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Vol 1 Issue No. 275

Karachi, Fri January 15, 2016

Price Rs. 14.00

Reduced customs duty to increase traffic at Port Qasim: Agha Akhtar ISLAMABAD




he reduced rates of customs duty may increase inPlow of foreign ships trafPic at Port Qasim and earn huge proPit in the form of foreign exchange. Rate of customs duty in Pakistan is higher than other countries and if this rate is reduced then more ships would anchor at PQ and earn foreign exchange for the nation. This revelation was made by Chairman Port Qasim Authority (PQA) Agha Jan Akhtar before the Senate Standing Committee on Ports and Shipping here on Wednesday. Port Qasim Authority is the second deep sea industrial-cumcommercial port operating under landlord concept and is situated in Indus delta region at a distance of 28 nautical miles in the south-east of Karachi. The port currently caters for more

than 40% of seaborne trade requirements of the country. Senate committee met here with agenda of briePing on LNG terminal related issues at Port Qasim, deep sea project and related matters at Karachi Port Trust as well, as briePing on pre and post China Pak Economic Corridor projects and other issues related to Gwadar Port Agha Jan Akhtar rejected the impression that big LNG containers could not anchor at PQ saying that around 1200 big ships used to anchor at PQ annually and almost 17 LNG containers had anchored at PQ in the current year as well as Pirst LNG container anchored at PQ in March last year. He said that four LNG Tugs had been taken on lease at the cost of $ 25 million for two years for improved and safe handling of LNG containers but Customs Authorities had imposed customs duty of $ 15 million. Committee members observed that it would be better if tugs had been purchased for once instead of getting on lease only for a short period of two years.

Gul Rehman’s PCA detects tax evasion by M/s Tayyab Traders

Collector Yousfani serves show cause notice on M/s Triax Corporation

FBR tax collection increases during July-Dec 2015 to Rs 1382.2b, ECC told

Faisalabad Customs Intelligence confiscates items, truck worth Rs 8m

ICCI signs MoU with RBF to promote trade and exports

PCAKarachihasdetectedtaxevasiontothe tuneofRs863,101byM/sTayyabTraders | See pAge 02 |

MCC Appraisement east has served a Show Cause Notice (SCN) on M/sTriax | See pAge 03 |

A meeting of the ECC of the Cabinet was held. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar | See pAge 04 |

The Customs Intelligence impounded a truck along with non-duty paid items | See pAge 12 |

ICCI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with RBF to promote Pak | See pAge 09 |

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