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pAkIStAN’S FIrSt INDepth NewSpAper oN cuStoMS
Vol 1 Issue No. 262
Karachi, Sat December 12, 2015
he Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has asked Her Majesty Revenue and Customs, United Kingdom to provide details of foreign investments, made by family of renowned Pakistani businessman, Mian Mansha. FBR has demanded such details under Section 26 of the double taxation relief agreement signed by Pakistan, UK and Ireland, through a letter, which had been sent by Inland Revenue Policy (IR-Policy) former member Shahid
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Hussain Asad. He sent this letter following the investigations, made by IR Intelligence and Investigation with the consent of FBR former chairman Tariq Bajwa. It may be mentioned here that IR Intelligence is currently investigating many high profile cases related to taxes, following the directions of Director General Haroon Tareen. And on his directions, Director Dr. Bashirullah is investigating the cases of Mian Mansha, former president Asif Ali Zardar, Malik Riaz owner of Bahria Town and other inRluential people. According to the investigations, which have been conducted so far against Mian Mansha and his family, a Saint James’s hotel, located in the area of Park Palace London, United Kingdom, has been purchased by Umar Mansha, Hassan Mansha and Aimal Mansha with total cost of Rs 9 billion.
FBR decides to de-centralize computer system to address IRIS complaints
Collector Majid asks FBR to update sales tax withdrawal on maize starch
Strategy made to present Pakistan’s interests at WTO
DG Customs Valuation determines values of skimmed milk powder
LCCI-SCCI join hands for economic uplift of the country
FBRChairmanNisarMohammadhas directedofficialsconcernedtode-centralize | See pAge 02 |
Collector Customs Appraisement East Majid Yousfani has asked the FBR | See pAge 03 |
The Commerce Ministry has evolved a strategy to present Pakistan’s stance | See pAge 04 |
DG Customs Valuation has determined the customs values of of skimmed milk | See pAge 12 |
LCCI and SCCI have decided to make joint efforts for economic uplift of the country | See pAge 09 |