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pAkiSTAN’S FirST iNDepTH NewSpAper oN CuSTomS
Vol 1 Issue No. 216
Karachi, Tue October 27, 2015
he Pakistan Customs has decided to install trackers on the containers having Transshipment Permit (TP) for the dry ports, which aims at ensuring containers and goods do not get pilfered on the way to upcountry dry ports. Chief Collector En-
forcement-South, Zahid Khokhar told Customs Today, that the online system would be put in place in coming months. The whole tracking system would be closely monitored through a well-developed system Web Based One Customs (WeBOC) from Custom House. “Pakistan Customs will keep vigilance of the movement of containers starting from the ports all along the route up to the dry ports. If, a container is off track, an
Price Rs. 14.00
alarm in the system would be ringing while the nearest customs authorities would be directed to go after the container and check it”, Khokhar added. The tracking of containers would avoid mega scams and smuggling that happened in the past. “We have constituted a committee while bids have been received for the installation of trackers on the containers”, he concluded.
Director Saud’s Customs Intelligence seizes items worth Rs 90m in first
Multan Customs Intelligence clears suspicious truck loaded with scarp
K-Electric secures $ 250 million financing from OPIC
Customs Preventive seizes 190,000 liters Iranian diesel from July to Oct
Belarus to explore investment opportunities in Pakistan
Customs Intelligence Lahore has seized contraband goods and vehicles Rs 90 m | See pAge 02 |
CustomsIntelligenceMultanregionhas clearedasuspectedtruckinvolvedinengine | See pAge 03 |
K-Electric Limited and the“OPIC”, the U.S. govt’s development finance institution | See pAge 04 |
MCC Anti-Smuggling has seized 1,90,000 liters Iranian diesel during the period | See pAge 12 |
The Belarusian ambassador Dr. Andrei M Ermolovich said that a large business | See pAge 09 |