Coachella Valley Weekly - January 7 to January 13, 2021 Vol. 9 No. 43

Page 1 • January 7 to January 13, 2021 Vol.9 No.43

Sip, Savor, Support!-Desert Cancer Foundation


The Shops on San Pablo


Joshua Tree’s Rock Formations


January 7 to January 13, 2021

January 7 to January 13, 2021


Coachella Valley Weekly (760) 501-6228 Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Kirby Club Crawler Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Head Music Writer Noe Gutierrez Head Feature Writer Crystal Harrell Feature Writers Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Tricia Witkower, Jason Hall, Esther Sanchez Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Craig Michaels, Janet McAfee, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Sam DiGiovanna, Dale Gribow, Denise Ortuno Neil, Rob Brezny, Dr. Peter Kadile, Dee Jae Cox, Angela Romeo, Aaron Ramson, Lynne Tucker, Aimee Mosco, Michelle Anne Rizzio, Ruth Hill, Madeline Zuckerman Photographers Robert Chance, Laura Hunt Little, Chris Miller, Iris Hall, Esther Sanchez Videographer Kurt Schawacker Website Editor Bobby Taffolla Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS 8th Annual CV Music Awards 2020.... 3-5 Desert Cancer Foundation Presents “Sip, Savor, Support!” .......................... 6 Safety Tips ............................................... 6 The Shops on San Pablo.......................... 9 Screeners ............................................... 10 Travel Tips 4 U - Origins of a Mystery: Joshua Tree’s Rock Formations ........ 10 Consider This - Bonnie Hayes with the Wild Combo ................................. 12 The Vino Voice ...................................... 13 Pet Place .......................................... 14-15 Haddon Libby........................................ 16 Dale Gribow........................................... 16 Swag For The Soul................................. 17 Free Will Astrology ............................... 17


he 8 Annual CV Music Awards will take place this Sunday, January 10th at 5:00 pm. Phil and I will be hosting the 2 and half hour event live from a recording studio without a live audience. We have several prerecorded live performances of bands and artists from different genres to keep the show interesting. We will be giving out 29 of the 39 awards that were voted on with prerecorded acceptance speeches and the other 10 will be announced throughout the show. We will also be presenting this year’s Special Awards chosen by Phil and I, which were also prerecorded this week. Those awards include: The Trailblazer Award to Armando Flores and presented by Jeff Fortson; The Pioneer Award to Tony Tornay presented by Noe Gutierrez; The Icon Award to Keisha D presented by David Ross; The Lifetime Achievement Award to Kal David & Lauri Bono presented by Jimi Fitz. We also added a couple of new awards this year due to Covid quarantine (hopefully this will be the only year we have to do these) and they include: “Live From the Living Room” with Josh and Linda Heinz and “Live From the Road” with Michael Keeth. These performers have been steadily keeping us entertained virtually every week since March and we wanted to show our appreciation. Another new award this year is Best Video which Phil and I selected and next year will become a voted on category. We selected the video “Under Attack” by Mega Sun featuring Mikey Reyes. This



performance will open the CV Music Awards so make sure you are turned in right at 5:00pm so you don’t miss them. You can tune in 15 minutes early to hear some pre music from some of the Best Song nominees while we are getting ready to start. We will be streaming on YouTube, FB and Twitch. You will be able to find the links the day of on our website While there is no ticket price this year we will have our Pay Pal link up for anyone who would like to make a donation to CV Weekly/CV Music Awards before, during or after the event. It will be much appreciated. ( coachellavalleyweekl) In the past 7 years of the CVMAs we have done a 4 hour main awards event in June with a 3 hour pre-awards show event a couple nights before at Big Rock totaling 7 hours-worth of performers and all awards given out. This year we had to squeeze it all into 2 ½ hours so that is why there will

be a handful of award winners that won’t be able to do acceptance speeches and we apologize for that. It has been daunting at best trying to figure this out this year with everything going on. We originally had planned on doing them in December, but had to reschedule twice due to the lockdowns. Everything we have done and will be doing the night of the show will be done with the greatest of safety precautions for everyone involved. This event is being produced at Vivid Staging by Brian Champagne and coproduced by Robert Chance, Phil Lacombe and Myself. The event has been made possible by our Presenting Sponsors Mandy Calvano of Custom Care Solutions and Fantasy Springs Resort & Casino along with the additional sponsors Big Rock Pub, Renova Energy and Mark Gregg & Misty Howell. We thank you all so very much for helping us to not let the music community down.



he 2020 Coachella Valley Music Awards may have been postponed because of the pandemic and COVID-19 but the spirit of the yearly event, now in its 8th year, can never be denied. One aspect of the awards is the “special” awards given out each year to those who have exhibited excellence and endurance while making significant contributions to the world of music. The awards will be presented online this year for the first time on Sunday, January 10, 2021 from 5- 7:30 p.m. You can go to to obtain more information. The awards are brought to you by presenting sponsors Custom Care Solutions and Fantasy Springs Resort Casino with additional sponsors Big Rock Golf and Pub at Indian Springs, Renova Energy and Vivid Staging Solutions. As we prepare to announce the winners, we contemplate the honoring of our special award recipients for 2020. CV Weekly spoke to the extraordinary individuals we will be

honoring. 2020 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS KAL DAVID AND LAURI BONO CVW: What are your overall sentiments about receiving the 2020 CVMA Lifetime Achievement Award? Kal & Lauri: “Of course, we are honored to receive this award, music has been the


driving force in our lives for 50+ years! We have been residents of Palm Springs for 30 years and this award is a very special one because it comes from the people of our hometown! We are very grateful for the love and support we have received from this special community.” continue to page 5



January 7 to January 13, 2021

CVMA SPECIAL AWARDS continued from page 3


CVW: Reflecting on your careers thus far, what do you appreciate most and what challenge(s) are you most grateful for? Kal & Lauri: “One of the things we appreciate most about our careers is that we have traveled many places and made friendships all over the world, people everywhere brought together with the magic of music. Owning, running and performing at our nightclub, Blue Guitar from 1998-2004, was the most challenging and difficult thing we ever did in our careers but we are grateful for the experience, the amazing times, and lasting friendships made there.” CVW: Give us an update on all of your projects. Kal & Lauri: “With this pandemic, not much is planned, but we have taken this time to write new songs and will record a new album in Germany as soon as travel is safe for everyone. Also, a Lauri Bono cookbook is in the writing stages, hopefully with a late summer release. It has been a trying time and we miss performing for our friends and fans but it is also a time for reflection and lessons of gratitude…and we are grateful.”


2020 ICON AWARD RECIPIENT KEISHA D CVW: Congratulations on receiving the 2020 ICON Award, I know it comes at a tough time but you are so deserving. Keisha D: “Thank you so much! I’m blown away, this valley has been so good to me. I never thought of all these things, these wonderful accolades. I appreciate it. It’s nice. I don’t know if I’ll go back to entertaining. It looks like probably not, so what a way to go for my career to come to some kind of closure, it’s really nice.” CVW: What was your initial reaction when Tracy (Publisher of CV Weekly) first notified you that you would be honored with the ICON Award? Keisha D: “When Tracy said the words I was just quiet and she responded, ‘Hello?’ I was crying, I couldn’t get my breath. I was so shocked. It’s just amazing, I was blown away! I hope I represented our community of musicians in a good light. I’m glad that they feel that I’m worthy of something like that. I hope that people will take something from what I’ve

been doing in music, that they love it just as much as I do. I hope it gives people a shot in the arm to keep going for their dreams.” CVW: You have relied on your faith to endure these difficult times and you are vocal about it. Can you explain more what it means to you to ‘walk in faith’? Keisha D: “That is my umber one that’s carried me through, my faith. The reason that I feel I have the confidence that I have and the way I operate the way I do is because I know in the ultimate scheme of things, God is in control and not me, that’s the difference. I’ve had a couple of entertainers say to me, ‘I saw you let someone share the stage with you. Man, I would never do that, what if they tried to out-sing you?’ I thought to myself, ‘what?’ Then they said, ‘my ego would never allow me’, I thought to myself, ‘my stage is for everybody, it’s a platform to be able to share and create, and if I don’t let God have control, why am I even up there?’ That’s why I think the way I think.” 2020 TRAILBLAZER AWARD RECIPIENT ARMANDO FLORES CVW: After letting it sink in a bit, what are


your feelings about receiving the 2020 CVMA Trailblazer Award? Flores: “You know, I spent a few months wracking my brain trying to understand what made me a trailblazer in CV Weekly's eyes. Lucky for me, my good pal, Jeff Fortson, summed it up quite well in the award presentation. You know, I gave up doing this (music) for the recognition and accolades a long time ago, so when your peers put you on their shoulders to be honored it's a heartwarming and humbling feeling. And I have to say I'm really honored to have even been chosen. In looking at past recipients, I realize that I'm in very good company.” CVW: You are one of the premier bassists to ever come out of the Coachella Valley, hands down. Why did you choose the bass? Flores: “I don't know that I would say I am a premier bassist, I just try to give my all to whomever I am working with, whether it's a live performance, a recording session or just a collaboration in general. Credit for getting started on the bass should probably go to my little brother, Nick Flores. I remember when he was about 13 he begged my parents for some Sears catalog bass, probably because he had friends who were getting involved with music at the time. The girl I was dating at the time had an imitation Fender Jazz bass laying around and I used it so my brother and I could learn together. From that point on, it was true love…not with the girl, but with the bass.” CVW: We obviously know about your work in Blasting Echo and 5th Town. This year you joined Whiskey & Knives too! Please give us an update on all of your projects. Flores: “2020 put a hard stop to a lot of the things I was working on. A lot of my bandmates in different projects have young kids at home, so when the virus hit it worried a lot of them and I completely understand. But some folks aren't in that position and are willing to rehearse with protocols in place. I did a bit of recording last summer with my friend, Tim Scott, being a rhythm section for his tunes. I tracked some bass for Vinny Berry with Mitchem Michael Patrick behind the board and on the drums and the guys in Whiskey & Knives brought me in with open arms and

January 7 to January 13, 2021 we streamed a few shows last year. I'm really looking forward to recording with those guys. And I've been working with Rob Peterson, Josh Heinz, and Dub Wallace, on some mixes for the last Blasting Echo record we had tracked last year, with the hopes of releasing new material sometime soon. Overall, just doing what I can to stay busy and not get rusty in the middle of all this craziness.” 2020 PIONEER AWARD RECIPIENT TONY TORNAY CVW: Congratulations on receiving the 2020 Pioneer Award. What are you feeling? Törnay: ““It feels great! Especially considering that when we were all kids there was no infrastructure for music and it almost seemed kind of frowned upon. None of us really knew what we were doing, we just had to figure it out. That is what I am the most proud of, that a bunch of kids with a lot of energy and heads full of ambition actually made something happen. I guess what I am getting at is that it is always nice when your hard work is acknowledged, especially when all of that effort was out of love”. CVW: You have such a long and successful career behind the kit. Why did you choose the drums? Törnay: “My pops was a drummer. Both of my parents were always supportive when I was a kid, they encouraged my brother and I to pursue our dreams. For me that was music. When I was about 5 years old my parents noticed that I had an affinity for music. My dad still had his old Slingerland drum set and pulled that out for me to start tinkering with. A few years later they bought my brother and I a newer drum set and a few guitars, but the drums always spoke to me so that’s where I stayed. I play guitar and bass, and I love those instruments, but playing the drums feels like home”. CVW: Please give us an update on all your projects/bands. Törnay: “All Souls is in the middle of writing our next record. Fatso Jetson has a few things planned, but we’re waiting to see what goes on with the pandemic.”



January 7 to January 13, 2021



January 7 to January 13, 2021



s we ring in a new year, Desert Cancer Foundation is offering a virtual wine tasting event, to enjoy from the comfort of your own home on February 13, 2021. As a virtual event via Zoom, attendees will enjoy Valentine’s Day, discovering a variety of fine wines through an interactive and educational format, while connecting with other community members and raising money for cancer care. Proceeds from the event support Desert Cancer Foundation in paying for cancer care


to Coachella Valley residents who need the financial assistance. The hour and a half event will be led by a Sommelier offering expert guidance on this tasting experience while sampling whites, reds and Rosé varietals. The wines are hidden gems bestowed from boutique, family-run vineyards from California’s top regions. The presenting sponsor, El Paseo Jewelers, is adding to the romance by donating a 7-carat diamond tennis bracelet as an opportunity draw for one lucky winner,




he New Year brings more than just champagne and fancy parties — it's also when we start a new fire recruit academy. The first order of business for any recruit is to review all academy policies and standard operating procedures (SOPs). Understanding policies, and training on them repeatedly, provides recruits with a sound foundation in safe and consistent operations before learning basic firefighting skills. In addition to learning policies, our recruits develop "Integrity Agreements." Integrity Agreements are sort of like policies, but are more personal in nature. The recruits develop them as a team, but they own them as individuals. Like policies, these agreements hold recruits accountable for actions on and off the training ground. We tell them, "If you don't live up to the agreements, you have no one to blame but yourself. You own them; they are custom-made by and for you!" Integrity Agreements are certainly a useful tool for integrating new firefighters into the fold, instilling in them department values and setting them up for success. But they're not just for rookies! Why not make a good start in 2021 by developing your personal Integrity Agreement? Here are a few ideas to get you


for $100 per ticket. The cost of the virtual wine tasting event is $150 per couple. A California Wine Flight package with eight 6-ounce bottles of wine, and an appetizing Charcuterie presentation prepared by Jensen’s Foods with a variety of cheeses, nuts, and dry fruit for food pairings to match the selected fine wines will be delivered days prior to the event. Every dollar raised from the ticket sales and raffle entries translates into over $10 in cancer-related services.

started: Have respect. Respect for yourself first, and then respect for others. If you don't respect yourself, you certainly won't respect others. Cultivate a positive attitude. If your attitude is negative, you won't succeed. Support and help each other. Firefighting is a team effort and so is life. No one can do it alone — no one! Don't judge. There's an old saying, "When you spot it, you got it." What you dislike in

The presenting sponsor is El Paseo Jewelers. Other sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please contact Eevet Edens at 760-773-6554 or email ED@ Tickets are available until January 30, 2021, and can be purchased at or by calling 760-773-6554. Participants must be 21 years or older. About Desert Cancer Foundation Desert Cancer Foundation (DCF) was founded in 1994 by Dr. Sebastian George and Art & Cory Teichner to help pay for cancer care for local residents that could not afford the cost of their medical care. Since its inception, DCF has paid for cancerrelated screening, diagnosis, and treatment valued at more than $91.1 million dollars, and helping more than 8,236 residents. All of the money raised stays in the Valley to help local residents with the cost of their cancer care. Desert Cancer Foundation - We pay for cancer care!


others is often something you don't like inside yourself. Give grace and learn a little patience for both yourself and others. Don't gossip. If you have an issue with someone or something, the only one who can do something about it is yourself and the other person. Go to that person and discuss it with them, not others. If you make a mess, clean it up! When you spill milk, what do you do? You clean it up! And if you don't, it gets harder to clean up the longer you wait. The same goes when you make a mess with another person. Clean it up and say I'm sorry. Don't wait too long or you'll

create permanent damage. Pride jeopardizes even the deepest relationships. As you see, these are simple, day-today agreements. They work for recruit firefighters, but they apply regardless of who you are, the position you hold or the amount of time you have on the job or life. What are some Integrity Agreements you can make this year? Make It a Happy New Year!


January 7 to January 13, 2021



he COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for local businesses to prosper as many face the possibility of permanent closure. The Shops on San Pablo have been new additions to the Coachella Valley retail family, bringing a sense of hope that budding new businesses can still make it through this less-than-ideal economic climate. Operator and owner of the Shops on San Pablo, Lorie Loftis, was inspired to join Palm Desert’s initiated San Pablo Pedestrian Corridor Project to create a new shopping experience for the future community core of the city. “I knew the plight of brick and motor and the seasonal impact on small business owners in the Coachella Valley. I've always been a huge advocate for creative, collaborative projects, philanthropy and fun events. I had a business plan to take my store, Venus Fashion Boutique, as the anchor tenant in the 5,500-square foot space and feature a runway down the middle of the space, surrounding it with fabulous and unique small merchants, artisans and designers. I then trademarked the name and created the LLC,” explained Loftis. There was a grand opening planned for the Shops on San Pablo, however, the city cancelled it as cases of COVID-19 surged. Loftis opened under guidelines on July 4, where the shops have been operating ever since. The array of shops appeals to a wide range of consumer interests. Sandra Loulakis brings in wholesale samples from the LA Mart Showroom, featuring One Essence, Furious Furs, Dilee, Modes Crystal and more. Timmy Woods of Beverly Hills houses designer bags, jewelry and masks, while Art & Nature (a COD street fair favorite) has beautiful art glass



and beadwork jewelry. Maryse Nicole also features an "All about that Bling" collection that is like a treasure chest for entertainers. To encompass the theme of Art, Fashion, and Beauty at the Shops on San Pablo, esthetician and miracle worker Cindi Webb makes Total Body Transformation a onestop shop for a complete makeover, offering fabulous body and facial treatments. “Originally, I invited three other popular local boutique owners to join me, and when COVID hit, they all hit the freeze button. One may still be interested if we get the street going, but then when the COD Vendors had nowhere to go this season and the LA Fashion District became a ghost town, they came to me. I like keeping it fresh and helping them out. We are all taking a chance that our local community will support us,” stated Loftis. The original stores on the street offer a fun stroll from the corner consignment shops, to Zen Aquatics store to the Tri-ABike Bicycle Shop, Exotic Birds Unlimited, and Comic Asylum, along with Marc's Golf Shop, Trims Decor & More, You Dirty Dog, and Sun Splash Screen Printing & Embroidery. These previously established shops now have a chance to benefit from a new pedestrian corridor. The nearby restaurants—The Real Italian Deli, Desert Fox Bar, El Rodeo Cafe, and Mi Cultura--have also all built patio dining to offer delicious food and beverage options for the block. Little Bar is also included in the pedestrian district, owned by former Goldenvoice CFO Skip Paige, and is temporarily closed due to the current mandates. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Shops on San Pablo have guidelines and special accommodations to let customers shop safely. The shops have a website at for online orders,

January 7 to January 13, 2021


and they provide both curb side pick-up or local delivery (Indio to Palm Springs on orders over 75 dollars). The Shops also have a COVID-safe showroom with over five thousand square feet and an air/surface purification system in operation as a display for retail. The Shops are open to the public with all the COVID protocols in place. Guests and staff are asked to follow state-mandated guidelines, including pre-screening shoppers with temperature checks, sanitizing hands, cleaning all frequently touched surfaces, and assisting guests in the changing room to pre and postUV sanitize clothes and surfaces. Private shopping appointments and fashion/makeover parties are also able to be safely accommodated, along with other special events that have taken place during the pandemic. All it takes is a phone call to schedule a private group shopping session to reserve the Shops all to yourself. Temperatures will be taken and masks will still be required, but you can shop with friends and loved ones without being exposed to the general public, with over 40 designers and artisans to choose from. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 760-834-7001. “Honoring BB Ingle has been the most special event so far. I was assisted by Lisa Morgan and Brandon Ray Henderson to make my vision come to fruition. They superimposed a picture of BB in his wings with fireworks. It was if he was really there. BB and I, like so many, were spiritually and purposefully paired to help our friends and family in our community to express love, kindness and joy. It is an honor to give our community an opportunity to party with BB in spirit and anyone can feel it when posing

for a photo op in front of the wings dedicated to him,” stated Loftis. The Shops on San Pablo have temporarily limited hours of operation due to COVID, but Loftis has created an innovative way to keep people safe as they shop together, such as the private “Shopportunity Eventures” campaign. This is a special non-profit program available for charities to sponsor models, or host, film, and premier a fashion show live. 20 percent of online and in-store purchases are donated to raise funds with the “Shopportunity” promo code program. Six lucky charities will be selected via a lottery to win an exclusive private party Trunk Show & Viewing event at the Enchanting Bird Gardens estate. Hours of operation for the Shops on San Pablo are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday through Saturday, and 8 a.m. for the Farmers Market on Wednesdays. Special appointment times can be made for Sundays, early mornings, and evenings. “We live here, spend our money here and employ people who do the same. But on a deeper level, we create the identity of our businesses from our community and serve them personally. We are a unique, diverse, creative and wonderfully expressive Valley. Local businesses are a reflection of the communities they serve. We don't want to be impersonal ‘Big Box’ generic individuals and that is all that we will be left with if we do not support the businesses that support us,” said Loftis.


January 7 to January 13, 2021


No. 456

January 7 to January 13, 2021


from screenplay, to direction, acting, effects and more, this fun film has grabbed audiences’ affection ever since it’s 1990 release and spawned a successful franchise that continues to this day. Good ol’ boy handyman Val (Kevin Bacon) and Earl (Fred Ward) are sick of their dead-end jobs in the remote one-horse town of Perfection, Nevada (population 14) just as they’re about to escape perfection forever, however, things start to get really weird; half-eaten corpses litter the road out

of town; the phone lines stop working; and a plucky young scientist shows evidence of unusually strong seismic activity in the area. Something is coming for the citizens of Perfection… and it’s under the gol-dern ground! Bursting with indelible characters, quotable dialogue and eye-popping special effects, TREMORS is back bigger and better than ever in this stunning 4K-restored (from the original negative) and collectors’ edition with a fully packed pick-up truck load of ex-


ceptional and highly watchable bonus items (more than two dozen featurettes and a 40 page book) that cover nearly every aspect of production including a terrific audio commentary from director Ron Underwood and writers/producers Brent Maddox & S.S. Wilson. Big recommendation for your high-end digital home library. ARROW/MVD visual.

TREMORS [Limited Edition Blu-ray and 4K UHD] This bonafide cult-classic love letter to 1950s creature features delivers pulsepounding horror and unexpected humor in equal doses. Superbly crafted in all areas



s you walk across the spectacular landscape that is Joshua Tree National Park you can’t help but to be captivated by the impressive rock formations. Massive rock piles cover the park’s 800,000 acres. They’re arranged in such a way that it seems more like intentional art than natural erosion. These remarkable rock formations came to be in their present state over the course of millions of years. HOW DID COLOSSAL BOULDERS END UP AT THE TOP OF TALL ROCK TOWERS? Plate tectonics and volcanic activity are responsible for what we see today. Present day Joshua Tree sits on the edge of the North American Plate. Over 200 million years ago, the North American Plate collided with the Farallon Plate that sat under the Pacific Ocean. The denser r Plate was forced under the North American Plate- a geological process called subduction. The friction from the subduction caused the surrounding underground rocks to melt and form magma



plutons. These magma chambers eventually cooled underground into granitic rock. While still below the surface, the hardened rocks cracked as the result of pressure, plate movement and groundwater. Cracks formed both horizontally and vertically, creating rectangular pieces. Ground water then seeped into these cracks and turned the nearby rock into a soft clay which was

eventually washed away. These rectangular pieces rounded at the edges much like what would happen if you were to put an ice cube under running water. The result was individual spherical pieces of granite. Above ground, the top soil began to erode away. As the granitic rocks made their way to the surface, they settled into piles on top of each other creating the extraordinary rock towers we see today. CHEMICAL ACTIVITY FURTHER WEATHERS THE ROCKS As the cracked granite made its way closer to the surface, it continued to erode as the result of groundwater and acidic soil from decaying plants. Skull Rock- perhaps the most famous rock in the park- formed its deep eye sockets this way. While still below the surface, Skull Rock’s vulnerable edges eroded away. Soil and water sat in shallow pools around the rock’s “eye sockets” and changed the chemical compound of the granite, which eventually eroded away. By the time the rock came to the surface, it already resembled a human skull sealing its fate in its future name. IT’S NOT OVER YET Geological processes are continuing to

ARTICLE & PHOTOS BY LYNNE TUCKER transform Joshua Tree National Park and eventually more rock piles may reveal themselves. The north-west slope of Ryan Mountain is an excellent example of this. Here, you can see granite rock piles protruding out of the overlying soil- a metamorphic rock called pinto gneiss. As flash floods, wind, and other severe weather continue to carve away at Ryan Mountain, the granitic rock formations will eventually reveal themselves. More of Joshua Tree’s hidden treasures will be unearthed. Think DayCation and Enjoy the Beautiful Rock Formations! Lynne Tucker A Passion 4 Photography 818.298.7007 Contributing Writer and Photographer for: CV Weekly (Coachella Valley) The Tolucan Times (San Fernando Valley) Conservation Ambassador for The Living Desert


January 7 to January 13, 2021





y teenage years coincided with the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, basically as Disco receded and Punk Rock/New Wave roared to life. It also coincided with something of a renaissance for Teen movies, beginning with the spoton “Fast Times At Ridgemont High” and culminating in John Hughes’ honest, but funny canon of coming-of-age films. I didn’t hold out much hope for 1983’s “Valley Girl.” The movie began life as a knock-off of Frank Zappa’s surprise 1982 hit song of the same name. The song featured his teenage daughter, Moon Unit, offered a withering take on the colloquial Val-speak that was the lingua franca of L.A.’s San Fernando Valley. So I expected cheesy exploitation (think “Porkys” at the Sherman Oaks Galleria). Happily, turned out to be a sweet, sharp, funny and heartfelt film that found Hollywood Punk “Randy” romancing a perfect, popular Val named “Julie.” (It was couple years before I realized, like “West Side Story,” the screenwriters transposed Shakespeare’s “Romeo And Juliet” plot to the dayglo early ‘80s, and included a happier ending). The movie featured charming and authentic performances from Deborah Forman and Nicolas Cage (an unknown, in his first significant part), in the lead roles. Plus a superlative supporting cast that included Cameron Dye, Elizabeth Daily, Michelle Meyrink, Colleen Camp and Frederic Forrest. But a huge part of the movie’s appeal was the pitch-perfect music. Beginning with the live performances from L.A.’s own Plimsouls, and including fresh hits from Punk and New Wave bands like The Jam, Culture Club, Sparks, Payola$, The Clash, Men At Work, Psychedelic Furs, and Modern English. But it’s Bonnie Hayes and the Wild Combo that kick the film into gear with “Girls Like Me.” Bonnie Hayes grew up in the San Joaquin Valley, the eldest of seven kids. After her family relocated to San Francisco, she played in a Jazz fusion band. But she had a musical epiphany when she saw the Sex Pistols first U.S. show in Atlanta. Responding to the primitive energy and all-around “fuck you-ism” of their sound, she returned to San Francisco, started writing songs and assembled a band which included guitarist Paul Davis, bassist Hank Maninger and drummer Keven Hayes. Originally known as The Punts, the four-piece self-released a single, “Shelly’s Boyfriend,” b/w “Rochambeau.” It did well enough to interest labels, and they signed with respected L.A. indie, Slash, home to X, The Germs, The Dream Syndicate and The Blasters. Their debut, Good Clean Fun arrived in 1982 and received airplay on KROQ and other like-minded radio stations in California. Despite the fact that the band


gigged constantly, and achieved a modicum of notoriety thanks to “Valley Girl,” they never broke through commercially. Weirdly, Slash (which was now distributed by industry giant, Warner Bros.) dropped them. Still, Bonnie and a new Wild Combo line-up recorded an EP, Brave New Girl and hit the road opening for Huey Lewis And The News, before quietly calling it quits. Bonnie went on to become a successful touring musician playing keys in Belinda Carlisle’s band and then with Billy Idol. By the end of the decade she had raised her profile considerably when another Bonnie recorded two of her songs, “Have A Heart” and “Love Letter.” Both were featured on Bonnie Raitt’s Nick Of Time album, which went on to sell five million copies and win three Grammy awards. In the ensuing years Bonnie’s songs have been recorded by everyone from Cher, Natalie Cole and Bette Midler to Robert Cray, David Crosby and Booker T & The MGs. She has also maintained a solo career, intermittently releasing new music in 1987, 1996 and 2003. Sadly, her debut has been long out of print, and never available on CD. But the cool kids at Blixa Sounds have fixed that grievous error with their new reissue. The opening three tracks simply leap out of the speakers, the first two, instantly familiar from “Valley Girl.” Pounding piano, a rollicking beat and swoony GirlGroup harmonies open the effervescent “Girls Like Me.” Bonnie’s vocals are sly and confident as declares her independence in the opening verses; “They got a word for girls like me, they gotta name but they don’t want to use it, it’s all the same to girls like me, it’s all or nothing to girls like me.” The frolicsome instrumentation matches the lyrics’ verbal dexterity and her defiant delivery as rubbery bass lines and duck-walking guitars connect percolating keys on the break. In just under three minutes the song conveys the wild exuberance of the early ‘80s that seemed to signal anything is possible. Even as engines vroom, the mood downshifts for “Shelly’s Boyfriend.” Spiky guitars, propulsive keys and a handclap beat just edge out honking horns and souped up Hot Rods. Here Bonnie warns Shelly that her boyfriend’s a bit of a selfish prick and offers some empowering advice; “Shelly, you’re a wild one, you’re at a wild age, you want a while to run, you need a while until you see, you are so much more than mom wanted you to be/Girls will be girls and boys will be boyfriends, you go around the world, Shelly, in the end you will see, it’s not all that they led us to believe it would be.” If you were only allowed one or two songs to explain New Wave music to, say,


future generations, along with Devo’s “Whip It,” the third track, “Separating” would surely do the trick. Surprisingly stately piano notes are quickly supplanted by shang-a-lang guitars, twinkly keys, boomerang bass and shifting time signatures. The vibe is fun and flirty, Bonnie’s hiccup-y vocals take on a caustic edge as she warns “If you think you want to play me baby, oh, you better find another game!” Serrated guitars wiggle, squiggle and squall on the break over an impossibly boinging beat. It’s just non-stop fun. Bonnie and the Combo switch it up on a couple of songs. The action slows on the more contemplative “Coverage.” Over flickering guitar, tart piano notes and a tick-tock beat, nuanced lyrics presage our obsession with media and that 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol predicted; “The TV’s talkin’ to me, it’s positive identification, but maybe I’m mistaken, I talk to my radio, I keep it tuned to the all-night show/I’d give my last dime for coverage, but you will not cover me, I got a penchant for the printed page, I got a mention in the Monday news, I was on my last leg when it came through.” Meanwhile, “Raylene” is an unexpectedly adroit, relax-fit Samba, accented by gamboling piano runs, frisky bass lines, Latin-tinged guitars and an elastic beat. Lyrics highlight Raylene’s dilemma, live for today, or plan for tomorrow; “She liked to run away, she wasn’t afraid of failing… she loves the past, but she’s trying to forget the future.” On an album that is stacked with classic tracks, standouts include “Joyride” and “Inside Doubt.” On the former, lyrics limn the typical teenage angst, anchored by connect-the-dot keys, cascading guitar riffs, tensile bass and a ricochet rhythm. The latter is a muscular rocker powered by slashing guitars, swirling keys, spidery bass and a see-saw rhythm; a searing guitar guitar solo rachets up the tension on the break. Other killer tracks include the pogoriffic “Loverboy,” which matches tangled guitars, darting keys, wily bass and yelping vocals to a spring-loaded beat. On “Dum Fun” neon New Wave collides with some gritty 12-bar Blues.

The album closes with “The Last Word” which is equal parts angular and expansive. Cantilevered guitars and crashing drums bookend lyrics that offer some tense, conversational back-and-forth; “He said ‘love is a fiction, love is a fiction and you are a fool. Let’s get it understood, I want it to be good, but you can’t tell me what to do’/I said ‘you are the joke and you can choke on what you think you know, you’re in the wrong lane, but it’s not to late to change, it you check behind you.’” That’s where it all ended back in 1982, but the Blixa kids don’t leave you hanging, along with the Good Clean Fun long-player, the collection also includes the “Brave New Girl” EP in its entirety, plus their first single, and a clutch of unreleased demos. The Brave New Girl cuts exhibit a sleeker sound. The title track is sharp, but somewhat cluttered by the de rigueur arrangements and instrumentation that practically stamps a “use by” date-code of 1985. The piano-driven “After Hours” is Jazzy and intimate. Instead of drafting off overly synthesized hit-makers like Howard Jones, it leans closer to the confessional Pop of Rickie Lee Jones. “Incommunicado” is pleasingly dissonant, but the EP really comes alive on the closer, “Night Baseball,” a piquant homage to San Francisco. The demos are the real treasure trove here, beginning with The Punts selfreleased single “Shelly’s Boyfriend” b/w “Rochambeau.” The former is a blueprint of a more polished version found on ….Fun. The latter is prickly, the melody builds off brittle, stop-start piano notes. Lyrics liken a rocky romance to the zero-sum game of Rock Paper Scissors. The final early demos, Killing Time, Leap Of Faith and Yes-No are primitive and Punky at all the right ways. Still, they hint at a musical sophistication lurking right beneath the surface. It’s clear, even here, that Bonnie is destined for greater things. Listening to Good Clean Fun nearly 40 years on, it’s mystifying why it wasn’t a bigger hit. That same year, the GoGo’s smashed through the glass ceiling of Rock & Roll (becoming the first girlcentric band to hit #1,singing and playing their own songs). It ushered in a brief era when women-led bands like Romeo Void, Missing Persons, the Motels and Berlin, along with solo acts like Toni Basil and Josie Cotton stormed the charts. Perhaps Bonnie Hayes and her Wild Combo got lost in the shuffle. Of course, Bonnie still managed to carve out a successful career in the music industry. The return of Good Clean Fun confirms she had the goods right out of the gate.

January 7 to January 13, 2021



appy New Year! And how about that! Who knew that Coachella Valley’s preeminent popular publication had its pulse on the wines of the world! You know—once a year or so, I love pointing out the fact that our valley is over-populated with wine savvy quaffers. And since this is our first article for 2021, why not jump on the point first off: Our little valley nestled here in the low desert, purchases more wine and spirits, per capita, than any other valley in the United States. Many of you know that I am the wine steward over at the Ralphs Market in Palm Springs, so the Ralph’s matrix, I’m aware of. And as grocery shoppers here, you folks as well know this valleys market scene. But are you aware of this: Just between the liquor sales of the three top Ralphs stores in the Coachella Valley—Indio, Palm Desert, and Palm Springs, we have more beverage sales than many states in the union! And as to the sales of the Albertsons, Vons, and Stater Bros—well you can probably tell me what’s up, if you shop at those places. So, without further ado, join with me— as your friendly somm-about-town and Vino Voice host, as we touch on some of the most interesting and exciting wines available right now to start off the new year. The Cab for all Seasons: Selling through gobs & gobs of wine during the pandemic year, the number one selling varietal was not your grandma’s Chardonnay, nor your neighbors Pinot Noir, nor your sister’s Sauvignon Blanc but the valley’s favorite—the very comforting Cabernet Sauvignon. This is Cab country, and a bunch of rich retired wine folk aren’t too far off on this choice. If you were to contain all the Cab sold to all the country club duffers & quaffers who shop at the Ralph’s Indio store in the past ten years, you could fill the Salton Sea—“hmmm, rather pronounced saline notes, don’t you think?” Last year, we voted for the 2016 Robert Mondavi Reserve To Kalon Vineyard as our “Cab of the Year”. Unfortunately, the seriousness of circumstances took a lot of vino priorities down. Fortunately, we can do a re-set right now and vote for the 2017 Robert Mondavi Reserve To Kalon Vineyard ($174.99) This wine is absolutely delicious so everyone is in luck to taste anew. At this price, of course, most of us aren’t picking-up cases of this stuff, but we will take that next step to treat ourselves, after one heavy year, to one of the great California Cabs on the market. It’s as young as a Cal Cab can be —but who can wait! Open one now and one later. It’s firm, ripe, muscular—still tight, but deep, structured, intense & concentrated, showing a mix of ripe currant, cassis, plum, black cherry, blackberry that is pure, clean & complex. Find layers and touches of anise, cedar, black licorice with our favorite full tannins to assist us in taking down any steak in our fridge. Cheers! and Bon Appétit! Now on to France: Back in 2005 Clos Des Pape was Wine Spectators’ Wine of the Year. It’s always been an old school Chateauneufdu-Pape that offered the understated luxury of Grenache, Syrah, Cinsault, and Mourvèdre. Most valley residents love this Southern Rhône Blend and if they have any French in their diction, they’re quite proud on how they

pronounce the name: [shat-toh-NUFF-dooPAHP]. I found a $900, 3-liter bottle of the stuff back-when and it’s been housed and soundly aging at the Palm Desert Wine Vault. Sentimentally speaking, it may well be the last wine I share with the family. In the meantime, I’ll be sharing the just released 2018 Clos Des Papes CDP ($109) Again, we’ve been waiting a while now, so we’ll just open this baby up soon. A refined silky style with subtle bitter cherry, damson plum, and raspberry coulis notes racing thorough. Provencial garrique and sandlewood notes, finishing with exotic tea flavors and mineral filings. Next, you’re probably thinking I am moving on to Italy—and I don’t wish to disappoint so early in the wine game, so let’s do it. Two wonderful and delicious wines from the beloved piemonte region in northwest Italy are the Vietti Barolo Brunate 2016 ($175) and the Vietti Barbera D’Asti Tre Vigne 2017 ($18). I met Luca Vietti about 12 years ago at a winemaker’s dinner over at the Napa Rose Restaurant held at the Disneyland Hotel. Remember those days! He was young and exuberant, and full of passion. He was so lively, he even signed a bottle of Barolo and then handed it to me to enjoy later—at least I think that was his intent. Anyway, the good news is that he’s since sold the Italian estate but has remained on as the winemaker. That’s how you do it! All the artistry without the headaches! And these two wines indeed show his continued talents. The big Barolo is classic Nebbiolo notes of strawberry, cherry, chocolate, leather, licorice, plums, roses, smoke, tar, tobacco, violets and white truffles. And a funny thing—this is one of the energizing and fresh Barolo on the market! He’s learned to bottle his enthusiasm—allora! If you’re Barbera D’Asti fan, at eighteen bucks, this is the ticket! Okay—all right. Let’s do discuss your grandmother’s Chardonnay. Now if your gramma had very deep apron pockets, then surely she was dipping into the Kistler Chardonnay back in the day. Mature Chardonnay lovers have always considered the wine to be part of the Gold Standard. Kistler Chardonnay Russian River Valley Vine Hill Vineyard 2019 ($90) Like it or not, Parker said it best: “perfumed, layered nose full of citrus and flowers: lime, lemon and orange peel with lovely citrus blossom perfume, petrichor, honey, toast, quince paste, dried hay and guava. Medium-bodied, it explodes with flavor layers in the mouth, broad and textural with seamless acidity and an incredibly long, layered finish. Wow!


January 7 to January 13, 2021



s freezing temperatures continue to grip our nation this winter, countless dogs and cats suffer and perish when kept outdoors in the extreme weather. While snow is a rare occurrence in the Coachella Valley, our winter nights dropped below freezing in some regions. Patrick Evans, local animal lover and meteorologist with KESQ news Channel 3, reports, “White it’s not the coldest winter we’ve ever had, it’s been consistently colder than our average winter. We’ve seen long periods of overnight lows in the 30’s and low 40’s. Just like us, our pets aren’t used to these colder conditions. It’s hard on their system as it is on ours.” Please bring your pets indoors for shelter when extreme weather hits. Young and senior animals are particularly vulnerable to hypothermia. There are many other compelling reasons to include your pets as inside family members. Most Coachella Valley residents are wonderful pet owners, and their pets are kept safely indoors. However, I recently spoke with a young woman who keeps her dogs outside 24 hours a day. She believed they are “unclean”. Why do people have such beliefs? What information do they need to change those beliefs? I provided information about how having dogs indoors around people actually improves the


human immune system, emotional wellbeing, and physical health. It was unclear if this changed her mind. Some people were raised by parents whose admonition, "Dogs belong outside!" still rings in their subconscious. Some


people grew up on farms or in countries where dogs are often kept as outdoor-only animals. However, we live in a geographical area of extreme weather where keeping a animal outdoors 24 hours a day can jeopardize his health and even cost him his life. Dogs are social pack animals, and want nothing more than to be by your side. They are highly social creatures, born to be part of a pack or a human family. Most outdoor-only dogs suffer physically and psychologically when deprived of social contact. It is a sad sight to see a neighbor's dog tied to a post day after day, forlorn and bereft of human companionship. Some of these animals become a neighborhood nuisance with their barking. Under California penal code section 597, it is illegal to tether or chain a dog to a doghouse, post or other structure for longer than 3 hours in a 24 hour time period. If you decide to approach offending friends and neighbors, do so in a nonjudgmental way, trying to educate them about the hazards of keeping



This magnificent pure breed German Shepherd boy dreams of a home for the holidays! Max is just 1½ years old and full of lively puppy energy. He’d like a home with indoor/outdoor access and a fenced in yard for playtime. Rescued by the Humane Society of the Coachella Valley. Call (760) 3290203 for appointment to meet him.

This lovely Tuxedo girl is styling in her “tuxedo” fur coat hoping to celebrate New Year 2021 with you! She’s just 1-yr-old, fully vetted with vaccinations, microchipped and spayed. Moo Moo tested FeLV+, but is thriving and playful in her foster home. Rescued by www.ForeverMeow. org, call (760) 335-6767.


their dog outdoors. Ask them, “Why do you leave your dog outside all the time?” Rising temperaments in the summer can cause a multitude of medical problems including death from heat stroke. Older dogs and puppies are particularly vulnerable to heat stroke. Think about a dog having to drink hot water out of his bowl in the sizzling summer weather, and worse yet having the water dry up. Think about your dog trying to drink a bowl of water when it’s covered in frozen ice. When your dog is kept out of sight outdoors, it’s easy to forget about their needs. Ironically, keeping an outdoor dog for home security doesn't do much good when the burglars break into the dwelling where the valuables are kept. Outdoor dogs are indiscriminate barkers, and no one can tell if they are barking at a prowler or a child riding a bicycle down the street. An inside dog is a true deterrent to thieves. Outdoor dogs can be stolen by thieves with a variety of sinister motives. During challenging economic times, dogs of all breeds are increasingly being stolen when the thief knows they are outdoors and unsupervised. Others escape only to be hit by cars or picked up by animal control. Small animals are subject to prey when outdoors unsupervised. Small dogs and cats may be seized by coyotes and birds of prey such as hawks and owls. Last month, an acquaitence’s large size dog was killed by a coyote. One friend experienced the horror of hearing her Yorkshire Terrier cry out amidst the flutter of an owl’s wings, and the dog disappeared in a matter of seconds. Bored and lonely, outdoor-only dogs develop bad habits. They dig holes in the yard. They chew on various objects out of boredom, including patio furniture, which can result in property damage, expensive vet bills, and even death. Lonely dogs bark day and night, disturbing the neighborhood. Lacking socialization, they may fail to bond with their humans.

If you are transitioning a pet from outdoor-only to inside and need help with potty training or other issues, please email me. Please also email me if this information helped you makes the switch. Here is the best reason for keeping your dog (or cat) in the house with you. He will become your loving companion, amaze you with his unique personality, comfort you when you are sick, and communicate without speaking in ways you could never imagine. ------------------------------------------------Below is a partial list of shelters and rescues in the Inland Empire with animals for adoption. They are currently closed for walk-ins, and you must call for an appointment. You can view most of their animals online before calling. If you seek a specific breed, you can also check on www. and put in the breed and your zip code. Thank you for rescuing! COACHELLA VALLEY ANIMAL CAMPUS – The county shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. You can view the animals at all four Riverside county shelters at, and get the ID number of the animal you want to adopt. Email them the animal’s ID number at, or schedule a virtual adoption appointment at, 72050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, (760) 343-3644. (Public) PALM SPRINGS ANIMAL SHELTER – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. They schedule

appointments Wednesday through Monday. View their animals online at www., 4575 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs, (760) 416-5718. (Public) ANIMAL SAMARITANS – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. View their animals at www. Email acorrow@ to foster. Located at 72307 Ramon Rd, Thousand Palms, (760) 601-3918. (Private) CALIFORNIA PAWS RESCUE – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 73650 Dinah Shore, Palm Desert. View their animals at www., (760) 656-8833. (Private) HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt a dog

or cat. This shelter has lots of big dogs in addition to small dogs and cats. View some of their animals at Located at 17825 N. Indian Canyon, Palm Springs, (760) 329-0203. (Private) KITTYLAND – The shelter is closed so call for an appointment to adopt a cat. Located at 67600 18th Avenue, Desert Hot Springs,, (760) 251-2700. (Private) FOREVER MEOW – Foster based rescue for cats located in Rancho Mirage. Contact them at, (760) 3356767. (Private) PRETTY GOOD CAT – Foster based rescue for cats located in La Quinta. Contact them at, (760) 660-3414 (Private) BFF4pets – Foster based rescue for dogs and cats located in La Quinta. Email them

January 7 to January 13, 2021 at, (310) 431-7818 (Private) LOVING ALL ANIMALS – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 83496 Avenue 51, Coachella,, (760) 834-7000. (Private) MORONGO BASIN HUMANE SOCIETY – Located at 4646 Sun View Rd, Joshua Tree,, call between 11am-4pm for updates (760) 366-3786 (Private) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANIMAL SHELTER – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Hours for adoption 10am – 4pm Tuesday thru Sat. Google “City of San Bernardino Animal Shelter” for website to view animals and get the ID number of the animal you want to meet. Located at 333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, (909) 384-1304 or (909) 3847272. (Public) SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER AT DEVORE – Shelter closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Call (909) 386-9280 daily. View animals at and get the ID number of animal you want to meet. Located at 19777 Shelter Way, San Bernardino (Public). DREAM TEAM ANGELS RESCUE – Foster based rescue located in Grand Terrace/San Bernardino area. Contact them through website www.DreamTeamangelsrescue. com, (360) 688-8884. (Private)


January 7 to January 13, 2021



n my December 10th article “A Grim Holiday Season” pointed out how more than one in five Coachella Valley residents is unemployed. During the month of November, more working-aged adults were not working – a first for the United States. Current estimates are that one in three small businesses have shuttered permanently with more expected. As would be expected, millions of American families face eviction from their homes should temporary government orders banning eviction end. With a rise in COVID cases and shuttering of businesses yet again, we can expect these abysmal unemployment and business failure numbers to worsen as


December and January results are reported. Social Security wage statistics for 2018, the most recent year tabulated, show that half of all wage earners make less than $35,000 per year. Following the economic damage of the pandemic, we can expect that income levels for 2020 will be no better than 2018 results. Half of all American workers make less than $35,000/year while only 10% earn $100,000/year or more. To be considered amongst the top 1% of wage earners in the United States, one needs to earn $275,000/ year or more. A breakdown of income levels from the Social Security Administration shows that the

median wage is around $50,000/year with the earnings of 1,000 people broken down as follows: Less than per 1,000 $25,000 142 $30,000 323 $50,000 209 $100,000 222 $250,000 89 $1 million 14 More than $1 million 1 Given that so few people have strong income streams, the financial health of most of American households is such that they are no more than a few paychecks from financial calamity. Prior to the pandemic, more than half of all Americans had a negative net worth. Net worth is calculated by subtracting one’s debts from their assets. By all measurements, a large percentage of Americans entered the pandemic without the ability to financially survive the virus. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, no industry has been hit harder by the pandemic than leisure and hospitality. At the end of April, nearly one-half of jobs in those industries as compared with only a few months earlier. At the end of November and before the current virus surge, 20% of the jobs in these industries were still missing. 70% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product or GDP is dependent on the consumer. Given the duration of the pandemic and massive impact that it has had on businesses that require people gathering or traveling, the only reason that unemployment and business closures has not been higher is due to the U.S. being in a strong economic




condition going into the pandemic and the extraordinary efforts of the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury. While economic problems are awful for tens of millions of Americans, things would have been much worse if not for unlimited liquidity provided to financial markets by the Federal Reserve which saved countless businesses and millions of jobs. Normally, interest rates would have gone up significantly due to an economic crisis like this. Businesses like the cruise lines and airlines would have failed. While governments helped airlines around the world, cruise lines had to go to the public debt markets to raise the money necessary to survive more than a year docked. Similarly, low rates spurred a historic stock market rally as well as a housing boom as families fled congested and costly cities. The economic fallout of the pandemic is certain to be felt for years to come with the rich getting richer. Those hurt most by the pandemic are certain to have the hardest time snapping back. Those of us fortunate enough to be minimally impacted need to remember this and support small businesses and those in need more than ever. Haddon Libby is the Managing Partner and Founder of Winslow Drake Investment Management. For more information, please visit or email



ou bet your bippy! There will continue to be many legal DUI checkpoints all year long, during our Covid Pandemic. Many people are bored with the Covid Hibernation restrictions, and thus drink to feel better. Then after drinking, the alcohol contributes to the use of bad judgement. The impaired person gets in the car to go to McDonalds or for a pizza and you know the rest of the story. Of course, DUI sobriety checkpoints are legal in 2021, and they are not a 4th Amendment illegal search and seizure violation… if the DUI Checkpoint complies with all the regulatory rules. Turning onto a side street or turning around before passing through a checkpoint is generally not against the law. Your turning around should not, in and of itself, give the police a reasonable suspicion to make a DUI stop. However, the officer may be able to stop you if he observes any driving that would be sufficient for reasonable suspicion. Thus, slow or erratic driving, straddling the line or making an illegal turn could attract the officer’s attention, and he then could stop your car. Did you encounter a DUI Checkpoint in December? To address holiday drinking,


Checkpoints are implemented to meet the increased number of people who will be drinking and driving…..A word of advice, Use a Taxi, Uber or Lyft. They are a lot cheaper than having to call me the next morning. Checkpoints: What You Need To Know! 1. Sobriety checkpoints are a technique by which law enforcement officials evaluate drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment at specific points on the roadway. 2. Vehicles are stopped in a specific sequence. The average stop time is about the length of a cycle at a stoplight. 3. Checkpoints are typically publicized in advance…SO LOOK IN THE PAPER 4. The primary goal of a sobriety checkpoint is not to arrest people, but rather to deter people from committing a DUI. The publicity from checkpoints reminds people who drink that drinking and driving don’t mix. 5. Sobriety checkpoints help stop drunk drivers who would likely remain under the radar. 6. Checkpoints reduce drunk driving crashes and fatalities by 20% on average. 7. Research shows that for every dollar invested in checkpoints, communities save

between $6 and $23 in costs from alcoholrelated crashes. 8. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes to society is over $100 billion. 9. Research shows that checkpoints, if done correctly, can be effective with as few as three to five officers. The most important thing to know is that if you are stopped you should be as polite as possible. The single most important thing to remember is what is listed in my admonition below about giving the card to the officer. If you show you are happy to comply with anything the officer wants, but you first want to get authority from your lawyer, then you will look like the good guy and the lawyer is the bad person. They are not going to call me or any other lawyer. However it will not look you are avoiding the police, but rather that you are following your lawyer’s orders. In the Coachella Valley, few realize we have more DUI FATALITIES…per capita, than anywhere else in California. That makes DUI Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols essential to save lives……the drivers and ours. A saturation patrol is a large number of law enforcement officers making their presence known by conducting stops, targeting inebriated, distracted, aggressive and speeding drivers, as well as those with seatbelt or cell phone

violations….the whole nine yards of traffic violations. Remember: Silence is Golden and Handcuffs are Silver so DON’T TALK to POLICE without your lawyer’s permission. Though often referred to as a DUI criminal defense lawyer, I choose to not view my DUI clients as "criminals". I prefer to view them, and more importantly to treat them, as good, honest people that have found themselves in a scary and unfortunate situation after screwing up. I look upon my job as protecting the Constitutional Rights of every American who drinks, drives and gets arrested for a DUI or has an ACCIDENT. I do however “Change Hats” when I SUE Drunk Drivers for damages to my Injured or Deceased (Wrongful Death) clients. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE ARTICLE? CONTACT DALE GRIBOW 760-837-7500/ dale@ DALE GRIBOW - REPRESENTING THE INJURED AND CRIMINALLY ACCUSED PERFECT 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating





xpressing a list of new year’s resolutions is an appropriate way to honor the opportunities for growth that come with a new beginning. Resolutions are your seeds of change. When you plant them, feed them and nurture them with commitment, they materialize as intended. Or do they? If you have made resolutions in past years that have never come to fruition, consider this: When you plant seeds in a garden, how do you get them to grow into plants that bear fruit? Apart from actively putting forth effort to tend your garden, what factors aid or inhibit growth? Does the position of your garden with respect to sunlight exposure have any bearing on the growth of your plants? Is the quality of the soil a factor? Is the purity of the water consequential? Yes! The confluence of these elements holds the power to make or break your outcome. So, when you are “planting your seeds” for the new year based on your resolutions, it is helpful to consider the factors that impact the growing process. Think of your beliefs as the sunlight on your garden. Without the proper light, your garden simply will not grow. The same is true of beliefs. If your beliefs do not shine light on your resolutions, they will not come to pass. If you fully believe you are worthy or that you truly are able to meet your goal, you will make way for success. Think of your mindset as the soil. If your soil is rich and nutrient dense, your seeds stand the best chance of growing into healthy plants that bear fruit. The same is true of your mindset. If it lacks the support and fortification needed to nurture growth, then your resolutions will not materialize without great challenge. When you infuse your mindset with motivational thoughts, you will position yourself to achieve success. Think of your emotions as the water that

feeds your plants. If you are sustaining your resolutions with toxic emotions based in fear, anger and frustration, you are not pumping pure fuel into your growth process. Emotions based in love, joy and compassion are fuels that accelerate growth with great efficiency. If you have identified your resolutions and planted seeds for the new year, take a second look and make sure you have set yourself up for success. Pay close attention to your beliefs, thoughts and emotions serving to support (or sabotage) your outcomes. Make adjustments, if need be, to create remarkable personal growth in the coming year. In my pursuit to help human beings align wholly with love, I invite you to join Facebook group Evolve through Love hosted by Elizabeth Scarcella and me. Go to facebook. com/groups/evolvethroughlove and share with us your joy. Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee is a founding member of World Game Changers and she serves on the Board of Directors of this charitable CIC based in the UK. Find Aimee at

January 7 to January 13, 2021



ARIES (March 21-April 19): The pandemic has made it challenging to nurture our communities. In order to make new connections and keep our existing connections vibrant, we’ve had to be extra resourceful. I hope you will make this work one of your holy quests in 2021, Aries. In my astrological opinion, you should be ingenious and tireless as you nurture your web of allies. Your assignment during our ongoing crisis is to lead the way as you show us all how to ply the art of high-minded networking. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus actor George Clooney is worth $500 million. Yet his dazzling opulence is puny compared to that of Taurus entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg, whose fortune exceeds $100 billion. It’s my duty to inform you that you will probably never achieve either man’s levels of wealth. Yet I do hold out hope that in the next 12 months you will launch plans that ultimately enable you to have all the money you need. 2021 will be a favorable time to formulate and set in motion a dynamic master plan for financial stability. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): One of your main themes for the next 12 months comes from Leonardo da Vinci. He wrote, “To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” If you use da Vinci’s instructions as a seed for your meditations, you’ll stir up further inspirations about how to make 2021 a historymaking epoch in the evolution of your education. I hope you will treasure the value of “learning how to see” and “realizing how everything connects to everything else.” They should be at the root of your intention to learn as much as you can. CANCER (June 21-July 22): An extensive study by psychiatric researchers suggests that well more than half of us experienced a potentially disabling trauma in childhood. You’re in the minority if you didn’t! That’s the bad news. The good news is that 2021 will be a time when you Cancerians will have more power than ever before to heal at least some of the wounds from your old traumas. You will also attract extra luck and help to accomplish these subtle miracles. To get the process started, make a list of three practical actions you can take to instigate your vigorous healing. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Leo author Isabel Allende says, “We are in the world to search for love, find it and lose it, again and again. With each love, we are born anew, and with each love that ends we collect a new wound. I am covered with proud scars.” I appreciate Allende’s point of view, and understand that it’s useful, even inspirational, for many people. But my path has been different. As a young man, I enjoyed my endless quest for sex and romance. It was thrilling to keep leaping from affair to affair. But as I eventually discovered, that habit made me stupid and superficial about love. It prevented me from having to do the hard psychological work necessary to continually reinvent intimacy—and become eligible for deeper, more interesting versions of love. I bring this to your attention, Leo, because I think 2021 could be your time for a personal rebirth that will be made possible by deep, interesting versions of love. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Occultist Israel Regardie (1907–1985) was an accomplished author and influencer. To what did he attribute his success? I’ll let him speak for himself: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” I hope you will write out this quote and tape it to your bathroom mirror for the duration of 2021, Virgo. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a mystical symbol of the hidden structure of creation. At its heart, in the most pivotal position, is the principle of beauty. This suggests that the wise teachers who gave us the Tree did not regard beauty as merely a luxury to be sought only when all practical business is taken care of. Nor is it a

© Copyright 2020 Rob Brezsny

peripheral concern for those who pursue a spiritual path. Rather, beauty is essential for our health and intelligence. In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to take a cue from the Tree of Life. During the next 12 months, give special attention to people and things and experiences and thoughts and feelings that are beautiful to you. Meditate on how to nurture them and learn from them and draw inspiration from them. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): According to motivational speaker Les Brown, the problem for many people is not that “they aim too high and miss,” but that “they aim too low and hit.” I’m conveying this to you just in time for the Reach Higher Phase of your long-term astrological cycle. According to my analysis, you’ll generate good fortune for yourself if you refine and expand your personal goals. Here’s a key detail: Don’t borrow anyone else’s standards of success. Home in on your own unique soul’s code, and give it fuller, deeper, wilder expression. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): One of my primary pleasures in reading books is to discover thoughts and feelings I have never before encountered. That’s exciting! But it’s hard to force myself to keep plowing through an author’s prose if it’s full of stuff that I already know about from my own life or from books, movies, and other art. Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novels fit the latter description. I realize that many people love his fiction, but for me it is monumentally obvious and boring. What about you, Sagittarius? Where do you go to be exposed to thrilling new ways of looking at the world? Judging from the astrological omens, I conclude that this quest will be especially fun and crucial for you in the coming months. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “I only want people around me who can do the impossible,” said Capricorn businesswoman Elizabeth Arden. In that spirit, and in accordance with your astrological potentials, I hereby authorize you to pursue two “impossible” goals in 2021. The first comes to you courtesy of fashion writer Diana Vreeland, who wrote, “There’s only one thing in life, and that’s the continual renewal of inspiration.” Your second “impossible” goal is from actor Juliette Binoche, who said, “My only ambition is to be true every moment I am living.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Your past is becoming increasingly irrelevant, while your future is still a bit amorphous. To help clarify the possibilities that you could harvest in 2021, I suggest you suspend your theories bout what your life is about. Empty yourself out as much as you can. Pledge to re-evaluate everything you think you know about your purpose. Once you’ve accomplished that, meditate on the following questions: 1. What experiences do you truly need and passionately long for—not the experiences you needed and longed for in the past, but rather those that are most vivid and moving right now. 2. What are the differences between your fearful fantasies and your accurate intuitions? How can you cultivate the latter and downplay the former? 3. What are your nightly dreams and semi-conscious fantasies telling you about how to create the most interesting version of the future? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Author Gunter Grass wrote, “Writers know that sometimes things are there in the drawer for decades before they finally come out and we are capable of writing about them.” I would universalize his thought in this way: Most of us know that possibly useful ideas and dreams are in the drawer for years before they finally come out and we know how to use them. I believe this will be an ongoing experience for you in 2021, Pisces. Homework: What’s the biggest and best lucky break you’d love to attract in 2021? ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny - Free Will Astrology


January 7 to January 13, 2021


January 7 to January 13, 2021


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