Nimitz News Daily Digest - Oct. 1, 2012

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Oct. 1, 2012

Vol. 1 Issue 56

Fine Dining: Nimitz Style Story by MC3 Derek W. Volland

Seaman Charday May sorts through strawberries used in preparing Sunday brunch for the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). (Photo by MC3 Devin Wray)

The highlight of the day. The one meal everyone looks forward to. Sunday Brunch on the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Many times ship food gets a bad name for itself. There is a lot of planning and preparation that goes into feeding 2,800 hungry Sailors and many times the chow just doesn’t match up to the home cooked food we all wish we had. However, as a pleasant surprise to many, Nimitz’ food service division (S-2) puts in a good deal of effort

when possible to provide the crew with a very special meal. “I didn’t even know that we were going to have brunch today,” said Culinary Specialist (CS) Seaman Eugene Esquivel. “I walked into the mess this morning and saw that the tables where set up and I thought this is going to be a long brunch. It was and I think that everyone really enjoyed the food.” Prime rib and shrimp, waffles and French toast, hamburgers and see “BRUNCH” on Pg. 2

Nimitz Sailors Attend CO Call Story by MC3 Ryan Mayes

After being in-port for several weeks, the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) is underway again, this time to participate in a Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX). Captain Jeff Ruth, Nimitz’ commanding officer, held a Captain’s Call in the hangar bay of the ship Sunday, to address many questions that come with being underway for any length of time. Sailors had the opportunity to address the captain directly with any questions or concerns they had about the current underway and the ships planned schedule over the next year. Ruth stressed the importance of Sailors keeping their families informed and up-to-date on the ships plans while still maintaining see “Call” on Pg. 3

Brunch: More Than Just Good Food Continued from Pg. 1 Commanding Officer CAPT Jeff S. Ruth Executive Officer CAPT Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief CMDCM Teri McIntyre Public Affairs Officer LCDR Karin Burzynski Editor MC3 Ryan Mayes Lead Designer MC3 Renee L. Candelario

Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

chicken wings, there was something for everyone to enjoy, even freshly made smoothies. Hours of preparation go into the brunch every Sunday. “All of the CSs’ and Food Services Assistants’ (FSA) put their best foot forward and all the food turned out perfect,” said Culinary Specialist Master Chief Coasa Brannon. “It was good, we had a great turn out.” Good food, Football on TV, sounds like a good day underway to me. “I love Sundays,” said Crytoplogic Technician (Collection) 3rd Class Justine Gui ttar. “It’s something I look forward to every week and the brunch breaks up the routine feeling of chow. Plus, the smoothies are fantastic.”

Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Vanessa Hernandez combines a variety of fresh fruit to make smoothies for the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) during Sunday brunch. (Photo by MC3 Devin Wray)

Crew members of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) enjoy Sunday brunch and football on the mess decks of the ship. (Photo by MC3 Devin Wray) Page 2

continued from Pg. 1

CO’s Call

Call:Sa il o rs Stay Informed

Capt. Jeff Ruth, USS Nimitz’ (CVN 68) Commanding Officer, hosted a Captain’s Call in Hangar Bay 2 to answer the questions of the crew. (Photo by MCSN Vanessa David)

Operational Security (OPSEC) standards, something that can be easily overlooked in the age of social media. With topics from Nimitz’ schedule to lengthy lunch lines being covered, the Captain’s Call is a reminder to the crew of Nimitz that the leadership will strive to keep them informed and do everything necessary to ensure the Sailors and ship are ready when called upon.

1800 U.S. schooner experiment captures French schooner Diana. 1844 The Naval Observatory, headed by Lt. Matthew Fontaine Maury, occupies its first permanent quarters 1874 Supply Corps purser Lt. J.Q. Barton is given leave to enter service of new Japanese Navy to organize a pay department and instruct Japanese about accounts. He served until Oct. 1, 1877 when he again became a purser in the U.S. Navy. 1880 John Phillip Sousa becomes leader of Marine Corps Band. 1928 The first class at school for enlisted Navy and Marine Corps radio intercept operators (The “On the Roof Gang” is held. 1937 Patrol aviation is transferred to Aircraft Scouting Force, a re-established type command. With the change, five patrol wings were established as a seperate administrative command over their squadrons. 1946 Truculent Turtle lands at Columbus, Ohio, breaking the world’s record for distance without refueling during flight of 11,235 miles. 1949 Military Sea Transportation Service is activated. 1955 USS Forrestal (CVA 59) the first of post-war super carriers, is commissioned. 1979 President Jimmy Carter awards the Congressional Space Medal of Honor to Neil Armstrong, retired Navy Capt. Charles Conrad Jr., retired Marine Col. John Glenn and retired Rear Adm. Alan Shepard Jr. 1980 USS Cochrane (DDG 21) rescues 104 Vietnamese refugees 620 east of Saigon. 1990 USS Independence (CV 62) enters Persian Gulf (first carrier in Persian Gulf since 1974).

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Quartermaster Seaman Apprentice Saray Calderin, a Sailor TAD from USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), looks through the “big eyes” during aft lookout watch.

Operations Specialist Seaman Jennifer Cloud, native of Houston, Texas, instructs Operations Specialist 3rd Class Keiko Sand, native of Ashtabula, Ohio, from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), on how to properly plot points on a map in the Commanding Officer’s Tactical Operation Plot (COTOP) compartment on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68).

Along for the


Story and photos by MCSN Jess Lewis

While out to sea, the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) is a temporary home to more than 2,500 Sailors. In addition to those Sailors who call Nimitz home, more than 30 Sailors from the Nimitzclass aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) are along for the ride as Nimitz embarks on a six-week journey to complete Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX), a training scenario designed to strengthen the warfare skills and maintain proficiencies of Carrier Strike Group 11 (CSG 11). For many junior Sailors attached to Nimitz, this is their first sea tour. With Reagan being in dry dock in Bremerton, Wash., some of the temporary assigned duty (TAD) Sailors are getting their first at-sea experience on board Nimitz. “I reported to the Reagan after the ship was in dry dock in Bremerton,” said Quartermaster (QM) Seaman Apprentice Saray Calderin. “This is my first time being at sea so I’m nervous and excited at the same time.” Some of the Reagan Sailors have a little salt on their shoulders and some sea time under their belts but still look forward to their experience on Nimitz. “I met up with the Reagan

in Japan while they were on deployment,” said Operations Specialist (OS) 3rd Class Keiko Sand. “This is my first experience being TAD but I enjoy being underway. There are a lot of new faces and I’m excited to be here.” Being TAD to another ship doesn’t mean it’s a vacation from work. While the Reagan Sailors are here, they’ve all set career-oriented goals to accomplish during COMPTUEX. “My LPO (leading petty officer) handed us each a binder full of PQS’s (personnel qualification standards) for us to work on while we’re here,” said Calderin about her and another QM TAD from Reagan. “Ultimately, I want to complete my basic PQS’s, be hands on with my rate and get a better feel for what it’s like being out to sea.” “For me, I can’t really do my job unless there’s aircraft on board,” said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Brandon Warr. “I volunteered to come here so I could work on my qualifications, get some experience in my rate and spend time out to sea. By the end of this underway, I want to be a fully qualified blue shirt, working my way toward yellow shirt. It’s a lot of work but with my time on Page 5

Nimitz, it’s possible as long as I put in the effort. I also want to work toward my air warfare pin.” Starting as an undesignated seaman, Sand spent a lot of her time on Reagan working in the Deck Department. However, after studying and taking the operations specialist test during the March 2012 test cycle, Sand was able to strike into the OS rate. “Since I didn’t get a chance to go through A-school, I’m looking forward to working in my rate and really getting a chance to see what it’s like for my job when we’re at sea,” said Sand. “I’m just here for COMPTUEX but I’m working toward getting my 301-306 TOP (tactical operation plot) qualifications. The people I’ve been working with in the division here have all been so friendly and helpful. I’ve been learning a lot about my rate so far and it’s exciting.” Throughout the course of COMPTUEX, the Reagan Sailors will not only be working toward accomplishing their career-oriented goals but will be working and learning alongside Nimitz Sailors, strengthening their skills and maintaining proficiencies in order for the mission to be completed.

Spice: Another Way to Spell Disaster Story by Naval Education and Training Command Force Master Chief April Beldo

Naval Education and Training Command’s (NETC) Force Master Chief April Beldo released an editorial Sept. 24 to the NETC domain about the use of Spice and how it affects fleet readiness. “The Navy is a “Global Force for Good” and our Sailors embody its Core Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. Each day, I’m energized when I see Sailors challenging themselves to reach their personal and professional goals. Because of their enthusiasm I have no doubt that the outlook of our maritime force shines bright as these individuals motivated by dedication, service and sacrifice continue to perfect their talents across the fleet and around the globe. Yet for all of the positive things going on in our Sailors’ lives, OUR Navy is being plagued by a sickness among our ranks. Each week, in all-toofamiliar reports, we see detailed accounts of Sailors being caught, testing positive and being separated from the Navy for using synthetic marijuana or Spice. This threat to our Navy’s readiness is also known as K2, Spice Gold, Spice Silver, Spice Diamond, Genie, Yucatan Fire, Bliss, Black Mamba, Bombay Blue, Fake Weed, Zohai or Red Magic. Whatever it’s called, NOT IN MY NAVY! This synthetic drug presents a real and existing danger to a user’s mental and physical health, as well as their military careers. Being under the influence of this drug can adversely affect the performance of our shipmates on and off duty. Some of the short-term effects include auditory and visual hallucinations,

painless head pressure, panic attacks, time distortion and delirium. Psychotic symptoms can last for days, even months in some cases. Long-term effects from this mind altering drug can include permanent physical impairment, mental illness or death. These products aren’t approved for human consumption and there is no oversight of the manufacturing process. Similar to other drugs on the street, experts warn that you never know what mixture of chemicals could be present in the drugs and users are experimenting with the combination of multiple products which can dramatically change or increase its effects on a case-by-case basis. In San Diego, one of our major fleet concentration areas, multiple patients have been treated at Naval Medical Center San Diego, Calif., for using Spice, some resulting in months of inpatient treatment for persistent psychotic symptoms. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, increased dosage, addiction and use of synthetic marijuana has led to a surge in emergency room visits and calls to poison control centers. It saddens me that even though they know that the odds are against them, some of our Sailors continue to gamble with their lives, playing Russian roulette with no possible way to win. Regrettably, simple message traffic can’t portray the negative impact the use of this man-made drug has on unit cohesion. Drug abuse puts lives and missions at risk and undercuts unit readiness, morale and esprit de corps. On flight lines, onboard ships and on bases around the world, we put our lives in the hands of our

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shipmates. We trust that the Sailor or Marine we are working with is focused and capable. If they have used Spice, their readiness for duty and their professional judgment is in question. I also can’t adequately express the drug’s impact in terms of permanent personal consequences including criminal charges, discharge, and long-term medical issues, not to mention the impact to the Sailor’s family. Those most painful and private elements often go untold. The Navy’s implementation of synthetic drug testing is a necessary step in putting a halt to Sailors and Marines using these outlawed and hazardous substances. If unclear of the Navy’s policy on drug abuse, it’s straightforward and to the point - Zero Tolerance and illegal. Using Spice, or other trendy drugs and artificial compounds by any member of our Navy and Marine Corps team is incompatible with the guidelines for performance, military discipline, and readiness characterized by today’s Sailors and Marines. In 2011, close to 400 Sailors were processed out of the Navy because they chose to use these drugs. As shipmates we must all watch out for each other and remind each other that abusers will be caught, they will be separated, lose benefits and will let down the Navy team. With that gloomy forecast said, I want you to understand that I’m only identifying a very small population of misguided individuals and that an overwhelming majority of our Sailors and Marines conduct themselves honorably. There are also signs that we are winning the battle. The Navy’s history of Zero Tolerance clearly shows dramatic gains in reducing illegal drug use. In 1982, the first year of urinalysis screening, the percent of positive samples was 7.21 percent. For FY 2011, that number was less than one percent, with a total of 1,515 out of 1,184,160 samples testing positive. Here at Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) headquarters and throughout our domain, we understand that fleet readiness starts here and

we go the extra mile to make sure that our students are equipped to succeed in the fleet. Our instructors and staff are charged with their training, mentoring, setting a personal example, and are committed to good order and discipline. As a team, we take on challenges by developing situational awareness, coaching our shipmates, taking advantage of resources and providing positive leadership. We also faithfully help our shipmates navigate through rough seas, and go the extra mile to prevent a shipmate from making a bad decision that could ruin their lives. If you or someone you know needs help, all you have to do is ask.” For more news from Naval Education and Training Command, visit

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TV Guide 5 - 8MM MOVIES 6 - 8MM MOVIES 8 - ROLLER 9 - DVD TRAINING 10 - FLIGHT DECK 11 - CNN 13 - ESPN 14 - FX 15 - HISTORY 16 - ABC

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Channel 5 0800/2000 1000/2200 1200/0000 1400/0200 1600/0400 1800/0600 0800/2000 1000/2200 1200/0000 1400/0200 1600/0400 1800/0600 0800/2000 1000/2200 1200/0000 1400/0200 1600/0400 1800/0600

This Means War First Sunday Fool’s Gold We Bought a Zoo New Year’s Eve Over Her Dead Body

Channel 6

Jerry Maguire Haywire War Horse My Week With Marilyn

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Joyful Noise

Channel 7 Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Part 1) Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Part 2)

Top Gun The Darkest Hour The Devil Inside Mission Impossible: 4

Channel 29

0800/2000 1000/2200 1200/0000 1400/0200 1600/0400 1800/0600

Act of Valor Book of Eli Das Boot Run Silent, Run Deep Captain Horatio Hornblower PT 109

Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class Chino Cooper, native of Woodbury, N.J., instructs Airman Destanie Gardner, native of Spring field, Miss., how to properly disassemble an M-16A3 in the armory on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). (Photo by MCSN Jess Lewis)

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