Penny Press, Sept. 15, 2016

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Welcome Aboard! USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)

PENNY PRESS USS Abraham Lincoln Commanding Officer Capt. Ron Ravelo Executive Officer Capt. Todd Marzano Prospective Executive Officer Capt. Amy Bauernschmidt Command Master Chief CMDCM(AW/SW) Lee Salas Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Tiffani Walker Assistant Public Affairs Officer Ensign Anthony Junco Media Department LCPO MCCS(SW/AW) Hendrick Dickson Media Department CPO MCC(SW) Amy Kirk Editor MC1(SW) Mark Logico

Congratulations to Master-at-Arms 3rd Class Gunnar Donati for winning USS Abraham Lincoln’s Warrior of the Week on Sept. 9.




Newport News Ceremony Honors the Sacrifice of 9/11


DRC Provides Services to Lincoln Sailors

Out of Darkness Walk Raises Awareness of Suicide

Media Department Staff MC1(SW) Mark Logico MC1(SW/AW) Josue Escobosa MC2 Ryan Wampler MC2 Eric Soto MC3 Rob Ferrone MC2(SW) Aaron Kiser MC3 Patrick Maher MC3 Brandon Davis MC3 Juan Cubano MCSN Ashley Northen MCSN Jacques-Laurent Jean-Gilles MCSN Allen Lee MCSN Matt Herbst MCSA Josiah Pearce

Penny Press is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby. Front Cover Photo MC2(SW) Aaron Kiser Back Cover Photo MC2(SW) Aaron Kiser



13th MCPON Retires, 14th Takes Charge From the Office of the MCPON

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Michael D. Stevens was relieved by Fleet Master Chief Steven S. Giordano during his retirement and change of office ceremony held on Washington Navy Yard Sept. 2. Stevens served as the 13th MCPON for the past four years and served over 33 years on active duty. “I will forever be humbled by the opportunity I was given to serve in the United States Navy and be trusted to lead and advocate for America’s greatest treasure -- those that wear the cloth of our nation and have sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic,” Stevens said during his speech. He continued, speaking about his service as the 13th MCPON. “I’ve often been asked ‘What was your number one goal as the MCPON?’ My answer has never changed - ‘As a leader,

it has always been my primary goal to establish and maintain the conditions that provide all of our people with the opportunity to be successful. And to do this while treating one another with dignity and respect,’” said Stevens. He concluded, “Tonight I will remove my uniform for the last time and will not wear it again until my eternal rest--but I do this with a smile on my face, knowing that I will always be a Sailor that served in the greatest Navy in the world.” After Stevens spoke, he and Giordano conducted the ceremonial ‘Passing of the Cutlass,’ symbolizing the change of office, and Giordano assuming the title of the 14th MCPON. Giordano then delivered remarks saying, “Admiral, I am honored to have been afforded this opportunity and it is one I do not take lightly.” He continued, “Now with one foot anchored smartly on the history and

heritage of our service, and one foot stepping forward into the future, I look forward to serving this great Navy of ours as the 14th master chief petty officer of the Navy with all the reverence, respect and action incumbent on the office.” Following the ceremony a small reception was held where friends, loved ones and shipmates bid MCPON Mike and Theresa Stevens farewell and welcomed MCPON Steven and Elka Giordano.

CNO to Host World’s Largest Maritime Conference From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson will host the 22nd International Seapower Symposium (ISS-22) Sept. 21-23 at the U.S. Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island. Senior representatives from more than 110 countries, including many of their senior-most navy and coast guard officers, are expected to attend this biennial event. “The world has become globalized to an unprecedented degree. Maritime traffic fuels the global economy; both cooperation and competition are growing at record pace,” said Richardson. “Amidst this record pace of change, ISS with its theme of “Stronger Maritime Partners” aims to deepen relationships with our network of international Navies and Coast Guards.”

“Contributions from all Navies - blue water Navies, regional security exporters, choke point guardians and coastal Navies- are needed for maritime security. More than 80 Chiefs of Navy and 15 Chiefs of Coast Guard will gather to discuss the continued protection of open and free sea lanes,” said CNO. First held in 1969, ISS has become the largest gathering of maritime leaders in history. The symposium provides a forum for senior international leaders to create and solidify solutions to shared challenges and threats in ways that are in the interests of individual nations. Richardson and Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus will kick off the event with opening remarks on Sept. 21 in NWC’s Spruance Auditorium. Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work and Coast Guard

Commandant Adm. Paul Zunkunft will also address the symposium during the week. ISS is the world’s capstone seapower conference, bringing together navy leaders from around the world to exchange ideas and broaden our international partnerships. Representatives from participating countries are providing briefings, participating in panel discussions, and contributing to seminar sessions addressing regional and global maritime issues. The symposium’s breakout sessions are organized by region to encourage attendees to develop practical initiatives that will be pursued over the next two years.

Newport News Ceremony Marks 9/11 Anniversary

Story and photo by MC3 Aaron T. Kiser


ity officials, service members, police officers and firefighters of Newport News participated in a memorial service honoring the victims and their families of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The event hosted speakers who talked about the 2,977 people who were killed in the attack on U.S. soil. The sacrifice of these men and women left behind a nation strengthened in the face of hardships. “By showing up today I hope we can show the community that we have devoted our interests to honor all those who sacrificed their lives,” said Hospitalman Corey Lee. “By honoring them we can build on the future and continue to train hard to fight terrorism wherever it exists.” Operations Specialist 3rd Class Andrew Koehler stated the horrific event ignited a spark of patriotism that they knew exactly how to stoke.

“I was in high school when I heard the news about the attack on the twin towers,” Koehler said. “I was angry and it took me a while to realize that the best way to honor those people was to join the Navy and help out however I could.” Among the various audience members were several veterans who had felt the same calling before the 9/11 attack. Once it happened, it was a somber reminder of why they had served in the first place. “Public service is a personal decision that has to be accepted as a serious responsibility and I took that on as part of my life,” said Lt. Terrance Dunbar, a retired Soldier and currently a member of the Newport News Police Department. “I believe we all live on through the acts we performed in this life and the sacrifice those people gave on that day speaks as a testament to their own heroism for this country.” Although many American lives were lost, hundreds of those killed

were from countries outside of the United States. Diversity, a hallmark of American tradition brought up in a grave way, was and still is part of why the country perseveres through such horrible events. “I serve alongside people of all race and faiths from different countries,” said Koehler. “I know for a fact that all of the people I work with train hard and would stand ready to do what their country needs at a moment’s notice.” According to Lee, even though it can be difficult to define, a sense of “American spirit” was felt at the ceremony for all of those in attendance. “Just being here and having people take time out of their day to talk about those who gave their lives means we are all one,” said Lee. “Our nation keeps the American spirit alive through this ceremony by remembering what it takes to get knocked down and come back ten times stronger.”





Meet the



Story and photos by MC3 Brandon Davis n the same manner that a flashlight can’t shine without a battery, a ship can’t complete its mission without Sailors; we are the driving force. Therefore, maintenance is not just limited to checking the operational capability of equipment, but also the personal wellbeing of Sailors. Lincoln Sailors have several different outlets that address mental and emotional concerns: counselors at the Fleet and Family Support Center, command chaplains, and ship’s psychiatrists. Now, the crew just gained another resource; John Bellis, the deployed resiliency counselor (DRC). The DRC is a relatively new billet, and as of now, are only attached to big deck ships such as aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships. The DRC is a civilian counselor who provides the same services aboard ship that clinical counselors provide at local FFSCs. Their goal is on provide short-term, solution-focused counseling. “I was previously a counselor at

FFSC,” said Bellis. “Additionally, I’m a licensed political social worker, so I’ve had experience with this type of assignment.” Bellis’ said he prefers to work from a preventative method rather than reactive. In his three short weeks aboard, he has begun working toward solving problems that he foresees happening as Lincoln Sailors transition out of the refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) and back to the fleet. “As the time comes closer to redeliver the ship, I know the workload is going to increase,” said Bellis. “I’ve started talking to some Department Heads to put programs in place that are tailored to each individual department’s problems; the key is to treat each department as its own entity.” Bellis’ said it is important to get to know Sailors on the deckplates and has been making his rounds to introduce himself and talk to Sailors one-on-one. “I’ve been making an effort to talk to a few Sailors and familiarize myself with the ship, so that I can try to understand certain situations that

I would not normally be in if I was back at FFSC,” said Bellis. “I think the fact that I don’t wear the uniform allows me to be more approachable. Approachability is important, because the first half of solving any problem is identifying the problem.” With the redelivery of the ship and a deployment looming in the near future, fast approaching, the DRC is another outlet for Sailors feeling overwhelmed. DRCs work in collaboration with the ship’s psychologists and chaplains as part of a support network for Sailors. They are trained to know what to look for and understand the early warning signs which could help prevent issues from becoming larger problems and help Sailor develop skills to handle challenging situations. Resiliency is the ability to ‘bounce back’ when things get tough, and the military is certainly tough” said Bellis. “I tell every Sailor that no matter how bad things are, you’re never stuck.” Lincoln Sailors can locate the DRC at 03-115-2-Q.

“I tell every Sailor that no matter how bad things are, you’re never stuck.”

-John Bellis



Out of Darkness Walk Raises Suicide, Depression Awareness

Story and photo by MC1 Josue Escobosa


everal hundred Sailors suicide.” assigned to the NimitzThe event is held across the country class aircraft carrier USS to benefit the American Foundation for Abraham Lincoln (CVN Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the leading 72) participated in the national not-for-profit organization 11th annual Out of the exclusively dedicated to understanding Darkness community walk on Sept. 8 in and preventing suicide, research, Virginia Beach, Virginia. education and advocacy. Sponsored by the Hampton Roads According to AFSP, the walks give Survivors of Suicide Support Group, people the courage to open up about the Out of the Darkness community their own struggles or losses, and walks raise awareness about suicide provide a platform to change our prevention and depression. Abraham culture’s approach to mental health. Lincoln Sailors used this event as an opportunity to recognize the effect “It’s important to support that suicide has on friends, families people who have been and a command. affected by suicide, be it “We’re in a stressful situation the person contemplating being in a shipboard environment, suicide or the family and and a lot of people have been friends affect by suicide, ” affected by suicide,” said Legalman said Personnel Specialist 2nd Class (SW/AW) James G. 1st Class Violet Sandoval. Cameron, a participant. “By raising awareness and finding positive outlets “Suicide is a life changing decision for our stress, we can turn lives around for all involved, not just the person who and save people from the devastation of commits suicide. It devastates families

and friendships, and it affects us as a Navy because although we can replace a person’s billet, we can’t replace the Sailor. That’s why I feel so many of us came out here today, to show that we care.” The walk was not just geared to helping those who have suffered from the loss or near loss of a loved one, but also to help those in need and raise awareness of the resources available to those who are suffering from depression. “The response from the crew to support this walk was absolutely incredible,” said Air Traffic Controller 1st Class Mark Summers, who helped organize the Lincoln volunteers. “By supporting this event, we are saying to our friends, loved ones, and shipmates that they are not alone.” Information on suicide prevention is available at the Navy Suicide Prevention Program Webpage: mil.






Sailors conduct damage control training. Photo by MC3 Ciarra C. Thibodeaux

Cmdr. Meghan Forehand speaks to Lincoln Sailors in the forecastle. Photo by Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Joshua Billings MC3 Aaron Kiser removes rust from the flight deck. Photo by MCSN Matt Herbst

Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Franco Shimizzi serves food during lunch. Photo by MC3 Derry Todd

Lt. Creveling talks about proper zone inspection procedures. Photo by MC3 Aaron Kiser

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