Free Online at The Community Newspaper for the Towns and Villages of East Cleveland, Redcar & North York Moors, telling the real news and views of the people of our region
Issue 65 December - January 2015/16
Community Champion Award goes to true local hero many local people have for this place at the far end of a Dale yet at the centre of the local community. My thanks go to all who have supported Botton and voted for me.” As last year, the awards were sponsored and the proceeds, together with the profits from the bar and raffles are going to the Junction Foundation, Young Carers. We would like to thank Linda Halbert and her wonderful staff at Freebrough Academy for allowing us to again use their great venue and for their help and guidance throughout. We thank Liz Sutcliffe, Liz Hill, Gill Dunn, Dave King and Wayne Davies for their help, encouragement and energy on the night and thank you to Julie Craig from AFE Solutions in Skelton for the beautiful handmade Hedgehog table decorations filled with lovely goodies which we know went
Jim & Hilary Taylor from Guisborough Trophy Centre present Neil Davidson with the Community Champion Award
he fourth Coastal View Community Awards event took place at the end of October in Freebrough Academy, Brotton. This is our chance to thank all the people who contribute to the newspaper in many different ways and we give Community Awards to individuals and organisations who we believe really do make a difference in our area and in doing so make a great contribution to the success of the newspaper. Each year we present a special award, the Community Champion Award to someone who readers of the newspaper, website and social media can nominate their community champion, a person who you feel deserves to be acknowledged and thanked for the work they do. This year the award went to retired solicitor, Neil Davidson, who was the runaway winner of the award attracting more than 300 nominations from all over the UK and from as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Neil, who lives in Glaisdale, was nominated for his work as chair of Action for Botton, an action group established last year to ensure both the preservation of shared living at the Botton village community for the learning disabled and the continued involvement of the volunteer Co-workers in the life of the village.
A spokesperson for Action for Botton said: “Many supporters feel that Neil’s pivotal role in the campaign has enabled the Co-worker flag to be kept flying at Botton through some very challenging times. Leading the campaign has been virtually a full-time job and this recognition is well-deserved.” One of the real benefits of the crisis at Botton has been the coming together of Botton Village and the local community. We recall, for example, the amazing meetings at Danby Village Hall when nearly 300 locals came to show their support. Neil was totally surprised having been persuaded to attend this event on the pretext of supporting a friend. Neil explained that he was well tricked but once the shock wore off he realised the significance and told the audience of more than 100 people: “We have learnt some real lessons during the current struggle: the future of Botton will be embedded in the wider community and that will be an important support and strength. “This award symbolises that relationship and is something all our friends and supporters have earned. The future we have learnt must be gained by talk and more talk. We have always known that and hope that CVT have now come to realise this as well. “We have seen the love and concern that so
Inside: 3 page NCS Times
Freebrough Flyer 12 page supplement
down well with our guests We raised the amazing total of £2250 for the Junction Foundation, which will pay for a Christmas Party for young carers and their families in December. You can read all about it in next month’s paper. We would like to thank all our sponsors and those who donated raffle prizes and bought raffle tickets. The Coastal View ‘family’ is growing daily and without you all, none of this would be possible. We thank our advertisers, distributors, outlets, contributors and the great people who live in our area for providing us with the brilliant stories you find in the newspaper every issue and thank you to everyone who supports us, you know who you are! For full details of all award winners turn to pages 37-39.