Coastal View Issue 92

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Free Online at The Community Newspaper for the Towns and Villages of East Cleveland, Redcar & North York Moors, telling the real news and views of the people of our region

Issue 92 August - September 2018

•• This month 26,300 copies ••

Oh, the youth of today!


By Ruth Hebden

had the absolute pleasure to work alongside 43 young adults and their support staff in what was a truly fantastic week at Marske Hall. I was asked if I would go and meet the young people of the Imagine You Can National Citizen Service (N.C.S.) and tell them all about Marske Hall, our fundraising projects and the history of the charity. One of the young people, Jack KennedyBarker, is a volunteer at Marske Hall and suggested that the group may like to know more about what we do. Right from the first meeting I could tell what an enthusiastic, motivated and enterprising bunch they were. Before I even left the room they were talking about different activities and fundraising projects they could organise to benefit the home and the residents. The week started with the young people organising

a coffee afternoon with activities, games and prize bingo. Everyone supported the residents to join in and there was a really positive energy in the room; with much laughter and friendly banter between the young people, residents, volunteers and staff. Every prize had been collected by the N.C.S. youngsters and by the end of the bingo session every resident had won at least one fabulous prize. The following day they returned en masse to give our glorious walled garden a much needed spruce up. They worked incredibly hard in the blazing sunshine making our garden absolutely beautiful for our residents to enjoy. Wednesday afternoon and evening was, in my opinion, truly exceptional. In the space of a few days they had put together a three and a half hour Charity Concert for the home. The evening was full of singers, musicians and dancers, all of whom were either N.C.S. members or other young people who generously gave up their time (and talents)

to support the charity night. The courage of these young adults to stand up in front of a packed audience and perform, with very little time for rehearsal, is quite simply remarkable. The audience sang and danced the night away, enjoyed a beautiful buffet tea and left clutching armfuls of tombola prizes. Their fundraising week culminated with a massive 12 mile sponsored walk. The youngsters, dressed in wonderful costumes, walked from Marske Hall to Saltburn then back along the coast to Redcar. They were then joined by some of Marske Hall residents to finish the final part of the walk back to Marske Hall for a celebration. I was so impressed by all of their efforts, their thoughtfulness and passion was inspiring. They really summed up the very best of the youth of today, showing a real commitment to making a difference in people’s lives. Dave King Imagine You Can Director said: “Every year we work with amazing talented young

people from schools in our area. Their parents should be really proud of each and every one of them and the effort they all put in for the Marske Hall residents.” Aaron, a Team leader with N.C.S. said: “It’s a pleasure seeing the young people actually acting the way that young peopyle should, giving something back to the local community and enjoying themselves. It was overwhelming to see how confident and easy the young people found it to integrate with the residents and volunteers from Marske Hall, it’s almost as if they’ve been doing it for years.” They raised well over £2000, with money still coming in. This money will be used to greatly enhance the lives of the residents at the home. They want to use the money to give our resident’s wonderful experiences, I can honestly say working alongside these incredible young people was an honour and a wonderful experience for us all.

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