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pAkIStAN’S FIrSt INDepth NewSpAper oN cuStoMS
ABC Certified
Karachi, Fri March 30, 2018
he Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has launched first version (beta) of Knowledge Base Portal for guidance and facilitation of taxpayers. The portal was launched jointly by Member Customs Muhammad Zahid Khokhar and Member Information Technology Khawaja Adnan Zaheer. According to the details, Knowledge Base Portal is a digital help library for taxpayers, tax collectors and
other related stakeholders. It is the Qirst common help platform of the FBR which provides instant guidance on all issues related to the federal taxes and duties. FBR’s Knowledge Base Portal is an interactive portal and allows users to provide feedback regarding improvement in the articles and suggestions for addition of further articles. The articles on the portal shall be published after vetting by an expert domain team of the FBR. All users will be able to search for their required material just like on any other search engine e.g. Google, Yahoo etc. by writing the key
Vol 2, Issue No. 363
Price Rs. 14.00
words in the search bar. There are around thirty articles in the Qirst version (Beta) of the portal and FBR plans to improve and increase the number of articles based on the feedback and suggestions of the users. The articles will mainly focus on helping the users on how to use FBR’s IT systems and also educate them on the laws behind the various modules of Iris, WeBOC and e-portal. This is a major step towards providing maximum ease and facilitation to the all users of FBR’s IT systems. Step by step help will also be available during Qiling of return.
Customs generates Rs4980m extra revenue even before three months
Adjuction-II M/s Nisar Traders served show cause notice for tax evasion
Customs I&I impounds NDP Mercedez, Toyota Mark X
DG Valuation revises customs values of nylon yarn vide VR No 1270
Customs I&I Hyderabad takes unregistered & NDP Prado into possession
MCC Islamabad earned Rs4980million more revenue | See pAge 02 |
Adjudication-II has issued a show-cause notice on against NisarTraders | See pAge 03 |
Customs I&I impounded NDP Mercedez car & Mark X during special checking | See pAge 04 |
DGValuation has revised the customs valuesofnylonyarnvideVRNo:1270/2018 | See pAge 09 |
Customs Hyderabad, impounded a NDP used Toyota Land Cruiser Prado | See pAge 16 |