Nimitz News - November 23, 2011

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November 23, 2011

Nov. 23, 2011 ALL HANDS 2nd graders tour Nimitz for field trip Page 4


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Sea Sparrow certification earned

Vol. 36, No. 16

Making the


Nimitz advances 300+ Chief Yeoman Antwone Whitfield motivates a class of prospective Petty Officer 2nd Classes during Petty Officer Indoctrination.

All hands are cordially invited to attend a special Thanksgiving Day Dinner from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 24, 2011 on the Aft Mess decks. Guests are welcome.

Story and photos by MC3 (SW) Robert Winn

More than 300 USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Sailors attended Petty Officer Indoctrination classes aboard the ship this week. The classes, separated by rank and ranging from E-4 to E-6, are meant to help develop the particular skills that will benefit Sailors as they assume the next highest paygrade. Topics covered during INDOC are leadership, networking, mentoring and production management. The three classes, held in the forecastle, G-3 weapons magazine and ready room five for E-4, E-5 and E-6s respectively, are mandatory for all Sailors selected for advancement this past cycle. “For those putting on E-4 this is a basic introduction to ground level leadership,” Culinary Specialist 1st Class Anthony Hooper, one of the instructors for PO INDOC. “E-5s and E-6s go through a refresher course to keep familiar with the tools available to them and become more affiliated with certain aspects of their new pay grades, like email etiquette.” “We want to familiarize Sailors with their leadership abilities and enhance their skill set in order to be prepared for tomorrow’s Navy,” said Hooper.

See "INDOC" on Page 7

Nov. 23, 2011

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All I Really Need to Know I Learned at Football Practice By Lt. Cmdr. Richard Townes

Commanding Officer CAPT Paul Monger Executive Officer CAPT Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief CMDCM William Lloyd-Owen Public Affairs Officer LTJG Jason Scarborough Media LCPO MCCM Jon McMillan Media Production Chief MCC Mike Jones Editor MCSN Jacob Milner Lead Designer MCSN Jacob Milner Media Dept MC2 James Mitchell MC2 Vladimir Potapenko MC2 Amara Timberlake MC2 Adam Wolfe MC3 Ashley Berumen MC3 Jacquelyn Childs MC3 Ian Cotter MC3 Shayne Johnson MC3 Mark Sashegyi MC3 Glenn Slaughter MC3 Thomas Siniff MC3 Nichelle Whitfield MC3 Devin Wray MCSN Andrew Jandik MCSN Jacob Milner MCSN Alexander Ventura II MCSN Renee Candelario MCSA Jess Lewis MCSA Derek Volland Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions must be in by Friday, COB. Submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

In 1990 a book by Robert Fulghum was published entitled All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. It was a pithy book that spoke of sharing, cleaning up your own mess, and flushing the toilet. However, I think that all I really need to know I learned at football practice. I recall Coach Conkle feverishly yelling at us, “Keep your legs driving!” His point was that we had to keep moving forward to open holes for running backs. Coach didn’t want us giving up. He didn’t want us quitting, so now, during hard times in life and forty years later, I find myself reminiscing about his favorite phrase. Then I keep pushing on. Another lesson I learned was that for every offense there’s also a penalty. Once during a close game I was punched by an opposing player, so I punched him back. “Tweet,” shrilled the whistle as yellow flags flew. “Un-sportsmanlike Conduct, number 52, fifteen yards,” the ref yelled. I got caught and cost my team a first down and the game. At practice on Monday all I did was run laps as Coach Conkel taught me to keep my head when bad things happen, and that I will be held accountable for my actions. However, the most important lesson learned at football practice was not to quit. My team lost 15

out of 16 games in two years, but we never walked off the field. A few games we lost by a score of 52-0 and yet my coach had us back out on the field the next day running drills, learning new plays, and always improving. He never looked back at the last game he only looked forward the next. Some players wanted to quit, but the coach wouldn’t let them. He kept us going, and led us into the future. I guess the main point of this article is that life’s sometimes difficult and it’s hard to keep going. When it is, keep your legs driving. Even if you have done something really bad and it’s caused you lots of trouble, simply remain calm, take responsibility for your actions, and don’t quit. Also, as a Christian man, when tough times come, I know that I can go to my Lord, Jesus Christ. He knew hard times, but never quit, to the contrary, as he faced his own pending death he prayed, “My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done.” Finally, know this, you’re on a team – Team Navy – and your chaplains want to help you get back into the game. God our Father loved us and by his kindness gave us everlasting encouragement and good hope. 2 Thessalonians 2:16

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Nov. 23, 2011

Sailors earn Sea Sparrow certification Story by MC3 Shayne Johnson

Sailors aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68) recently earned handling certifications on the NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System. Braving the frigid temperatures and constant rain found on Nimitz’ flightdeck, Sailors worked hard to ensure personnel were trained and capable of uploading and downloading Evolved Sea SparSailors upload a dummy missile into the NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System as part of their handling training Nov. 17. (U.S. Navy row Missiles. photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jacob Milner) The NSSMS is an anti-air Because of the complexities of the missile received,” said Fire Controlman 1st Class defensive weapon for the ship and can also be effective against surface Brian Hadler, the leading petty officer for system, maintenance is of the utmost CS-7. “We use an inert round that doesn’t importance, said Abolarin. threats. “We are always maintaining the system “If a missile was shot at us, it can be used do what a real missile does, so it is safe to to intercept and destroy the target,” said Fire practice with. It’s a good way to train on for ultimate upkeep,” said Abolarin. “We Controlman 2nd Class Joshua Abolarin, a uploading and downloading missiles in have the tracker illuminator system, which rearchetectural NSSMS technician aboard a safe environment where a mistake isn’t basically tells the missiles where to go, transmitters and consoles. We also have Nimitz. “We can blast the incoming missile costly.” The NSSMS provides the ship with watches to keep an eye out. We have to and render it incapable of harming us.” defensive capabilities to protect us from preserve the entire system.” With the certifications, Nimitz Sailors are attacks and threats, said Abolarin. Now that Nimitz is certified to upload authorized to upload (put missiles inside of “If we are attacked while out at sea by air and download the missiles for the NSSMS, the system) and download (take missiles or surface threats, we need that defense,” the next step in training will be to simulate out of the system and place back inside of said Abolarin. “We do have the carrier an attack, maintaining system and crew missile containers). Training is conducted strike group, but if it does make it to us, we readiness for any situation that may come by a NSSMS specialist. “The training, which lasts for three days, do have our own defenses. You never know up. is mostly hands on which normally isn’t what could happen.” Sailors upload a dummy missile into the NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System as part of their handling training Nov. 17. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jacob Milner)

Field Trip Shows Local Kids Sailors' Life

Nov. 23, 2011

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Story and photos by MC3 Jacquelyn Childs

Second grade students from Our Lady Star of the Sea school in Bremerton, Wash., visited USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Nov. 17 as part of a class field trip meant to heighten the children’s understanding of their nation’s military and its troops. Capt. Michael McCartney, Nimitz’ reactor officer, helped plan and organize the trip for the children. As the students’ escort, McCartney led them from space to space, showing them where Sailors work, eat and sleep. Among the tour’s highlights, the children visited the forecastle, hangar bay, flight deck control and the flight deck. The children were very excited about this opportunity and enjoyed seeing the ship and interacting with the Sailors. “When we first came across onto the ship it was really exciting and scary,” said Serenity Usman, an Our Lady Star student

attached to the tour. “My favorite part of the trip was going up the ladders, it’s like rock climbing.” Parents who volunteered to drive and chaperone the children during the field trip were equally impressed with the tour and all the Sailors they met along the way. “It was a very productive tour, especially for such a young age group,” said Sheryl Usman, Serenity Usman’s mother. “I was impressed with the crew’s ability to get on their level and how patient they were with the kids. They acted so happy to see them.” One example Sheryl Usman gave of the Sailors being able to get on the children’s level was in the forecastle where the Boatswain’s Mates stuck photos of animals on equipment to demonstrate what they are called.

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Nov. 23, 2011

While the children had a fun time, the tour also correlated well with their recent school lessons, allowing them to take away a better understanding of what the Navy really does. “This is very meaningful because with Veteran’s Day we’ve been learning about servicemen and this is kind of the big ending,” said Rebecca Jordon, the class’s teacher. “Before coming here we learned a lot about the Navy and what they do for the country. I think it’s important for them to see this being in a Navy town like Bremerton. It helps them to understand more. Not a lot of civilians get that opportunity.” Not only a great opportunity for those taking in the tour, the demonstration was an open arm from Nimitz and her Sailors in the effort of building a good relationship with the surrounding community. “The kids and parents enjoyed it and were very impressed with what they saw,” said McCartney. “They are our fellow citizens and are the reason we exist. They must see us to believe we are as good as we are. Each opportunity matters. It was equally interesting to watch our own Sailors smile as they saw 15 really excited kids walking around our ship.”

Capt. Michael McCartney, Nimitz’ reactor officer, explains flightdeck operations to a second grade class from Our Lady Star of the Sea schol. The students visitied USS Nimitz (CVN 68) as part of a field trip meant to inform the students on the Navy and its troops.

Nov. 23, 2011

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Nimitz Sports Page 7

Nov. 23, 2011

Your one stop shop for all things sports

Nimitz Sailors earn place in Army vs. Navy game Story by MC3 (SW) Robert Winn

Eight flag football players from USS Nimitz (CVN 68) have made the cut to play in the annual game against the all Army flag football team. Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class (AW/SW) Donta Willis (Center); Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class (AW/SW) Donald Childs (Defensive End); Electrician’s Mate 1st Class (SW/AW) Derrick Lewis (Wide Right); Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) 2nd Class (AW/SW) James Pullom (Quarter Back); Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Romey Fraizer (Corner Back); Airman Joshua Chisolm (Wide Right); Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) Airman Bruce Mathews (Quarter Back); Damage Controlman Fireman Brenner Pantoja (Wide Right) were among 200 Sailors all tried out during the regional try outs held during the last week of September. Fifty people made it through the first cut, and only 25 Sailors made it to the final call-backs to play in the Army vs. Navy game Dec. 3. “Practices started the first week of October,” said Electrician’s Mate 1st Class (SW/AW) Derrick Lewis. “This is the only game we’re going to play together and we really need to gel as a team if we want to win.” Lewis has been playing football from the age of 12 even reaching semi-professional leagues, and is playing against the Army for the fourth year straight. “It’s an honor and a big deal to me to be playing in this game,” said Lewis. “The rivalry between the Army and Navy goes way

back, so everyone takes this seriously. The ship is giving us the week prior to the game off to practice and I know the regional Master Chief will be there and a few Admirals.” Childs points out that preparing for this game takes a lot out of him. “I’ve taken days of leave and put in duty swaps in order to make sure I made it to practice,” said Childs. “The try outs fell on my sixth wedding anniversary and a duty day. It took a lot of explaining to my wife, but once my kids found out, I was set. They like the idea that their dad is still doing something he loves no matter what.” The team has practices every week, with all-day daily practices for the week leading up to the game. “We’ve watched their game films and are really working on specific areas of our game,” said Lewis. “We’ve got a strong quarterback, which is great because the running game doesn’t count for much in flag football. From the films we’ve seen, I don’t think they could stop us if they do man-to-man coverage and we’ve worked on some plays to help us push through if they go to zone defense.” Child says this year’s game is a big deal for Navy, “If we go on to win, that will make three in a row, which is a new record.” To show your support for Nimitz players and the Navy team, bring your best ‘Beat Army’ signs to Silverdale Stadium (Kitsap Fairgrounds) Dec. 3 for the 1 p.m. kickoff.

INDOC: Sailors develop leadership, new skills as they put on new rank Continued from Page 1

Sailors listen to lessons on how to take charge of thier new paygrades during Petty Officer Indoctrination.

Master Chief Electronics Technician Roy Jackson, Reactor Control Division’s leading chief petty officer, believes that the big thing to take out of the class is networking. “INDOC helps to better inform and fully train Sailors and introduce them to their peers,” said Jackson. “This networking is a key to be successful. No one person is an expert, but they should be able to find someone who is.” Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment) 2nd Class (select) Nathanael Hernandez hopes to get more than textbook leadership out of the class. “I want to be able to inspire my junior Sailors to do their best,” said Hernandez. “I think that’s the sign of a good leader.” Sailors who graduate this course are scheduled to be frocked to their new ranks this afternoon in the Naval Base KitsapBremerton gymnasium.

Nov. 23, 2011

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