story by MC2 (SW) Brian G. Reynolds and MC3 Katie Lash
f you look around the ship, you can see change. Tents have been cleared from the flight deck and temp services have been pulled. After four years in the shipyard for refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH), we have taken our ship back. Soon, we’ll be returning to our homeport in Norfolk. Are you ready? In this issue, we will explore all of the possibilities at Naval Station Norfolk (NSN). Also, we’ll point out some of the do’s and don’ts, as well as, touch on what to consider as we transition to an operational lifestyle. With this transition come challenges. As we confront these challenges, it is important to remain poised and willing to adapt as necessary. As you’ll hear from the CO of NSN, Norfolk offers an extremely Sailor-friendly environment where you will find countless ways
to be entertained and yet remain focused on the task at hand. Although Norfolk is only a stone’s throw away, there is much to consider. From the headache of traffic and parking, to enjoying the many amenities of the largest naval base in the world, an adjustment period should be expected and anticipated at our new location. As we near the completion of RCOH, we can reflect on the thousands of man hours put into America’s “Big Stick” and look forward to the service she and her Sailors will provide to our nation for years to come. The blood, sweat and tears shed by all those who worked hard will soon pay off as we return to sea. After four long years of dormant service, the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt finally will soon be back where she belongs, at the tip of the spear and ready for combat operations.
Capt. D.A. Culler, Jr. Commanding Officer, Naval Station Norfolk
Rough Riders: Congratulations on nearing the com-
the Caribbean. But we understand that those
pletion of refueling complex overhaul at
ships and aircraft are nothing without the
Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport
men and women in uniform, like you, who
News Shipbuilding (HII-NNS). RCOH is
operate them. Here at Naval Station Nor-
an important process in the lifespan of an
folk we are committed to safety, security,
aircraft carrier, but I know you are anxious
and continuous improvement in quality of
to return to the fleet and Naval Station
life and quality of service for you and your
Norfolk (NSN). As commanding officer of
the world’s largest naval base, I want you
Again, great job as you prepare to de-
to know that my team and I are dedicated
part the shipyard. I am sure that all of you
to supporting your operational readiness by
aboard America’s “Big Stick” are excited to
providing facilities and services to enable
become an operational carrier carrying out
mission accomplishment.
the CNO’s tenets of being ready to forward
Naval Station Norfolk houses the largest concentration of U.S. naval forces in the world. The 64 ships, 18 aircraft squadrons and 187 aircraft support European and Central Command theaters of operations and
deploy to be 100% on the watch when our nation calls. D. A. CULLER, JR Captain, U. S. Navy Commanding Officer
ithout a doubt, one of the major headaches that can be associated with the move to Naval Station Norfolk is traffic and transportation. Whether it is fighting the traffic to access the base or battling the thousands of Sailors and Marines trying to find a parking spot all at the same time, it goes without saying that transportation on the base can be quite challenging at times. As far as accessing the base goes, the severity of the traffic all depends on how many ships are docked to the pier at any given moment or what events are taking place on base. For example if there are four aircraft carriers pierside, then traffic will be much heavier than it would be if there were only two. The same can be said regarding special events that are taking place on base. If a ship is departing for deployment, traffic will be much worse because of all of the friends and family accessing the base. Once you have accessed the base, the next daunting step is finding a parking spot. The most important piece of information to understand is to pay attention to the signs. They are there for a reason. There are designated parking spots for different ranks. With this being said, do not park in an E-7 and above parking lot if you are an E-6 or below. This could result in your vehicle being towed or a restriction of your driving privileges on the base. Do not be surprised if you have quite a walk to the ship. You should allow for this time to arrive to work. The best piece of advice regarding accessing and transiting Naval Station Norfolk is to allow yourself plenty of time. Traffic can be extremely unpredictable, so be prepared to deal with ambiguity on a day-to-day basis. (As a rule of thumb, traffic is at its worst from 0600-0700). If you arrive during this time, be prepared to wait in lines of one hour or longer just to access the base. That is not taking into account the time that its takes to park and then to walk to the ship. This is why leaving earlier to ensure that you are on time is so important. Bottom line: Allow yourself plenty of time to access the base, park and walk to the ship.
Gate 3A AND GATE 5 OPEN 24/7
If you find yourself hungry and off the ship, there are plenty of options to chose from. From the several food courts and stand alone restaurants, in addition to the ship and base galleys, you will never go hungry. Just looking for some groceries? The commissary carries a great selection for your everyday needs. The commissary is open Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 0900-1900 and Thursday from 0900-2000. Be aware that commissary hours may change due to furlough days.
PT 365
q-80 wATERFRONT COMPLEX 1910 dECATUR aVE., BLD. Q-80 757-444-1267/1292 M-F - 0500-2100 SAT & SUN - 1300-1800 HOLIDAYS - 1200-1900 n-24 gYMNASIUM 1570 gILBERT sT., BLDG. N-24 757-444-2276 M-F - 0500-2000 SAT, SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS - 0900-1300 MB-43 Gym 1330 piersey st., bldg. mb-43 757-444-2300 m-f - 0500-1800 closed weekends & Holidays
q-80 waterfront complex indoor pool 1910 dECATUR aVE., BLD. Q-80 757-444-1267 M-F 0500-2000 sat & sun - 1300-1730 Fleet rec park indoor pool 90th st & hampton blvd., bldg. frp-12 757-444-2134 M-F 0 0600-0800 - lap swim only & 1100-1800 sat - 0800-1200
MORALE WELFARE & RECREATION From time to time we all need a break from the ship. You don’t have to look far for some fun and relaxation on Naval Station Norfolk. From sailing to video game tournaments, your new home has plenty of safe and fun things to keep you occupied and entertained.
Naval Station Norfolk
OF WORSHIP The Chaplain Corps is comprised of professionally qualified Chaplains appointed from many different denominations. Its mission is to provide for the free exercise of religion for all members of the Naval Service, their family members, and other authorized persons; to facilitate individual religious needs; and to care for all members of the community. When you’re not taking advantage of services available on the ship, Norfolk Naval Station has many options available at it’s Chapel.
Weekly schedule
Mondays 1900 Seaside sobriety group Tuesdays 1730 Community dinner and bible study Wednesday 1100 Navigators Bible Study 1130 Catholic Mass Friday 1300 Friday prayers at Masjid al Da’wah Mosque (Space for prayer is available daily) 1900
Jewish worship service
Sunday 0915 Adult Sunday school 1000 Catholic Mass 1030 Protestant Worship
Children’s Church Service during the Protestant Service
Facility Usage
Baptisms, weddings, retirements, commissioning and other ceremonies, pre-deployment briefs, training and other command events. Counseling: Available during normal hours or by appointment. For immediate Chaplain assistance after-hours, call the duty Chaplain at 757-438-3822
The Chapel is located on base at the corner of Gilbert and Maryland Ave. inside gate 2. Office hours: M-F - 0730 - 1600 Phone: 757-444-7361 1630 Morris Street, Bldg. C-7 Norfolk, VA 2511
rough riders
Machinist’s Mate 3rd Class
Department: Reactor Home Town: Merrimack, NH Goals: Become dual warfare qualified and a watch supervisor Hobbies: Watch sports, fantasy football, concerts, going to the beach Why Downie was picked: As Reactor Mechanical Log Petty Officer for #1 Propulsion Plant, Petty Officer Downie was charged with the sole responsibility for maintaining 500 sets of logs, as well as identifying and correcting all discrepancies in those logs while standing eight hour watches daily for the past four months. Although she reported aboard only seven months ago, she is already qualified to stand five separate watches, including three steaming watches, making her an entire year ahead of her qualification schedule! Atop of the flawless maintenance of more than three miles of carbon steel piping and components, she is simultaneously taking over the RM01 Carbon Steel Program, and is responsible for 30 Equipment Guide Lists. A standout performer, Petty Officer Downie has established herself as the go-to junior mechanic. She sought out and assumed extra responsibilities with enthusiasm. She maintains excellent standards, both in general military bearing as well as Naval Nuclear Propulsion Level of Knowledge. Already demonstrating leadership skills, she assisted two of her peers in qualifying their first watchstation.
In her short time aboard, Petty Officer Downie has made a significant impact on the success of both Reactor Mechanical Division and Reactor Department as a whole. She sets an example for every Rough Rider to follow, and has earned recognition as Reactor Department’s Rough Rider of the Week.
above & beyond Yeoman 3rd Class
Department: Safety Home Town: Brooklyn, New York Goals: Become a commissioned officer, earn EAWS pin, Complete my degree in social work and do social work for the Navy. Why Carter was picked: YN3 is a highly motivated and dependable Sailor who has performed above and beyond her assigned departmental duties. Petty Officer Carter flawlessly executed and tracked over 300 correspondence items, including the recording and drafting of minutes for the Enlisted Safety Committee and the Command’s Safety Council. She expertly manages and maintains 22 Division Officer records. YN3 ensures a smooth departmental transition by assisting with the coordination of key events. She is a key contributor in the training and qualification of 63 Divisional Safety Petty Officers, ensuring TR’s compliance with prerequisites dictated by OPNAV instruction. As the Damage Control Petty Officer for three departmental work centers, she has completed 20 PMS checks. Petty Officer Carter is in the process of obtaining her Enlisted Aviation Warfare designation. YN3 Carter’s work ethic, reliability, and professionalism are paramount to the Safety department’s success. She was instrumental in the identification and correction of more than 100 shipboard discrepancies; efforts were key in developing a safety conscious crew of over 2,700 Sailors and to the Theodore Roosevelt becoming fleet ready. She is most deserved of this recognition.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. Prevent any headaches while underway by making sure you and your family have all your affairs in order. From childcare to automatic bill payments, and even a backup plan for everything in between, having a plan can make being underway much easier on everyone!
OMBUDSMAN and Family Readiness Group:
_____Do you know your Ombudsman’s name and phone number? _____Does the Ombudsman have your spouse correct address and phone number? _____Do you know about the Family Readiness Group? _____Are you signed up to get the newsletter?
_____Verify Page 2 _____Next of Kin up-to-date? _____ID Card in good repair? _____All dependents listed on Page 2? _____Dependents ID Cards to last through deployment? _____Family members on DEERS? _____BAQ/VHA verified? _____Insurance beneficiary is correct _____Dependent Care Plan up-to-date?
_____Pay issues resolved? _____Is there a Direct Deposit? Approximate amount? Bank Name:______________________________________ Bank Phone: _____________________________________ _____Are there Allotments? Type/Recipient/Amount ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____Do you know your spouses Social Security Number? _____Is your spouses Emergency Data Page in their Service Record, current and correct? _____Last verified on ______ _____Next of Kin _______________________________________ _____Next of Kins Address: _______________________________________________ _____Have you arranged for paperwork for an ID card for any child who will turn 10 before the service member returns? _____Where is that paperwork located? _______________________________________
Discuss the following: _____American Red Cross _____Command Chaplains Assistance Team _____Needed information given to family (spouse, parents, in-laws, etc.) _____Name: _________________________ Rate/Rank: ______________________ SSN: __________________________
_____Have you reached an agreement on frequency writing letters or email? _____Does your loved one know the complete ships address? _____Rate/Rank Name ______________________________________ _____Division: ____________________________Department: _______________________ USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71) FPO AE 09599-2871 _____Have your children been included in discussions on where the ship is going? _____When will the ship leave?____________________When will the ship return home? ____________ _____Why is the ship going? _____________________________________________ _____Deployment calendar/map made: ___________
_____Is the car in good repair and ready to be for use while you’re at sea or to be stored? _____If the car is to be used, has its care been discussed? _____If the title/registration is not in both individuals names, a Special Power of Attorney is needed. _____Last oil change was done at__________ miles. _____Next oil change should be done at __________ miles. ______Where to have the service work done: _______________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________ _____If stored, where? __________________________________________________ _____How will storage fees be paid? ______________________________________
_____Does your spouse know what to do or who to call if something in your home breaks? _____Military Housing trouble desk: _____________________ _____Electrician: ____________________ _____Plumber: _______________ _____Carpenter: ________________ _____Washer/Dryer repair? _______________ _____Heating/Cooling repair? ________________ _____Appliance repair? _______________ _____Lawn mower repair? _______________ _____Will you be moving PCS during deployment? ______
_____Organize all important/legal papers in one place _____ Adoption Papers _____ Birth Certificates _____ Budget _____ Car Titles _____ Divorce Decrees _____ Family Information Guide _____ Insurance Papers _____ Loan Papers _____ Marriage License _____ Mortgage _____ Power of Attorney _____ Will
_____How much will you have to spend onboard the ship? Amount $_________ _____Split Pay Option Established? __________ _____Budget prepared? _____Bills organized and payment planned? _____ Car _____ Credit Cards _____ Rent _____ Storage/Garage _____ Utilities _____ Phone _____Pre-approved loan authorization at Navy Relief?
_____Have you and your spouse made your wills? _____Are the wills current and in a convenient place? _____Date that the wills were last reviewed ___________ _____Have you discussed a Power of Attorney? _____Do you need a Special Power of Attorney to sign any income tax forms or to cash a tax return check? _____Where is the Power of Attorney located? ______________________________
_____Have you given your home a safety/security checkup? _____Do all window locks work? _____Do all the windows open or are they painted shut? _____Do all the door locks work? _____Have you secured the outside buildings? _____Do you know the combinations or have the keys for ALL LOCKS? _____Does the smoke detector/fire alarm work? Batteries changed? _____Do you have a fire extinguisher in you home? _____Has the family practiced earthquake/fire drills?
_____Do you understand what the Ombudsman, Command Chaplains Assistance Team, Navy Family Service Center, Red Cross, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, Chaplain, etc., can do for you and when to contact them? _____Do you have emergency numbers where you can contact the above agencies quickly? _____Have you reached an agreement on frequency of letter-writing? Do you know your spouses complete ships address? ______Have you located all important family documents in one place?
Packing list
Have some ideas about what to pack on TR’s first underway in four years? Share some of your items you wish you brought on your first deployment on our Facebook page. Here’s what we have so far.
n o Boyage V 16
blue shirts dress whites/blues shoe polish toilet paper toiletries socks underwear laundry detergent books/magazines gym clothes/tennis shoes handy wipes flash light calling card Hangers shower shoes locks advancement study material ziplock bags photos from home dvds and video games
1510 GILBERT ST., STE. 207 NORFOLK, VA 23511 1510 GILBERT T., STE . 207 TEL:S(757) 322-2853 NORFOLK , VA445-1953 23511 FAX: (757) EL: (757) 322-2853 13-02 FTAX : (757) 445-1953
July 31, January 23,2013 2013 January 23, 2013
Two businesses of removed fromEstablishments military off-limits list Identification Off Limits Two businesses removed from military off-limits list Norfolk – The Junction, 16916 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, Virginia, 23454 and Variety Motors, 3530 N. Military Highway, Norfolk, Virginia 23518 have been the off-limits list byand theVariety Joint Armed Forces Norfolk – The Junction, 16916 Warwick Blvd.,removed Newport from News, Virginia, 23454 Motors, 3530 Disciplinary N. Control Board (JAFDCB) for Southeastern Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina. Military Highway, Norfolk, Virginia 23518 have been removed from the off-limits list by the Joint Armed Forces Disciplinary The (JAFDCB) businessesfor were removed from the off-limits list because of efforts demonstrated by the businesses to Control Board Southeastern Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina. resolve the board’s and status reportslist provided to of theefforts Boarddemonstrated by local law enforcement agencies. The businesses were concerns removed from the off-limits because by the businesses to The complete list concerns of establishments currently members the Armed Forces is: agencies. resolve the board’s and status reportsoff-limits providedtotoallthe Board byoflocal law enforcement Hampton and Tobacco, 86 Mercuryto Blvd., Hampton, 23669 The complete list of Pipe establishments currently all members ofVirginia the Armed Forces is: Hampton Pipe and Tobacco, Warwick Newport News, Virginia 23608 Hampton Pipe and Tobacco, 8615435-B W. Mercury Blvd.,Blvd., Hampton, Virginia 23669 Hampton Pipe and Tobacco, 4796 George Washington Memorial Highway, Hampton Pipe and Tobacco, 15435-B Warwick Blvd., Newport News, Virginia Hayes 23608 Virginia 23072 Lazy Days, Clyde Morris SteWashington B, Newport News, Virginia 23601 Hampton Pipe731 andJTobacco, 4796Blvd., George Memorial Highway, Hayes Virginia 23072 Lazy Days, 839 W. 21st Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23517 Lazy Days, 731 J Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste B, Newport News, Virginia 23601 Mellow Smoke Tobacco Shop,Norfolk, 1948 Diamond Springs Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455 Lazy Days, 839 W. 21st Street, Virginia 23517 OuterSmoke Edge Gifts, 760-B J. Clyde Blvd., Newport News, Virginia 23601 Mellow Tobacco Shop, 1948Morris Diamond Springs Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455 Blazin Herbs, 85760-B W Mercury Blvd., Hampton, Virginia 23669 Outer Edge Gifts, J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, Virginia 23601 Lazy Dayz, 731 Morris Blvd., SteisB aNewport 23601of Defense. The JAFDCB is an The and security ofClyde all service members priority for theVirginia Department safety Blazin Herbs, 85 J. W Mercury Blvd., Hampton, VirginiaNews, 23669
investigative committee composed members from each militaryfor service and civilianofadvisers, with local The safety and security of all of service members is a priority the Department Defense.who Thework JAFDCB is an law enforcement agenciescomposed and local businesses identify which and maycivilian adversely affect who the health, safety, investigative committee of memberstofrom eachconditions military service advisers, work with localwelfare, law and discipline of the Armed Forces. The off-limits order applies to all military personnel – active duty and reserves. enforcement agencies and local businesses to identify conditions which may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, Establishments given The the opportunity to notify theto JAFDCB in writing that –corrective actions have taken place. and discipline of the Armedare Forces. off-limits order applies all military personnel active duty and reserves.
! S T I M I L FF
Removal from the list will considered by the Board upon that satisfactory corrective action been Establishments are be given the opportunity to notify the presentation JAFDCB in writing that corrective actions havehas taken place.
taken. Failure to list respond result in the Board making request for establishment representatives to appear in person Removal from the will bewill considered by the Board uponapresentation that satisfactory corrective action has been at a formal of the taken. Failurehearing to respond willJAFDCB. result in the Board making a request for establishment representatives to appear in person at a formal hearing of the JAFDCB. -END-END-
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic is responsible for the operation of Navy installations from North Carolina to Maine and providing support programs and services for the fleet, fighter and family. Navy Region Mid-Atlantic is responsible for theFacebook operationatof Navy installations from North Carolina toorMaine and providing Follow Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s on Twitter at support programs and services for the fleet, fighter and family. Follow Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Facebook at or on Twitter at
From USS Harry S. Truman Public Affairs
TRUMAN DEPLOYS ATLANTIC OCEAN (NNS) -- Sailors aboard aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) said their goodbyes to friends and family prior to getting underway for an eight to nine- month deployment July 22. Truman, along with the other components of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HST CSG), completed a composite training unit exercise in January prior to their originally scheduled February deployment, and also a sustainment exercise and fleet synthetic training exercise in June. “The crew has operated and trained extensively at sea the past several months and the training scenarios were more complex and challenging,” said Capt. Bob Roth, Truman’s commanding officer. “The ship’s and air wing’s warfighting proficiency has increased substantially since our deployment was delayed in February. I couldn’t be more proud of the crew; they are dedicated, skilled, and tremendously enthusiastic about deploying.” The February deployment was delayed
due to sequestration and the change of aircraft carrier presence requirements in the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility. The current deployment is part of an ongoing rotation of forward-deployed forces to support maritime security operations (MSO) in the U.S. 6th and 5th Fleet areas of operations. MSO set the conditions for security and stability in the maritime environment and complement the counter-terrorism and security efforts of regional nations. MSO deny international terrorists use of the maritime environment as a venue for attack or to transport personnel, weapons or other material. Truman is the flagship for HST CSG. It can travel in excess of 30 knots, and has a ship’s company of approximately 3,000. With the embarked air wing and staffs, the number rises to about 5,000. HST CSG also consists of USS Bulkeley (DDG 84), USS Gettysburg (CG 64), USS Mason (DDG 87), USS San Jacinto
(CG 56), 1st Combined Destroyer Squadron staff and Carrier Air Wing 3 and its associated squadrons - Strike Fighter Squadrons (VFA) 32 “Swordsmen,” VFA-37 “Ragin’ Bulls,” and VFA-105 “Gunslingers;” Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 312 “Checkerboards;” Airborne Early Warning Squadron 126 “Seahawks;” Electronic Attack Squadron) 130 “Zappers;” Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 7 “Dusty Dogs;” and Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 74 “Swamp Foxes.” For related news, visit the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) Navy News Service page at
Families of Sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) watch as the ship departs its homeport of Naval Station Norfolk. Truman is deployed as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Shannon M. Smith/Released)
from the
PACIFIC OCEAN (July 22, 2013) Sailors fire a rifle volley during a burial at sea aboard the guided-missile frigate USS McClusky (FFG 41). McClusky is underway off the coast of Southern California conducting unit-level training. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class George M. Bell/Released)
PENSACOLA, Fla. (July 29, 2013) Lt. Ryan Chamberlain, narrator and VIP pilot of the U.S. Navy flight demonstration squadron, the Blue Angels, takes off from Naval Air Station Pensacola to perform a pilot proficiency training flight. While the Blue Angels’ 2013 air show season has been canceled due to sequestration, the pilots fly individual sorties to maintain proficiency in the F/A-18 Hornet and C-130 Hercules. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kathryn E. Macdonald/Released)
Staff Commanding Officer Capt. Daniel Grieco Executive Officer Capt. Mark Colombo Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Evans Media Officer Lt. j.g. Michael Larson Senior Editor MCCS (SW/AW/EXW) David Collins Public Affairs Supervisor MC2 (SW) Brian G. Reynolds Editor & Layout MC3 Katie Lash MC2 (SW) Brian G. Reynolds Rough Rider Contributors MC3 Katie Lash MC3 Christopher A. Liaghat MC2(SW) Brian G. Reynolds Command Ombudsman April Kumley
HONIARA, Solomon Islands (July 29, 2013) Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Joanna Castro watches as Pacific Partnership 2013 personnel embark a New Zealand landing craft. Working at the invitation of each host nation, U.S. Navy forces are joined by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and regional partners that include Australia, Canada, Colombia, France, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and New Zealand to improve maritime security, conduct humanitarian assistance and strengthen disaster-response preparedness. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Laurie Dexter/Released)
The Rough Rider is an authorized publication for the crew of USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). Contents herein are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense, Department of the Navy or the Commanding Officer of TR. All items for publication in the The Rough Rider must be submitted to the editor no later than three days prior to publication. Do you have a story you’d like to see in the Rough Rider? Contact the Media Department at 534-1406 or stop by 3-180-0-Q.
Check us out online! Twitter: @TheRealCVN71