Nimitz News Daily Digest - Sept. 28, 2013

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Sept. 28, 2013

Vol. 2 Issue 112



When abrasive behavior turns into abusive behavior on board Nimitz, there is a team that helps restore the peace to daily life and work. The Legal Department works closely with Security and Personnel to equip the judge and mini-judge with the facts in a case. The judge advises the commanding officer on how to proceed with discipline. However, while Legal’s normal bread and butter on board is processing Sailors who scuffle with the UCMJ, there is much more to what they do. “A big misconception of us by the crew is that we’re out to get them,” said Legalman 2nd Class Pahl Sayeski. “Legal is not here to get anyone in trouble. We are here to make sure that the justice system works as it is supposed to work. We will actually weed out charges that are unlawful.” For those who are found to have violated UCMJ, Nimitz’ command judge advocate, Lt. Cmdr. Ryan M. Anderson, sees the process of military justice on board as a good thing for the Navy as a whole. “I would rather that you see the fact that we’re holding Sailors accountable as a positive thing because what it does is that

it reinforces good order and discipline on the ship so that Sailors can work and live in an environment free of harassment,” said Anderson. Anderson said that the Legal Office is small, but important. While departments do what they can to keep morale and discipline up, some Sailors habitually cause trouble, taking inordinate amounts of time for their chain of command to rehabilitate them, which ultimately takes away from fulfilling our mission. When Security and Legal get involved in an investigation, Legal will advise Sailors of what they are charged with and review evidence before sending files up to the commanding officer via the judge. “The CO imposes punishment as a means to get Sailors to understand what will CONTINUED on page 3

Sailor of the Day

Story and photo by MC3 (SW) Phil Ladouceur

Logistics Specialist Seaman Chanel Cleveland, from Oak Harbor, Wash., was selected as Sailor of the Day Sept. 27. “I feel really good, winning was a really big surprise. It was a good experience,” said Cleveland. Cleveland processed 7,000 routine, 850 critical off-station, and 3,000 on-station requisitions, directly resulting in S-6 Division exceeding CNAF supply effectiveness goals of 85 percent for the duration of deployment. In addition, Cleveland conducted technical Commanding Officer Capt. Jeff Ruth

research on 450 requisitions, contributing to the overall mission readiness posture. Cleveland plans to keep travelling along the path that brought her to being Sailor of the Day. Using her exceptional customer service skills, she ensured all critical demands were met within the prescribed issue response time. “My future plans are to continue to do what I do in the Navy and only get better and to go to college and to be a CMC,” she said.

Executive Officer Capt. John Cummings

Editor MC2 (SW) Jason Behnke

Command Master Chief CMDCM Teri McIntyre

Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Karin Burzynski

Lead Designer MC3 (SW) George J. Penney III

Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions are subject to review and screening. ”Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.


CONTINUED from page 1 happen to them if they commit a particular kind of misconduct,” said Anderson. “The Legal Department focuses on making sure that the punishment is consistently, fairly and equally distributed so that Sailors are treated the same across the board. At the end of the day, what we should hopefully have is a work and living environment where people can come to work, enjoy what they are doing, and not be brought down by people that are distracting them from doing their job or are otherwise harassing them.” Legal works to give fair treatment to all Sailors, so defense referrals are given to any Sailor who asks. “We don’t provide defense counsel services, but we provide all other services,” said Anderson. “Some people will be in a situation where someone alleges they did something. Legal will refer people to attorneys if they want representation before talking to Security.” More than pushing disciplinary papers, there are many other services Legal offers that Sailors don’t know about or don’t often use; such as dealing with rent issues, bills, family, and referrals for legal or personal counsel. “There’s a great number of Sailors who never drop by our office during their entire tour on the ship because they don’t realize we provide legal assistance services,” said Anderson. “We can help delay civilian proceedings or we can give them general advice. There hasn’t been one person who has come to us and said, ‘hey, I’m going through this divorce,’ or ‘I have this tax problem’ that I haven’t sat down with and tried to help. My legalmen do the same thing within their capacity.” Anderson said Legal also served their fellow shipmates by putting together predeployment workshops to make sure Sailors and their families were legally ready for deployment. For anyone interested in a future career in law, Anderson said the legalman rate can help Sailors become paralegals. “Paralegals make good money,” said Anderson. “Most paralegals that are experienced enough, are basically doing

LN2 Pahl Sayeski searches through documents in the legal office.

the same work attorneys do, but they’re just not litigating in a courtroom. It’s a great opportunity for somebody who is interested in the legal field.” Legalman is a rate you can only crossrate into after three years of service with no captain’s mast or court-martials on record. Legalmen are advanced to E-4 after six months of A-School at the Naval Justice School in Newport, R.I., if they are not already there. They are also required to have continuing education through Roger Williams University’s Legalman Paralegal Education Program (LPEP) to get a degree. Legalmen receive a paralegal certification at minimum, and eventually a bachelor’s degree due to the education they receive. While recovering from an injury as a nuclear machinist’s mate, Sayeski said he made the decision to cross-rate after working with the legal office on base in Charleston. He said he really enjoyed working with civilians and officers on a regular basis doing comparable work, including helping military retirees, which is what he’ll do again after getting back to shore duty. “They really are the workhorses,” said Anderson. “The ‘mini’ and I take their work product and brief the command. Our legalmen spend so much time working cases, the indirect effect of them working those cases, is, hopefully, a working and living environment free of harassment. They don’t get any credit for that.” 3



THE FUTURE NEW TECHNOLOGY COULD IMPACT NAVY Story by David Smalley Office of Naval Research



ollowing sea-tests that concluded Sept. 18 off the California coast, the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD) and other partners see a future of predicting the strength and size of the next wave. The Environmental and Ship Motion Forecasting (ESMF) system, a Future Naval Capability effort supported by ONR’s Sea Warfare and Weapons Department, seeks to provide sea-based forces with new capabilities for difficult operations like ship-to-ship transfer of personnel, vehicles or materiel-giving operators sea condition information at levels of accuracy never possible before. The system combines new hardware and software that will let Sailors and Marines know ship and wave movements up to 30 seconds before they actually happen, providing operators precious extra seconds to make adjustments to avoid collisions or other dangerous situations for the crew. “This is literally unchartered territory in seabased operations,” said Dr. Paul Hess, program manager at ONR. “It’s like a window into the imminent future for the operators of ships and ship systems.

“It could be a huge asset to joint force operations, to air-sea battlespace coordination, and to naval needs in the Pacific Rim.” The system will also provide up to a five-minute prediction window for a range of environmental conditions to help military operators decide Go/NoGo for operations. Finally, ESMF will predict ship movements on the water, including pitch, heave and roll. “Imagine the complexity of two ships making a simple transfer of materiel in a port, using, for instance, a crane,” said Hess. “Variations in wave strength, different hulls reacting differently in terms of pitch and roll, and many more factors are at work. “Now picture that same process not in port but on the open sea, with exponentially bigger waves, and you get the idea of how knowing what’s going to happen can make or break a successful operation.” The ESMF sea trials took place over a two-week period, using sensors, hardware and software placed aboard ONR-sponsored Research Vessel Melville. Data was taken from surface ship-based radar, laser identification detection and ranging, buoys and more. The fielded system will ultimately rely only on sensors installed on the ship. The effort supports guidance from Chief of Naval Operations Jonathan Greenert, whose Navigation Plan calls for developing new capabilities for ship operations, and supporting strategic efforts in the Pacific Rim. The monohull, single-ship tests on Melville are only a first step: In fiscal year 2015, ESMF tests should include multiple ships. “Ultimately this improvement in environmental sensing will lead to a dramatic increase in decision support and operator guidance,” said Hess. “The warfighter will have greater capabilities and options

in operations-and that translates to more effective Sailors and Marines, and a safer force.” The ONR and NSWCCD research partnership includes university and industry teams from the University of Michigan; University of Washington; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; the Ohio State University; General Dynamics Applied Physical Sciences; and Aquaveo LLC. ONR provides the science and technology necessary to maintain the Navy and Marine Corps’ technological advantage. Through its affiliates, ONR is a leader in science and technology with engagement in 50 states, 70 countries, 1,035 institutions of higher learning and 914 industry partners. ONR employs approximately 1,400 people, comprising uniformed, civilian and contract personnel, with additional employees at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C. NSWC Carderock, a part of the Science and Engineering Enterprise and a field activity of the Naval Sea Systems Command, leads the Navy in hull, mechanical and electrical engineering. Headquartered in West Bethesda, Md., NSWC Carderock employs approximately 3,600 scientists, engineers, technicians and support personnel and includes the Ship Systems Engineering Station located in Philadelphia as well as detachments in Norfolk, Va., Cape Canaveral, Fl., Andros Island, Bahamas, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Memphis, Tenn., Bangor, Wash., Ketchikan, Alaska and Bayview, Idaho.


By MCSN Eric Butler

HM3 David Johnson administers a flu shot to a patient.

AO3 Anthony R. Bahlman installs an actuator and switch on a bomb rack unit.


By MCSN (SW) Derek A. Harkins

ABH3 Gregory Divinsstoll directs an F/A-18E Super Hornet, assigned to VFA-147 on the flight deck.

By MCSN Siobhana R. McEwen



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