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EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE The Importance of an Effective and Reliable Enhanced Safety Inspection Program for Autonomous Commercial Motor Vehicles
By Collin B. Mooney, MPA, CAE, Executive Director, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
In recent years, the development of autonomous commercial motor vehicle (CMV) technologies has been increasing at an unprecedented rate. With the goal of saving lives by eliminating crashes through enhanced road safety standards, improving economic performance and reducing carbon emissions, several companies are investing in the development of self-driving trucks, buses and other commercial motor vehicles. However, as these vehicles become more prevalent on our roads, it is important to ensure they are operating safely and efficiently.
Enforcing safe practices and conducting regular enhanced safety inspections of autonomous CMVs can have numerous positive impacts on the transportation industry and society as a whole. From improving road safety and building public trust to promoting cost savings and environmental benefits, there are many compelling reasons to prioritize safety in the development and operation of these vehicles.
First, by requiring regular enhanced safety inspections and enforcing safe driving principles for autonomous CMVs, we can minimize the risk of crashes caused by mechanical failure or technology malfunction. While autonomous CMVs have the potential to dramatically improve and revolutionize road safety, they are currently not infallible. Just like human drivers of CMVs, these systems can experience mechanical failures or encounter unexpected debris on the road.
Furthermore, ensuring that autonomous CMVs are operating safely can help to build public trust in this new technology. The idea of selfdriving vehicles, and more so autonomous CMVs, can be intimidating for many people. Safety concerns have been a major obstacle to their widespread adoption. However, by demonstrating that these vehicles are subject to rigorous enhanced safety standards and inspections, CMV enforcement and industry can help to alleviate these concerns and promote the acceptance of autonomous technology.
Another benefit of enforcing safe practices and inspections is that it can lead to cost savings for commercial transportation companies. While a company’s initial investment in autonomous technology can be significant, the long-term benefits can include improved fuel efficiency, reduced labor costs and increased productivity. However, these benefits can only be fully realized if the CMVs are operating safely and efficiently. Regular enhanced safety inspections can help identify issues that may impact safe operation or performance, allowing for prompt repairs and maintenance to keep the vehicles running smoothly and efficiently.
In addition to promoting safety and efficiency, enforcing safe practices and the effective implementation of enhanced safety inspections can also have a positive impact on the environment. One of the main benefits of autonomous CMVs is their potential to reduce carbon emissions by minimizing downtime and idling while reporting to roadside inspection stations/weigh scales, optimizing delivery routes and reducing highway traffic congestion. However, this potential can only be realized if the autonomous CMVs are operating at their full capacity. By ensuring they are properly maintained and functioning as intended, we can maximize their environmental benefits.
Finally, enforcing a culture of safe practices and enhanced safety inspections can help to promote innovation in the autonomous vehicle industry. As with any new technology, there are bound to be challenges and setbacks along the way. However, by setting and enforcing safety standards, we can encourage companies to prioritize safety in their development and testing processes. This can lead to the creation of more reliable and efficient autonomous CMVs, ultimately benefiting the transportation industry and society.
Overall, the development of safe practices and inspections for autonomous CMVs can have a wide range of positive impacts. From improving road safety and building public trust to promoting cost savings and environmental benefits, there are many compelling reasons to prioritize safety in the development and operation of these vehicles.
However, it is important to note that these benefits can only be fully realized if there is a strong regulatory framework in place to oversee and enforce these standards. While the autonomous vehicle industry is still relatively new, it is important that governments and industry stakeholders work together to establish clear safety guidelines and regulations. This will ensure autonomous CMVs are held to the same high standards as traditional human-operated vehicles and that their potential enhanced safety, economic and environmental benefits are fully realized.
In conclusion, while the introduction of autonomous CMVs is an exciting development for the transportation industry, we must prioritize safety in their development and operation. As the industry evolves, it is crucial that we continue to work together to establish clear safety standards and regulations to ensure the safe and efficient operation of autonomous CMVs on our roads. By enforcing safe practices and conducting regular enhanced safety inspections, we can minimize the risk of crashes, promote public trust, and maximize the economic and environmental benefits of this new technology.
For more information, please read about CVSA’s enhanced CMV inspection for autonomous truck carriers: www.cvsa.org/news/new-enhanced-cmvinspection-program.