Saturday, 14 April 2018

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Karachi, Sat April 14, 2018




he Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is going to contest its demands for the allocation of sufLicient amount of funds for the public sector development program (PSDP) in the federal budget for the Liscal year 2018-10 in the Annul Plan Coordination

Committee (APCC) scheduled to be held on Monday. APCC will approve indicative budget ceilings submitted by ministries and divisions for current and development spending for the next Liscal year. The APCC is usually jointly chaired by minister for planning, development and reform and finance minister. FBR Chairman Tariq Pasha or Member Administration Tasneem Rehman is likely to contest the FBR’s case in the APCC. Last year, the APCC completed drafting a development pro-

Vol 3, Issue No. 8

Price Rs. 14.00

gramme worth Rs 2.158 trillion for the upcoming year and it represented an increase of 29 percent over the current year’s Rs 1.675 trillion outlay. A source at FBR told Customs Today that FBR had demanded allocation of Rs15451 million as PSDP for total 52 development projects; eight ongoing and 44 new projects. Out of 44 new projects 25 projects have already been approved and ten are closely related to China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). In response to FBR’s demand, the Finance Division had offered to allocate Rs800 million for the PSDP for the coming fiscal year. Last year, FBR was granted Rs790 million for PSDP.

FBR to contest allocation of Rs 1700m as PSDP for FY2018-19 in APCC

Customs Export retrieves Rs10.45m from two defaulter companies

Taxpayers from salaried classes excluded from FBR’s audit list

Customs Appraisement West generates Rs4248.98m revenue

NAB denies closing 21 corruption cases during Justice Javed’s tenure

FBR is going to contest its demands for the allocation of sufficient amount | See pAge 01 |

Customs Export has said that we are investigating two defaulter companies | See pAge 02 |

FBRhasannouncedthatthetaxpayersfrom salaried classes, including govt officials | See pAge 05 |

Customs Appraisement West, has collected Rs4248.98million | See pAge 08 |

NABdeniedamediareportallegingthatthe bureauhasclosed21megacorruptioncases | See pAge 08 |

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