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pAkIStAN’S fIrSt INDeptH NewSpAper oN cuStoMS
Vol 1 Issue No. 206
Karachi, Sat October 17, 2015
ederal Board of Revenue (FBR) Chairman Tariq Bajwa told the Public Accounts Committee of the parliament that the United Arab Emirates
government had refused to provide any details of Pakistani investors who invested in real estate sectors and purchased lavish properties. Sources told Customs Today that during the previous meeting, the PAC asked the chairman to seek details of Pakistani investors from UAE. However, Bajwa also told the PAC members that despite his repeated reminders, UAE government has refused to cooperate with Pakistan. He also informed that Pakistan and United
Price Rs. 14.00
Arab Emirates are signatories of an accord, according to which the UAE government is bound to provide details required by Pakistan. Tariq Bajwa said, “We are only sending them our requests but unable to pressurize them to seek cooperation.” It is pertinent to mention here that Directorate General Inland Revenue Department Dr Bashir Ullah sent many reminders, seeking details of Pakistani investors but the reply is still pending.
1,195 complaints filed at FTO by September 30
PCA detects Rs 1.3 million tax evasion by FG Enterprises
Illegal tobacco business huge threat to farmers
CLBC playing vital role in resolving bilateral trade issues
LCCI launches membership form in Urdu
Amid existing maladministration on part of tax collecting departments | See pAge 02 |
Directorate of PCA Karachi has detected tax evasion of Rs 1.390 million | See pAge 03 |
President Anjuman Kashtkaran and Tobacco Hazara Division, Rustam Swati | See pAge 04 |
Trade is a dynamic thing which passes through a number of changes | See pAge 12 |
In line with Supreme Court of Pakistan’s orders, the LCCI on Wednesday | See pAge 09 |