Nimitz News Daily Digest - Aug. 23, 2013

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Aug. 23, 2013

Vol. 2 Issue 86

Story and photo illustration by MCSA Andrew W. Price


he Navy has always taken a stand against the problems facing its members, and currently in the crosshairs is sexual assault and suicide. Leadership aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) has taken it one step further. Instead of extended training sessions and online courses, they have created a new approach; a conversation. “We created Five Star Plan because we wanted to get our Sailors and Marines to look out for each other and increase awareness around suicide, stress resilience, alcohol and sexual assault,” said Lt. Lara Myers, the psychologist on board Nimitz. The Five Star Plan is presented to Sailors bi-weekly by their chains of command, usually at the work center supervisor level.

These questions are presented in a way to elicit a response and create a conversation through questions, scenarios and facts. “These conversations are meant to raise awareness of these issues at the lowest level possible,” said Cmdr. John Moore, the senior medical officer on board. “There are people on our ship who are struggling with these problems and we want them to know that there are people on this ship who care for them and they can talk to.” After this information is disseminated by the chain of command, Sailors and Marines can find pamphlets on the mess decks that engage the same topics. “We hope Sailors and Marines can find these while they are getting chow, glance Continued on page 3

Sailor of the Day


Story and photo by MC3 (SW) Nathan McDonald

perations Specialist Seaman Taylor Trimboli was named Sailor of the Day on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Aug. 22. “It feels good,” said Trimboli. “It’s an honor. I had good people that came before me to train me, and I’ll do what I can to train the people that will replace me.” Trimboli led a team of seven Sailors that detected and tracked more than 1,200 surface contacts. His situational awareness ensured the Officer of the Deck and the Tactical Action Officer had updated positions of all surface vessels and radar navigation points during four strait transits, 14 special sea and anchor details and nine replenishments at sea. Trimboli enlisted in April 2012 and is unsure Commanding Officer CAPT Jeff Ruth

whether he will make the Navy a career. “I enjoy my job and it’s rewarding,” said Trimboli. “Going on deployment has definitely given me a better perspective.” He tracked 15 vessels of interest, 12 contacts of interest and 10 foreign combatants. Trimboli also trained 13 junior Sailors in watch standing qualifications and provided in-rate training to his division in preparation for upcoming advancement examinations. Trimboli also offered advice to Sailors seeking the same honor he received. “Never stop,” said Trimboli. “If someone says you can’t do something, keep trying and keep getting qualifications.”

Executive Officer CDR John Cummings

Editor MC2 (SW) Jason Behnke

Command Master Chief CMDCM Teri McIntyre

Public Affairs Officer LCDR Karin Burzynski

Lead Designer MC3 (SW) George J. Penney III

Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions are subject to review and screening. ”Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

Continued from page 1 over them, and hopefully start a conversation amongst peers,” said Moore. The Five Star Plan comes at a crucial time. As the Nimitz is ending its deployment, Sailors are focusing more on home. “As we head home, we are going to transition to talking about subjects such as stress of coming home and family advocacy issues such as spousal abuse and alcohol use,” said Moore. “Historically, when a ship returns after a deployment, there are a much higher number of overdrinking and DUIs,” said Myers. “The common theme in all of these issues is alcohol.” If used correctly, the Five Star Plan can influence shipmates to begin talking about

We want them to know that there are people on this ship who care for them and they can talk to. these subjects and raise awareness. “The bottom line is: we work together, we live together, let’s treat each other professionally,” said Moore. If you or someone you know are struggling with any of these topics, contact Cmdr. Moore, Lt. Myers, or the chaplains.


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HE JUNIOR ENLISTED ASSOCIATION (JEA) selected a new cabinet, Aug. 17, during an annual election process. Filling the cabinet are: as President, Operations Specialist 2nd Class Kenneth James; as Vice President, Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Edgar Rodriguez; as Secretary, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuel) 2nd Class Elmari Parks; as Master-at-Arms, Logistics Specialist 3rd Class Brittany Czobakowski; and as Public Affairs Officer, Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class George J. Penney III. “I’m extremely honored to be on the cabinet,” said Personnel Specialist Seaman James Jenkins, the newly elected Treasurer. “I hope to be able to help keep things going and make things bigger and better on the ship for the junior Sailors.” “I am very exited about it. It feels awesome to be in this position,” said Rodriguez. “This is my first time really getting out of my comfort zone and taking part.”

The JEA as an organization has focused predominantly on its work volunteering time, working to maintain a positive atmosphere and improving morale on board the ship by hosting a number of events such as card tournaments and video game competitions. “We still have a lot of events planned,” said Jenkins. “We still have poetry jam going on, tournaments like the Black Ops II tournament is still going on. We’re still having meetings to plan for the future and set more goals.” All interested E-5 and below Sailors and Marines may attend JEA meetings every Saturday at 8:00 p.m. on the forward mess decks. “The previous members of the cabinet did an amazing job,” said Rodriguez. “They left us with a strong foundation to work on. The holidays are coming up when we get home and we want to try to do some things that are really along the lines of Sailors helping Sailors.”




By Susan D. Henson Center for Personal and Professional Development Public Affairs

Updated versions of the Petty Officer Selectee Leadership courses have been released, said the courses’ manager at the Center for Personal and Professional Development Aug. 20. Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Handling (AW/SW) James Priest, manager of the courses, said that the changes were announced in Naval Administrative (NAVADMIN) message 207/13 and applies to Petty Officer Selectee Leadership Course (POSLC), Petty Officer Second Class Selectee Leadership Course (PO2SLC), and Petty Officer First Class Selectee (PO1SLC) Leadership Course. “As the NAVADMIN said, we added Sexual Assault Prevention and Response and Combat/Operational Stress Control modules to the courses, per Chief of Naval Operations the Defense Department instructions, as well as the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012,” he said. “Commands must update their curricula to ensure they are teaching the correct version of these courses to newly selected E-4 to E-6 petty officers.” The NAVADMIN references the instructions, which directed the military services to include Sexual Assault Prevention and Response training and education in all leadership training and also that the training be tailored for each leadership level. The services were additionally directed to ensure leaders serving at all levels understand

Combat/Operational Stress Control Policy and management strategies. “Commands will need to go to NKO to download the updated courses, then follow the directions in the change letters to make the required changes to integrate the new content into the printed leadership course materials they already have. Or they can download the entire revised courses with the changes already made,” Priest said. Capt. John Newcomer, CPPD’s commanding officer, said the course revisions were a top priority for the CPPD curricula development team. “Our Training Directorate team members worked hard to deliver this revised content as soon as possible for fleet use,” he said. “SAPR and OSC are both timely issues for the Navy to address. Completing these necessary course updates supports CPPD’s goal to provide training that will equip Sailors to think critically, act responsibly and lead proactively to meet the ever changing global challenges our Navy faces every day.” For more information about the Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD), visit,, https://www. and on Twitter @CENPERSPROFDEV.


An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the “Blue Diamonds” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 146 launches off the flight deck.

By MC2 (SW/AW) Jacquelyn D. Childs

An aviation boatswain’s mate (equipment) stands by with a weight board as an F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the “Blue Diamonds” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 146 is prepared to launch on the flight deck.

By MCSA Kelly M. Agee

By MC2 (SW/AW) Jacquelyn D. Childs


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