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April 28, 2014 • DAILY



TR’s Crew Completes CART II

BULK MUSCLES AND SUPPLIES S-2 and S-3 Stock the Ship


TR Transitions to Basic Phase Story by MC3 (SW) Heath Zeigler

he aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) completed Command Assessment of Readiness and Training Phase II (CART II) April 24. CART II assesses the ship’s development and execution of training plans for the subsequent basic phase. “This assessment is our transition from maintenance phase to basic unit level training,” said Lt. Cmdr. Terra Gray, TR’s training officer. Basic phase focuses on team training, unit level exercises, unit inspections, assessments and qualifications. Successful completion ensures TR is proficient in all capabilities and certification criteria required to begin more complex integrated training events. “This training will roll right into our next phase of deployment preparations,” said Gray. “With the integration of all of our training teams, our past week of CART II has been very fast paced.” TR conducted General Quarters, stretcher bearer drills and Ship’s Nautical or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Examination (SNOOPIE) team drills during CART II. “The ship’s preparation and rehearsals were apparent throughout the assessment,” said Gray. “We executed all of CART II requirements seamlessly and with the energy and enthusiasm of a combat ready carrier.”

Sailors from one of TR’s stretcher bearer teams train to carry injured personnel during a General Quarters drill.

Bulk: Muscles and Supplies Keep TR Stocked


Story and Photo by MCSN Jenna Kaliszewski

rom a snack purchased at the ship’s store, to the thousands of meals served daily, the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt’s (CVN 71) Ship’s Servicemen (SH) and Culinary Specialists (CS) work behind the scenes to provide and stock supplies for the ship’s stores, vending machines and mess decks. Sailors from Supply Department’s S-2 and S-3 divisions keep TR stocked by managing the ship’s complex supply demand. S-2 moves, stocks and tracks food needed for the mess decks, while S-3 does the same for the ship’s stores and vending machines. “We figure out what we need to order, fill out the forms to order the supplies and send them in,” said Ship’s Serviceman 1st Class Rodolfo Tapia. “Once the trucks get here with the supplies, we receive them and check them against our receipts to ensure our order is correct,” said Master Chief Culinary Specialist Stephan Jones. S-2 and S-3 bring the supplies onboard and stock them neatly in the ship’s storerooms. The next crucial step is getting supplies from the storerooms to TR’s Sailors. “Breakout is the process of the ship’s store getting their shelves stocked from the storerooms,” said Tapia. “Every day you’re moving boxes because we have to breakout what the galley needs for the next day,” said Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Eddie Champaign. The divisions maintain detailed records to ensure orders for supplies are timely and the ship stays within its allotted budget. “Every item that we have we need to be accountable for

because the taxpayer and government paid for those items,” said Tapia. “We have to have good stewardship.” Through meticulous record keeping and countless hours of moving, organizing and stocking supplies, TR’s S-2 and S-3 divisions keep the ship alive.

Sailors move supplies during a supply onload aboard TR.

Midnight in New York F R O M T H E PA G E S O F

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014

A WHITE HOUSE SPLIT OVER RUSSIA WASHINGTON — As President Obama and his national security team struggle to increase pressure on Russia over its intervention in Ukraine, they have become entangled in a tense debate over how much emphasis to put on unity with European allies more reluctant to take stronger economic actions against Moscow. So far, Obama has opted to stick close to the Europeans, even at the expense of more punishing sanctions. But some inside and outside the administration argue that the United States should act unilaterally if necessary. The issue came to a head in recent days as American and European leaders tried to coordinate a new round of sanctions after the collapse of a Geneva agreement to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine. Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a blistering attack on Moscow on Thursday for not living up to the agreement, but the plan to follow that up with sanctions on Friday fell apart while Washington waited for Europe, postponing action until Monday at the earliest. The deliberations in the West came as pro-Russian forces in Ukraine on Sunday continued to defy international demands to stand down. An antigovernment militia paraded eight detained members of a European military observer mission before cameras. The sanctions to be announced as early as Monday would single out more people close to President Vladimir V. Putin as well as certain companies. Among them are likely to be Igor Sechin, president of the state-owned Rosneft oil company, and Aleksei Miller, head of the stateowned energy giant Gazprom. The measures will also block certain high-technology exports to the Russian defense industry, officials added. While some of Obama’s advisers want him to impose sanctions against whole sectors of the Russian economy, the president has decided against it for now, cognizant of the resistance of European nations that have far more at stake economically, officials said. PETER BAKER C. J. CHIVERS

© 2014 The New York Times


Lone Therapist Bills Medicare $4 Million A few miles from the Coney Island boardwalk in Brooklyn stands an outpost of what, on paper, is a giant of American medicine. Nothing about the place hints at the money that is said to flow there. But in 2012, according to federal data, $4.1 million from Medicare coursed through the office. In all, the practice treated around 1,950 Medicare patients that year. On average, it was paid by Medicare for 94 separate procedures for each one. That works out to about 183,000 treatments a year, 500 a day, 21 an hour. What makes those figures more remarkable, and raises eyebrows among experts, is that judging by Medicare billing records, one person did it all. His name is Wael Bakry, and he is not some A-list cardiologist, oncologist or internist. He is a physical therapist. But physical therapy, it turns out, is a big recipient of national Medicare dollars — and physical therapy in Brooklyn is among the biggest of all. Of the 10 physical therapists who were paid the most by Medicare in 2012, half listed Brooklyn addresses, according

to an analysis of Medicare billing data by The New York Times. Two others listed addresses on Long Island, one in Queens, and one each in California and Texas. Bakry, 42, did not dispute the $4.1 million figure. But he said that the Medicare data could be “deceiving.” One person, he said, could not provide all of that care alone: “I’m not Superman.” Physical therapy has become a Medicare gold mine. Medicare paid physical therapists working in offices $1.8 billion in 2012 alone, the 10th-highest field among 74 specialties. In Brooklyn, physical therapy was second only to internal medicine. Why Brooklyn? Federal authorities say the borough is a national hot spot for Medicare fraud, particularly fraud involving physical therapy. Unscrupulous practitioners bill Medicare for unnecessary treatments or procedures they never perform — something that is often easier to do in physical therapy than in fields like oncology or cardiology. While some experts have expressed skepticism about

Bakry’s numbers, he said Medicare had never questioned his billing practices nor denied payments to his practice. Bakry does not appear in a database of providers who are currently excluded from the Medicare program. Bakry offers an explanation echoed by other practitioners: the newly released Medicare data paints an incomplete picture of where taxpayer dollars are actually flowing. Bakry said his practice had about two dozen physical therapists and assistants working in four offices in 2012. The care provided by all of those therapists and assistants went under his Medicare billing number because he owned the practice. Whatever the case, as the nation’s population ages, demand for physical therapy treatments has been on the rise — and so has fraud. Billing for physical therapy services has come under heightened scrutiny by regulators and law enforcement, leading to numerous crackdowns and raids of physical therapy clinics around the country. JULIE CRESWELL and ROBERT GEBELOFF

Gay Rights Push Shifts Focus to South and West The country’s leading gay rights groups and donors, after a decade focused on legalizing same-sex marriage, are embarking on a drive to win more basic civil rights and workplace protections in Southern and Western states where the rapid progress of the movement has largely eluded millions of gay men and lesbians. The effort will shift tens of millions of dollars in the next few years to what advocates described as the final frontier for gay rights: states like Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas, and Texas, where Republicans dominate elected office and traditional cultural views on homosexuality still prevail. The new strategy reflects the growing worry within the movement that recent legal and political successes have formed two quickly diverging worlds for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender Americans: one centered on the coasts and major cities, and

another stretching across the South and up through the Rocky Mountains, in states where gays enjoy virtually no legal protections against discrimination. “We can’t allow two distinct gay Americas to exist,” said Tim Gill, a Colorado-based philanthropist whose foundation is putting about $25 million into a handful of mostly conservative-leaning states over the next five years. “Everybody should have the same rights and protections regardless of where they were born and where they live.” The push is likely to encounter resistance. Gay rights groups will be engaging in communities where efforts to expand civil rights protections to gays are sometimes viewed as an attack on people of faith. “Mississippi has the highest church attendance per capita in the nation,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research

Council. “People have strong convictions based on faith. It’s not an opinion. It is their understanding of religious truth. And they are not going to walk away from it just because it’s unpopular.” In some states, organizations like the Human Rights Campaign, the American Civil Liberties Union and groups Gill helps fund, plan to lobby for new nondiscrimination ordinances in housing and employment and for legislation allowing gay parents to adopt. In other states, they are building new grass-roots organizations and pushing for the election of openly gay and lesbian officials where there are none. In a nod to the dominant political culture in the South and West, the effort will rely heavily on outreach to Republicans and clergy, as well as to African-American civil rights organizations. NICHOLAS CONFESSORE and JEREMY W. PETERS


Demonstrators In Venezuela Recount Abuse VALENCIA, Venezuela — Clipso Martínez was shot at such close range by a soldier at a protest that his surgeon said he had to remove pieces of the plastic shotgun shell buried in his leg, along with the shards of keys Martínez had in his pocket, shattered by the blast. Jorchual Gregory was detained with 10 others who said that over three days they were kicked, pistol whipped, doused with pepper spray and battered with shotgun butts. “They wanted to make people afraid so we wouldn’t stay in the streets,” said Gregory, 19. “But what happened was more protests and more deaths.” Venezuela has been shaken by more than two months of often violent protests that President Nicolás Maduro said are designed to overthrow him. He held the opposition responsible for violence that the government said has claimed more than 40 lives. Until recently, most countries in the region had either supported Maduro, said little about the protests or gently urged him toward moderation. But there were growing signs that support for Maduro was weakening, as some of Venezuela’s neighbors showed unease with the government’s response to the crisis, including the aggressive treatment of protesters. This month, foreign ministers from the Union of South American Nations, a group that Venezuela was instrumental in creating, pressed Maduro to hold talks with opposition parties. With diplomats from Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador sitting in, the government and opposition agreed to create a truth commission to look into allegations of human rights abuses. The growing concerns in the region coincided with increasing evidence of a pattern of violent behavior by the security forces here. Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, a policy group in Washington, said the intervention by other South American countries was prompted by the escalating violence. “The primary concern is that without any moderation, without any space for dialogue, there was a likelihood of continued crackdown and repression that would spur more violence,” Shifter said. WILLIAM NEUMAN

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014


Putting a Cap on Chernobyl to Last a Century CHERNOBYL, Ukraine — Against the skyline here, a oneof-a-kind engineering project is rising near the remains of the world’s worst civilian nuclear disaster. An army of workers, shielded from radiation by thick concrete slabs, is constructing a huge arch, sheathed in acres of gleaming stainless steel and vast enough to cover the Statue of Liberty. The structure is so otherworldly it looks as if it could have been dropped by aliens onto this Soviet-era industrial landscape. If all goes as planned, by 2017 the 32,000-ton arch will be delicately pushed on Teflon pads to cover the ramshackle shelter that was built to entomb the radioactive remains of the reactor that exploded and burned here in April 1986. When its ends are closed, it will be able to contain any radioactive dust should the aging shelter collapse. By all but eliminating the risk of additional atmospheric contamination, the arch will remove the lingering threat of even a limited reprise of those nightmarish days 28 years ago, when radioactive fallout poisoned the flatlands for miles around and turned villages into ghost towns. The arch will also allow the final stage of the Chernobyl cleanup to begin — an arduous task to remove the heavily contaminated reactor debris for permanent safe storage. That this job will fall from international hands to those of Ukraine presents new worries, especially as Russia threatens the nation’s

A 32,000-ton arch that will end up costing $1.5 billion is being built in Chernobyl, Ukraine, to all but eliminate the risk of further contamination at the site. Chernobyl arch alone will end up costing about $1.5 WILLIAM DANIELS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES billion, financed borders. For now, though, the ris- largely by the United States and about 30 other nations. ing arch is a sign of progress. And making the site of a ra“It’s an amazing structure,” said Nicolas Caille, project direc- dioactive disaster truly secure tor for Novarka, the consortium of can take generations. Engineers French construction companies have designed the Chernobyl that is building it. “You can’t com- arch to stand for 100 years; they figure that is how long it may take pare it to anything else.” With nations debating the fu- to fully clean the area. But there ture of atomic power as one way have always been questions about to reduce greenhouse-gas emis- Ukraine’s long-term commitsions and fight climate change, ment, and the political turmoil and the arch is also a stark reminder tensions with Russia have raised that nuclear energy, for all of its new concerns. So even a century benefits, carries enormous risks. might not be enough. The arch, though, is a formidaWhen things go wrong, huge chalble structure, said Vince Novak, lenges follow. Containment and cleanup push the director of nuclear safety engineering capabilities to their for the European Bank for Relimits, as Japan is also finding construction and Development, out since the meltdowns at the which administers the project’s Fukushima power plant three financing. If necessary, he said, “it might be able to last 300 years years ago. HENRY FOUNTAIN The costs are enormous — the or more.”

In Brief Qaddafi Son Appears by Link Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, facing accusations that he aided his father, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, in the brutal suppression of Libya’s uprising three years ago, was not allowed to appear in court in person on Sunday to answer the charges. A militia in the town of Zintan has detained Qaddafi for 17 months, refusing to surrender him to the government. So instead, Qaddafi’s face was beamed to the courtroom from a secret location, through a video link. Eight other defendants also took part in the hearing by means of a video link. (NYT)

Pact on Use of Military Bases The United States has reached a 10-year agreement with the Philippines that will give American warships, planes and troops greater access to bases in the archipelago, American officials said Sunday. The deal, which will be the centerpiece of President Obama’s visit to the Philippines on Monday, returns

the United States to a visible presence in the country for the first time since the American military gave up its sprawling naval and air bases, including one at Subic Bay, in 1992. (NYT)

South Korean Premier Resigns Prime Minister Chung Hong-won, the No. 2 official in the South Korean government, apologized and offered to resign on Sunday, as the country remained angry and saddened over the sinking of a ferry that left 302 people, the vast majority of them high school students, dead or missing. President Park Geun-hye quickly accepted his resignation but asked Chung to stay in his post until the government completes its rescue operations, said Min Kyungwook, a presidential spokesman. The government has come under fire as early investigations revealed loopholes in safety measures and lax regulatory enforcement that investigators said contributed to the sinking of the ferry, the Sewol, on April 16. (NYT)

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 3


Mayor Likes Sharing His View From the Top LOS ANGELES — When Eric Garcetti ran for mayor of Los Angeles, his campaign created an Instagram account to feed voters a daily stream of campaign pictures: candidate shaking hands, candidate touring park, candidate giving a speech. Unremarkable, unrevealing and uncontroversial — and destined to fade away with Election Day, which it did. But about six months after taking office in June, Garcetti, who at 43 is the youngest mayor of Los Angeles in over 100 years, turned that account into a personal experiment in the use of social media by a new generation of officeholder. He has since posted a torrent of photographs — many of them artistically ambitious, and by any measure politically unconventional — that offer a textured and off-kilter view of Los Angeles. The little-known photo feed is akin to a private diary or a sketchbook, the kind of document that once upon a time might not have been discovered for 50 years, hid-

den away on a shelf somewhere. Garcetti’s endeavor is at once political and personal, offering a glimpse into the subdued and slightly offbeat style that has come to define this city’s new leader. It is a style that, with every passing day, offers more of a head-snapping contrast to the splashy and showy ways of his immediate predecessor, Antonio R. Villaraigosa. The days of red carpet appearances, brash promises and bad-boy mayoral antics have given way to a mayor who grows animated talking about the pressing need for navigational systems on fire trucks — and who likes taking pictures with his Samsung Galaxy S4 phone from the behind-the-security-line vantage point that comes with his job. The mayor shoots photographs during a tour of a construction site, on his morning hike in Griffith Park and from the mayoral car in the funeral procession for a police officer who was killed on duty. After introducing Charlie Wilson,

the R&B singer, at a concert at the Nokia Theater, Garcetti slipped to the wings to watch the show — and to take photographs of Wilson from behind, washed in red light. “I find myself in these unique places with a unique angle that nobody else can get to,” Garcetti said. “I’m looking for something that moves my eye. Sometimes they are not great pictures: Like this, that was from my car. But I’ll take a situation and try to make it aesthetically pleasing.” No matter that Garcetti has only about 3,300 subscribers on Instagram; presumably he is at the early stages of this road. “People are spending billions of dollars giving voters what they don’t want, which are tricky ads,” John Della Volpe, the director of polling at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University, said. “We spend no time giving voters what they do want, which is a truer connection with their government and opportunities to engage.” ADAM NAGOURNEY

‘Smart’ Firearm Draws Wrath of the Gun Lobby BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Belinda Padilla does not pick up unknown calls anymore, not since someone posted her cellphone number on an online forum for gun enthusiasts. A few fuming-mad voice mail messages and heavy breathers were all it took. Her offense? Trying to market and sell a new .22-caliber handgun that uses a radio frequency-enabled stopwatch to identify the authorized user so no one else can fire it. Padilla and the manufacturer she works for, Armatix, intended to make the weapon the first “smart gun” for sale in the United States. But shortly after Armatix went public with its plans, Padilla, who

leads the company’s fledgling American division, encountered the same uproar that has stopped gun control advocates across the country as they seek to pass tougher laws and promote new technologies they contend will lead to fewer firearms deaths. And despite support from the Obama administration and the promise of investment from Silicon Valley, guns with owner-recognition technology remain shut out of the market today. “Right now, unfortunately, these organizations that are scaring everybody have the power,” Padilla said. “All we’re doing is providing extra levels of safety to your indi-

vidual right to bear arms.” Second Amendment defenders argue that once guns with hightech safety features go on sale, government mandates will follow. They cite a decade-old New Jersey law requiring that within three years of the recognition technology’s becoming available in the United States, all guns sold in the state would have to be “smart.” The National Rifle Association wrote that “smart guns,” a term it mocks as a misnomer, have the potential “to mesh with the anti-gunner’s agenda, opening the door to a ban on all guns that do not possess the government-required technology.” JEREMY W. PETERS

Decisions Could Change How Cellphone Privacy Is Viewed WASHINGTON — In a test of how to interpret the Fourth Amendment in the digital age, the Supreme Court on Tuesday will consider two cases about whether police need warrants to search the cellphones of people they arrest. The justices will have to decide how to apply an 18th-century phrase — the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of “unreasonable searches and seizures” — to devices that can contain 100 times

more information than is in the Library of Congress’ 72,000-page collection of James Madison’s papers. The courts have long allowed warrantless searches in connection with arrests, saying they are justified by the need to protect police officers and to prevent the destruction of evidence. The Justice Department, in its Supreme Court briefs, said the old rule should apply to the new devices. Others say there must be a

different standard because of the sheer amount of data on and available through cellphones. In February, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals suppressed evidence found on the phone of a high school student who was arrested on charges of causing a disturbance on a bus. “Searching a person’s cellphone,” the court said, “is like searching his home desk, computer, bank vault and medicine cabinet all at once.” ADAM LIPTAK

In Brief Tornadoes Kill Five A powerful storm system spawned a massive tornado that killed at least four people as it carved through Little Rock’s northern suburbs and another that killed a person in Oklahoma. The Arkansas tornado touched down west of Little Rock at around 7 p.m. and moved northeastward for at least 30 miles, the National Weather Service reported. Matt DeCample, a spokesman for Gov. Mike Beebe, said Sunday night that three of the deaths were in Pulaski County and the fourth was in White County. A separate twister from the same system hit the Oklahoma community of Quapaw, killing one person and injuring six others, said an Ottawa County sheriff’s dispatcher, Kelli Soechs. (AP)

Mother Tells Police She Stabbed Infant A young mother believed to be suffering from depression admitted to investigators that she stabbed her 7-month-old son to death in a northern California park, the authorities said Sunday. Ashley Newton, 23, of San Jose, was arrested Saturday on suspicion of murder, the East Bay Regional Parks District Police Department said in a statement. Investigators continue to interview her family and friends in an attempt to make sense of the alleged crime. The chief of the park’s police department, Timothy Anderson, said that Newton had a history of depression and appeared to have self-inflicted knife wounds on her wrist. (AP)

Footwork Music Star DJ Rashad Dies at 34 Rashad Harden, a house music and footwork pioneer who performed as DJ Rashad, was found dead this weekend of an apparent drug overdose, the authorities in Chicago said Sunday. He was 34. A Chicago police spokeswoman, Janel Sedevic, said a friend found Harden’s body Saturday afternoon in an apartment on the city’s West Side. There was no sign of injury but narcotics and drug paraphernalia were found near his body, she said. Harden’s death comes just days before his EP was scheduled for release. (AP)

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 4


Soured Mortgages Attract Institutional Dollars A Wall Street executive who helped Goldman Sachs make more than a billion dollars betting against mortgages now wants to buy up troubled home loans. Donald R. Mullen Jr., who was the architect of Goldman’s trade against the housing market just before the financial crisis, is seeking to raise as much as $1 billion for a new fund. In the last two years, the investment firm he founded, Pretium Partners, has bought more than 8,000 single-family homes, which it rents out. Now, the firm plans to use the new fund to buy distressed mortgages at a discount and rework hem to permit the borrowers to remain in their homes or, if that fails, foreclose on the properties and operate them as rentals. That shift in strategy is a sign that some institutional investors — private equity firms, hedge funds

and firms like Pretium — that started buying foreclosed homes after the financial crisis are now scaling back the pace of their purchases. These firms are looking for other ways to make money from the wreckage of the housing bust. The slowdown in such institutional buying reflects a rise in home prices in places like Las Vegas, Phoenix and Southern California that were hit hard by the financial crisis. It also reflects a dwindling supply of distressed homes being sold at auction in those areas by banks. RealtyTrac, a firm that monitors housing sales and foreclosures, reports that in February, institutional investors accounted for 5.9 percent of single-family home purchases in the United States, down from 8.22 percent in January 2013, when institutional buying of homes was at its most feverish.

So institutional home buyers like Mullen’s firm, which used to be known as Fundamental REO, are becoming much more selective about where they buy homes. In focusing on nonperforming mortgages, Mullen, 55, who declined to be interviewed, is going back to his bread-and-butter business. Mullen’s new firm, Pretium, sees an opportunity in buying troubled mortgages from government-sponsored mortgage companies like the Federal Housing Administration. Pretium’s main strategy in buying nonperforming loans will be to find ways to revamp them, often by reducing the total amount owed, to make the mortgages more affordable to the borrower. But if that cannot be accomplished, the firm will look to foreclose and convert homes to rental properties. MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN

Few Consumers Buying Premise of Mobile Wallets SAN FRANCISCO — Millions of Americans use smartphones for hailing a taxi or checking in for a flight. But for buying something in a store? That mostly remains a tech entrepreneur’s dream. For years now, the promise of a so-called mobile wallet — in which paying in person can be as simple as hitting a button on a phone — has led to a host of American startups trying to cash in. Those companies, though, have faced nearly as many hurdles as they have competitors, including the most basic ones: Many people are not aware of the new payment systems, others are confused by the many choices, and some see

no benefit in the mobile option over using cash or credit cards. The hurdles have left all the payment companies scrambling to find the code for a profitable business model. And now, a feeling is growing that mobile payments systems will not replace traditional wallets, at least anytime soon. Despite the slow uptake of the technology by consumers, there is no shortage of ways to pay using a mobile phone. Start-ups like Square, Loop, LifeLock and Clinkle offer apps that let smartphone owners pay for products in stores with the tap of a button. Bigger brands like Samsung and Google have stepped in, too, offering dif-

ferent types of mobile payments. None of the companies, though, have found the winning combination to transform mobile payments into everyday consumer behavior. David Byttow, who was the lead engineer working on Square Wallet from mid-2012 to mid-2013, said getting a mainstream digital payment solution started was difficult and represented something of a catch-22 situation. More people would most likely use a service if it were widely available, he said, but merchants are not interested in installing new payment software and hardware unless a large swath of shoppers are using the service. BRIAN X. CHEN

In Brief Carbon-Focused Allies For Nuclear Industry Environmentalists and the nuclear industry are beginning a push to preserve old nuclear reactors whose economic viability is threatened by cheap natural gas and rising production of wind energy. They argue that while natural gas and wind are helpful as sources of electricity with little or no production of greenhouse gases, national climate goals will be unreachable if zero-carbon nuclear reactors are phased out. The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, an independent nonprofit group based in Washington, plans to release on Monday a research paper that charts the decline of the industry. (NYT)

China Halts Streaming Of 4 American Shows Chinese regulators have ordered streaming video websites nationwide to take down four popular American television series, “The Big Bang Theory,” “The Good Wife,” “NCIS” and “The Practice.” The move precedes new rules seeking to close a loophole that has allowed foreign shows to flourish online, even as censors have limited them on broadcast television. Unlike previous take-down orders, this one was accompanied by no explanation from the country’s top broadcast regulator, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, employees of two online streaming sites that legally license the shows said Sunday. (NYT)

A European Energy Executive’s Delicate Dance Over Aiding Ukraine LONDON — European executives, especially in the energy industry, have been notably wary of increasing the economic tensions with Russia over the Ukraine crisis. They see their business interests as too intertwined to risk stiffer sanctions. But few tread a finer line than Paolo Scaroni, chief executive of the Italian energy giant ENI. Despite his long dealings with Gazprom, Russia’s chief supplier of natural gas to Europe, he is willing to risk rankling Moscow. The executive recently met in Kiev with the Ukrainian energy

minister, Yuri Prodan, to discuss ways to supply more gas from sources other than Gazprom as a way to relax the Russian stranglehold. Besides being Ukraine’s chief source of natural gas, Russia sends gas through pipelines in Ukraine that supply about onethird of Europe’s imports. ENI is the leading distributor of that Gazprom gas. Gazprom officials have sought to assure the European Union that the company will not cut off gas in response to the tensions over Ukraine. But Scaroni warned that the situation was fragile.

“This is by far the toughest time for European energy security that I have seen,” Scaroni said. “This issue might stop the supply of Russian gas.” In the short term, Scaroni says, ENI could send spare gas to Ukraine on routes through neighboring countries like Slovakia. On Sunday, Slovakia, a European Union member, yielded to pressure to permit such flows. Major Western oil companies like BP and Exxon Mobil have extensive exploration deals in Russia that they fear could be jeopardized if the United States

and European Union impose stiffer penalties on the Vladimir Putin’s regiome. But ENI, Europe’s fourth-largest energy company, has focused its exploration and production on North and East Africa, and acts mainly as a middleman for Russian gas. That business has become less profitable in recent years, as various market forces have pushed down the price of gas. The weakness may be one reason ENI is willing to potentially incur Gazprom’s anger by cutting side deals with Ukraine. STANLEY REED and JAMES KANTER


MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014

New York’s Tech Scene Remains Out of Focus Predicting that your city will be the next Silicon Valley is simple. But actually making it the next Silicon Valley is something else entirely — as New York is slowly finding out. A few years ago, officials and executives in New York proclaimed their ambition: to build the city into a powerful hotbed for tech innovation. Officials funneled money into start-up incubators and approved a bid from Cornell University to transform Roosevelt Island into a two-million-squarefoot, next-generation technology campus to rival Stanford’s. Social media darlings like Foursquare, in downtown Manhattan, and the crafts retailer Etsy, in the Dumbo neighborhood of Brooklyn, were hailed as surefire breakouts. Since then, money has poured into the city’s tech sector. Dozens of homegrown tech companies have attracted millions of users. Start-ups connected with New York’s major industries like media, advertising and commerce are finding particular success. But no New York start-up has been a breakout hit, the sort of blockbuster with a multibillion-dollar valuation that has become so commonplace in Silicon Valley. And that has led to some disappointment for people who helped

set the city’s sights so high. “The hype has definitely died down,” said David Tisch, a co-founder of Techstars, a start-up incubator in New York, where he was formerly a managing director. “It’s harder to point to one thing and say, ‘That’s New York tech.’ ” Some companies have come close to breaking out but hit one bump or another. Even Four-

Several darlings of social media but no multibillion blockbuster. square, the location-sharing app that gained widespread attention a few years ago and was often the subject of acquisition rumors, has faded a bit from the spotlight. The company recently said that 45 million people had downloaded its application, but Foursquare would not release active user numbers. Some prominent New York investors who had been bullish on the city and local start-ups have started to look beyond its borders. Fred Wilson, for example, a partner at the Manhattan firm Union Square Ventures, said he had been putting more money into other markets, including Europe

and Canada. Wilson defined it as a “gradual and nuanced change.” He added, “I expect N.Y.C.-based companies will always be the largest cohort in our portfolio.” And investors are still betting on the city. The amount of venture, angel and private equity money invested in New York soared about 200 percent from 2009 to 2013, to $3 billion from $799 million, according to CB Insights, a data analysis firm that specializes in venture capital trends. Silicon Valley, by contrast, took in $11.4 billion in 2013. “There are people who think New York is an irrelevant market,” said Anand Sanwal, chief executive of CB Insights. “The more intellectually honest answer is that New York is just relatively immature. It’s on a good path and it needs to run its course a bit more.” Among the local companies grabbing the attention of investors are Canary, which makes a smart home security system; FiftyThree, which makes design apps for mobile devices; Kickstarter, the crowdfunding site; Warby Parker, the online eyeglasses retailer; MongoDB, a cloud services firm; AppNexus, an online advertising company; and Shapeways and MakerBot, 3-D printing start-ups. JENNA WORTHAM

New Challenges Chip Away at Cable’s Pillar of Profit For decades, cable television has been an almost magical source of profits, in large part because of the bundle, the packaging of channels that compels subscribers to buy a lot The Media of programming equaTion they never watch. david Carr Last week, that bundle seemed to be fraying on all fronts. The bundle has been a robust generator of profits in all manner of industries. Every time you order a value meal at McDonald’s, you are ordering a bundle. My cable bill is the same way. I don’t watch Animal Planet or TruTV, but I pay for them as part of a package that includes the channels I do want. Last year, media analysts at Needham & Co. estimated that $70 billion — half the total revenue in the television universe — would “evaporate” in an unbundled world. Clearly, much is at stake in the current bundling arrangement,

which has some powerful backers, but a future where consumers will be able to assemble an à la carte menu of entertainment suddenly seems much closer. On Tuesday, Aereo was in front of the Supreme Court with what once seemed like a preposterous notion: that a third party could grab broadcast signals and serve up the programming over the Internet without paying retransmission fees. Despite the skepticism the justices displayed toward Aereo, the company might survive simply because it represents digital entrepreneurialism that the court is loath to suppress. Next came HBO, which on Wednesday cut a deal with Amazon to license some of its programs for streaming on Amazon’s Prime service. Quality programming that has long given oxygen to various premium cable bundles will now be available through another platform. The Federal Communications

Commission was up next. Its announcement late Wednesday that content providers could be charged extra for enhanced streaming could mean that costs will rise for streaming outfits like Apple, Hulu and Netflix — but it will also mean a more stable platform for viewing on the Internet. The bundle is also taking some worrisome hits from the shift in viewing platforms. More and more people are spending more and more minutes looking at their phones, where the bundle has little presence. Young consumers will spend less time and money on an expensive bundle of programs on big screens as they spend more time on little ones. I’m not saying the jig — er, business model — is up, but if your platform, your programming and your audience are all under attack, the degree of difficulty in selling big packages of entertainment over cable is increasing.


Recovery Has Produced Mostly Low-Wage Jobs WASHINGTON — The deep recession wiped out primarily highwage and middle-wage jobs. Yet the strongest employment growth during the sluggish recovery has been in low-wage work at strip malls and fast-food restaurants. In essence, the poor economy has replaced good jobs with bad ones. That is the conclusion of a new report from the National Employment Law Project, a research and advocacy group, analyzing employment trends four years into the recovery. “Fast food is driving the bulk of the job growth at the low end — the job gains there are absolutely phenomenal,” said Michael Evangelist, the report’s author. “If this is the reality — if these jobs are here to stay and are going to be making up a considerable part of the economy — the question is, how do we make them better?” The report shows that total employment has finally surpassed its pre-recession level. “The good news is we’re back to zero,” Evangelist said. But job losses and gains have been skewed. Higher-wage industries — like accounting and legal work — shed 3.6 million positions during the recession and have added only 2.6 million positions during the recovery. But lower-wage industries lost 2 million jobs, then added 3.8 million. With 10.5 million Americans still looking for work — the unemployment rate is 6.7 percent — employers feel no pressure to raise wages for those who are working. As a result, the average household’s takehome pay has declined through the recession and the recovery to $51,017 in 2012 from $55,627 in 2007, after adjusting for inflation. With joblessness high and job gains concentrated in low-wage industries, hundreds of thousands of Americans have accepted positions that pay less than they used to make, in some cases sliding out of the middle class and into the ranks of the working poor. That includes Connie Ogletree, a former administrative and executive assistant who now earns $7.25 an hour at a McDonald’s in Atlanta. “It was 40 years ago that I had my first fast-food job, at a Dairy Queen,” said Ogletree, 55. “This is my second.” ANNIE LOWREY


MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014


‘Glass Menagerie’ and a Dubious Tonys Streak Museum Draws One of the most famous and popular American plays, it turns out, is also one of the most slighted in Broadway history. Tennessee Williams’s “The Glass Menagerie,” a staple of school reading lists for its poetic portrait of a domineering mother and her fearful children, has been produced seven times on Broadway, from 1945 to this season — more than any other American classic except the playwright’s “A Streetcar Named Desire.” Yet to the surprise of many admirers of “Menagerie,” the Broadway productions have never received a nomination for a Tony Award, the theater industry’s highest honor. That unparalleled shutout may end on Tuesday when the 2014 Tony nominations are announced. The recent critically acclaimed production is a good bet in the category for the best play revival, and Cherry Jones is likely to achieve what acting legends like Julie Harris and Jessica Tandy could not: a nomination for playing the Southern belle mother, Amanda, one of the great characters in theater. “It’s an honor that Jessica and many others wanted, but kept passing them by like no other show I can remember,” said Elizabeth I. McCann, who produced the 1983 Broadway revival starring Tandy. “Then again, my memories of our production was that it was a nightmare,” she added. “ ‘The Glass Menagerie’ has had singularly bad luck on Broadway.”

1965 “Menagerie” revival. “But Maureen Stapleton had a harder time — we were the first Broadway revival of ‘Glass Menagerie,’ and Maureen was haunted by having seen the original one.” That Broadway run, in 1945, opened to rapturous reviews — “some of the finest acting to be seen in many a day,” The SARA KRULWICH/THE NEW YORK TIMES New York Times said — and brought Celia Keenan-Bolger, left, and Brian J. Wil liams wider Smith in “The Glass Menagerie.” prominence. But the play had unlucky Anxiety attacks, illnesses, heart- timing, opening two years before break: The little-known history of the Tonys were created. The latest revival, which closed “The Glass Menagerie” on Broadway was grim for performers like in February, was a risky new inMaureen Stapleton (Amanda in terpretation (annoying to some the 1965 and 1975 revivals) and theatergoers). And it was the first producers who lost money on the time since the 1945 original that play — at least until the last, profit- “Menagerie” was an all-around able revival. For others, like Piper hit on Broadway. “This is a play that’s often perLaurie, who played the disabled daughter Laura in 1965, and Bruce formed around the world, and Davison, who played the head- may not have been fresh or sexy strong son Tom in 1983, “The Glass enough for Tony nominators beMenagerie” changed their lives for fore,” said Virginia Craighill, a the better, they said in interviews Williams scholar at the University of the South, in Sewanee, — Tony or no Tony. “I was utterly addicted to am- Tenn., where Williams left his phetamines until that production estate. “But the last revival made gave me the courage to stop,” the play feel new.” On Tuesday, it may make histosaid Laurie, who, at 82, is the PATRICK HEALY oldest surviving member of the ry too.

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Donatello Feast

New York City, home to a stunning number of Renaissance treasures, has never had a work in a permanent collection by one of the era’s foremost sculptural masters, Donatello, and major pieces by him rarely leave Europe. But for a few months next year, the city will become a veritable Donatello feast, the one stop for a small show of works from the Duomo museum in Florence, Italy, including several sculptures instantly recognizable from art history textbooks but never before seen in America. That the works are coming not to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Frick Collection but to a young noncollecting institution, the Museum of Biblical Art, on the Upper West Side, makes the occasion all the more unusual. “Sculpture in the Age of Donatello: Renaissance Masterpieces From Florence Cathedral,” which will open on Feb. 20 and run through June 14, 2015, to celebrate the museum’s 10th anniversary, represents a curatorial coup for the tiny museum, whose innovative shows have reminded art lovers of the once-functional purpose — religious devotion, education and argument — of much of medieval and Renaissance art. The exhibition, a kind of primer on the creative ferment and competition that sparked the Florentine Renaissance, will include Donatello’s life-size marble believed to depict the prophet Habakkuk but known as “Lo Zuccone” (meaning pumpkin head or bald head). Donatello considered it one of his best works — so lifelike, wrote Vasari, the Renaissance art chronicler, that Donatello is said to have exclaimed while looking at it in his studio: “Speak then! Why wilt thou not speak?” Other large sculptures will include “The Evangelist John,” carved for the facade of the cathedral between 1408 and 1413 and an inspiration for Michelangelo’s “Moses,” and the highly dramatic “Sacrifice of Isaac,” carved a few years earlier. In addition to the Donatellos, the show’s 23 works will include ones by Donatello’s main rival, Nanni di Banco, another pioneer of the Florentine Renaissance, and marble reliefs by Luca della Robbia, believed to have been di Banco’s student. RANDY KENNEDY

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 7


Pope Formally Declares John XXIII and John Paul II as Saints and popes of the 20th century,” he said in his homily. “They lived through the tragic events of that century, but they were not overwhelmed by them. For them, God was more powerful; faith was more powerful.” Never before had two popes been canonized at the same time, and the pairing attracted large, joyous crowds tramping through Rome, with many people waving flags or banners. Francis declared the two men saints shortly after the Mass began, a pronouncement greeted with rising applause from the square and followed by the presentation of relics linked to the two new saints. Notable among the cardinals and political leaders seated near the outdoor altar was

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis made history on Sunday, elevating to sainthood John XXIII and John Paul II, two of his most famous papal predecessors, in a ceremony bearing themes of hope and reconciliation for the world’s one billion Roman Catholics. With crowds filling St. Peter’s Square and spilling out across Rome, Francis presided over an elaborate Mass beneath drizzly skies, canonizing the two towering figures of 20th-century Catholicism, men who also hold very different legacies in the church. Francis, who made the decision to hold the joint canonization, portrayed the two former popes as “men of courage” who shared a place in history. “They were priests, bishops

CROSSWORD Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS food 5 Brand of instant coffee 10 Titles for attorneys: Abbr. 14 Mimicked 15 ___ terrier (dog breed) 16 Here: Sp. 17 Direct, as competition 19 Bankrupt 20 Newspaper advertising flier, e.g. 21 “___ Your Enthusiasm” 23 Snakelike fish 24 Four: Prefix 25 17-Across, literally: Fr. 27 Driver’s licenses and such, for short 28 Co. bigwig 30 Flabbergasts 31 Italian ice cream 34 Sneakers since 1916 35 Star stand-ins … or a hint to 17-, 25, 48- and 58-Across? 38 ___ .45 40 Sleek fabric



1 Protein-rich

44 45 48 51 53

54 55 56 58 60 61 62 63 64 65

Combination punch M.A. or M.B.A.: Abbr. Wide mouth 58-Across, literally: Sp. Japanese cartoon art Roush of the Baseball Hall of Fame “Avatar” race Filched Crosby, Stills, ___ & Young Direct, as combat Redding of R&B Winter pear Memorial Day race, informally Traveled What a witness takes at a trial Hurl






























30 32



34 36


23 26












44 49

53 56







55 58







65 4/28/14

a person whose name starts “Mc-”

to a cold drink on a hot day

25 26

6 Reaction

7 Aunt’s


8 “Sauer”


hot dog

9 Newswoman






DOWN paradise 2 Made the first bid 3 Eats grandly 4 What a milking machine connects to




5 Many 1 Polynesian


29 31 32 33 35




Hugs tightly








Followed back to its source, as a phone call


Collision sound

38 39

Ones with warts and all? No longer available English cathedral town Reached “Ode ___ Nightingale” Best in competition Is inconspicuous, say Honey maker In a smooth, flowing manner, in music “Don’t be absurd!” Out with one’s sweetie




Plains Indians


Certain Pepperidge Farm cookie


Changes, as the Constitution


Hamburger chain that offers the Baconator




Masked Japanese fighter


Perfect, as a pitcher’s game


Hunky guy


F.D.R.’s successor


“___ we now our gay apparel”

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Benedict XVI, the former pope who has remained largely out of the public eye since his historic resignation last year. His decision to step down led to the papal election of Francis. Many people also came from John Paul’s native Poland, where he is a hero for his fight against Communism. “It’s a very special day for every Pole, in particular for young people for whom John Paul II meant a new history, for our country and for Europe, as well,” said Lucasz Novak, 38, who came from Poland on a seven-day tour of holy sites in Italy. “For Poland, it’s a holy moment,” he said from St. Peter’s Square, as he used his smartphone to listen to a live broadcast of the celebration on Vatican Radio’s Polish channel. “For Catholics all over the world, it’s a holy moment. We could not not be here.” For Francis, who has emerged as a major global figure after only a year as pope, the canonization ceremony offered a stage to underscore his broad agenda of trying to bring together different Catholic factions. John XXIII is a hero to many liberal Catholics for his Second Vatican Council of the early 1960s, which sought to open the church to the modern era. John Paul II is a hero to many conservative Catholics — not only for his anti-Communist heroism and personal charisma, but also because of his resistance to liberalizing elements of the church. By pairing their canonizations, Francis sought to de-emphasize their differences, many analysts said, in the service of trying to reconcile divisions within the church. In his homily, Francis described John XXIII as the pope of “exquisite openness,” while he called John Paul II “the pope of the family.” Mary Ellen Watson, 54, who came to the service from Kansas, said she was overwhelmed when Francis gently embraced Benedict, who is now known as pope emeritus. “This is a moment in the history of the church that has never happened and won’t probably happen again — with four popes!” she said. JIM YARDLEY

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MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 8



Smartphones and the 4th Amendment More than 90 percent of American adults own a mobile phone, and more than half are smartphones. But “smartphone” is a misnomer. They are personal computers that happen to include a phone function, and like any computer they can store or wirelessly retrieve enormous amounts of personal information. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will consider whether law enforcement officers during an arrest may search the contents of a person’s mobile phone without a warrant. The court should recognize that new technologies do not alter Fourth Amendment principles, and should require a judicial warrant in such circumstances. The Fourth Amendment requires, as a general rule, that police officers obtain a warrant based on probable cause before searching “persons, houses, papers, and effects.” This was a central concern of the framers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, who knew well the danger of “general warrants” that allowed government authorities to enter a home and rummage around looking for incriminating evidence. There are a few narrow exceptions to the warrant requirement. For example, when police officers lawfully arrest someone, they may search his or her body and immediate surroundings and seize any belongings to ensure officer safety or the preservation of evidence. But mobile phones aren’t weapons and pose no physical threat, and any evidence on the phone can be preserved by using special devices to prevent remote deletion of the data.

The government nevertheless argues that mobile phones are no different from other personal items that may already be searched, like wallets, purses or address books. But the exception for searches incident to arrests was limited by the constraints on what a person could physically carry. Modern mobile phones have obliterated that rationale. Of the new iPhones, the smallest-capacity model can hold the equivalent of 16 pickup trucks of paper, thousands of photos or hours of videos. In other words, permitting the police to search a mobile phone, or any digital storage device, essentially gives them access to someone’s entire life; allowing them to do so without a warrant renders the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures meaningless. This is not a hypothetical concern. There are 12 million arrests in America each year, most for misdemeanors that can be as minor as jaywalking. The majority don’t end in a conviction, and yet if the government wins this case, any one of them could result in the warrantless search of the person’s phone. The Supreme Court has recognized the need to adapt to new technologies, as when it ruled that the government attaching a GPS tracking device to a private car was a Fourth Amendment search. For better or worse, mobile phones have become repositories of our daily lives, and will become only more powerful over time. As a rule, the police should have to get a warrant to search them.

One Year After Rana Plaza A building collapse last April in Bangladesh killed more than 1,100 garment workers. Labor groups, Western clothing companies, the Bangladeshi government and others have made some progress toward preventing similar tragedies, but more needs to be done. There was never any doubt that improving working conditions in Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest countries, would be difficult. The collapse of Rana Plaza was just one — though by far the worst — in a series of industrial accidents in Bangladesh’s garment industry. It has taken longer than it should to begin making reparations and improving workplaces. Factory owners and foreign retailers bear the primary responsibility, and they have failed. Western companies have invested millions of dollars in two initiatives — one created primarily by European labor unions and businesses and the other by North American retailers — to inspect 2,300 of Bangladesh’s nearly 6,000 garment factories. While it is too early to know whether these efforts are working, the European initiative has forced some unsafe factories to suspend production so that renovations can take place. Some factory owners have complained that Western companies have not helped them remedy the defects the inspections have un-

covered and compensate workers for lost wages while factories are being upgraded. If true, that’s a fair point: The suppliers will have a difficult time footing the bill for improvements unless retailers pay more for clothes. However, no effort to improve safety can be sustainable unless the Bangladeshi government does more to protect workers. To its credit, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s administration has allowed more workers to unionize, which should empower them to demand better working conditions. The government has registered more than 140 labor unions since the start of 2013, up from just two for the previous three years, according to the International Labor Organization. But the government, which is still too beholden to factory owners, has not done enough to protect labor organizers from violence and intimidation. For example, two labor leaders were assaulted as they tried to unionize workers in February. The government also needs to hire and train many more inspectors to make sure that the factories that are not being audited by Western companies meet safety standards. Bangladesh’s clothing factories are better now than they were a year ago, but they are not safe enough.


High Plains Moochers It is, in a way, too bad that Cliven Bundy — the rancher who became a right-wing hero after refusing to pay fees for grazing his animals on federal land, and bringing in armed men to support his defiance — has turned out to be a crude racist. Why? Because his ranting has given conservatives an easy out, a way to dissociate themselves from his actions without facing up to the wrong turn their movement has taken. For at the heart of the standoff was a perversion of the concept of freedom, which for too much of the right has come to mean the freedom of the wealthy to do whatever they want, without regard to the consequences for others. Start with the narrow issue of land use. For historical reasons, the federal government owns a lot of land in the West; some of that land is open to ranching, mining and so on. Like any landowner, the Bureau of Land Management charges fees for the use of its property. The only difference from private ownership is that by all accounts the government charges too little — that is, it doesn’t collect as much money as it could, and in many cases doesn’t even charge enough to cover the costs that these private activities impose. In effect, the government is using its ownership of land to subsidize ranchers and mining companies at taxpayers’ expense. It’s true that some of the people profiting from implicit taxpayer subsidies manage, all the same, to convince themselves and others that they are rugged individualists. But they’re actually welfare queens of the purple sage. And this in turn means that treating Bundy as some kind of libertarian hero is, not to put too fine a point on it, crazy. Suppose he had been grazing his cattle on land belonging to one of his neighbors, and had refused to pay for the privilege. That would clearly have been theft — and brandishing guns when someone tried to stop the theft would have turned it into armed robbery. The fact that in this case the public owns the land shouldn’t make any difference. So what were people like Sean Hannity of Fox News, who went all in on Bundy’s behalf, thinking? Partly, no doubt, it was the general demonization of government — if someone is defying Washington, he’s a hero, never mind the details. Mostly, however, the Bundy fiasco was a byproduct of the dumbing down that seems central to the way America’s right operates. American conservatism used to have room for fairly sophisticated views about the role of government. But today’s conservative leaders declare that government never helps; that elitists want to take away our freedom. Along with this anti-intellectualism goes an exaltation of supposedly ordinary folks who don’t hold with this kind of stuff. Think of it as the right’s duck-dynastic moment. (You can see how Bundy, who came across as a straight-talking Marlboro Man, fit that mind-set. But he turned out to be a bit more straight-talking than expected.) I’d like to think that the whole Bundy affair will cause at least some of the people who backed him to engage in self-reflection. But I don’t expect it to happen.

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 9


Nets Fizzle Late, Allowing Raptors to Tie Series Kevin Garnett made two free throws with 4 minutes 58 seconds left in Sunday night’s game. Garnett pumped his fist, and the fans in the sellout crowd erupted as the Nets inched to a N.B.A. 1-point lead over the Roundup Toronto Raptors. Little did anyone know those would be the last points the Nets would score. With a chance to take a commanding series lead over the Raptors, the Nets instead wilted down the stretch and gifted Game 4 to Toronto, 87-79, at Barclays Center. Paul Pierce had his best game of these playoffs, scoring a teamhigh 22 points, but he did not get enough support from his teammates. The series will shift to Toronto for Game 5 on Wednesday night. Barclays Center was bubbling with excitement after Garnett’s

foul shots put the Nets ahead. But it would all go downhill from there. After DeMar DeRozan, who scored a game-high 24 points, made two free throws, Greivis Vasquez hit a 3-pointer with 4:07 left to give the Raptors an 83-79 lead. Neither team scored again until there was 1:13 remaining, when Kyle Lowry drove to his right and flipped up a running hook shot from 10 feet. It silenced the crowd and sent some fans heading for the exits. (NYT) WASHINGTON 98, CHICAGO 89

Even with the team’s “X-factor” suspended, the Washington Wizards scored the first 14 points and beat the visiting Chicago Bulls, 98-89, on Sunday to take a threegames-to-one lead in their best-ofseven Eastern Conference series. Nene, the Brazilian forward whom Wizards point guard John

Wall called the X-factor last week, was suspended for the game after grabbing the head of Chicago’s Jimmy Butler’s in Washington’s Game 3 loss. The Wizards’ owner, Ted Leonsis, sat next to their bench and wore Nene’s No. 42 while waving a red towel and egging on a cheering crowd that chanted, “Free Nene!” (AP)


Clippers made a silent protest against owner Donald Sterling before Game 4 of their Western Conference playoff series against Golden State. The Warriors made a different kind of statement during the game. Stephen Curry made a career playoff-high seven 3-pointers and scored 33 points, leading the Warriors past the Clippers 118-97 on Sunday to even their first-round series at two games apiece. (AP)

Rangers Retake Lead; Chicago and Anaheim Advance The Rangers defeated the Philadelphia Flyers, 4-2, at Madison Square Garden on Sunday and grabbed a 3-2 lead in their opening-round playoff series. But if they hope to close N.H.L. out the series when it Roundup shifts to Philadelphia on Tuesday night, they will have to face down not only the Flyers, but also their own baffling inability to press an advantage. The Rangers have lost the past 11 playoff games they entered with a series lead, a run of futility that dates to 2009 and includes two such losses this postseason. On Sunday, at least, the Rangers proved deadly, jumping to a

3-0 lead on even-strength goals from Staal, Brad Richards and Dominic Moore. Moore scored 16 minutes 20 seconds into the second period after he pounced on an errant pass between Flyers defensemen Braydon Coburn and Hal Gill. (NYT) CHICAGO 5, ST. LOUIS 1 First, it was Jonathan Toews on a power play, and then Patrick Sharp got loose on a breakaway. Andrew Shaw tipped one home, and it was all over. One dazzling stretch for the host Chicago Blackhawks put an end to their tight first-round series against the St. Louis Blues. Duncan Keith had a goal and

WEATHER High/low temperatures for the 21 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in inches) for the 18 hours ended at 1 p.m. yesterday. Expected conditions for today and tomorrow. Weather conditions: C-clouds, F-fog, H-haze, I-ice, PC-partly cloudy, R-rain, S-sun, Sh-showers, Sn-snow, SS-snow showers, T-thunderstorms, Tr-trace, W-windy.

U.S. CITIES Albuquerque Atlanta Boise Boston Buffalo Charlotte Chicago Cleveland Dallas-Ft. Worth Denver Detroit

Yesterday Today Tomorrow 59/ 38 0.05 67/ 38 W 64/ 40 S 83/ 58 0.23 83/ 64 T 75/ 64 T 56/ 36 0.22 56/ 40 PC 66/ 42 S 48/ 41 0.02 56/ 41 C 48/ 39 C 54/ 38 0 58/ 44 PC 55/ 45 R 84/ 48 0 79/ 63 T 79/ 64 T 59/ 40 0.18 58/ 51 R 66/ 49 T 52/ 40 0 60/ 51 R 67/ 53 R 95/ 73 0.08 86/ 54 PC 76/ 50 PC 45/ 41 0.34 55/ 30 W 54/ 30 R 53/ 34 0 55/ 49 R 70/ 54 R

Houston Kansas City Los Angeles Miami Mpls.-St. Paul New York City Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Salt Lake City San Francisco Seattle St. Louis Washington

88/ 74 74/ 65 69/ 55 88/ 74 47/ 38 58/ 47 91/ 67 63/ 46 78/ 57 53/ 34 63/ 54 50/ 44 81/ 61 69/ 50

0 0.98 0 0 0.79 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.27 0.05 0

three assists, and the Blackhawks used a four-goal third period to finish off the Blues with a 5-1 victory in Game 6 on Sunday. ANAHEIM 5, DALLAS 4, OT Nick Bonino scored 2:47 into overtime, after getting one of Anaheim’s two goals late in regulation, and the Ducks beat the host Dallas Stars 5-4 in Game 6 on Sunday night to clinch the first-round series. The Ducks scored twice in the final 2:10 of regulation to force overtime for the first time in the series. Anaheim got the tying goal with 24 seconds left after a wild scramble in front of the Stars’ net, as Devante Smith-Pelly pushed in his second goal of the game. (AP) 90/ 68 68/ 47 75/ 60 87/ 76 48/ 38 64/ 49 90/ 68 65/ 48 87/ 68 51/ 37 67/ 52 59/ 45 81/ 55 65/ 52


85/ 58 58/ 40 91/ 63 88/ 77 44/ 37 54/ 48 92/ 71 54/ 48 90/ 64 60/ 40 74/ 54 68/ 47 72/ 50 58/ 56

S Sh S T R R T R S S S PC Sh R

FOREIGN CITIES Acapulco Athens Beijing Berlin Buenos Aires Cairo

Yesterday Today Tomorrow 91/ 78 0 90/ 74 S 90/ 73 S 68/ 61 0.12 71/ 54 Sh 72/ 54 Sh 76/ 50 0 81/ 53 S 81/ 54 S 63/ 50 0 70/ 49 Sh 70/ 49 PC 72/ 55 0 72/ 55 PC 70/ 55 Sh 86/ 61 0 91/ 65 S 89/ 65 S

Cape Town Dublin Geneva Hong Kong Kingston Lima London Madrid Mexico City Montreal Moscow Nassau Paris Prague Rio de Janeiro Rome Santiago Stockholm Sydney Tokyo Toronto Vancouver Warsaw

N .B .A. S C O RES SATURDAY’S LATE GAMES Miami 98, Charlotte 85 Heat lead series, 3-0 Oklahoma City 92, Memphis 89 Series is tied, 2-2 SUNDAY Washington 98, Chicago, 89 Wizards lead series, 3-1 Golden State 118, L.A. Clippers 97 Series is tied, 2-2 Toronto 87, Brooklyn 79 Series is tied, 2-2

N .H .L. S CO RES SATURDAY’S LATE GAMES Pittsburgh 3, Columbus 1 Penguins lead series, 3-2 Colorado 4, Minnesota 3, OT Avalanche lead series, 3-2 Los Angeles 3, San Jose 0 Sharks lead series, 3-2 SUNDAY Rangers 4, Philadelphia 2 Rangers lead series, 3-2 Chicago 5, St. Louis 1 Blackhawks win series, 4-2 Anaheim 5, Dallas 4, OT Ducks win series, 4-2

A.L. S CO RES SATURDAY’S LATE GAMES Baltimore 3, Kansas City 2, 10 innings Houston 7, Oakland 6 Tampa Bay 4, Chicago White Sox 0 Texas 6, Seattle 3 SUNDAY Toronto 7, Boston 1 Kansas City 9, Baltimore 3 Houston 5, Oakland 1 Chicago White Sox 9, Tampa Bay 2 Detroit at Minnesota, ppd. Seattle 6, Texas 5 Yankees 3, L.A. Angels 2

N .L. S CO RES SATURDAY’S LATE GAMES Milwaukee 5, Chicago Cubs 3 Atlanta 4, Cincinnati 1 Miami 7, Mets 6, 10 innings Philadelphia 6, Arizona 5 L.A. Dodgers 6, Colorado 3 SUNDAY Mets 4, Miami 0 Atlanta 1, Cincinnati 0, 10 innings San Diego 4, Washington 2 Chicago Cubs 4, Milwaukee 0 St. Louis 7, Pittsburgh 0 San Francisco 4, Cleveland 1 Colorado 6, L.A. Dodgers 1 Philadelphia 2, Arizona 0 75/ 50 55/ 46 55/ 46 83/ 75 88/ 79 74/ 62 57/ 48 70/ 46 82/ 58 50/ 36 64/ 30 86/ 73 57/ 45 66/ 48 77/ 66 64/ 59 68/ 46 68/ 37 65/ 64 68/ 57 55/ 36 54/ 45 66/ 54

0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.03 0 0 0.03 0 0.03 0.06 0 0.02 0.28 0 0 0.10 0 0 0.12 0

75/ 52 59/ 43 56/ 43 83/ 73 87/ 78 74/ 62 63/ 46 73/ 50 79/ 55 54/ 45 64/ 44 86/ 75 60/ 46 67/ 48 74/ 66 61/ 55 72/ 43 72/ 45 72/ 59 71/ 59 54/ 42 56/ 41 65/ 47


66/ 52 60/ 45 63/ 49 81/ 72 88/ 78 74/ 60 63/ 46 77/ 52 78/ 54 61/ 45 67/ 49 87/ 75 61/ 47 67/ 49 77/ 65 68/ 54 70/ 43 52/ 37 77/ 63 64/ 58 52/ 43 61/ 48 71/ 46


MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 10


Amid Uproar, Clippers Silently Display Solidarity OAKLAND, Calif. — The Los Angeles Clippers, reacting to recordings of racist remarks attributed to Donald Sterling, the team’s owner, took the court for their playoff game Sunday with a statement, one of both fashion and politics. In a silent sign of solidarity, players shed their warm-up jackets together before the game and placed them in a pile at midcourt, revealing red, long-sleeved team shirts worn inside out to obscure the team’s name. And while they wore the Clippers’ blue jerseys during the game, each player also wore black socks and black wristbands. With her husband barred from attending the game while the N.B.A. investigates the remarks, Sterling’s wife, Rochelle, sat courtside, across from the Clippers’ bench. She applauded the play of the Los Angeles players. The recordings of the racist remarks bounced around the globe Sunday like viral aftershocks, rattling the league’s leadership, overshadowing its weekend slate of playoff games and even receiving the attention of President Obama in Malaysia. But the epicenter was at Oracle Arena, where the Clippers played the Golden State Warriors in Game 4 of their first-round playoff series. The Warriors jumped to a huge first-quarter lead, on their way to a 118-97 victory that tied the

Los Angeles Clippers players during Sunday’s game. Players wore their warm-up shirts inside out, obscuring the team name. MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ/ASSOCIATED PRESS

best-of-seven series at 2-2. Players later said that the controversy surrounding Sterling had little impact on the game’s result, but the atmosphere was charged. The comments attributed to Sterling have ignited a firestorm in the N.B.A., in which roughly three-quarters of the players are black and nearly every owner is white. Audio of the comments, first released by the website TMZ, purportedly catches Sterling arguing with a female friend, criticizing her for posting pictures of herself online with black men, including the basketball great and Los Angeles icon Magic Johnson. “Don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me,” the male voice said. “And don’t bring him to my games. Yeah, it bothers me a lot that you want to promo, broadcast

that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?” The recordings of Sterling, apparently against his knowledge, most likely violate California law. The woman in the recordings, identified as V. Stiviano, has frequently been seen with Sterling, a real estate developer. Stiviano identifies herself as Mexican and black. Sterling’s wife filed a lawsuit against Stiviano last month, saying that she owed the Sterlings money because Sterling had showered Stiviano with millions of dollars’ worth of gifts and money. The news of the recordings broke over the weekend, and N.B.A. Commissioner Adam Silver on Saturday promised a quick ruling on the situation, although there was no word from the league as of Sunday evening. JOHN BRANCH

In Brief Sharapova Victorious Maria Sharapova won her third straight Porsche Grand Prix title on Sunday by coming from behind to defeat Ana Ivanovic, 3-6, 6-4, 6-1, in Stuttgart, Germany. Sharapova won her first tournament of the year and clinched the 30th title of her career. She is undefeated in her last 13 matches on the indoor clay in Stuttgart. (AP)

Developmental League The N.F.L.’s new director of football operations, Troy Vincent, said he could foresee a developmental league in the future, an eighth official on the field for games and the use of tablets by coaches on the sidelines to call plays. Vincent, a former Pro Bowl player and president of the players union, recently replaced Ray Anderson, who left the league to become athletic director at Arizona State. N.F.L. Europe, the last such league, folded in 2007. (AP)

First PGA Victory Seung-Yul Noh of South Korea overcame windy conditions and his nerves, shooting a one-underpar 71 to win the Zurich Classic in Avondale, La., by two shots for his first PGA Tour victory. He finished at 19-under 269. (AP)

Two Horses, 59 Years Apart, Inspire a Kentucky Derby Trainer LOS ALAMITOS, Calif. — On a recent morning, as the sun rose over the edge of the grandstand, the trainer of the expected Kentucky Derby favorite waited for his prized colt to emerge for his daily gallop. The trainer, Art Sherman, and the horse, California Chrome, have overtaken Los Alamitos Race Course, a quarter-horse track about 30 miles south of Santa Anita, with the type of brashness normally reserved for its cowboy inhabitants. Because of a near collision during training a few weeks ago, California Chrome, who has won four straight races by a combined 24 lengths, including the Santa Anita Derby, has the track to himself for a half-hour every morning. Dr. Edward Allred, the track’s owner and one of Sherman’s clients, made certain of it. “I’m getting spoiled here,” Sherman said. “But they’ll probably be glad

when this is over with because they’ll get their track back.” Not that anyone here is complaining. Los Alamitos — “Home of the Superstar California Chrome,” as its marquee proclaims — will begin hosting thoroughbred meets this summer, and the new loam track, with the longest homestretch in North America, has lured plenty of top California trainers, especially those displaced by Hollywood Park’s closure. That Sherman, 77, is at the heart of this bonanza is almost as surprising. Sherman, the trainer of multiple graded stakes winners but never a Derby entrant, has downsized his operation to around 17 runners, from about 50. Soon to be a great-grandfather, he recently moved with his wife, Faye, into a 55-and-older community in Rancho Bernardo, Calif. “It’s not in my vocabulary, that word ‘retirement,’ ” he said. “I

love the action. I like the challenge of coming up with a good horse. I like buying 2-year-olds. It gives you something to look forward to.” What Sherman has to look forward to is Saturday’s Kentucky Derby. Although he has never saddled a horse in the race, he was there as an 18-year-old exercise rider for a Derby victor. In 1955, he slept in the same boxcar as Swaps as the horse known as the California Comet made his way from the Golden to the Bluegrass State. Swaps, a Santa Anita Derby winner and a son of Khaled, arrived at the 1955 Kentucky Derby on a four-race winning streak and carrying the hopes of California racing fans. But Nashua, the class of the East, stood in his way. Under the future Hall of Fame jockey Bill Shoemaker, Swaps took command soon after the start and fended off a challenge by Nashua to win by one and a half lengths.

Sherman returned to the Derby in 1956 with Terrang, who finished 12th. Soon after, he embarked on a 21-year career as a jockey, picking up mounts whenever he could, even on quarter horses. During his riding career, Sherman met Richard M. Nixon, then the vice president, who happened to go to his high school. And Sherman was congratulated by the Hall of Famer Eddie Arcaro after defeating him. “I’ll never forget that because after the race he came by and put his arm around me and said, ‘You run a good race, son,’ ” Sherman said. “Man, that was it. That was my idol. He could do things that I’ve never seen riders do.” Sherman switched from riding to training in 1976 and saddled plenty of winners, but he never had a Derby horse, his own Swaps, as he likes to say. That is, until now. MELISSA HOPPERT

YOURNAVY IN THE NEWS 21st Century Sailor Office Director Briefs Sub Community, Senior Leaders By Lt. Stephanie Homick

BOSTON (NNS) -- Rear Adm. Sean Buck, director, 21st Century Sailor Office,recently traveled to the New England area to meet with Sailors from the submarine community, Command Leadership School, Senior Enlisted Academy, Boston-area Navy recruiters and members of a two Boston universities, April 21-23. Buck conducted a three-day fleet engagement trip to visit with Sailors at Naval Station (NS) Groton, NS Newport and Navy Recruiting District New England to introduce the 21st Century Sailor Office, update the fleet on where the Navy stands regarding sexual assault, suicides, and alcohol-related incidents, and to solicit feedback from the Fleet about how to best communicate information and how to improve

the delivery of future training for the fleet. “Let me update you on how our Navy is doing in eliminating many destructive behaviors,” said Buck. “Sexual assault awareness has vastly improved. Awareness about the reporting process is up because of all the training you’ve completed over the last year. We have also worked hard to develop a benchmark response system for victims of sexual assault. As we sustain this awareness and response system, now is the time to further step up our prevention efforts. To that end, my office will be rolling out skills-based bystander intervention training later this year. We will also introduce other scenario-based training focused on eliminating negative behaviors on the left side of the Continiuum of Harm such

as sexual harassment.” In addition to sexual assault prevention and response, the 21st Century Sailor Office is responsible for suicide prevention, drug and alcohol abuse prevention and the physical fitness program. “We saw a 26% decrease in suicides last year from the previous year,” said Buck. “However, one suicide is one too many... There have been decreases in the number of alcohol-related incidents and DUIs. Since we started testing for synthetic drugs, the number of Sailors popping positive for synthetic drugs has dropped off tremendously. PRTrelated administrative separations are down.” Buck also wanted to solicit feedback from the fleet. He asked Sailors how they wanted to receive information from the 21st

Century Sailor Office and how they best receive training so it is relevant and meaningful. The trip concluded with visits to two Boston-area universities, Wellesley College and Northeastern University. Buck met with the psychology departments, school of criminal justice and the college of health sciences to share best practices and resources for sexual assault prevention and response.

Navy Leaders Agree to CUES at 14th WPNS From Chief of Naval Operations Public Affairs

QINGDAO, China (NNS) -- Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander joined over 20 maritime leaders April 22 at the 14th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) to exchange ideas and agree upon procedures affecting maritime conduct at sea. “It’s great to be with the heads of navy and the maritime leaders of the Pacific,” said CNO Adm. Jonathan Greenert of the WPNS. “We’re strongest when we all operate together,” said Greenert, who often stresses the importance of coalitions to respond natural disasters and future global challenges. During Greenert’s remarks he stated that forums like the WPNS offer the most tangible agenda to accomplish worldwide naval initiatives by allowing heads of

navy to sit down as a group and discuss important issues of the highest consequence. The most significant issue at this year’s symposium was the vote on the endorsement of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES), which passed by an overwhelming majority of the WPNS voting members. The CUES document is not legally binding, but is an agreement upon which the participating nations have a standardized protocol of safety procedures, basic communications and basic maneuvering instructions to follow for naval ships and aircraft during unplanned encounters at sea. “We can be proud of our collective work,” said Greenert of the CUES document, which was years in the making. “I appreciate

the hard work in developing the document.” Greenert expanded upon the significance of the CUES agreement stating, “We’ve agreed to increase the standards that we will set at sea. We’ve agreed to establish proficiency in communications. We’ve agreed to establish common behavior at sea. We’ve agreed to prevent

misunderstanding and miscalculations.” Greenert said the endorsement of CUES is just the beginning. He said the real challenge will be what comes next; the implementation and training of future generations of commanding officers and junior officers on achievements like CUES and other cooperative initiatives spawned from the WPNS and annual WPNS workshops. The WPNS is a biannual meeting among navies with significant strategic interests in the Western Pacific. The WPNS aims to increase cooperation and the ability to operate together, as well as build trust and confidence.





Staff Commanding Officer Capt. Daniel Grieco Executive Officer Capt. Mark Colombo Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Evans Media Officer Ensign Jack Georges Ensign Courtney Vandament


Spin (02-156-2-L) 0530-0630 Functional Fitness HB3 0530-0630, 1600-1700 Open Mat HB3 1945-2045 Open Gym HB3 1945-2045


TRX HB3 1800-1900 Functional Fitness HB3 0530-0630, 1600-1700 Open Mat HB3 1945-2045 Open Gym HB3 1945-2045


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TRX HB3 1800-1900 Functional Fitness HB3 0530-0630, 1600-1700 Open Mat HB3 1945-2045 Open Gym HB3 1945-2045


Spin (02-156-2-L) 0530-0630 Functional Fitness HB3 0530-0630, 1600-1700 Open Mat HB3 1945-2045 Open Gym HB3 1945-2045


Open Gym HB3 1945-2045 Open Mat HB3 1945-2045


Open Gym HB3 1945-2045 Open Mat HB3 1945-2045

Senior Editor MCC Adrian Melendez Editor MC2 Katie Lash Layout MC3 John M. Drew MC3 (SW) Heath Zeigler Rough Rider Contributors Theodore Roosevelt Media MCSN Jenna Kaliszewski MCSN William Spears Command Ombudsman Sabrina Bishop Linda Watford Michelle V. Thomas cvn71ombudsman@gmail.com The Rough Rider is an authorized publication for the crew of USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). Contents herein are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense, Department of the Navy or the Commanding Officer of TR. All items for publication in The Rough Rider must be submitted to the editor no later than three days prior to publication. Do you have a story you’d like to see in the Rough Rider? Contact the Media Department at (757) 443-7419 or stop by 3-180-0-Q.

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WHAT’S ON underway movie schedule



April 28, 2014

Ch. 66

Ch. 67

Ch. 68









































*Movie schedule is subject to change.

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