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Issue 88 April - May 2018
Helping Young Carers be children
● Roy’s wife Lorna, Gill, Mark (Green & Sons), Eileen and Roy
e first featured Roy Ritchie a couple of years ago when he told us that he made different types of bird boxes and then gave them away to people who wanted them. In return many of these people gave donations which Roy has been passing on to a local charity ever since. Roy, also known as the ‘Bird Box’ man of Lingdale, recently presented a cheque of £500 for The Junction Foundation’s Young Carers. Roy told Coastal View: “I’m always amazed at the kindness and generosity of the people we meet while making the various bird boxes. “My wife and I recently had a stall at Tudor Croft Snowdrop Weekend in Guisborough. On Friday we set up the bird boxes in preparation for the weekend, and the next day when we arrived we were most surprised when a blue tit flew out of one of the boxes on the table – it had started to nest in the box. We were amazed. We had a very interesting weekend meeting people from far and wide. “One lady said she had seen owls in her garden, so I asked her if she was interested in an owl box and I could make it and deliver it for her. She said she didn’t think so as she lived in the Falkland Islands!! “One man said he had a bird box but sparrows were nesting in it. Any bird is always welcome in the garden, but he was hoping for a great tit or blue tit. The main reason this happens is when the entrance hole is too big. For any of the tit family the box needs to be deep with a 28 mm entrance hole for blue tits and 30 mm for great tits, as they prefer to squeeze into the nesting site where possible with approximately six inches from the entrance hole to the base. “I also now make hedgehog boxes as this is the time they are coming out of hibernation looking
for nesting sites. Hedgehogs quite often have two litters of hoglets a year and will come back and hibernate in the same nest site if kept dry and the best nesting material to use all year round is hay, and can be sourced at most pet shops. “Once again it was a pleasure to meet and present a cheque to the Junction Foundation’s two lovely ladies Eileen and Gill. “Finally I would like to thank everyone who has helped us to raise this money for our local charity The Junction Foundation in Redcar. Thanks also to Green & Son Builders Merchants in Lingdale, Guisborough U3A, Mike and Gel at Tudor Croft Open Gardens and the lady whose name I don’t know who didn’t want a bird box but just gave me £2. It is this kindness and generosity that keeps us going. “Many thanks to you all.” The Junction Foundation Young Carers’ Coordinator, Eileen Cowle said: “On behalf of all the young carers at The Junction I would like to say a great big thank you to Roy for his donation. This kind and valuable donation will be used towards providing summer activities for young carers. “Summer holidays can be a difficult time for young carers as due to their complex home situations, schools and some other regular support services closing, young carers are at great risk of becoming isolated and missing out on social opportunities and experiences. “This donation will help us in giving young carers from our area the chance to have some fun, take a break from their caring role and be children.” Roy is constantly needing donations of wood suitable to make boxes and if you can help please call him on 01287 659268.
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