Gender Agenda Anthology 2014

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Gender Agenda has existed as a zine in Cambridge since 1997, although the Women’s Campaign and feminist activism existed long before that. Most visibly it began with the fight for women to be allowed to study at our university back in 1869, then it meant the fight for women to be able to graduate in 1948, and eventually it was a fight for women to be admitted into all Oxbridge colleges­ a battle which was not won until 1988. Since then, feminist activists have fought for gender equality at our university on all sorts of issues, and continue to do so; sexual violence, gender bias in academia, and pay gaps are just a few. Gender Agenda is a platform for discussions about feminism, gender equality, race, LGBT+, sexuality, society, class and disability; it is a place for ideas. This year we launched a brand new website, and we've built on the wonderful work of past zine editors to go one step further, by publishing this book. Its aim is to celebrate the achievements of the Women’s Campaign 2013­2014, and of women in Cambridge in general. We want it to be a beautiful record for future generations to hold in their hands­ to read, to learn and to formulate new ideas from. We dedicate it to everyone and anyone who has opened their heart, been willing to listen, change their mind, fight for justice and speak out against prejudice. With special thanks to The Women’s Campaign and all our contributors; your images, poems, thoughts and words make this book extremely special. Thank you from Poppy, Harriet, Isabel, Zoe and Lanikai

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