Upcoming Events 7 9 15 24 25 26 31 54
March Monthly Meeting April Monthly Meeting CVR Events Calendar Concours – Zone 1 Concours & Rally Concours – Father’s Day Club Racing – Twin Sprint RUMBLE New Member Activity Sampler Touring – Spring Tour 2011
Features 40 Porsche Parade 2011, Savannah, GA 46 Racing a 356 50 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix
Departments 2 2 5 12 17 19 21 37 39 64 65 66 68 68
Cover Story Editorial Staff Board of Directors Activity Chairs View from the Cockpit On Track Pylon Place Between the Lines Emporium Welcome New Members Members Anniversaries The Mart Advertisers Directory Special Interest Groups
CHALLENGE Newsletter of the Connecticut Valley Region Porsche Club of America C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
COVER STORY >>> Paul Anthony took this image of Porsche #1 while visiting the Porsche Museum in the Zuffenhausen district of Stuttgart this past April. The Nikon 10.5mm Fisheye lens that he used in combination with his sharp eye for composition resulted in the arresting image that you see here.
CHALLENGE STAFF Advertising Joe Rodriguez (203) 615-6139 chal-ads@cvrpca.org Editor & Art Director Shelley Krohnengold cvreditor@cvrpca.org
Copy Editor Nancie Giacalone cvreditor@cvrpca.org Contributing Writers and Photographers in this months issue Paul Anthony Tony Callas Ed Hyman
John Karam Jack Kearney Meryl Krohnengold Matthew C. Little Jim McCarthy Cole Scrogham Jim Stein David Wilks Uncredited text: Editor
The CHALLENGE (ISSN 1063-150X) is the monthly publication of the Connecticut Valley Region, Porsche Club of America, published at Paladin Commercial Printers, LLC, 300 Hartford Avenue, Newington, CT 06111-1501. Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT. Statements appearing in challenge are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the CVR Board of Directors or CHALLENGE Editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all materials submitted for publication. CVR/PCA is not responsible for any services or merchandise advertised herein. Permission to reprint any material published in CHALLENGE is granted provided full credit is given to challenge and to the author. Postmaster send address changes to Challenge, c/o Chris Musante, P.O. Box 762, South Windsor, CT 06074. Subscription rate of $12 is included in CVR annual membership dues. Other PCA members may subscribe by remitting $30/year to CVR/PCA CHALLENGE, c/o Chris Musante, P.O. Box 762, South Windsor, CT 06074. Š 2011 Connecticut Valley Region, Porsche Club of America, all rights reserved. See us on the web at www.cvrpca.org
March 2011
March 2011
March 2011
>> President
>> V.P. Programs
Jeff Jones cvrpresident@cvrpca.org
Nick Esposito (Right) Mark Richard (Left) cvrprogramvp@cvrpca.org
>> V.P. Drivers Education Jon Fairbanks cvrdevp@cvrpca.org
>> Secretary Charles Young cvrsecretary@cvrpca.org (860) 342-2403 533 Main Street Portland, CT 06480
>> Treasurer Bill Rogers cvrtreasurer@cvrpca.org (203) 440-2287 562 Baldwin Avenue, Unit 15 Meriden, CT 06450
March 2011
March 2011
MARCH MONTHLY MEETING Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Location: Automobile Associates 5 Albany Turnpike Canton, CT 06019 (860) 693-0278 www.automobileassociates.com Directions available on the website Automobile Associates will once again host our Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, March 8th 2011. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this very popular annual CVR event! Speaker: Chuck Queener Charles Queener will join us as speaker for Automobile Associate’s very popular annual meeting for CVR. This event is always “sold out”, so RSVP early. You won’t want to miss this one! Chuck is a world renowned Automotive Illustrator who is also Art Director for one of our largest monthly publications. His work has appeared in many books including his collaborations with CVR’s close friend Murray Smith. For seating and dinner estimates please RSVP to: cvrprogramvp@cvrpca.org If you should decide the day of the meeting to attend... please “come ahead”... we’d love to have you! Always check the CVR Website: http//www.cvrpac.org for any schedule changes and updates. Meeting Agenda: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Complimentary Buffet. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Meeting and Program
9:00 pm
Raffles, adjournment
March 2011
March 2011
APRIL MONTHLY MEETING Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Location: Danbury Porsche 23 Sugar Hollow Road Danbury, CT 06810 (203) 744-5203 www.danbury.porschedealer.com Directions available on the website Danbury Porsche will host our Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, April 12th 2011. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this very popular CVR event! Program: At press time the details of our final program had yet to be worked out, please check the CVR Website for full details and information. For seating and dinner estimates please RSVP to: cvrprogramvp@cvrpca.org If you should decide the day of the meeting to attend... please “come ahead”... we’d love to have you! Always check the CVR Website: http//www.cvrpac.org for any schedule changes and updates. Meeting Agenda: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Complimentary Buffet. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Meeting and Program
9:00 pm
Raffles, adjournment
Remember to check out our newly updated Website for all of the most current information.
www.cvrpca.org C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
March 2011
>>> CLUB MEMBERSHIP UPDATES MADE EASY Is it time to renew your membership? Do you have a change/update to your address or phone number? Have you recently purchased another Porsche that you would like to register on your PCA profile? Do you need a replacement PCA membership card? You can do all of this online as easy as 1-2-3! Just log into www.pca.org. Click on MEMBERSHIP and select MEMBER SERVICES. Select any one of the four options in the drop down menu. Member Record, Renew Membership, Online Profile, Replacement Membership Card. By accessing this section, you are able renew your membership, view and update your PCA membership record to include your address, phone, email, and car information. Continue your participation in PCA events and keep your Challenge and Panorama subscriptions coming! It’s that easy!
>>> PCA MEMBERSHIP RECRUITING Do you have a fellow Porsche enthusiast who doesn’t own a Porsche yet? If so, take a peek at what PCA offers... PCA Quest! This program provides a six-month subscription to Porsche Panorama to allow access to hundreds of Porsches for sale by PCA members in The Mart as well as the opportunity to access valuable technical information about the cars through the many articles in Panorama! Learn more about this at www.pca.org/Membership/PCAQuest.aspx
March 2011
Autocross Paul Kudra (860) 633-8252
Drivers’ Education - VP Jon Fairbanks cvrdevp@cvrpca.org
Randy Kudra (860) 597-1671
Driver’s Education - Co-Chair Dave Vaccaro 8 Delno Drive Danbury, CT 06811
Challenge Advertising Joe Rodriguez chal-ads@cvrpca.org Challenge Editor & Art Director Shelley Krohnengold cvreditor@cvrpca.org Challenge Copy Editor Nancie Giacalone cvreditor@cvrpca.org Communications Bill Monde bmondejr@sbcglobal.net Community Service Donna Berlanda donna.berlanda@gmail.com Concours Jerry Charlup (203) 322-8262 concours@cvrpca.org 144 Lynam Road Stamford, CT 06903 Concours Co-Chairs Trish Carroll Dick Strahota (203) 656-1541 strahota@optonline.net
March 2011
DE Chief of Control Bob Napoletano DE Chief Instructor Kevin Adams DE Chief Instructor - Assistants John Schnabel Fred Staudinger (914) 232-8253 DE Registrar/Treasurer Susan Vaccaro dereg@cvrpca.org 8 Delno Drive Danbury, CT 06811 DE Chief Steward David Nagler Historian Prescott Kelly (203) 227-7770 PVKelly@TheInstituteInc.com 16 Silver Ridge Weston, CT 06883 Membership Co-Chairs Chris & Lisa Musante membership@cvrpca.org
Nominations & Past President Roger Funk hfunk@snet.net
Tourmeister Phil & Maria Capella tourmeister@cvrpca.org
PCA Club Race Director Gary Hansen clubracedirector@cvrpca.org
Tourmeister Assistants Caroline & Alan Davis Sean Leahy David Lloyd Marshall Robinson
PCA Club Race - Assistant Steve Cooney (860) 491-1426 PCA Club Race - Volunteer Coordinator Susan Young (860) 342-1962 race.volunteers@cvrpca.org Porsche Emporium Peter & Janica Shafer (203) 227-2722 27 Cardinal Road Weston, CT 06883 janica.b@hotmail.com Rally Open Position (see page 63) Special Events Dennis Primavera specialevents@cvrpca.org
Trophy Nancie Giacalone (203) 261-6309 racynancie@aol.com Webmeister Phil Capella Christine Rodriguez webmeister@cvrpca.org Yearbook John Karam (413) 544-5058 yearbook@cvrpca.org 8 Hemlock Hollow Belchertown, MA 01007 Bo Parker yearbook@cvrpca.org Walt Hyjek yearbook@cvrpca.org
Technical Chair Daniel Jacobs (203)-264-3882 tech@cvrpca.org 306 Southford Road Southbury, CT 06488
March 2011
March 2011
MARCH 2011 5 Driver’s Education Winter Workshop, Crowne Plaza, Southbury, CT 7 Board Meeting, Gusto’s, Milford, CT, 6:30 pm 8 Monthly Meeting, Automobile Associates, Canton, CT, 6:30 pm 15 Close for ALL April 2011 Challenge business APRIL 1 4 9 12 15 28 29 - 30
2011 Driver Education, Lime Rock Park Board Meeting, Hawthorne Inn, Berlin, CT, 6:30 pm New Member Activity Sampler, Southbury, CT. 8:30 am Monthly Meeting, Danbury Porsche, Danbury, CT, 6:30 pm Close for ALL May 2011 Challenge business Advanced Driver Education, Lime Rock Park Club Race, Lime Rock Park
MAY 2011 2 Board Meeting, Gusto’s, Milford, CT, 6:30 pm 10 Monthly Meeting, Musante Motorsports, South Windsor, CT, 6:30 pm 13 Close for ALL June 2011 Challenge business 14 - 15 Zone 1 Concours and Rally, Heritage Hotel, Southbury, CT 19 Driver Education, Lime Rock Park 20 - 22 Spring Tour, Williams Inn, Williamstown, MA 26 - 29 Zone 1 Watkins Glen Club Race, Watkins Glen 31 Board Meeting (June), Gusto’s, Milford, CT, 6:30 pm JUNE 2 14 15 17 - 19 19 20
2011 Driver Education, Lime Rock Park Monthly Meeting, Dan Jacobs, LLC, Oxford, CT, 6:30 pm Close for ALL July 2011 Challenge business Zone 1 48 hours DE at The Glen, Watkins Glen Father’s Day Concours, Cranbury Park, Norwalk, CT Driver Education, Watkins Glen
All dates and information on this Calendar are accurate at the time of printing. Please remember to check the CVR Website for the most up-to-date information.
Note: Board Meetings are always open to all members. Contact any board member for exact times and directions and/or check the CVR website for last minute details. Website Updates: www.cvrpca.org Answers to Tech Questions: www.pca.org/tech/
March 2011
March 2011
Do you remember the IBM sign that said “Think Ahead”, except that the final letter didn’t fit into the frame and dangled off? Well, hoping not to replicate that situation, the CVR board holds a Planning Meeting every January. On a cold (below zero) Saturday morning, we met at the Heritage Hotel in Southbury to review each activity chair’s outline and budget for the 2011. Because of the 50th Yearbook costs, to be offset in 2011 from sales, and some leftover expenses from 2008 and 2009 which were brought to our treasurer’s attention last year and required unexpected one-time outlays, we didn’t have a net plus last year. So, one of my priorities is to make certain that 2011 holds no financial surprises. Our treasurer, Bill Rogers, CPA, has spent considerable time developing a clear, comprehensive financial system to track each area of revenue and expense which allows the board to see, in near real time, how we’re doing. We expect a solid report for 2011 as CVR continues to move ahead. But, should we move off track, we’ll know right away and will make the required correction. Some of the highlights from the committee reports: John Fairbanks has returned to the DE VP chair for a year and has decided to be conservative in planning the schedule, so we will stay with Lime Rock and Watkins Glen as the only planned venues. We expect the prices to rise some at the tracks and will have to bump up the entry fees accordingly.
Shelley Krohnengold, Challenge editor, continues his redesign vision, perhaps adding a few pages with color. An ongoing discussion is whether we should plan to go all online at some point, or perhaps have those members who prefer a paper copy to pay a small charge to cover the printing and mailing costs. At the Zone 1 President’s meeting I learned that some regions are all electronic, and that more are considering it. If you have a strong opinion let us hear from you.
An ongoing discussion is whether we should plan to go all online at some point, or perhaps have those members who prefer a paper copy to pay a small charge to cover the printing and mailing costs. As usual, unfortunately, Paul and Randy Kudra are unable to confirm all locations for Autocross this early. Owners of the lots are sometimes advised by their attorneys to avoid the exposure. A common problem for us today is that many towns require medians and plantings in parking lots, which we see as obstacles. Take heart, though, these guys always come through. If you know of any potential venues, please let them know. CVR’s Lew Trusheim and Jack Kearney will support the Zone 1 Concours and Rally in May. They have to
>>>continued on page 18 March 2011
confirm the desired arrangements and will let you know here and on the website once everything is place. Gary Hansen and the Race Committee are just about finished (as of this writing) with the PCA Race arrangements at Lime Rock Park. Gary and Steve Cooney have managed to convince LRP to allow CVR to run an unmuffled race again this year, which allows many more race cars to participate and therefore enter our event. Remember to volunteer to work this year. Contact Susan Young, volunteer coordinator. Jerry Charlup, with the assistance of Dick Strahota and Trish Carroll, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Porsche at our Fathers Day Concours in Norwalk. They are lining up the earliest production of many Porsche
March 2011
models to display, which will be the first time they have all been displayed together. A dinner is planned for those owners and could be open to our members for an appropriate fee to help pay for the event. Stay tuned. CVR Emporium entrepreneurs, Janica and Peter Shafer, have raised the activity to a level not seen in recent years. One problem we’ve given to them is to work off the considerable inventory built up over the years. Look for the discount boxes and save big bucks. They also have arranged for CVR to use credit cards for Emporium purchases and other events. They expect sales to improve because of this. Peter and Janica will be at most CVR events through the year with the swag. Bring your credit cards.
As I write this month’s column on The Uphill, West Bend and The Down January 19, 2011, we have received Hill. You will quickly find that all 50 inches of snow. For those of you these turns are giving someone fits. who aren’t weather types, this is a typiThe turn that new drivers usually cal full year of snow for Connecticut. have trouble with is Big Bend: One More snow is forecast for Friday. The apex or two, brake hard late or softer snowiest year I can remember was earlier, cheat over and use the curb, 1997 when Connecticut hang tight on the inside or received 114 inches of a rim shot? I can honestly To lift or not to snow. I used a shovel back say I have tried them all. lift (forget brakes) The method I use was told in ’97 — now I have a 9 that is the eternal to me by to my car. Yes, horsepower Honda to throw snow anywhere my 911 let me know very question. This I choose. So I say, bring turn more than any clearly how it “liked” to it on! take Big Bend. I can drive other rewards March is a busy any line, the one I choose looking down the month for Drivers Edufeels fast and keeps my car cation. We have our wonderfully balanced. track as your car Workshop on the 5th and The Left Hander is a will go where your many of us will be lookfabulous turn. When done eyes are looking. ing forward to our first properly it sets up the DE day on April 1st. I alEsses which, of course, ways love opening day. You get a launches you down No Name Straight. chance to see old friends and hopefully Best approach to the Left Hander? make some new ones. Head to the bathrooms, hard brake, turn Lime Rock, our home track, is a in and look left? That seems to work very special place. First off, it is an for me. The Esses, a bit of a late apex, old track — laid out in the 50s. It has be careful not to track out onto the off much history and some of the greatest camber outside portion of the track and driving talent in the world has come try and drive down No Name as to our little track in Connecticut. At straight as you can. first blush, this little 1.5 miles of The Uphill is a great challenge. asphalt with only 6 turns seems so simYour car will have lots of grip because ple. Driving it well is an entirely the hill will push your car down on the different matter. Ask any driver — new track. Make sure to complete the turn or experienced — what part of Lime before you crest the hill or you may Rock gives you the most trouble. The have a lot more excitement than you answers will name all of the turns — bargained for on this little old track. Big Bend, The Left Hander, The Esses, >>>continued on page 20
March 2011
West Bend is a tester, ‘nuff said. The Downhill is arguably the most important turn on the track as it leads on to the main straight and the fastest part of the course. To lift or not to lift (forget brakes) that is the eternal question. This turn more than any other rewards looking down the track as your car will go where your eyes are looking. If you look at the curbing you will find yourself there. Look down the track and experience a wonderful sensation of speed as you hit 5th gear and track out — flat out on the main straight.
March 2011
These are my own observations and are by no means a definitive primer on Lime Rock Park. We have a wonderful cadre of instructors who have their own insights and special observations about Lime Rock. Come out and join us and experience great history, great camaraderie and the joy of friends who share your passion for Porsches. As always, if you have any questions about DE just shoot me an email. Drive safe.
Check cvrpca.org on the Autocross page for our first event of 2011. While you are there, play a few of the YouTube videos from last season to remember what an adrenaline rush it is! Randy and Paul Kudra AutoX Co-Chairs
Autocross is a low speed form of motorsport that emphasizes low-cost competition and active participation in a non-threatening and safe environment. Drivers will find themselves testing their skill and limits of their cars under this timed competition where drivers navigate through courses marked by traffic cones rather than tracks; making car handling and driver skill the most important priority of this challenge. C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
e need people to meet as a group and help cut & tie knots in fleece blankets for “Hole in the Wall” kids. We will be using the tie dyed fleece from our “Hippie Happening” dinner dance decorations. No special skills are necessary.
The date is Saturday, March 5th in Portland, CT if you can help out please contact Sue Young (Volunteer Co-ordinator) for more details: 860-342-1962 or race.volunteers@cvrpca.org Refreshments will be provided.
March 2011
Special rates for 1/2 & 1/3 page ads in the Club Race Program. Associate Sponsor — $350. Includes: One (1) Half Page Ad in the race program Promotional announcements throughout the event on PA Your company name (w/Website link), on the CVR Website “Sponsors Page” Your company name listed as a sponsor in CVR’s CHALLENGE magazine
Friends of CVR Sponsor — $150. Includes: One (1) Biz Card Ad (1/3 pg) in the race program Promotional announcements throughout the event on PA Your name or company (w/Website link), on the CVR Website “Sponsors Page” Your name or company listed as a sponsor in CVR’s CHALLENGE magazine
CONTACT: Rita Nigri Club Race Sponsorship Chair ritanigri@gmail.com * Philanthropically inclined CVR members greatly appreciated. C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
2011 Zone 1 Concours and Rally Returns! Well it’s time to think about Spring! Reach under your car covers, loosen those trickle chargers, and shake off the remants of that winter malaise. The Zone 1 Concours & Rally returns to CVR the weekend of May 14th & 15th. 2011. Your destination on Saturday, May 14th, is Southbury, Connecticut and the renowned Heritage Hotel & Conference Center. Known for its contemporary
Photo Jim McCarthy
New England charm and matchless views of the surrounding Litchfield Hills, Heritage Hotel provides all the services you would expect from a first class hotel. The day begins with early
morning Zone One registration, followed by the Rally preview, then you’re off to match speed and wit against the tricks of the Rallymaster’s stock and trade. Yes, it’s all in good fun and the Saturday evening awards dinner is not to be missed. Sunday, May 15th is the Concours and it will be held on the grounds of the nearby Southbury Training School. This sixteen hundred acre hilltop facilty will provide the perfect venue to display and judge cars. Just bring your favorite car prep potion and the hotel will provide a designated area for the soap & hose brigade. For those of you who may want to explore the surrounding towns, nearby Woodbury, founded in 1673, retains the traditional appearance and ambiance of colonial New England, replete with historic homes and renowned antique shops. Looking for good food along the way, try the Zagat recommended Good News Café or the traditional Curtis House Inn. Check the Zone 1 website for entry forms and further details as they become available.
March 2011
Jerry Charlup
This year’s Concours will include several new features and a very special historical display: At this writing, our very special historical display is still in a preliminary formative stage. Rest assured that it could be “one for the ages” that might draw national attention. Watch the April Challenge and the CVR Website for details. Another special display will be a “Winners Circle” of multiple-time winners at prior CVR Concours. These perennial winners — chosen by the Concours Chairs — will be featured in a special display this year and will not compete for the normal class awards. This means all categories will be even more wide-open for others to win! We have also added a new class this year — “My Other Car” — which will be open to any non-Porsche. Many of you have interesting and unique cars that happen not to be Porsches. We hope that you will consider this your invitation to show them at this event. As with the other classes, the voting will be People’s Choice and the cars in
this class will be eligible for the Kid’s Choice Award as well. Finally, we will be introducing a “Patina Award” this year with the winner selected by the Concours Chairs. This special award will recognize the car that best displays the wear and tear of aging and normal use, track grime, or even restorations “in progress”. All of this means there are no excuses for not showing a car this year. So we’d like to invite you and your family to the thirty-eighth annual Father’s Day Concours. It will be a family picnic style event, back again this year on the beautiful grounds of Cranbury Park in Norwalk. Cranbury Park is owned by the City of Norwalk and is an old Mansion with a large grass area that will serve as the concours site. The venue has a covered pavilion with picnic tables for our lunch as well as a children’s playground. Entry Forms and more details will be available in the April Challenge and on the CVR Website.
March 2011
Celebrating 20 Years of PCA Club Racing at Lime Rock Park We plan to make a lot of noise about 2011 being CVR’s twentieth year of Club Racing by hosting another unmuffled event at Lime Rock Park. Our Club Race on April 29th and 30th will again be the “Twin Sprint RUMBLE presented by Danbury Porsche”. The resounding success (all pun intended) of last year’s unmuffled race will no doubt attract even more racers and more spectators than in years past. We plan to make our 20th Club Race our most exciting ever! While this event is a Club Race, the accent is clearly on “club.” After all, CVR’s annual Club Race is typically our largest member participation event
of the year. It’s a weekend where club racers from CVR and PCA regions near and far test their racing skills against one another on a historic racetrack. To ensure the event is well-organized, and safe, over 100 CVR members will volunteer their time to work at the event while they enjoy two days of great trackside Porsche competition. In addition to the 100+ racers, and 100+ volunteers, spectators are welcome. Admission is free — families are welcome. Friday features morning and afternoon practice sessions and late day “fun races.” Saturday warm-ups and qualifying will be topped off by an afternoon of exciting races. Saturday
John Karam
>>>CVR’s Tony Lepore (143) makes an outside pass on Todd Simpson (806) in the 2010 Twin Sprint Rumble
March 2011
will feature two sets of sprint races. Eight races in all! For our volunteers, the weekend is all about seeing good friends while watching some great cars and talented drivers perform all day long! You will enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of a great motorsports event knowing you were a very special part of it all. Every CVR Club Race volunteer will receive the traditional volunteer’s baseball cap. Volunteers who serve both days will also receive a commemorative jacket. Lunch is provided for volunteers each day. Friday volunteers enjoy a trackside social event at the end of the day. Saturday volunteers are invited to stay for the Racer Awards Ceremony.
Before becoming a Club Racer, I volunteered for our CVR Club Races. I worked a variety of positions, and every one was enjoyable and rewarding. Ask anyone who has ever worked a Club Race and they will tell you the same. So reach out now and offer your help to our Volunteer Coordinator, Sue Young. You can sign up to volunteer on-line through the CVR website or email race.volunteers@cvrpca.org. If you have questions about serving as a club race volunteer, feel free to contact Susan Young at (860) 342-1962. Come to race; come to help; or come to watch; but don’t miss out! See you in April!
Event information is available on CVR’s website at www.cvrpca.org. Racer Registration is through http://register.pca.org.
John Karam
Questions not addressed by the website can be directed to Gary Hansen, Race Director, (203) 270-8391 or clubracedirector@cvrpca.org
March 2011
Calling all CVR Volunteer Workers! BE PART OF THE ACTION‌ It’s not too late to join the volunteers who are helping to make our 20th Anniversary Club Race possible! We are looking for people who want to be in the thick of things, experienced or not, for one or two days (Friday, April 29th and/or Saturday, April 30th 2011). Please sign up on-line via the CVR website at http://cvrpca.org/ where you will find it easy to provide all the necessary information. Questions? Contact Sue Young, Volunteer Coordinator at 860-342-1962 or email race.volunteers@cvrpca.org.
John Karam
Thank you, and hope you sign up soon!
March 2011
Danbury Porsche Presents The Connecticut Valley Region Club Race
TWIN Sprint RUMBLE UNMUFFLED at Historic Lime Rock Park!
April 29-30, 2011
John Karam
Racer Registration opens March 14th - http://register.pca.org
Contacts: Volunteer Coordinator: Susan Young Race Registrar: Jennifer Hansen Race Director: Gary Hansen
race.volunteers@cvrpca.org race.registrar@cvrpca.org race.director@cvrpca.org
Advanced DE Thursday, April 28th (noise restricted) Advanced DE Friday, April 29th (Unmuffled after 9am run) DE registration opens March 14th at register.pca.org DE registrar: Susan Vaccaro dereg@cvrpca.org Note: Lime Rock’s 88 dB noise limit in effect for Thursday DE C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
Mark your calendar! CVR is inviting all new members to our Annual New Member Sampler. Meet your Porsche Club activity chairs to learn more about the programs and activities that CVR offers its members! It’s not just the cars… it’s the people!
Saturday, April 9th 2011 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Heritage Hotel, Southbury, CT
Questions? membership@cvrpca.com
March 2011
NEW MEMBER ACTIVITY SAMPLER Are you a new or not so new member of Connecticut Valley Region? Have you ever wanted to learn more about the activities that CVR offers its members but were afraid to ask? Come on... you know who you are!! Well, here is a terrific opportunity to enable you to ask questions, learn more about CVR and most importantly get involved!! Please join us at the Connecticut Valley Region Porsche Club New Member Activity Sampler on: Saturday, April 9th from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm at the Heritage Hotel in Southbury. Come and share a morning with your fellow Porsche enthusiasts. Meet the club’s volunteer activity chairs and learn about all the exciting activities and events that CVR offers! The agenda for this year’s Sampler includes welcoming comments by CVR President, Jeff Jones and information sessions hosted by activity chairs from
Driver Education, Programs, Club Race, Concours, Monthly Programs, Tour, Autocross, Social and Special Events, CHALLENGE, Porsche Emporium, Membership, Rally and Website. The morning begins with arrivals and sign-in at 8:30 am with a complimentary breakfast. The activity information session will begin at 9:00 am. At 10:30 am, we will hold a mini-concours on the grounds of the Heritage Hotel so be sure to bring and “show” your Porsche. So, you want to attend? Terrific, we would love to have you! Please complete the application on page 32 and return no later than March 15th. If you have any questions about the New Member Activity Sampler, please send us a note at: membership@cvrpca.org. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 9th.
Heritage Hotel and Conference Center in Southbury, CT: www.heritagesouthbury.com Toll Free: 1-800-932-3466
March 2011
NEW MEMBER ACTIVITY SAMPLER APPLICATION Please complete and return no later than March 15, 2011. Be sure to bring and show your Porsche at the mini-concours!!!! Please provide the information below when you mail your check to us: Name: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY
Address: Town:
Email: PCA Membership No.: Phone No.: Car Model:
Color :
Names of others attending with you: $15.00 per Attendee (Free if under the age of 18)
Please mail this form along with a check payable to CVR/PCA to: Chris & Lisa Musante P.O. Box 762 South Windsor, CT 06074
March 2011
522 Heritage Rd / Southbury, CT 06488 / 1-800-932-3466 FROM HARTFORD: Take Interstate 84 West to Exit 15 in Southbury. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp and proceed to the second traffic light. Turn left onto Heritage Rd. The Heritage is approximately one mile ahead on the right side. FROM BOSTON: Take the Mass Turnpike (I-90 West) to Interstate 84. Follow I-84 West to Exit 15 in Southbury. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp and proceed to the second traffic light. Turn left onto Heritage Rd. The Heritage is approximately one mile ahead on the right. FROM NEW HAVEN: Take Route 34 to Route 8 North. Proceed on Route 8 to Exit 22. At the end of the ramp turn left, and at the light turn left onto Route 67 and proceed to Southbury. In Southbury, continue under the I-84 Overpass to the third traffic light. Turn left onto Heritage Rd. The Heritage is approximately one mile ahead on the right side. FROM BRIDGEPORT: Take I-95 North to Route 8 North (Exit 27A). Follow Route 8 to Exit 22. At the end of the ramp turn left, and at the light turn left onto Route 67 and proceed to Southbury. In Southbury, continue under the I-84 Overpass to the third traffic light. Turn left onto Heritage Rd. The Heritage is approximately one mile ahead on the right side. FROM GREENWICH & STAMFORD: Take the Merritt Parkway East to Route 7 North. Proceed on Route 7 to I-84 East to Exit 15 in Southbury. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto Route 67/6 and proceed to the third traffic light. Turn left onto Heritage Rd. The Heritage is approximately one mile ahead on the right side. FROM RHODE ISLAND: Take I-95 South to Route 9 North. Proceed to Route 66 in Middletown to connect with I-691 West. I-691 becomes Interstate 84 West. Follow I-84 West to Exit 15 in Southbury. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp and proceed to the second traffic light. Turn left onto Heritage Rd. The Heritage is approximately one mile ahead on the right side.
March 2011
This inspired coffee-table size book of over 200 pages is lavishly illustrated with hundreds of color & black/white photos from CVR archives or donated by CVR photographers.
Spanning 50 years, members have contributed essays and written rememberences that are sure to entertain and bring back fond memories. There are chapters covering: Autocross, Club Race, Driver Ed, Concours, Tours, Monthly Meetings, and much more!
If you attended the Gala you are entitled to a free copy! Single copies are $50. But if you purchase two, the 2nd copy is only $40! Want more copies to give as gifts to your children to show where your have gleefully spent their inheritance? We’ll make you a great purchase price on multiple copies! Purchase your yearbook by visiting the Emporium at any of our events, or by contacting CVR’s 50th Yearbook fullfillment center by emailing Peter & Janica Shafer, emporium@cvrpca.org.
March 2011
While standing on the platform this morning waiting for the train I watched an express roar by on the center track being pushed along by its diesel engine. The gentleman standing next to me commented that he was surprised that the engine was in the back. As a long-time Porsche owner this seems perfectly normal to me. The one thing that has always impressed me, is that after 60 years, Porsches’ most recognized model has stayed true to the original design precept, taking that basic configuration and refining it, year after year, into the sophisticated machine that we drive today. That thought is somewhat appropriate, because in this months issue we go back in time and learn about some early examples of rear engine Porsches.
...Porsches’ most recognized model has stayed true to the original design precept, taking that basic configuration and refining it, year after year, into the sophisticated machine that we drive today. Several months ago I received a note from one of our readers suggesting that we give more coverage to the 356 series. I responded to him that we would love to, but needed someone to provide us with interesting material. Well, in this months issue we have just that, as Jim Stein has sent in an excellent story about racing his vintage 356 series
Porsche accompanied by photos from Ed Hyman. I found the story quite compelling, and with the help of automotive photographer Matthew C. Little I’ve put together a short photo-essay companion piece to Jim’s story focusing on the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix at Schenley Park. As luck would have it, both of these stories just happen to tiein with our March cover, Paul Anthony’s PhotoFest Award Winning photo of “Number 1” taken at the new Porsche Museum in Stuttgart. The March Challenge is the fifth issue produced under my aegis, and, I am pleased to say, the first of the 2011 “Driving” season. There are a number of exciting events coming up in the next few months; The Zone 1 Concours and Rally is back once again in the Connecticut Valley Region this Spring, our Annual Father’s Day Concours is returning to Cranbury Park in Norwalk, this year featuring a “Winners Circle” display of multipletime CVR Concours Winners, and we are all excited that the UNMUFFLED “Twin Sprint Rumble” is back again (for your auditory pleasure) at historic Lime Rock Park the end of April. I hope that you will take advantage of the benefits that membership in the PCA has to offer and join us at an event in the near future, and if you can make some time to volunteer, so much the better. Look forward to hearing from you. cvreditor@cvrpca.org
March 2011
March 2011
March 2011
Story by Cole Scrogham Photography by David Wilks, RaceShotsResource.com
Anyone who has visited Savannah knows the “Old Town” part of downtown, the riverfront area of Savannah, is replete with history. Walking on cobblestone streets and exploring storefronts and small restaurants is a calming vocation to be sure. Actually they are ballast stone streets, as English ships would leave their ballast stones in return for American merchandise, tea and cotton; but that doesn’t sound as quaint, does it? On these streets you can find handmade pralines, the curious local favorite of boiled peanuts (think Japanese edamame) and as many oysters as you 40
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care to eat. If you prefer, you can walk a block or so to the park bench made famous by “Forrest Gump,” and recall that life is like a box of chocolates. What is really surprising about Savannah, however, is that this is just the beginning of an exploration that many have spent entire lives embracing. To be in Savannah is to be in history. Everywhere you turn there is another reminder of this port city’s involvement in the growth of America. One website, http://www.savannahga.net/, literally has hundreds of destinations neatly organized alphabetically for lodging,
dining, tours and other activities. Georgia’s first city has much to offer, not the least of which is that it will be shared with thousands of Porsche enthusiasts the first week of August. This is one of those areas that Porsche people will love; the Southern Hospitality that is legendary all over the world, the small and intimate settings where friends can enjoy a casual evening, and the small town feel that can lead you out of the city to country roads in a matter of minutes. >>>Forsyth Place was the first large park created in Savannah. The Fountain was built in 1858 and received extensive restoration in 1988.
Location, location, location is the focus of Parade 2011. Parade headquarters is the Convention Center which is located on picturesque
Hutchinson Island. The view of downtown Savannah across the river is unforgettable. The Convention Center is surrounded by Parade activity sites. The
autocross will be held adjacent to headquarters, as for the first time in recent memory sufficient asphalt exists for a good size course within walking distance! But if you still need to get your track fix, the local region will hold a Driver’s Education event at nearby Roebling Road Raceway the last weekend of the Parade. With the Concours event held at downtown’s Forsyth Park and the Rally featuring lovely local roads, the main attractions of this year’s Parade are all in the same neighborhood! When you are ready to relax from the competitive events, feel free to take in >>>continued on page 43
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March 2011
a Carriage Ride, Ghost Tour, Fishing Trip, Dolphin Watching Expedition, Casino Boat, Local Beaches and Museums including the Mighty 8th Air Force Museum as well as local sporting events. The list goes on and on. You can try out a cooking class or go on a shrimping cruise, and of course the local towns of Bluffton and Beaufort feature very historic downtown areas as well. Savannah itself has a feel more like a big town than a bustling city, and as with many of the port cities in the South
you can find open spaces quickly and easily. Tybee and Hilton Head Island are famous for their white sand beaches and slow pace... you may want to stick around the area for a while after the Victory Banquet concludes! Be sure to check out the Parade activities at http://parade2011.pca.org so that you don’t miss any of the action. Registration begins on March 8th, so bookmark the registration site now and be ready when it opens! You will also be able to view the traditional Parade event
schedule for the week at the website, and learn about air conditioned Concours prep areas; Parade 101 classes that make sure the first time Parade goers are prepared for the week; Hospitality and Goodie Store hours; and opportunities to volunteer as a Parade worker for some of the featured events that you may not be competing in (a great way to get a front row seat to all the action!). Other events like the popular RC Car races, >>>continued on page 44
Savannah Chamber of Commerce
>>>Long before there were Porsches, riverboats like this replica of a 19th Century Sternwheeler were the preferred mode of transportation to many of the port cities in the South.
Keep up to date and share everything about Porsche Parade 2011 on the official Porsche Parade Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/PorscheParade C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
Ice Cream Social, Tech Academy, Art Show and Driving Tours will complement your week, unless you plan to spend it studying for the very competitive Tech Quiz... you can make your Parade experience in Savannah as actionpacked and exciting, or
as laid-back and relaxing as you prefer. Won’t you join us for a spectacular Parade, the highlight of our PCA experience this year? Anyone who has attended a Parade can tell you this is not just a normal multi-event weekend, this is the highlight of what PCA has to offer, full of
exciting things to do and see with literally thousands of Porsche owners in attendance. Everything has been planned out and is ready for you; all you need to do is bring yourself, your family and your Porsche for a vacation experience that you won’t soon forget!
Check http://parade2011.pca.org for more information and be ready to register on March 8th... see you there! Thank you: Wendy Shoffit, our new Porsche Club of America National Newsletter Chair for providing us with this article. Wendy has been a member of the Maverick Region since 1997 and served as newsletter editor for many years, her intimate understanding of the mechanics of putting together an effective PCA publication will be of great help to our editorial staff. David Wilks: The Challenge’s black & white printing does not do your spectacular photography justice. It is a must see in color, go to RaceShotsResource.com. 44
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Porsche Cars NA
Beutler Carrosserie turned closed 356s into open ones – completing its first custom cabriolet in 1947, three years before Porsche came to America and a full seven years before the 356 Speedster was introduced. >>>1957 Beutler Porsche
March 2011
As we all know it was not too long ago that Porsche lived by “racing improves the breed” and that road cars were commonly driven to competition events, raced to victory and often driven home in one piece (more or less!). The 356 model range was actively and successfully raced from the early 50s through the early 70s.
Some of us are lucky enough to still be campaigning these incredible cars today on the track. Story by Jim Stein Photos by Ed Hyman
My introduction to driving a 356 on the track came at Lime Rock Park about 10 years ago. I was enjoying my 40th track day with my 1993 RS America and fortuitously had the opportunity to drive a few laps in Fran DeLeo’s pristine 356 Coupe. While my lap times were initially 17 seconds slower than in my 911, the buzz I got approached euphoria! My hunt began immediately for a suitable 356 to vintage race. I knew it was 46
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financially more practical to obtain a prepared car instead of building one from scratch. Later that summer at the Lime Rock Vintage Festival, I noticed an injured, silver A coupe in B paddock after a race where the engine was removed following a small fire. There was a slightly smashed rear quarter panel, and some charred paint around the engine lid. Love. It was evident the car had no visible rust due to it’s California roots
and the benefit of aluminum panels on its doors, engine lid and hood made it irresistible. The car had a great pedigree. It came from Southern California in the late 80s and long-time racer Herb Wetanson had Klubsport in Florida prepare it to be raced by Olga Rendlova. Olga is a winning 356 racer and piloted the car throughout the USA for the next decade. It was featured in a full 4 wheel power slide
at Monterey on page 31 of Hal Thom’s Porsche Racing Milestones. My Porsche mentor, George Nelson gave me a “thumbs up” and I purchased the car in the Winter of 2001 and blindly began preparing it for the upcoming season. That first season I attempted 6 races and made the starting grid for only the final event. Newbie idiot. Well, I was. But I learned so much and not just about the car. The 356 was not like my 1993 RS America that I could just put my foot into at DE events and then load up
with my folding chair, Windex and white shoe polish for numbers to drive home from far away places like Road America back to Wayland, MA. I tried in vain those first 2 seasons to drive to the local races with my 356 full of tools, spare parts, tires and camping equipment. Eventually with the nurturing of friends like fellow racer Pete Brittingham I realized a trailer was a smart necessity and that mechanical knowledge was to become my savior. It was a vintage car. By my 3rd season my driving skills
>>> Jim on track in his silver number 358, and dicing it out with another vintage Porsche 356.
were still immature but the car became reliable and the fun began to finally leak into vintage racing. I was finally racing wheel-to-wheel and creeping up to the mid pack. The specific vintage organizations I participate with mandate preparation of the cars closely to the specifications originally established decades ago. Race the car the way is was raced back in the day. That means a mildly modified 1600 cc pushrod engine, original drum brakes, swing axle suspension, original 4 speed transmission and hard compound 5.00 x 15 bias belted tires. Safety equipment is one area where thankfully modern technology is encouraged. We benefit from a fuel cell, better seat, F.I.A. harnesses and the latest safety suits and helmets. Vintage racing is intense but largely the “cars are the stars” and no contact is permitted. The camaraderie amongst the 356 racers is unparalleled. The majority of us 356ers tow our cars on open trailers to the events and >>>continued on page 48
March 2011
>>> Heart and soul of a vintage 356—a mildly modified 1600 cc pushrod engine. The 356 motor is robustly built, reliable, and performs just as good as it looks.
yearly weekend street race with no safety barriers. This is the highlight of our vintage schedule and the last remaining true street race on public roads in the USA. Commonly 250,000 fans line the venue and great footage is available on YouTube under “PVGP Schenley Park”. Springfield, MA. is actually planning a vintage street race this summer and we are hopeful…
Photo Jim Stein
mechanically support our own vehicles. If one of us has a mechanical failure, we willingly donate spare parts or sweat equity to keep everyone racing. Lime Rock Park, Watkins Glen, New Hampshire, Mosport, Pocono, New Jersey and New Hampshire are our common venues for racing. Our uncommon venue is Pittsburgh where the city roads around Schenley Park are closed for a
March 2011
Driving a 356 under race conditions is also technically and physically unlike driving a more modern 911. The lack of rack and pinion steering, the primitive rear swing axles and the use of the hard compound 5 inch wide bias belted tires mean every corner is a somewhat controlled slide while you hang your tail out to the limit of traction with the biggest grin imaginable. The wail of a balanced pushrod flat 4 cylinder 1600cc motor at 6500 rpm resonates through your core and the light weight of the car allows you to feel every movement. It is a dance. Since the drum brakes
>>> Using a safety fuel cell in a racing vehicle is no less important than using a helmet or wearing a seat belt. It is an essential component to keep you safe during competition. In the event of an accident, the cell is designed to retain all the fuel even if it’s deformed, rolled over, or directly impacted.
often fade during the later stages of the race, your driving line and braking points can be very different during the later laps. Imagine 120 MPH on the front straight at Lime Rock, and “hoping” you can slow down enough to control your slide through turn 1 without an epic event. Then get ready to slide the next turn again and again. Never boring, never totally predictable and always a sweatsoaked adrenaline event. Inches away along side of you on the track are vintage Alfas, MGs, Morgans, Elvas, Astons, Morgans and Ferraris to give you an additional visual treat. So many
times when we return to the pits and you encounter a driver that you just diced with the and the two of you just laugh uncontrollably in complete disbelief. The mechanical reliability of a properly prepared 356 was and is statistically amazing. Before a distributor failure at the recent 2010 Lime Rock Vintage Festival my 356 had been through 24 races and numerous PCA driver’s ed days over the past 4 seasons without a mechanical failure. Maintenance between races is basic given the total absence of electronics. You are the “engine management system”. Change the 5 quarts of oil
and external oil filter, adjust the valves, check your timing, adjust the drum brakes, “wiggle” the front wheels to check the front wheel bearings and link pins then generally lubricate and tighten everything that can vibrate loose. Amazingly all 356 parts are still available through vendors or ebay. This past season I was able to additionally enjoy 2 of CVR’s D.E. events at Lime Rock Park. In consideration of my dwarfed 120 h.p., I always drive in an intermediate group. Everyone is considerate of my low terminal speed on the straights and the 356 will surprise many a high powered 911 in the corners. I encourage all of you with 356s in the garage to just get them out for some exercise on the track and if you like it (and you will) then consider vintage racing. It is the best.
March 2011
Now that you’ve read Jim Stein’s story you know that vintage racing is alive and well in the U.S. And the event that is the most important vintage motor sports competition in the country is held almost right in your own backyard. Founded in 1982, the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix in Schenley Park is the scene of our nation’s only vintage race held on city streets. Schenley Park is a 456 acre golf course and park that hosts over 2,000 show cars and over
March 2011
Photography by Matthew C. Little
200,000 spectators each July. The PVGP races are run in Schenley Park, considered by many drivers to be one of the most challenging race courses in the world. It is a 2.33 mile circuit with 23 turns (and haybales, manhole covers, utility poles, stone walls and other unforgiving fixed objects). The race is the highlight of a 10-day long “Race Week” that includes the Historic
Races at BeaveRun for faster vintage cars on the opening weekend, various car shows, cruises, galas, and the Kickoff Rallye. Our new friend, Matthew Little has been kind enough to share some of his beautiful images of last year’s vintage event in the following photo-essay. Mark your calendars for this year’s event on July 23rd - 24th, 2011.
>>>The Historic Races include seven groups of historic race cars, sanctioned by the VRG (Vintage Racer Group). For 2011, Porsche will be the featured marque and the VRG is busy recruiting more Porsches to race against the BMWs in the annual club challenge.
March 2011
>>>In 2011 the PVGP celebrates its 29th consecutive year of racing through the streets of Pittsburgh. Vintage cars and drivers from all over the country, and the world, will scream through the park with over 200,000 spectators cheering them on! The paddock is on Prospect Drive — a quarter mile long tree lined cul-de-sac that overlooks the start/finish line.
March 2011
>>>Downtown Pittsburgh on the Wednesday of Race Week is a great place to take a long walk and have lunch. Nestled among the skyscrapers, several of downtown’s most prominent addresses open their courtyards for a spectacular preview of the cars you’ll be seeing in the upcoming weekend’s shows and races. This year’s Downtown Parade and Car Display will be held on Wednesday, July 20, 2011.
Many thanks to Matthew Little for being so generous and sharing his photographs with us. To view more of Matthew’s work: www.studio721.smugmug.com/ C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
The Williams Inn, Williamstown, Massachusetts, May 20-22, 2011 The 2011 Spring Tour will be based near our region and will allow us to explore some great Porsche roads in Massachusetts, Vermont and New York.
Phil Capella
The Williams Inn, on the campus of Williams College, located in the beautiful northern Berkshire mountains of western Massachusetts will be our base
OVERVIEW For loyal touring participants you know what to expect in terms of the format, so you can quickly scan this part. The format for the Spring Tour weekend remains the same as in the past. You’ll travel to the The Williams Inn on May 20 (Friday) on your own schedule. Dinner will be on your own Friday evening.
Courtesy of the Berkshire Historical Society
of operations. If you choose to use Rt. 7 to get to the Williams Inn you will pass Mount Greylock. Mount Greylock is the highest point in Massachusetts at 3,491 feet. The mountain has been an inspiration to many writers including Herman Melville. Melville, who farmed 160 acres in Pittsfield, Ma., always admired the view of the mountain from his back porch. The view reminded him of his past whaling days. The great mountain
was the hump of a whale and the lower hills were the breaking waves as the whale plunged back into the water. “There she blows!—there she blows! A hump like a snow hill! It is Moby Dick!” For those who are arriving early there are many cultural and fun activities. Located nearby are the Massachusetts Museum of Modern Art in North Adams, MA and the Manchester Designer Outlets in Manchester, VT.
March 2011
form needs to be sent to the hotel to start the reservation process. Send us an email at tourmeister@cvrpca.org and we will send the form for you to fill out. You then send the completed form to the hotel via mail, email or fax. Upon receipt of the form the Williams Inn will email a reservation confirmation to you. Phil Capella
Saturday (May 21st) is “tour day”. Following breakfast Saturday morning we’ll have our orientation meeting with drivers and navigators, after which we’ll start the driving part of our tour
weekend. Our lunch stop will be at The Dorset Inn, Vermont’s oldest continually operating inn. Dorset, Vermont is famous for being home to the first marble quarry in America. Marble from the quarry provided stone for the New York Public Library main branch in New York City. NOW FOR THE SPECIFICS: Note: The method for making reservations at the hotel will be different than in the past. A hotel reservation
Lodging/Breakfasts/Dinner Package The package include 2 nights lodging, buffet breakfast Saturday and Sunday, and a buffet dinner Saturday night. Price includes all taxes and gratuities. The hotel will set aside a parking area and car washing station for the club. You are responsible for making reservations by sending in the reservation form via mail, email or fax. The hotel will hold rooms for us up until April 20th, after that there is no guarantee that rooms will be available. Please note check-in time is 3:00 pm and check-out is 12:00 pm. The Williams Inn requires all guests to provide a $200 deposit.
The package price: Traditional Double Rooms: $355.00 Single Occupancy - $414.00 Double Premier King Rooms: $443.00 Single Occupancy - $504.00 Double If you choose to arrive early or stay longer, the hotel has given us the following rates: (EP Rates listed are per night and includes Room only, tax is included) Traditional Rooms: $145.21 Single or Double Premier King Rooms: $189.89 Single or double CANCELLATION POLICY: Should you cancel more than 7 days prior to your arrival date; your deposit will be refunded less a $25.00 processing fee. Should you cancel within 7 days of your arrival, or shorten your stay, it will result in full forfeiture of your deposit. Payment of Individual Accounts: All individual accounts must be paid upon check-out. A credit card will be required upon check in. Final payments can be made by credit card, check or cash. >>>continued on page 56
March 2011
Lunch/Registration Fee: The Spring Tour lunch / registration fee is $64 per couple ($32 per person). Please make your checks out to CVR/PCA and send them along with the CVR registration form below to us at the following address by April 21st: Phil Capella 2380 Mountain Rd West Suffield, CT 06093 Luncheon and registration fees will be non-refundable after May 6th, two weeks before the start of our touring event. Participant Information: We will continue the past practice of listing participant information in the handout package, unless you tell us otherwise. However, we will still need either your email address (preferably) or telephone number so that we can contact you in case the need arises. Invariably new friends are made during our touring events and this information helps folks stay in touch with one another. Please provide the information below when you mail your check to us: Names: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY
Address: Town:
Email: Phone No.: Car Model:
Color :
>>>Williams College 56
March 2011
Courtesy of the Berkshire Historical Society
Please place a check here if this your first Tour with the CVR
Directions to the Williams Inn from Connecticut: Take Route 7 North from Danbury to Williamstown. The Williams Inn is on the left of the Village Green at northerly junction of Routes 7 and 2. —or— Take Route 91 North to Massachusetts Turnpike West to Exit 2, (Lee/Lenox). Follow Route 20 West to Route 7 North to Williamstown. The Williams Inn is on the left of the Village Green at northerly junction of Routes 7 and 2. —or— Take Route 91 North to Greenfield, and then take Route 2 West into Williamstown. The Williams Inn is on the right of the Village Green at northerly junction of Routes 7 and 2. Check-in You will receive a package of information from us when you check in at the hotel. Contained in this package will be a complete agenda for the weekend, info on local restaurants and detailed driving directions for Saturday’s tour. It will also tell you the exact time and location of the orientation meeting to be held Saturday morning. As in the recent past (to save time) we will also have CVR’s “Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement” forms at the front desk for you to sign when you check in; all participants must sign this form. If you have any questions please email us at: tourmeister@cvrpca.org We are looking forward to seeing you at the Williams Inn in May! Maria and Phil Capella (Tourmeisters) Caroline and Alan Davis (Assistant Tourmeisters)
>>>Melville Homestead
March 2011
Courtesy of the Berkshire Historical Society
March 2011
Photo Meryl Krohnengold
We are returning to Cranbury Park this year to accommodate the growing number of members who participate each year. This year will feature
2 very special displays:
Photos courtesy Porsche Cars North America
One recognizing the 60th Anniversary of Porsche in America
A “Winner’s Circle” Past winners of the CVR Concours selected by the Concours Committee We will also be adding a new class for “My other car” which will be open to any non-Porsche. It will be People’s Choice judged like all the other classes. So watch for further details in Challenge and on the CVR website. C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
March 2011
The Clash brings lots of people to one of the best tracks in the United States! This is a chance to see many of your friends and to make new ones. We need you and your friends as volunteers. It is the volunteers that make this a great event! We ask that you volunteer at
John Karam
We need friends to run the 2011 Zone 1 Porsche Clash Club Race at Watkins Glen May 27 to 29, 2011 (Memorial Day Weekend)
least a full morning or afternoon. What do you, your friends, loved ones, anyone you could bring with you get? Every volunteer will get something, like a jacket (TBD).
Work two times
Dinner the nights you work (Thursday, Friday and Saturday)
Work three times or all day Sunday
A $100 Zone1 Gift Certificate (handed out every evening)
Work on Sunday
A Clash Mug or Cap (TBD)
There is no deadline for signing up. If you show up at the track Thursday late afternoon/evening May 26th to Sunday May 29th, we can use your Help! Thursday starts after 3 pm, the other days morning volunteers need to be on site by 7:30 am and afternoon volunteers need to be on site by 12:30 pm. After visiting the Registration office, everyone needs to visit the
volunteer center at the front of the garages to get checked in. The best place to park is between the grid road and the track, this area is off limits for racer parking, but you need to stay back from the grid road. NOTE: we need 1 person per 5 cars on the grid, this means LOTS of people will be working the grid!
The link to the volunteer signup page is: http://clash.tobe.com/
Remember it’s not the car; it’s the people that make PCA! C H A L L E N G E
March 2011
TECH NOTES FROM TONY CALLAS (Courtesy of Callas Rennsport) Water intrusion is one of the few unnoticed killers of the modern automobile. All modern Porsches are even more sensitive to water damage because of their many delicate electrical control units and computers. I remember this all started years ago when Porsche issued a service bulletin on the 924 to re-route and seal the antenna cable because water could travel along this cable and find its way into the central electrics panel inside the vehicle and create havoc with the electrical system.
The main area to watch for water collection in the 986 thru 997s is the front cowl area. The front cowl area is located just below the base of the windscreen and has water drains on both sides of the battery. There are two front cowl area cavities where debris such as leaves and dirt can collect and, in time, clog the front cowl drains. When these drains clog, water will accumulate in these cavities and, at a point, migrate into the interior compartment of the vehicle. Water can also enter the brake system vacuum (power) booster unit, damaging the booster and causing the brake system to fail (usually with the symptom of a stiff brake pedal). This is a very common problem, so we recommend that you regularly open the front hood and inspect for debris. Keeping these areas clean is critical. Additionally, after 62
March 2011
washing your car (or driving in the rain), remove the floor mats and put your hand on the carpet in the front and rear passenger areas. The carpet should be dry. If the carpet is damp or wet, further inspection for the water source is needed. Keeping water out of the interior compartment and away from all electronic components is critical for the long term health of your car. All cabriolet models (including Boxsters) have two rear cowl areas that are susceptible to water intrusion. This can happen if either of the two drain systems become clogged, if the drain hoses are not connected, or if either of the two rear cowl area liners are damaged. Liner damage usually happens when the cabriolet top is serviced. If a technician is careless, the liner can easily be torn. This will allow the water to no longer follow along the correct path of drainage. When water from any of these cowl areas leaks, it will end up inside the vehicle under one or both of the front seats. Unfortunately, the immobilizer (antitheft) control unit is mounted at the lowest point under the driver seat and is usually the first component to get wet, in most cases rendering the vehicle undriveable. If the immobilizer control unit is damaged it will be an expensive repair as it will require replacement of the control unit and the specialized knowledge and tools of your Porsche technician (because computer [control unit] coding and programming will be required). Additional causes of water intrusion can include a torn cabriolet top, faulty weather stripping seals, clogged sunroof drains and missing chassis plugs. Other negative aspects of water intrusion inside an automobile can be rust and corrosion.
March 2011
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS AND TRANSFERS We welcome the following new members, their affiliates, and transfers who joined the Connecticut Valley Region of PCA! Cicchetti, Michael H. Litchfield, CT 2006 Cayenne 2009 911
Roller, Brian Meriden, CT Affiliate: Rebekah Roller 1982 911SC
Colucci, Josh Southbury, CT 2000 Boxster
Shafer, John S. Chestertown, NY Affiliate: Rachael Shafer
Cruikshank, Scott C. Darien, CT 1969 911
Smith, Jud W. Orange, CT 1991 911
Gajdosik, Peter J. North Haven, CT Affiliate: Georgina Gajdosik 1984 911
Taverna, Gregg E. Danbury, CT 2008 Boxster S
Maccone, John F. Milford, CT 1969 911 E Nicoletti, Peter A. Burlington, CT 1987 911 Orton, Laurence M. Southbury, CT 2006 911 S Quintero, Ricardo Stamford, CT 2010 4S Panamera
March 2011
Walker, Allan D. 1980 911 SC Zecher, Clare H. Redding, CT 2007 Carrera 4
Transfers In Stearns, Robert East Greenwich, RI Transfer from: Northern New Jersey (NNJ) Affiliate: Rebecca Stearns 1995 993 2000 911 Black Wentworth-Bete, Carol Amherst, MA Transfer from: Northeast (NE ) 2011 Cayenne Witthaut, Markus C. Norwalk, CT Transfer from: Metropolitan New York (MNY) 2008 Cayman S
DID YOU KNOW The Connecticut Valley Region (CVR) of The Porsche Club of America (PCA) was founded in 1959 and consists of over 1,900 members in Connecticut and the nearby area. Our goal is to provide numerous opportunities for our members to enjoy driving their Porsches and socialize with each other. Remember to check out the Calendar of Events on our newly updated website, mark your calendars and sign up for the next activity that appeals to you. Then all you have to do is count the days until the time comes when you and other enthusiastic club members get together to have fun. C H A L L E N G E
MARCH 2011 PORSCHE CLUB MEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations and thank you for your support. We hope to see your name here many more times in the future. 40 Years
10 Years
5 Years
Reilly, George Wheelwright, MA
Cafro, Dave Woodstock, CT
Casazza, Henry Wilton, CT
25 Years
Forgue, Thomas Stonington, CT
Cuminale, James Darien, CT
Hammell, Thomas East Lyme, CT
Edelstein, Jess Ellington, CT
20 Years
Karam, John Belchertown, MA
Gregory, Charles Middletown, CT
Koiva, Allan Tolland, CT
King, Terry New York, NY
Lawrance, Frank Southport, CT
15 Years
Levey, Marc Weston, CT
Lefebvre, Philip Farmington, CT
Mommsen, Paul Cheshire, CT
Moran, David Cheshire, CT
Morrow, Edward Wales, MA
Mountford, Jason North Scituate, RI
Napoletano, Bob Kensington, CT
Rodriguez, Joe Warren, NJ
Palmiter, Lee Caldwell, NJ
Sammons, Bob Shelton, CT
Hultgren, Lon Storrs Mansfield, CT Rackow, Monroe Manchester, CT
Bayer, Peter Westport, CT Benevento, Francis Fairfield, CT Lloyd, David Avon, CT Markowski, Eugene Darien, CT Puglisi, Sebastian Wethersfield, CT Watson, Stuart Niantic, CT
March 2011
The Mart is a free service to PCA members. Submit non-commercial ads including PCA Membership # and region to: CHALLENGE c/o Krohnengold, 30 Greenwich Hills Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831 or email to: cvreditor@cvrpca.org by the closing date published in challenge Monthly Calendar. Ads will run for two months (+) as space permits. All ads are subject to editing. For commercial or non-PCA member ads, include $15 per insertion with ad. All insertions limited to 12 lines in The Mart format.
FOR SALE PORSCHE 1983 928S Guards Red/Blk leather, sunroof. Very good condition. Rare 5-speed trans upgraded to 1986 with Borg/Warner synchros, LSD, upgraded Eibach/Bilstein suspension, Devek radiator. New alternator, fuel pump and lower ball joints, A/C blows cold, K&N, upgraded blaupunkt CD/MP3 player. 155K miles. $7,900. Mike 203-520-2001 michael.maurice@charter.net 3-11 1988 Porsche 944 Turbo S, Silver Rose/Burgundy Plaid. Restored to nearly perfect condition and insured as a collector car, but still driven. Stored in a climate controlled environment, under a cover. 99,300 miles. Upgrades include Autothority MAF and software, K27 turbo, B&B Stainless full exhaust. Factory Cup Sway bars, Kinesis Supercup 17"x8.5" and 17"x10" wheels with new Michelin Pilot Sports. Short Shift Kit, and New cup clutch along with many other parts “while in there�, like lighter flywheel and sleeve. Lower Front Splitter, clear paint protection. New axles, control arms, brake pads, AC compressor. Belts and water pump have very low mileage. Also, H4 headlights, euro fog and driving lights. Original parts included are 16" Turbo S wheels with Dunlop tires, exhaust and catalytic converter, sway bars, airbox/AFM, etc. Also comes with extra burgundy plaid cloth for redoing any future damage to the interior, or in case you'd like it all refreshed someday in the future. Just about the nicest, freshest and most complete 944 Turbo S available right now. $17,500. 908-303-9350 pskalc@hotmail.com 2-11
March 2011
1989 911 Turbo Cabriolet Guards Red/Black leather, 5-speed, electric top, windows, and seats, air; factory and Clifford alarms, Alpine am/fm/CD, 15,850 original miles, always garaged and covered, stored winters, senior owner. Price reduced $50,000.00. Contact Don at 203-272-4862 or drreut@cox.net 3-11 1989 Porsche 944 Turbo S DE Track Car Turn Key Fresh Lindsey built 2.5ltr 8 value 951 engine. Aprox. 350 RWHP. New 53# turbo, stage II intercooler, new injectors, adj. fuel reg., Billet blow off valve, extrude honed intake, ported and polished head, Lindsey MAF, 4'' exhaust. Leda coil over shocks, camber plates, strut bar, new 6pt harness, Recaro race seats, Momo wheel and shifter, roll bar, 2 sets Fikse 17'' wheels, 1 set 993 18'' wheels with new Hoosier race rains. All original parts to go with car. COM car club class winner, consistent podium finisher for last 7 years. $18,900 obo. Mario Bonacorsi, mariobonacorsi@yahoo.com or 802-461-6225 2-11 1990 Porsche 944S2 3L 4cyl, Guards Red w/Black interior. 2nd owner since 1999 originally female owned. Local PCA Concours Winner. Car has been babied since day one, no snow no smoke always garaged. Exterior body professionally restored and painted. Updates include Firehawk racing chip, Sparco EVO racing seats, Porsche short shift kit, MO30 adjustable racing susp, bolt-in roll bar, B&B exhaust, aftmkt 18" wheels and tires (80% frt 100% rr), stock wheels and tires included, GT-Racing front splitter, aero mirror and door handle kit (handle not in pics). No dash cracks, scratches or door dings. Oil and filter personally changed every 3K miles, new
clutch, all maintenance and service records and receipts, serviced at Automobile Associates in CT and R&D automotive in NY. Garage stored in Winter with carpet, car cover, and trickle charger. No expense spared, everything needed has been done. 182,400 miles, runs perfect, great summer car and great track car. $10,500. Contact justin (518) 428-3887 or email vfrd1@aol.com for pictures or any questions. 3-11 2000 Boxster Winter price reduction, Metallic Black w/Boxter Red special full leather interior. Other factory options include the sport package, heated seats, traction control, 17" Turbo Twist wheels, CD shelf center console, colored wheel caps, burr maple steering wheel and shifter, Boxster floor mats, Boxter insignia on door sills. Never tracked, always garaged, maintance records, excellent condition. 61,000+ miles. $14,350. 860-404-7482 Garoan@att.net 3-11 2001 Porsche 911 Turbo Pristine condition. Seal Gray, 6-speed, all options including nav. Only 20K miles. Have only added 4K miles
since purchased in 2004. Bose, aluminum, xenon, supple leather, all factory manuals. The car is perfect. $52,300. Contact Raymond 860-559-1222, raymn10@aol.com 2-11
FOR SALE PARTS & OTHER GT3 OEM Wheels and Tires From 2004 GT3. Excellent condition. Tires are Kumho Ecsta OR Sumitomo HRTZ with 1000 highway miles. Fronts are 8.5 x 18; 40mm; 235/40, rears are 11 x 18; 63mm, 295/35. Photos are available. $2,800. obo. Steve Bader 617-512-0547 aredc4s@aol.com 2-11 Haulmark 2006 2-Place Trailer, 32' Floor space - holds 2 cars. Two 6,000# axles, 8 D-Rings, Flushlock and lever lock on side door, Aluminum wheels, Interior 12v lighting package - includes 6 dome lights and 6 lower loading lights, under the floor storage, 110v electric package, 16' Awning, 2 Roof vents, Bogey wheels on the back (so that it doesn't drag), tire rack up front and electric tongue jack. $12,000. email dave993@usa.com 3-11 >>>continued on page 68
CHALLENGE ADVERTISING RATES No. of Insertions Full Page Half Page Quarter Page 12 Issues $ 1,200. $ 680. $ 385. 6 Issues $ 630. $ 360. $ 205. 3 Issues $ 340. $ 190. $ 115. 1 Issue $ 130. $ 75. $ 45. Cover ads are 12 month commitments only. Inside Front $ 2,300. Inside Back $ 2,300. Outside Back $ 825. The above rates are for computer readable or camera ready artwork submitted in PC or Mac format and editable in Adobe CS or Quark. Cover ads must be 4-color (CMYK), text ads are Greyscale. All ads are payable in advance. There is a 20% surcharge for ads submitted as non camera-ready artwork. Please contact cvreditor@cvrpca.org for more details and specifications. Display Ad Dimensions (H x W in inches) Full Page 7 1⁄2'' x 4 1⁄2'' Half Page 3 5⁄8'' x 4 1⁄2'' Quarter Page 17⁄8'' x 4 1⁄2'' Inside Front/Back Cover 8 1⁄2'' x 5 1⁄2'' Outside Back Cover 4 1⁄4'' x 5 1⁄2''
7.25'' x 4.5'' 3.625'' x 4.5'' 1.875'' x 4.5'' 8.5'' x 5.5'' (Full Bleed) 4.25'' x 5.5'' (Bleed left, right and bottom)
March 2011
Track Tires, Slightly used/slightly shaved, Toyo Proxes RA1. Two @ 245/40/ZR18; Two @ 275/35/ZR18. $240. Charles Young at cy@cmyoungfineart.com 2-11 Porsche Parts, Four 17" 996 wheels - like new with Michellin McAlpins - 20% worn, 4-P7 Pirellis like new - for 16x7 & 16x8, Boxster/996 hdtop hoist, new early 911 (non S/R) off white headliner, lower front 911 Valence for ’66 - ’73, early 996 Boxster bra (w/mirror bars). Days 212-812-0568 or email s.meszkat@gmail.com Steve Meszkat 2-11 Used Clutch Kit for a 1986, 944 Asking $235.00 Tony, 203-467-1787 or Cell 203-675-5486, email: tguer1@yahoo.com 3-11
911 Parts For Sale: Misc. new parts incl. fiberglass front spoiler, Koni shocks, body rubber seals, ball joints, leather brake & shift boots. SCparts79@aol.com for complete list and prices. 2-11 Set of four (4) factory original 1999 Porsche Carrera OEM twist 17" wheels, ET55. Fits 996, Boxster from 1997 and up. Includes original SO2 Bridgerstone tires. Only 2,500 original miles on the whole set. Porsche part #'s 996.362.124.00 & 996.362.128.00. Slight scuffing, otherwise like new. $700. for the set + ship. Steve Bartels, Greenwich, CT. (203) 637-8281. Sbartelsny@aol.com 3-11
ADVERTISERS DIRECTORY Automobile Associates ........................IFC Auto Concierge ....................................22 Danbury Porsche ................................IBC Daniel Jacobs, LLC ................................3 Fathers & Sons ....................................10 Fairfield County Motorsports ................38 Hoffman Porsche....................................8 International Motor Sport, LLC ..............20 Kostin & Ruffkess ..................................4
356 Special Interest Group Cayman S Special Interest Group Jerry Charlup (203) 322-8262 concours@cvrpca.org 928 Special Interest Group David Lloyd (860) 280-4865 david@928central.com 930 Special Interest Group Vic Caruso (203) 661-1599 vgcaruso@optonline.net
March 2011
Musante Motorsports............................16 Porsche of Fairfield Storage ..................58 Scott Pools ..........................................60 Sloan Cars............................................14 Softronic, Corp ....................................BC SpeedSport Tuning ..............................18 Stable Energies ......................................6 Tire Rack/CVR Affiliation ......................63 Trailer Depot ........................................36
993 Special Interest Group Mike Odierna (203) 653-4173 mikeo993@yahoo.com Cayman Registry Advocate Michael Souza (203) 278-3547 Cayman.Register@comcast.net Boxster Registry Advocate Dennis Primavera (203) 264-2553 specialevents@cvrpca.org boxsterregister.org
CHALLENGE P.O. Box 762 South Windsor, CT 06074
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