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pAkiSTAN’S FirST iNDepTH NewSpAper oN CuSTomS
Vol 1 Issue No. 299
Karachi, Tue February 23, 2016
ollector Customs Export Dr Saifuddin Junejo, has streamlined the functioning of his collectorate and issued guidelines for the exporters who wish to claim DTRE concessions. “In order to streamline the work of examining the application for DTRE, the Manufacturing Bond and Export Oriented Unit, the processing staff is hereby directed to ensure submission of the following docu-
Price Rs. 14.00
ments by the applicant,” according to a letter available with Customs Today. Now the exporters have to produce NTN certiSicate, sales tax registration certiSicate, certiSicate of incorporation under the Companies Ordinance, 1984, along with Form-29 showing names of the Directors or Partnership Deed or Proprietorship certiSicate, CNIC of the Directors/Partners or Proprietors as the case may be, veriSication of applicant’s signatures from bank concerned and the list of machinery installed in the applicant’s manufacturing facility. Manufacturing process Slow chart showing extent of wastage at each step, per annum production capacity of the items intended to be exported, summary showing payment of utility bills during 2 months along with copy of last paid bill etc.
Customs Preventive seizes 800 grams of fine quality heroin from GPO
Govt facilitating traders under Voluntary Tax Scheme: Haroon Akhtar
PR rehabilitates 66 bridges to ensure safety standards
Faisalabad Customs collects Rs 156.8 million in 7 months
SCCI to develop own B2B E-Commerce website to facilitate traders
The DEC of Customs Preventive has seized fine quality heroin packed in a parcel | See pAge 02 |
SpecialAssistanttoPMonRevenueHaroon hassaidthatthegovtwantedtofacilitate | See pAge 03 |
Pakistan Railways has rehabilitated 66 bridges out of 159 and remaining | See pAge 04 |
The MCC has registered 137 cases of smuggling, besides collecting Rs 156.86m | See pAge 12 |
SCCI, in continuation of its legacy of imparting innovative practices | See pAge 09 |