Nimitz News - Aug. 12, 2012

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Aug. 12, 2012

Vol. 37, No. 28

August 12, 2012

The Emotional Energy of Conflict Story by Cmdr. Emile Moured

Commanding Officer Capt. Jeffrey S. Ruth Executive Officer Capt. Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief Master Chief Teri M. McIntyre Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Karin Burzynski Media Division Officer Lt. Jason Scarborough Media LCPO MCC Mike Jones Media Production Chief MCC Gregory Roberts Editor MC3 Ryan Mayes Lead Designer Assistant to the Editor MC3 Renee L. Candelario Media Department MC2 Michael Cole MC2 Jacquelyn Childs MC2 Ashley Berumen MC2 Nathan Gomez MC2 Vladimir Potapenko MC2 Thomas Siniff MC2 Nichelle Whitfield MC2 Robert Winn MC2 Glenn Slaughter MC3 Jonathan A. Colon MC3 Ian Cotter MC3 Andrew Jandik MC3 Shayne Johnson MC3 Jacob Milner MC3 Devin Wray MC3 Christopher Bartlett MC3 Alexander Ventura II MC3 Dereck Volland MCSN Jess Lewis MCSN William Cousins MCSA Vanessa David MCSR Phillip Ladouceur

Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions must be in by Friday, COB. Submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

Using the Emotional Energy of Conflict Constructively You have surely seen the same patterns here where you work and at home where you live people avoiding dealing with tense situations in their relationships with others. At some point in time, you and I have surely done this ourselves. This avoidance usually creates additional problems, makes the conflict larger, and often draws in more people than originally were (or should be) involved. Why do we often try to avoid conflict? Among the possible answers, consider the following: 1. Many people steer clear of emotionallycharged situations and fear that emotions will get out of control if conflict isn’t avoided. 2. Most people don't appreciate others acting in an angry way towards them, and will do almost anything to avoid a potentially heated exchange. 3. Some people believe that in an argument someone must either "be wrong" or have done something wrong, and they refuse to be accused of being in the wrong . . . or don’t want to have to apologize if they know they are in the wrong. Of course, avoiding conflict in a tense situation doesn't make it go away. It’s like ignoring an engine that’s getting hotter and hotter. And so, like ignoring a car engine whose temperature is going into the red, when we ignore conflict things often break down or just explode. Some of you may be thinking, “I don’t avoid conflict. I always just speak my mind!” Well, my guess is that you know a bullish approach to conflict may push some people ”safely” away from you, but it hardly deals with the source of the conflict. There has to be a way to creatively use the energy from conflict without completely ignoring it on one hand or shutting it down with an aggressive, demanding demeanor on the other. So what should you do? First, have the humility to take stock of your

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relationships and see if you have significant tension or conflict that seems to get in the way sometimes (or, perhaps, “often”). Have the integrity to admit to yourself that your relationships need attention. Second, observe how this conflict affects your life and those around you. To be honest, you may need help seeing that the conflict is creating problems in your life. Again, have the humility and the internal strength to ask those close to you in the situation (shipmates, family, friends) how the tension affects them . Note: ask for honest, critical feedback – not in such a way where you are looking to gain support for your position in the conflict. Next, seek some help from a respected mentor, counselor or chaplain – someone who can help you think through the conflict and deal with it in a positive way. There are many ways to engage your friend, spouse, or shipmate that promotes understanding and works toward a mutually-agreeable situation. But at this point, you are already on your way to controlling your emotions; and in so doing, you are constructively using the energy in the situation to effect positive change. Now, you may be thinking, “If [so-and-so] would just leave me along, I’d be fine”, or “if this situation would just go away, it would all be better.” But the reality is that life is filled with a series of challenges and conflicts – this will not be the last difficult situation you have to figure out how to address. The time to stop running from conflict or stop dealing with it in anger is now. Let's commit together to addressing conflict intentionally with humility and self-control. Blessings, ChapMo For more on the topic, read Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most . You might also try The Art of Forgiving.

August 12, 2012

Nimitz Recognizes Sailor of the Day Story and photo by MCSN Jess Lewis

Yeoman 3rd Class Bianca M. Sanchez, staff yeoman assigned to Carrier Air Wing 11, was selected as the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz’ (CVN 68) Sailor of the Day, Aug. 8. Sanchez is responsible for managing the administrative and personnel requirements of more than 1,000 air wing Sailors. She processed two permanent change of station transfers, three receipts packages and more than 40 pay transactions. She flawlessly executed 49 pieces of official correspondences and more than 25 awards. Daily, she consolidates and verifies the accuracy of eight squadrons and one detachment muster reports into one comprehensive report for Nimitz’ Administration Department. The 23-year old Sahuarita, Ariz., native joined the Navy four years ago. Although she comes from a family history of military involvement, she is the first female and first to join the Navy. “I have a twin sister and she was one of the main reasons why I joined,” said Sanchez. “She wasn’t able to join herself so by me joining, she can live the Navy experience through me.” While in port, Sanchez enjoys training her dog, going to the park and traveling on her own time. When out to sea, she enjoys

Capt. Jeff Ruth, commanding officer of USS Nimitz (CVN 68) named Yeoman 3rd Class Bianca Sanchez Sailor of the Day, Aug. 8 in the Pilot House.

watching movies, studying and researching various topics to learn new things. “I appreciate being Sailor of the Day,” said Sanchez. “I’m not really a spotlight type of person but it’s still feels good to be appreciated.”

USS Nimitz to Host Safety Stand-down Story by MCSN Vanessa David

USS Nimitz’ (CVN 68) Safety Department is scheduled to host a safety stand-down in hangar bay two from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Aug. 17 and 18. The safety stand-down is part of the ongoing effort to raise awareness on safety and health issues related to on-duty and offduty situations. With the frequent arrival of new crew members, the stand-down will serve to train and refresh the Sailors on board Nimitz. “The event’s purpose is to inform and it’s a chance to prevent,” said Chief Hospital Corpsman Jonathan Dilbeck, one of the presenters for the hearing conservation booth. “Many of the topics covered, like operational risk management can be used inside and outside of work.” Six different stations will be arranged to educate the crew on topics such as traffic safety, recreation, health promotion, suicide prevention, gas-free awareness, hearing conservation and fall protection.

“We do these every so often, and this was scheduled months ago,” said Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Andrew Luque. “This is a great opportunity to inform the new crew and refresh everyone else.” Much like the safety stand-down Nimitz hosted in April, the tables will be interactive. “We get a more captive audience while underway, and working the booth is better than standing on a stage or going over a PowerPoint,” said Dilbeck. “It allows more interaction; it’s more personable.” All hands will receive an attendance card which will be stamped after visiting each station. Departments will proceed to the hangar bay in one-hour shifts scheduled throughout the duration of each day, ensuring each Sailor has the opportunity to learn or be reminded of these very important topics. The upcoming safety stand-down is just one more way Nimitz’ crew is training at all times in an effort to perform safely on and off duty.

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August 12, 2012

Members of the Air Department aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) present Cherie Ayer, the daughter of Lt. Cmdr Regina Mills, with a signed flight deck jersey in memory of her mother Aug. 6. Lt. Cmdr Regina Mills was the Navy’s first female aircraft handler and was stationed aboard Nimitz until a fatal car accident took her life early this year. (Photo by MC3 Devin Wray)

Nimitz Presents LCDR Mills Leadership Award Story by MC3 Renee L. Candelario

The Navy distributed the first Lt. Cmdr. Regina Pearl Mills Leadership Award during an award ceremony at Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI) Aug. 9. More than 500 Sailors from the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (AB) community assembled on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) for the ceremony. The award was presented to Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 2nd Class Saleema N. Massey. “I’m excited,” smiled Massey. “I didn’t expect it. It’s a very big thing for me. My heart is still racing. I was really close to Regina. I was here for both her tours on Nimitz and she did my last reenlistment. Having this award means a lot.” During the ceremony, Lt. Cmdr. Jeff Mill’s, Regina’s husband, addressed the crowd of AB’s. “A few weeks after my wife’s death I was contacted by members of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) to discuss a way in which we can honor Regina’s memory,” said Jeff. “The decision was made by the ABMA Board of Directors to create

this award. I cannot thank the ABMA enough.” The purpose of the award is to recognize the outstanding leadership in the AB community, said Jeff. Regina’s daughter, Cherie Ayer, also attended the ceremony to assist in presenting the award. “[The ceremony] was really touching for me,” said Ayer. “I’m really glad the award went to Massey. She’s a great person and she deserves it. I’m glad everyone was able to get together on Nimitz. There’s a lot of history on this ship. I’m glad to be here.” Regina reported for her second tour aboard Nimitz in December 2009 to serve as the Navy’s first female aircraft handling officer. She is known for her strength, determination and tremendous leadership during her tours, said Jeff. Regina was struck and killed by a vehicle when she stopped to assist others involved in a traffic collision in Gig Harbor, Wash., Jan. 23, 2012.

1918 - Secretary of the Navy approves acceptance of women as yeoman in U.S. Navy. 1942 - USS Cleveland (CL 55) demonstrates effectiveness of radio-proximity fuze (VT-fuze) against aircraft by successfully destroying three drones with proximity bursts fired by her five-inch guns. 1958 - USS Nautilus (SSN 571) arrives at Portland, England, completing first submerged under ice cruise from Pacific to Atlantic oceans. Page 4

Chill Out

August 12, 2012

Story and photos by MCSN Jess Lewis

“My dad always told me the best way to be a good leader is to be a good follower.” - MMFN Casillas Page 5

Chill Out cont'd August 12, 2012


ust like every Sailor on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68), his morning starts off with cleaning stations. After cleaning stations is over, he gathers for the morning meeting with his fellow machinist’s mates on the sixth deck as they prepare for the day ahead. Machinist’s Mate (MM) Fireman Martin Casillas, Jr. is one of 15 machinist’s mates in the Engineering Department’s Auxiliary Division’s Air Conditioning and Refrigerant (AC/R) shop on board Nimitz. The AC/R shop is responsible for taking care of the ship’s air conditioning and refrigeration units. The AC units send chill water through the ship to keep spaces cool and the crew comfortable. The refrigeration units keep freezers

chilled and prevent food from spoiling. Growing up, Casillas spent a lot of time with his uncle, a retired Army Colonel, who helped teach him a lot about the military and Army life. With a family history rich in military members, Casillas always planned to join the military and made his plans a reality in June 2011. “I actually come from an Army family,” said Casillas. “My uncles were both Army officers, my dad was a lieutenant in the National Guard and my cousin is a Soldier. I chose the Navy though because I liked the future job opportunities. I wanted a skill set to fall back on and I wanted to serve my country at the same time. This experience isn’t something a lot of people get in life. Having the chance to go to Hawaii and see the memorials while on Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) was something not everyone can say they’ve been able to do, but I can.” Since reporting to Nimitz in November 2011, Casillas has been mentored also by two specific petty officers in his shop. “When I first got here, MM2 King sat down with me and we just talked,” said Casillas. “He asked me about my goals and what I wanted to do. I would shadow him when he was doing maintenance so I could learn new things. He’s leaving soon but he’s been a good influence on me.” “I did a lot of my under instruction watches with MM3 Ortiz,” said Casillas. “I learned a lot about the basics of things like refrigerant systems, troubleshooting, safety and how to start up the AC machines.” For Casillas and the rest of his shop, Mondays are set aside for planned maintenance schedules (PMS) planning to be done on the AC/R units. “We have a lot of PMS to do but it’s important,” said Casillas. “If we don’t do our maintenance, bigger problems can happen down the road.” When Casillas stands the auxiliary watch, he takes readings from the AC units every two hours to make sure the machines are working at normal levels. If the levels are off, he fixes what’s wrong. Sometimes it’ll be something simple like bleeding

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August 12, 2012

a line to get excess air out. Other times it might not be as “My dad always told me the best way to be a good leader simple and the machines might need its oil changed or the unit might not have enough chill water to run. The refrigeration units also have to be recharged on a regular basis to ensure the freezers maintain proper temperature. Regular maintenance is done to prevent leaks, cracks or anything else that affects the refrigerant from getting to the freezers. Even the smallest crack in a refrigerant line can mean hours of extra repair work and possibly a loss of freezer use. Once a week, the shop does something called hot gassing. This is done by sending hot refrigerant from the refrigeration units to the freezers in order to defrost the coils. If the coils get too much ice on them, food won’t stay chilled. Being in a small shop, Casillas and the other firemen are all equals but continually push each other to do better, even in the small things. They even have small competitions with each other to keep their teamwork strong and morale boosted. “Everyone has rough days,” said Casillas. “We have each other’s backs here and we’ll help each other out, especially if someone is having a rough day. My favorite saying is ‘together everyone achieves more’. Without teamwork, things won’t get done as well and it won’t be as fun.” When the work day is over, the shop sticks around and to play games, watch movies and just hang out with each other. Some days, they get together for Insanity work outs to get everyone pumped up and motivated. Machinist's Mate Fireman Martin Casillas takes routine reading on one of the ship's air conditioning units. Casillas is slated to attend a two-month long C-school this Fall in order for him to be coded in AC systems. During his time at school, he’ll learn more about how the AC systems work and he’ll be able to is to be a troubleshoot things more effectively. good follower,” said Casillas. “Right now, I’m just a follower. “I’m excited to learn more about the ACs,” said Casillas. I listen to what I’m told to do and I ask questions when I “I like teaching others so I’m looking forward to bringing don’t know something. One day though, I’ll be a leader and what I learn in C-school back to the ship and applying it I want to lead my followers the way my leaders have led me here.” here.” Casillas strives to be more of a leader than a follower. One of his goals is to move up in ranks all while striving to do and be the best he can for his shop and the ship as a whole. Page 7

August 12, 2012


READINESS Story and photos by MC3 Devin Wray

In the aft damage control (DC) shop aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) there is a long narrow room, the walls lined with the air bottles and wire backpacks with small hose assemblies used to compose self contained breathing apparatus’ (SCBA). The keeper of this library

of firefighting equipment is Damage Controlman 2nd Class Jay Nelson. On a typical day Nelson, the work center supervisor for repair lockers and the SCBA shop, moves throughout the ship tracking down this life saving equipment from various repair lockers with his co-workers.

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“With nine of my guys working around 10 hour days, we’re doing about 500 man-hours a week maintaining, filling, and cleaning our equipment,” said Nelson. “We do monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual checks.” Nelson applies the standards of the Occupational Safety and Health

August 12, 2012 Administration (OSHA) to sustain the equipment for the crew, but some crew members may be wondering where many of the SCBA holding packs have gone recently. During the ship’s Tailored Ship’s Training Availability (TSTA) and Final Evaluation Problem (FEP), many packs were damaged from improper handling. These packs are currently waiting to be sent back to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Bremerton, Wash. SCBA personnel are not allowed to replace many of the parts on the packs, as this would void the warranty. Smaller maintenance, like replacing an O-ring is allowed. Despite the approximate 80 packs waiting to be sent back, Nelson said the ship is still upholding its readiness level. “We’re required to have 382 packs and 1,100 cylinders on board according to [Commander of Naval Air Forces] CNAF,” said Nelson. “Right now, we have more than that.” Although the ship equipped above standards, Nelson and his personnel said there are some things the crew

can do to help his shop better maintain the locker equipment that saves lives. “The biggest problem we have is when people don’t stow [SCBA’s] properly or stow them in the wrong place,” said Nelson. Improper stowage can lead to problems when Nelson and his people must track down packs listed on an Equipment Guide List (EGL) that have been moved to a different locker. Every pack is labeled with red or blue reflective letters and numbers that signify where that pack goes. Storing these items back in the correct locker can ensure that it receives the proper maintenance. Another problem that causes packs to get sent back is leaking air hoses, an issue that occurs when a pack is dropped, or when the regulator is left on or not purged of air. “It leaves the second stage regulator filled with air, which is bad for the hoses when left unattended between drills,” said Damage Controlman Fireman Jonathan Feinberg, the lead maintenance person for repair lockers and the SCBA shop.

New technology offers a solution to the routine wear on older equipment. The shop conduct a process called hydrostatic testing, which ensures the bottles won’t rupture, and will last within their service life, said Feinburg. The yellow fiberglass SCBA’s were first initiated in 1999 and have a 15 year service life, said Nelson. Advances in firefighting equipment since then have provided more efficient results for the crew. New carbon fiber tanks require hydrostatic testing every five years instead of the three year requirement on fiberglass tanks. “In a couple months we’ll be phasing out fiberglass tanks and replacing them with carbon fiber which are lighter, more durable, and require less hydrostatic testing,” said Nelson. Maintaining this gear, new or old, is the job of all shipboard crew members, and is crucial in the continued readiness of the ship. Taking proper care of SCBA’s not only helps Nelson and his crew, it could also save your life.

Damage Controlman 2nd Class (SW) Jay Nelson inspects a CO2 bottle for wear as part of mandatory routine maintenance in Nimitz’ aft damage control shop.

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New Sailors New Change August 12, 2012

The challenge: 80 newly arrived Sailors of varying skills, ages, and experiences must be integrated into the largest naval war-fighting platform the United States Navy has to offer, all in less than two weeks. The new arrivals were checked on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) during the last visit to Pearl Harbor at the conclusion of the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise Aug. 2-3. Upon checking on board the Sailors are temporarily assigned to the Indoctrination Division (I-DIV). Nimitz’ Training Department sponsors I-DIV and the indoctrination process, or INDOC, required of all new check-ins. Until recently INDOC has been a primarily classroom based training environment where new Nimitz Sailors are familiarized with the ship’s basic information. This approach has worked in the past with smaller numbers of checkins but this time a new system will be required. “The idea is: the quicker we get the new crew through INDOC, the quicker they can get to their work centers,” said

Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Webster, Nimitz’ training officer. “Typically the process would take anywhere from a month to a month and a half. With the new process developed by ABH1 Wasson, we intend to have all new check-ins completely through INDOC in less than three weeks.” While denying ownership of the idea, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 1st Class John Wasson of Nimitz’ Training Department, explained the new format for the new arrivals. “As a class, this is the largest group I have had on board yet,” said Wasson. “We knew we had a lot of new crew members on their way and we had to think of a new and more efficient way to get them through the class. We have taken all 80 of the new arrivals and split them into two groups, much closer to the average size of an INDOC class,” he said. “This allows one group to work on the process of making their way around the ship to each department for their initial check-in signatures and the other to go through DC Page 10

Story and photos by MC3 Ryan Mayes

Machinist's Mate Fireman Apprentice Cassandra Loveless proudly displays a fully dressed firefighter's ensemble.

August 12, 2012

(damage control) training.” “We have expanded the DC training to four days of hands-on training in a format that has really proven itself,” said Webster. “With the 26 hours of interactive instruction from DC2 Hooper and his staff, these Sailors will be more prepared to become members of their individual repair lockers.” Damage Controlman 2nd Class Stuart Hooper and his training staff are responsible for teaching the initial DC personal qualification standard (PQS) required of every member on board. The INDOC class will take the test and be qualified on the 301-306 DC PQS before being released to their assigned departments. While teams of new Gunner's Mate 1st Class Kirk Elliano introduces new Nimitz Sailors to guidelines and helpful instruction during command indoctrination in hangar bay 2. check-ins scrambled to assist each other into fire fighter’s gear within the four minute time requirement, Hooper explained how the approach was working so far. “This is a lot better,” said Hooper. “It’s better for them and better for me as an instructor. We all learn more through the interaction and the new crew is giving a lot of good feedback.” “DC training has been Damage Controlman 2nd Class Jay Nelson and Damage Controlman 2nd Class Stuart Hooper demonstrate the proper use of the firefighter's ensemble during command indoctrination. awesome,” said Aviation Page 11

Electronics Technician 2nd Class Joseph Scullion. “DC2 Hooper has been very hands-on. I have been on two other carriers and I haven’t seen anything like this.” Upon completing the DC portion of INDOC the first groups training culminated in a joining of the two groups on Saturday Aug. 11 for Nimitz’ first command indoctrination briefing in the hangar bay of the ship. “This has been a joint effort from many departments,” said Wasson. “[Morale Welfare and Recreation department] has allowed us to use their large projection screen and Air Department has allowed us to use the hangar bay to set up all the chairs necessary. All the other topics will be covered during this time using the screen for the videos and presentations as well as the chain of command introductions. All of the Sailors will have completed this process in about two and a half weeks and be released to their assigned departments where they can begin to do the job they have trained for, he said. That’s the main goal.”

August 12, 2012 PAGE 32 J





Sunday, August 12, 2012







Sunday, July 29, 2012 F3HIJKLM





What ‘military’ means is hard to pinAmerican down women

US men in first following qualifying J BY ROSA BROOKS Foreign Policy

WASHINGTON ust what exactly is the military? On one level, this question has an obvious answer. “The military” is “the NANCY A RMOUR armedBYforces,” which in this The Associated Press the accountry essentially means tive-duty Army, Navy, Air Force LONDON — The Americans and Marines, together with their have insisted for months they can reserves and the National Guard. contend for the Olympic title in (Yes, yes, under certain circummen’s gymnastics. stances the Coast Guard could be Another night like this, and considered part of the military, they need tothe sayMerchant a word. and won’t then there’s The colorand of their do Marine, the medals Public will Health all the talking them. Service, and for even a bunch of While perennial gymnastics uniformed officers with commispowerhouses andOceanic Japan sions from theChina National bobbled and wobbled their way and Atmospheric Administration through — did youqualifying know that? —Saturday, but let’s the keepAmericans it simple forproved now.) they’ve gotSticking the big with skillsthe to obvious, back up if their we big hopes. count a know who’sThey in thedidn’t military, then single fall, and presumably we their knowfinal whatscore the of 275.342is:isThe almost threeispoints military military what ahead of In surprising Britain. it does. other words, military “We’re going to do everything functions are those functions we can to make finish likeofthat,” performed by itmembers the team captain Jonathan Horton military. said. “I was actually joking ... Granted, this definition isearnot very‘Can enlightening, since lier, we just get themilitary medals personnel do a got whole of notnow?’ But we’ve onelot more day very-military-ish at Uncle to go, and we’re things pumped about Sam’s behest, but more on this in it.” a The moment. team final is Monday. OK:2000, Maybe it’s more useful to Since when scoring began define the military asfinal, a specialstarting anew in the only ized, hierarchically structured one first-day winner has failed to organization legally aufinish atop the that’s podium. thorized to use lethal force to Japan, the heavy favorite comprotect themeet, stateisand advance its ing into the third (270.503) interests. This dovetails with our after several uncharacteristic ercommon-sense assumption about rors by three-time world chamwhat our military is: it’s an orpion Kohei Uchimura. Defending ganization that fights wars. It’s Olympic champion China, which a group people bearing also has of won the last five weapworld ons —iswhether swords, rifles or titles, fourth (269.985) after its shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missplat-filled day. siles — who use those weapons “We studied a lot about to deter, disable, capture or kill the American team already,” those who threaten U.S. security said Japanese coach Yasunori interests. Tachibana, who this sentseems a scouting Superficially, like a party last month’s Olympic more to helpful and precise waytrito als. “So we knew it was going to define the military. But is it realbe ly?pretty After tough.” all, the vast majority of Germany and Russia military personnel don’tcompete “fight.” later Saturday. Instead, they serve in myriad Unlike qualifying, when teams headquarters, logistics, adminget to drop lowest score, istrative andtheir support positions: there will beplay no margin of error they cook, in bands, draft in Monday’s final. Teams commemos, file papers, fix computpete three gymnasts on ers, write articles for the each base event, and alldrive threetrucks, scores do count. newspaper, arBotch routine, and itsignals could chival one research, analyze be the investigate difference between data, crimes, going build home a gold medal or just a roads with and so on, rather than servsouvenir T-shirt. ing in combat roles. True,the truck drivers and file But Americans believe clerks can drive over improvised they’re actually better built for explosive devices or fall preyforto that high-risk, high-reward insurgent The same is mula, and ambushes. this performance will true for emonly fuelcivilian their government confidence that ployees, aid workers they can journalists, join Bart Conner and andGolden children walking in his Gang of ’84to asschool the only the morning. theOlympic United U.S. teams toHere win in the States, Sept. 11 reminded us that title. violence alsoand comeJohn to airline Danell can Leyva Oropassengers andhighest Wall Street secrezco posted the individual taries. But the distinction scores, andthough the team had the betweentotal the front line exercise and the highest on floor rear has eroded, being targeted and high bar. They had only three and fighting back same falls the entire day,isn’t andthe counted as serving in a combat role. only four scores below 15.

viewed as the sphere of intelligence agencies. Complicating matters even more, the decline in the military’s tooth-to-tail ratio has been paralleled by a rise in civilian organizations (public and private) engaging in what look suspiciously like traditional military activiBY JOSEPH WHITE ties. The The CIAAssociated has gonePress kinetic, for instance, with paramilitary GLASGOW, Scotland — Megan forces that engage in direct acRapinoe celebrated goal by tion, often working handher in hand reaching into her sock and pullwith military special operations ing out a birthday for an forces. And for-profitnote private military injuredcompanies teammate,increasingly part of a domiplace civilian contractors in jobs nant and somewhat feisty perforthat resemble in mance thatcombat kept thepositions U.S. women’s allfootball but name. team unbeaten after two All thisatleads me to echo Mcgames the Olympics. Grath’s When is a closer mili- to Thequestion: Americans moved tary notSaturday a military thedeployment quarterfinals with a deployment? Or: When does a 3-0 win over Colombia, peppering military stop being a from military? Is the opponent’s net the openthere minimum quantumgame. of ingsome whistle of a physical traditional “combat” makes There was no earlythat letdown — as a military “military,” as opposed there had been three days earSTEVE RUARK /AP to lier something else, something we in the come-from-behind win yetFrance to imagine or define? ERIC G AY/AP have over — and the only surFrom left: Army Maj. Gen. David E. Quantock; Navy Adm. Mark Ferguson, vice chief of naval operations; There aren’t prise was that just such academic a one-sided Navy Vice Adm. Matthew L. Nathan; Air Force Col. Mark Camerer, surgeon general of the Navy; and The United States’ Candace Parker, right, is grabed from behind by Croatia’s Jelena Ivezic during the questions. Whether Army chaplain Wesley Smith march a dignified transfer Navy Officer81-56. 3rd Class match didn’t yield a(and morehow lopsidsecond half of Col. a preliminary game at theduring Olympics in London. Thefor U.S wonPetty the game much) the civilian-military gap Clayton R. Beauchamp and Army Spc. Ethan J. Martin on Thursday at Dover Air Force Base, Del. ed score. matters depends greatly on how Abby Wambach finally broke categorize what with the military Military analysts refer to the clines, it raises the question of Iraq and Afghanistan, the United wethe game open a goal in In fact, much ofmaking what weher ratio of combat versus noncom- whether such a deployment is, in States needed to win the hearts is doing. the 74th minute, think we know about how to run bat troops as the “tooth to tail” fact, a military deployment at all, and minds of the population. As the Americans’ all-time leadmilitary to sustain it ratio. In 2007, the Army’s Com- or some other type of operation.” Lt. Gen. William Caldwell put it ouring scorer — in how Olympic play. Carli and constrain it, how to divvy up bat Studies Institute published That’s a vital question. in a 2008 Military Review article, Lloyd, back in the starting lineup and a fascinating study by John McGo back to my initial query: “The future is not one of major roles after anmissions, injury to funding Shannonand Boxx, between the military Grath, who found that the U.S. just what is the military? If it’s battles and engagements fought authorities scored in the 77th. and other entities — depends on military’s tooth-to-tail ratio has defined formalistically, it’s the by armies on battlefields devoid Rapinoe’s goal came in the ability to know what it is that declined substantially over the Army, Navy and so on. If it’s de- of population … victory will be our33rd, a play set up when Alex mean when use the term “the last century. fined functionally, it’s a lot less measured in far different terms weMorgan intercepted a pass near During World War I, for in- clear. than the wars of our past. The al- military.” the Colombia box. Morgan passed If “the military” increasingly stance, the United States initially Let’s complicate matters some legiance, trust and confidence of to Rapinoe, whose curling 20civilian functions, for fielded about twice as many com- more. McGrath’s important study populations will be the final arbi- performs yarder then sailed overit goalkeeper instance, maybe doesn’t bat troops as support troops, for a defined combat troops not by ters of success.” Sandra thatSepulveda’s much if the outstretched State De2-to-1 tooth-to-tail ratio. By 1945, whether troops actually engaged Counterinsurgency — all the matter hand. Rapinoe then resources reached into partment has fewer as World War II wound down, in combat, but rather by job de- rage just a few years ago — seems her sock and retrieved a note cansinstance, had their way on offense that out contest, they — maybe our focus should just BY only DOUG FEINBERG that had changed; about 40 scription: Thus, for to have officiallyinfallen of fashwishing a happy to Ali on ensuring that birthday the military struggled percent of troopsThe in Associated the Europetroops Saturday. all ion today, but there’s no reason be Krieger, Presshe counts as combat the U.S. defender those formerly civil-who The U.S. built ato9-0 leadthat earlyour on as Croatia missed performs an theater were combat troops, “company size and above units think combat troops isfunctions missing well. theseConversely, Olympics after LONDON Tina Charles and Candace Parker if first 14field shots. won’t The Americans have while the rest— were headquarters, of infantry, armor, its cavalry, continue tocould engage inbeen non-up ianblowing out her each had double-doubles McCoughtry entities suchknee as theduring CIA a a lot more, but missed a lot multitasking of easy shotsin and administrative, logistics andand sup-Angel artillery, air defense, artillery, traditional theturned de- civilian qualifying match. functions, provided a spark off the bench to help the U.S. womperform “military” port troops of varying kinds (giv- attack and assault the aviation andThe cades to come. with The 21 military will ball over. U.S. finished turnovers. Krieger Saturen’sateam overcome a sloppy performance maybe weturned need to 28 rethink ing tooth-to-tail ratio of roughly combatSaturday engineers … Vrsaljko special opalways need the capacity finally got the Croatians on to theshoot board then day and is sorely missed, but to beat By Croatia in their opener. 2-to-3). 1953 81-56 — in Korea — Olympic the erations forces” andwith so on. people and blow stuff But infirst a how we hold the CIA accountable a lay-in with 2 minutes remaining the the Americans are so deep that Coach Geno Auriemma had was tooth-to-tail ratio was 1-to-3. Bysaid he But in hoping Iraq and quarter. Afghanistan, world which to for its activities, which are far The U.S. builtinits leadcritical to 21-9threats and looked there’s always transparent than someone those of theelse that1991 the Americans play a those style combat of basketthe Gulf War, itcould was even troopspoised spent ato great U.S. national security come take command early beforemay going cold less seemingly ready to step in and ball that would be entertaining help the engaged lower: McGrath estimates it as and deal of grow their time ac- from airline passengers armed military. More generally, how do from theinfloor. do an effective job. Boxx injured we make sense of civil-military women’s During game internationally. didn’tfar happen 1-to-3.3. the Iraq War,That tivities removed Croatia from comwith boxcutters, from cyberscoredonly the next 14 points, capped by Luca her right hamstring in the 4-2 win relations — and civilian control of Saturday. the ratio of combat to noncombat bat. They engagedIvankovic’s the enemy space from virusit’s deliberately lay-in that or gave theateam first lead of over France, but veteran Lloyd the military — when the boundThe deployed U.S. struggled the firstwhen threeneeded quarters troops ticked for up slight(the high casualty it’s inevitable — and the game, 23-21. transmitted, Ivezic’s three-pointer minutes later aries — who led the in minutes between theteam “civilian” and at before away their 34th ly, but pulling primarily as to a win function ratesconsecutive for troops in combat-related made it 26-23. necessary — that our troops “military” last year’s World Cup — ever started categories grow Olympic contest. use of civilian military occupational specialties will spend more and more time of the increased Diana Taurasi had seen enough, hitting consecu- more in Boxx’s place and scored for the blurry? The victory was far different than thethis 54-point contractors. make painfully on activities that don’t much retiveclear), threesbut to restore the Americans’ advantage. second timeguest in two games. In a recent post on Tom pounding Americans gave Croatia a week McGrath the — himself a retired also found themselves doing evsemble traditional forms of comThe U.S. led 31-28 at the half. The win all but assured a berth Foreign Policy blog, Mackearlier.Reserve officer — con- erything from building Army to bat. They’ll control drones from Ricks’ It schools was the second consecutive Olympics the in Thomas the quarterfinals for the AmerOwens wrote, “The Despite its first 14 shots, Croatia hung cludes thatmissing “combat elements encouraging women’s participa- hundreds or thousands of miles ubin Americans struggled in their opener. They trailed icans, France is in second place in between military and civiltoughprogressively for the first 30 minutesasbefore thein Americans have declined a tion economic activity. away; they’ll engage in “offensive line the Czech Republic 13-2 before winning by 40 at the Group G ahead of North Korea on ian is not impermeable. Success finally could away. proportion of pull the total force since The stated rationale for such actions in cyberspace”; they’ll securitywith requires goal difference three that points. The And U.S., “[A]s whichthe has dominated its opponentsnot-very-militaryish en Beijing Games. engage in covert and clandes- in national 1945.” percentage seemingly The U.S. inmen’s team, traditionally who are also civilians say game in Thehave U.S. an hasongoing one group route to thetroops past four gold medals, only led was 53-49 of combat deployed de- activities clear: to “win” tinebasketball activities more affairs,” whileNorth “the miliremaining against Korea early in the fourth quarter before a 16-0 run put the heavy favorites to win the gold, didn’t make the military women’s opener. They had practice at the same tary to be at on theTuesday. policy and in has Manchester game out of reach. table” as Colombia is well. ranked No. 28 in McCoughtry started the burst with consecutive time. The two teams marched together in the open- strategy That’s wiseand advice. we the world has But nineifplayers layups, and Tamika Catchings capped it with a ing ceremonies, and are staying in the same hotel Next and up for engagements the U.S. is Angola, which lost to Tur- can’t define “military The future notit 69-49. one Swin of major battles fought on U.S. college teams,affairs” but South three-point play thatis made Cash, who any clarity, or reliably dis72-50 in its Olympic debut. The Americans will with American national squads genhadn’t played inon the battlefields first few quarters,devoid also had aof key by armies population … victory will be froma“policy” or “stratalso face China, Turkey and the Czech Republic in tinguish erallyitplay light international three-point play in the spurt. egy,” can we act on it? pool play. The U.S. beat the Czechs in the finals of schedule that gives them little measured in farwith different termshadthan the wars of our past. The McCoughtry finished 13 points. Charles chance anyatcohesion. 14 points and 10 rebounds; Parker finished with 11 the 2010 world championship to qualify for the Lon- Rosa Brooks to is adevelop law professor allegiance, trust and confidence of don populations will be the final Georgetown University and a fellow Games. The Colombians threatened points and 13 boards. at the New America Foundation. She The Czech Republic lost its pool opener, falling to served Jelena Ivezic 22 points and Marija Vrsaljko goalkeeper Hope Solo’s net a few arbiters ofscored success. as a counselor to the U.S. unadded 19 for Croatia, which was making its Olympic China 66-57. In other early games Saturday, Russia dersecretary times, but they remain scoreless of defense for policy from Lt. Gen. William Caldwell to 2011 and previously served as a top debut. Vrsaljko missed the previous contest last Sat- rallied past Canada 58-53. Brazil played France and 2009 all-time in five matches in the in a 2008 article senior adviser at the State Department. urday as she was getting married. While the Ameri- Australia met Britain later Saturday night. women’s football tournaments —

roll past Colombia


US women overcome sloppy play, win opener

Page 12

August 12, 2012 PAGE 38 J







Sunday, August 12, 2012

OLYMPICS Medal count 27 of 32 Saturday medal events 282 of 302 total medal events Nation G S B Tot United States 43 29 29 101 China 38 27 22 87 Russia 21 25 32 78 Britain 28 15 19 62 Germany 11 19 14 44 Japan 5 14 17 36 Australia 7 16 12 35 France 10 9 12 31 South Korea 13 7 7 27 Italy 7 6 8 21 Netherlands 6 6 8 20 Canada 1 5 12 18 Hungary 8 4 5 17 Ukraine 4 4 9 17 Spain 3 9 4 16 Brazil 3 3 8 14 New Zealand 5 3 5 13 Iran 4 5 3 12 Jamaica 4 4 4 12 Cuba 4 3 5 12 Belarus 3 4 5 12 Kazakhstan 6 0 4 10 Poland 2 2 6 10 Czech Republic 3 3 3 9 Romania 2 5 2 9 Denmark 2 4 3 9 Kenya 2 3 4 9 Azerbaijan 2 2 5 9 Colombia 1 3 4 8 Ethiopia 3 1 3 7 Mexico 1 3 3 7 Sweden 1 3 3 7 North Korea 4 0 2 6 South Africa 3 2 1 6 Georgia 1 3 2 6 Turkey 2 2 1 5 Ireland 1 1 3 5 India 0 1 4 5 Croatia 2 1 1 4 Argentina 1 1 2 4 Lithuania 1 1 2 4 Slovenia 1 1 2 4 Trinidad & Tobago 1 0 3 4 Uzbekistan 1 0 3 4 Mongolia 0 1 3 4 Slovakia 0 1 3 4 Switzerland 2 1 0 3 Norway 1 1 1 3 Tunisia 1 1 1 3 Thailand 0 2 1 3 Armenia 0 1 2 3 Belgium 0 1 2 3 Finland 0 1 2 3 Dominican Republic 1 1 0 2 Latvia 1 0 1 2 Egypt 0 2 0 2 Bulgaria 0 1 1 2 Estonia 0 1 1 2 Indonesia 0 1 1 2 Malaysia 0 1 1 2 Puerto Rico 0 1 1 2 Serbia 0 1 1 2 Taiwan 0 1 1 2 Greece 0 0 2 2 Moldova 0 0 2 2 Qatar 0 0 2 2 Singapore 0 0 2 2 Algeria 1 0 0 1 Bahamas 1 0 0 1 Grenada 1 0 0 1 Venezuela 1 0 0 1 Botswana 0 1 0 1 Cyprus 0 1 0 1 Guatemala 0 1 0 1 Portugal 0 1 0 1 Afghanistan 0 0 1 1 Bahrain 0 0 1 1 Hong Kong 0 0 1 1 Kuwait 0 0 1 1 Morocco 0 0 1 1 Saudi Arabia 0 0 1 1 Tajikistan 0 0 1 1

Saturday’s medalists TRACK AND FIELD Men 5000 GOLD—Mohamed Farah, Britain. SILVER—Dejen Gebremeskel, Ethiopia. BRONZE—Thomas Pkemei Longosiwa, Kenya. Javelin GOLD—Keshorn Walcott, Trinidad & Tobago. SILVER—Oleksandr Pyatnytsya, Ukraine. BRONZE—Antti Ruuskanen, Finland. 50Km Road Walk GOLD—Sergey Kirdyapkin, Russia. SILVER—Jared Tallent, Australia. BRONZE—Si Tianfeng, China. 4 X 100 Relay GOLD—Jamaica (Nesta Carter, Michael Frater, Yohan Blake, Usain Bolt, Kemar Bailey-Cole). SILVER—United States (Trell Kimmons, Justin Gatlin, Tyson Gay, Ryan Bailey, Jeffery Demps, Darvis Patton). BRONZE—Trinidad & Tobago (Keston Bledman, Marc Burns, Emmanuel Callender, Richard Thompson). Women 800 GOLD—Mariya Savinova, Russia. SILVER—Caster Semenya, South Africa. BRONZE—Ekaterina Poistogova, Russia. High Jump GOLD—Anna Chicherova, Russia. SILVER—Brigetta Barrett, United States. BRONZE—Svetlana Shkolina, Russia. 20Km Road Walk GOLD—Elena Lashmanova, Russia. SILVER—Olga Kaniskina, Russia. BRONZE—Qieyang Shenjie, China. 4 X 400 Relay GOLD—United States (DeeDee Trotter, Allyson Felix, Francena McCorory, Sanya Richards-Ross, Keshia Baker, Diamond Dixon). SILVER—Russia (Yulia Gushchina, Antonina Krivoshapka, Tatyana Firova, Natalya Antyukh, Anastasiya Kapachinskaya, Natalya Nazarova). BRONZE—Jamaica (Christine Day, Rosemarie Whyte, Shericka Williams, Novlene Williams-Mills, Shereefa Lloyd).

BASKETBALL Women BRONZE—Australia (Jenna O’Hea, Samantha Richards, Jennifer Screen, Abby Bishop, Suzy Batkovic, Kathleen Macleod, Kristi Harrower, Laura Hodges, Belinda Snell, Rachel Jarry, Elizabeth Cambage, Lauren Jackson). BOXING Men 49Kg GOLD—Zou Shiming, China. SILVER—Kaeo Pongprayoon, Thailand. 56Kg GOLD—Luke Campbell, Britain. SILVER—John Joe Nevin, Ireland. CANOE SPRINT Men Kayak Singles 200 GOLD—Ed Mckeever, Britain. SILVER—Saul Craviotto Rivero, Spain. BRONZE—Mark de Jonge, Canada. Kayak Doubles 200 GOLD—Russia (Yury Postrigay, Alexander Dyachenko). SILVER—Belarus (Raman Piatrushenka, Vadzim Makhneu). BRONZE—Britain (Liam Heath, Jon Schofield). Canoe Singles 200 GOLD—Yuri Cheban, Ukraine. SILVER—Jevgenij Shuklin, Lithuania. BRONZE—Ivan Shtyl’, Russia. Women Kayak Singles 200 GOLD—Lisa Carrington, New Zealand. SILVER—Inna Osypenko-Radomska, Ukraine. BRONZE—Natasa Douchev-Janics, Hungary. CYCLING MOUNTAIN BIKE Women Cross Country GOLD—Julie Bresset, France. SILVER—Sabine Spitz, Germany. BRONZE—Georgia Gould, United States. GYMNASTICS RHYTHMIC Women Individual GOLD—Evgeniya Kanaeva, Russia. SILVER—Daria Dmitrieva, Russia. BRONZE—Liubou Charkashyna, Belarus. HANDBALL Women BRONZE—Spain (Marta Lopez Herrero, Andrea Barno San Martin, Carmen Martin Berenguer, Nely Alberto Francisca, Beatriz Fernandez Ibanez, Veronica Cuadrado Dehesa, Marta Mangue Gonzalez, Macarena Aguilar Diaz, Silvia Navarro Jimenez, Jessica Alonso Bernardo, Elisabeth Pinedo Saenz, Begona Fernandez Molinos, Vanessa Amoros Quiles, Patricia Elorza Eguiara, Mihaela Ciobanu Ciobanu). HOCKEY Men BRONZE—Australia (Jamie Dwyer, Liam De Young, Simon Orchard, Glenn Turner, Christopher Ciriello, Matthew Butturini, Mark Knowles, Russell Ford, Edward Ockenden, Joel Carroll, Matt Gohdes, Timothy Deavin, Matthew Swann, Nathan Burgers, Kieran Govers, Fergus Kavanagh). MODERN PENTATHLON Men Men’s Individual GOLD—David Svoboda, Czech Republic. SILVER—Cao Zhongrong, China. BRONZE—Adam Marosi, Hungary. SOCCER Men GOLD—Mexico (Jose Corona, Israel Jimenez, Carlos Salcido, Hiram Mier, Darvin Chavez, Hector Herrera, Javier Cortes, Marco Fabian, Oribe Peralta, Giovani dos Santos, Javier Aquino, Raul Jimenez, Diego Reyes, Jorge Enriquez, Nestor Vidrio, Miguel Ponce, Nestor Araujo, Jose Rodriguez). SILVER—Brazil (Gabriel Vasconcelos Ferreira, Rafael Pereira Da Silva, Thiago Emiliano Da Silva, Juan Guilherme Nunes Jesus, Sandro Raniere Guimaraes Cordeiro, Marcelo Vieira Da Silva Junior, Lucas Rodrigues Moura Silva, Romulo Borges Monteiro, Leandro Damiao Da Silva Dos Santos, Oscar Dos Santos Emboaba Junior, Neymar Da Silva Santos Junior, Givanildo Vieira De Sousa, Bruno Uvini Bortolanca, Danilo Luiz Da Silva, Alex Sandro Lobo Silva, Paulo Henrique Chagas De Lima, Alexandre Rodrigues Da Silva, Norberto Murara Neto). SAILING Women Elliot 6m GOLD—Spain (Tamara Echegoyen Dominguez, Sofia Toro Prieto Puga, Angela Pumariega Menendez). SILVER—Australia (Olivia Price, Nina Curtis, Lucinda Whitty). BRONZE—Finland (Silja Lehtinen, Silja Kanerva, Mikaela Wulff). VOLLEYBALL Women GOLD—Brazil (Fabiana Claudino, Danielle Lins, Paula Pequeno, Adenizia Silva, Thaisa Menezes, Jaqueline Carvalho, Fernanda Ferreira, Tandara Caixeta, Natalia Pereira, Sheilla Castro, Fabiana Oliveira, Fernanda Rodrigues). SILVER—United States (Danielle ScottArruda, Tayyiba Haneef-Park, Lindsey Berg, Tamari Miyashiro, Nicole Davis, Jordan Larson, Megan Hodge, Christa Harmotto, Logan Tom, Foluke Akinradewo, Courtney Thompson, Destinee Hooker). BRONZE—Japan (Hitomi Nakamichi, Yoshie Takeshita, Mai Yamaguchi, Erika Araki, Kaori Inoue, Maiko Kano, Yuko Sano, Ai Otomo, Risa Shinnabe, Saori Sakoda, Yukiko Ebata, Saori Kimura). WRESTLING Men 60Kg GOLD—Toghrul Asgarov, Azerbaijan. SILVER—Besik Kudukhov, Russia. BRONZE—Yogeshwar Dutt, India. BRONZE—Coleman Scott, United States.

84Kg GOLD—Sharif Sharifov, Azerbaijan. SILVER—Jaime Yusept Espinal, Puerto Rico. BRONZE—Ehsan Naser Lashgari, Iran. BRONZE—Dato Marsagishvili, Georgia. GOLD—Artur Taymazov, Uzbekistan. SILVER—Davit Modzmanashvili, Georgia. BRONZE—Bilyal Makhov, Russia. BRONZE—Komeil Ghasemi, Iran.

Friday’s U.S. athletes fared Track and field Men Pole Vault Final NR. Brad Walker, Spokane, Wash., NM. 4X400 Relay Final 2. United States (Bryshon Nellum, Los Angeles; Joshua Mance, Chino, Calif.; Tony McQuay, West Palm Beach, Fla.; Angelo Taylor, Decatur, Ga.), 2:57.05. 4X100 Relay First Round Qualifying Heat 2 1. United States (Jeffery Demps, United States; Darvis Patton, Dallas; Trell Kimmons, Coldwater, Miss.; Justin Gatlin, Pensacola, Fla.), 37.38 (Q). Women 1500 Final 6. Shannon Rowbury, San Francisco, 4:11.26. NR. Morgan Uceny, Plymouth, Ind., DNF. 5000 Final 11. Molly Huddle, Elmira, N.Y., 15:20.29. 14. Julie Culley, Lebanon, N.J., 15:28.22. 4X100 Relay Final 1. United States (Tianna Madison, Elyria, Ohio; Allyson Felix, Los Angeles; Bianca Knight, Ridgeland, Miss.; Carmelita Jeter, Gardena, Calif.), 40.82. 4X400 Relay First Round Qualifying Heat 2 1. United States (Keshia Baker, Fairfield, Calif.; Francena McCorory, Hampton, Va.; Diamond Dixon, Houston; DeeDee Trotter, Decatur, Ga.), 3:22.09 (Q). Cycling (BMX) Men Semifinals Heat 1 1. Connor Fields, Las Vegas, (51.791, 4; 37.885, 1; 37.736, 1) 6 (Q). Heat 2 5. David Herman, Wheat Ridge, Colo., (40.277, 3; 38.954, 6; 48.199, 6) 15. Final 7. Connor Fields, Las Vegas, 1:03.033. Women Semifinals Heat 1 3. Brooke Crain, Visalia, Calif., (40.668, 5; 41.029, 4; 40.102, 5) 14 (Q). 6. Alise Post, St. Cloud, Minn., (39.495, 3; 51.752, 7; DNF) 18. Final 8. Brooke Crain, Visalia, Calif., 40.286. Diving Men’s 10m Platform Preliminary 8. Nicholas McCrory, Chapel Hill, N.C., 480.90 (Q). 18. David Boudia, Noblesville, Ind., 439.15 (Q). Rhythmic Gymnastics Individual Qualification 21. Julie Zetlin, United States, 96.675. Sailing Men’s 470 Final Ranking 14. United States (Stuart McNay, Boston; Graham Biehl, San Diego) (15, 22, 10, 3, 23, 23, 6, 18, 7, 4), 108. Women’s 470 Final Ranking 9. United States (Sarah Lihan, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Amanda Clark, Shelter Island, N.Y.) (7, 3, 5, 7, 19, 20, 3, 8, 17, 9, 20), 98. Swimming Men 10km Marathon Final 10. Alex Meyer, Ithaca, N.Y., 1:50:48.2. Taekwondo Men 80Kg First Round Ramin Azizov, Azerbaijan, def. Steven Lopez, Sugar Land, Texas, 3-2. Women 67Kg First Round Paige McPherson, Abilene, Texas, def. Sarah Stevenson, Britain, 5-1. Quarterfinals Nur Tatar, Turkey, def. Paige McPherson, Abilene, Texas, 6-1. Repechage Semifinals Paige McPherson, Abilene, Texas, def. Andrea St Bernard, Grenada, 15-2. Bronze Medals Paige McPherson, Abilene, Texas, def. Franka Anic, Slovenia, 8-3. Wrestling Men’s Freestyle 74Kg 1/8 Finals Jordan Ernest Burroughs, Sicklerville, N.J., def. Francisco Daniel Soler Tanco, Puerto Rico, 4-0, 6-0, Points. Quarterfinals Jordan Ernest Burroughs, Sicklerville, N.J., def. Matthew Judah Gentry, Canada, 2-1, 1-1, Points. Semifinals Jordan Ernest Burroughs, Sicklerville, N.J., def. Denis Tsargush, Russia, 3-1, 0-2, 2-1, Points. Gold Medal Jordan Ernest Burroughs, Sicklerville, N.J., def. Sadegh Saeed Goudarzi, Iran, 10, 1-0, Points.

Page 13

55Kg 1/8 Finals Daulet Niyazbekov, Kazakhstan, def. Samuel Hazewinkel, Norman, Okla., 3-1, 2-0, Points.

Women’s basketball Saturday, Aug. 11 Bronze Medal Australia 83, Russia 74 Gold Medal United States vs. France

Men’s basketball Friday, Aug. 10 Semifinals Spain 67, Russia 59 United States 109, Argentina 83 Sunday, Aug. 12 Bronze Medal Russia vs. Argentina Gold Medal Spain vs. United States

Friday U.S. 109, Argentina 83 ARGENTINA — L.Scola 7-15 1-1 15, M.Ginobili 7-15 1-1 18, M.Mata 0-2 0-0 0, F.Campazzo 2-6 2-3 7, P.Prigioni 0-0 0-0 0, J.Gutierrez 1-3 4-4 6, C.Delfino 5-12 2-2 15, L.Gutierrez 3-5 0-0 9, A.Nocioni 3-6 0-0 7, H.Jasen 1-2 0-0 2, F.Kammerichs 2-4 0-0 4, Totals 31-70 10-11 83 UNITED STATES — T.Chandler 2-2 0-1 4, K.Durant 7-14 0-0 19, L.James 8-12 22 18, R.Westbrook 3-4 0-0 7, D.Williams 2-9 0-0 6, A.Iguodala 1-2 0-0 2, K.Bryant 5-10 0-0 13, K.Love 4-7 1-2 9, J.Harden 13 0-0 3, C.Paul 3-4 2-2 10, A.Davis 0-0 0-0 0, C.Anthony 7-14 0-0 18, Totals 43-81 5-7 109 Halftime—United States 47, Argentina 40. Three-Point goals—Argentina 11-26 (M.Ginobili 3-7, M.Mata 0-1, F.Campazzo 13, C.Delfino 3-7, L.Gutierrez 3-5, A.Nocioni 1-2, H.Jasen 0-1) United States 18-42 (K.Durant 5-10, L.James 0-2, R.Westbrook 1-1, D.Williams 2-7, K.Bryant 3-6, K.Love 0-2, J.Harden 1-3, C.Paul 2-3, C.Anthony 4-8). Fouled out—None. Rebounds—Argentina 29 (C.Delfino 5) United States 46 (K.Love 9). Assists—Argentina 21 (P.Prigioni 6) United States 25 (L.James 7, C.Paul 7). Total Fouls—Argentina 17 United States 18.

Men’s soccer BRONZE MEDAL MATCH Friday, Aug. 10 Cardiff, Wales South Korea 2, Japan 0 GOLD MEDAL MATCH Saturday, Aug. 11 Wembley, England Mexico 2, Brazil 1

Women’s field hockey Friday, Aug. 10 11th Place Belgium 2, United States 1 5th Place Australia 2, China 0 Bronze Medal Britain 3, New Zealand 1 Gold Medal Netherlands 2, Argentina 0

Women’s volleyball Saturday, Aug. 11 Bronze Medal Japan 3, South Korea 0 (25-22, 26-24, 25-21) Gold Medal Brazil 3, United States 1 (11-25, 25-17, 25-20, 25-17)

Men’s volleyball Friday, Aug. 10 Russia 3, Bulgaria 1 (25-21, 25-15, 2325, 25-23) Brazil 3, Italy 0 (25-21, 25-12, 25-21) Sunday, Aug. 12 Bronze Medal Italy vs. Bulgaria Gold Medal Brazil vs. Russia

Men’s field hockey Saturday, Aug. 11 11th Place South Africa 3, India 2 5th Place Belgium 5, Spain 2 Bronze Medal Australia 3, Britain 1 Gold Medal Germany 2, Netherlands 1

Men’s water polo Sunday, Aug. 12 Seventh Place United States vs. Australia Fifth Place Spain vs. vs. Hungary Bronze Medal Montenegro vs. Serbia Gold Medal Croatia vs. Italy

Women’s team handball Saturday, Aug. 11 Bronze Medal Spain 31, South Korea 29, OT Gold Medal Norway vs. Montenegro

Men’s team handball Sunday, Aug. 12 Bronze Medal Hungary vs. Croatia Gold Medal Sweden vs. France

Saturday’s results Cycling Women’s Cross Country 1. Julie Bresset, France, 1:30:52. 2. Sabine Spitz, Germany, 1:31:54. 3. Georgia Gould, United States, 1:32:00. 4. Irina Kalentieva, Russia, 1:32:33. 5. Esther Suss, Switzerland, 1:32:46. 6. Alexandra Engen, Sweden, 1:33:08. 7. Aleksandra Dawidowicz, Poland, 1:33:20. 8. Annie Last, Britain, 1:33:47. Track and field Men 50Km Road Walk Final 1. Sergey Kirdyapkin, Russia, 3:35:59. 2. Jared Tallent, Australia, 3:36:53. 3. Si Tianfeng, China, 3:37:16. 4. Robert Heffernan, Ireland, 3:37:54. 5. Igor Erokhin, Russia, 3:37:54. 6. Sergey Bakulin, Russia, 3:38:55. 7. Li Jianbo, China, 3:39:01. 8. Matej Toth, Slovakia, 3:41:24. Women 20Km Road Walk Final 1. Elena Lashmanova, Russia, 1:25:02. 2. Olga Kaniskina, Russia, 1:25:09. 3. Qieyang Shenjie, China, 1:25:16. 4. Liu Hong, China, 1:26:00. 5. Anisya Kirdyapkina, Russia, 1:26:26. 6. Lu Xiuzhi, China, 1:27:10. 7. Elisa Rigaudo, Italy, 1:27:36. 8. Beatriz Pascual, Spain, 1:27:56. Men 5000 Final 1. Mohamed Farah, Britain, 13:41.66. 2. Dejen Gebremeskel, Ethiopia, 13:41.98. 3. Thomas Pkemei Longosiwa, Kenya, 13:42.36. 4. Bernard Lagat, Tucson, Ariz., 13:42.99. 5. Isiah Kiplangat Koech, Kenya, 13:43.83. 6. Abdalaati Iguider, Morocco, 13:44.19. 7. Galen Rupp, Portland, Ore., 13:45.04. 8. Juan Luis Barrios, Mexico, 13:45.30. 4X100 Relay Final 1. Jamaica (Nesta Carter; Michael Frater; Yohan Blake; Usain Bolt), 36.84. 2. United States (Trell Kimmons, Coldwater, Miss.; Justin Gatlin, Pensacola, Fla.; Tyson Gay, Lexington, Ky.; Ryan Bailey, Portland, Ore.), 37.04. 3. Trinidad & Tobago (Keston Bledman; Marc Burns; Emmanuel Callender; Richard Thompson), 38.12. 4. France (Jimmy Vicaut; Christophe Lemaitre; Pierre-Alexis Pessonneaux; Ronald Pognon), 38.16. 5. Japan (Ryota Yamagata; Masashi Eriguchi; Shinji Takahira; Shota Iizuka), 38.35. 6. Netherlands (Brian Mariano; Churandy Martina; Giovanni Codrington; Patrick van Luijk), 38.39. 7. Australia (Anthony Alozie; Isaac Ntiamoah; Andrew McCabe; Joshua Ross), 38.43. NR. Canada (Gavin Smellie; Oluseyi Smith; Jared Connaughton; Justyn Warner), DQ. Javelin Final 1. Keshorn Walcott, Trinidad & Tobago, (84.58), 277-6. 2. Oleksandr Pyatnytsya, Ukraine, (84.51), 277-3. 3. Antti Ruuskanen, Finland, (84.12), 276-0. 4. Vitezslav Vesely, Czech Republic, (83.34), 273-5. 5. Tero Pitkamaki, Finland, (82.80), 271-8. 6. Andreas Thorkildsen, Norway, (82.63), 271-1. 7. Spiridon Lebesis, Greece, (81.91), 268-8. 8. Tino Haber, Germany, (81.21), 266-5. Women 800 Final 1. Mariya Savinova, Russia, 1:56.19. 2. Caster Semenya, South Africa, 1:57.23. 3. Ekaterina Poistogova, Russia, 1:57.53. 4. Pamela Jelimo, Kenya, 1:57.59. 5. Alysia Johnson Montano, Canyon Country, Calif., 1:57.93. 6. Elena Arzhakova, Russia, 1:59.21. 7. Francine Niyonsaba, Burundi, 1:59.63. 8. Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei, Kenya, 2:00.19. 4X400 Relay Final 1. United States (DeeDee Trotter, Decatur, Ga.; Allyson Felix, Los Angeles; Francena McCorory, Hampton, Va.; Sanya Richards-Ross, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.), 3:16.87. 2. Russia (Yulia Gushchina; Antonina Krivoshapka; Tatyana Firova; Natalya Antyukh), 3:20.23. 3. Jamaica (Christine Day; Rosemarie Whyte; Shericka Williams; Novlene Williams-Mills), 3:20.95. 4. Ukraine (Alina Lohvynenko; Olha Zemlyak; Hanna Yaroshchuk; Nataliya Pyhyda), 3:23.57. 5. Britain (Shana Cox; Lee McConnell; Perri Shakes-Drayton; Christine Ohuruogu), 3:24.76. 6. France (Phara Anacharsis; Muriel Hurtis; Marie Gayot; Floria Guei), 3:25.92. 7. Czech Republic (Denisa Rosolova; Zuzana Bergrova; Jitka Bartonickova; Zuzana Hejnova), 3:27.77. NR. Nigeria (Omolara Omotosho; Muizat Ajoke Odumosu; Regina George; Bukola Abogunloko), DQ. High Jump Final 1. Anna Chicherova, Russia, (2.05), 6-8 3-4. 2. Brigetta Barrett, Wappingers Falls, N.Y., (2.03), 6-8. 3. Svetlana Shkolina, Russia, (2.03), 6-8. 4. Ruth Beitia, Spain, (2.00), 6-6 3-4. 5. Tia Hellebaut, Belgium, (1.97), 6-5 1-2. 6. Chaunte Lowe, Riverside, Calif., (1.97), 6-5 1-2. 7. Svetlana Radzivil, Uzbekistan, (1.97), 6-5 1-2. 8. Emma Green Tregaro, Sweden, (1.93), 6-4.

August 12, 2012 P AGE 32 36 JJ PAGE





Sunday, July12, 29,2012 2012 Sunday, August


US men in first following qualifying Sunday

AFN-Sports, 4 p.m.—Boxing: Tavoris Cloud vs. Jean Pascal for Cloud’s IBF light-heavyweight title (dld). AFN-Xtra, 4 p.m.—Golf: PGA Championship, third round (dld). AFN-Atlantic, 7 p.m.—Olympics: Men’s basketball bronze, Argentina vs. Russia. AFN-Sports, 7 p.m.—Olympics: Track and field, men’s marathon. AFN-Xtra, 8 p.m.—Olympics: Men’s wrestling, freestyle qualifying round. AFN-Atlantic, 8:45 p.m.—Olympics: Men’s handball bronze, Hungary vs. Croatia (joined in progress). AFN-Xtra, 9:30 p.m.—Olympics: Men’s cycling, mountain bike final. AFN-Atlantic, 10 p.m.—Olympics: Women’s modern pentathlon, fencing, swimming. AFN-Atlantic, 10:30 p.m.—Olympics: BY NANCY A RMOUR Men’s water polo bronze, Montenegro The Associated Press vs. Serbia. AFN-Sports, 11 p.m.—Olympics: Men’s basketball final, — U.S. The vs. Spain. LONDON Americans AFN-Xtra, 11 p.m.—Olympics: Events have TBD. insisted for months they can AFN-Atlantic, 11:45 p.m.—Olympics: contend for the Olympic title in Men’s handball final, Sweden vs. France.

men’s gymnastics. Another night like this, and Monday they won’t need say a word. AFN-Sports, 1:30 to a.m.—Olympics: Men’s water polo final, Croatia vs. Italy. The color of their medals will do AFN-Atlantic, 1:45 a.m.—Olympics: all the talking for them. Men’s volleyball bronze, Italy vs. Bulgaria. While perennial gymnastics AFN-Xtra, 2 a.m.—Auto racing: NASpowerhouses China and Japan CAR Sprint Cup series, Finger Lakes 335. AFN-Atlantic, 3:45 a.m.—Olympics: bobbled and wobbled their way Women’s modern pentathlon, riding, combined. qualifying through Saturday, AFN-Sports, 3:45 a.m.—Olympics: the Americans proved they’ve Wrestling, freestyle finals. 4:45 a.m.—Olympics: gotAFN-Atlantic, the big skills to back up their Events TBD. bigAFN-Sports, hopes. They didn’t count a 5 a.m.—Olympics: Men’s volleyball final. single fall, and their final score AFN-Xtra, 5 a.m.—MLB: Washington at of 275.342 is almost three points Arizona. AFN-Atlantic, 7 a.m.—Olympics: ahead of surprising Britain. Boxing, finals (dld). “We’re going to do everything AFN-Sports, 8 a.m.—Olympics: Closing ceremony. we can to make it finish like that,” AFN-Xtra, 8 a.m.—NFL: Preseason, team Jonathan Horton Houstoncaptain at Carolina. AFN-Atlantic, 10 a.m.—MLB: Atlanta at said. “I was actually joking ... earN.Y. Mets (joined in progress). lier, ‘Can we just get thepreseason: medals AFN-Xtra, 11 a.m.—NFL Tennessee Seattle. now?’ Butatwe’ve got one more day AFN-Sports, 3 p.m.—Golf: PGA Championship, finalwe’re round (dld). to go, and pumped about AFN-Xtra, 4 p.m.—MMA: UFC 150, it.” Chris Camozzi vs. Buddy Roberts, Yushin Okami Rousimar Palhares and Jake The final is Monday. Shields vs. Ed Herman, middleweights; Since when began Donald 2000, Cerrone vs. scoring Melvin Guillard, lightweights; andinBenson Henderson starting anew the final, only vs. Frankie Edgar for Henderson’s lightone first-day winner has failed to weight title (dld). AFN-Sports, 9:30 p.m.—MLB: Detroit at finish atop the podium. Texas (dld). Japan, the11heavy favorite AFN-Xtra, p.m.—MMA: UFCcom150, Chris Camozzi vs. Buddy Roberts, Yushin ing into the meet, is third (270.503) Okami vs. Rousimar Palhares and Jake after several uncharacteristic erShields vs. Ed Herman, middleweights; Donald vs. Melvin rors byCerrone three-time world Guillard, chamlightweights; and Benson Henderson pion KoheiEdgar Uchimura. Defending vs. Frankie for Henderson’s lightweight titlechampion (dld). Olympic China, which also has wonTuesday the last five world titles, is fourth (269.985) after its AFN-Sports, 12:30 a.m.—MLB: San Diego at Pittsburgh splat-filled day.(dld). AFN-Xtra, 8 a.m.—MLB: Texas at N.Y. “We studied a lot about Yankees. 9 a.m.—NFL preseason: theAFN-Sports, American team already,” Dallas at Oakland. said Japanese coach Washington Yasunori AFN-Xtra, 11 a.m.—MLB: at San Francisco (dld). Tachibana, who sent a scouting AFN-Sports, 4 p.m.—MLB: L.A. Dodgers party to last(dld). month’s Olympic triat Pittsburgh 8 p.m.—NFL: als.AFN-Sports, “So we knew it was Preseason, going to Arizona at Kansas City (dld). beAFN-Sports, pretty tough.” 11 p.m.—NFL: Preseason, Tampa Bay at Miami (dld). Germany and Russia compete later All Saturday. times are Japan and Korea Standard; (dld) qualifying, indicates delayed broadcast. Unlike when teams All listings are subject to change. Visit get to drop their lowest score, for information. there will be no margin of error in Monday’s final. Teams comBoxing pete three gymnasts on each event, and all three scores count. Fight schedule Botch one routine, and it could Aug. 17 beAtthe difference between going Buffalo Run Casino, Miami, Okla., Don George Stevenson, 12, suhome withvs. a Adonis gold medal or just a per middleweights. souvenir T-shirt. Aug. 18 At Ballys Place Hotel Casino, AtBut theParkAmericans believe lantic City, N.J., Joel Diaz vs. Guillermo they’re actually better built for Sanchez, 10, super featherweights. Aug. 24 that high-risk, high-reward forAt Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, Inmula, andRandy this Caballero performance will dio, Calif., vs. Manuel Roman, 12, for Caballero’s NABO that banonly fuel their confidence tamweight title; Michael Perez vs. Fidel they can Jr., join Conner and Maldonado 10, Bart lightweights. Aug. 25 hisAtGolden Gang ofRobert ’84 asStieglitz the only 02 World, Berlin, vs. Arthurteams Abraham, for the Stieglitz’s WBO U.S. to 12, win Olympic super middleweight title. title. Sept. 1 At TBA, Leyva Germany, Felix Sturm vs. Danell and John OroDaniel Geale, 12, for Sturm’s WBA Super zco posted the highest individual World middleweight title and Geale’s IBF middleweight title. scores, and the team had the At Turning Point Casino, Verona, N.Y., highest total on exercise Gennady Golovkin vs. floor Grzegorz Proksa, 12, for Golovkin’s WBA World IBO and high bar. They had onlyand three middleweight titles; Sergiy Dzinziruk vs. Jonathan 10, and juniorcounted middlefalls the Gonzalez, entire day, weights. only four scores below 15.

Tennis ATP Rogers Cup

Pro soccer

Pro football


NFL preseason

EASTERN CONFERENCE A U.S. Open Series event AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Friday East New York 12 7 5 41 40 34 At Rexall Centre W L T Pct PF PA Houston 11 6 7 40 35 27 Toronto New England 1 0 0 1.000 7 6 Sporting KC 12 7 4 40 28 21 Purse: $3.2 million (Masters 1000) Miami 0 1 0 .000 7 20 D.C. 11 7 3 36 35 27 Surface: Hard-Outdoor N.Y. Jets 0 1 0 .000 6 17 Chicago 10 7 5 35 25 24 Singles Buffalo 0 1 0 .000 6 7 Montreal 9 13 3 30 35 43 Third Round South Columbus 8 8 4 28 20 21 Richard Gasquet (14), France, def. Jacksonville 1 0 0 1.000 32 31 Philadelphia 7 11 2 23 22 24 Tomas Berdych (4), Czech Republic, 6-4, Houston 0 0 0 .000 0 0 New England 6 11 5 23 26 28 6-2. Indianapolis 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Toronto FC 5 13 4 19 25 40 Mardy Fish (11), United States, def. Tennessee 0 0 0 .000 0 0 WESTERN CONFERENCE Juan Monaco (7), Argentina, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4. North W L T Pts GF GA Janko Tipsarevic (5), Serbia, def. Marin Baltimore 1 0 0 1.000 31 17 San Jose 13 5 5 44 45 28 Cilic (10), Croatia, 6-2, 6-4. Cincinnati 1 0 0 1.000 17 6 Real Salt Lake 13 8 3 42 35 28 Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Sam Cleveland 1 0 0 1.000 19 17 Seattle 10 5 7 37 31 22 Querrey, United States, 6-4, 6-4. Pittsburgh 0 1 0 .000 23 24 Vancouver 9 7 7 34 26 28 Marcel Granollers, Spain, def. Jeremy West Los Angeles 10 11 3 33 39 39 Chardy, France, 6-1, 6-4. Denver 1 0 0 1.000 31 3 Chivas USA 7 8 5 26 14 21 Tommy Haas, Germany, def. Radek San Diego 1 0 0 1.000 21 13 Colorado 8 14 1 25 29 32 Stepanek, Czech Republic, 2-6, 6-4, 6-1. Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 27 17 FC Dallas 5 11 8 23 26 32 John Isner (8), United States, def. Oakland 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Portland 5 12 5 20 20 37 Philipp Kohlschreiber (12), Germany, 6-7 NATIONAL CONFERENCE Note: Three points for victory, one (3), 6-4, 6-4. East point for tie. Quarterfinals W L T Pct PF PA Friday’s game Janko Tipsarevic (5), Serbia, def. MarPhiladelphia 1 0 0 1.000 24 23 New York 2, Houston 0 cel Granollers, Spain, 6-4, 6-4. Washington 1 0 0 1.000 7 6 Saturday’s games Richard Gasquet (14), France, def. Dallas 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Real Salt Lake at Vancouver Mardy Fish (11), United States, 5-7, 6-1, N.Y. Giants 0 1 0 .000 31 32 Toronto FC at Columbus, ppd. 6-2. South D.C. United at Sporting Kansas City John Isner (8), United States, def. MiTampa Bay 1 0 0 1.000 20 7 Colorado at FC Dallas los Raonic (16), Canada, 7-6 (9), 6-4. New Orleans 1 1 0 .500 23 17 Seattle FC at San Jose Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. TomCarolina 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Sunday’s games my Haas, Germany, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Atlanta 0 1 0 .000 17 31 Chicago at Philadelphia Doubles North Montreal at New England Second Round Detroit 0 1 0 .000 17 19 Los Angeles at Chivas USA Bob and Mike Bryan (2), United States, Minnesota 0 1 0 .000 6 17 Wednesday, Aug. 15 def. Ivan Dodig, Croatia, and Marcelo Chicago 0 1 0 .000 3 31 Los Angeles at Columbus Melo, Brazil, 7-5, 6-2. Green Bay 0 1 0 .000 13 21 Portland at Toronto FC Paul Hanley, Austria, and Nenad ZiWest FC Dallas at Vancouver monjic, Serbia, def. Mahesh Bhupathi San Francisco 1 0 0 1.000 17 6 and Rohan Bopanna (6), India, 6-4, 7-6 Seattle 0 0 0 .000 0 0 (6). St. Louis 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Quarterfinals Arizona 0 2 0 .000 27 44 Robert Lindstedt, Sweden, and Horia Thursday’s games Tecau (4), Romania, def. Aisam-ul-Haq Washington 7, Buffalo 6 Houston 0 0—0 Qureshi, Pakistan, and Jean-Julien Rojer Philadelphia 24, Pittsburgh 23 New York 0 2—2 (7), Netherlands, 6-4, 3-6, 10-7 tiebreak. Baltimore 31, Atlanta 17 Second half—1, New York, HolgersJurgen Melzer, Austria, and Leander New England 7, New Orleans 6 son 2 (Cahill, Miller), 61st minute. 2, New Paes (5), India, def. Mariusz Fyrstenberg San Diego 21, Green Bay 13 ERIC G AY/AP York, Solli 3 (Henry, Cahill), 90th+. and Marcin Matkowski (3), Poland, 7-6 Denver 31, Chicago 3 Goalies—Houston, Tally Hall; New (5), 4-6, 10-6. Friday’s games York, Bill Gaudette. The United States’ Candace Parker, right, is grabed from behind by Croatia’s Jelena Ivezic during the Bob and Mike Bryan (2), United States, Tampa Bay 20, Miami 7 Yellow Cards—Kandji, Houston, 28th; def. Paul Hanley, Austria, and Nenad Zisecond half of a preliminary game atLindpere, the Olympics in London. TheNew U.S won the game 81-56. Cincinnati 17, N.Y. Jets 6 New York, 58th; Lade, monjic, Serbia, 7-5, 6-1. Jacksonville 32, N.Y. Giants 31 York, 67th. Cleveland 19, Detroit 17 A—15,730 (25,189) Kansas City 27, Arizona 17 San Francisco 17, Minnesota 6 A U.S. Open Series event Saturday’s games Friday Houston at Carolina At Uniprix Stadium Tennessee at Seattle Montreal Sunday’s game Purse: $2.17 million (Premier) St. Louis at Indianapolis Surface: Hard-Outdoor Monday’s game Singles NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Dallas at Oakland Second Round After Saturday qualifying; race Sunday Thursday, Aug. 16 Caroline Wozniacki (7), Denmark, def. At Watkins Glen International Cleveland at Green Bay Kiki Bertens, Netherlands, 7-5, 6-1. Cincinnati at Atlanta Watkins Glen, N.Y. Angelique Kerber (6), Germany, def. Friday, Aug. 17 Lap length: 2.45 miles Ekaterina Makarova, Russia, 6-3, 6-3. Tennessee at Tampa Bay (Car number in parentheses) Tamira Paszek, Austria, def. Victoria Buffalo at Minnesota 1. (42) Juan Pablo Montoya, ChevroAzarenka (1), Belarus, vs. 3-3, retired Jacksonville at New Orleans let, 127.02 mph. Third Round Detroit at Baltimore 2. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 126.928. Petra Kvitova (5), Czech Republic, def. Miami at Carolina 3. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, Marion Bartoli (9), France, 6-1, 6-1. Oakland at Arizona 126.925. Lucie Safarova (16), Czech Republic, Saturday, Aug. 18 4. (2) Brad Keselowski, Dodge, def. Sam Stosur (4), Australia, 7-6 (9), 7N.Y. Giants at N.Y. Jets 126.626. 6 (5). San Francisco at Houston 5. (9) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 126.524. Aleksandra Wozniak, Canada, leads Kansas City at St. Louis 6. (39) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, Christina McHale, United States, 7-6 (5), Washington at Chicago 126.312. 5-2, susp. rain. Dallas at San Diego 7. (14) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, Doubles at Denver cans had their way Seattle on offense in that contest, they BYRound DOUG FEINBERG126.15. Second Sunday, Aug. 19 8. (15) Clint Bowyer,struggled Toyota, 126.061. Sabine Lisicki, Germany, and Peng Saturday. Indianapolis at Pittsburgh The Associated Press 9. (56) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, Shuai, China, def. Natalie Grandin, South Monday, Aug. 20 The U.S. built a 9-0Philadelphia lead earlyatonNew as Croatia 126.049. Africa, and Vladimira Uhlirova, Czech ReEngland missed LONDON 10. (1) Parker Jamie McMurray, public, 7-5, 6-4. — Tina Charles and Candace its firstChevrolet, 14 shots. The Americans could have been up 125.959. Bethanie Mattek-Sands, Unitedand States, each had double-doubles Angel McCoughtry lot more, Ford, but missed a lot of easy shots and turned 11. (98) Michael aMcDowell, and Sania Mirza, India, def. Dominika provided a spark offHantuchova, the benchSloto help the U.S. wom- the ball over. The U.S. finished with 21 turnovers. 125.713. Cibulkova and Daniela vakia,team 6-2, 6-3. 12. Saturday (24) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, en’s overcome a sloppy performance Vrsaljko finally got the Croatians on the board Nadia Petrova, Russia, and Katarina 125.643. to beat Croatia 81-56 indef. their Olympic opener. Srebotnik (3), Slovenia, Chuang 13. (78) Regan Smith, with a Chevrolet, lay-in with 2 minutes remaining in the first Chia-jung, Taiwan, and Zhang Shuai, ChiGeno had said 125.612. he14.was hoping LPGA na,Coach 6-7 (8), 6-4, 11-9Auriemma tiebreak. The U.S. built its lead to Tour 21-9 and looked (20) Joey Logano,quarter. Toyota, 125.518. Friday Anastasia Rodionova, Australia, anda style that the Americans could play of basket15. (16) Greg Biffle, Ford, 125.516. poised to take command earlyMeadows before Golf going At Highland Clubcold Galina Voskoboeva, Kazakhstan, def. 16. (88) Dalethe Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, ball that would be help grow Sylvania, Ohio Raquel Kops-Jones andentertaining Abigail Spearsand125.5. from the floor. (6), United game States, internationally. 2-6, 7-6 (6), 10-2 tiePurse: $1.3 million women’s That didn’t happen 17. (22) Sam Hornish Jr., Dodge, Croatia scored the next 14 points, capped by Luca break. Yardage: 6,428; Par: 71 125.419. Saturday. Klaudia Jans-Ignacik, Poland, and (a-amateur) 18. (99) Carl Edwards, Ford, 125.409. Ivankovic’s lay-in that gave the team it’s first lead of Kristina Mladenovic, France, def. AnasSecond Round The U.S. struggled for the first three quarters 19. (29) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, the game, 23-21. Ivezic’s three-pointer minutes tasia Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, and Lucie Chella Choi 66-67—133later -9 125.389. before away to their consecutive Safarova,pulling Czech Republic, 7-5,win 6-7 (8), 10- 34th20. Inbee Park 69-65—134 -8 (5) Kasey Kahne, made itChevrolet, 26-23. 8 tiebreak. contest. Hee Kyung Seo 68-66—134 -8 Olympic 125.339. Quarterfinals Mika seen Miyazato 66-68—134 -8 Diana Taurasi had enough, hitting consecu(95) Scott Speed, Ford, 125.334. The was farRaymond different the 54-point Liezel victory Huber and Lisa (1), than 21. Hee-Won Han 68-67—135 -7 22. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, tive threes to restore advantage. United States,the def. Sabine Lisicki, GermaSo Yeonthe Ryu Americans’ 67-68—135 -7 pounding Americans gave Croatia 125.199. a week ny, and Peng Shuai, China, 6-5, retired. Karine Icher 66-69—135 -7 The U.S. led 31-28 at the half. 23. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 125.08. earlier. Anastasia Rodionova, Australia, and Pernilla Lindberg 64-71—135 -7 24. (17) Matt Kenseth, Ford, 124.917. It was the second consecutive Olympics the Galina Voskoboeva, Kazakhstan, def. Beatriz Recari 70-66—136 -6 Despite missing its first 14 shots, Croatia hung 25. (32) Boris Said, Ford, 124.791. Chan Hao-ching and Chan Yung-jan, TaiI.K. Kim 69-67—136 -6 Americans struggled in their opener. They trailed 26.Americans (47) Bobby Labonte, Toyota, wan, 6-4, 2-6, 10-8 tiebreak. tough for the first 30 minutes before the Jiyai Shin 69-67—136 -6 124.715. the Czech Republic 13-2 before winning 68-68—136 by 40 at the Jacqui Concolino -6 finally could pull away. 27. (51) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, Angela Stanford 66-70—136 -6 124.455. The U.S., which has dominated its opponents en Beijing Games. Mi Jung Hur 71-66—137 -5 28. (31) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, The U.S. men’s basketball team, who are also Kathleen Ekey 69-68—137 -5 route to the past four gold medals, 124.208. only led 53-49 -5 heavy favorites toSydnee winMichaels the gold, didn’t69-68—137 make the (43) put Aric the Almirola, Ford, 124.187. early in the fourth quarter before a 16-0 Lindsey Wright 69-68—137 -5 Aug. 12 30. (13) Casey Mears, Ford, 124.131. women’s opener. They had practice at the same Stacy Lewis 68-69—137 -5 1937 out — of Shirley Hanover, driven by game reach. 31. (36) Dave Blaney, Chevrolet, Dewi Claire Schreefel 68-69—137 -5 Henry Thomas, wins the Hambletonian marched together in the open124.108. McCoughtry started the burst with consecutive time. The two teams Jessica Korda 73-65—138 -4 Stakes in straight heats. 32. (34) David Ragan, Ford, 123.868. Jennifer 70-68—138 ceremonies, and areJohnson staying in the same hotel-4 1942 — The driven by Ben capped layups, andAmbassador, Tamika Catchings it with a ing 33. (55) Brian Vickers, Toyota, 123.71. Richdale 69-69—138 -4 White, wins the Hambletonian Stakes in up for the Samantha U.S. is Song Angola, which 69-69—138 lost to Tur34. (38) David Gilliland,Next Ford, 123.576. three-point Cash, who Christine -4 the third heat. play that made it 69-49. Swin 35. (83) Landon key Cassill, Jeong Jang 68-70—138 will -4 72-50Toyota, in its Olympic debut. The Americans 1953 — Helicopter, driven Harry hadn’t played in the firstby few quarters, also had a 123.471. Meredith Duncan 66-72—138 -4 Harvey, wins the Hambletonian Stakes in also face China, Turkey and the Czech Republic in 36. (87) Joe Nemechek, Toyota, three-point Numa Gulyanamitta 66-72—138 -4 the third heat. play in the spurt. 123.436. Candie 69-70—139 1978 — Cold Comfort, driven pool play. The U.S. beatKung the Czechs in the finals -3 of McCoughtry finished withby1323points. Charles had Chevrolet, 37. (10) J.J. Yeley, 123.27. Jennie Lee 69-70—139 -3 year-old Peter Haughton, ties the Interthe 2010 world championship the Lon38. (26)with Josh Wise, 122.531. 14 points and 10 of rebounds; 11 Ford, Paula Creamer to qualify for 68-71—139 -3 national Trot mark 2:31 3-5 atParker Roos- finished 39. (33) Stephen Leicht, Chevrolet, Danielle Kang 68-71—139 -3 evelt Raceway, making Haughton the don Games. points and 13 boards. 122.335. Jane Park 68-71—139 -3 youngest driver to win the International. 40. (19) Chris Cook, Toyota, The 118.879. Czech Republic falling -2 to Tiffanylost Joh its pool opener, 71-69—140 Jelena and Marija Vrsaljko 1990 — Ivezic Waynescored Grady 22 of points Australia 41. (49) Jason Leffler, Toyota, 118.742. Belenearly Mozo games Saturday, 71-69—140 -2 sheds his runner-up image with a 3China 66-57. In other Russia added 19 for Croatia, which was making its Olympic 42. (93) Travis Kvapil, Toyota, owner Wendy Ward 71-69—140 -2 stroke victory over Fred Couples in the points. last SatDori Carter Brazil played 70-70—140 -2 PGA Championship. Grady had rallied past Canada 58-53. France and debut. Vrsaljko missed therecorded previous contest 43. (30) Patrick Long, Toyota, 117.551. 29 second-place finishes in his career. Irene Cho 70-70—140 -2

Friday Red Bulls 2, Dynamo 0

WTA Rogers Cup Basketball

Auto racing

US women overcome sloppy play, win opener Finger Lakes 355 lineup


Jamie Farr Toledo Classic

AP sportlight

urday as she was getting married. While the Ameri-

Australia met Britain later Saturday night.

Page 14

Soccer Deals

American women roll past Colombia Friday’s Transactions

BASEBALL COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE—Suspended Philadelphia minor league RHP Gabriel Bermudez and Atlanta minor league RHP Darrel Leiva 50 games for violations of the Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. American League BOSTON RED SOX—Agreed to terms with OF Scott Podsednik on a one-year contract. Optioned OF Ryan Kalish to Pawtucket (IL). Transferred OF Ryan Sweeney from the 15- to the 60-day DL. BALTIMORE ORIOLES—Assigned RHP Joe Rosan and RHP Chris Green to the Gulf Coast Orioles. CHICAGO WHITE SOX—Traded INF Tyler Kuhn to Arizona for cash considerations. Placed 1B Paul Konerko on the 7-day DL. BY JOSEPH WHITE CLEVELAND INDIANS—Released RHP The Associated Press Derek Lowe. OAKLAND ATHLETICS—Reinstated RHPGLASGOW, Brandon McCarthy from — theMegan 15-day Scotland DL. Placed INF Eric Sogard on the 15-day Rapinoe celebrated DL, retroactive to Aug. 7. her goal by TEXAS RANGERS—Reinstated RHP reaching into her sock and pullMark Lowe from the 15-day DL. Designating a birthday for an ed INFout Alberto Gonzalez fornote assignment. TORONTO BLUE JAYS—Recalled RHP injured teammate, part of a domiDavid Carpenter and INF Mike McCoy nantLas and somewhat perforfrom Vegas (PCL) andfeisty then optioned Carpenter back to Las Vegas. Claimed mance kept the U.S.from women’s RHP Juan that Abreu off waivers Houston and optioned to Las Vegas (PCL). football team him unbeaten after two Designated RHP Scott Richmond for asgames at the Olympics. signment. National League The Americans moved closer to ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS—Placed the Josh quarterfinals with RHP Collmenter Saturday on the 15-day DL.a Recalled Brad Bergesenpeppering from Reno 3-0 winRHP over Colombia, (PCL). the opponent’s net from Tim theWilken openCHICAGO CUBS—Promoted to special assistant the president/ ing whistle of a to physical game. general manager. Named Jaron Madison There of was no early letdown — as director amateur scouting. HOUSTON ASTROS—Optioned OF J.D. there had three days earMartinez and been INF Matt Downs to Oklahoma City (PCL). Recalled OF Fernando lier in the come-from-behind win Martinez from Oklahoma City. over France — and the only surLOS ANGELES DODGERS—Reinstated INF Adam Kennedy DL. prise was that from suchthea15-day one-sided NEW YORK METS—Agreed to terms match a more with RHPdidn’t Drew yield Carpenter on alopsidminor league contract and assigned him to ed score. Binghamton (EL). Abby Wambach finally broke PITTSBURGH PIRATES—Reassigned OF Christian Marrero from Indianapolis the game open with a goal(IL) in to Altoona (EL). the minute, making the her ST. 74th LOUIS CARDINALS—Selected contract of INF Ryan Jackson from Memthe (PCL). Americans’ all-time leadphis ing scorer BASKETBALL in Olympic play. Carli National Basketball Association Lloyd, backCAVALIERS—Signed in the starting lineup CLEVELAND C Michael afterEric. an injury to Shannon Boxx, ORLANDO MAGIC—Sent C Dwight scoredGinChris the Duhon 77th. and F Earl Clark Howard, to the L.A. Lakersgoal and Gcame Jason RichardRapinoe’s in the son to Philadelphia. The Lakers sent C 33rd, aBynum play tosetPhiladelphia up whenand Alex Andrew F Josh McRoberts, G Christian Eyenga and Morgan intercepted a pass near a 2017 first-round draft pick to Orlando. the Colombia box. passed Philadelphia sent G-FMorgan Andre Iguodala to Denver and F Moe Harkless, C Nikola to Rapinoe, whose curling 20Vucevic and an undisclosed first-round draft pick to the Magic. sent G yarder sailed overDenver goalkeeper Arron Afflalo, F Al Harrington and the Sandra Sepulveda’s outstretched lower of its 2014 first-round draft picks to the Magic. hand. Rapinoe then reached into FOOTBALL her sock and retrieved National Football League a note BUFFALOa BILLS—Placed RB to Chris wishing happy birthday Ali Douglas on the waived-injured list. Krieger, U.S. defender who CAROLINAthePANTHERS—Placed OT Lee Ziemba on the waived-injured list. is missing these Olympics after Signed G Andre Ramsey. blowing outBUCCANEERS—Waived her knee duringDEa TAMPA BAY Jayme Mitchell. qualifying match. SOCCER Major League Krieger turnedSoccer 28 SaturNEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION—Anday and is sorelyofmissed, but nounced the retirement M Zak Boggs. COLLEGE the Americans are so deep that METRO ATLANTIC ATHLETIC CONthere’s alwaysJordan someone else FERENCE—Named Confessore assistant commissioner for women’s seemingly ready to step in and basketball and NCAA championship opdo an effective job. Boxx injured erations. AUBURN—Named Ty Megahee assisher right hamstring in the 4-2 win tant baseball coach. over France, but veteran Lloyd BAYLOR—Named Adam Revelette director of baseball operations. —FLORIDA—Announced who led the teamWR in minutes at Ja’Juan Story willyear’s transfer.World Cup — started last LSU—Dismissed CB Tyrann Mathieu in Boxx’s place and scored for the from the football team. LOYOLAtime (NO)—Named Beck Flanagan second in two games. women’s assistant basketball coach.

The win all but assured a berth in the quarterfinals for the AmerPro France basketball icans, is in second place in Group G ahead of North Korea on goal difference with three points. WNBA TheEASTERN U.S. has one group game CONFERENCE W North L PctKorea GB remaining against15 Connecticut 4 .789 — in Manchester on Tuesday. Indiana 10 7 .588 4 Atlanta 9 10No. .474 286 in Colombia is ranked Chicago 8 9 .471 6 New 12 .333 8½ theYork world and has6 nine players Washington 4 14 .222 10½ on U.S.WESTERN collegeCONFERENCE teams, but South W squads L Pct genGB American national Minnesota 15 4 .789 — erally play a light13 international San Antonio 5 .722 1½ Los Angeles that gives 15 them 6 .714 little 1 schedule Seattle 9 10 .474 6 chance to develop 4any15 cohesion. Phoenix .211 11 Tulsa 3 15 .167 11½ The Colombians threatened Saturday’s games goalkeeper Hope Solo’s net a few No games scheduled Sunday’s games times, but they remain scoreless No games scheduled Monday’s games in the top all-time in five matches No games scheduled women’s football tournaments —

August 12, 2012

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?


A Sports Commentary by Senior Chief Horatio "Tiny" McDaniels

In a week where USA took the lead with gold medals and pre-season football kicked-off, the real news belonged in the sunshine state where the Los Angeles Lakers acquired all-star center Dwight Howard from the Orlando Magic. The trade involving four teams is the latest of acquisitions in the NBA where teams are building super star starting line-ups. Ironically the Lakers trade for another man of steel who is from the same city of Orlando where they acquired then Shaquille O’Neal in 1996. “Howard has big shoes to fill,” says O’Neal. The Lakers gave up Andrew Bynum, along with a first and second round pick to have Howard as their starting center. Howard’s contract ends after this season. If he is smart he will extend with the Lakers if he wants a run for the championship. All Request The Lakers have always had a strong blood line of great teams Sundays! with awesome players and this year is no different. Take a look at this powerful starting line-up and I ask you who is going to compete? At 6716 point guard the crafty veteran Steve Nash. At shooting guard arguably one of the best players of all time, Kobe Bryant. At power forward the On the Cover: gracefully skilled Pau Gasol. At small forward, the master defensive antagonist, Metta World Peace, formally known as Ron Artest. Finally, the best center in the game today and best defensive player in the league, Dwight Howard. Kobe Bryant, who is playing for the Team USA in the London Olympics, confirmed the trade on his Facebook page. “Well, it looks like Superman has found a home,” Bryant wrote. “The Lakers have landed a piece that will hopefully carry the franchise long after I’m gone. I have spoken to Dwight Howard, and Sailors participate in a SCRUBEX on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS we are locked and loaded to hopefully bring back the title.” Nimitz (CVN 68) Aug. 8. The purpose of the SCRUBEX is to wash oil and grease from aircraft off of the flight deck. (Photo by MC3 Ryan Mayes) It seems to be an ongoing trend in the NBA where teams are building high caliber teams from the free agent market. The Miami Heat just added Hall of Fame veteran Ray Allen to its already stellar team with LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. Organizations can build their dream squads to their own desire but what matters is if the players can play as a team. Championship teams such as the Oklahoma’s Thunder really don’t stand a chance and should be in fear if they want another shot at the title. “I really don’t care,” Thunder star Kevin Durant said. Foolish words if you ask me and only tells me that he really does care. The future looks bright for the Lakers organization with its star studded roster that now has what it takes to rival against the NBA ‘s best. I expect nothing less but another ring for the Los Angeles Lakers giving Bryant his sixth, tying the great Michael Jordan.

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