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pAkIStAN’S FIrSt INDepth NewSpAper oN cuStoMS
ABC Certified
Karachi, Fri April 20, 2018
pecial Assistant to Prime Minister on Revenue and Federal Minister Haroon Akhtar Khan has said that the government will facilitate the farmers in coming budget. He also held a meeting with various stakeholders and associations working in the agriculture sector to discuss their propos-
als and recommendations for the upcoming budget. Federal Minister for National Food Security & Research Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan and a team of senior ofSicers from his ministry also attended the meeting. Chairman Federal Board of Revenue Tariq Mahmood Pasha and senior ofSicers of FBR were also present on the occasion. Various proposals and recommendations were discussed for boosting the agricul-
Vol 3, Issue No. 10
Price Rs. 14.00
ture sector, as well as measures for facilitating the farmers and strengthening the domestic rural economy. Haroon Akhtar Khan said the agriculture sector was the backbone of the national economy. Strengthening agriculture and its allied sectors had been a key priority of the government which was committed to protecting the rights of the farmers and ensuring them better returns and prices on their farm yields.
Customs North Region earmarked a revenue collection target of Rs2999m
Customs Export retrieves Rs10.45m from two defaulter companies
Customs Intelligence impounds smuggled seeds, electronic items
DG Valuation Surriya to revise VR No 938/2016 on May 18
Multan Customs lodges FIR against owner of NDP vehicle
Customs North Region has been assigned a revenue target for the month | See pAge 02 |
Customs Export has said that we are investigating two defaulter companies | See pAge 03 |
Customs I&I has impounded containers carrying NDP seeds and electronics goods | See pAge 04 |
DG Valuation,has decided to revise the Valuation Ruling No: 938/2016 on May 18 | See pAge 09 |
CustomsI&PbranchhaslodgedFIRagainst suspect who is involved in smuggling | See pAge 16 |