Nimitz News - May 27, 2012

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May 27, 2012

Vol. 37, No. 16

May 27, 2012

Sea Cadets Curtis Russell and Joshua Mannhalt receive training from Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Lauren Powers on how to properly take blood pressure and pulse readings while demonstrating on her Tiger and mother, Janice Grant.

Sea Cadets shadow Sailors through Nimitz Story by MC3 Jacquelyn Childs Photos by MC3 Jacob Milner


or the past couple of days, Sailors and their Tigers may have noticed young future service members in uniform walking around and getting a feel of life on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). These young adults are part of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Blue Angels Squadron from Seattle and are making the transit along with family members and friends of the ship’s crew as part of a Tiger Cruise. “What we’re doing is shadowing Sailors to get a real taste of Navy life,” said Instructor Jim Wasnick, USNSCC Blue Angels Squadron Executive Officer. “We’ve been afforded this opportunity by the chain of command.” While underway with the ship, the cadets are getting an actual Navy experience including long working hours, cleaning, eating on the mess decks, and working with the different departments. “The kids woke up this morning at

4:45 a.m. and lights out last night wasn’t until 11:00 p.m.,” explained Wasnick. “Not only are their schedules kept busy with work here but they still have to do homework.” After getting ready for the day the cadets ate chow and took some time to do their homework. After a brief ‘break’ to get their homework done, they rolled right into cleaning stations and then met with their sponsors to find out where they would be working for the day. “We’re just trying everything out, seeing what regular Navy life is like,” said 15-yearold, Petty Officer 2nd Class Hamilton Wasnick, Blue Angels leading petty officer. “We’ve been working with our sponsor Airman David Duncan, working with the Master-at-Arms, watching personnel do their thing, just having a great time, really seeing what you guys do. We get to see what you sacrifice so that my friends and I can go to school and play football. It’s all about getting a true picture of what the enlisted life is like.” During the work day, the cadets

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shadowed Sailors in several areas including the machine shop, the brig and dispatch, personnel and medical to learn what life on a ship is really like. “We’ve helped reorganize the machine shop,” said Hamilton. “The Master-atArms took us down to the brig to show us what they do and at Personnel I got to help with mass check-ins and organizing paper work. We got to learn about all the different systems they use and how the Navy no longer uses service jackets; it’s all electronic. That would be great in our program because we still have the service jacket and it’s a pain to take with you.” With this being his first time underway for more than a few hours, Hamilton explained how surprised he was with the long hours and hard work put in by the crew. “I knew there was a lot of work but I didn’t know there was so much every day,” he said. “The same routine; clean, chow, back to your regular job, go to sleep. I was talking to air-traffic controllers who said they have 18-20 hour days, that’s crazy.

Even with my 12 hour days, that’s nothing compared to what you guys have to put up with.” Petty Officer 2nd Class Mitchell Gregory, the 15-year-old assistant leading petty officer of the Blue Angels also expressed his appreciation for the work of not only Nimitz Sailors but also service members throughout the military. “I really appreciate the service that the personnel in the military do for us,” he said. “Without the military we wouldn’t have all the luxuries we have at home.” The Sea Cadet program was created in 1958 by request of the Department of the Navy and operates under actual DOD instruction. The program provides youth the opportunity to gain military experience during their school years with structured training and discipline based upon Navy policies. Their rank structure is identical to the Navy and allows the youth to learn responsibilities early in their lives. “The Sea Cadet program has been helping me with some disciplinary issues which is why I originally joined,” said Gregory. “I’ve been able to keep my mind more open to different options.” Cadets can learn important life skills while in the program that can assist them with planning their futures. Whether they decide to stay with the cadets, join the military or step into the civilian world, the lessons learned while in the program carry with the youth for the rest of their lives. “Sea Cadets is a great program and we get to interact with really great areas; ships, bases, different trainings that we do,” said Gregory. “I think it’s a great way for me to get a head start on what I want to do in the military and if I see something that’s more interesting maybe I’ll have a change of mind and it just might change my entire life. I think the program is just helping me get ready for my future.” Gregory is planning on joining the Marine Corps and Hamilton is hoping to become a flight officer in the Navy.

May 27, 2012

Sea Cadet Instructors Jim Wasnick and Danny Gregory serve food to Sailors and their Tigers on the aft mess deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68).

Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Lauren Powers instructs Sailors on the proper technique of treating a sucking chest wound as her shadows for the day, Sea Cadets Curtis Russell and Joshua Mannhalt watch and learn.

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May 27, 2012

You can't handle the tooth Story by MC3 Ian Cotter Photos by MC3 (SW) Thomas Siniff

Lt. Cmdr. Kevin E. Hudson and Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcelo Periera perform oral surgery on Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Ian A. Cotter's wisdom teeth in the Dental Department of USS Nimitz (CVN 68).


eeping with the annual Navy custom of birth month recall (BMR), it was once again my time to visit the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz’ (CVN 68) Dental Department for my yearly checkup. After waiting in line, getting my blood pressure taken and having my pearly whites scratched at with a metal pick, I was told I needed an x-ray. I obliged, and donned the plastic coated lead dress and watched a futuristic machine revolve around my head. I’ve had many x-rays before, so I wasn’t too worried. I was almost finished with my BMR and soon I would be back in my shop doing the daily work I needed to accomplish. Then the doctor came into the examining room. “We’re going to need to remove your wisdom teeth,” he said.

I don’t know for what sentimental reason I wanted to keep them, but I couldn’t help but feel a little upset. Was I not evolutionarily adept enough to keep them? I had always thought that I could get by with all four of my wisdom teeth. But, they needed to be taken out, so I was scheduled to have surgery on May 10 and left the Dental Department. Before I knew it the day of my surgery had arrived, and I found myself back in the examination chair in the Dental Department. In my case, my top teeth were pushing into my sinuses and my bottom teeth’s roots were extending dangerously close to a nerve ending. Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcelo Pereira entered the room and began reviewing the paperwork needed for the procedure.

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May 27, 2012

As I was filling out my paperwork, Nimitz’ oral surgeon Lt. functional and the shrill whine of spinning metal rang in the air. Cmdr. Kevin E. Hudson came in and hung up my x-rays. I could Hudson had grabbed a dental handpiece, which is an ultra pure see how all of my teeth were growing, and that my wisdom teeth nitrogen-powered drill used for cutting teeth into pieces and were growing sideways and beginning to cause havoc in the back remodeling bone. I can’t say that I wasn’t nervous, but that didn’t of my jaw. matter. It was going to happen. According to Hudson, my case was a fairly simple and It’s a peculiar sensation being numb and feeling a highstraightforward one. About 80 percent of oral surgeries are powered drill bury into your own jaw. There’s also a weird smell wisdom tooth removals, and mine, he assured me, was going to of vaporized tooth after it’s been burned away by the drill. Soon be a piece of cake. the drill stopped, and I sighed in relief. Pereira handed me a cup of Listerine to rinse my mouth out But, it wasn’t over. Next, Hudson used another tool to try to and reclined my chair to a comfortable position. Then he prepared break the tooth apart from the inside. Then he said to me: “I’m the hypodermic needles with two percent Lidocaine, which is going to need you to apply some opposing pressure.” I never used to create thought I would a Gow-Gates ever fill an active nerve block. role in my own These blocks are surgery, but Lt. Cmdr. Kevin E. Hudson and Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcelo Periera perform oral surgery on Mass Communication used to numb sure enough, as Specialist 3rd Class Ian A. Cotter's wisdom teeth in the Dental the mandibular Hudson levered Department of USS Nimitz (CVN 68). branch of the his instrument trigeminal nerve, one way, I which supplies pushed against it feeling to your in the opposite lower jaw. This is direction. also known as the Crack! Like V3 nerve trunk. the sound of He handed a splitting log, the needle to my tooth fell Hudson, who to pieces and carefully guided Hudson carefully it into my open fished them from jaws and said the socket. After to me, “Alright, all of the debris you’re going to was removed, feel a pinch and a and the socket burn.” I felt both, as he punctured several areas around all of my was evaluated to have no nerve, arterial or vein damage, Hudson wisdom teeth. It hurt a bit, but after a few minutes my mouth closed the socket and stitched it together with a dissolvable went numb and regional anesthesia was achieved. suture. In order to keep me calm and comfortable, a towel was This was only the first of four teeth, but I had gotten the placed over my eyes so that I wouldn’t be alarmed or distracted hang of it and within an hour, all of my wisdom teeth had been by watching the procedure. However, I could still feel and hear removed and my sockets stitched. Hudson placed gauze between everything. Hudson installed a Wieder retractor, which held my my sockets to keep the bleeding down and after the retractors tongue out of the way of the operational area. Normally, when a were removed, I was sent to the pharmacy to pick up my pain person’s mouth goes numb, they will subconsciously move their killing medication and retired to my rack, sick-in-quarters for two tongue about their mouth, still trying to detect things. full days. Next, Hudson used a scalpel to take the skin off of the first It was hard eating, yawning, and generally moving my jaw at tooth and uncover the bone. Once all of the jawbone in the area first. Now, after two weeks, my sockets are nearly fully healed and was exposed, he used a Minnesota retractor to hold the gum I’m back to the same regular lifestyle I had before the procedure. tissue out of the way and a dental elevator to soften and expand What amazed me was the complexity of the procedure and the the socket the tooth was sitting in. efficiency of its execution. It’s amazing that all of the comfort and Surprisingly, I couldn’t feel any of it. My mouth was fully numb capabilities of an on-shore dental clinic are found rocking back and though Lt. Cmdr. Hudson was cutting through my gum line, and forth on a floating city in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I didn’t feel any pain. The procedure was comfortable and I had I was fully cured of my oral affliction, but for Nimitz’ Dental no anxiety or worries about the situation. Department, it was just another day at sea. Then I heard it. I couldn’t see anything, but my ears were fully

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May 27, 2012 Flight crew members from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) standby on the flight deck during an air show put on for the crew’s family and friends. Photo by MCSN Christopher Bartlett.

An F/A-18 Super Hornet assigned to the “Dea a scheduled air show to entertain the civilians a

Tigers watching birds Families and friends of USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Sailors gathered on the flight deck May 25, to watch aircraft and flight deck personnel perform flight operations in a demonstration of air combat capabilities.

Two SH-60H Seahawk helicopters assigned to Air Wing 11 (CVW 11) for the family and frien

Two F/A-18 Super Hornets perform a fly-by above the USS Nimitz (CVN 68) as part of an air show conducted to entertain tiger cruise members and show the capabilities of aircraft. Photo by MCSA William Cousins.

An F/A-18E Super Hornet from the Sidewinders of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 86 86 prepares for launch during an air show conducted by Carrier Air Wing 11 (CVW 11) for family and friends of Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Photo by MC3 Andrew Jandik.

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May 27, 2012

ath Rattlers” of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323 takes-off from the flight deck of USS Nimitz (CVN 68) for and Sailors on board. Photo by MCSA William Cousins.

o Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HSC) 6 demonstrate their capabilities during an air show conducted by Carrier nds of Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Photo by MC3 Andrew Jandik.

Master-at-Arms 2nd Class (SW) Callie Long and her Tiger watch an air show on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Photo by MCSA William Cousins.

An FA-18 Super Hornet assigned to the “Death Rattlers” of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323 prepares to land on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) for an air show for family and friends of the crew. Photo by MCSN Christopher Bartlett.

A Sailor from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) prepares the chocks and chains on the flight deck during an air show put on for the crew’s family and friends. Photo by MCSN Christopher Bartlett.

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May 27, 2012

A spot of British in yellow Story and photo by MC3 Jacob Milner


ometimes you can hear it as you pass through hangar bay two. A bit of an accent, or a big laugh to an unheard joke. A bit of British roaming about the deck plates in a yellow shirt. Page 8

May 27, 2012 In 2003 Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 3rd Class Jared Whitefield, then just Jared, arrived in the U.S. on what was supposed to be a two week vacation. “I went to Phoenix, AZ,” said Whitefield. “I used to live in Dublin and I met a guy from Arizona who asked me to come visit him in Phoenix. It was awesome. I was planning on staying for just a couple of weeks but Arizona was amazing, so I never left. The desert landscape, as harsh as it is, is really nice.” After arriving, Whitefield made quick progress in the American job market finding that possibilities in the U.S. were limitless. “I lived in the Phoenix metro area for about four or five years,” said Whitefield. “After that I got a job opportunity in Las Vegas. I was general manager for both the Las Vegas and Phoenix branches of a shipping company. I lived there before the Navy and I loved it. That is where I plan to go when I’m finished with the Navy.” The American way can sometimes be taken for granted by those born and raised in the States but some from other countries still see the U.S. as a new world, full of opportunity. “The standard of living is much better,” said Whitefield. “Everything is much easier. If you want to do something, give it a whirl. There seems to be no limitation to what you can do. Look at me, I moved to America as a carpenter and all of my skills involved carpentry work. I was offered a sales position for a shipping company and within a couple of years I was general manager of two offices in different states. That would never happen in England. You would have to go to a university, get a business degree and start at the bottom rung of the latter. In the space of seven years with that company, I was well on my way up.” Job opportunities aren’t the only thing Whitefield enjoys about the states. The economy also played a big part in his decision to stay. “The way of life is pretty decent here,” said Whitefield. “I was amazed at how cheap it is to live in the states, as crazy as that sounds. America has got it pretty good. The cost of houses, fuel and groceries is amazingly low compared. I’m happy with $4 a gallon because right now my dad is paying the equivalent of $9 back in the U.K.” After being in the U.S. for some time, Whitefield decided it was time to fulfill one of his life’s ambition and volunteer for military service. “I had lived here for about seven years,” said Whitfield. “I joined the Navy in late 2009 because

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one of my biggest regrets in life was never doing military service. I had just turned 30 and my wife told me it was now or never. I had to get it out of my system. The first step was to join the Navy, work on my citizenship and choose a rate.” Though Britain has a long and storied naval tradition, Whitefield never had the inclination to join the Royal Navy even though his family had naval ties. “It never crossed my mind to join in England,” said Whitefield. “My grandfather on my mom’s side of the family was in the Royal Navy. He was a Sailor through and through, who never spoke badly of it. It never crossed my mind because I was set in my ways and going through college. Once I was here, and I had turned 30, that was my turning point.” Before boot camp Whitefield went through the typical anxiety that all Sailors experience. Visions of R. Lee Emery chewing him out danced through his mind as he waited to leave. “Boot camp was a little easier than I thought it was going to be,” said Whitefield. “I had images from Full Metal Jacket running though my head beforehand. I was fortunate enough to have quite a few jobs open to me when I joined. I chose aviation boatswain’s mate not really knowing what I was getting in to.” Once on board Whitefield quickly rose to the position of assistant bay petty officer of hangar bay two, where he works the night shift. “It’s broken down into day check and night check,” said Whitefield. “The bay petty officer is day check and the assistant bay petty officer is night check. So I run hangar bay two at night. I am an aircraft director so when birds come down from the flight deck we put them where they can receive maintenance.” If asked ten years ago what his future would hold, aircraft director on board an aircraft carrier in the Pacific would’ve been the furthest possibility, Whitefield laughed. Still, he would do it all over again. “Now that I’m here, I love the job,” said Whitefield. “Being an integral part of the day to day operations for the air wing keeps me busy, and it’s a lot of fun.” After a quick vacation to the U.S. nine years ago, this Britain native is here to stay. “America really is the land of opportunity,” said Whitefield. “I’ve met a lot of great people that have given me some great opportunities to succeed.”

May 27, 2012

Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class (SW) Cameron McKinley steers the ship from the pilot house.

Skilled Sailors perform as Master Helmsmen Story and photo by MC3(SW) Thomas Siniff


ot much thought is given to the Sailor who steers the ship, or the reason why you feel ease at night knowing that there are Sailors navigating through both calm and rough waters. Hour after hour they man the helm in the red hats they worked diligently to earn. Just three USS Nimitz Sailors are qualified to stand watch as a master helmsman. Nimitz is required to have at least two master helmsmen on board. These select few are responsible for steering the ship as it leaves and enters port and while conducting replenishments at sea. “You have to get your pre-requisites done,” said Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class (SW) Cameron McKinley, who’s been a master helmsman aboard Nimitz for nearly four years. “You have to learn how

to do the aft steering part of it, in case there is a casualty in the pilot house and we can’t drive from up there.” While they perform their day-to-day steering watches, a master helmsman may recognize them and suggest they become master helmsman qualified. “We have to perform enough evolutions to instill the captain’s trust in us,” said McKinley “We have to know the proper procedures to take. We can’t wait for someone to give an order when were alongside another ship and we lose control.” The Commanding Officer is the final decision maker, and determines whether or not a Sailor can be qualified. He also considers how the master helmsmen’s view the Sailors capabilities. “You don’t actually get your qualification until the Commanding

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Officer hands you your red cover.” said McKinley. “He will talk to the qualified guys and ask if they think he or she is ready, or if they need more practice.” McKinley was determined to become a master helmsman before he joined the Navy. “This is what I joined the Navy to do,” said McKinley. “One of my biggest reasons for becoming a boatswain’s mate was to become a master helmsman.” Soon McKinley will checkout and Nimitz will have only two qualified master helmsmen to keep the ship and the crew safe while performing dangerous evolutions. Sailors who are interested in becoming master helmsman can contact Deck Department to learn how.

Channel 5

Channel 6

Channel 7

0800 / 2000

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Dinner for Schmucks

I Robot

The Rocketeer

Fantastic Four

Perfect Storm

Chronicles of Narnia : Dawn Treader

A League of Their Own

V for Vendetta

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Lean on Me


1000 / 2200

The Addams Family 1200 / 0000

Astro Boy 1400 / 0200

Mars Needs Moms 1600 / 0400

Cats & Dogs : Revenge of Kitty Galore 1800 / 0600

Puzzle answers:

Across 1. Nails 4.Oxygen 7.Shole 9.Strongback

10.Tap 11.CCOL 12.Elbow 13.Fifteen


Crazy Stupid Love

5 9 3 7 2 8 4 1 7 3 5 6 2 7 3 6 4 8 9 5 4 6 1 2 3 9 4 8 3 6 5 4 1 7 3 2 8

Real Steal

1 8 9 5 7 3 7 9 2 4 8 4 6 1 2 8 9

The Muppets

Commanding Officer CAPT Jeffrey S. Ruth Executive Officer CAPT Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief CMDCM Teri M. McIntyre Public Affairs Officer LCDR Karin Burzynski Media Division Officer LTJG Jason Scarborough Media LCPO MCC Mike Jones Media Production Chief MCC Mike Jones Editor MC3 Ashley Berumen Lead Designer MC3 Jacob Milner Media Dept MC2 Michael Cole MC2 James Mitchell MC2 Vladimir Potapenko MC2 Mark Sashegyi MC2 Adam Wolfe MC3 Ashley Berumen MC3 Jacquelyn Childs MC3 Ian Cotter MC3 Andrew Jandik MC3 Shayne Johnson MC3 Jacob Milner MC3 Glenn Slaughter MC3 Thomas Siniff MC3 Nichelle Whitfield MC3 Devin Wray MCSN Christopher Bartlett MCSN Renee Candelario MCSN Alexander Ventura II MCSN Jessica Lewis MCSA Vanessa David MCSA Ryan Mayes Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions must be in by Friday, COB. Submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

2. Shore 3. Perijet 5. Yolk 6. Jubilee

8. Douglas fir 9. Supplementary

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