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pAkIStAN’S fIrSt INDeptH NewSpAper oN cuStoMS


Vol 1 Issue No. 230

Karachi, Tue November 10, 2015





he Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has decided to announce tax amnesty scheme for taxpayers to recover unpaid taxes amounting to

Rs 365 billion. Sources informed Customs Today that Special Assistant to PM on Revenue Haroon Akhtar Khan has said that cases, which are pending in tax tribunals, high courts and Supreme Court involving billions of rupees, will be resolved through mutual understanding between FBR and taxpayers. Under this scheme, tax-

Price Rs. 14.00

payers will have to pay only 60 to 65 percent tax, while remaining will be written-off. After the scheme, it is hoped that all pending taxes will be recovered that will prove helpful for the FBR to meet the revenue target, he said, adding that such schemes were also announced in neighbouring country, India to recover the dead money.

Customs Preventive collects Rs 2.859 million in four months

Multan ASO impounds non-duty paid Toyota Fielder worth Rs 1.8m

CDWP okays three projects worth Rs3.625 billion

FTO for facilitating taxpayers in renewal of vehicles’ registration

Pakistan-South Korea signs MoU to promote trade activities

The MCC Preventives collected Rs 2.859 million under the head of customs duty | See pAge 02 |

The ASO team has impounded a non-duty paid car during a routine operation Multan. | See pAge 03 |

CDWP, during a meeting chaired by Minister Planning, Ahsan Iqbal, approved | See pAge 04 |

In order to facilitate the taxpayers, FTO Abdur Rauf has taken own motion notice | See pAge 12 |

The ICCI KOIMA signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote trade | See pAge 09 |

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