignments anywhere. This is very productive as every student have their own studying preferences or places that they can have more content...
It is a interactive learning, through practical challenges and hands–on experience, developing their creativity and taking in information as they move from one place to another. Claimed by Feldman and McPhee, kinesthetic learners are most successful when totally engaged with a learning activity. They acquire information fastest when participating in a science lab, drama presentation, skit, field trip, dance, or other active activity. Online learning is not able to do this as it is only based on the computer knowledge and what the computer is able to do. Kinesthetic learning can be learnt by all ages from the young to the old as it based on the activities and learnt through those activities. The young or the old may not know how to operate a computer or a smart phone. Therefore, online learning and mobile learning may not be suitable for all the
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Online Classes
1.Online classes are making it easier for people to go to college. If it was not for online classes students who do not live near a college or have busy schedules could not get a degree. I am receiving my degree completely online. I choose to take online classes because I work in Cape Vincent and Clayton and live in Adams. Living on campus would not be an option for me and commuting would be a nightmare. I do not think that students who receive their degree online should receive a different degree than someone who receives it taking face–to–face classes. Degree programs require students to take all of the same classes whether they are taken face–to–face or online. The learning outcome from these classes is the same. If colleges had an more content...
If students get caught they should have to face the consequences whether it is in a class online or a face–to–face. Professors should take the necessary measures to keep students from cheating. These measures should include running papers through turn it in, changing test questions each semester and personalizing questions as much as possible so questions cannot be found online. Cheating is a serious problem, but it hurts the student in the end. Although students know that cheating is against school policy and professors are trying their best to make it difficult to cheat, students are still going to find ways to do it. Professors should not have to focus all of their attention on catching cheating. They need to focus most of their time and attention on the students who want to learn and to well in their class. Students who choose to use these sites instead of doing the work themselves are not going to do well in their future job. When entering into a job after graduating college you are expected to remember the information you were taught in college. An employer will be able to determine quickly if you know what you are supposed to know or not. If you are not able to remember the basic information taught in college you most likely are going to fired. Employers are not going to waste their time teaching a college graduate what they were supposed to be learn in college. This person is then going to have to explain at future job
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Online education is helping many students get a better education. This can be for many reasons. Some reasons could include things like a more flexible schedule. Of course their are some that believe that online schools are not a good option because they do not offer students face to face time with teachers, but online schools can be a great way to educate the children of tomorrow because it allows for students in rural areas to get the same education as somebody in the city and the flexible nature of online school allows students to have more time to be with their family, friends and to do the activities they love.
One of the great things about online education is that it gives students in rural areas the same education as those in large urban areas. This is because of many things but most importantly it is because online systems allow for more courses then a small town would be able to provide (Orgill, Jason, and Douglas Hervey). Having more courses is important because it gives students the opportunity to take deep dives into areas that they are very interested in. This is an opportunity that many students that live in rural areas don't get because there school simply does not have enough students to provide those courses. Giving students in rural areas the same course opportunities as those in urban areas is just one of the reasons online education is so important.
Another great thing about online education is that allows student athletes to have enough time with their families while also putting huge amounts of time into training and school. The reason athletes get the time they need is because at an online school "you work at your own pace" And on your own schedule (Snyder, Tom). I know from personal experience being a student athlete in a brick and mortar school is difficult. You wake up early try and finish your homework, then go directly to school. Then after school you go to training and then more training then maybe you go to the gym and then finally you get home and you are so tired you just fall into bed. This is really tough because you get hardly any time to spend with your family and friend. In an online school system you can do your work wherever you are and whenever you have time. This
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Persuasive Essay On Online Education
My Online Experience
Being a college student, it is important that one learns to become computer literate. Although I have had the opportunity to go on the Internet, I have never had the opportunity to go beyond doing research, or finding information simply for pleasure. Up to this day, I had not entered the intriguing world of the online communities, and what they can offer. I really did not know much about chatrooms nor had the interested in finding out. From hearing on the news what takes place in the chat rooms, I have had a very narrow perspective on chat rooms and what goes on in them. The reasons, I figured people explored the chat rooms was for friendship, romance, or excitement. In which case, I did not need from a more content...
Being a child I did not understand why that had happened. I knew I changed the water a couple of times and also fed them. So what could have gone wrong? From that day on I decided I would never have any more fish. I was traumatized and never again wanted to be responsible for fishes. I felt that I had killed two fish and I was afraid of trying again.
Being that this assignment was to be an educational experience, I figured I would take advantage of learning about chat rooms and to learn a little on how to maintain a small aquarium. The search then began. Since I was not familiar on how to log on to chat rooms, or where to start, I began by searching my topic on the web. I found several web sites on the topic, but neither had connections to chat rooms. Finally, I came across a web site that has an archive on information about aquariums and also a link to a chat room. This web site called FINS provides a great amount of information for people who are in the hobby of keeping and maintaining an aquarium. The chat room itself vas very interesting. I had the opportunity to met two people (Neon and Barb). Both were very informative. They gave me some helpful information regarding the steps needed to start an aquarium and how to keep it healthy. For example how important it is to clean the gravel, and where to place the plastic plants. Also very important the process needed to clean the water. This chat room was very helpful in doing my
My Online Experience Essay
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Persuasive Essay On Online Classes
Most people think highly of online classes; get to work from home, get to work on a flexible schedule, and anyone can do it. Though no one has heard the cons of taking one. I personally took three semesters of online classes in high school and had a horrible experience. Because of loose scheduling, poor communication, and the focus needed, online classes are not suitable for procrastinators. To give a better understanding, I will summarize my experience with the class. Me, being a procrastinator, thought to myself: I'll just work on the weekends and if I don't finish the class by the end of the school year, I can finish within the first few weeks of summer. This was a god awful plan. Unsurprisingly, close to nothing was accomplished on the weekends. Friends would ask me to hang out every weekend, and I did every time. Why would I want to work on my class on the weekend when I could be having fun? I would later regret this decision. On the days I stayed home and could have worked on the class, I completed nothing. On these days, I would tell myself: I'll just complete what I didn't do this weekend next weekend. This rarely happened. Thus, the cycle of getting nothing accomplished started. I disregarded my class for most of the first semester of junior year. With only nine assignments out of eighty finished after the first semester of the school year, I was immensely behind. I told myself to get my act together during second semester and grind out these two semesters Get
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Online courses are new way of learning anywhere you go. The new software's are making it easy to use for anyone who might not be familiar with the technology. Sitting in traditional classroom for hours and hours compare to being able to study anywhere in the world. Leaving behind the traditional heavy books that we have to carry around whole day, now all we need is our electronic devices. Although online course were accepted by a lot of people, I was not ready to leave the traditional classroom. The fear of managing and organize my own time for the online classes held be back because when managing time is in my hands I am able to work at my own pace and whenever I like. There is always a learning curve to everything, therefore when I initially started taking online courses it was hard taking the first course. It took some time getting used to the new change. Overtime I learned to embrace this new learning style and I take full advantage of what the courses had to offer. As I took more and more online class I got familiar with the format of online learning. The attendance of the course has new meaning with online learning, it is not physically attending a class or showing yourself on the camera but attendance means doing discussion forms. The concept that took the longest time to adapt was that there is no teacher constantly reminding you that assignment is due. The individual taking the course is in control of schedule when and how they do the assignment. Also, the
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Reflective Essay On Online Learning
When comparing online schooling to traditional schooling, there are many differences. Some differences are online schooling allows the student flexibility, personalization, and studying anytime. However, on–campus schooling allows the student to have face to face interaction, develop communication skills, and more self motivation. These are just a few of the many advantages of traditional and online schooling. When it comes down to choosing the right fit for your child there are some pros and cons about both.
Online education is becoming more common as time advances. Although staying at home could be boring there are some pros about online education. Some advantages of online education are flexibility, personalization, and studying anytime. These could help some students, while others it won't. Online schooling is more flexible than traditional schooling. Parents have no control over the school's schedule or learning environment in school, while online schooling parents set the daily routine and adjust their child's learning environment. In addition, traditional schools do not leave the students enough room in their schedules to pursue their interests. Instead, they don't have time for extracurricular activities and appointments. Online students however, are able to attend fixed schedule events, and have a much higher degree of flexibility. Another advantage to online schooling is the personalization factor. As for traditional schooling teachers are unable to offer very Get
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Online Education
Online learning is definitely one of the newest and fastest moving industries; more and more students are opting to getting their degree this way instead of going to a land college, mostly due to the convenience of the schedule, where before a full time employee, could not fit schooling into their schedule, but they are finding out now that they can do this through the online environment, so they are utilizing this alternative way of achieving their higher education. Yet, the online environment is unlike the land college, because there is no face to face contact, so theUniversity of Phoenix tries to make the experience as realistic as it can by: 1) providing a rEsource for the students to go to for their more content...
The class information is in the center of the page but the resources are located to the left of the page. A student has several different selections to cover which ever need they may have, 'Center for Writing Excellence', 'Required Writing Materials', 'University Library', 'Proficiency Assessment', and 'Learning Team Tools'. There are also two other sections, 'For Your Program', which provides the student with their course outline, as well as software offers and downloads to help the student meet the online requirements, and then it has a В‘Resource Information' section, which provides the student with Tutorials and a help section, where the student can go to get help on their project. The most important fact about rEsource is that it is only as valuable as the student wants it to be. The key to rEsource, is that for the student to gain the benefits that it will provides the student, they just need to utilize it.
The Value of Learning Teams
In our working atmosphere, we are all a part of a team, trying to work together and achieve the goal of our business or department. The University of Phoenix seems to understand that this is not a simple thing, there are many obstacles, such as diversity and it can deter individuals in working collectively together, and they have each student join a team as part of the class requirements. The students not only getting the projects done together, but learning to work through any conflict that my come up. The
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Online Education Essay
Benefits Of Online Learning Benefit Essay
In this globalised world, technology has been an important part of our society and our foreseeable future. Online learning is believed to be one of the upcoming trends in the education sectors all over the world as today's world has become a borderless world. Consequently, online learning will be a better learning method in the future. This is because online learning can be done as long as there have internet connection. However, does online learning greatly benefits students? From my point of view, I partially agree that online learning greatly benefits students. This is because although online learning has benefits such as convenience, promotes self–access interactive learning and develop self–discipline to students, online learning more content...
Online learning has limited social interaction. This is because limited opportunities are provided for students to interact face–to–face to professors and other students. Students may also have to face the problem like they have to wait for hours for reply of professors to questions. This is because professors are not always online. The professors may have their personal time to do their own things. Apart from that, students are difficult to develop relationships with classmates when study online. This is because students do not have the social interaction with their classmates. Hence, online learning is a better choice for a shy person as they no need to worry about interacting with other students. However, students will lose chance to have the opportunity to interact face to face with their classmates or even work as teamwork with their classmates which can be helpful for their study purposes when they study online. Through teamwork, students can learn the importance of cooperation as according to Aristotle, "Man is by nature a social animal." Man's nature is such that he cannot afford to live alone. No human being is known to have normally developed in isolation. Online learning cannot provide the opportunity for students to learn about cooperation. This is because most of the communications are through e–mail, chat room or discussion groups, but no offline get–together. Thus, online learning
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Online Vs. Traditional Learning
Online Versus Traditional Learning
Today 's generation relies so much on technology that it has now been incorporated into the schools curriculum. What we once knew and have learned by using school books, is now being taught strictly electronic communication. Although the online environmentlearning can be utilized to enhance classroom lessons, doesn 't mean it should come a main source of teaching. Schools around the nation has remove the use of textbooks and worksheet from the classroom it is a known fact that all learners don 't comprehend through the same techniques and or methods. Some students need the traditional method or individual attention. Issues learning through Web–based, Distance and Blended learning can be good or bad, but even worse becoming a primary tool in classroom. Electronic communication suppose help alter and increase the learners way of thinking but what about the ones who are less mature, motivated and discipline, they will need face to face teaching. Teachers can explain the information in a way the learner can related to what being taught. Teachers add experiences, personality, compassion that 's something an electronic device can 't do it doesn 't feel or understand that the learner is not catching on it only does what is program inside its system to do. Distractions is another issue, it 's proven that multi–tasking is regular for students and that many students are found switching between competing activities highly distracting according to,
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Disadvantages Of Online Learning
Online learning has become more popular in our education system in the past few years. Just take a look at yourself, we have all preferred taking this English class online over the traditional way of sitting in the classroom. Online learning has many advantages over the traditional way, yet there many students who would argue that we learn more by physically sitting in the class and interacting with each other. In my opinion, each student is different, and they each need to choose their classes according to their conditions. For the sake of the argument we can compare a student who works full time, she is married with three kids, yet she decides to pursue her higher education. On the other hand, we have young student, fresh out of high school, with plenty of time to spare! In the first example, the student would benefit from saving time by taking online classes.
On the other hand, some people argue that face–to–face learning would benefit the learner because of the interactions. According to the studies, the chance of getting an answer for your question is higher in the classroom, compared to the online class. In a classroom, not only you can interact with your instructor, but also with the other classmates. One of the effective method more content...
One of the advantages of and online class is you can review the material at your convenience. This would be great feature for students who struggle and need to progress at their own pace. Also, not every student is an early bird, or would be at their greatest mind set during the day. Online classes give you the option to choose the perfect time that works for you, therefore you would get the best out of your class. Unlike the traditional classes that do not provide immediate technical support, online classes give you the option to contact the technical support center via phone or email, which give you immediate response to resolve the
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The Benefits of Online Learning Essay
The online era is beginning to change the way we deliver the message to the students. As brokers of information, we have to seek new mediums to reach our students or consumers. Online learning is becoming more popular to reach students to help increase their reading and comprehension of what they read. As a history teacher, it becomes frustrating to assign homework that the students do not do, because they can't. The use of technology has the ability to allow teachers to teach the student, instead of teaching the grade level. Jon Bower, CEO of Lexia Learning Systems, points this fact out when he states,
"Technology has acrucial role to play in our schools. Unfortunately, it has little to do with the integrated learning systems, more content...
Key elements for successful online instruction include: Insuring that all students assume good intentions. One of the biggest issues that students have to overcome in a face to face class is the fear of doing well. Steinberg notes, "Contemporary American society pulls teenagers away from school toward social and recreational pursuits. There is widespread peer pressure not to succeed academically. One of five students say that their friends make fun of people who try to do well in school. More than one–half of all students say they never discuss their schoolwork with friends."
With the amount of peer pressure that students face, allowing onlineeducation is one way to fight out against this. Making learning "cool" Or "important" is a constant battle that we face. Any portion of online education has to overcome this hurdle. Students should be taught in the first on line sitting that we had to assume good intentions and that is where criticism comes from. Without the ability to see facial expressions or hear tone and pitch, things that are printed on the screen can be interpreted in a context that the author never meant. We want our students to think that reading is the key to unlock the doors of success. We are able to use the technology to help dispel the myth that reading is only for "nerds" or that being cool means that you are not supposed to do school work. One misstep can undo a long period of hard work. This can be Get
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Online courses are a new way of learning anywhere you go. The new software's are making it easy to use for anyone who might not be familiar with the technology. Sitting in a traditional classroom for hours and hours compared to being able to study anywhere in the world. Leaving behind the traditional heavy books that we have to carry around the whole day, now all we need is our electronic devices. Although online course was accepted by a lot of people, I was not ready to leave the traditional classroom. The fear of managing and organize my own time for the online classes held be back because when managing time is in my hands, I am able to work at my own pace and whenever I like. There is always a learning curve to everything, more content...
Therefore, going to the library is a great resource which allows free access to the internet and provides people with computers to use. Furthermore, time management skill will come in handy, in order to find time to study from a busy schedule. A specific study area will keep away from distraction, having a route and a place that is not your bedroom to study help to advance in your learning. Some of the additional stages and steps also include being able to follow direction without having someone over your head all the time. Being able to think in advance due to unreliability of technology. Moreover, although the following direction could be accountable for class's room, it is also essential for online courses because a student is not only following the directions in order to complete an assignment, but also how they can upload the assignment for the teacher to view. This is a crucial step because even if the student finishes the assignment as required, if it is not submitted correctly, they will be facing a penalty or incomplete by many instructors. Having said this, technology has helped us achieve great things, but it can be unreliable sometimes. Many times when a student is trying to finish an assignment at the last minute, there internet goes down or their computer crashes. Which brings us to the next point, being able to work in advance that will allow the student have time to figure out how they can resolve the situation. The
Reflective Essay On Online Learning
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Online Classes Analysis
This is my first time taking online classes, also the first time I have been back to school in six years. When I was in high school I did have the option to take online classes, but declined to do so. I enjoyed being in a classroom with my teachers and peers. I didn't have the responsibilities that I have today. Now that I am older and have my own family, so I am typically busy all the time. Even though I am only in the second week of my online classes, I have found that I enjoy them much more than sitting in a classroom. The classes are convenient for me to take mostly because I can go at my own pace. I get to spend more time on topics that I have a hard time comprehending, rather than topics I already know about. I am always on the go, it' more content...
Having a degree is in demand with today's employers, this causes more and more people each year to go back to school. Better paying jobs require degrees, it's as simple as that. In this modern day everyone is typically on the go, these easily accessible classes go anywhere you do. All you need is a computer and the internet. Even from my smartphone I can participate in the discussion forums or even turn in assignments. This is something I didn't even know was possible. If you find yourself having difficulties on a subject, you don't have to meet with a tutor face to face. You can do it all from your computer or smartphone anywhere you are. New technology is being developed everyday, and after doing some research I have found something interesting. Some teachers are starting to use artificial intelligence such as a "virtual teaching assistant". Students have said that they did not know they were even talking with a computer. Along with that the process of making artificial intelligencelearning companions is said to be promising in the future (–intelligence/2017/03/13/how–artificial–intelligence–enhances–education/#.tnw_JyP4cgMY). In my honest opinion I do not think that teachers could ever be replaced by artificial intelligence any time soon, although in the future it could Get more content
Identifying Characteristics of Successful Online Students
James Holcombe
Liberty University
201520 Spring 2015 INFT 101–B69 LUO
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Taken directly from God's Word, I was reminded by my Professor this week of one of my favorite verses from the book of Isaiah. Interestingly enough, before I began my venture into higher education, I was scared: scared of failure, scared of the commitment it would require, and even scared of the possibility that I just might not be cut out for the task ahead. This verse, Isaiah 41:10, along with several other Scriptures, helped to assure me more content...
Just as 1 Corinthians 13:11 reminds us, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things," even my style of learning has changed. Until this semester, I would say that of course I had the characteristics to be a successful online student; how hard could it be? But, ironically, during the same week that I first read Taormino's article, I began to fall behind in my classes. As I write this paper, I'm juggling extra duties at home while my wife and I both recover from a nasty car accident. Fortunately neither of us were seriously hurt, but because my wife already suffers from a chronic autoimmune disease, even her minor injuries were enough to throw her into a painful exacerbation. What does this have to do with my online education? Well, everything, to be honest. All of the time I normally had set aside for my coursework must now be devoted to the daily management of our home (things that my wife usually takes care of). It's astonishing how quickly time gets away from us! I've learned through this series of unfortunate events that I must take control of my time, rather than allowing it to take control of me. As Taormino asserts, "Students need to plan their time accordingly to have sufficient opportunity to complete assignments and work iteratively based on feedback. Without time Get
This semester was my first time taking an online class, it was nerve wrecking at first I am proud about how well I transition from the traditional class room setting to this. Going into this class I knew that there was going to be a lot of writing being that it was an English course. I expected to ease though and not spend so many amount of hours on assignments. I expected it to be better structure and for all of my peers to participate in the class. For example when we had the first professor, it was chaos trying to find a partner to do a peer review with. Many of the students were not as active in the course as they should have been. Now, that it has come down to the last week I'll say I'm pretty satisfied with how the class turned out. Getting a new professor was good because even when the old professor was still over the course he was not nearly as active as professor Mustachio. I will be taking another online line class this fall semester. I am not sure if it is going to be a lot of writing if so I feel that this class as prepared me for what I should and should not expect. When it came time to do writing assignments essays in particular. I would always start out by drafting my ideas onpaper. Listing out all the options that I could think of to go with the particular assignment. Then begin to write out my entire essay on paper before typing. Unfortunately it is hard for me to carry out this plan to its entirety. I always stop writing and just type and often I do not
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My First Time Taking An Online Class
Online Graduate Programs
Over the past few years there has been a significant increase in the number of students enrolled in online graduate programs. Before online graduate programs existed, an undergraduate student could only receive a graduate degree if they physically attended a university. However, with the improvements in technology, students can now receive a graduate degree from their home by simply attending lectures online, and submitting their work through email to the professor. Although there are conflicting ideas about whether or not a student can retain the same amount of information from an online program as opposed to attending a graduate school, research shows that online graduate programs are equally as effective more content...
This differs from the classroom where there may be several questions at one time in which the professor is trying to handle.
An example of the effectiveness of online learning may be seen through a recent study conducted by the Test of Understanding College Economics. The study indicated, "students who select into the online classes perform better than they would in a face to face class" (Coates, 2004, p. 533). Therefore, it has been proven that there is no significant difference in the material learned in online graduate programs as opposed to graduate schools. These studies show that for some people, online graduate programs provide a better learning atmosphere than graduate schools. Therefore, online graduate programs are better suited for some people.
In addition to being able to actively communicate with your professor online, students are able to work at their own pace. For online graduate programs, an assignment will be given, and the student has to turn it in before the deadline. Students do not have to worry about what time they work on the assignment as long as it is turned in on the date it was requested. This is beneficial for people who are trying to manage a job and attend school at the same time. Since many people have to pay for graduate school themselves, they are often forced to work full time. Due to this, there are often scheduling conflicts between work and graduate school. Students who attend graduate school
Online Graduate Programs Essay
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Online Education
Education is an important part of people's lives; it will either make them or break them in the future depending on the careers they choose. Education is greatly diverse today in comparison to the 1950s because of advancements in teaching and other great inventions that provide easier techniques of teaching. One major issue that has been raised is distant learning courses and online education. Distant learning could be any format from VHS videos, DVDs, or internet courses online. Online education has been legal since 1993 and is a new way of teaching students of all ages. Online education has been gaining popularity through out the years because of the ease of the internet. The internet has made it easier more content...
Discussion on issues is done in chat rooms and forums where everybody writes their views on the issue. This is an advantage for foreigners who can not speak proper English correctly. Live video and sound can also be done with special equipment for a real time conversation with instructors and peers.
Other features on the online courses are the learning aides that can be used while taking the course. Certain programs can be made such as flash cards and games which can increase the learning experience of the student. These learning aides can be done on the student's time and does not require the teacher to be there.
Time for a face to face class is very difficult if a person works 40 hours a week but an online course can put an ease on the time restriction because the person does the work at their own pace and time. It is also easier to sign up for an online class than a class at a college. Message boards are in use if the students need to leave a question or a comment about the subject their on. They also save time by not traveling to the college and trying to find a parking space.
Rural areas where students have to travel a great distance to get to class can save time and money by doing online classes. For example, a child of a farmer can help the family out in the morning with the farming chores then go to an online class later on. Rural kids may also take additional educational classes online that their school does not
Education Essay
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