Nimitz News, October 6, 2011

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Oct. 06, 2011

Nimitz News

October 6, 2011

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Vol. 36, No. 39

Nimitz Sailors to celebrate Navy's birth with a ball Navy's 236th Birthday Ball "Remembering our past... to secure our future" Thurs., Oct. 13, 2011 Bangor Plaza Ballroom (where the Christmas celebration was held) Cocktails: 6 p.m. Ceremonial Events: 6:40 p.m. Dinner: 7 p.m. Dancing: 9 p.m. Event Uniform: Service Dress Blues or better Civilian attire: Semi- formal or better Tickets may be purchased at Sam Adams no later than Fri., Oct. 7 $20- E-4 & Below (GS1-GS4) $30- E-5 & E-6 (GS5) $40- E7 -O3 (GS6-GS12) $55- O4 & Above (GS13 & Above) $35- Retirees A shuttle will be running from the Nex parking lot, next to Subway from 5 p.m. -6:30 p.m. returning 9:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. For more information contact Lt. j.g. Reyn Kaupiko or MCC Mike Jones

A 1967 Pontiac GTO, sponsored by USS Nimitz, wins the Superintendants catagory at the annual CFC car show .

Nimitz wins award at CFC car show Story by MCSA Derek Volland Photos by MC3 Shayne Johnson

The Combined Federal Campaign is running strong aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68) since it’s kicking off Sept. 1. While Nimitz has raised with over $10,000 in donations for this season’s campaign, the CFC celebrates its 50th anniversary. The CFC team on board Nimitz raised a little over $4,800 during the annual car show Oct. 4, beating out last year’s

$1,600. This was accomplished with Nimitz sponsoring, in partnership with Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, a black 1967 GTO convertible. “It’s amazing the things that our Nimitz team has been able to accomplish this year,” said Captain Michael Donnelly, Nimitz executive officer. “What’s been done in the yard has been outstanding

and then to go out and do something like this car show; it’s just been amazing.” The Nimitzsponsored car won the Superintendants

category, one of two categories in the show. The car show included some 30 classic cars and some 15 motorcycles. See "Cars" on Page 9

USS Nimitz sponsored a 1967 Pontiac GTO for the CFC car show October 4. .

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Nimitz News

Oct. 06, 2011

Commanding Officer CAPT Paul Monger Executive Officer CAPT Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief CMDCM William Lloyd-Owen Public Affairs Officer LTJG Jason Scarborough Media LCPO MCCM Jon McMillan Media Production Chief MCC Mike Jones Editor MC3 Robert Winn Lead Designer MCSN Jacob Milner Media Dept MC2 James Mitchell MC2 Amara Timberlake MC2 Adam Wolfe MC3 Ashley Berumen MC3 Ian Cotter MC3 Shayne Johnson MC3 Mark Sashegyi MC3 Glenn Slaughter MC3 Thomas Siniff MC3 Nichelle Whitfield MC3 Devin Wray MCSN Andrew Jandik MCSN Jacob Milner MCSN Alexander Ventura II MCSN Renee Candelario MCSA Jess Lewis MCSA Derek Volland Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions must be in by Friday, COB. Submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

Damage Controlman 1st Class (SW/AW) Scott Loehndorf serializes a hot work chit submitted to the hot work office.

Damage Controlman 1st Class (SW/AW) Scott Loehndorf inspects a space for any potential fire hazard materials before approving a hot work chit.

Sailor has control of everything hot Story and photos by MCSA Jess Lewis

Nestled in the small hot work office located off the hangar bay is Damage Controlman 1st Class Scott Loehndorf. He is the ship’s hot work coordinator throughout the Docking Planned Incremental Availability, including the time spent in the Controlled Industrial Area. Loehndorf begins his day in front of his computer, surrounded by pictures of his wife Amber, their nine-monthold son Jaxson and him. He gathers up all the hot work and cold work chits submitted by contractors and Sailors throughout the ship and begins to serialize them. Once chits are submitted, Loehndorf

walks through the space to ensure it’s safe for the hot work or cold work to be done. “Hot work is anything that produces a spark,” said Loehndorf. “I walk through to make sure that the spaces don’t have any potential fire hazards. Once I find the space is good for hot work to be conducted, I will approve and post the chit.” “Painting is considered cold work,” he continued. “However, we can’t allow the two types of work to conflict with each other.” Any cold work that needs to be done must have a Work Authorization Form attached to the chit. The WAF just verifies the work is being done by the right people. WAFs can be obtained

through departmental representatives in a trailer hangar bay three. Along with being the hot work coordinator, Loehndorf coordinates training, writes drill plans for General Quarters and the in-port emergency teams. Each drill plan written is differently so the ship and its crew can become flexible in any situation, space and casualty ship-wide. Having been in the yards for several months, the crew has a lot of work to be done in preparation for getting underway. The best way to train Sailors is through the leadership of the ship’s Damage Control Training Team which is also coordinated by Loehndorf. Weekly, they receive damage control training which is passed along to the watchstanders they observe in drill situations. “Now that we’re coming out of dry dock, we need to change the focus back to damage control,” said Loehndorf. “So this is where the drills come into play.” Loehndorf is part of the

Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist program onboard and asks damage control questions during the oral boards. Outside of the Navy, Loehndorf is a volunteer firefighter for South Kitsap Fire Rescue. “I went through fire fighter training just up the hill at the Kitsap County Readiness Center,” he said. “It was nine weeks long and even though it was a crazy schedule, I loved it.” When the ship moves to Everett, Loehndorf said he’ll either transfer to another fire department or quit so his wife Amber can pursue her degree in the medical field. For Damage Controlmen, most of their shore duty is done in some kind of training capacity, whether it is instructor duty at a Center for Naval Engineering Site Firefighting School or as a team member attached to an Afloat Training Group. Once Loehndorf finishes with his time on Nimitz, he desires to be on shore duty somewhere he can be close to his family.

Oct. 06, 2011

Nimitz News

USS Nimitz Sailors refine culinary talents

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Story and photos by MC3 (SW) Robert Winn

USS Nimitz (CVN 68) S-2 division of Supply department strives to go above and beyond this week by participating in a series of classes aimed to improve overall quality. The classes, offered by former Lt. Cmdr. Edward Manley, trainer and career counselor from the Global Foodservice Institute, are intended to teach Sailors about all the things necessary to provide quality service to anyone who comes down the food line. “We want to get them more efficient at running every aspect of the shop,” said Manley. “We want the food to be ordered cheaper, used in order to get the highest yield and end up still tasting great.” The classes are broken down into eight independent certifications and a master certification for those who’ve completed the eight prerequisites. The classes include: food safety, hazard analysis (i.e. what might you find in tainted lettuce), customer service, culinary nutrition, beverage pairing (wine and food pairing), serving alcohol responsibly, restaurant management,

culinary arts and master certified food and beverage director. “Everyone who has a passion for culinary arts can take these courses,” said Manley. “There are a few that I would recommend for various rates too. The corpsman, for instance, would benefit from the food safety and hazard analysis courses. And who wouldn’t benefit from a customer service class?” Each of the eight classes are independent of each other, so if a Sailor would like to take the wine and food pairing course and not the restaurant management they can, said Manley. “This whole thing is done by the V. A. so anyone can sign up,” he continued. “Since this is a civilian certification, all these courses can help you out if you decided to get out of the Navy.” Nimitz is setting a record with the number of Sailors from a single command to carry this certification. “When this set ends on Wednesday, we’ll have 60 percent of our leadership (E-5 and above) certified all the way to master certified food and beverage

Sailors from USS Nimitz, NAS Whidbey Island, Naval Base Everett and Naval Base Kitsap take notes during a food safety course aboard the Crew's Messing and Berthing Barge.

director,” said Chief Culinary Specialist (SW/AW) Sherwin Penaranda, S-2’s leading Culinary Specialist. “When the class is run again in November, we should be at 100 percent!” Penaranda says he’s sending his Sailors because it helps with professional growth and the certification will help his Sailors in the long run because it’s a civilian certification. “These classes will definitely help on the advancement exam,” said Manley. “Selection boards will definitely take note, as well; classes like these really help to put you ahead of the crowd.” As soon as the classes are complete and the Sailors get back to the galleys, you should see a difference in service, Manley said. “Nimitz already has great service,” he said. “But, you’ll still see a jump in overall service.”

Former Lt. Cmdr. Edward Manley instructs room full of Sailors from USS Nimitz, NAS Whidbey Island, Naval Base Everett and Naval Base Kitsap on food safety.

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Nimitz News

Oct. 06, 2011

Photo of USS Bainbridge (DLGN 25) underway in 1986 is courtesy of http://www.bemil/

Today in Navy history: USS Bainbridge commissioned

Story by MCSA Jess Lewis

Forty nine years ago today, the Navy’s first nuclear-powered frigate, USS Bainbridge (DLGN-25) was commissioned and is still in custodial care of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Bainbridge was named after William Bainbridge, a Captain in the U.S. Navy during the late 1700s and into the early 1800s. Since the ship’s commissioning, Bainbridge completed eleven Seventh Fleet cruises where it screened aircraft carriers, served as a radar-picket ship and performed search and rescue missions. The ship also completed five Far Eastern tours between 1966 and 1973 with a shipyard overhaul and its first nuclear refueling in 1967 and 1968. During the Far Eastern tours, Bainbridge was involved in Vietnam conflict combat operations earning it eight battle stars and made multiple voyages to Australia. Bainbridge completed three Western Pacific tours between 1979 and 1983, each involving

extensive operations in the Indian Ocean and these operations, Bainbridge conducted over Arabian Sea. 100 merchant vessel boardings to search for Between June 1974 and September 1976, illegal cargo shipments. Bainbridge went through and extensive Bainbridge was deactivated in Norfolk modernization and refueling. It was in on Oct. 6, 1995, 33 years after it was June of 1975 when the ship was reclassified commissioned. In September 1996, from a frigate to cruiser, receiving the new Bainbridge was decommissioned and designation CGN-25. defueled in Norfolk in preparation to be In 1982, Bainbridge won the Marjorie towed to Bremerton, Wash., in mid-1997 in Sterrett Battleship Fund Award. This award order to be recycled at PSNS. In October of is given to one ship in the U.S. Atlantic fleet 1997, Bainbridge entered dry dock at PSNS to and one ship in the U.S. Pacific fleet. The ship begin the recycling, the process used to scrap which receives the award is generally one nuclear-powered warships. The recycling that has the highest score in the fleet’s annual process lasted until November 1999. competitions for Battle Efficiency Awards, therefore making the ship thought of as being the fleet’s most battle-ready ship. Bainbridge received its last nuclear refueling overhaul in 1983 until 1985. Following the nuclear overhaul, Bainbridge left the Pacific fleet and rejoined the U.S. Atlantic fleet. After returning to the Atlantic fleet, Bainbridge’s operations included counter-drug smuggling patrols in the Caribbean, several deployments to northern European waters and four Mediterranean cruises. In 1994, Bainbridge went out as Standing Naval Force Atlantic, which is a permanent peacetime multinational squadron composed of destroyers, cruisers and frigates from the navies of various North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations. During this tour, Bainbridge participated in Operation Sharp Guard which enforced sanctions against the Photo of original sketch of Cpt. William Bainbridge is former Republic of Yugoslavia. During courtesy of

Oct. 06, 2011

Nimitz News

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Nimitz Sailors advised to keeps finances in check Story by MC3(SW) Nichelle Whitfield

The fall season is here and USS Nimitz (CVN 68) has shifted piers in time to boost morale and launch Sailors into a full-blown celebration with caution being advised. With the holidays rapidly approaching, seasonal deals and advertisements of low prices are quickly targeting and hooking eager shoppers to go out and ‘buy while the getting is good.’ “Do not go over your debit to income ratio,” said Legalman 2nd Class Michael Lightsey. “Sailors should be careful with living paycheck to paycheck.” Sailors are advised to optimize their financial health by taking simple precautions and maintaining a heightened level of awareness. “Sailors could be administratively separated under MILPERSMAN 1910-156 Separation by Reason of Unsatisfactory Performance,” said Lightsey. Sailors should also remember that the Basic Allowance for Subsistence, an average of $300 for most of Nimitz crew, will cease when food services is moved from the barge and resumed onboard Nimitz. The loss of BAS

Photo of money in wallet courtesy of

could prove financially challenging for Sailors who have been living in debt and balancing their finances paycheck to paycheck. “When individuals have financial difficulties, it could indicate a lack of personal responsibility,” said Nimitz Command Security Manager Chief Warrant Officer 2 Clayton White. “The weight of the monetary obligation may pressure a person into engaging in illegal acts to generate required funds. This pressure may put into question the person's loyalty, reliability and trustworthiness. Throughout a person's military career, they will have many reviews of their security clearances conducted.” Illegal acts include embezzlement (stealing money places in ones trust), shipmate theft, check fraud, and other

intentional breaches of financial trust. These acts could only raise security concerns, but could potentially disqualify a Sailor from obtaining a security clearance, said White. In 2010, approximately 1,000, more than twice the number of cases in 2009, security clearances were denied or revoked by the Central Adjudication Facility due to financial i r re s pon sibi l it y. The loss of security clearance could potentially result in the loss of a rate position, rate, or military career itself, he said. White advises Sailors to take a few steps to prevent jeopardizing their security clearance by keeping tabs on financial situations, make timely payments to creditors and contacting them to establish a payment plan, and don’t over

Photo of hands filling piggy bank coin jar courtesy of http://www. the .com's article, 'Saving money the hard way: Digging in.'

extend your financial obligations and live outside your means. Sailors should not wait until it’s time to submit security clearance paperwork when experience financial problems. If individuals are experiencing financial difficulty, contact their departmental financial

representative as soon as possible. Sailors are advised to take advantage of “The Fair an Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003” and get a free credit report every year by going to www. a n nua lcred it repor t . com for more information on obtaining your report.

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Nimitz News

Oct. 06, 2011

U.S. Navy changes as social media explodes Story and photos by MC2(SW) J.D. Levite

In the last ten years, the social media phenomenon has created a certain amount of Internet chaos. Even now, the state of Missouri is working to overturn a law that once banned teachers and students from being friends on Facebook. In Connecticut, a woman was fired for bad-mouthing her boss in a status update. And earlier this year, Marc Jacobs International’s plan to use an intern to man their Twitter account backfired when that intern used his last day to trash talk their CEO and the company. For the military, social network sites like Facebook and Twitter have become double-edged swords. Even while the military reminds Sailors about operational security and professionalism, many commands, including ours, are trying to find ways to better use these same networks to get their message out to a whole new audience. In order to come at social networks from both angles, the Navy’s Chief of

Information released a Social Media Handbook last year outlining many of the Navy’s policies on the subject. While the handbook was not meant to be a substitute for official policies, it did provide Navy leadership with tools and tips for thriving in the new social environment. As individual Sailors join the masses engaging in online social activities, they are also being held to a high standard. Just like a Sailor in dress blues at a baseball game, a Sailor posting on Twitter is expected to behave a certain way. Most Sailors, however, don’t realize just how important it is. That simple status update or 140-character tweet doesn’t just fade away once it’s posted. When something is published to the Internet it’s very hard to get rid of it, and people out there are always watching. Sometimes even deleting what you wrote isn’t enough to get it off the Internet. A graduate student from the University of Texas at Dallas developed a program called “Undetweetable” for his summer project. For the limited time the website was left working, it was able to follow any user entered into its database. Even if that Twitter user deleted a bad tweet the site would keep track of it, which is why the website continues to describe itself as “an archive of errors and regrets…” Facebook itself, a database boasting more than 140 billion photographs and 500 million users, will soon incorporate a whole new redesign called Facebook Timeline. The intent of this feature will be to use all the data Facebook has available to create an individual online history for each user. At any time, from your birth to this morning’s breakfast, Facebook will show you where you were and

Oct. 06, 2011 what you were doing. While on the one hand this speaks to the amazing influence social networking has had, it could also be a freezeframe of some very embarrassing moments. It’s often not just about that one mistaken update you can’t get rid of. Sometimes it’s just about the illusion of privacy. Even Facebook settings set to private don’t amount to much if your friends don’t follow suit. Those pictures of your bad night or old pictures you had stashed away can come out for all to see when Facebook’s facial recognition system matches you from album to album. And while there is some privacy, the truth is everything is tracked on the Internet. Sometimes it’s the relatively harmless tracking of Facebook or Google working to tailor their advertisements to your personal tastes. But as social media becomes more prominent, even employers are looking to track what people are doing online. In June, Forbes reported about a new organization called Social Intelligence Corporation. The Federal Trade Commission had just given the company permission to run Internet-based background checks on job applicants. Should an employer request it, and the job applicant agree to it like any background or credit check, Social Intelligence could search the Internet for seven years of data based on that applicant’s name, address, email or picture. What does that mean for a Sailor? Maybe nothing, but the Navy can hold Sailors responsible for their online behavior.

Nimitz News It’s hard to say just how any of this might harm someone embracing social media, but because social media is so new and so explosive it’s hard to judge just what shape it’s going to take. It’s important for any individual to be aware of what’s going out to the public and what’s staying private, but it’s even more important for Sailors because you are the face of the Navy.

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Nimitz News

Oct. 06, 2011

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Esther Gootee and Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Vanessa Moran dress out in fire fighting gear in preparation for a General Quarters drill aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68).

Certification required from all Nimitz Sailors

Story by MC3 Shayne Johnson Photos by MC3 Ian Cotter

All Sailors aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68) will be required to pass exams for Crew Certification, consisting of level of knowledge tests independent to rate, as well as basic damage control and medical exams. “Crew Certification is a visit by Afloat Training Group (ATG) supervised by the Strike Group to review and inspect training programs, Personnel Qualification Standards and watch qualifications to ensure the ship can safely get underway and operate safely during sea trials,” said Lt. Cmdr. Frank Fuentes, ATG training liaison officer. Crew Certification is broken down into three stages and typically takes place after a major availability to ensure the ship’s ability to execute its mission safely and effectively. “Part one is a self assessment of training programs,” said Fuentes. “Part two, which we

are currently in, is when ATG assists in assessment of training programs. Part three is a followup of administrative review and assessment of drills and evolutions, such as DC drills, navigation and sea and anchor.” Lt. Cmdr James Morris, the ship’s nurse, says these exams are vital to performing our duty correctly and safely. “First aid is essential for any emergency that could arise,” said Morris. “You could potentially save someone’s life. DC is also important to make sure everyone is safe should an emergency take place. You’ll be able to take care of the ship and fellow Sailors.” There are many ways Sailors can prepare for these exams, said Morris. “Sailors get this information in (new Sailor indoctrination classes). We have also instituted training with each duty section and offer Cardio Pulmonary

Sailors aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68) simulate putting out a fire as part of a General Quarters drill. Nimitz is currently conducting a year-long Docking Planned Incremental Availability at Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton.

Resuscitation training as well.” Training classes can also be requested by department and Sailors are urged to bring their Personnel Qualification Standards to ship-wide General Quarters drills for training. Morris sent an email out to the crew containing practice tests to help prepare for these exams, located online at https:// atg.surfor.nav PerceptionLOK/. Click on the

hyperlink, select certificate on your Common Access Card, and take the practice Level of Knowledge exam. Afterwards, practice exams for Basic First Aid or Basic Damage Control become available. Test banks are expected to open within the next couple of days and Sailors have approximately six weeks to complete these exams with at least a 70% score, said Fuentes.

Oct. 06, 2011

Nimitz News

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USS Nimitz sponsored a 1967 Pontiac GTO for the CFC car show October 4.

Cars: USS Nimitz reaches over $10,000 for CFC campaign Continued from Page 1

“I just want to thank everyone for participating and to ask everyone to take a look at the CFC Catalogs, every CFC coordinator has a stack of them, and look at whatever charity jumps out at them,” said Chief Aviation

Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Jonny Harris, Program Coordinator. “Be it from personal experience or just see what they would like to donate to. We’re not asking anybody to break the bank but if they can help we appreciate the effort.”

Harris said, “We also ask that if Sailors decide not to donate that they fill a voucher out to show that we managed to get 100% awareness.” This year’s CFC campaign has been filled with number of food sales and special events

including the car show and a comedy night that was held back in Sept. with more events to come throughout the remainder of the campaign’s season. The drive ends Nov. 15.

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Nimitz Sports Nimitz News

Oct. 06, 2011

Your one stop shop for all things sports

Machinist's Mate Fireman Jacqueline Galvan and Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Handling) (AW) Airman Zach Kirby do a set of 'Russian Twists' during Fitness Enhancement Program.

Sailors training hard for upcoming PRT Story and photos by MCSA Jess Lewis

Weighing in at just over 190 pounds, Machinist’s Mate Fireman Jacqueline Galvan failed the body composition assessment for the last Physical Readiness Test. “I was very down about failing,” said Galvan. “This isn’t my first failed PRT and if I don’t pass this next one, I’m out of the Navy.” Her goal for the upcoming PRT is to not just pass the weigh in but to get a good across the board. Galvan is currently on temporary assigned duty from Engineering Department to Deck & Tile team. While on TAD, she met another Sailor, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Zach Kirby, also TAD to Deck & Tile team. Galvan invited Kirby to join her at Fitness Enhancement Program. “I started going more to help motivate and I liked it,” said Kirby. “I found that being in a group helps motivate me which, in turn, helps me motivate her.”

“She really gets into it,” he continued. “Sometimes she motivates me more than I motivate her and working out together like this has definitely helped. She makes me work out more often than before and we definitely motivate each other.” Galvan said she feels a lot better, has more energy and works out more on her own than she did before being assigned to FEP. “The Fitboss does a really good job too,” Galvan said. “She changes everything up every day so that’s good. It keeps things from getting boring.” “She knows her stuff and everyone’s pretty into it on the FEP squad,” Kirby said. “I feel like everyone should go to FEP even if they don’t have to.” Kirby and Galvan work out together outside of FEP as well. They’ll meet at the parade field on Naval Base Kitsap Bremerton and run sprints on the track or work out on the field doing

Machinist's Mate Fireman Jacqueline Galvan and Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Handling) (AW) Airman Zach Kirby run a timed mile and a half run during Fitness Enhancement Program.

pushups, sit ups and whatever else they can come up with. They also like to play racquetball at the Concourse West Fitness and Aquatic Center. “I quit smoking and I feel like I can breathe better now,” said Galvan. “Plus, I felt like it was pointless to keep smoking because it would affect my results when I run.” Galvan said she’s lost more than 40 pounds since she started

working out on a regular basis. She said not only can she fit into her old clothes again but her self-esteem has gone up. The compliments on her progress from other Sailors have also helped to boost her self-esteem. “You just have to worry about yourself,” said Galvan. “If you’re not pushing yourself, you’re cheating yourself.”

Oct. 06, 2011

Nimitz Sports Nimitz News

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Your one stop shop for all things sports

Logistics Specialist 2nd Class Mark Troutman runs the ball down field during a game against the Rain Devils.

Members from the Rain Devils attempt to intercept the ball from the Control Freaks during a game.

Control Freaks lose football game to NSSC Story and photos by MC3(SW) Nichelle Whitfield

The Control Freak flag football team of USS Nimitz (CVN 68) made a valiant effort against NSSC Rain Devils but ultimately fell short in Tuesday’s game ending in a final score of 36-13, Rain Devils. The game was rife with interceptions, midair collisions, fumbles, and bodies sliding in mud and grass. The Control Freaks began the game strong by scoring a touchdown immediately after the first snap. After that, the Rain Devils poured it on in a rain-soaked, mud splattered affair that saw the Control

Freaks eventually lose to the Rain Devil’s superior execution. “We tried a lot of new things today,” said Machinist's Mate 2nd Class Chris Grow. “We tried a lot of new plays and we even have a new quarterback. It was an experiment but it worked well. Hopefully we can get a win next week.” The previous quarterback and coach of the Control Freaks was out of the game due to leave and a broken finger from a previous game, added Grow. “A lot of teams have a lot more time to practice than we do,”

said Machinist's Mate 2nd Class Dino Zanini, the Control Freaks quarterback. As for lessons learned, Zanini says they now know what to do on defense a little more. He said their plan is to block more on the lines, work out more blocking schemes and then apply them to the game. “I think we did a lot of things right but it didn’t come together for us. With more practice we’ll get there,” said Zanini. The Control Freaks play at Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton on Tuesdays and Naval Base Kitsap, Bangor on Thursdays.

Machinist's Mate 2nd Class Dino Zanini, Control Freaks quarterback, passes the ball during the game against the Rain Devils.

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Nimitz News

Oct. 06, 2011

Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Brent Hammond instructs the Basic Lifesaving class in the proper usage of an automated external defibrillator.

USS Nimitz HSD hosts basic life saving course Story and photos by MC3 Ian Cotter

Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Apprentice Daniel W. Ducato furiously made compressions into the fallen victim’s chest. With hands clasped together and fingers intertwined, each thrust could be the saving grace for the nearly-dead man on the deck. Knowing that he could very well be the final hope for the fallen, Ducato pressed on, making compressions into the unconscious body. It would’ve been a successful resuscitation; that is if the man was not a training dummy used to test and apply the skills learned in the Basic Lifesaving Course Ducato was attending aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68). “The basic purpose of the course is to teach the fundamentals of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation so that the average person can perform it,” said Chief Hospital Corpsman (SW/FMF) David Cunningham, Nimitz’ CPR program director. “The first few moments after an accident are crucial. If, for example, and electrician gets (shocked) and someone nearby can perform CPR, it greatly increases that electrician’s chance of survival.”

The ship conducted a BLS Rodeo from 3 Oct. to 5 Oct. to give Sailors basic knowledge of how to handle immediate medical circumstances before health care providers arrive on scene. “We’re here to instruct the crew in basic lifesaving and inform them of the changes made to the program by the American Heart Association,” said Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (FMF) Richard Estevez, one of the course instructors. “They made the changes in 2010, and since then the Navy’s trained up with BLS as well as other armed forces.” The class instruction doesn’t extend to the corpsman or healthcare provider level because it targets people who might be standing by at the scene of the accident. “It’s for the average Sailor,” said Estevez. “There’s a good chance that HMs won’t be first on the scene when an accident happens.” Aside from holding training sessions for the general crew, Nimitz’ health services department also teach the course at indoctrination classes for new Sailors. “They get instructed in

basic damage control so that firefighting comes as second nature,” said Estevez. “Now, emergency medicine will be included. An accident can happen their second day here, so why not teach them on their first.” More than 100 Sailors have attended the course, and future

courses are in the works. “It’s always good to know how to save somebody’s life,” said Ducato after his class. “I took a course back in high school, but that was a few years back. Since then things have changed, so it’s vital to know now how to save a life.”

Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Apprentice Daniel W. Ducato performs CPR on a test dummy as part of the Basic Lifesaving course.

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