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Friends of Guisborough Cemetery
We are holding our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 9th March 2023 at 4pm in Sunnyfield House, Westgate, Guisborough.
This is the first one we have been able to hold for a while due to the pandemic.
We have tried to keep the flowerbeds tidy and this year have had help from the horticultural apprentices of RCBC. Many thanks. We will be looking to plant more flowers and plants this Spring for the summer.
We are always interested in new members who would like to help. Spring in particular is a busy time for the gardening. If anyone is interested please come along to the meeting and meet us.
For more information please contact Alma Thrower on 07980 969580
Guisborough u3a
By Moira Stokoe
Guisborough u3a members are gearing up for another year of activities enjoying everything from Mahjong to Middle Eastern Dancing, Book Club to Walking and Singing for Pleasure to Scrabble. The monthly excursions to places such as Newby Hall and The Auckland Project are always popular.
At the February meeting over 100 members heard about the activities of the poetry group as well as the work of Admiral Nurses and the Dementia Friends programme.
● Guisborough singing for pleasure group entertaining u3a members u3a is an organisation for those who are partly or fully retired aimed at having fun, making friends, learning and exploring new ideas and activities. No qualifications or previous experience to join any group is needed just enthusiasm!
To join us just come along to the monthly meeting at 2pm on the first Wednesday of the month at St Nicholas Parish Hall, Bow Street, Guisborough or visit Guisborough u3a website https://u3asites.org.uk/guisborough/home