3 minute read
for Friends of Guisborough Library
The New Year got off to a good start in January with a very interesting and well attended talk by Peter Southeran on Canon Atkinson, the Vicar of Danby for over 40 years and with the first craft session at capacity numbers. Mandela stone painting was the subject and the crafters came up with some superb designs. The next talks are on Friday, 31 March when Angela Groves will be taking a humorous look at the four temperaments of the ancient Greeks and how they might apply to us. It is titled ‘What’s
YOUR Personality’ and sounds fun – certainly it will be different. The talk on Friday, 28 April is Christine Clarke telling us about 20 years of Guisborough Priory Gardens and how they have evolved. All talks have a £3 entrance fee which includes refreshments and start at 2pm in Guisborough Library.
The next craft session is on Saturday, 15 April between 10am – 12 noon and will be making greeting cards for any occasion. Everyone will be able to make two styles of card. All materials supplied and it is free but you do need to book as numbers are limited. Telephone the Library on 01287 632668 or call in.
Our AGM will be on Wednesday, 19 April starting at 2pm –refreshments supplied. We will be taking a look at what we have achieved and where we are hoping to go in the future – any suggestions welcome.
The Library is open to everyone and offers far more than a book lending service – you can use their computers for free, do a jigsaw puzzle, get your bus pass or apply for a Blue Badge, buy a parking disc and much more. It is warm and comfy inside with tea and coffee available, so make the most of it.
Thursday 12th January 2nd Gallery
Night Judge and be Judged,we had a very good entry, with only Thursday 19th January Lecturer Timelapse
Photography Brinton Darnell
On Thursday 26th January was the results of our 4th competition (Curves), a very tight and close fought competition, judged by Dave Philips, Winner of Prints Competition was Chris Reed with French Horn Pipework, Second Place was Brian Collett with Ribblehead Viaduct and Chris Reed also took third place with Inside Wells Cathedral, and with no less than 4 Highly Commended and 5 Commended.
Advanced P.D.I`s First place Geoff Harrison with Bend in the Track, second Place Chris Reed with Hook and Chris also took third Place with Ribs.
Intermediate P.D.I`s Winner Graham Warren with Cullercoats Cob Second Place was also Graham Warren with The Waltzer, Third Place. Maxine Walker with Cookie Cutters,Well done to all that entered for a very good and exciting night and to Geoff and Graham, a good night for them both.
On Thursday 2nd February we had a Practical Night, with 5 setups, from still life to photo stacking. A very good and interesting night was had by all.
On Thursday 9th February results of Short sets, 1st Dave Beadle with Alive in the Highlands, 2nd Chris Reed with Mini Beasts, 3rd was Katie Whittam with Chamonix.
On Thursday 16th lecture, A you tube review of:- J P Stones Photography (some amazing work) The paper goes to press on 17thmore on that next month.Plus Entries for Photographic bingo, entries by e-mail.
Thursday 23rd results of 5th competition Technology (old or new), By Keith Blundy.
Thursday 2nd March another practical night, Entries for the last competition (open), ant the last night to get your web entries in.
Thursday 9th Gallery night a night of Judge and be judged.
Thursday 16th Results of the Photographic Bingo Competition
Thursday23rd Results of our last monthly Competition (Open)
Thursday 30th TBA.
All the information can be found on our Facebook page and web site.
More information on club web site www.guisboroughphotogroup.org.uk
Or our Facebook https://www.facebook. com/groups/984715171574093/
More updates next month Rick S.
Guisborough Photo Group Update Sing with Guisborough Choral Society
Wewarmly welcome new singers and invite you to our regular rehearsals during term time on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in Sunnyfield House, Westgate, Guisborough.
New to singing? No problem, we have lots of help and encouragement for you. We’ll be delighted for you to come have a go.
More information and assistance can be found on our website and social media pages. Please feel free to visit our sites or phone us.
Website: http://guisboroughchoralsociety.org.uk
Facebook: http://facebook.com/guischoir
Twitter: @GuisChoral
Phone/text the Publicity Officer at 07960 301758
PARKINSON’S UK Redcar & District Support Group
Do you or someone you care for suffer from Parkinson’s? Come and join us at our monthly meeting, where you will be welcomed into our friendly group. At these meetings we have various speakers and organise outings. There is also, a chair-based exercise session every week.
The Parkinson’s UK support group for Redcar and District meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 25K Community Centre, Ayton Drive, Redcar TS10 4LR. At our meeting 9th March 2023 our speaker is Katie Magee, Parkinson’s Local Advisor Chair based exercises are held every Tuesday 1 – 2pm at 25K Community Centre, Redcar. Carers are welcome and can sit in adjacent room. Coffee/tea is available. For further information contact Doreen on 07900348518 or email doreen.arkle@virginmedia.com.
Parkinson’s helpline (free phone) 0808 800 0303
Email: enquiries@parkinsons.org.uk
Website: http://parkinson.org.uk
We are the Parkinson’s charity that drives better care, treatments, and quality of life.
Charity No. 258197
By Kate Bramley