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pAkIStAN’S FIrSt INDepth NewSpAper oN cuStoMS
Vol 1 Issue No. 239
Karachi, Thu November 19, 2015
ederal Board of Revenue newly appointed Chairman Nisar Muhammad Khan is determined to continue the war against corruption, besides making the effective and strict accountability system. Khan said that measures will be taken in order to improve the tax collection and tax system
as well. He also pledged to enforce the tax laws completely in country. He stated this while addressing a farewell ceremony held in honour of outgoing FBR chairman Tariq Bajwa, Members Shahid Hussain Asad, Shahid Hussain Jatoi and Muhammad Ashraf. Praising Tariq Bajwa, new FBR Chairman Nisar Muhammad said, “He was an honest person and thorough professional. He introduced wonderful policies at FBR to increase tax revenue. He played his best role for
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resolving issues of Grade18-19 officers regarding promotion and performance allowance. His tenure was the best tenure in FBR”. He also admired the services of all members to make the FBR prestigious department of country. On the other hand, former chairman while addressing the ceremony, showed satisfaction over the appointment of Nisar Muhammad Khan as FBR chairman and added that Khan has vast experience in the field of revenue collection, which will pave the way for boosting the collections and strengthen the tax system. He said that “I advise all successors to take step in the larger interest of the country without taking care of any pressure.”
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