Nimitz News, May 5, 2011

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May 5, 2011

Nimitz News

May 5, 2011

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Vol. 36, No. 18

NCPACE assignments and exams due May 16 By MCSA Alexander Ventura II

Sailors assigned to USS Nimitz (CVN 68) sign the ship’s hull during a celebration for the ship’s 36th commissioning anniversary, May 3, 2011. Photo by MC3(SW) Nichelle Whitfield.

Nimitz Sailors sign their name in history By Nimitz Media Department Sailors aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68) celebrated the 36th Anniversary of the ship’s commissioning with a ceremony held at the bow of the ship while in dry-dock. Sailors and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard workers signed the hull of the ship. “This is a unique experience, once in a lifetime of a ship where you get to do something like this,” said Capt. Paul O. Monger, Nimitz Commanding Officer. “President Gerald Ford spoke at the commissioning and he said ‘only in America

can we build this machine, there’s nothing else like it in the world.” Prizes were awarded by the ship’s Executive Officer, Capt. John C. Ring at the beginning of the event to Sailors who correctly answered trivia questions about the ship’s history. “It was a fun to see the event be interactive with the Sailors getting quizzed on Nimitz’ history,” said Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Jonna Obermiller. “Sailors were jumping at the chance to get the hoodies and other prizes given out.” During the ceremony, Nimitz’ See Signing the ship, Page 6

NCPACE assignments and exams are due to the Education Service Office (ESO) on the crew messing and berthing barge May 16. Sailors enrolled in Navy College Program for Afloat College Education (NCPACE) can file a special request chit for a 60-day extension if they cannot meet the deadline, said Ensign Eric E. Ehly, education service officer. “The only extensions authorized will be those who provide me with an approved special request chit signed by their department head,” said Ehly. Sailors who file for an extension can’t enroll for NCPACE term two which starts June 6 and will have to wait until term three; however, if the Sailor completes the course prior to June 20 enrollment will be authorized for term two, said Ehly. Sailors ready to take their exams can schedule with the ESO to have their exams proctored. “If you fail the class, you cannot file for NCPACE again and they will receive a failing grade on their smart transcript,” said Ehly. NCPACE courses are offered by 12 Navyapproved academic institutions regionally accredited by agencies recognized by the Department of Education. The courses are self paced and expected to be completed in 90 days. “You can take several classes without sitting in a classroom and starring at a board,” said Operations Specialist 3rd Class (SW/ AW) Evelyn A. Morales. See Tests, Page 7

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Spice hospitalizes 2 Nimitz Sailors By MC3 Robert Winn

Commanding Officer CAPT Paul Monger Executive Officer CAPT John Ring Command Master Chief CMDCM William Lloyd-Owen Public Affairs Officer LTJG Jason Scarborough Media LCPO MCCM Jon McMillan Media Production Chief MCC Mike Jones Layout/ Designer MC3 Robert Winn Editor MC2 Nathan Gomez Media Dept MC2 Scott McCall MC2 James Mitchell MC2 Adam Wolfe MC3 C.J. Amdahl MC3 Matthew Patton MC3 Mark Sashegyi MC3 Thomas Siniff MC3 Glenn Slaughter MC3 Robert Winn MC3 Devin Wray MCSN Ashley Berumen MCSN Shayne Johnson MCSN Andrew Jandik MCSA Renee Candelario MCSA Alexander Ventura II “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

Two Nimitz Sailors were hospitalized as a direct result of Spice usage. One Sailor had to be carried off the barge on a stretcher down the stairs to an ambulance waiting on the pier, after going into convulsions as a result of a Spice overdose. “Spice, right now, is where Ecstasy was when it first came out and was killing people,” said Command Master Chief (SW/AW) William Lloyd-Owen. “It’s having violent effects on people, maybe not all of them, but enough.” Spice, or K2, is a designer drug that is a synthetic form of marijuana. It is a combination of chemicals sprayed onto a mixture of dried foliage and commonly smoked through a pipe. “It’s a social drug,” said LloydOwen. “People only do them if a group is doing them and they just take what’s being passed around.” Spice can cause extreme headache, nausea, small hallucinations, tremors, or seizures, said Lt. Kevin Goodell, Physician Assistant in Health Services Department

aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68). “What makes it so bad is that it’s not refined yet,” said Goodell. “You don’t know what effects that specific batch will have on you.” Nimitz is currently taking steps to crack down on possession of spice or related paraphernalia, along with other drugs. “The command is educating its’ Sailors in an effort to prevent usage,” said Gunners Mate 1st class (SW)

Kirk Elliano. “We’re also bringing on military workingdogs randomly to search portions of the ship.” Getting caught with drugs such as spice, or the related paraphernalia, is viewed as a serious thing, said LloydOwen. “You’ll be held accountable,”

said Lloyd-Owen. “If you bring it on the ship and get caught, you could go as far as courtmartial.” Possession and use of Spice is not only illegal, it also presents a danger not only to those using but, also those around the user, said Elliano. “When you’re high you don’t know what you’re doing,” said Elliano. “What happens if you get behind the wheel of a forklift and you’re in the hangar bay? Think of how many people could get hurt if you start cruising around and you have zero ability to react to the situation.” In addition to cracking down on possession, Nimitz has been rewarding those who alert their chain of command to usage. “We’ve done two Meritorious [Captain’s] Masts for four Sailors who emulated the core values,” said LloydOwen. “Specifically courage, we will continue to do these for Sailors whom stand out.” The risk of using drugs such as Spice can’t be understated, said Goodell. “At this point the drug is so little understood and unpredictable,” said Goodell. “Anyone intending to partake is playing Russian Roulette.”

May 5, 2011

Fighting depression: Staying positive through the rain By MCSN Ashley Berumen It’s 5:15 a.m. A piercing noise grows louder and rings with every passing second, and a groggy voice from the other side of the room mumbles, “Turn it off.” Without looking, I slap the alarm clock. Silence. After the cycle has repeated three times, I slowly get out of bed, pull back the chic 1985 curtains, and look out the window. “It’s raining,” I say to my roommate. “Big surprise,” she replies. So begins most mornings since arriving here in Bremerton, Wash. It’s a growing trend for my friends and family back in Southern California to send text messages telling me what nice weather they’re having, or complaining that it’s too hot. The sun’s presence here is short-winded, as if it’s mocking us. In an article written by news weatherman Steve Pool, the average days of sunlight in 2008 was 58. It seems as though the easiest defense against the weather is to stay indoors, where it’s warm and dry. But, Nimitz’ psychologist, Lt.Cmdr. Arlene Saitzyk said that may be dangerous. “It is completely normal to be slightly out of it when adapting to a new environment,” explained Saitzyk. “Some time alone is healthy, but noticeably withdrawing from others may be a sign to seek help.” Nimitz is reaching its halfway point in its Docking Planned Incremental Availability. Day after day we don hard hats and safety goggles as we work on a ship that sits on wooden blocks in a controlled industrial area; not the typical setting for a Sailor. “No one joined the Navy to chip paint or lag or needle gun,” said Nimitz Command Master Chief William Lloyd-Owen in an e-mail addressed to all Nimitz Sailors. “Be it chipping paint, serving chow, or hauling trash – what you do matters.” Lloyd-Owen encourages Sailors to stay positive. “No matter how bad your day may seem, or how hard your boss may be coming down on you, hold these words to be true – this too

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shall pass,” he said. Nimitz Chaplain Cmdr. Brent D. Johnson said Sailors do not need an appoint to speak with a chaplain if they need to speak with someone. “There’s a German saying ‘It’s impossible to keep birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from flying in your ear’ meaning don’t dwell on the negative thoughts,” said Johnson. Saitzyk said feeling helpless or worthless, too much or too little sleep, lack of energy, crying episodes or irritability are some warning signs. Lloyd-Owen urges Sailors to take advantage of the help that is available to them. “We are fortunate on board Nimitz to have several resources available to us here on the ship and in the Navy as a whole, for when we feel like we’ve reached the end of our rope,” said Lloyd-Owen. Saitzyk.said it’s natural to want to isolate yourself, but fight the urge to be alone. Surround yourself with positive people. The work day is over and almost on cue, the rain starts pouring down as I walk up the never ending stairs through cold and darkness. Curling up in my blankets and watching a movie in bed sounds inviting. I was reminded of the comment, “There is no such thing as bad weather, there’s just bad clothes,” the ship’s psychologist told me. If we spend days wasted waiting for the sun, there’ll be a lot of waiting. Adjusting to the Northwest’s weather was definitely a challenge but, according to the Saitzyk, Sailors should be adjusted to it by now. Sailors should speak with the ship’s psychologist, a chaplain, someone in their chain of command or someone they trust if they need help. ”If you know of a shipmate whom you suspect to be having problems, whatever they may be, have the courage to confront that shipmate and point them in the direction of those that can and will help – you just may save your shipmate’s career, marriage or even life,” said Lloyd-Owen.

Chaplain’sCorner Worn Out and Running

I love music, and I will spend hours working with musicians. When I was in High School I volunteered to work at a teen club on the weekends. I would DJ, help run the front desk, and coordinate support for bands we brought in for monthly concerts. I also held a job at the gym upstairs above the club as a scorekeeper for youth basketball. There were Fridays when I got out of school, went to the gym and worked for three hours, and then went downstairs and worked the club until midnight. I was a teenager and had the energy for those kinds of hours. One weekend we brought in a band from Denver for a two day engagement and even opened up early for a special junior high dance (a rare event in my town.) My boss had some things he had to do after work and left me with the keys to meet the band and get them set up on stage. These guys were great to work with, excellent musicians, and the first night of concerts and dancing were excellent. I stayed with the band until 1:30 in the morning and then remembered I had to open the gym at 5:00 AM. I stayed up rather than going to sleep. You can probably tell what came next; a full day of work, another night at the club, and up with the band for the after party. I do not recall the following Sunday since I slept until it was time to get up for school on Monday. I was worn out and running that weekend. In his letter to the church in Galatia, a Greek region in what we now call Turkey, Paul gave his readers a list of fruits to be received from the Holy Spirit when Christians follow Jesus. One of them was peace. The word he used in Galatians 5.22 was eirene. The name Irene comes from that word. The peace he was describing was not the lack of war, but an inner sense of well being in spite of the external turmoil someone may be experiencing. There are a lot of people who are worn out and running these days, and if they are practicing peaceful pursuits each day they can survive periods of hectic activity and wearying tasks. It is when we allow life events to accumulate and wear us down that we lose our sense of peace and give in to a sense of hopelessness. A resilient heart is a peaceful heart. Do something peaceful for yourself today. Create a little corner of your home where you can be prayerful and quiet. Take a few minutes and listen to a piece of music that brings you encouragement. Read a devotional book for a few minutes. Cultivate peace. If you need any books, Bibles, or devotional aids contact the Chaplain’s office at and ask for them.

Chaplain Brent Johnson

May 5, 2011

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Enjoy the Seattle EXPERIEN By MCSN Ashley Berumen


ntil this past weekend, I’ve had the unfortunate luck of spending the few days, when the sun decides to shine for more than 30 minutes, on duty. When I finally got the opportunity to enjoy an entire weekend soaking up the sun, I almost didn’t know what to do with myself. I’ve always been a big fan of classic rock and rock music in general. Seattle has a great music scene, but is generally known for grunge. What many people may not know is that the legendary Jimi Hendrix is a Washington native. I thought taking a visit to his gravesite would be interesting and was hoping some of his guitar skills might get passed over to me in the process. I know, it’s far-fetched, but crazier things have happened. The memorial, located in Renton, is definitely a must-see. There were fresh flowers and guitar picks left by fans honoring the famous guitarist. Visitors walked around, reading quotes and whispers such as, “That’s my favorite song,” rang throughout the air. His performance at Woodstock as he set his guitar on fire came to mind. People I’ve met who were fortunate enough to attend agree that there has never been anything like it since. I could only imagine what it would have been like to see his fingers quickly moving up and down the frets of his guitar neck and donning one of his flamboyant costumes in concert. His life was cut short, but his legend lives on. After paying my respects, I decided to keep with the theme of music. One of the locals told

me about the laser shows they host at the Pacifi show before, but it didn’t end up working out. I When I arrived at the Seattle Center I had ple to the museums, but never actually took the tim A crowd gathered around the skate park as th other to see who could land the best trick. I sat rails, while dodging the boards that escaped th I followed classical music to a fountain that “d around and enjoyed the light mist as the water It was just about time for the show to begin, a Center, I saw a man standing off to the side fee giggled to myself. When I made it to the ticket line, I was surpri the Moon laser show wasn’t for another hour. A Seattle, I decided to see the Bob Marley show. Laser Dome. The show had already begun as I was escorte where the usher told me to stay until my eyes a Lasers shot across the ceiling in rhythm with see, I joined the group of people lying in the m The show definitely tantalized my senses. Fee and watching the green, yellow and red lasers t actual experience as opposed to just listening t At the close of the show, it was obvious that I the Pink Floyd show. Their music is artistic and as if it would go hand in hand.

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fic Science Center. I’ve attempted to attend a I wasn’t about to let that happen again. enty of time to waste before the show. I’d been me to explore the area. hey watched skaters compete against each t for awhile and watched the skaters grind on heir fallen comrades. “danced” in harmony to the song. Couples sat jetted in the air. and as I made my way to the Pacific Science eding his pet squirrel. “Only in Seattle,” I

ised to find that the Pink Floyd: Dark Side of Although it was the sole reason for going to Not knowing what to expect, I headed into the

ed through the pitch black room to a seat adjusted. the famous reggae music. As soon as I could middle of the dome. eling the vibrations of the bass on my back transform into different shapes made in an to music in my car. I couldn’t pass up the chance to stay and see d seeing it brought to life through laser seems

The voice behind the curtain, explained that it was a live show and everything we were seeing was controlled by him. The new crowd seemed like veterans, they came in with blankets and snacks to eat while watching the show. The entirety of the album, Dark Side of the Moon played on, I thought of absolutely nothing. Thoughts of how I would approach the story didn’t haunt me, I wasn’t worried about the laundry bag that was taking over my corner of the room; I just lied there and enjoyed the ride. There’s some experience that can’t be summed up in words. I will say that if you are a fan of Pink Floyd, or any of the other bands showcased at the laser dome, and you haven’t seen a show, you are missing out.

May 5, 2011

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Signing the ship Continued from Page 1

Capt. Paul O. Monger, commanding officer of USS Nimitz (CVN 68), holds up a commemorative plaque to the crew during a celebration for the ship’s 36th commissioning anniversary, May 3, 2011. Photo by MCSA Renee Candelario Fire Controlman 3rd Class Kevin Balding sign the ship’s hull during a celebration for the ship’s 36th commissioning anniversary, May 3, 2011. Photo by MC3 Robert Winn

Commanding Officer spoke about the history of the ship’s commissioning and was presented a plaque constructed by Hull Technician 3rd Class Brent Carlson and Machinery Repairman 3rd Class Stephen Hughes. After the speech, Sailors were encouraged to approach a section of the starboard side of the ship and sign the hull with permanent marker. “There are very few things you get to do like this,” said Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman Joseph Burds. “It’s a neat experience to say you signed the bottom of the first nuclear aircraft carrier of its class. Those opportunities don’t present themselves often; you’ve got to take advantage of them.” Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Recruit Lauren Conner said “This is a once in a lifetime thing to do. This is my first ship and command, and a week of me being here, I’m writing my name on it.” Nimitz is participating in a year-long Docking Planned Incremental Availability at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility where the ship is receiving major upgrades to its combat, self-defense, navigation and potable water systems and numerous other components.

I thought it was pretty cool to sign the ship, it really felt like it’d be a once in a lifetime exprience. I mean I’ve been in for five years and I’ve never heard of anyone doing anything like this. - FC3 Kevin Balding

Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Victoria Vara signs the ship’s hull during a celebration for the ship’s 36th commissioning anniversary, May 3, 2011. Photo by MC3 Robert Winn

Sailors assigned to USS Nimitz (CVN 68) line up to sign the ship’s hull during a celebration for the ship’s 36th commissioning anniversary, May 3, 2011. Photo by MCSN Ashley Berumen

Man, this ship has been all over the world. I’m signing something that has been underwater all these years, just think of all the things it’s been through and seen. Wow ... it’s crazy. - AOAN Victoria Vara

May 5, 2011

New Nimitz Master Chiefs

“We’ve got a few Senior Chiefs that are performing at the Master Chief level, and it’s about time we promote them and make them Master Chiefs. So congratulations go out to Master Chief Hospital Corpsman Joseph Burds from HSD, Master Chief Personnel Specialist Kelly Bennett from Admin, and Master Chief Machinist’s Mate John Welch from engineering. These guys are doing absolutely fantastic work, every single one of them. Congratulations and enjoy.” -Capt. Paul O. Monger

Test: Dates fast approaching Continued from Page 1

“You can do all the assignments at the comfort of your own home.” The Navy provides these courses to Sailors free of tuition; however, Sailors must pay for their textbooks and class syllables. “The benefit of taking NCPACE is that it doesn’t count toward your tuition assistance cap,” said Ehly. Sailors’ Tuition Assistance is capped to $250 a semester and $166.67 a quarter. “I recommend NCPACE classes because with a set schedule in port, Sailors can make time to complete assignments,” said Ehly. Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (SW/ AW) Leslie Cachero said NCPACE

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classes are challenging, and Sailors should know how to manage their time between work and collateral duties. “NCPACE is more challenging than a regular class,” said Cachero. “There isn’t an instructor you could turn to for help. With NCPACE you will have to find your own resources for help.” NCPACE term two will run from June 6 through Sept. 6. Pre-registration is scheduled for May 11 on the barge training classroom 3. Final registration and book sales are scheduled May 18 on the barge training classroom 3. For more information contact the ESO on the barge at 3-49-1-L.

Navy’s YouTube picks up Nimitz Dry Dock By MC3 Devin Wray The Navy’s YouTube page is scheduled to release the second episode of USS Nimitz’ (CVN 68) web-based documentary, Monday. The documentary is already available for viewing on the ship’s Facebook page at “Dry Dock: A Year In the Yards with USS Nimitz (CVN 68)” focuses on what the crew undergoes while in the ship is in dry dock at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS) and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (IMF). Episode 2 of the series shows the amount of work required to pull a massive warship into a dry dock and set it perfectly on the blocks. Jim Cooley, a follower of the series said this episode is not about landing on an aircraft carrier, it’s about landing an aircraft carrier where it needs to be: in the dry dock. Nimitz was featured on the PBS miniseries “Carrier” during its 2007 deployment. Nimitz’ Media Department wanted to do a documentary to highlight what the crew does while on shore. Since the ship is in the Controlled Industrial Area (CIA) at PSNS, few people get to see what happens to a carrier while in dry dock, and how it affects the crew. “The goal of the project is to reach out and share the experience of the yards with family and friends,” said Lt. j.g. Jason Scarborough, Nimitz’ Public Affairs Officer. The series will also highlight what Sailors do to get involved and get active in their new community. The first two episodes have received tens of thousands of views since their release, and is being considered for release through more civilian media. “Having actually served on the USS Nimitz, I gotta say, seeing her crew in action one more time is quite inspirational,” said Matt Rowey, a viewer of the show on Facebook. Episode 3, expected to be released this month, will focus on the changes that have occurred to the ship over the past months, and the work integration required between Sailors and contractors. Dry Dock is the first documentary told and produced entirely by Nimitz Sailors. To follow the story of USS Nimitz and its crew over the next year, visit www.

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Nimitz, NS Everett educates Sailors, families about homeport change By MC2 Nathan Gomez USS Nimitz, in partnership with Naval Station Everett, held a Homeport Change Fair April 29 at Naval Base Kitsap Bremerton’s Olympic Lodge to provide Sailors and their families information on the upcoming homeport change to Everett later this year. “With us being so focused on being in the yards, I wanted people to start thinking ahead to moving up to Everett,” said Capt. John Ring, Nimitz Executive Officer. “I wanted to get this out there early so people can think about all their options.” There were several speakers at the event, including Capt. Paul O. Monger, Nimitz Commanding Officer and Capt. Michael Coury, Naval Station Everett Commanding Officer. Other speakers provided Sailors with information needed to help make the move to Everett easier. “My favorite topic discussed was the ‘Should I stay or should I go,” said Monger. “It gave a lot of information on commuting back and forth from Everett to Bremerton.” The topic covered costs on the commute, mileage on your car and everything else about commuting back and forth between the two areas. Other topics covered were Sailor

entitlements if Sailors need to have a Change of Homeport Certificate or not, a briefing on housing options. “There’s a lot of great information put out to help not only the Sailors on board the Nimitz but their families as well,” said Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) (AW/SW) Johnny Harris. “The number one roadblock we run into during homeport change are communications between the Sailor and the family member, so we’re making sure Sailors, their families and the command are all on the same page.” Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) 2nd Class Chistena Koch said, “We’re here to see what they have as far as housing

Personnel Specialist 1st Class Pedro Gutierez addreses Nimitz families on Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) entitlements at the Home port change fair. Photo by MCSN Ashley Berumen.

goes in the Everett area. I also liked the MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) information provided.” The following day, the public private venture property, Carroll’s Creek Landing, held an open house event for the Nimitz Sailors and their families to welcome them to Everett. “As a representative of the housing office of Naval Station Everett, we want our incoming USS Nimitz families to know what they are in store for,” said Vernette Little, Lead Housing Director. “It’s an awesome community and we want to make sure they get a preview so they can make that decision and already be on the road to get into housing before they get here.” Carroll’s Creek opened houses of each floor plan to allow the attendees to view and decide what plan suited them. “There are a few good and bad things about them but so far its good overall,” said Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class (AW/ SW) Alberto Perezbadillo. “The area is nice. You’re a lot closer to ‘in town’ stuff like Costco and other places then we are in Bremerton.” Along with opening the houses to the attendees, representatives from businesses around the community provided samples of their products and services.

This WEeks MWR EVENTS Thursday, May 5th* $5 Taco Bar at Sam Adams, 1700-2100 *Home Cooking School Exhibition, Kitsap Fairgrounds Friday, May 6th* Women Today Event, Kitsap Fairgrounds Saturday, May 7th* Lime Kiln Hike, 0700, Sign up at or at any MWR Facility * Bavarian Festival, get hours and info at * DC Sk ateboarding Show, Key Arena, tickets and information at KeyArena. com * Outdoor Expo, Kitsap Pavilion

Sunday, May 8th* DC Sk ateboarding Show, Key Arena, tickets and information at Monday, May 9th* Kettles Tr ail Ride, get more information at * Corey’s Day on the Farm, Kitsap Fairgrounds Tuesday, May 10th* Corey’s Day at the Farm, Kitsap Fairgrounds * Yoga, 1745, West Concourse Gym, FREE * Zumba, 1800, West Concourse Gym, FREE Wednesday, May 11th* Seattle Chamber of Commerce Tr ade Show, 1500-1900

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