Upcoming Events 7 February Monthly Meeting 9 March Monthly Meeting 15 CVR Events Calendar
Features 36 First Timers’ Concours Guide 44 Bolt-on Performance Upgrades
Departments 2 2 5 12 17 19 21 23 24 27 31 32 40 51 53 54 56 56
Cover Story Editorial Staff Board of Directors Activity Chairs View from the Cockpit On Track Pylon Place Club Racing Concours – Zone1 Concours & Rally Between the Lines Emporium In the News Touring – Spring Tour 2011 Welcome New Members Members Anniversaries The Mart Special Interest Groups Advertisers Directory
CHALLENGE Newsletter of the Connecticut Valley Region Porsche Club of America C H A L L E N G E
February 2011
COVER STORY >>> Jessica Nocerino enjoys her Basalt Black 2003 911 Cabriolet. Jessica waited a very long time to own her first Porsche, and after much deliberation chose this loaded 996 from Porsche of Wallingford. The car is a well-motivated world of fun, and the raucous sound of the flat-six is wonderfully audible in the open air of top-down motoring. This picture was taken after an early Autumn day of paint care including a deep polishing and wax, with the final coat of Pinnacle Souveran still settling on the finish.
CHALLENGE STAFF Advertising Joe Rodriguez (203) 615-6139 chal-ads@cvrpca.org Editor & Art Director Shelley Krohnengold cvreditor@cvrpca.og
Copy Editor Nancie Giacalone copyeditor@cvrpca.org Contributing Writers and Photographers in this months issue Tony Callas Bev Gould Linda Gulotta
Jack Kearney Meryl Krohnengold Dean Lewellen Jim McCarthy Tim Rogers Chris Troianello
The CHALLENGE (ISSN 1063-150X) is the monthly publication of the Connecticut Valley Region, Porsche Club of America, published at Paladin Commercial Printers, LLC, 300 Hartford Avenue, Newington, CT 06111-1501. Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT. Statements appearing in challenge are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the CVR Board of Directors or CHALLENGE Editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all materials submitted for publication. CVR/PCA is not responsible for any services or merchandise advertised herein. Permission to reprint any material published in CHALLENGE is granted provided full credit is given to challenge and to the author. Postmaster send address changes to challenge, c/o Chris Musante, P.O. Box 762, South Windsor, CT 06074. Subscription rate of $12 is included in CVR annual membership dues. Other PCA members may subscribe by remitting $30/year to CVR/PCA CHALLENGE, 30 Owenoke Park, Westport, CT 06880. Š 2011 Connecticut Valley Region, Porsche Club of America, all rights reserved. See us on the web at www.cvrpca.org
February 2011
February 2011
February 2011
>> President
>> V.P. Programs
Jeff Jones cvrpresident@cvrpca.org
Nick Esposito (Right) Mark Richard (Left) cvrprogramvp@cvrpca.org
>> V.P. Drivers Education Jon Fairbanks cvrdevp@cvrpca.org
>> Secretary Charles Young cvrsecretary@cvrpca.org (860) 342-2403 533 Main Street Portland, CT 06480
>> Treasurer Bill Rogers cvrtreasurer@cvrpca.org (203) 440-2287 562 Baldwin Avenue, Unit 15 Meriden, CT 06450
February 2011
February 2011
FEBRUARY MONTHLY MEETING Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Location: SpeedSport Tuning 52 Miry Brook Road Danbury, CT 06810 (203) 730-0311 www.speedsporttuning.net SpeedSport Tuning (www.speedsporttuning.net) will host the CVR PCA monthly meeting at their new location on Miry Brook Rd, Danbury, CT on February 8th. Spencer Cox is celebrating 30 years of Porsche excellence and is excited to have the CVR members join him and his team at their new 15,000 sq. foot facility for an evening that will not soon be forgotten. SpeedSport has built a reputation on their skill and integrity in all facets of street service and track set-up. They are known for their alignments and race prep. From flat tires to crewing on the top level pro race teams, they have done it all. On the service side, Porsche master technician, Brian Holinko is an expert on newer models cars, while Jeff Adams is renowned for his air-cooled and 4-cam expertise. There are always plenty of beautiful cars to see. Please check the CVR Website: http//www.cvrpac.org for any last minute changes. Please RSVP to cvrprogramvp@cvrpca.org for seating and food pre-orders as this event will be very popular with the members. Meeting Agenda: 6:30 – 7:15 pm Socializing and buffet dinner compliments of SpeedSport. Tours of the new facilities and get to know the team of SpeedSport. 7:30 – 8:00 pm
CVR Program Chair update, welcome new members, upcoming events and activities.
8:00 – 8:45 pm
Speaker – TBD
8:45 pm
Raffles, adjournment
February 2011
February 2011
MARCH MONTHLY MEETING Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Location: Automobile Associates 5 Albany Turnpike Canton, CT 06019 (860) 693-0278 www.automobileassociates.com Directions available on the website Automobile Associates will once again host our Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, March 8th 2011. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this very popular annual CVR event! Speaker: Chuck Queener Charles Queener will join us as speaker for Automobile Associate’s very popular annual meeting for CVR. This event is always “sold out”, so RSVP early. You won’t want to miss this one! Chuck is a world renowned Automotive Illustrator who is also Art Director for one of our largest monthly publications. His work has appeared in many books including his collaborations with CVR’s close friend Murray Smith. For seating and dinner estimates please RSVP to: cvrprogramvp@cvrpca.org If you should decide the day of the meeting to attend... please “come ahead”... we’d love to have you! Always check the CVR Website: http//www.cvrpac.org for any schedule changes and updates. Meeting Agenda: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Complimentary Buffet. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Meeting and Program
9:00 pm
Raffles, adjournment
Remember to check out our newly updated Website for all of the most current information.
www.cvrpca.org C H A L L E N G E
February 2011
February 2011
>>> CLUB MEMBERSHIP UPDATES MADE EASY Is it time to renew your membership? Do you have a change/update to your address or phone number? Have you recently purchased another Porsche that you would like to register on your PCA profile? Do you need a replacement PCA membership card? You can do all of this online as easy as 1-2-3! Just log into www.pca.org. Click on MEMBERSHIP and select MEMBER SERVICES. Select any one of the four options in the drop down menu. Member Record, Renew Membership, Online Profile, Replacement Membership Card. By accessing this section, you are able renew your membership, view and update your PCA membership record to include your address, phone, email, and car information. Continue your participation in PCA events and keep your Challenge and Panorama subscriptions coming! It’s that easy!
>>> PCA MEMBERSHIP RECRUITING Do you have a fellow Porsche enthusiast who doesn’t own a Porsche yet? If so, take a peek at what PCA offers... PCA Quest! This program provides a six-month subscription to Porsche Panorama to allow access to hundreds of Porsches for sale by PCA members in The Mart as well as the opportunity to access valuable technical information about the cars through the many articles in Panorama! Learn more about this at www.pca.org/Membership/PCAQuest.aspx
February 2011
Autocross Paul Kudra (860) 633-8252
Drivers’ Education - VP Jon Fairbanks cvrdevp@cvrpca.org
Randy Kudra (860) 597-1671
Driver’s Education - Co-Chair Dave Vaccaro 8 Delno Drive Danbury, CT 06811
Challenge Advertising Joe Rodriguez chal-ads@cvrpca.org Challenge Editor & Art Director Shelley Krohnengold cvreditor@cvrpca.org Challenge Copy Editor Nancie Giacalone cvreditor@cvrpca.org Communications Bill Monde bmondejr@sbcglobal.net Community Service Donna Berlanda donna.berlanda@gmail.com Concours Jerry Charlup (203) 322-8262 concours@cvrpca.org 144 Lynam Road Stamford, CT 06903 Concours Co-Chairs Trish Carroll Dick Strahota (203) 656-1541 strahota@optonline.net
February 2011
DE Chief of Control Bob Napoletano DE Chief Instructor Kevin Adams DE Chief Instructor - Assistants John Schnabel Fred Staudinger (914) 232-8253 DE Registrar/Treasurer Susan Vaccaro dereg@cvrpca.org 8 Delno Drive Danbury, CT 06811 DE Chief Steward David Nagler Historian Prescott Kelly (203) 227-7770 PVKelly@TheInstituteInc.com 16 Silver Ridge Weston, CT 06883 Membership Co-Chairs Chris & Lisa Musante membership@cvrpca.org
Nominations & Past President Roger Funk hfunk@snet.net
Tourmeister Phil & Maria Capella tourmeister@cvrpca.org
PCA Club Race Director Gary Hansen clubracedirector@cvrpca.org
Tourmeister Assistants Caroline & Alan Davis Sean Leahy David Lloyd
PCA Club Race - Assistant Steve Cooney (860) 491-1426 PCA Club Race - Volunteer Coordinator Susan Young (860) 342-1962 clubracedirector@cvrpca.org Porsche Emporium Peter & Janica Shafer (203) 227-2722 27 Cardinal Road Weston, CT 06883 janica.b@hotmail.com Rally Open Position (see page 34) Special Events Dennis Primavera specialevents@cvrpca.org
Trophy Nancie Giacalone (203) 261-6309 racynancie@aol.com Webmeister Phil Capella Christine Rodriguez webmeister@cvrpca.org Yearbook John Karam (413) 544-5058 yearbook@cvrpca.org 8 Hemlock Hollow Belchertown, MA 01007 Bo Parker yearbook@cvrpca.org Walt Hyjek yearbook@cvrpca.org
Technical Chair Daniel Jacobs (203)-264-3882 tech@cvrpca.org 306 Southford Road Southbury, CT 06488
February 2011
February 2011
FEBRUARY 2011 7 Board Meeting, Gusto’s, Milford, CT, 6:30 pm 8 Monthly Meeting, SpeedSport Tuning, Danbury, CT, 6:30 pm 15 Close for ALL March 2011 Challenge business 26 Tech Tactics East 2011, Easton, PA MARCH 2011 5 Driver’s Education Winter Workshop, Crowne Plaza, Southbury, CT 7 Board Meeting, Gusto’s, Milford, CT, 6:30 pm 8 Monthly Meeting, Automobile Associates, Canton, CT, 6:30 pm 15 Close for ALL April 2011 Challenge business APRIL 4 9 15 28 29 - 30
2011 Board Meeting, Hawthorne Inn, Berlin, CT, 6:30 pm New Member Activity Sampler, Southbury, CT. 8:30 am Close for ALL May 2011 Challenge business Advanced Driver Education, Lime Rock Park Club Race, Lime Rock Park
MAY 2011 2 Board Meeting, Gusto’s, Milford, CT, 6:30 pm 13 Close for ALL June 2011 Challenge business 14 - 15 Zone1 Concours and Rally, Heritage Hotel, Southbury, CT 20 - 22 Spring Tour, Williams Inn, Williamstown, MA 31 Board Meeting (June), Gusto’s, Milford, CT, 6:30 pm JUNE 2011 15 Close for ALL July 2011 Challenge business 19 Father’s Day Concours, Cranberry Park, Norwalk, CT JULY 2011 11 Board Meeting, Hawthorne Inn, Berlin, CT, 6:30 pm 15 Close for ALL August 2011 Challenge business All dates and information on this Calendar are accurate at the time of printing. Please remember to check the CVR Website for the most up-to-date information. Note: Board Meetings are always open to all members. Contact any board member for exact times and directions and/or check the CVR website for last minute details. Website Updates: www.cvrpca.org Answers to Tech Questions: www.pca.org/tech/
February 2011
February 2011
As I start this column, the snow is blowing in hard, bringing the first tangible evidence of the winter solstice having just occurred. I beat the weather by finishing my last prewinter item THIS morning: I moved the trailer so I could place boards under the tires so they wouldn’t freeze to the ground, something that I learned about the hard way. If this ever happens to you, run some hot water around the tires and eventually they’ll come free. Messy, but it works. The 911 track car is stored in there for its annual hibernation. Unfortunately, metamorphosis doesn’t occur and I won’t see a new 911 GTS in there in the spring.
Keep the faith, spring will come and our great Porsche cars will all be back on the roads and tracks. In the meantime, we have Monthly Meetings with fascinating programs at really cool venues. Please join us. And, there is food. Just before Christmas my PC’s hard drive quit; at least it was a mechanical failure and not a virus. (So, I was given a waiver from our Challenge editor, Shelley, for a delayed deadline for this column). Getting it replaced and reinstalling the software is ongoing. Fortunately, I have a back up program. But, I have to relearn how to configure all the programs. Bummer.
Getting to CVR stuff... We have agreed to host the Zone 1 Concours on the weekend of May 14th and 15th, and our good man, Lew Trusheim, with assistance from Jack Kearney, has volunteered to chair it. A few years ago Lew ran the weekend for CVR, so he knows the requirements. The event will be held in conjunction with a Rally. All the details should be online at cvrpca.org and in this issue. We will need volunteers to assist on both days. Please consider helping Lew, even if you are only available for one day. I promise that the snow will be gone by then. At the CVR Board Planning Meeting in January all the event chairs presented their schedules. When this issue of the Challenge is in your hands, most of our 2011 events should be scheduled. Check the website (often). If you are new to CVR, or have an interest in becoming more involved this year, you should attend the Membership Sampler. It will give you an excellent overview of all the CVR activities. The chairs will be there to give you an explanation of their areas and to answer your questions. In the past we’ve had a mini concours and autocross, so bring your Porsche. And, there will be food. Keep the faith, spring will come and our great Porsche cars will all be back on the roads and tracks. In the meantime, we have Monthly Meetings with fascinating programs at really cool venues. Please join us. And, there is food.
February 2011
February 2011
As I write this month’s installment will offer the ability for our instructors of “On Track” it is 13 days before to become nationally certified via his Christmas. I have a strong belief that National DE Certification Workshop. shopping for Christmas gifts is best deThe 2011 driving schedule is comscribed by an old driving saw: “I wait ing along nicely. We have secured our until panic sets in then I back off just a dates with Watkins Glen and are in the touch”. Yes, indeed, I am one of those final stages of doing the same at Lime poor men staggering around the mall Rock. 2011 will look much like 2010 wild-eyed, horrendously with the deletion of MontiFor those of you over-caffeinated from hangcello Motor Club. I have ing around Starbucks trying been in touch with MMC who have not to think of something to get done any Drivers and for the 2011 season they my wife and, ultimately, I Education I want are not renting to car clubs. spend too much on things I know I said this last month, to reiterate how but, I think it bears repeating. that no one really likes. In important the short, I am a ripe target for We will stay in touch with Winter Workshop MMC in the hopes that cireither a Brookstone Store selling helicopters (Doesn’t is. It will give you a cumstances change in the fuevery woman want a radio great opportunity ture. controlled helicopter?) or a For those of you who to meet other new kiosk person who sells me have not done any Drivers drivers and really Education I want to reiterate a monogrammed Snuggie! get a feel for what how important the Winter What’s wrong with a Snuga day at the gie? If everyone had a SnugWorkshop is. It will give you gie just think how much our a great opportunity to meet track entails. carbon footprint would be other new drivers and really reduced. Oh well, I am not going to get a feel for what a day at the track enthink about that now. Scarlett said it best, tails. We will go over getting your car “Tomorrow is another day”. teched, the structure of day, how our inRight then, on to business. Our struction process works and what you Winter Workshop will be Saturday can learn doing Drivers Education. One March 5th at our usual venue the Crowne question that always comes up regarding Plaza in Southbury. Registration will be DE is: Will doing DE in any way hurt on www.registration.net. For any new my car? As a new driver I can assure members and any drivers considering you, that you will not be pushing the car doing Driver Education this event is a to anything approaching “the limit” and must. We will have an exciting guest therefore it is highly unlikely that you speaker as well as break-out sessions for would do anything to damage your car all driving levels. Also, Fred Staudinger >>>continued on page 20
February 2011
really enjoy what your Porsche has to offer. If anyone has any questions about the Winter Workshop, please shoot me an email. j.fairbanks159@yahoo.com
Photo Chris Troianello
in any way. Porsches are extremely robust, well-built cars that are made precisely to be driven in a manner that is impossible to experience anywhere but on a race track. That is why we say, “come drive your car the way it was meant to be driven�. DE is the place to
February 2011
Check cvrpca.org on the Autocross page for our first event of 2011. While you are there, play a few of the YouTube videos from last season to remember what an adrenaline rush it is! Randy and Paul Kudra AutoX Co-Chairs
Autocross is a low speed form of motorsport that emphasizes low-cost competition and active participation in a non-threatening and safe environment. Drivers will find themselves testing their skill and limits of their cars under this timed competition where drivers navigate through courses marked by traffic cones rather than tracks; making car handling and driver skill the most important priority of this challenge. C H A L L E N G E
February 2011
February 2011
Special rates for 1/2 & 1/3 page ads in the Club Race Program. Associate Sponsor — $350. Includes: One (1) Half Page Ad in the race program Promotional announcements throughout the event on PA Your company name (w/Website link), on the CVR Website “Sponsors Page” Your company name listed as a sponsor in CVR’s CHALLENGE magazine
Friends of CVR Sponsor — $150. Includes: One (1) Biz Card Ad (1/3 pg) in the race program Promotional announcements throughout the event on PA Your name or company (w/Website link), on the CVR Website “Sponsors Page” Your name or company listed as a sponsor in CVR’s CHALLENGE magazine
CONTACT: Rita Nigri Club Race Sponsorship Chair ritanigri@gmail.com * Philanthropically inclined CVR members greatly appreciated. C H A L L E N G E
February 2011
2011 Zone1 Concours and Rally Returns! Well it’s time to think about Spring! Reach under your car covers, loosen those trickle chargers, and shake off the remants of that winter malaise. The Zone 1 Concours & Rally returns to CVR the weekend of May 14th & 15th. 2011. Your destination on Saturday, May 14th, is Southbury, Connecticut and the renowned Heritage Hotel & Conference Center. Known for its contemporary
Photo Jim McCarthy
New England charm and matchless views of the surrounding Litchfield Hills, Heritage Hotel provides all the services you would expect from a first class hotel. The day begins with early
morning Zone One registration, followed by the Rally preview, then you’re off to match speed and wit against the tricks of the Rallymaster’s stock and trade. Yes, it’s all in good fun and the Saturday evening awards dinner is not to be missed. Sunday, May 15th is the Concours and it will be held on the grounds of the nearby Southbury Training School. This sixteen hundred acre hilltop facilty will provide the perfect venue to display and judge cars. Just bring your favorite car prep potion and the hotel will provide a designated area for the soap & hose brigade. For those of you who may want to explore the surrounding towns, nearby Woodbury, founded in 1673, retains the traditional appearance and ambiance of colonial New England, replete with historic homes and renowned antique shops. Looking for good food along the way, try Zagat recommended Good News Café or the traditional Curtis House Inn. Check the Zone1 website for entry forms and further details as they become available.
February 2011
February 2011
e need people to meet as a group and help cut & tie knots in fleece blankets for “Hole in the Wall” kids. We will be using the tie dyed fleece from our “Hippie Happening” dinner dance decorations.
I would like to set up a date in Jan or Feb, depending on the response, for a Sunday afternoon in Portland, CT. Refreshments will be provided. No special skills necessary. Please contact Sue Young (Volunteer Co-ordinator) @ 860-342-1962
February 2011
This is a key month for both CVR members and Board Members alike. Not just because it is the start of the new year, but it is also when our annual CVR Planning Meeting takes place, this is where strategies and plans for the upcoming season are mapped out. Events that we have firm details on are covered in this issue, and next months issue will detail a number of events that you won’t want to miss—so stay tuned. First, we’d like to welcome two new Board members, Jon Fairbanks is back in his former role as Vice President of Drivers Education, the plans he described for this season sound quite exciting, (I found myself cruising the web last night looking for a new helmet) and Jason Pueschel has signed on as Program Assistant to help fill in for Mike Odeirna who is taking a “pit stop” from his position this year, I hope he enjoys his opportunity with Programs as much as I do with Challenge.
Events that we have firm details on are covered in this issue, and next months issue will detail a number of events that you won’t want to miss— so stay tuned. Following are a few items that I’d like to remind you of this month, one of the most important is the link between Challenge and the CVR PCA website and why you should always check it for the most up-to-date information. A perfect case-in-point is the
cancellation of our monthly meeting at the Black Horse Garage last week. With all the snow in the past few weeks and the forecast of more to come on Tuesday, our Program VPs felt that canceling was the prudent thing to do, a shame, but plans are at hand to visit Black Horse in the near future. If you did not check the website for last minute details, you might have driven a long way for nothing. One other thing I’d like to remind you of is the CVR affiliation with TireRack, this is of great benefit to you not only for the discounted pricing, but the additional commission income for CVR will benefit us with funding to help cover the cost of services provided to our members. With all of the snow we’ve had lately it might be a very good time to think about putting on some nice new snow tires. Lastly, Susan Young gave us a bit of important news for those of you who are planning on coming to Lime Rock this season. The historic White Hart Inn (Salisbury, CT), has abruptly closed it’s doors, unfortunate, as it dramatically reduces the room count near the track. If you are planning on attending any events we suggest that you book rooms elsewhere as soon as possible, unless you happen to have $5 million dollars laying around (the asking price), make them an offer, you are almost sure to have a number of friendly PCA members knocking at your door. Looking forward to hearing from you. cvreditor@cvrpca.org
February 2011
This inspired coffee-table size book of over 200 pages is lavishly illustrated with hundreds of color & black/white photos from CVR archives or donated by CVR photographers.
Spanning 50 years, members have contributed essays and written rememberences that are sure to entertain and bring back fond memories. There are chapters covering: Autocross, Club Race, Driver Ed, Concours, Tours, Monthly Meetings, and much more!
If you attended the Gala you are entitled to a free copy! Single copies are $50. But if you purchase two, the 2nd copy is only $40! Want more copies to give as gifts to your children to show where your have gleefully spent their inheritance? We’ll make you a great purchase price on multiple copies! Purchase your yearbook by visiting the Emporium at any of our events, or by contacting CVR’s 50th Yearbook fullfillment center by emailing Peter & Janica Shafer, emporium@cvrpca.org.
February 2011
February 2011
2011 Version of the World’s Most Successful GT Race Car Debuts at Porsche “Night of Champions” Stuttgart, Germany December 12, 2010 The Porsche 911 GT3 RSR takes off into the new motorsport season with significant modifications. The 2011 version of the world's most successful GT race car celebrated its international premiere at the “Night of Champions” party held at the R&D Center in Weissach to mark the end of the 2010 motorsport season. Priority in the further development of the GT3 RSR was given to the newly designed aerodynamics at the front and rear, changes to the suspension kinematics and to the engine. The 4.0-litre, six-cylinder boxer engine now delivers 455 hp (355 kW) at 7,800 revs, five horsepower more than its predecessor. The power increase results from an engine management system which adapts even better to different fuel grades, as well as a redesigned exhaust system and a modified air 32
February 2011
intake housing. Moreover, the drivability of the famously efficient engine has undergone further improvements. Maximum revs remain unchanged at 9,400 rpm. Clearly visible are the modifications to the front. A new front lip provides higher downforce at the
front axle. The front wheels are now wider with the rims growing from 11 to 12 inches giving additional grip and less understeer. The position of the rear wing and the shape of the wing mounting also underwent optimization and were adapted to the new rear
fairing with additional air outlet louvers. The rear lid was also redesigned for optimized air ducting. Like the 911 GT3 Cup and the GT3 R, the RSR has now been equipped with the LED rear lights
taken from the latest 911 road-legal cars. The 911 GT3 RSR joins the 911 GT3 R and the 911 GT3 Cup as the top model of Porsche Motorsport’s product range. The successful long
distance racer from Weissach can be ordered now at a price of 410,000 Euro plus country-specific value added tax. All 2011 modifications are available as a kit for GT3 RSR cars from the 2010 season.
All photos courtesy Porsche Cars North America
TECH TACTICS EAST 2011 First Annual PCA National Tech Tactics to be held February 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tech Tactics 2011 has become a PCA National event and will be housed in the PCNA Training facility in Easton, PA. This facility is perfect for a
“hands on” type of event, for it is used to train the Porsche technicians. This first annual Tech Tactics will be held on Saturday, February 26 and will be limited to 125 entrants. If the event is over subscribed, we plan to
hold an identical event on Sunday, February 27. The day will consist of lectures by three PCNA Field Specialists and four members of the PCA Technical Committee and a special guest speaker from Porsche AG.
The registration for this event will be available on-line January 3, 2011 using the www.motorsportreg.com site. ❑ Contact Person: Pete Tremper ❑ Telephone Number: 609.221.3854 ❑ Email Address: tremper9146@aol.com ❑ Registration web site address: www.motorsportreg.com ❑
February 2011
BE PART OF THE ACTION… Join the volunteers who help to make Club Race possible. We are looking for people who want to be in the thick of things. Experienced or not, one or two days, April 29 and/or 30. Please contact Sue Young at: (860) 342-1962 or email race.volunteers@cvrpca.org. Please include contact information — email, address and telephone numbers. Those of you who have volunteered in the past, please send me an email with your current information even if it hasn’t changed. Also, please indicate if you have a preference as to area of helping. I’ll do my best to accommodate your request. Thank you and hope to hear from you all soon.
February 2011
Photo Meryl Krohnengold
We are returning to Cranbury Park this year to accommodate the growing number of members who participate each year. This year will feature
2 very special displays:
Photos courtesy Porsche Cars North America
One recognizing the 60th Anniversary of Porsche in America
A “Winner’s Circle” Past winners of the CVR Concours selected by the Concours Committee We will also be adding a new class for “My other car” which will be open to any non-Porsche. It will be People’s Choice judged like all the other classes. So watch for further details in Challenge and on the CVR website. C H A L L E N G E
February 2011
Have you thought about entering your car in a Concours? That is great news and I want to give you a few hints on how to prepare for entering your first Concours. In Northern and Southern California, the two PCA Zones run a series for Concours competition. I am not sure how other parts of the country run their Concours. However what I am going to talk about is pretty universal as far as prepping your car for the first time. I am going to give you the simple approach to get you started. 36
February 2011
After you have prepped your car and entered it for the first time, you’ll want to know more about what product we recommend, this can be a long list as products change and just about everyone has an opinion. First look at the car classifications that are offered for the event you are interested in entering. I would choose the entry level class, like Wash & Shine. In Wash & Shine, only the exterior and interior are judged. It is easier than having to
Photo Tim Rogers
Because the Annual CVR Father’s Day Concours will be here before you know it...
By Bev Gould
clean the trunk and engine as well, this could be a bit overwhelming if you are just getting started. For the exterior, wash the car thoroughly. This includes the wheels, bumpers, paint, windows, headlights, tires, fog lights & valance. Make sure you do not leave any water spots. To reduce water spotting, use distilled water for washing and rinsing, if you do not have distilled water around; make sure you wash the
car in segments. This way you can dry it off quickly to reduce spotting. You also want to polish the car. If your Porsche sits out all the time, then you will want to wax it, if not – a good polish will make your car sparkle. Make sure you get the entire wax/polish residue off the paint, rubber and crevices. You can use a soft bristled
cleaner to remove any excess tire dressing or grime. Use a soft bristled brush to scrub the tires with cleaner. You will want to be able to rub your fingers across the sidewalls without your fingers turning black or brown. On the wheels themselves, polish them, clean around the lug nuts, as this is an area judges particularly love to check.
it is fun to chronicle your efforts and share them with your friends. The next area to clean for a Wash & Shine Class is the Interior. You are going to clean just about everything that is visible and then some. I will try to point you through the basics to get you through your first Concours, but this area does require attention to detail. First
Photo Linda Gulotta
>>>Never too early (or too young) to start getting ready. Six year old Alessandro Rivera polishing his dad’s Porsche.
brush or tooth brush to remove the excess wax or polish stuck on the rubber or crevice. It will break loose and create a fine dust. Don’t wipe this stuff down with a rag; it will just move it somewhere else. You are better off using a very soft bristled brush or air to whisk the dust away. On your wheels, make sure they are cleaned and polished. Clean off the sidewalls, using Simple Green or some other
Then make sure you don’t have any excess polish along the rim or lug nut area. Don’t put a dressing on the wheels, this stuff just picks up more dirt from the road. You don’t have to clean the wheel wells for a Concours, but it is a good idea to do so, as it makes the overall presentation of the car look better. Now that you are done with the exterior, it looks pretty darn good huh? Take a few photos,
clean the windows, why first, well you will have to climb in the car to clean them. When you do this you also bring in with you dirt and debris from the outside or your shoes. I’ll be honest, I hate cleaning the windows, finding a good streak free cleaner is a lot of trial and error. I have found that a solution of Distilled water and rubbing alcohol works best with a micro fiber towel. >>>continued on page 38 February 2011
Photo Tim Rogers
Now that the windows are done, the next to clean is the upholstery. If you have leather seats, get a good leather cleaner and conditioner. I have used a few of them, but recently have been using Connoly’s Hide Care. The important thing with Leather interior is to keep the leather conditioned, so it does not dry out and crack. If your upholstery has seams, make sure you clean these as well. Dirt and dust collects in the crevices. Use a soft bristled brush or toothbrush to clean these out. Clean the seat belt handles, if these are chrome, chrome cleaners 38
February 2011
like Wenol or Mothers will polish them up. Next area is the dash, instruments, glove box and steering column. Make sure these are all clean of dust and dirt. If the dash is leather, it is important to condition this as well. Make sure you clean the vents and defroster vents. Take an old soft cotton sock and use it like a glove, it works great to pick up loose dust and dirt. Spray a bit of water on the glove to make it slightly damp, and it will pick up the dust and dirt without depositing it somewhere else in the interior. One area many people forget about cleaning is under
the dash – I know you are saying WHAT, under the dash. But think about it, it gets just as dirty and dusty under there as anywhere else on the car. The stuff over time can build up and is just yucky. It also can get on the carpet or affect those with allergies if not removed. Use the sock method I mentioned before and it will clean it up – judges love to look in this area. Another favorite spot for the judges (mine too) is the door latches, these get really dirty over time, you can clean these with WD40 and they turn out great. I do not lubricate mine except with WD40,
but if you want to lubricate the latches, make sure the lubricant is clean. When this lubricant gets dirty it becomes abrasive. Don’t forget to clean the console or door pockets, if you have them, they should be dust/dirt free and empty when you show the car. Now we move onto the carpets and flooring. First, a good vacuuming is required. This includes along the edges of the carpet, under the mats if removable, etc. Use a crevice tool to get those narrow or hard to reach areas. If your carpet is spotted with dirt, you should shampoo this out if possible. Don’t get the carpet too wet when shampooing and allow it to dry before the show. The day of the show, bring sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, beverages, chair and a mat. You will also want to bring some
of your cleaning supplies and tools to do touch up work once you are at
the show. These are the basics; we can go into a lot more detail on how to prep an automobile for a Concours. If you take your car to a detailer first, you will
still want to go through some of the steps above. I have been showing my 1970 911E for the last 15 years +. My car had been raced, toured and rallied for years, so I know how tough it can seem to get started. But I have enjoyed seeing how the car has improved over the years and it is an award-winning automobile. Once you get it clean, it is not that difficult to keep it clean. Here is little checklist for both the exterior and interior to get you started – Good Luck
Bev Gould has been involved in PCA for over 30 years. She is the former Zone 8 Representative for PCA and has held many positions within the club. Her 1970 911E has won many awards in both PCA and Non PCA Concours d’ Elegance shows. Bev is Vice President of TC’s Garage which she owns together with her husband Tom and can be reached at: bev@tcsgarage.com Please note: any product brands mentioned are author’s choices, neither the Porsche Club of America nor the Connecticut Valley Region PCA endorse any particular product brand.
February 2011
The Williams Inn, Williamstown, Massachusetts, May 20-22, 2011 The 2011 Spring Tour will be based near our region and will allow us to explore some great Porsche roads in Massachusetts, Vermont and New York.
Phil Capella
The Williams Inn, on the campus of Williams College, located in the beautiful northern Berkshire mountains of western Massachusetts will be our base
OVERVIEW For loyal touring participants you know what to expect in terms of the format, so you can quickly scan this part. The format for the Spring Tour weekend remains the same as in the past. You’ll travel to the The Williams Inn on May 20 (Friday) on your own schedule. Dinner will be on your own Friday evening.
Courtesy of the Berkshire Historical Society
of operations. If you choose to use Rt. 7 to get to the Williams Inn you will pass Mount Greylock. Mount Greylock is the highest point in Massachusetts at 3,491 feet. The mountain has been an inspiration to many writers including Herman Melville. Melville, who farmed 160 acres in Pittsfield, Ma., always admired the view of the mountain from his back porch. The view reminded him of his past whaling days. The great mountain
was the hump of a whale and the lower hills were the breaking waves as the whale plunged back into the water. “There she blows!—there she blows! A hump like a snow hill! It is Moby Dick!” For those who are arriving early there are many cultural and fun activities. Located nearby are the Massachusetts Museum of Modern Art in North Adams, MA and the Manchester Designer Outlets in Manchester, VT.
February 2011
form needs to be sent to the hotel to start the reservation process. Send us an email at tourmeister@cvrpca.org and we will send the form for you to fill out. You then send the completed form to the hotel via mail, email or fax. Upon receipt of the form the Williams Inn will email a reservation confirmation to you. Phil Capella
Saturday (May 21st) is “tour day”. Following breakfast Saturday morning we’ll have our orientation meeting with drivers and navigators, after which we’ll start the driving part of our tour
weekend. Our lunch stop will be at The Dorset Inn, Vermont’s oldest continually operating inn. Dorset, Vermont is famous for being home to the first marble quarry in America. Marble from the quarry provided stone for the New York Public Library main branch in New York City. NOW FOR THE SPECIFICS: Note: The method for making reservations at the hotel will be different than in the past. A hotel reservation
Lodging/Breakfasts/Dinner Package The package include 2 nights lodging, buffet breakfast Saturday and Sunday, and a buffet dinner Saturday night. Price includes all taxes and gratuities. The hotel will set aside a parking area and car washing station for the club. You are responsible for making reservations by sending in the reservation form via mail, email or fax. The hotel will hold rooms for us up until April 20th, after that there is no guarantee that rooms will be available. Please note check-in time is 3:00 pm and check-out is 12:00 pm. The Williams Inn requires all guests to provide a $200 deposit.
The package price: Traditional Double Rooms: $355.00 Single Occupancy - $414.00 Double Premier King Rooms: $443.00 Single Occupancy - $504.00 Double If you choose to arrive early or stay longer, the hotel has given us the following rates: (EP Rates listed are per night and includes Room only, tax is included) Traditional Rooms: $145.21 Single or Double Premier King Rooms: $189.89 Single or double CANCELLATION POLICY: Should you cancel more than 7 days prior to your arrival date; your deposit will be refunded less a $25.00 processing fee. Should you cancel within 7 days of your arrival, or shorten your stay, it will result in full forfeiture of your deposit. Payment of Individual Accounts: All individual accounts must be paid upon check out. A credit card will be required upon check in. Final payments can be made by credit card, check or cash. >>>continued on page 42
February 2011
Lunch/Registration Fee: The Spring Tour lunch / registration fee is $64 per couple ($32 per person). Please make your checks out to CVR/PCA and send them along with the CVR registration form below to us at the following address by April 21st: Phil Capella 2380 Mountain Rd West Suffield, CT 06093 Luncheon and registration fees will be non-refundable after May 6th, two weeks before the start of our touring event. Participant Information: We will continue the past practice of listing participant information in the handout package, unless you tell us otherwise. However, we will still need either your email address (preferably) or telephone number so that we can contact you in case the need arises. Invariably new friends are made during our touring events and this information helps folks stay in touch with one another. Please provide the information below when you mail your check to us: Names: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY
Address: Town:
Email: Phone No.: Car Model:
Color :
>>>Williams College 42
February 2011
Courtesy of the Berkshire Historical Society
Please place a check here if this your first Tour with the CVR
Directions to the Williams Inn from Connecticut: Take Route 7 North from Danbury to Williamstown. The Williams Inn is on the left of the Village Green at northerly junction of Routes 7 and 2. —or— Take Route 91 North to Massachusetts Turnpike West to Exit 2, (Lee/Lenox). Follow Route 20 West to Route 7 North to Williamstown. The Williams Inn is on the left of the Village Green at northerly junction of Routes 7 and 2. —or— Take Route 91 North to Greenfield, and then take Route 2 West into Williamstown. The Williams Inn is on the right of the Village Green at northerly junction of Routes 7 and 2. Check-in You will receive a package of information from us when you check in at the hotel. Contained in this package will be a complete agenda for the weekend, info on local restaurants and detailed driving directions for Saturday’s tour. It will also tell you the exact time and location of the orientation meeting to be held Saturday morning. As in the recent past (to save time) we will also have CVR’s “Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement” forms at the front desk for you to sign when you check in; all participants must sign this form. If you have any questions please email us at: tourmeister@cvrpca.org We are looking forward to seeing you at the Williams Inn in May! Maria and Phil Capella (Tourmeisters) Caroline and Alan Davis (Assistant Tourmeisters)
>>>Melville Homestead
February 2011
Courtesy of the Berkshire Historical Society
Our normally-aspirated Porsches (read non-Turbos) leave the factory in Stuttgart with engines that are leaders in the automotive industry in terms of specific power output-horsepower per liter. The Boxster and Boxster S engines are rated at 88 hp/l and 91 hp/l, respectively, and the 997 engine is rated at 90 hp/l. In comparison, the 2011 Corvette engine outputs range from 69 hp/l to 102 hp/l. Run of the mill BMW, Jaguar, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz engine outputs are in the 65 to 75 hp/l range. The Ferrari 458, known for its “off the scale” performance, has an engine that is rated at 127 hp/l, comparable to the 997 Turbo. High specific power output engines are not a new Porsche feature, the 1969 911S engine was rated at 85 hp/l, forty-one years ago, producing 170 hp from its 2.0 liter displacement engine.
All of the foregoing may be just “folksy news” after completing a series of driver’s education days, a time trial or a season of Arizona Region autocrosses and we find ourselves wishing for more top speed down a straight or faster acceleration out of a corner. All non-turbocharged Porsche engines from the Model Year 1984 and on 44
February 2011
are equipped with an electronic engine management system called Digital Motor Electronics (DME). The heart of the DME system is a digital microprocessor (chip) that controls the fuel flow to the injectors as well as controlling the ignition spark timing. A reliable bolt-on increase of 12 to 15 horsepower can be
obtained from a good Stage 1 chip that is programmed to be compatible with the fuel octane level available here in Arizona and leaves the rev limiter cutoff unchanged. Autothority, Fabspeed Motorsport and Weltmeister are recognized suppliers of replacement DME chips. Performance gains from bolt-on aftermarket
exhaust systems are minimal at best. They sound wonderful, even sound more powerful, but at most 5 additional horsepower is the very best one can expect when the stock engine rpm range and the stock camshaft profile is maintained. Keep in mind that 5 horsepower is within the power variations that exist from the temperature from a hot day to a cold day.
Porsche really does a very good job of providing sufficient muffler flow capacity with their Original Equipment exhaust systems, they are just too quiet for some folks. On the air intake/filter side of the engine, Porsche’s design and OEM parts provide intake air flow that is non-turbulent and properly metered for good drivability. Again, bolt-on modifications in the way of air boxes and special filters result in a more sporting sound but little if any power increase. The addition of five or six 1 inch to 11⁄2 inch diame-
ter holes in your OEM plastic air box outer cover will enhance airflow a little while certainly making a nicer sound at wide open throttle. Expect no more than 5 horsepower from the addition of these extra air inlet holes. The sum of the above parts is between 20 and 25 horsepower at the top end which will provide some noticeable gains in top speed from your basic stock engine—not bad. The on-board Mass Air Flow Sensor and the oxygen sensors in the exhaust will make the corrections necessary to handle these subtle power gains. Still not satisfied? Read on, but bring your checkbook. Larger bolt-on engine power increases, thirty or more horsepower, can be achieved through a compatible combination of a “mapped” DME chip upgrade, a high flow air intake system and a high performance exhaust
system. A chip may be “mapped” (read programmed) to account for changes in compression ratios, camshaft profiles, air mass flows, exhaust headers, and other modifications. The rev limiter cutoff value and fuel/air ratio in the cylinders can be altered and controlled as well. Pay particular attention to the words “compatible combination” when thinking about chips, air boxes and exhaust systems. Remember, a mapped chip upgrade that provides a marked increase in the fuel flow rate to the injectors will not increase the engine’s power output without a matching increase in the amount of air flowing into the cylinders from the intake system to maintain the mapped fuel/air mixture ratio. A higher performance exhaust system is also required to collect and handle the increased flow of exhaust gases exiting the cylinders. In other words, the total performance goal is sort of like sitting on a three legged stool where all three legs must be >>>continued on page 46 February 2011
present and compatible with each other for a good balanced result. To take advantage of the higher potential gains from a Stage 2 or Stage 3 mapped chip, some internal engine parts will need upgrades to operate at the higher engine revs where the additional power is made and the performance is felt. The 3.2 liter and 3.6 liter 911 engines from 1984 through 1998 all need higher strength connecting rod bolts, and, higher strength valve springs and retainers to operate above 7000 rpm for prolonged periods. These modifications may stretch the term “bolt-on” somewhat past the limit, but the experiences of those going down this road before us have proven them to be wise and necessary investments. A higher performance 46
February 2011
camshaft upgrade should be considered as well when the valve spring and retainer changes are made. The high flow intake system that matches up with the Stage 2 or Stage 3 mapped performance chips can be either an internal velocity cone type like a PowerFlow unit or a performance air box type like a Weltmeister or even your drilled out Original Equipment air box. A K&N air filter's higher flow capacity would be compatible with these air box setups. The matching high performance exhaust system should consist of a header system for collection and flowing of cylinder gases to a muffler/exhaust pipe system. A local area manufacturer and Going Places advertiser, B&B Fabrication, is a well known high performance exhaust system
provider. A properly matched Stage 2 or Stage 3 setup will provide a real and measurable performance increment from the additional raw power output plus the higher rev capacity available. We have now established both ends of the “bolt-on” upgrade performance spectrum. The 20-25 horsepower upgrade can be created under your engine lid for several hundred dollars. A Stage 3 or higher upgrade which may boost power by 35-45 horsepower will set you back several thousand dollars including the internal engine upgrades required for sustained higher rpm operation. You pick your horsepower and pay the price so to speak. It is worthy to note here that the first 20 horses come fairly cheaply and easily but the next 20 horses come at a much higher price due to the complexity and the related upgrades needed. Besides the engine, there are other areas of your Porsche where bolt-on performance upgrades will improve your lap times or run times—suspension >>>continued on page 49
February 2011
February 2011
and brakes. Upgrading these components as the engine power is increased will keep the car in overall balance. Again, the three legged stool analogy—if you add more go power, you should add more handling control and stopping power to keep the total performance of your car in balance. Consider a set of performance springs or torsion bars plus a set of performance struts and/or
shocks along with the addition of a front strut tower brace to keep the suspension members in touch with Mother Earth in all competitive situations. Brake caliper, brake pad and brake rotor upgrades can be added much like the stages of the mapped DME chips to keep your Porsche's stopping power matched to the go power selected. Our Porsches are one of a very few automobiles in the world
that can be tuned and improved stage by stage with OEM quality bolt-on performance upgrades. There is a vast array of choices, options and products out there that have proven track records, no pun intended. Each owner can create his or her own unique performance niche with bolt-on upgrades depending upon the height of their expectations and the depth of their pockets. Enjoy.
Reprinted from Going Places, (updated with 2010 specific power output ratings) official newsletter of the Arizona Region PCA. Thank you Dean Lewellen. Please note: any product brands mentioned are author’s choices, neither the Porsche Club of America nor the Connecticut Valley Region PCA endorse any particular product brand.
February 2011
Mark your calendar! CVR is inviting all new members to our Annual New Member Sampler. Meet your Porsche Club activity chairs to learn more about the programs and activities that CVR offers its members! It’s not just the cars… it’s the people!
Saturday, April 9th 2011 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Heritage Hotel, Southbury, CT Additional information and registration forms will be in the March 2011 Challenge
February 2011
Questions? membership@cvrpca.com
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS AND TRANSFERS We welcome the following new members, their affiliates, and transfers who joined the Connecticut Valley Region of PCA! Anderson, Thomas A. Brooklyn, NY 1987 930 Bellenoit, Paul Old Lyme, CT 2009 911 Turbo
Gregory, W East Norwalk, CT Affiliate: C Gregory 2000 911 Gustafson, Rex E. Ridgefield, CT 1990 911
Bonnell, Steven W. Avon, CT Affiliate: Jerri Bonnell 2007 911 C4S Brunette, Steven New Milford, CT Affiliate: Jennifer Kowalski 2006 911 4
Hofer, Richard N. Cos Cob, CT 1996 Carrera 4 Isaacs, John H. Orange, CT 2005 Boxster
Cano, Luis J. Norwalk, CT 1983 944
Kroll, Christian Chaplin, CT Affiliate: Emily Kroll 2006 Cayman S
Deal, Paul Chaplin, CT Affiliate: Kaitlyn Deal
Lent, Daniel P. Easton, CT 1993 968
Devino, Donna M. Middlebury, CT 1987 911
Maxwell, Craig M. Canton, CT Affiliate: Tyler A. Maxwell 2008 911
Espinoza, Richard R. Simsbury, CT Affiliate: Linda Espinoza 2003 911 4S
Morgan, James Cambridge, NY 1990 964
Nicoletti, Peter A Burlington, CT 1987 911 Radocy, William Redding, CT 1996 993 Stevenson, Joseph Farmington, CT 2007 911 Sweeney, Peter Gaylordsville CT 1970 911S Taft, Edward R. Somers, CT 1997 Boxster Silver Tuozzoli, Joseph Bridgeport, CT 1986 944 Turbo Weinstein, Mark M. Ridgefield, CT 2010 Carrera 911 Transfers In Barker, Sandra D. Bloomfield, CT Transfer from: Gold Coast (GCT) 2000 Boxster S >>>continued on page 52
February 2011
Carrazza, Michael A. Stamford, CT Transfer from: Metropolitan NY (MNY) 1994 911C2
McMurray, Michael New York, NY Transfer from: Metropolitan NY (MNY) Affiliate: Michele McMurray 2000 911
Wacker, Jeffrey Litchfield, CT Transfer from: Metropolitan NY (MNY) 1993 911
Mitrovski, Zoran New York, NY Transfer from: Metropolitan NY (MNY) Affiliate: Ann Marie Chipelo 2006 Boxster S
>>>American LeMans, Summer 2010
CHALLENGE ADVERTISING RATES No. of Insertions Full Page Half Page Quarter Page 12 Issues $ 1,200. $ 680. $ 385. 6 Issues $ 630. $ 360. $ 205. 3 Issues $ 340. $ 190. $ 115. 1 Issue $ 130. $ 75. $ 45. Cover ads are 12 month commitments only. Inside Front $ 2,300. Inside Back $ 2,300. Outside Back $ 825. The above rates are for computer readable or camera ready artwork submitted in PC or Mac format and editable in Adobe CS or Quark. Cover ads must be 4-color (CMYK), text ads are Greyscale. All ads are payable in advance. There is a 20% surcharge for ads submitted as non camera-ready artwork. Please contact cvreditor@cvrpca.org for more details and specifications. Display Ad Dimensions (H x W in inches) Full Page 7 1⁄2'' x 4 1⁄2'' Half Page 3 5⁄8'' x 4 1⁄2'' Quarter Page 17⁄8'' x 4 1⁄2'' Inside Front/Back Cover 8 1⁄2'' x 5 1⁄2'' Outside Back Cover 4 1⁄4'' x 5 1⁄2''
February 2011
7.25'' x 4.5'' 3.625'' x 4.5'' 1.875'' x 4.5'' 8.5'' x 5.5'' (Full Bleed) 4.25'' x 5.5'' (Bleed left, right and bottom)
Dennis Primavera
Brescia, David A. Poughquag, NY Transfer from: Hudson Valley (HV ) 1996 911, 2005 997
FEBRUARY 2011 PORSCHE CLUB MEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations and thank you for your support. We hope to see your name here many more times in the future. 40 Years
15 Years
5 Years
Rosati, Ramon 1976 911S
Johnson, William 1987 924S
Caple, Thomas 2005 Boxster
25 Years
Lamorte, John 1990 911C4
Furey, Joel 2006 Cayman S
Merriam, Dwight 1990 911
Giusto, John 2006 Cayman S
20 Years
Murray, Matthew 2002 996
Spataro, Joseph 1987 911
Jacobs, Daniel 2005 GT3 Cup Car
Zaborowsky, Peter 1988 951
Viola, Joe 1979 911SC
Marano, John 1972 911T
10 Years
Wallis, James 2006 911S
Parker, Dana 1979 911SC Ventre, Philip 1996 993
Brinkmann, Stephen 1989 911
Marx, Timothy 1987 944 Webster, Michael 1999 996 C2
Fischer, Justin 1970 914-6 Kalkstein, Shawn 1999 996
DID YOU KNOW The Connecticut Valley Region (CVR) of The Porsche Club of America (PCA) was founded in 1959 and consists of over 1,900 members in Connecticut and the nearby area. Our goal is to provide numerous opportunities for our members to enjoy driving their Porsches and socialize with each other. Remember to check out the Calendar of Events on our newly updated website, mark your calendars and sign up for the next activity that appeals to you. Then all you have to do is count the days until the time comes when you and other enthusiastic club members get together to have fun. C H A L L E N G E
February 2011
The Mart is a free service to PCA members. Submit non-commercial ads including PCA Membership # and region to: CHALLENGE c/o Krohnengold, 351 Pemberwick Rd, #827, Greenwich, CT 06831 or email to: cvreditor@cvrpca.org by the closing date published in challenge Monthly Calendar. Ads will run for two months (+) as space permits. All ads are subject to editing. For commercial or non-PCA member ads, include $15 per insertion with ad. All insertions limited to 12 lines in The Mart format.
FOR SALE PORSCHE 1983 928S Guards Red/Blk leather, sunroof. Very good condition. Rare 5-speed trans upgraded to 1986 with Borg/Warner synchros, LSD, upgraded Eibach/Bilstein suspension, Devek radiator. New alternator, fuel pump and lower ball joints, A/C blows cold, K&N, upgraded blaupunkt CD/MP3 player. 155K miles. $7,900. Mike 203-520-2001 michael.maurice@charter.net 1-11 1984 911 RACE CAR, Built & serviced exclusively by Automobile Associates. Fully equipped & sorted. 3.4Ltr. PMO’s, Big Reds, ERP, JRZ’s, WEVO factory modified 915, custom cage, custom fire system, 3 sets of wheels, 3 different front spoilers and 2 different custom rear decks. Much, much more, the best of everything, could not be duplicated for less than 90K. Runs PCA GT-3 or GT-4, SVRA Group 10 & HSR. MANY class wins and podiums. Needs NOTHING $44K Contact Marty 518-495-1636 or email: marty@yourjeweler.com 2-11 1988 944 Turbo coupe, Guards Red/Black, 66,660 original miles, 2 owner, 17'' Boxster “S” lightweight wheels, original phone dials, paperwork since new including window sticker. Recent timing belt, water pump, slave/master, brakes, plugs, wires, etc. Never modified or tracked. Not driven in rain/snow. $12,900. Bys 860-944-0197, Granby CT. email opecm49@gmail.com for photos/more info. 1-11 1988 Porsche 944 Turbo S, Silver Rose/Burgundy Plaid. Restored to nearly perfect condition and insured as a collector
February 2011
car, but still driven. Stored in a climate controlled environment, under a cover. 99,300 miles. Upgrades include Autothority MAF and software, K27 turbo, B&B Stainless full exhaust. Factory Cup Sway bars, Kinesis Supercup 17"x8.5" and 17"x10" wheels with new Michelin Pilot Sports. Short Shift Kit, and New cup clutch along with many other parts “while in there”, like lighter flywheel and sleeve. Lower Front Splitter, clear paint protection. New axles, control arms, brake pads, AC compressor. Belts and water pump have very low mileage. Also, H4 headlights, euro fog and driving lights. Original parts included are 16" Turbo S wheels with Dunlop tires, exhaust and catalytic converter, sway bars, airbox/AFM, etc. Also comes with extra burgundy plaid cloth for redoing any future damage to the interior, or in case you'd like it all refreshed someday in the future. Just about the nicest, freshest and most complete 944 Turbo S available right now. $17,500. 908-303-9350 pskalc@hotmail.com 2-11 1989 911 Turbo Cabriolet Guards Red/Black leather, 5-speed, electric top, windows, and seats, air; factory and Clifford alarms, Alpine am/fm/CD, 15,850 original miles, always garaged and covered, stored winters, senior owner. Price reduced $50,000.00. Contact Don at 203-272-4862 or drreut@cox.net 2-11 1989 Porsche 944 Turbo S DE Track Car Turn Key Fresh Lindsey built 2.5ltr 8 value 951 engine. Aprox. 350 RWHP. New 53# turbo, stage II intercooler, new injectors, adj. fuel reg., Billet blow off valve, extrude honed intake, ported and polished head, Lindsey MAF, 4'' exhaust. Leda coil over shocks,
camber plates, strut bar, new 6pt harness, Recaro race seats, Momo wheel and shifter, roll bar, 2 sets Fikse 17'' wheels, 1 set 993 18'' wheels with new Hoosier race rains. All original parts to go with car. COM car club class winner, consistent podium finisher for last 7 years. $18,900 obo. Mario Bonacorsi, mariobonacorsi@yahoo.com or 802-461-6225 2-11
2001 Porsche 911 Turbo Pristine condition. Seal Gray, 6-speed, all options including nav. Only 20K miles. Have only added 4K miles since purchased in 2004. Bose, aluminum, xenon, supple leather, all factory manuals. The car is perfect. $52,300. Contact Raymond 860-559-1222, raymn10@aol.com 2-11
1990 Porsche 944S2 3L 4cyl, Guards Red w/Black interior. 2nd owner since 1999 originally female owned. Local PCA Concours Winner. Car has been babied since day one, no snow no smoke always garaged. Exterior body professionally restored and painted. Updates include Firehawk racing chip, Sparco EVO racing seats, Porsche short shift kit, MO30 adjustable racing susp, bolt-in roll bar, B&B exhaust, aftmkt 18" wheels and tires (80% frt 100% rr), stock wheels and tires included, GTRacing front splitter, aero mirror and door handle kit (handle not in pics). No dash cracks, scratches or door dings. Oil and filter personally changed every 3K miles, new clutch, all maintenance and service records and receipts, serviced at Automobile Associates in CT and R&D automotive in NY. Garage stored in Winter with carpet, car cover, and trickle charger. No expense spared, everything needed has been done. 182,400 miles, runs perfect, great summer car and great track car. $10,500. Contact justin (518) 428-3887 or email vfrd1@aol.com for pictures or any questions. 1-11
GT3 OEM Wheels and Tires From 2004 GT3. Excellent condition. Tires are Kumho Ecsta OR Sumitomo HRTZ with 1000 highway miles. Fronts are 8.5 x 18; 40mm; 235/40, rears are 11 x 18; 63mm, 295/35. Photos are available. $2,800. obo. Steve Bader 617-512-0547 aredc4s@aol.com 2-11
2000 Boxster Winter price reduction, Metallic Black w/Boxter Red special full leather interior. Other factory options include the sport package, heated seats, traction control, 17" Turbo Twist wheels, CD shelf center console, colored wheel caps, burr maple steering wheel and shifter, Boxster floor mats, Boxter insignia on door sills. Never tracked, always garaged, maintance records, excellent condition. 61,000+ miles. $14,350. 860-404-7482 Garoan@att.net 1-11
Haulmark 2006 2-Place Trailer, 32' Floor space - holds 2 cars. Two 6,000# axles, 8 D-Rings, Flushlock and lever lock on side door, Aluminum wheels, Interior 12v lighting package - includes 6 dome lights and 6 lower loading lights, under the floor storage, 110v electric package, 16' Awning, 2 Roof vents, Bogey wheels on the back (so that it doesn't drag), tire rack up front and electric tongue jack. $12,000. email dave993@usa.com 1-11 Track Tires, Slightly used/slightly shaved, Toyo Proxes RA1. Two @ 245/40/ZR18; Two @ 275/35/ZR18. $240. Charles Young at cy@cmyoungfineart.com 2-11 Porsche Parts, Four 17" 996 wheels - like new with Michellin McAlpins - 20% worn, 4-P7 Pirellis like new - for 16x7 & 16x8, Boxster/996 hdtop hoist, new early 911 (non S/R) off white headliner, lower front 911 Valence for ’66 - ’73, early 996 Boxster bra (w/mirror bars). Days 212-812-0568 or email s.meszkat@gmail.com Steve Meszkat 2-11 Boxster Car Cover, Porsche factory car cover including storage bag with no tears, rips or marks and in absolute perfect condition. Original cost $349, yours for $150. Steve @ 860-712-1029 or Sweber@prioritygroupllc.com 1-11 >>>continued on page 56
February 2011
Used Clutch Kit for a 1986, 944 Asking $235.00 Tony, 203-467-1787 or Cell 203-675-5486, email: tguer1@yahoo.com 1-11 911 Parts For Sale: Misc. new parts incl. fiberglass front spoiler, Koni shocks, body rubber seals, ball joints, leather brake & shift boots. SCparts79@aol.com for complete list and prices. 2-11
The CVR 2011 Spring Tour is planned for May 20th - 22nd, 2011 at the Williams Inn located in Williamstown, MA. For details see page 40 of this issue.
ADVERTISERS DIRECTORY Automobile Associates ........................IFC Auto Concierge ....................................26 Danbury Porsche ................................IBC Daniel Jacobs, LLC ................................3 Fathers & Sons ....................................18 Fairfield County Motorsports ................47 Hoffman Porsche ..................................14 International Motor Sport, LLC ..............20 Kostin & Ruffkess ..................................8 Musante Motorsports............................25
356 Special Interest Group Cayman S Special Interest Group Jerry Charlup (203) 322-8262 concours@cvrpca.org 928 Special Interest Group David Lloyd (860) 280-4865 david@928central.com
Porsche of Fairfield Storage ..................48 Pepe Porsche ........................................6 Scott Pools ............................................4 Sloan Cars............................................22 Softronic, Corp ....................................BC SpeedSport Tuning ..............................16 Stable Energies ....................................10 Tire Rack/CVR Affiliation ......................49 Trailer Depot ........................................30
993 Special Interest Group Mike Odierna (203) 653-4173 mikeo993@yahoo.com Cayman Registry Advocate Michael Souza (203) 278-3547 Cayman.Register@comcast.net
930 Special Interest Group Vic Caruso (203) 661-1599 vgcaruso@optonline.net
February 2011
CHALLENGE P.O. Box 762 South Windsor, CT 06074
PERIODICALS Postage Paid at Hartford, CT