Nimitz News Daily Digest - Nov. 6, 2013

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Nov. 6, 2013

Vol. 2 Issue 134

SWHOigSERVE Eps Story and photo by MCSN (SW) Siobhana R. McEwen


ravo. Romeo. Uniform. SigEp? On any given day, Sailors on board Nimitz can look up to the top of the island and see a number of different flags flying from the flag hoist. Flags are a primary form of communication for the Navy, and tradition dictates what flags are flown for certain circumstances. A new flag flew over Nimitz Oct. 11: the flag of the global fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon. “The SigEp Partriots Project (SPP) is a 12-year-old, brotherled effort to honor, remember and recognize those brothers of the Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) social fraternity who serve or have served defending our country as member of the U.S. military,� said Chief Intelligence Specialist Edward Jones. Jones joined the Navy in 1983, Continues on page 3

Sailor of the Day

Story and photo by MCSN Eric M. Butler


ngineman Fireman Allan Barnes was chosen to be Sailor of the Day Nov. 5. “It feels great,” said Barnes. “I’m not a big attention person. I definitely wasn’t expecting it. Hard work pays off.” Demonstrating uncommon motivation, he quickly established himself as a cornerstone of Auxiliaries Division by qualifying for material and maintenance management 301, damage control 301 through 308, and auxiliaries rover within three months of reporting aboard.

He was the driving force behind the repairs to the hot water heaters for the flag cabin and ship’s laundry. As the steam and heat gage calibration petty officer, he has maintained systems at peak operability throughout the deployment and continues to be an invaluable asset to Auxiliaries Division and the Engineering Department. “Listen to your LPO and chain-of-command,” said Barnes. “My chain-of-command pushes me to stay on track. They’ll lead you in the right direction.”

Commanding Officer

Executive Officer

Command Master Chief

Public Affairs Officer

Capt. Jeff Ruth

Capt. John Cummings

CMDCM Teri McIntyre

Lt. Cmdr. Karin Burzynski

Editor MC3 (SW) George J. Penney III

Lead Designer MC3 (SW) Raul Moreno Jr.

Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.


Continued from page 1

serving as an active duty Sailor until 1991, when he joined the Navy Reserves. Lt. Cmdr. Omar Sanchez, strike officer for Carrier Strike Group 11, explained the SPP sends two flags, an American flag and the SigEp flag, to brothers in the military around the globe. The flags have flown over Army bases in Kuwait, Marine installations in Iraq, and Air Force bases in various countries as well. However, this was the first time the flag was flown from an aircraft carrier. Sanchez joined Sigma Phi Epsilon while attending Jacksonville University, in Jacksonville, Fla. He said he particularly enjoyed being involved in the fraternity because of the connection he felt with the brotherhood, and the emphasis the organization placed on being a gentleman at all times.

“This connection is significant to me because it says, ‘you’re not by yourself,’” said Sanchez. “It’s not you against the world. Any military member who is a brother can participate in this project.” Sanchez has photos of himself holding a flag with other SigEp brothers while serving in Kuwait and also has been able to meet up with brothers serving in various branches of the military around the world. “There’s a lot of networking that happens,” Sanchez said, “both because of the fraternity, and because of SPP.” Though the fraternity does not have a direct link to the military, both Sanchez and Jones agreed the organization tries to pay homage to those brothers who have served in the military. “SPP has educated our nonmilitary brothers about POW/


“This connection is significant to me because it says, ‘you’re not by yourself.’” -Sanchez MIA tables and Gold Star Mothers at national conventions, and we have about three dozen chapter points of contact at colleges around the country working to get information about current and former military brothers,” Jones said. Jones added that the SPP currently has the names and information of more than 4,000 individuals who are, or have been SigEp Patriots. For more information on the SigEp Patriot Project, visit


By MC3 (SW) George J. Penney III

ailors and Marines aboard Nimitz journey to the gym daily to maintain their physical fitness. What they hope to find is “fitness utopia” where all dumbbells and weight plates are in their proper place, the machines and bench areas are free from sweat and debris, and people are not screaming or dropping weights. How foolish these hopes turn out to be. Gym etiquette is crucial within such a dense population. A lack thereof negatively effects factors such as general hygiene and peace of mind, and can become a safety hazard if

“People seem to forget safety when going to the gym.”


left unattended. One highlighted rule, constantly broken, is the necessity of those who work out to bring and use gym towels. Leftover sweat creates a health concern for gym users as well as the ship as a whole. “It’s all about sanitation,” said Culinary Specialist 2nd Class John Leyson, assistant leading petty officer of Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR). “If sweat is left on the bench or machines, it can create a health hazard.” Another problem in the realm of gym etiquette is the homeless, un-racked weights that have become an epidemic over these long months of deployment, many of which sit just inches from their dedicated resting place. “People should have accountability for themselves,” 4

said Leyson. “Cleaning up after yourself is the key. Re-rack the weights you use, throw away your [anti-bacterial] wipes and if you take the weights out of the gym, please bring them back.” Logistics Specialist 3rd Class Brittany Czobakowski, a frequent gym user, agrees that responsibility belongs to each of us to create a user-friendly gym environment. “You should not expect someone to have to pick up your weights for you,” said Czobakowski. “Put your weights back; it’s easy. That way other people can enjoy their workout.” Leyson agrees, adding that it is not only gym users who have to deal with stray weight plates, but also MWR employees. “MWR employees have to clean these spaces,” said Leyson. “They should not have to

“Put your weights back; it’s easy. That way other people can enjoy their workout.”


found safety to be the least important factor on people’s minds. I think it should be the most important.” It is time for Sailors and Marines aboard to step out of the darkness made up of our general lack of etiquette and tact in the gymnasium and bring about a “fitness future” brighter than any tomorrow. Only working together and policing each other can we accomplish such a lofty goal, but it can be done. For more information concerning gym conduct and etiquette contact MWR at J-dials 6895 and 6678.

perform a search and rescue mission to find weight plates scattered around the gym and hangar bays. Some of our weights are incredibly heavy, which makes carrying them back to the gym very hard.” Leyson advises that gym rules and regulations are there for everyone’s safety, which at the end of the day is the most important factor. “People seem to forget safety when going to the gym,” said Leyson. “Whether it’s leaving sweat on everything, lifting weight that is far too heavy or leaving weights in hiding places all around the ship, I have


MCSA (SW) Kelly M. Agee

“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” – Alfred Stieglitz ABHAN Sean Phillips paints the flight deck.

Sailors move an EA-6B Prowler, assigned to the “Gray Wolves” of VAQ-142, on the flight deck.


By MCSN Eric M. Butler

MCSN (SW) Kole E. Carpenter

Sailors stow line during a sea and anchor evolution.

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O N THE COVER: SN Sha n Cmdr. O iqua Knig m a r Sa n ht, left, a chez pre flag on th nd Lt. pare to h e signal oist the bridge. SigEp

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