Nimitz News Daily Digest - Sept. 5, 2013

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Sept. 5, 2013

Vol. 2 Issue 95




he responsibility of keeping Nimitz in good fighting condition and its crew safe in the event of a ship casualty rests on the shoulders of a team of seven watch standers in Damage Control Central (DCC). The qualifications to become part of this team are high. Not only does the team watch over the safety of more than 5,000 of their shipmates, but they are entrusted with billions of dollars of sea and aerial borne technology. This is the first of two articles describing how DCC works, who stands watch there and what it takes to shoulder the responsibility of protecting our ship. All seven watches, with the exception of one, have every PQS signed off on their trackers. Some of the watches are considered top-watch for their rate while

Story and photo by MCSN Eric Butler

some perform their particular watch as an extra duty that falls outside of their rate skills. This article will break down the reactor side of the watch stations while the second article will break down the engineering side. Take note, some of this might be on your Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) board. The engineering officer of the watch (EOOW), the water control watch (WCW), and the load dispatcher all represent the reactor side of DCC. The EOOW is the most senior watch in DCC and only officers stand it. These officers are reactor qualified and know how to perform every watch in DCC. They coordinate with the tactical action officer (TAO) and the officer of the deck (OOD) concerning the propulsion plants and watch over various load Continued on page 3

Sailor of the Day

Story and photo by MCSN Siobhana McEwen

Aviation Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class Matthew J. Bouley, a native of Coventry, R.I., was named Sailor of the Day, Sept. 4. “It feels pretty cool to be Sailor of the Day,” said Bouley. “I’m excited to enjoy my first night off since coming aboard.” Bouley said he plans to spend the evening working out and watching movies. According to Bouley, he joined the Navy in 2009 because, as the Navy slogan used to say, he wanted to “accelerate his life.” As a Training Petty Officer for his work center, Bouley was responsible for completing 125 Commanding Officer Capt. Jeff Ruth

maintenance hours, reducing his work center’s workload by 60 percent. His technical expertise and devotion to duty contributed to the training of seven personnel in the Advanced Skills Management System. As a plane captain, Bouley personally performed 25 daily and turnaround inspections, providing safe aircraft and directly contributing to the squadron’s execution of 2,874 mishap free flight hours through 838 sorties. Bouley provides words of encouragement for those seeking similar recognition. “Keep your head up and do your job,” said Bouley. “Take pride in your work.”

Executive Officer Capt. John Cummings

Editor MC2 (SW) Jason Behnke

Command Master Chief CMDCM Teri McIntyre

Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Karin Burzynski

Lead Designer MC3 George J. Penney III

Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions are subject to review and screening. ”Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.


Continued from page 1 centers that power the ship. Every watch stander in DCC ultimately answers to the EOOW. To become nuclear qualified, Lt. Cmdr. Brent E. Dillow, from Justin, Texas, said officers perform roughly five months of training with the help of their principle assistants and take written tests and boards with the chief engineer (CHENG) and the reactor officer (RO). After their gauntlet of tests and boards, they take their qualifications to the commanding officer (CO) to be signed off, finally becoming nuclear qualified. The WCW tracks water usage all over the ship, monitoring water supply, pressure and temperature. This position is run by machinist’s mates (MM). After completing all their qualifications within the machinery division, the most outstanding MMs are chosen by the main propulsion assistant (MPA) to undergo a four-week qualification process to work in DCC. Much of the knowledge to perform this watch lies outside of the MM’s rate, so it is considered extra duty. “We work in the main machinery room, but we have to learn a lot about what happens in the reactor,” said Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class Frank B. Walker, from Chicago. When water usage endangers the reactor water supply, the WCW informs the EOOW who then makes the decision to temporarily shut down the sculleries or laundry rooms after consulting with the CO and executive officer (XO). The load dispatcher watches over the generators in the reactor and supervises the distribution of electrical power in the propulsion


plant spaces. Their primary concern are load centers inside the reactor plant and making sure the back-up diesel generators are primed for use in case of a ship casualty. This position is run by electrician’s mates (EM) who are nuclear qualified. It takes about two years for EMs to achieve senior in-rate qualifications. After that, it takes about three months to qualify for load dispatch watch. Load dispatchers have to know enough about how electrical and water systems work as it concerns the reactor in order to effectively communicate with the EOOW during a ship casualty. “Our job doesn’t just encompass the reactor,” said Electrician’s Mate 2nd Class Jason A. Norman, from Huntingdon, Tenn. “It contributes to combat readiness and day-to-day ship operations.” The load dispatcher and the chief auxiliary operator (CAO) are usually the only ones in DCC when the ship is in port and the reactor is shut down. When this occurs the CAO’s watch includes the chief electrical watch (CEW) and the damage control watch supervisor (DCWS) positions which all roll into what is called the Integrated engineer watch (IEW). The CAO will be explained in the next article. While every watch in DCC answers to the EOOW, the EOOW, load dispatcher and WCW work as a team to safeguard the reactor and keep “Old Salt” in fighting condition. In the next article, we will learn about the engineering side of DCC and how they handle all the big and small mechanical and electrical problems around the ship.




or many Sailors, fitness and nutrition are just as important to them as their job. Many Sailors have highly strenuous and physically intensive jobs that leave them exhausted at the end of the work day. According to multiple studies, there is a diet that could cure multiple ailments and increase muscle recuperation. Yes, fitness fanatics…you can keep eating your bacon. The Paleolithic diet is comprised of an assortment of foods that cavemen would have eaten when they still roamed the Earth. If you can hunt it, gather it or find it growing naturally in the wild, then you’ve got a healthy diet in the making. Many Sailors stock up on pre-packaged, preservative-laden food because they are easy to obtain and easy to eat. This doesn’t mean it’s healthy for your body, and this junk does not provide your body with the proper nutrition it needs. A typical Paleo dieter’s lunchtime meal on board Nimitz would consist of a chicken breast, spinach, mixed vegetables, melon, an apple and a glass of water. They would skip over the option of rice and mashed potatoes because they contain lectin and phytates which could irritate the stomach lining and rob the body of nutrients. Many of us have had the food pyramid engrained into our brains from an early age, with grains being the food substance that we are supposed to eat the most of. For many people with maladies such as upset stomach, osteoporosis, gluten intolerance (Celiac disease) and food allergies, the Paleo diet could be a possible solution. I know you may be thinking, ‘Hey, cavemen are dead. If their diet was so great, why didn’t they live longer?’ Well, for one, cavemen had to forage for food, hunt animals that could be hunting them in turn and they did not have access to modern medicine like we do now. They were active and 4

Photo by MC3 (SW) George J. Penney III

ate whatever they could get their Paleolithic hands on, unlike humans nowadays. “I’ve lost 20 pounds in two months eating Paleo,” said Chief Select Naval Aircrewman Jeffrey Onion of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 6. I had tried different programs and I wasn’t losing weight, but now that I’m Paleo I have more energy, I’m losing weight and I feel great. Instead of polishing off a bag of potato chips try grabbing a few apples from the mess decks and saving them for a snack. One of the biggest causes of weight gain includes snacking on unhealthy foods between meals. Another tip for those who are trying to shed pounds and get healthier…let’s go back to the basics. In boot camp you chugged your body weight in water. To ward off hunger pangs, drink a bottle of water. A lot of people confuse thirst with hunger and fill their stomachs with unnecessary food. The Paleo diet is not as radical as many others that convince participants to drastically change their diet from one day to the next. Many foods that you previously consumed can be replicated using food items approved by the Paleo diet. Foods that are normally not consumed, or consumed in small quantities according to the many Paleo diet followers include dairy products, grains, legumes, alcohol, sugar (artificial sugar as well), salt and processed food. Doctors advise that the benefits of committing to a Paleo diet could change your life and your body. Some of the positive factors include lower stress levels, no bloating after meals, zero insulin spikes, faster recovery times in between workouts and a faster metabolism. The pros greatly outweigh the cons when you think about how you want yourself to look and feel. Eat that PB&J sandwich, or slowly ease into a healthier, natural lifestyle. The choice is yours.

CSSN Chaz Foster cuts pineapple in the aft galley.



AEAN Shakevia “Keevy” Smith assigned to the “Black Knights” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 154, cleans a panel on an F/A-18F Super Hornet in the hangar bay.

By MCSN Siobhana McEwen

AMAN Brandon McNaughton, currently assigned to the “Argonauts” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147, carries a coiled hose on the flight deck.

By MCSN Eric Butler

By MC3 Chris Bartlett


SN Kameron Mack paints the deck.



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ON THE COVER: Sailors stand watch in damage control central.

02 - AFN News 03 - AFN Xtra 04 - AFN Sports

05 - 8MM Movies 06 - 8MM Movies 07 - 8MM Movies 08 - ROLLER 09 - NTV


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