Nimitz News Daily Digest - June 12, 2012

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June 12, 2012

Vol. 1 Issue 16

All hands man your cleaning stations By MC3 Ian A. Cotter

Quartermaster 3rd Class Tyler Shear raises signal flags aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) as the ship departs its homeport of Naval Station Everett, Wash.

Nimitz to participate in RIMPAC Story by MCSN Jess Lewis Photos by MC3 (SW) Robert Winn

Every two years since 1971, allied nations from around the globe have come together to participate in the world’s largest international maritime exercise, known as Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC). The theme for this year’s RIMPAC is “Capable, Adaptive, Partners.” Twenty-two nations, a variety of ships, submarines and aircraft along with more than 25,000 personnel will participate in this year’s RIMPAC. “For [Operations Department], RIMPAC gives us the opportunity to

apply what we’ve been practicing,” said Cryptologic Technician Technical 1st Class (SW/IDW) Charles Leigh. “It’s the first major exercise for Ops since we’ve been out of the [shipyards].” Vice Adm. Gerald Beaman, commander of the U.S. Third Fleet (C3F) is the slated leader of RIMPAC 2012. However, for the first time, the other sections of the exercise will be led by non-U.S. officers. The Maritime Component and Brig is scheduled to be led by Commodore Stuart Mayer of the Royal Australian Navy and the Air See “RIMPAC” page 6

Every morning, a familiar announcement carries over the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz’ (CVN 68) public announcing system (1MC): “Cleaning stations, cleaning stations. All hands man your cleaning stations. The smoking lamp is out.” Though taken by some as a condemning phrase, that early morning sweepfest is essential to the ship. Breaking it down to basics, cleaning stations and sweepers are designed to clean the ship and get Sailors moving in the mornings and afternoons. Initially, these events are supposed to make the ship look presentable and give the crew a general feel of cleanliness and organization. Working in a spotless, well organized environment generally boosts morale and creates more positive working results. But in order to understand the reason behind the task, one has to look at it from the perspective of what gets swept up and off of the ship. Plenty of dirt, dust and food See “SWEEPERS” page 7

Social Media Outlined at Home and in the Workplace By Anna Marie General, Navy Region Hawaii Public Affairs Contributing Writer

PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (NNS) -- Sailors and Marines deployed around the world, and their families at home don't go a day without a reminder of the benefits and risks of the communication environment of today. Whether it's "friending" or "liking" on Facebook, "following" and "tweeting" on Twitter, sharing photostream on Flickr or virtually hanging out with a circle of friends on Google+, the digital revolution has changed the way servicemembers and their families communicate. "You can protect yourself by disabling functions on social media, such as geotagging, which pinpoints your location," said Lt. Theresa Donnelly, director for public affairs social media at U.S. Pacific Command. "Should you be in a classified location, for the safety of your command, this information must be protected." Social media sites began with sharing posts about your life mainly to connect with family and friends. Today, with the rapid growth of social networking, more and more people realize the benefits and simplicity of communicating through social media, Commanding Officer CAPT Jeffrey S. Ruth Executive Officer CAPT Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief CMDCM Teri McIntyre Public Affairs Officer LCDR Karin Burzynski

Editor MC3 Robert Winn Lead Designer MCSA Ryan Mayes

thus, expanding to the workplace. "On a daily basis, social media networks provide us with not only the means for sharing information but, more importantly, opportunities to build relationships with the wider Navy family and supporters all around the region," said Chuck Bell, emerging media director at U.S. Pacific Fleet. While social networking can be useful and fun, service members and their families should consider the risks and vulnerabilities in both personal and command activities by practicing operation security (OPSEC). Observing OPSEC keeps potential adversaries from discovering critical information on social media sites. Using common sense and limiting detailed information that you share will help to protect yourself, service members, families and the command's mission. According to CHINFO's Navy Ombudsman Social Media Handbook, a few tips to also be aware of are to: * Protect your families by limiting, to the extent practical, detailed information about them (such as addresses, towns or schools). * Understand profile security settings so you can make Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All. submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News� is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

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informed choices about who sees what on your profile. * Keep sensitive information safe. Do not discuss sensitive information such as ship/unit movements in advance, personnel rosters, training or deployment schedules, or anything else that may compromise the personal privacy of the crew and their families and the command's mission. * Educate families about online OPSEC (http:// As more commands engage in social media every day, Facebook being the most popular, has proved to be a valuable tool to communicate instantly with the community and its stakeholders. "Social media networks are extremely important to our communication efforts, and that's particularly true during a crisis. We witnessed the benefit of social media firsthand last year in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, as family members in particular turned to the social networks for information and to communicate with both military organizations and their neighbors," Bell said. Since social media is an open forum, the community needs to be informed of the do's and don'ts of posting. This makes a command policy a valuable part of social media posting. "It's imperative that social media content managers have a posting policy when engaging on social media and then stick to it. This includes rules regarding thirdparty advertising, comments that violate operational

security, and ensuring that the community is respectful of others," Donnelly added. Social media allows deployed members to stay in touch with their loved ones at home, reconnects long lost friends and also makes it possible to stay connected through electronic devices around the clock. With the convenience of instant communication, service members and their families are encouraged to appreciate this opportunity while practicing operation security and to be mindful of what information they share on the Internet. For more information on social media policies and OPSEC, visit the following websites: Navy PA resources website: SocialMedia.aspx. National OPSEC program Department of Defense social media hub U.S. Navy social media presentations channel For more news from Commander, Navy Region Hawaii, visit

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Who Says Needles Are Sc Story and photo by MC3 Devin Wray


t was weird to think four small needles were protruding out of my back. Before I laid back on the table, I couldn't touch my toes without feeling a tug in the curve of my back. After months of pain near my lower spine caused by a strenuous exercise, I was willing to try anything to feel better. "You're going to feel a slight prick, then just tell me when you feel the muscle twitch," said Lt. Douglas Santillio, the Physical Therapist aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Months of physical therapy relieved the pain, but it wasn't until Santillo tried a new procedure that my back was free of pain. In March 2012, Santillo took a course on a procedure called "Trigger Point Dry Needling", or "Intramuscular Manual Therapy", a process similar to Acupuncture, but aimed at releasing the knots that form and cause pain in muscles. "It's like hitting the reset button on a game, but for your muscles," said Santillo. "When you feel this twitching feeling in the affected muscle, that's your muscle resetting." He said the needle acts as a mechanical stimulus on a specific trigger point in a muscle, which causes mechanical, chemical, and electrophysiological changes to occur. Santillo learned the specifics of this process from Kinetacore, a physical therapy company from Colorado. Few medical officers in the Navy are certified to practice Trigger Point Dry Needling. In fact out of the approximate 75 physical therapists in the Navy, Santillo is one of three medical officers who are certified in this procedure after receiving their physical therapy degree. In many states, Navy medical officers are required to take a

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certain amount of courses a year to keep practices in a Continuing Education Unit Although Santillo's state requires no a he strived to continue his education in dry it with his mentor for approximately a yea Since starting this practice, Santillo h patients, and only experienced minor pro "Obviously we take safety precautio hitting vital organs," said Santillo. "The wo is a small bruise or the area hurts for a day Although I didn't hesitate to try Trig I didn't want to see the needles...until small, only a couple inches in length, alm a high tinsel strength, because they coul breaking. The procedure took less than five m instructed to bend down and touch my to there was no more pain! "I noticed a difference immediately,� s Class Matthew Frias, another patient of Sa on and other little stuff before caused a sh I was surprised how quickly it worked." Dry needling has many benefits and can treatment for Sailors experiencing muscle information on Trigger Point Dry Ne Santillo in the Nimitz Physical Therapy at 2-102-2-L or call J-5211.


p up with modern medical t (CEU). additional annual courses, y needling after practicing ar. has seen it benefit many oblems. ons to avoid infection or orst thing that can happen y after." gger Point Dry Needling, it was over. They were most paper thin, and had ld bend quite far without

minutes. Afterwards I was oes again. To my surprise,

said Electrician’s Mate 1st antillo’s. "Putting my shirt harp pain in my shoulder.

n serve as an alternative e problems. For more eedling, contact Lt. Center in Medical

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Boatswain’s Mate 3rd Class Christopher Jones, Nimitz’ master helmsman, and Lt. Cmdr. Alvin Toney supervise as Seaman Alexis Morgan steers the ship through Puget Sound.

Quartermaster 3rd Class John-Codie Hanley looks through a telescopic alidade.

RIMPAC: Nimitz, others to represent U.S. in multi-national exercise Continued from page 1

Component is scheduled to be led by Gen. Michael Hood of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The Royal Canadian Navy and Japan Maritime Self Defense Force are also key members in leading various exercises through the Combined Task Force (CTF). “With previous RIMPACs, Sailors were selected by their chain of command to go to other ships from other countries,” said Leigh. “It’s a great opportunity for these Sailors to see how other nations do their job in comparison to how the job is done on our ship.” Disaster relief, maritime

security operations, sea control, complex war fighting, amphibious operations, counter-piracy, mine clearance operations, explosive ordnance disposal and dive and salvage operations as well as gunnery, missile, anti-submarine and air defense exercises are just a few exercises set to take place during RIMPAC 2012. “Doing these kinds of international exercises with other countries helps strengthen relations,” said Chief Operations Specialist (SW/AW) Robert Pereira. “From the OS stand point, we assist the Officer of the Deck (OOD) for ship’s stationing and Page 6

battle formations.” In order to position the ships, a lot of communication takes place between the various countries. This communication is essential for exercises to be executed properly and also for photo opportunities to be taken advantage of. “We work with [Destroyer Squadron (DESRON)] 23 to coordinate ship’s placement,” said Pereira. “We have to make sure the ships from the Navies are positioned at precise placements in the water.” Hosted by the U.S. Pacific Fleet, RIMPAC 2012 is slated for June 29 to August 3.

SWEEPERS: Top to bottom cleanliness Continued from page 1

Boatswains’ Mate 3rd Class Brittany Eidson pipes away cleaning stations. Photo by MC3 (SW) Robert Winn

remnants are removed from the decks, nooks and crannies of Nimitz each day. Dust settles and builds up, until there is too much to hold in a given area, or air currents pick it up again. Once disbursed into the air, the dust will travel on re-circulated air currents and into different spaces. This can create a serious hygiene hazard and can cause Sailors to get sick. Sickness adapts and spreads, and before you know it, at least 10 percent of the ship’s crew could be incapacitated by illness. On the deck plates, it is a constant battle against the grime fought by each individual Sailor. One does not simply clean the whole ship on their own; it takes the concerted effort of everyone to keep Nimitz sparkling. Like a giant

cleaning machine, each Sailor is a gear in motion sanitizing the ship. A lot of Sailors aboard may not see the benefit in cleaning every day. Why should I clean today when it will just get dirty again tomorrow? The answer is in the question; it is because it will get dirty again tomorrow. Each person doing their individual part, no matter how insignificant it may seem, helps prevent the buildup that could soil tomorrow. So the next time the ship’s 1MC calls out “sweepers” and you man your brooms, just remember that it’s not just about keeping your time occupied and your sanity barred. Keeping Nimitz ship shape creates a positive working environment and prevents hygiene hazards to Sailor health.

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 3rd Class Isaac Atkins rides back to the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) after participating in a man overboard held by the ship. U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Devin Wray.

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Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 0800 / 2000 Diary of a Mad Black Woman

500 Days of Summer

Shanghai Kiss

Inglorious Basterds

The Muppet Christmas Carol

Public Enemies

Final Destination


The Time Traveler’s Wife


Weather Girl


Perfect Getaway

The Ugly Truth

Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban

Halloween 2

X Games: The Movie

The Goods

District 9

1000 / 2200 Madea’s Family Reunion 1200 / 0000 Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds


1400 / 0200 Journey 2: Mysterious Island 1600 / 0400 Office Space 1800 / 0600 One For The Money

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